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Labour is often the father of pleasure.


Little strokes fell great oaks.


He that will not work shall not eat.


Heaven never helps the man who will not act.


No pains, no gains.


Nothing is to be got without pains but poverty.


He that will not work shall not eat.


A work ill done must be twice done.


As you sow you shall mow.


As is the workman so is the work.


A bad workman quarrels with his tools.


The early bird catches the worm.


Food given by another person is only a throat tickler, but food gained by the labour of one’s own hand is the food which satisfies.(Australian proverb)


An hour in the morning is worth two in the evening.


Few words,many deeds.


no song,no supper.


practice makes perfect.





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love me, love my dog.[谚]你若把我当朋友, 也要把我的朋友当朋友; 爱屋及乌。下面是小编为你带来的关于的常用英语谚语,欢迎阅读。

Scornful[Hungry] dogs will eat dirty puddings.

[谚]人到危急时, 平时所不屑做的也要做; 急不暇择, 饥不择食。

teach an old dog new tricks


teach the dog to bark


The dog returns to his vomit.

狗回头吃自己吐出来的东西; 重犯旧日罪恶。

A living dog is better than a dead lion.


A staff [stick] is quickly [soon] found to beat a dog with.

[谚]欲加之罪, 何患无辞。

An old dog barks not in vain.

[谚]老狗不乱吠; 老狗 一吠, 就得小心。

A living dog is better than a dead lion.


n old dog will learn no new tricks. (=You cannot teach old dogs new tricks.)

老狗学不了新把戏; 老年人很难适应新事物。

Barking dogs seldom bite.

爱叫的狗 不咬人; 咬人的狗不露齿。

Beware of a silent dog and still water.

提防不吠的狗, 小心 静止的水。

Barking dogs seldom bite.


Dumb dogs are dangerous.


If the old dog barks, he give the counsel.


An old dog barks not in vain.

老狗不乱吠; 老狗 一吠, 就得小心。

A good dog deserves a good bone.

好狗应该啃好骨头, 有功者受赏。

Every dog is a lion at home. [Every dog is valiant at his own door.]

狗是百步王, 只在门前凶。

An old dog will learn no new tricks. (=You cannot teach old dogs new tricks.)

[谚]老狗学不了新把戏; 老年人很难适应新事物。

as [like] a dog with two tails


Barking dogs seldom bite.

[谚]爱叫的狗 不咬人; 咬人的狗不露齿。

A good dog deserves a good bone.

[谚]好狗应该啃好骨头, 有功者受赏。

be (old) dog at (a thing)

对...有经验; 对...很内行

Beware of a silent dog and still water.

[谚]提防不吠的狗, 小心 静止的水。

come like a dog at a whistle


Every dog has his day.


Every dog is a lion at home. [Every dog is valiant at his own door.]

[谚]狗是百步王, 只在门前凶。

Fight dog, fight bear.

[谚]打个青红皂白, 一决雌雄。

Give a dog a bad [an ill] name(and hang him).

[谚]一旦给人加一个坏名声, 他就永远洗刷不掉; 人言可畏。

It is ill to waken sleeping dogs. [let sleeping dogs lie; dont wake a sleeping dog.]

别多事, 别惹麻烦。

lead a dogs life




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Have a school extra-curricular knowledge competition. There is a problem is this: why koalas were full of incense? Born with three options: A, B live in fragrance, C it ate A kind of fragrant leaves, fragrant after A long time. The problem is where I met, oh, remember, is a scientific paper read the day before yesterday. Inside, say their love to eat eucalyptus leaves, the leaves has a composition, eat many sweet after a long time. I chose C. A few days later, the examination paper handed out a look, indeed as expected is C. There are a lot of questions, I have seen, its to do for them.

Another time, on the composition. The teacher asked us to write about gakumon. I will reference some quotes, classical poetry. Many people didnt think of, but I thought of. Composition comment on when the teacher read the article to you, let everybody to learn, also praise I love reading. These are all I read more at ordinary times more accumulation effect.

I finally understand, reading can make us more extracurricular knowledge, write good articles. Of course the most important thing is reading make life more wonderful. So a lot of good reading.






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Bacchus has drowned more men than Nepture. 酒神淹死的人比海神多。

Bad news has wings. 坏事传千里。

Bad workmen often blame their tools. 拙匠常怪工具差。

Bare words, no bargain. 空言不能成交易。

Barking dogs seldom bite. 善吠的狗很少咬人。

Be always as merry as ever you can, for no-one delights in a sorrowful man. 务请心情常欢畅,只因无人喜忧伤。

