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Dear Santa Claus,

See the letter!

Santa, you are a magical person. Although I have never seen you, I can

imagine what you look like. On December 24, you ride in a sleigh pulled by 12

reindeer and drop presents down chimneys from house to house. You will satisfy

every childs Christmas wish.

I also have a Christmas wish this year. I want Avang and Darky back to me.

Awan is a dog that my grandfather picked up. Awan was no ordinary dog. It has

the blood of the Wolf, so it is a Wolf dog. Not long after, Awang became

pregnant and gave birth to The paparazzi, Xiao Hei. As a mother, Awang loves her

son, Xiao Hei, very much. I also very painful small black, a little bump all

dont let, more wont let others bully it.

When Xiao Hei was nearly five years old, my grandfather suddenly had a

stroke and was unable to take care of himself in the hospital bed. Little Hei

was afraid of thunder since he was a child. The other day I went to see grandpa

in the hospital. It was thundering and thundering outside. Grandma was at my

sisters house, and I was afraid to walk home alone. So I was in the hospital

waiting for my mother to pick me up and go home with me. But mom cant come to

pick me up because of something.

So as soon as I clenched my teeth, I rushed into the heavy rain alone. The

rain was so heavy that I ran all the way. In the haze, I saw two moving black

dots running towards me. Im so happy. It must be Avang and Heiie to greet me

when I go home. But I was so happy that I forgot the red light ahead and rushed

out. Suddenly, Awan ran up to me and shielded me from the oncoming impact of the


The owner of the car to see, the original hit is a dog, did not say what

drove away. I am very helpless, very want to find him desperately. But Avangs

life is more important. Thinking of this, I immediately picked up Awan and ran

to the pet hospital.

The doctor said, "No more surgery. Its almost hopeless." Hearing this, I

burst into tears. The doctor saw that I was too sad and suggested putting Awan

to death. I had to say yes. I didnt want Him to suffer as much as he did before

he died.

Santa, can you show me one more look at Black and Awan? Can you give me

that wish?

I wish: long life, happy every day!














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每个人都肩负着责任,对工作、对家人、对朋友,我们都有一定的责任,千万不要自以为是而忘记了自己的责任。对于一个团队而言,责任就是团队精神的核心,强烈的责任感能唤醒一个人的良知,也能激发一个人的潜能,在一个团队里,最需要的是成员们的协作和彼此的责任感,只有这样,团队的目标才能实现。团队的成功靠的是成员对团队的责任感,成员的成功靠的是彼此的责任感。 虽然有时候在工作中会因病人的不理解或急躁,遭到无端的责骂,但是想一想既然选择了这个职业,就必须接受它的全部,包括屈辱和责骂,而不仅仅是享受工作带来的益处和快乐。只有认真履行职责才能让能力得到最大的释放。

我们做服务行业的,面对患者的指责,不能一味的只为自己申屈,我们应该抱以感恩之心去感谢患者及时告知我们服务中的缺陷,以便我们不断完善工作的不足。 如果我们每一个人都能够以积极的心态去面对每一项工作,就可以让自己有无穷的能量,推动自己的进取心和创新意识。即使在平凡的工作岗位上,也会创造出不平凡的业绩。用心做事,没有哪一件工作是没有意义的,每一个过程都成就了一个过程,护理工作是需要协作精神的,只有环环相扣,相互合作,整体才会和谐美好。让我们每一个人各就各位,努力尽责并扮演好自己的角色,保证我们可以顺利地完成一份共同的责任。

如果说“责任和忠诚,是军人精神的内核”,那么“责任和爱心,则是我们护理工作的内核”。面对一个个鲜活的生命,护士的责任就是对病人负责,保证病人的安全。同时责任感也体现敬业精神,每一个员工都希望把自己的工作做得更好,都希望通过自己的努力来增加收入,获得认可。大家一致认为我们做服务工作的,必须要用负责、务实的精神,去做好每一天中的每一件事,不放过工作中的每一个细节,不断提高自己,要让自己比过去做得更好,比别人做得更好! 这一理念的提出是建立在上海市普陀区人民医院于井子护理小组在平时的护理服务得到积累、提炼和总结。“八个心”的服务理念对建设和谐的医患关系具有较强的借鉴作用。

