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People always say that a fathers love is like the mountain, which means

the love is strong but not obvious, because men are generally not good at

expressing themselves. I read an article about a fathers love. He wrote a

letter to his child, which was about three years old. In the letter, he

expressed his future concern about the problems that the kid would face and the

father told the kid to be strong. From the letter, people could feel the strong

power that father would always support you, no matter what happens. I complain

about my father sometimes, because he is so busy, but at this moment, I

understand him.




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As we all know, the environmentaround us is getting worse and worse . In

some places we can’t see fishswimming in the river or trees on the hills. Not

only does it affect our lives and health, but also has a great affection in the

future. So I thinkwe must do something to protect the environment. .But what can

we do?

Now green commuting and a low-carbon life are more and morepopular in the

society .For example,we can go to school on foot or by bike , we can use

shopping baskets notplastic bags when we go shopping and we can use both sides

of the paper when wewrite .

In a word ,if everyonepays more attention to(makes a contribution to) our

environment ,there will be less pollution and our lives will be better.



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A happy New Year to you。


Best of luck in the year to come。


Wish all the best wishes for you。


Wish many good wishes for the holidays and the coming year。


Wishing you all the blessings of a beautiful Christmas season。


May its blessings lead into a wonderful year for you and all whom you hold dear。


To wish you special joy at the holidays and all year。


Much joy to you in the upcoming year。


Wishing you and your family a very happy new year。


We offer New year blessings to you。




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Five Mr. Liu Tao Yuanming once said: "seeing not advice, but the future can be repaired." Indeed, when we look back at the past, those who have not changed as is as trassient as a fleeting cloud, laugh at the harvest has been obtained, and forget not. And when we look to the future, and everything in the future is in our own hands, we should be full of longing and pursuing a better future.

When you face the past, I want to say to you: you dont think about what you did, but to what you have, in the face of Qu Yuans career flow, mind is full of broken own ideal, then hold stone river. Haizi facing the gap between ideal and reality, the mind is not "spring", and the fiery youth under the tracks jimie. Many students in the face of the setback of learning for a moment, the heart is thinking of the temporary loss, so they lost their precious life. In the face of the past, they forget what they have. Learn more than Voltaire! He was exiled to the British Isles, he also received the government beaten, he also spent time in the Bastille, these human beings face the pain he was almost out of. But he laughed at the past, forgetting the lost. He thought that he still had a healthy body to hold the pen holder, so he called the same way in the "philosophical discourse", inspired the people through the encyclopedia, and got the happiness in the heart.

When you look ahead, I want to say to you: you dont think what you have now, but to think you dont have what, small Zhong Yong young satisfied with his talent for the future, he always thinks he can be happy forever this insignificant skill, he no longer want to have more extensive knowledge. So in the end "and then everybody". In the cold desert, Su Wu lonely with Chinese festival bare sitting in the snow, snow white with his eyebrows, cold froze his fingers, but his heart carries only to return to the big beautiful vision of the future, but not now own loneliness, this kind of faith support he finally happy to return to the chinese.

Looking forward to the future, to have the "Dongpo looking northwest, Sirius radio," perseverance, to "get the lead out, still can Jiaxuan Fanfou" do not give up, to have Li Bai "to be useful" self-confidence. You can be happy if you have a dream without complacency.

Not because of the past lost not because now has a jittery, and complacency, laugh at the past and look forward to the future, we can get you a diamond The brightness dazzles the eyes. wonderful life.



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dear jennifer,

i’m very happy that you’re coming to xining soon. and i would be very happy to answer your questions.

it will be the coldest time in a year when you are coming, so please take some warm clothes with you. rice is usually the main food for dinner, and sometimes we have dumplings and noodles. you are lucky that you can spend spring festival with us which is the most important festival in our country. we can enjoy a lot of traditional performances and taste many different kinds of local food. our family plan to take you to visit qinghai lake. that would be fun?

i coulnd’t wait to meet you at the airport!




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当我们遇到困难,能倾注所有一切来帮助我们的人,是父母; 当我们受到委屈,能耐心听我们哭诉的人,是父母; 当我们犯错误时,能毫不犹豫地原谅我们的人,是父母;当我们取得成功,会衷心为我们庆祝,与我们分享喜悦的,是父母。

而将来,当我们去外地生活学习的时候,依然牵挂着我们的,还是父母。 生活并非想象那样完美,父母的辛勤是我们无法体会的,我们虽不能与父母分担生活的艰辛、创业的艰难,但我们在生活上可以少让父母为自己操心。当父母生病时,我们是否应担起责任,照顾父母?要知道,哪怕一句关心的话语,哪怕一碗自己做好的方便面,都会慰藉父母曾为我们百般焦虑的心。感恩父母,并不难做到。