Beauty is but a blossom. 美丽只是盛开的花朵。

Beauty is but skin-deep. 红颜易变。

Beauty is in the eye of the gazer. 情人眼里出西施。

Beauty is potent; but money is omnipotent. 美丽是有力量的,但金钱更有权威。

Beauty is truth, truth beauty. 美就是真,真就是美。

Beauty lies in lovers eyes. 情人眼里出西施。

Beauty may have fair leaves, but bitter fruit. 美丽的花或许长好叶,结苦果。

Beauty, unaccompanied by virtue, is as a flower without perfume. 美而无德犹如花之无香。

Be considerate towards the poor. 要为穷人著想。

Bees that have honey in their mouths have stings in their tails. 口蜜腹剑。

Bed is a midicine. 睡好觉,如服药。

Before gold, even kings take off their hats. 有钱能使鬼推磨。

Beg from beggers and youll never be rich. 向乞丐乞讨,永远发不了财。

Beggars cannot be choosers. 饥不择食。

Beggars must be no choosers. 饥不择食。

Behind bad luck comes good luck. 塞翁失马,焉知非福。

Be honest rather clever. 诚实比聪明更要紧。

Being on sea, sail; being on land, settle. 随遇而安。

Be just to all, but trust not all. 要公正对待所有的人,但不要轻信所有的人。

Believe no tales from the enemy. 切莫轻信敌人。

Believe not all that you see nor half what you hear. 眼见的不能全信,耳闻的也不能半信。

Believe somebody on his bare word. 人言无据,切勿轻信。

Benefits please like flowers, while they are fresh. 恩泽让人欣喜,犹如鲜花使人心醉。

Be prepared to put ones hand in ones pocket. 准备慷慨解囊。

Be slow in choosing a friend; slower in changing. 选择朋友要审慎,摒弃更要审又慎。

Be slow to promise and quick to perform. 不轻诺,诺必果。

Be swift to hear, slow to speak. 多听少说。

Better a bachelors life than a slovenly wife. 过光棍生活,胜过有一个邋遢老婆。

Better ask twice than lose you way once. 宁愿问路两次胜过迷路一次。

Better a glorious death than a shameful life. 忍辱贪生不如死得光荣。

Better a little fire to warm us, than a great one to burn us. 适量的火好取暖,熊熊烈火能焚身。

Better an egg today than a hen tomorrow. 前程虽远大,现实尤可贵。

Better an empty purse than an empty head. 宁可钱袋瘪,不要脑袋空。

Better an open enemy than a false friend. 明枪易躲,暗箭难防。

Better are small fish than an empty dish. 有胜于无。

Better be alone than in bad company. 交损友不如无友。

Better be out of the world than out of fashion. 不合潮流不如脱离尘世。

Better be poor than wicked. 宁可做穷人,不要做坏人。

Better be the head of a dog than the tail of a lion. 宁为犬首,不作狮尾。

Better be the head of an ass than the tail of a horse. 宁为驴头,不为马尾。

Better deny at once than promise long. 轻诺必寡信。

Better die with honour than live with shame. 与其忍辱偷生,不如光荣而死。

better early than late. 宁早勿迟。

Better eye sore than all blind. 眼痛总比瞎眼好。

Better good neighbours near than relations far away. 远亲不如近邻。

Better go to bed supperless than rise in debt. 宁可饿肚子,切莫去借债。

Better half an egg than empty shell. 半只蛋也比空壳好。

Better is the neighbours hen than mine. 人莫知其苗之硕。

Better late than never. 迟做总比不做好。

Better lose a jest than a friend. 宁可不说一句俏皮话,以免得罪朋友们。

Better lose the saddle than the horse. 吃小亏占大便宜。

Better master one than engage with ten. 精通一事胜于会十事。

Better one-eyed than stone-blind. 独眼总比全瞎好。

Better poor with honour than rich with shame. 穷得光荣,胜过富得可耻。

Better pills may have wholesome effects. 良药苦口。

Better say nothing than nothing to the purpose. 与其说话不中肯,不如一言不发好。

Better some of a pudding than none of a pie. 聊胜于无。

Better the foot slip than the tongue trip. 宁可滑跤,不可失言。

Better to do well than to say well. 说得好不如做得好。

Better wear out shoes than sheets. 宁可(经常运动)穿破鞋子,也不(因病长卧)磨破床单。

Better wear out than rust out. 与其闲散不如忙碌。

Better wit than wealth. 智力胜于财富。

Between friends all is common. 朋友之间不分彼此。

Between the cup and the lip a morsel may slip. 功亏一篑。

Between two stools one falls to the ground. 脚踏两头要落空。

Beware beginnings. 慎始为上。

Beware of a man of one book. 不要与一个有专业知识的人争论。

Beware of a silent dog and still water. 警惕无声之狗会咬人,平静之水会覆舟。

Beware of him who regards not his reputation. 要谨防不重自己名誉的人。

Big mouthfuls ofter choke. 贪多嚼不烂。

Bind the sack before it be full. 做事应适可而止。

Birds of a feather flock together. 物以类聚,人以群分。

Birth is much, but breeding is more. 出身固然重要,教养更且重要。

Bite off more than one can chew. 贪多咽不下。

Bite the hand that feeds one. 恩将仇报。

Bitter pills may have wholesome effects. 良药苦口利于病。

Blessed is he who expects nothing, for he shall never be disappointed. 人无所求最享福,因他不为失望苦。

Blind men can judge no colours. 不宜问道于盲。

Blood is thicker than water. 血浓于水。

Blood will have blood. 血债要用血来还。

Books, like friends, should be few and well chosen. 书籍如朋友,应该少而精。

Borrowed garments never fit well. 借来的衣服不合身。

Brave actions never want a trumpet. 勇敢的行为不须要吹号。

Bread is the staff of life. 民以食为天。

Brevity is the soul of wit. 言以简洁为贵。

Bring up a raven and hell pick out your eyes. 养虎贻患。

Burn not your house to rid it of the mouse. 投鼠忌器。

Burnt child dreads the fire. 一朝被蛇咬,十年怕井绳。

Business before pleasure. 事业在先,享乐在后。

Business is business. 公事公办。

Business is the salt of life. 事业事人生之盐。

Business makes a man as well as tries him. 事业既考验人,也造就人。

Business may be troublesome, but idleness is pernicious. 事业虽扰烦,懒惰更害人。

Business neglected is business lost. 玩忽事业等于丢失事业。

Business sweetens pleasure, and labour sweetens rest. 工作后消遣更愉快,劳动后休息更舒畅。

Butter to butter is no relish. 千篇一律的东西令人生厌。

By doing nothing we learn to do ill. 懒散学为非。

By doing we learn. 经一事,长一智。

By falling we learn to go safely. 吃一堑,长一智。

By gambling we lose both time and treasure, two things most precious to the life of man. 赌博使我们丢失时间和金钱,这两样人生最珍贵的东西。

By others faults, wise men correct their own. 他山之石,可以攻玉。

By reading we enrich the mind; by conversation we polish it. 读书可以使我门的思想充实,谈话使其更臻完美。

By the hands of many a great work made light. 众擎易举。

By the side of sickness health becomes sweet. 和疾病相比较,才显得健康的可贵。

By the street of "Bye and bye" one arrives at the house of "Never". 迁延因循,一事无成。

By writing you learn to write. 从写作



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A fall into the pit, a gain in your wit.


Like tree, like fruit.


Manners make the man.


Never neglect an opportunity for improvement.


Never too old (or late) to learn.


No great loss without some small gain.


No one can call back yesterday.


No sooner said than done.


No sweet without some sweat.


Nothing is difficult to a man who wills.


Nothing is impossible to willing mind (or heart).


Nothing is impossible (or difficult) to the man who will try.


A friend in need is a friend indeed.


A friend is a second self.


A friend is best found in adversity.


All time is no time when it is past.


Education has for its object the formation of character.


An idle youth, a needy age.


Business before pleasure.


Diligence is near success.


Diligence is the mother of good luck.


Diligence is the mother of success.


Actions speak louder than words.


Adversity leads to prosperity.


Every brave man is a man of his word.


Every man is the architect of his own fortune.


Every man is the master of his own fortune.


Failure is the mother of success.


Faith will move mountains.


Friendship ---- one soul in two bodies.


Grasp all, lose all.


He alone is poor who does not possess knowledge.


Health is above wealth.


Health is better than wealth.


He who does not advance falls backward.


Honesty is the best policy.


Hope is life and life is hope.


Idle young, needy old.


If you dont aim high you will never hit high.


I might say that success is won by three things: first, effort; second, more effort; third, still more effort.


All work and no play makes Jack a dull boy; all play and no work makes Jack a mere boy. www.yyzw.com


A near friend is better than a far-dwelling kinsman.