于井子护士长说:“我一直坚信:多一份爱心,病人早一天康复。人性化护理法,是以人为本,而不是以病为本的。” 书上记载了这么一个小故事:有一年冬天,一个老人因心脏病紧急住院,但床位紧张,只能睡在加床上,加床的条件比较差:窄窄的钢丝床、薄薄的床垫。于井子担心老人不舒服,给老人多加了一床被垫,另外还找来棉大衣压在被子上面。一床棉被,暖进病人心窝!护理工作原来是非常平凡而琐碎的,但当护理人员去细心观察和仔细体会病人需求,并予以主动解决时,它就从平凡中显现出了可贵。在日常的医疗服务过程中,病人不仅需要尖端的诊疗手段,更需要人性化的关爱。

护理工作是医学科学。所以无论是在病人入院热心接中,做好第一次入院的介绍和指导,还是在病人住院真心待中,认真建立电子档案,都要严格按科学办事,不可有一点任意乱来。但是,事情是死的,人是活的。以什么样的思想、意志、感情去做这些事,结果是会大相迳庭的。“八心人性化护理法”,核心是以一颗滚烫的爱心去关怀病人,服务病人,因而充满着“人文关怀”。正是那种对病人从住院到出院的全过程的浓浓人文情怀,使得出院病人满意率高达99、2%。 精彩还不仅限于此,于井子在这里更创造性地提出了美学要求。爱美是人的天性,美的作用不在实用,而在能激起人们的敬佩和愉快的感情。人类的道德伦理活动有善有恶,也可引起美感上的赞美与厌恶,在这一意义上说,善就是一种美,恶就是一种丑。是故西方有哲人强调“至高的善”就是一种美,积极的伦理活动就是一种艺术活动。“八心人性化护理法”的美学,正蕴藏于“至高的善”之中。于井子拥有美的敏感,善于发现美,她不仅要在护理工作中努力让病人得到身体康复,而且要努力让病人从中得到美和愉快的精神享受。这是对护理工作的美化和艺术化。南丁格尔说过:“护理是一门艺术。”有人不理解,平凡、琐碎乃至常与血污肮脏打交道的护理工作,怎么会是“艺术”呢?于井子成功地实践了这点。 “八心人性化护理法”,是科学的真、道德的善与艺术的美的融合体。这一“天使心路”中摇曳的美,对于提升自己在日常的护理工作的水平。



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Gulangyu — A fairyland in the world

Gulangyu is a small island of Xiamen. It’s like a garden on the water. Cars and buses are not allowed to drive there, which makes the island so quiet that music played on the piano and violin can be heard.

Here the sky and the sea clearly meet on the horizon. When standing at the top of the Sunshine Rock, you can see much of the landscape of Xiamen, and when standing at its foot, you can gaze at the beautiful garden that surrounds it.

Gulangyu produces bananas, coconuts, sugar cane and so on. The people here, warm, simple and hardworking, are making every effort to make the island more beautiful and they hope to welcome more visitors in the future.

Such is Gulangyu, a beautiful and inviting island, where a warm welcome awaits.



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Occupation choice is a personal for their employment type,direction is selected and confirmed.It is the people enter the real social life domain important behavior,life is a critical link.

Through the choice of occupation,is beneficial to people and labor post better,make the person goes into social labor post.

Occupation choice is the important content of human socialization,it is advantageous to socialization and implementation.

Through the choice of occupation,is beneficial to obtain bigger economic benefits.

Through the choice of occupation,can achieve the social benefit.

First of all,in the occupation planners professional guidance,scientific system about ourselves.

Again,combination of consulting work experience,education degree,disposition,intelligence,physical condition,social resources and other factors,to determine the next step or the next few steps how to get the occupation,

A personal career proper or not is related to his future.To understand their own personality characteristics are very important things,predictions can provide personal characteristics parameters,can effectively grasp the business direction.



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一开门,就是一句“新年好,哈—匹—牛—叶(happy new year)!”哇,现在就连普通话都不怎么好的叔叔也有一口“流利”的英语,他说,他这是现买现学,这句话是刚从他儿子那学来的!