朋友,人世间最难报的就是父母恩,愿我们都能:以反哺之心奉敬父母,以感恩之心孝顺父母!感恩父母,希望全天下的父母一切都好!篇二:关于父母的英语作文 或是演讲稿 parents are the builders of my life

i am so proud of my parents they are the best gift in the world.i would always keep my parents in my heart.so,my point is parents are the best builder of my life.thanks for listening.篇三:孝顺的演讲稿 文本文档孝敬父母英语作文

孝顺的演讲稿 文本文档.txt求而不得,舍而不能,得而不惜,这是人最大的悲哀。付出真心才能得到真心,却也可能伤得彻底。保持距离也就能保护自己,却也注定永远寂寞。孝子之养也,乐其心,不违其志。——《礼记》



















礼者,断长续短,损有余,益不足,达爱敬之文,而滋成行义之美也。——荀子 天地之性,人为贵;人之行,莫大于孝,孝莫大于严父。——《孝经·圣至章》

















妈妈,不论走到哪里,我的眼前总有您慈祥的面容,慈爱的目光 ??

母亲啊:在悲伤时,您是慰藉;在沮丧时,您是希望;在软弱时,您是力量。您是同情、怜悯、慈爱、宽容的源泉 ??



经历过这么多的风风雨雨,您似乎更年轻了,不但是外貌,而且是心灵。妈妈,我爱你。 您额上的皱纹记载着您的坎坷,您古铜色的脸庞标志着您的坚贞。您的一生就是一首瑰丽、动人的诗篇。

爸爸,在我心目中您是一座山,深沉而温厚。您那山一样的性格时刻鼓舞着我,激励着我。 我爱红叶,摘一片送给您;您就像红叶,青春时火红,霜过后更加如火如荼。 您就像一棵绿叶如盖、摇曳多姿的大树,我一直走到很远都能回头瞧见您,在风中枝蔓一直伸到天边 ?? 岁月的白发虽然爬上了您的两鬓,在我看来您却永远年轻,因为,在智慧的大海里,您始终与时代的先行者并驾齐驱。您是一棵参天大树,我在您的浓阴之下成长。树上落下一枚两枚甜嫩的浆果,便使我获得丰富的营养。


在我困难的时候您伸出无私的手,在我痛苦的时候您奉献真诚的心,在我失望的时候您伴我同行。爸爸,您是我永远的朋友,给我希望,也给我温暖。 您是一棵大树,春天倚着您幻想,夏天倚着您繁茂,秋天倚着您成熟,冬天倚着您沉思。您那高大宽广的树冠,使四野永不荒凉。孝敬父母英语作文

世上最崇高的名字,就是您 ──母亲。呼唤母亲就是呼唤新生;母亲就是未来世界的象征。 父母的爱是崇高的爱 ──只是给予,不求索取。不溯既往,不讨恩情。







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Every time when I run in the playground, I always set a target for myself,

such as I need to finish 3000 meters. It is such a long distance, but if I set

the target of 500 meters and repeat the target, then I can finish my original

goal. It is the same way to realize our dreams. Though we are in middle school

now, we need to equip ourselves with knowledge. What we learn today will decide

what we will become tomorrow. The first goal for us is to enter a better high

school and then continue to fight for the college. But college is not the end to

fight, which is just the beginning. The way to realize our dreams is long.



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The Cobbler and the Banker

By La Fontaine

A cobbler passed his time in singing from morning till night;it was wonderful to see,wonderful to hear him;he was more contented in shoes,than was any of the seven sages.His neighbor,on the contrary,who was rolling in wealth,sung but little and slept less.He was a banker;when by chance he fell into a doze at day-break,the cobbler 12 awoke him with his song.The banker complained sadly that Providence had not made sleep a saleable commodity,like edibles or drinkables.

Having at length sent for the songster,he said to him,

"How much a year do you earn,Master Gregory?"

"How much a year,sir?"said the merry cobbler laughing,"I have reckon in that way,living as I do from one day to another;somehow I manage to reach the end of the year;each day brings its meal."

"Well then!How much a day do you earn,my friend?"

"Sometimes more,sometimes less;but the worst of it is,-and,without that our earnings would be very tolerable, a number of days occur in the year on which we are forbidden to work;and the curate,moreover,is constantly adding some new saint to the list.

The banker,laughing at his simplicity,said,"In the future I shall place you above want.Take this hundred crowns,preserve them carefully,and make use of them in time of need."