Improve your time and your time will improve you.


In doing we learn.


Industrry if fortunes right hand, and frugality her left.


In lifes earnest battle they only prevail, who daily march onward and never say fail.


It is dogged (that) does it.


Judge not according to the appearance.


Labour is often the father of pleasure.


Learning without thought is labour lost; thought without learning is perilous.




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Books are the ladder of human progress, like a spring of a wisp of dawn, a moonlight, comfortable, warm and soft.

And I was not in the said the words, nor in talks over my head, I just use the most real, the most substantial feel describe the pleasure of reading.

I have been fond of reading. So far, whats four big classics, the book of family names, embedded, tang poetry, book of li SAO, even if back also is more than enough. In reading a endless galaxy, I won a lot of wisdom, and the stars, they running upon the wires, echoes the books I beat desire, let me again and again into books. Each time I see a wonderful plots, I continue to see the tail will involuntarily, even if the book turns bad, also wanting more. It is a kind of power to promote my aggressive!

Reading let me understand a lot of unprecedented knowledge, also let me realize a strange feeling, his open mind let me know what is and what sincere gentleman, let me understand that there is a high realm from person to person. To sum up, in a few words I can read well, above the reading of the joy.







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非常贪婪, 贪得无厌

eat like a wolf

贪婪地吃, 狼吞虎咽

have [hold] a wolf by ears


have a wolf in the stomach


He who keeps company with a wolf will learn to howl.

[谚]跟狼在一起, 就会学狼叫; 近墨者黑。

keep the wolf from the door

[口]免于挨饿; 勉强度日

One must howl with the wolves.

[谚]跟狼在一起, 就得学狼叫; 入乡随俗。

sea wolf

狼; 任何贪食的大海鱼

He sets the fox to keep the geese.


When the fox preaches, take care of your geese.


the wolf at the door


Don’t trust a goat with the kitchen-garden,or a wolf with sheepfold. 不能请羊管菜园,不能请狼管羊圈。

Who keeps company with wolves, will learn to howl. 和狼在一起,就会学狼叫。

Man is a wolf to man. 人对人是狼。(人心狠,人吃人)

A growing youth has a wolf in his belly. 年轻人,在成长,吃起饭来像饿狼

The death of wolves is the safety of the sheep.(狼死羊安)

The wolf may lose his teeth,but never his nature.(狼的牙齿会掉,本性却改不了。)

wolf in sheeps clothing披着羊皮的狼

cry wolf虚张声势;报谎喊“狼来了”

a lone wolf不喜欢与人来往的人, 喜欢独居的人; 独自作案的罪犯


A wolf in sheeps clothing 匹着羊皮的狼

He holds a wolf by the ears. 拧狼耳,即骑虎难下

The wolf may lose his teeth,but never his nature.狼的牙齿会掉,本性却改不了

keep the wolf from the door (拒狼门外)

have a wolf in ones stomach (肚里有狼)是指“饥肠辘辘”

have a wolfish appetite 是“有狼一般的食欲”

to wolf down ones food 是“狼吞虎咽的吃东西”

Keep the wolf from the door 是“得免饥寒”

We were in those days very poor,and keeping the wolf from the door proved no easy task 那时,我们很穷,求温饱很不容易。



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Is it good for students to do some housework

Secondly, to do some housework can keep you healthy and strong ,some hard housework can be regarded as a kind of physical exercise。

Finally, to do some housework can share your parents’ work 。They must be happy if you say” Have a rest ,and I will do the housework”

So I think it is good for students to do some housework。








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熟能生巧、Practice makes perfect。下面是小编为你带来的励志英语谚语50句,欢迎阅读。

1、 天涯何处无芳草、There is plenty of fish in the sea、

2、 大智若愚、Cats hind their paws、

3、 人不可貌相,海水不可斗量、Judge not a book by its cover、(Never judge from appearances、)

4、 有情人终成眷属、All shall be well,Jack shall have jill、

5、 海内存知己,天涯若比邻、The world is but a little place,after all、

6、 宁为鸡头,不为凤尾、It is better to be a head of dog than a tail of a lion、、

7、 良药苦口、A good medicine tastes bitter、

8、 知识就是力量、Knowledge is power、

9、 金钱不是万能的、Money is not everything、

10、 时不我待、Time and tide wait no man、

11、 少壮不努力,老大徒伤悲、A young idler,an old beggar、

12、 趁热打铁、Strike while the iron is hot、

13、 天生我才必有用、Every man has his price、

14、 看破生死的人能成大事、He who sees through life and death will meet with most success、

15、 世上无难事,只要肯登攀、Nothing is impossible to a willing heart、

16、 Noting venture,noting gain、

17、 不鸣则已,一鸣惊人、It never rains but it pours、

18、 胜者为王,败者为寇、Losers are always in the wrong、

19、 谋事在人,成事在天、Man proposes,God deposes、

20、 众人拾柴火焰高、Many hands make light work、

21、 不经风雨,怎能见彩虹、 No cross, no crown、

22、 没有付出,就没有收获、No pain, no gain、

23、 不进则退、Not to advance is to go back、

24、 No way is impossible to courage、勇者无惧、

25、 有志者,事竟成、Nothing is impossible to a willing heart、/Where there is a will there is a way、

26、 千里之行,始于足下、The longest journey begins with the first step、

27、 积少成多、Every little helps、

28、 满招损,谦受益、Pride hurts,modesty benefits

29、 世上唯有贫穷可以不劳而获、Nothing is to be got without pain but poverty、

30、 伟业非一日之功/冰冻三尺非一日之寒、Rome was not bult in a day、

31、 一寸光阴一寸金,寸今难买寸光阴、Lost years are worse than lost dollars、

32、 自助者天助、God helps those who help themselves、

33、 欲速则不达、More haste,less speed、

34、 台上一分钟,台下十年功、One minute on the stage needs ten years practice off stage、

35、 好的开端是成功的一半、Well begun is half done、

36、 酒好不怕巷子深、Good wine needs no bush、

37、 成功源于勤奋、Industry is the parent of success、

38、 英雄所见略同、Great minds think alike、

39、 熟能生巧、Practice makes perfect、

40、 静水流深、Still waters run deep、

41、 滴水穿石、Little stone fell great oaks、

42、 前事不忘,后事之师、The membrance of the past is the teacher of the future、

43、 君子之交淡如水、A hedge between keeps friendship green、

44、 机不可失,失不再来、Take time while time is,for time will away、

45、 集思广益、Two heads are better than one、

46、 未雨绸缪、Provide for a rainy day、

47、 真金不怕火炼、True blue will never strain、

48、 必须相信自己,这是成功的秘诀、You have to believe in yourself、 Thats the secret of success、

49、 燕雀安知鸿鹄之志、A sparrow cannot understand the ambition of a swan、

50、 身正不怕影子歪、A straight foot is not afraid of a crooked shoe、



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1.Pain past is pleasure.


