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My favourite sport is baseball . In my opinion , football is more exciting than basketball . Swimming is more relaxing than volleyball . Table tennis is more difficult than basketball . GaoWeiliang is my best friend . His favourite sport is football . In his opinion , table tennis is more exciting than running . Basketball is more relaxing than baseball . Swimming is more difficult than volleyball . I think baseball is so good , but GaoWeiliang think football is so good , Why dont you join us .



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I like to travel, its really fun. You can go to any places you want, beautiful landscape, clearly blue sky, different cultures and lots more you can met if you go travel. Landscape shape most peoples desiry, what I mean is, there are lots of places that theyre famous because of the pretty landscape. Cultures are another. You can met different groups of people if you go travel, its really cool. I like it not only because of these several different reason, I also likes to hang out with my friends to go together and play around those beautiful places. My dream is to travel around the whole world, which, well, might not be true, because I have so many other things to do in my life, but Ill try to achieve it. I have read a story about a person named Gorden, who actually went almost all of the places in the world. I kind of like that and admire of him. I like travel, seriously I do. Another reason is that I like adventures. Adventures are cool, it gives you more experiences and, as I mentioned that Gorden, he met lots of difficulties when he went travel. He went to Amazon, which therere so many snakes and aligators. A friend of his actually died in that trip!!! Its sometimes a bad thing for travel, too. Anyway, I just like to travel!! I like to met all those sorts of difficulties (I didnt mean to die!). Mountain biking is also a kind of travel, and that, I dreamed of doing it!!! Mountain biking is so cool!! One sentence at last, I love travelling and trips!



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There are many books in my house, have a father, also have a mother, many of them are mine. These books have thick have thin, in my book, my favorite is Shang Sulan wrote "the stupid Wolf school life".

It is very interesting, especially to see "although stupid Wolf knows nothing about art, but, at the end of the semester, the school to carry on the talent competition, stupid Wolf but get the best performance award", Im curious, cant wait to read it. Turned out to be a brown bear make a prank help honest kind of stupid Wolf, meaning, and won the award for best performance.

The book still has a lot of wonderful, always provoked me laugh, when you taught me a truth - to be a honest and kind person. Please be free to take a look at this book! You will like me, like it.






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My father likes to tell me a story before I sleep,so I like to read story book.My parents buy me a lot of books,I read them everyday,I always finish reading a book in a week.I like adventure story very much,I imagine I am the guy who is so great.Books gives me happiness,I like reading.


I like reading very much. When I was a small girl,I was interested in reading picture books on science and history. At the age of seven,I entered a primary school and began to read more books.

Now I am a middle school student. I have many subjects to learn. Every day I must finish a lot of homework. I am very busy. But when I have spare time I still want to read some story books. One day my young sister brought me a book XI YOU JI.I read the book with great interest.much.

I like Monkey King very much.




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My favorite animal is a dog, there is a small dog called small white mother kindergarten, it body hair is white, a pair of watery eyes, want to two bright pearls rolling, very agreeable.

It doesnt know me at first. On one occasion, my mother and I went to kindergarten, it is very fierce, I came so close to my legs, also good mother stopped it, the second day, my mother brought me in, little white saw my mom ran shaking his tail, mother said to the little white, of me, this is one of their own, dont bite well in the future. it look at me, his tail, on my feet smell the smell went away, so we met, I grew to like it.

Small white the most affectionate mother, it runs every see mother bark thy mothers foot, as if to say master, give something to eat. "Mother said, forgot, didnt give you. its not pleasant walks away. It is also very affectionate to me, one time, it ran up to me to eat, I have to gave it bought chicken legs, it eats the voracious, mouth also issued a whine. It ate chicken leg, I will play with it, it ran like the wind blows, I how also not overtake, later on, its on the lawn waiting to play with me.

This is I like my dog, a likeable, conscientious puppy.







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Every year, my school holds sports meeting in about October, I am very

exciting about it, I can watch the wonderful game and don’t have class. My

school’s sports meeting lasts three days, the class is suspended, all the

students go to the play ground to watch the game. As an audience, I am so

nervous and yell out “come on” to my classmate, watching they get to the final

line, I am so proud of them. The part I like most is relay race, that is so

exciting, all the students yell loudly, the athletes chase one by one, nobody

can be sure who is the champion until the last minute. Sports meeting bring me

so many beautiful memories.