The cobbler fancied he beheld all the wealth which the earth had produced in the past century for the use of mankind.Returning home,he buried his money and his happiness at the same time,No more singin;he lost his voice,the moment he acquired that which is the source of so much grief.Sleep quitted his dwelling; and cares,suspicions,and false alarms took its place,All day,his eye wandered in the direction of his treasure;and at night,if some stray cat made a noise,the cat was robbing him.

At length the poor man ran to the house of his rich neighbor;"Give my back." said he,"sleep and my voice,and take your hundred crowns."





于工作把他吵醒了。银行家郁郁寡欢地抱怨上帝没有睡眠也制成一种像食品或饮料那样可以买卖的商品。后来,银行家就叫人把这位 歌手请来,问道:“格列戈里师傅,你一年赚多少钱?”




银行家被皮匠的直率逗笑了,他说:“我要你从今以后不愁没钱用。这一百枚钱你拿去,小心放好,需要时拿来用吧。” 皮匠觉自己好像看到了过去几百年来大地为人类所需而制造出来的全部财富。他回到家中,埋藏好硬币,同时也埋葬了他的快乐。他不再唱歌了;从他得到这种痛苦的根源那一刻起,他的嗓子就哑了。睡眠与他分手;取而代之的却是担心、怀疑、虚惊。白天,他的 目光尽朝埋藏硬币的方向望;夜间,如果有只迷途的猫弄出一点声响,他就以为是有人来抢他的钱。最后,这个可怜的皮匠跑到他那富有的邻居家里说:“把你的一百枚钱拿回去,还我的睡眠和歌声来。”




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A Sports meet运动会

The sports meet of our university was held on a charming spring day.The stand around the playground was packed with spectators.Firt came the parade of the opening ceremony.Athletes walked into the field in orderly arrays.After the opening address was delivered,the athletes withdrew.Then there was a performance of group callisthenics.

The contests and races of track and field events were exciting.The runners of 100 metre race dashed to the terminal point.The winner took the lead only by a small fraction of second.A boy athlete gave a javelin a lorceful throw.It shot across the sky and arrived at a point far ahead of the former record.A girl athlete,in a long distance race,stumbled over the foot of another athlete and fell down.She rose to her feet,clenched her teeth,and continued her running.The most attractive is the relay race that was so intense that all spectators cheered,hailed and applaused.

The sports meet was over.Our athletes not only gained a good harvest of prizes,but also strengthened their body and tempered their will.

在迷人的春季我们学校举行了一场运动会,操场上挤满了观众,首先举行的是开幕式典礼。运动员们井然有序的在操场上排着队列, 开幕词发表之后运动员退出,团体操表演随之进行。






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oh god! i think i was about seven and half when my sisters and i pulled this stupid stunt. i remember watching television with them and the show on happened to be our favorite program to watch. all of a sudden we heard my brother, chris, yelling from the backyard. so we all headed out there to see what happened. when we finally located him, he was in a tree hanging from the highest tree branch. crying, he explained to us that he had climbed up the tree and couldnt get down. we thought, okay, one of us should climb up and get him off, but we couldnt manage to get him moving down.

it was then my youngest sister, ka, who was five and a half at the time had seen a similar situation. she suggested we grab a sheet, hold it under the branch chris was hanging off of, and tell him to drop so we can catch him. my other sister, yams, who is one year younger than me, peered at me to confirm the idea and i said "yeah, lets try that".so we grabbed a sheet from the closet and went to hold it beneath the tree. now mind you, the ages holding this blanket were ranging from seven and a half to five and a half, thus the sheet was probably being held up to our waist and also close to touching the ground. but we were confident it could work.

we looked up to chris and he looked down at us a bit hesitant. i dont blame him the poor guy. it was then we told him to let go and to fall on his back. chris looked at me and asked "are you sure ill land on the blanket?" now, my brother at the age of four, had a cute squeaky voice. but because of a problem at birth with his tongue being a bit attached to the mouth, it came out more like this, "ah you sho awill lan on da blanked?", "yup!", i told him, "were sure!" and he let go.now when i think about chris letting go of that branch, i think of his faith in me and my sisters and i also think how stupid he was to trust us, cause when that boy let go he was in for a big surprise. chris fell right through that sheet and landed right on his stomach. and no matter how tight we held on to the sheet, he still managed to get through.

we were shocked and a bit worried and we looked at the ground where he landed. this tiny seventy pound boy had made a hole right through the sheet and landed. he was positioned like one of those chalk drawings you find after a homicide, with one arm near the head another to the side and the knee bent a bit. we might as well have drawn an outline because he wasnt moving. so we bent down to check if he was still alive and when we asked him if he was okay he uttered these five words… "ah stee hi da flow" in other words, "i still hit the floor!" poor little man! but before you condemn us, chris is fourteen now and he still bugs us about it, any tree he climbs he gets down on his own and, strangely, he wants to be a fireman when he grows up. now he can write that he had personal experience about jumping and catching. see, no harm done…