2.While there is life,there is hope.


3.Wisdom in the mind is better than money in the hand.


4.Storms make trees take deeper roots.


5.Nothing is impossible for a willing heart.


6.The shortest answer is doing.


7.All things are difficult before they are easy.


8.Great hope smake great man.


9.God helps those who help themselves.


10.Four short words sum up what has lifted most successful individuals above the crowd:a little bit more.(四个简短的词汇概括了成功的秘诀:多一点点!)[比别人多一点努力、多一点自律、多一点决心、多一点反省、多一点学习、多一点实践、多一点疯狂,多一点点就能创造奇迹!]

11.In doing we learn.


12.East or west,home is best.


13.Two heads are better than one.


14.Good company on the road is the shortest cut.


15.Constant dropping wears the stone.


16.Misfortunes never come alone/single.


17.Misfortunes tell us what fortune is.


18.Better late than never.


19.Its never too late to mend.


20.If a thing is worth doing,it is worth doing well.


21、If you dont learn to think when you are young, you may never learn. (Thomas Edison, American inventor )

如果你年轻时就没有学会思考,那么就永远学不会思考。(美国发明家 爱迪生. T.)

22、Natural abilities are like natural plants that need pruning by study. (Francis Bacon, British philosopher )

天生的才干如同天生的植物一样,需要靠学习来修剪。(英国哲学家 培根. F.)



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导语:Every minute counts.分秒必争。下面是小编为大家整理的精彩英语谚语大全,欢迎大家阅读欣赏!

an is the architect of his own fortune.


Every minute counts.


Every mothers child is handsome.


Every potter praises hit pot.


Everything is good when new, but friends when old.


Example is better then percept.


Experience is the father of wisdom and memory the mother.


Experience must be bought.


Fact speak louder than words.


Failure is the mother of success.


False friends are worse than bitter enemies.


Far from eye, far from heart.


Far water does not put out near fire.


Faults are thick where love is thin.


Fear always springs from ignorance.


Fields have eyes, and woods have ears.


Fire and water have no mercy.


Fire is a good servant but a bad master.


First come, first served.


First impressions are half the battle.


First think and then speak.


Fools grow without watering.


Fools haste is no speed.


Fools has fortune.


Fools learn nothing from wise men, but wise men learn

much from fools.


Forbidden fruit is sweet.


Fortune favors those who use their judgement.


Fortune knocks once at least at every mans gate.


Four eyes see more than two.


Friends agree best at distance.


Friends are thieves of time.


Friends must part.


Genius is nothing but labor and diligence.


Give a dog a bad name and hang him.


God helps those who help themselves.


Gold will not buy anything.


Good for good is natural, good for evil is manly.


Good health is over wealth.


Good medicine for health tastes bitter to the mouth.


Good watch prevents misfortune.


Great barkers are no biters.


Great hopes make great man.


Great minds think alike.


Great men have great faults.


Great mens sons seldom do well.


Great trees are good for nothing but shade.


Great wits have short memories.


Greedy folks have long arms.


Guilty consciences make men cowards.


Habit cures habit.


Handsome is he who does handsomely.


Happiness takes no account of time.


Happy is he who owes nothing.


Happy is the man who learns from the misfortunes of others.


Harm set, harm get.


Hasty love, soon cold.


Health is better than wealth.


Health is happiness.


Hear all parties.


Heaven never helps the man who will not act.


He is a fool that forgets himself.


He is a good friend that speaks well of us behind our backs.


He is a wise man who speaks little.


He is lifeless that is faultless.


He is not fit to command others that cannot command himself.


He is not laughed at that laughs at himself first.


He is wise that is honest.


He knows most who speaks least.


He laughs best who laughs last.


He sets the fox to keep the geese.


He that climbs high falls heavily.


He that will not work shall not eat.


He who does not advance loses ground.


He who makes constant complaint gets little compassion.


He who makes no mistakes makes nothing.


He who risks nothing gains nothing.


History repeats itself.


Honesty is the best policy.


Hope for the best, but prepare for the worst.


I cannot be your friend and your flatterer too.


If a man deceives me once, shame on him, if he deceives me twice, shame on me.


If you make yourself an ass, dont complain if people ride you.


If your ears glow, someone is talking of you.


If you run after two hares, you will catch neither.


If you sell the cow, you sell her milk too.


If you venture nothing, you will have nothing.


If you want knowledge, you must toil for it.


Industry is the parent of success.


It is better to die when life is a disgrace.


It is easier to get money than to keep it.


It is easy to be wise after the event.


It is easy to open a shop but hard to keep it always open.


It is hard to please all.


It is never too old to learn.


It is no use crying over spilt milk.


It is the first step that costs troublesome.


It is the unforeseen that always happens.


It is too late to grieve when the chance is past.


It never rains but it pours.


It takes three generations to make a gentleman.


Jack of all trades and master of none.


Judge not from appearances.


Justice has long arms.


Keep good men company and you shall be of the number.


Kill two birds with one stone.


Kings go mad, and the people suffer for it.


Kings have long arms.


Knowledge is power.


Knowledge makes humble, ignorance makes proud.


Learn and live.


Learning makes a good man better and ill man worse.


Learn not and know not.


Learn to walk before you run.


Let bygones be bygones.


Let sleeping dogs lie.


Let the cat out of the bag.


Lies can never changes fact.


Lies have short legs.


Life is but a span.


Life is half spent before we know what it is.


Life is not all roses.


Life without a friend is death.


Like a rat in a hole.


Like author, like book.


Like father, like son.


Like for like.


Like knows like.


Like mother, like daughter.


Like teacher, like pupil.


Like tree, like fruit.


Little things amuse little minds.


Look before you leap.


Lookers-on see more than players.


Losers are always in the wrong.


Lost time is never found again.


Love at first sight.


Love cannot be compelled.


Love is blind.


Love is full of trouble.


Love is never without jealousy.


Love me, love my dog.


Make hay while the sun shines.


Make your enemy your friend.


Man is the soul of the universe.


Man proposes, God disposes.


Many hands make light work.


Many heads are better than one.