早上,我硬是被爸爸妈妈给拖起来,只喝了一杯牛奶,就跑去客厅里来看电视准备打发时间,这时,爸爸妈妈对边看电视边打瞌睡的我说:不用看电视了,我们出去玩!” “有地方玩吗?” “有,你别忘了,现在这里住着的我们都认识,难道还不愁没人玩吗!”爸爸妈妈兴奋地说到。我们先到了最近的一户人家。 一开门, 就是一句“新年好, 哈—匹—牛—叶(happy new year)!”哇,现在就连普通话都不怎么好的叔叔也有一口“流利”的英语,他说,他这是现买现学,这句话是刚从他儿子那学来的!尽管有点不标准,不过在我这个大师的指导下,你别说还真有点长进!由于他们家还没有吃好饭,所以我们一家三口又继续出发了。后来,我们不仅参观他们的新房子,同时也道了新年贺词,啊多么愉快的事呀!挨家挨户都走过了,现在也该歇息歇息了,大人们在阳台上下象棋,瞧,他们还兴奋地说“出将”呢!有的在打麻将,一个个都想趁着这个新年有个好手气!, 有的客人还在看鱼,那些顽皮的鱼儿从假山的石缝里钻来钻去,让客人们忍不住那棍子去逗逗它们。而我们小孩子呢,哈,看电视的看电视,玩电脑的玩电脑,也都很快活!

晚上,我们吃完饭,就趁着这好天气好风景来到阳台上放烟花, “嘭、嘭、嘭!”那一朵朵烟花绽放在我们的头顶上非常漂亮!啊,今天这个年过得还真是有味!

Open the door, is a "good new year, ha — horse — Happy New Year!" Wow, even now, even Mandarin is not very good uncle also has a fluent English, he said, he is buying now, this sentence is just from his son learned。

"Well, its the new year, the new year is the most uninteresting, I know that watching TV at home, there is nothing to do! Oh。。。 " I think the children now have the same idea as I do。 After all, now the new year a little atmosphere are not before, every family is busy hanging red lanterns, paste "Fu", there is a hurry to buy Eight Delicacies Rice reunion! At the beginning of the year we got up early in the morning and went out to the door in groups。 Our children were playing at home, and then we had a reunion dinner together。 But now its very different, and now even when the new year, I will forget, the day before the year of the year are asking when to celebrate the New Year!

In the morning, I was dragged up by my mom and dad。 I only drank a glass of milk and ran to the living room to watch TV and prepare to kill time。 At this time, mom and dad said to me while watching TV, dozing: no need to watch TV, lets go out to play。 "Do you have a place to play?" "Yes, you do not forget, now we live here all know, dont worry about no one to play!" Mom and dad said excitedly。 We went to the nearest family。 Open the door, is a "good new year, ha — horse — Happy New Year!" Wow, even now, even Mandarin is not very good uncle also has a fluent English, he said, he is buying now, this sentence is just from his son learned。 Although it is not standard, but under the guidance of my master, you cant say that you are a little better。 As their family did not have a good meal, the three of our family went on again。 Later, we not only visit their new house, also said the new year, how happy ah ah! They have gone from door to door, and now its time to rest and rest。 People play chess on the balcony。 Look, they are also excited to say "go out"。 Some are playing mahjong, all want to take advantage of this new year with a good hand! Some of the guests, watching the fish, those naughty fish from the rockery stones in the turn, let the guests can not help but stick to tease them。 And we children, ha, watching TV watching TV, playing computer and playing computer, are also very happy!

At night, we eat a meal, take advantage of the fine weather and scenery came to the balcony fireworks, "bang, bang, bang!" That blossoming flower blossomed on our head very beautifully! Ah, this year is really good for this year!



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Dear Mr. Seaton,

Thank you very much for taking me with you on that splendid outing to

London. It was the first time that I had seen the Tower or any of the other

famous sights. If Id gone alone, I couldnt have seen nearly as much, because I

wouldnt have known my way about.

The weather was splendid on that day, which I thought was rare. I still

remember some people told me that in Britain there was weather and no climate.

During the same day, it might snow in the morning, rain at noon, shine in the

afternoon and be windy before the night falls. So I think I was lucky.

I think the river trip was the best thing of all. London really came alive

for me as we saw it from the Thames during that wonderful journey down to

Greenwich. It was all tremendously exciting - a day that I shall never


Thank you for giving me such a great birthday treat.

Yours sincerely,

Linda Chen



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solicit articles


v. 请求,恳求,乞求;征求;拉客

She was fined for soliciting.

她因拉客而被罚款。I solicit the favor of interview.

本人恳请惠予面试机会。Both the candidates solicited my vote.

两位候选人都向我拉票。They were very solicitous and attentive to detail.

他们非常细心,十分注意细节。Our hero was very solicitous about his descendants.


n. 文章;论文;条款;物品;冠词

v. 进行控告,提出罪状;签订协议;订约将…收为学徒或见习生

carry an article

刊登一篇文章 It is a serious article.