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Dear Miss Brown,

I am writing to express my sincere thanks to you for caring me in the last

two years. During the days of being your student, I learn a lot. Firstly, your

serious attitude towards teaching and our students moves me too much. You

inspire and push me to work harder and harder. Secondly, I fall in love with

English under the influence of you. As a student of science and engineering,

I’ve been thinking that English does no good to me, but you help me to find the

fabulous glamour of English that leads me to know a totally different world and

develop a different way of thinking. Finally, your continuous encouragement

supports me a lot when I meet challenges or difficulties. You said that

everything to the last will certainly become a good thing, if it is not, not yet

to the last. Every time, remembering your words, I am so inspired to keep


Above all, I want to say thank you again and please accept my sincere

appreciation. Best wishes for you.







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Look, this is my bedroom. It s not very big. But it s beautiful and clean. In the middle of my bedroom, there is a bed. There is a teddy bear and some hair clips on it. Beside the bed, there is a desk. Its colour is brown. There are many things on the desk, some pens, a Walkman, a light and many stickers. Oh, there is a chair beside the desk, too. On the right of the desk, there is a bookcase. It s big and tall. There are lots of books in the bookcase. They are comic books, exercise books, story books and copy books.

Can you see two pictures on the wall?



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Each time I feel very emotional after reading the news about bad or unfair treatment towards city hygiene workers. On one hand, they have to suffer the poor working environment; on the other hand, they do not earn the respect from the society or public. It is a very sad fact in China, which is a wake-up call for us to face the situation in good manner. In my opinion, the education background differences outweigh other factors. People who are not well educated do not see the hardwork and uneasy life of those city beauty workers. All they care is their own feelings and interest. Moreover, if we do not appreciate or cherish others devotion to the city, the city as a mirror will reflect its bad side towards ourselves. Therefore, the public need to learn to respect and behave properly such as not throw about the garbage. In addition, the government should also make its efforts to improve the treatment of those sanitation workers as well as set up a good example in the public.


To be a sanitation worker can never be considered as a decent job in peoples eyes, especially in China. A story of Sanmao, a Taiwanese author, described that she wanted to be a garbabge collector and she wrote this in her homework in her elementary school but teasing and objection came from her teacher and classmates. There is nothing wrong about a childish girls idea, and she thought that job could provide the most freedom. But this reflect the obvious discrimination. However, there is a dustman in my department. Everyone says hello, chats, jokes, and respects him as respect any other professors and students because people dont see differences between jobs.


He is a cleaner,quiet and ordinary looking.People dont pay attention to the figures in the public when the cleaners at work.He is one of them.He has to get up very early in the morning to sweep the streets.He enjoyed this time of the day for there is sunshine,birds sing and less traffic and peoples noise.He finishes the street sweeping by 8 oclock and he can take some time to the breakfast stand to have his favorite breakfast.After that,he has to work in a shopping center .The public toilets,dining halls and the elevators are the area he is responsible to keep clean.At lunch time,he has an hour to eat at the corner food store.In the afternoon,he continues to carry on the same duty until 6 oclock when the shopping center closes.

He comes home to his wife and daughter at dinner time.This is the happiest time of his day.He loves his family and they love him.He is a very happy man.


In cold winter, people are warming up near the fireplace at home, while sanitation workers are cleaning the broken branches and falling leaves. Usually sanitation workers have always been very hard, plus cruel and merciless wind and snow will be cut off branches and leaves on the roadside, the road, the sidewalk ... everywhere, sanitation can be miserable. They took the knife to cut off the branches, took the shovel to shovel branches and leaves, and take the broom sweeping, tired in the cold weather sweating profusely, the cold wind did not feel cold, they forget the tiredness and cold. In such a cold weather, sanitation workers have cleaned up our Fuzhou streets and won peoples respect. We should learn from sanitation workers and learn from their hard-working and optimistic spirit. In extraordinary positions, to make extraordinary things, although their own dirty, but Fuzhou city has become more beautiful. When people see such a clean street, they think of sanitation workers as the hardest people and the loveliest people.