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1:, more power, more firewood, more flame


2: everybody gets firewood, the flame is high


3: soil is better than wall, so many people are strong


4: everybody helps boat ride the mountain


5: as long as the hand, stone moved across the river


6: Pepsi relies on many people


7: with all the power, there is no too "Huainan Zi"


8: thousand catties, all pick


9: million hands, dragging Taishan


10: the stars are bright in the night, and the trees on the ground become forests


11: ten kinds of bamboo, a bamboo forest, a race, ten forest


12: breeze gathers together, there is the power of the typhoon (Vietnam)


13: is not crowded, hat does not press the wind


14: great pines sound, comes from every tree (Europe)


15: light frost killed a single grass, wind damage is difficult Wanmulin (Mongolia)


If the 16: mosquitoes charge together, the elephant will be conquered (Iran)


17: tiger JiaBuZhu wolves


18: wolf dogs all players to play against, and boxing


19: players lost fists, fists as four hands


20: wolf cannibalism, people eat Wolf


21: birds are not afraid of eagles


22: tree forest, flocks of people to


23: forest trees are not afraid of me, ten wires twisted rope


A robust 24: single, the birds cover the sun


25: the wind is cool, and more people are strong


The 26: twins, dragon and tiger afraid


27: ants kill more people


28: if everyone walked into the river, the crocodile would not dare to open his mouth (Mar Gaash)


29: stars, bright night sky, many people, wisdom wide


30: a mans intelligence is limited, and his wisdom is infinite


31: more people speak out to play more, rice rice



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Every Jack has his Jill. 有情人终成眷属。

Every little makes a mickle. 积少成多。

Every lover sees a thousand graces in the beloved object. 情人眼里出西施。

Every man has a fool in his sleeve. 聪明一世,糊涂一时。

Every man has his faults. 人孰无过。

Every man has his hobby-horse. 人各有所好。

Every man has his liking. 人各有所好。

Every man has his weak side. 人人都有自己的弱点。

Every man is best know to himself. 自己最了解自己。

Every man has the defects of his qualities. 一个人的好品质上也有不足之处。

Every man is the architect of his own fortune. 每个人都是他自己命运的建诛师。

Every man is the master of his own fortune. 每个人都是他自己的命运的主宰。

Every man is the son of his own works. 种瓜得瓜,种豆得豆。

Every man thinks his own geese swans. 每个人都以为自己的东西了不起。

Every medal has its reverse. 事物都有它的反面。

Every mothers child is handsome. 老王卖瓜,自卖自夸。

Everyone is dissatisfied with his own fortune. 人对自己的命运总不感满足。

Every ones faults are not written in their foreheads. 知人知面不知心。

Every pleasure has a pain. 乐中必有苦。

Every potter praises his own pot. 老王卖瓜,自卖自夸。

Every salesman boasts of his own wares. 老王卖瓜,自卖自夸。

Every shoe fits not every foot. 不能以己度人。

Everything comes to him who waits. 安心等待必有好处。

Everything has its seed. 无风不起浪。

Everything has its time and that time must be watched. 任何事情都有好的时机,不要随意放过。

Everything hath an end. 任何事物都有它的结果。

Everything is good in its season. 万物逢时皆美好。

Everything is good when new, but friend when old. 东西新的好,朋友老的好。

Everything is nice in your garden. 老王卖瓜,自卖自夸。

Everything must have a beginning. 凡是都有起源。

Everything new is fine. 新事物总是美好的。

Every tide hath its ebb. 兴盛之日必有衰退之时。

Every tree is known by its own fruit. 观其言行,知其为人。

Every why has a wherefore. 事出有因。

Evil comes to us by ells and goes away by inches. 罪恶来时,尺进寸退。

Evil communications corrupt good manners. 交往恶劣,有损风度。

Evil gotten, evil spent. 悖入悖出。

Example is better than precept. 言教不如身教。

Exchange is no robbery. 公平交易并非强行夺取。

Exercise, temperance, fresh air, and needful rest are the best of all physicians. 锻链、节制、新鲜空气和必要的休息是最好的医生。

Experience is a school from which one can never graduate. 经验无止境。

Experience is the best teacher. 经验是良师。

Experience is the father of wisdom and memory the mother. 经验是知识之父,记忆是知识之母。

Experience is the mother of wisdom. 智慧来自经验。

Experience keeps a dear school, but fools learn in no other. 吃亏学乖代价高,笨汉非此学不好。

Experience keeps no school, she teaches her pupils singly. 亲身经验,才是经验。

Experience must be bought. 若要得经验,必须化代价。

Experience teaches. 经验给人教训。

Experience without learning is better than learning without experience. 有经验而无学问,胜于有学问而无经验。

Extremes are dangerous. 物极必反。

Extremes meet. 否极泰来。

Eye for eye and tooth for tooth. 以牙还牙,以眼还眼。

Each bird loves to hear himself sing. 鸟儿都爱听自己唱歌。

Each day brings its own bread. 天无绝人之路。

Each man is the architect of his own fate. 命运掌握在自己手中。

Eagles catch no flies. 大人物不计较小事情。

Eagles fly alone, but sheep flock together. 鹰单飞,羊群集。

Early mistakes are the seeds of future trouble. 早期的错误可以酿成日后的麻烦。

Early sow, early mow. 播种早的收获早。

Early start makes easy stages. 早开始是成功的保证。

Early to bed and early to rise make a man healthy, wealthy and wise. 早睡早起,令人健康、富有而且聪明。

Early wed, early dead. 早婚早夭。

Easier said than done. 说话容易做事难。

East or west, home is best. 在家千日好,出门时时难。

Easy come, easy go. 易得易失。

Eat at pleasure, drink with measure. 随意吃饭,适度饮酒。

Eat ones cake and have it. 又要马儿好,又要马儿不吃草。

Eat to live, but not live to eat. 吃饭是为了生存,但生存不是为了吃饭。

Eat to please thyself, but dress to please others. 吃是使自己受用,穿是使别人受用。

Education begins a gentleman, conversation completes him. 人的教养始于教育,成于社交。

Education has for its object the formation of character. 教育的目的在于培养品德。

Elbow grease gives the best polish. 只要功夫深,铁杵磨成针。

Empty vessels make the greatest sound. 空桶响声大。

Enough is as good as a feast. 知足常乐。

Envy assails the noblest, the winds howl around the highest peak. 高位遭人妒,高峰招风吹。

Equivocation is first cousin to a lie. 支支吾吾,其言必诈。

Errors, like straws, upon the surface flow; he who would search for pearls must dive below. 错误像稻草,漂浮在水面。欲觅珍珠者,须往水下潜。