这是一篇发人深省的文章。A Class III article if it is of the opinion that the article is obscene

如认为该物品为色情物品,可评定为第Ⅲ类物品(grammar)either of the determiners `a/an(the indefinite article)or `the(the definite article)

冠词(不定冠词a/an或定冠词the)The article is too long, it has to be cut.




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Maybe the stars means the dream,I love the stars in the blue sky,Its always bright and pretty,and always take me to a beautiful dream.

I really like to look at the little stars,when I look at them,I feel very relax and happy.The stars are quiet and just like full of beautiful magic, Its amazy.

Just like wonders,the stars in the deapiest blue sky is so pretty,"one , two, three, four, five, six, seven……"there has so many so many stars in the sky,I really cant count it.

When I was so lonely,I will look at the sky,and told the little stars my little secrets,told the little stars my dream,and told them so many so many interesting things,then I will feel less lonely.

I like the stars in the sky,what about you?



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Sometimes, people say, "this kid is as smart as a monkey", but people may not notice that cats are smarter than monkeys, especially when they are catching food.

The other is to rely on domestic animal owners to send food, and a big cat is my grandma feeds and they are not the same, it is not good to eat, not to eat food to capture. Is the best cat stole the fish, when it is in the night, with its feet to soundless and stirless action, it unnoticed to others, that night the glowing eyes and the nose to find the target, with the sudden speed, catch, immediately cautiously without any noise. Run away, then, find a quiet place to enjoy.

Stole the fish just a small cat to catch mice is the ability, its strengths, cats carefully came to the place where the mouse it feels, quietly, still waiting, as long as the sight of a mouse, the cat will immediately and quickly flee in the past, sometimes just a mouse caught a tail, sometimes only catch mice, regardless of the outcome, there will still be waiting for the cat and mouse.

Sometimes the cat is really very boring, it will eat the wheat to attack the sparrow, saw the cat still like that stole the fish to go cautiously without any noise and small sparrow sparrow side, not the danger around it, then, all of a sudden forward toward a cat, a small sparrow is caught, in short, cat every time is 100% in the catch".

Ha ha, when capturing food, the cat is a "mysterious little Superman."".



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My dear classmate,

Congratulations on your passing CET-4. You have set me an example because I have to learm from you. In past two years, you have been working so hard at English that you have lost about 10 kilograms of your weight. You recited every CET-4 word; you learned some of the sample writings by heart; you slept less because of this test. I really appreciate your diligence.

I hope that you can continue with your English studies and enter for CET-6 next year. Good luck in your life and work!





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Our family enjoyed a wonderful New Years evening family dinner because it is seldom to get so many relatives to get together.My uncle,aunt and cousin,my best friend,came and had dinner with us.It took almost whole afternoon to prepare the dishes.Of course,that is a chance to show my mom and my aunts cooking skill.We also try to do something to help them,but,what we got was "going to play".It is happy for me to hear that rather than "go to do your homework".The evening dinner is so good,everyone enjoyed and aet overload to their stomach.So wonderful dinner,so wonderful new year.

Nowadays,more and more families choose to have the dinner on New Year’s Eve in restaurants.Though this choice doesn’t follow our tradition,I think it’s good and should be encouraged.

First,it’s obviously more convenient to do so.The process of preparing a home-made New Year’s Eve dinner is not only hard but also annoying.People have to buy food several days before the festival and spend a long time cooking all sorts of dishes.Now,just pick up the telephone and reserve a table.Everything will be well arranged by the restaurant.

Second,it still create a warm atmosphere by getting the family united,which is the true purpose of the dinner.In the restaurant,you celebrate the New Year and share your happiness with other families and usually can enjoy special performances or activities,organized by the owner of the restaurant.

To make a conclusion,having the dinner on New Year’s Eve outside shows a change in people’s thoughts on traditions and seems to be a wise,nice and exciting idea.

There is a trend that more and more families have their dinner on New Year’s Eve in the restaurant.Although it is more convenient,it doesn’t seem to be a pleasure thing for me.

Firstly,the restaurants are too crowded.Owing to this,we cannot talk freely.In addition,the sense of harmony cannot be felt by the family members.

Secondly,it may cost us a big sum of money which we can save by having the dinner in our own families.The whole family’s preparation for the dinner is also a process of enjoying according to my view.

In a word,it is not a good idea to have New Year’s Eve dinner in the restaurant.Home dinner makes a happy New Year.