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If we look at the sky on a perfectly fine summer‘s day we shall find that the blue colour is the most pure and intense overhead,and when looking high up in a direction opposite to the sun。


Near the horizon it is always less bright,while in the region immediately around the sun it is more or less yellow. The reason of this is that near the horizon we look through a very great thickness of the lower atmosphere,which is full of the larger dust particles reflecting white light,and this diluter the pure blue of the higher atmosphere seen beyond,and in the vicinity of the sun a good deal of the blue light is reflected back into space by the finer dust,thus giving a yellowish tinge to that which reaches us reflected chiefly from the coarse dust of the lower atmosphere。

靠近天边,色彩往往较暗淡,太阳周围的地方则略呈黄色。这是因为我们向天边望去时,目光要穿过极厚的低空大气层,其中布满颗粒较大的尘埃,反射出白光,这就冲淡了天际高空大气层的纯蓝色。在太阳附近,大 量蓝光则由细微的尘埃反射回太空。这样,主要由低空大气层的粗粒尘埃反射到地面的光线,便带有浅黄色。

At sunset and sunrise,however,this last effect is greatly intensified,owing to the great thickness of the strata of air through which the light reaches us. The enormous amount of this dust is well shown by the fact that then only we can look full at the sun,even when the whole sky is free from clouds and there is no apparent mist。




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Last weekend ,I didn’t want to do homework all day .I wanted to go to somewhere. That was fun. I went to the zoo with my friend JingWen . I bought two tickets .One is for JingWen ,the other is for me .Then we took a bus to the zoo.

The zoo is very big .There are many kinds of animals at the zoo.What animal did we see.We saw tiger,momkey,panada,lion,elephant,and so on .I like monkey and panada best .Because momkey and panada are pretty and they can make me happy .I didn’t feed any animals .Because I don’t what kind of animals eat to make strong and I didn’t eat any snacks . I wanted to keep the zoo clean .Finally ,we feel tired and we leave the zoo. I think the zoo is good for animals ,why? Because the zoo can help people to stop animals from going extinct.and I think zoos are bad for animals.Because the zoo make animals feel lonely and animals will misses they family.

That was a ggod day!

[中学生英文作文:我的快乐周末(My happy weekend)



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Happiness is important in our life. In fact, happiness is always around you if you put your heart into it.

I will never forget one thing. Once, I had a bad mark at a math test. I was shy and afraid to meet my parents. But when I got back home late, my parents knew what happened, they said to me: “It doesn’t matter, my child. Remember we’ll be always beside you when you need help. We believe you can be better next time. Never give up!” I was moved and made up my mind to work harder and harder.

I feel very happy. Whenever I am in trouble, I can feel my parents’ love. I want to be a good child for my parents.








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The recent rainy weather is really not a happy new year, but the show already full in the rainy sky, sometimes see people on the street were home to catch the least things hurriedly, everyones face is wreathed in smiles, their hands still carrying new clothes, it can not help but remind me to new year, the custom of wearing new clothes.

When wearing? * * * Qiao hammer also play hissing? Ne busy chaos benzyl push to put the exhausted ash cellar??? They die cutting process? Yi satin. Gray glare? Suddenly I Meng Yao Li Mei "gun? Nan Jia Yun Yi Li and Huang sole? Mei capsule?? BR>early in the Spring Festival comes before, in order to receive relatives and friends to pay New Years call we will put, inside and outside the home, clean, will put up a couplets on the door, pray for good luck. The traditional poetic couplet is written on black or gold in red paper on the language, what "Caiyuanguangjin" be promoted step by step "and" rich house ", and its all auspicious words.

Send kitchen is big event before the spring festival. Listen to my grandma said, send kitchen is on December 24th of the lunar calendar, the day God banished to the emperor to report the things of the earth. People want God to speak, so that one day people will be specially prepared food offerings to worship god.

The day of new years Eve is very important to people. On this day, people are ready to resign from the old and eat the reunion dinner. Once a year reunion dinner can fully show the family members love each other. After a reunion dinner, began to staying-up late on new years Eve.

The most important thing for children to enjoy is not only to wear new clothes and play firecrackers during the new year, but also to receive the lucky money that adults give to them. The big people send red packets to the younger generation, which means to bring them the best wishes and good luck. The amount of money in the red packet is not important, mainly to make the children happy, the main meaning is in the red paper, because it is a symbol of good luck.

In the sound of the firecrackers, the Spring Festival has passed long ago, but the taste of the year is still lingering, and it still gives people endless aftertaste.



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New Year is coming. I have many great New Year’s resolutions. I will study math harder than before because I want to get better grades. I’m going to improve my spoken English because I want communicate with foreigners better in English.

I plan to learn German because I really want to travel to Germany by myself. And I’m going to learn a new instrument, it may be guitar.

As for friends, I’m going to make more good friends. Because I think friendship is important and valuable.

These are my New Year’s resolutions. I’m working hard to make them come true. I trust myself.