Even Homer sometimes nods. 人非圣贤,孰能无过。

Even the walls have ears. 隔墙有耳。

Every advantage has its disadvantage. 有利必有弊。

Every bean has its black. 人人有其缺点。

Every bird likes its own nest. 人爱其家。

Everybodys business is nobodys business. 人人都管,大家不管。

Every brave man is a man of his word. 勇敢的人都是信守诺言的人。

Every bullet has its billet. 无风不起浪。

Every cloud has a silver lining. 山穷水尽疑无路,柳暗花明又一村。

Every cock crows on its own dunghill. 夜郎自大。

Every cook praises his own broth. 自吹自擂。

Every country has its customs. 乡有乡俗。

Every couple is not a pair. 同床异梦,貌合神离。

Every day is not Sunday. 好景不常在,好花不常开。

Every day of thy life is a leaf in thy history. 生命中的一天就是你历史上的一页。

Every dog has his day. 凡人都有得意之日。

Every dog has his day, and every man his hour. 人人都有得意的日子。

Every dog is a lion at home. 夜郎自大。

Every dog is valiant at his won door. 狗在家门前条条都凶悍。

Every door may be shut but deaths door. 除了死门外,每门都可关。

Every extremity is a fault. 万事过分都差误。

Every fool can find faults that wise man cannot remedy. 蠢人也能找出聪明人无法弥补的岔子来的。

Every heart has its own sorrow. 人人都有伤心处。

Every horse thinks his sack heaviest. 每疋马认为自己驮的袋子重。



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It is exciting to visit different places.As you travel,you will see beautiful sceneries typical of the region.Besides,you can meet and make friends with people of different colors and races.Finally,you can get to know the customs and living habits of the local people.Today people are so fond of travelling that tourism has become one of the faster growing industries in most countries.

The main reason why people travel is,perhaps,for pleasure.For example,having worked hard throughout the weekdays,people will find a widened trip to the nearby mountains or beaches a real relaxation.For another example,spending an annual holiday travelling abroad is an especially satisfying experience for those who do not have much of an opportunity to be away from their homelands.When people return from their travel,they will generally feel fresh and energetic,ready to work harder.

Travelling is also one of the best means for learning.You may have read or heard about something but you can never get an accurate picture of it until you see it for yourself.Seeing is believing.Furthermore,if you are a careful observer,you can learn much during your travel about the geography,biology,and history of the places you visit.No matter how well educated you are,there is always a lot for you to learn through travelling.The knowledge acquired from travel,as you will have found in your life,is no less valuable than that from any influential reference book.






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for a morning rain leave not your trip.


when dew is on the grass,rain will never come to pass.


fish bite best before a rain.


when ladybugs swarm,expect a day that’s warm.


if bees stay at home,rain will soon come.if they fiy away ,fine will be the day


on cloud nine


halo around the sun or moon ,rain or snowsoon.


when a halo rings around the moon or sun, rain is approaching on the run.


red sky at night, sailor’s delight.red sky in the morning, sailor’s warning.


save for a rainy day


when the stars begin to huddle ,the earth will soon become a puddle.


mountains in the morning. fountains in the evening.

"早晨天上积雨云, 晚上地下降暴雨

red sky at night,sailor’sdelight.red sky in the morning,sailor take waring.



sail close to the wind


例句:If you believe what he said, you are sailing close to the wind。

know which way the wind blows


例句:He never tells his thoughts until he knows which way the wind blows。


be snowed down


例句:Ive been snowed down by my work!

white as snow


例句:The accused didnt comitt the murder,he is as white as snow。



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Labour is light where love doth pay. 爱情作酬报,劳苦必轻松。

Labour is often the father of pleasure. 勤劳常为快乐之源。

Labour is the capital of our working men. 劳动力是劳动人民的资本。

Lack of knowledge is darker than night. 没有知识比黑夜还要黑。

Late repentance is seldom true. 后悔少有诚意。

Laugh and grow fat. 心宽体胖。

Laugh, and the world laughs with you; weep, and you weep alone. 你笑,人人陪你笑;你哭,惟独你自哭。

Laugh at your ills, And save doctors bills. 生病不忧虑,节省医药费。

Laugh before breakfast youll cry before supper. 乐极生悲。

Law makers should not be law breakers. 正人先正己。

Laws catch flies but let hornets go free. 法网只捉苍蝇,不捉黄蜂。

Lawsuits consume time, and money, and rest, and friends. 诉讼将消耗时间、金钱、休息和失去朋友。

Lazy folks take the most pains. 懒汉多吃苦。

Learning is an ornament in prosperity, a refuge in adversity, and a provision in old age. 学问在得意时是装饰品,失意时是庇护所,年老时是供应品。

Learning is wealth to the poor, an honour to the rich, an aid to the young, and a support and comfort to the aged. 学问是穷人的财富,是富人的荣誉,是青年的帮助,是老年的支持和安慰。

Learning makes a good man better and ill man worse. 知识能使好人更好,坏人更坏。

Learning without thought is labour lost; thought without learning is perilous. 学而不思则罔,思而不学则殆。

Learn to creep before you leap. 循序渐进。

Learn to say before you sing. 按部就班。

Learn to suffer without complaining; that is the best thing I can teach you. 要学会受痛苦而不怨,这是我教你的至要之事。

Learn to walk before you run. 循序渐进。

Learn wisdom by the follies of others. 要从别人的愚行中学到聪明。

Learn young, learn fair. 学习趁年轻,既学就学好。

Least said, soonest mended. 多说反坏事。

Lend your money and lose your friend. 赔了夫人又折兵。

Let beggars match with beggars. 龙配龙,凤配凤。

Let bygones be bygones. 既往不昝。

Let difficulties occur but not the loss of courage. 纵使困难重重,也不丧失勇气。

Let every man praise the bridge he goes over. 饮水思源。

Let every man speak well of the bridge theat carries him over. 饮水思源。

Let every tub stand on its own bottom. 各人管各人自己。

Let not the cobbler go beyond his last. 安分守己。

Let not the sun go down upon thy wrath. 日落之前,平息你的怒火吧。

Let our object be our courtry, our whole country, and nothing but our country. 我们的心目中要有国家,要有整个国家,而且只有我们的国家别如其他。

Lets cross the bridge when we come to it. 既来之,则安之。

Let sleeping dogs lie. 不要惹事生非。

Let the cobbler stick to his last. 安分守己。

Let the dead bury the dead. 往事不重提。

Let the hands get busy, not the mouth. 手要勤劳,嘴莫多说。

Let things take their course. 听其自然。

Let your yea be yea and your nay be nay. 是就是,非就非。

Liars have need of good memories. 谎言者要有好的记忆力。

Liars should have good memories. 说谎的人应有好的记性。

Liberty consists in the power of doing that which is permitted by law. 自由就是做法律许可做的事情的权力。