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Five Mr. Liu Tao Yuanming once said: "seeing not advice, but the future can be repaired." Indeed, when we look back at the past, those who have not changed as is as trassient as a fleeting cloud, laugh at the harvest has been obtained, and forget not. And when we look to the future, and everything in the future is in our own hands, we should be full of longing and pursuing a better future.

When you face the past, I want to say to you: you dont think about what you did, but to what you have, in the face of Qu Yuans career flow, mind is full of broken own ideal, then hold stone river. Haizi facing the gap between ideal and reality, the mind is not "spring", and the fiery youth under the tracks jimie. Many students in the face of the setback of learning for a moment, the heart is thinking of the temporary loss, so they lost their precious life. In the face of the past, they forget what they have. Learn more than Voltaire! He was exiled to the British Isles, he also received the government beaten, he also spent time in the Bastille, these human beings face the pain he was almost out of. But he laughed at the past, forgetting the lost. He thought that he still had a healthy body to hold the pen holder, so he called the same way in the "philosophical discourse", inspired the people through the encyclopedia, and got the happiness in the heart.

When you look ahead, I want to say to you: you dont think what you have now, but to think you dont have what, small Zhong Yong young satisfied with his talent for the future, he always thinks he can be happy forever this insignificant skill, he no longer want to have more extensive knowledge. So in the end "and then everybody". In the cold desert, Su Wu lonely with Chinese festival bare sitting in the snow, snow white with his eyebrows, cold froze his fingers, but his heart carries only to return to the big beautiful vision of the future, but not now own loneliness, this kind of faith support he finally happy to return to the chinese.

Looking forward to the future, to have the "Dongpo looking northwest, Sirius radio," perseverance, to "get the lead out, still can Jiaxuan Fanfou" do not give up, to have Li Bai "to be useful" self-confidence. You can be happy if you have a dream without complacency.

Not because of the past lost not because now has a jittery, and complacency, laugh at the past and look forward to the future, we can get you a diamond The brightness dazzles the eyes. wonderful life.



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My father is a typical man, who is not very talkative. When other fathers

say how much they love their children, my father just keep quiet. He barely says

sweet words to me. But he will never miss every important moment for me, like

the performance in school. He is always one of the audience and watch my

performance. My father tells me to study with passion and he sets the good

example for me, because he loves his work. Sometimes he shows me his design of

work, and I admire him. I know my father loves me so much. Though he doesnt

talk much, he will be right by my side whenever I need him.



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The environment is everything around us,for example,air,water,animals,plants,buildings and so on.They all affect us in many ways and closely related to our lives.People cant live without the environment. Everybody needs to breathe air,drink water and eat food every day.We burn coal to keep warm,and we use wood to make paper.As a result,we become the part of the environment.

The environment has been getting wores and wores for many years.We have been upgrading our living standard, meanwhile the environment has been polluted.Somke form factory chimneys pollutesthe air.Machines and engines make noises that annoy us constantly.Animals are homeless because the forcests are decreasing every minute.Streets are crowded with people and vehicles.The environment painful for us to live in it now.So its time to solve those problems.

Fortunately,it isnt too late to correct our mistake.People are coming to realiza the importance of the environment.We have begun to try our best to improve it.Laws are being made dealing with air, water and noise pollution.The river be bright,the sky will be clear,the flowers will be beautiful,and the sunbeam will be dazzling and pretty.We believe that we wil be able to save our environment and live in a better world



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Deep Mother Love-深沉的母爱

Every child is surrounded by the deep mother love. However, we often turn a blind eye to the love. One day I deeply felt the love.

One day I hurried home for lunch after school, because there would be an exam in the afternoon and I had expected to go back to school early to prepare for the exam. But when I got home, the lunch was not ready yet. I felt unhappy. When the dishes were served, I forund none I like. I ran out of my house angrily and wanderde on the street for a while,hungry. Then I walked to school.

When I got into the classroom, I saw a lunch box on my desk. One classmate told me that it was my mother ther that had brought it here.After opening the box, I found my favorite food inside. My eyes was moist with tears.

Mother gave me her love without asking for return, How deep mother love is!







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my dearest mother,

the mother‘s day is coming and i would like to say “happy mother’s day” in

this letter. i love you and thank you so much for everything you did for me.

this day,i will stay away and can‘t give you my appreciation at home. i know i

will watch myself,so don’t worry about me. i am doing very well on my study. my

schoolmates and teachers are all very nice. though i can‘t be at home, i hope

you have a wonderful mother’s day.love,

your son