Liberty is not licence. 自由不是放纵。

Liberty often degenerates into lawlessness. 自由随便,经常堕落到无法无天。

Lie in (oron) the bed one has made. 自作自受。

Lies have short legs. 谎言是站不住脚的。

Life is a battle from cradle to grave. 人生是一场从生到死的战斗。

Life is a comedy to him who thinks and a tragedy to him who feels. 对善思考者,人生为喜剧;对凭感觉者,人生为悲剧。

Life is a flower of which love is the honey. 人生是花朵,爱情是花蜜。

Life is a shuttle 生活犹如梭子。

Life is but a span. 人生如朝露。

Life is compared to voyage. 人生好比是航海。

Life is half spent before we know what it is. 等到认识人生,已经一半过去了。

Life is long if you know how to use it. 如果懂得好好利用,生命就长了。

Life if made up of little things. 生活是由琐事构成的。

Life is measured by thought and action, not by time. 生命的价值是用思想和行为来衡量的,而不是寿命的长短。

Life is not all beer and skittles. 人生并不全是吃喝玩乐。

Life is not so short but there is time enougn for courtesy. 人生虽短,但表示礼貌的时间还是足够的。

Life is short and time is fleeting 人生短暂,光阴易逝。

Life is sweet. 生命是甜美的。

Life, to be worthy of a rational being, must be always in progression. 人生必须永远前进,才不愧为有理智的人。

Life without a friend is death without a witness. 在世无朋友,死后无证人。

Lightly come, lightly go. 易得易失。

Light troubles speak; great troubles are silent. 小困难,大声叫嚷;大困难,闷生不响。

Like attracts like. 物以类聚。

Like author, like book. 书如其人。

Like begets like. 有其父必有其子。

Like cow, like calf. 有其父必有其子。

Like cures like. 以毒攻毒。

Like draws to like. 物以类聚。

Like draws to like the whole world over. 物以类聚,世间皆如此。

Like father, like son. 有其父必有其子。

Like knows like. 英雄识英雄。

Like mother, like daughter. 有其母必有其女。

Like teacher, like pupil. 有其师必有其徒。

Like tree, like fruit. 有其因必有其果。

Little boats must keep the shores. 小船不能航行远。

Little bodies may have great souls. 小小的躯体会有伟大的心灵。

Littel chips light great fires. 星星之火,可以燎原。

Little pigeons can carry great messages. 少年也可以成大事。

Little pitchers have great (or large) ears. 小孩子耳朵长。

Little strokes fell great oaks. 水滴石穿。

Little thieves are hanged, but great ones escape. 窃钩者诛,窃国者侯。

Little things amuse little minds. 小人志卑。

Little wealth, little care. 财少寡忧。

Live and learn. 活到老,学到老。

Live and let live. 自己生活,也要让他人生活。

Live to learn and learn to live. 生而学之,学而生之。

Living without an aim is like sailing without a compass. 生活没有目标,犹如航海没有罗盘。

Lock the stable door before the steed is stolen. 马未偷走前,厩门先锁上。

Loftiest trees most dread the thunder. 树大招风。

Long absent, soon forgotten. 长久不在的人,很快被忘怀。

Long tarrying takes all the thanks away. 事情耽搁太久就没有人会感谢了。

Look at the world through rose-coloured glasses. 对万事要乐观。

Look before you leap; see before you go. 三思而行。

Lookers-on see more than players. 旁观者清。

Lookers-on see most of the games. 旁观者清。

Look for a needle in a bundle (or bottle) of hay. 海底捞月。

Look not for musk in dogs kennel. 狗嘴里吐不出象牙。

Lose not time; be always employed in something useful; cut off all unnecessary actions. 不要浪费时间,做些有益的事情,停止一切不必要的行动。

Losers are always in the wrong. 失败者总是错的。

Losses make us more cautious 损失使人更谨慎。

Lost time is never found again, and what we call time enough always proves little enough. 时间一去不再来,我们常说时间充足,实际。总是不够。

Lost wealth can be replaced by industry, lost knowledge by study, lost health by temperance or medicine, but lost time is gone for ever. 失去的财富可由勤奋而恢复,失去的知识可由学习而恢复,失去的健康可由节制或药物而恢复,但失去的时间却一去永不复返。

Love all, trust a few, be false to none. 要爱一切人,相信少数人,不要负于任何人。

Love and business teach eloquence. 爱情和买卖可以培养口才。

Love and cough cannot be hid. 爱情和咳嗽是不能掩饰的。

Love and poverty are hard to hide. 爱和穷难隐瞒。

Love asks faith, and faith asks firmness. 爱情要求忠诚,而忠诚要求坚贞。

Love begets love. 爱爱相生。

Love cannot be forced 爱情不强求。

Love can turn the cottage into a golden palace. 爱情可使茅屋成为金碧辉煌的宫殿。

Love comes by looking. 情人眼里出西施。

Love does much, money does everything (ormore). 爱情做许多事,金钱做任何事。

Love fears no danger. 爱情不怕危险。

Love grows with obstacles. 磨折越多,爱情越深。

Love is a sweet torment. 爱情是一种甜蜜的折磨。

Love is a sweet tyranny, because the lover endures his torment willingly. 爱情是甜蜜的虐政,情人心甘情愿地受它的折磨。

Love is blind. 爱情是盲目的。爱情使人对缺点视而不见。情人眼里出西施。

Love is full of trouble. 爱情多烦恼。

Love is like the moon; when it does not increase it decreases. 爱情像月亮,不营即亏。

Love is neither bought nor sold. 爱情不能买卖。

Love is never without jealousy. 爱情莫不忌妒。

Love is not to be found in the market. 爱情在市场上是找不到的。

Love is sweet in the beginning but sour in the ending. 爱情始甜而终苦。

Love is the mother oflove. 爱产生爱情。

Love is the reward of love. 爱情就是爱的报答。

Love is the touchstone of virtue. 爱情是美德的试金石。

Love is the true price of love. 爱情只能用爱情来报答。

Love is without reason. 爱情是没理智的。

Love laughs at locksmith 春闺锁不住。

Love lives in cottages as well as in courts. 爱情无贵贱,贫负皆有之。

Love looks with telescope; envy with microscope. 爱情大处著眼,忌妒吹毛求疵。

Love makes all equal. 恋爱不分贵贱。

Love makes all hard hearts gentle. 爱情把一切冷酷的心变得温柔。

Love makes obedience easy. 爱情使服从变为易事。

Love makes one fit for any work. 爱情使人适合任何工作。

Love makes the world go round. 爱情使世界运转。

Love me little and love me long. 不求情意浓,但愿情义长。

Love me, love my dog. 爱屋及乌。

Love needs no teaching. 爱情无需教导。

Love not at the first look. 切莫一见钟情。

Lovers live by love, as larks live by leeks. 情侣靠爱情生活,正像云雀靠韭葱生活一样。

Love rules his kingdom without a word. 维持爱情,不用强力。

Love rules without a sword and bind without a cord. 爱的统治不用刀枪,捆绑不用绳索。

Love should not be all on one side. 爱情不应是单方面的。

Love sought is good, but given unsought is better. 追求而得的爱情固然美好,但不经追求而得的爱情更为美好。

Love thy neighbours as thyself. 爱邻如爱己。

Love understands love; it needs no talk. 爱情可以意会,无需言传。

Love will find out the way. 爱情会自找出路。

Love your neighbour, yet pull not down your hedge. 爱你的左邻右舍,但不要拆去你们之间的藩篱。

Lying is the first step to the gallows. 说谎是上断头台的第一步。

Lying rides upon debts back. 负债的人谎话多。



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Smoe people say that money is the best thing in the world. But I consider

reading books as the best and the most precious thing one can ever have.

Reading books is very important. First of all, it is knowledge that makes

society develop and by reading books you can get all kinds of knowledge.

Furthemore, reading books makes you a qualified person and makes your life


One is never too old to learn. No matter what time you rcalize the

importance of reading books, you can enjoy it during the rest of your life time.

Love books, for they are your best friends.



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Things in life than the books. It can let us know the heaven and earth,

know life. It makes our temperament, not pleased by external gains, not to

sorrow. Books are our spiritual lair, the source of life. Achievements of

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without it, life will be defect. Let us not leave a regret, picked up the book!

Sure you can understand the true meaning of life from the book!



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Time is a file that wears and makes no noise.光阴如锉,细磨无声

Time stays not the fools leisure.时间不等闲逛的傻瓜

Time and I against any two.和时间携起手来,一人抵两人

Time is life and when the idle man kills time, he kills himself.时间就是生命,懒人消耗时间就是消耗自己的生命。或时间就是生命,节省时间,就是延长生命

Time spent in vice or folly is doubly lost.消磨于恶习或愚行的时间是加倍的损失

Time undermines us.光阴暗中催人才。或莫说年纪小人生容易老

Time and tide wait for no man.岁月不待人

Time cannot be won again.时间一去不再来

Time is , time was , and time is past.现在有时间,过去有时间,时间一去不复返

Time lost can not be recalled.光阴一去不复返

Time flies like an arrow , and time lost never returns.光阴似箭,一去不返

Time tries friends as fire tries gold.时间考验朋友,烈火考验黄金

Time tries truth.时间检验真理

Time is the father of truth.时间是真理之父

Time will tell.时间能说明问题

Time brings the truth to light.时间使真相大白。或时间一到,真理自明。

Time and chance reveal all secrets.时间与机会能提示一切秘密

Time consecrates: what is gray with age becomes religion.时间考验一切,经得起时间考验的就为人所信仰

Time reveals(discloses) all things.万事日久自明

Time tries all.时间检验一切

There is no time like the present.现在正是时候

Take time by the forelock.把握目前的时机

To choose time is to save time.选择时间就是节省时间

Never put off till tomorrow what may be done today.今日事,今日毕

Procrastination is the thief of time.拖延为时间之窃贼

One of these days is none of these days.拖延时日,终难实现。或:改天改天,不知哪天

Tomorrow never comes.明天无尽头,明日何其多

What may be done at any time will be done at no time.常将今日推明日,推到后来无踪迹

Time works wonders. 时间可以创造奇迹或时间的效力不可思议

Time works great changes.时间可以产生巨大的变化

Times change.时代正在改变

Time is money.时间就是金钱或一寸光阴一寸金

Time flies.光阴似箭,日月如梭

Time has wings.光阴去如飞



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Fools learn nothing from wise men, but wise men learn much from fools.


By reading we enrich the mind, by conversation we polish it.


Books and friends should be few but good.


A young idler, an old beggar.


A man cannot spin and reel at the sametime.


It is never too old to learn.


Readingis to the mind while exercise to the body.


Knowledge starts with practice.


Complacency is the enemy of study.


A good book is a best friend who never turns his back upon us.


Study to be what you wish to seem.


Knowledge advances by steps not by leaps.


A book that remains shut is but a block.


Art is long, but lift is short.


Learning is an ornament in prosperity, a refuge in adversity, and a provision in old age.


Experience keeps a dear school, but fools learn in no other.


Learning makes a good man better and ill man worse.


A handful of common sense is worth bushel of learning.


A little learning is a dangerous thing.


Knowledge makes humble; ignorance makes proud.


Knowledge is power. 点击听机器人阅读!


A man becomes learned by asking questions.


All work and no play makes Jack a dull boy; all play and no work makes Jack a mere boy.


There is no end to learning.


No pains, no gains.




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Learning is an ornament in prosperity, a refuge in adversity, and a provision in old age. 学问在得意时是装饰品,失意时是庇护所,年老时是供应品。

Study to be what you wish to seem.学习可成为你所理想的人物。

Knowledge advances by steps not by leaps. 知识的获得是循序渐进而不是突飞猛进的。

A book that remains shut is but a block. 书本不常翻,犹如一块砖.

Art is long, but lift is short. 人生有限,学问无涯;人生有限,艺术无穷;人生有限,学海无涯;

By reading we enrich the mind, by conversation we polish it. 读书使人充实,交谈使人精明。

Books and friends should be few but good. 读书如交友,应求少而精。

A young idler, an old beggar. 少壮不努力,老大徒伤悲。

A man becomes learned by asking questions. 不耻下问才能有学问。

All work and no play makes Jack a dull boy; all play and no work makes Jack a mere boy. 只工作,不玩耍,聪明孩子要变傻

Experience keeps a dear school, but fools learn in no other. 经验学校学费高,愚人旁处学不到。

Learning makes a good man better and ill man worse. 知识能使好人更好,坏人更坏。

A little learning is a dangerous thing.


Knowledge makes humble; ignorance makes proud. 知识令人谦虚;无知使人骄傲。

Knowledge is power. 知识就是力量。

Fools learn nothing from wise men, but wise men learn much from fools. 愚者不学无术,智者不耻下问。

A man cannot spin and reel at the same time. 一心不能二用。

It is never too old to learn. 活到老,学到老。

Reading is to the mind while exercise to the body. 读书健脑,运动强身。

Knowledge starts with practice. 实践出真知。

Complacency is the enemy of study. 学习的敌人是自己的满足。

A good book is a best friend who never turns his back upon us. 好书如挚友,永远不相负.

There is no end to learning. 学无止境。

No pains, no gains. 不劳则无获。