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一个劲的抱怨之后,想放弃退出校田径队看到我有退缩的情绪,教练 陈 老师告诉我说:“人只要有了目标,就一定要去努力,不能半途而废,要相信给自己,相信自己能够达到知己的目标,才能实现更多的目标。”是呀!我最钦佩的张海迪阿姨,通过自己的坚强意志书写了日后的辉煌,用罕见的魄力唤起站立的希望,她个子矮小,却是人们心中的巨人;跑道上的雄鹰刘翔虽然在一小段时间中他的脚受损,但是他并没有放弃他的理想——世界冠军,仍然坚持着,等脚恢复后,又开始了艰苦的训练;桑兰在一次体操比赛中摔了下来,使她成了残疾人,她努力的在与病魔做斗争,最终用自己的顽强毅力打败了病魔,从此,桑兰就走出了痛苦……老师的一番话点燃了我的心灯,我的心头也亮堂起来了。







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My family has a naughty little white rabbit. This little rabbit is my birthday, my mother gave me.

Little white rabbit with a white hair, feels particularly comfortable, silky. Its long ears are always erected, two eyes like a ruby, shiny. The most provocative is that it is the three flaps, always together, always open not open. Its white clothes hidden under the powerful limbs and a fluffy tail, tail and small pompon as soft.

My little rabbit is very naughty. Once, I came home from school to see the white rabbit, found the rabbit was gone, it was everywhere to find, but how can not find, I am anxious to cry. But the next day, the white rabbit "grinning" to bounce in front of me. I am happy to go up and pick up the white rabbit, as if the rabbit with me for a long time like.

In addition to naughty white rabbit, or a "eat". One day, I put a few radishes and some vegetables on the table, and then went out to play games with friends. After a while, when I came back, I found a few radish on the table and some vegetables were gone. Suddenly, I heard the sound of eating things, I went to the white rabbits nest a look, small white rabbits are relish eating radish and vegetables it

My little rabbit in addition to greedy, still very small courage. I remember one time, when I get up, accidentally hit a sneeze, white rabbit immediately heard back to the nest, after the old half-day willing to come out.

My little rabbit is really cute. I really like it.



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1.   竞赛  比赛  锻炼  训练  田径  球类  跳高

2.   跳远  跨栏  标枪  铅球  排球  足球  篮球  体操  航模

3.   船模  登山  溜冰  滑板  游泳  跳水  棋赛  长跑  短跑

4.   初赛  预赛  决赛  种子 抽签  角逐  对抗  抗衡  恶战

5.   过关  出线  力克  力挫  轻取  险胜  夺标  夺魁  榜首

6.   宝座  卫冕  囊括  问鼎  平局  逼和  败阵  落马  失利

7.   淘汰  劲旅  高手  教练  裁判  健儿  选手  赛手  小将

8.   老将  宿将  名将  新秀  冠军  亚军  奖杯  奖牌鲜花

9.   升旗  国歌  荣誉  健美  健壮  健步  健全  健康  健将

10.   强健  体魄  矫健  敏捷  灵巧  顽强  竭力  稳步  稳健

11.   稳固  沉着  沉稳  慌张  活泼  灵活  利落  干脆  激烈

12.   精彩  巧妙  争夺  狡猾  心计  策划  紧张  轻松  表演

13.   观赏  优美  交锋  交战  拼抢  拼搏  输赢  挑战  迎战

14.   助兴  喝彩  兴致  助威  助阵  督战  绝招  斗志  气馁

15.   信心  悬殊  配合  机敏  激动  遗憾  轻视  重视  急躁

16.   耐心  振奋  坚决  坚韧  顽强  果断  犹豫  意志  踊跃

17.   喜悦  英姿  豪情  喧哗  洋溢  热情  气氛  神情  轻盈

18.   造型  焦急  踉跄  追赶  高潮  领先  战胜  鼓劲  呐喊

19.   镇静  情绪  气势  士气  欢呼  激动  激昂  沸腾  角逐

20.   驰骋  机会  成功  激战  鏖战

21.   橄榄球  羽毛球  保龄球  乒乓球  自行车  摩托车  高低杠

22.   团体操  健美操  奥运会  运动会  校运会  友谊赛  拉拉队

23.   运动员

24.   步伐整齐  信心百倍  意气风发  精神抖擞  精神萎靡

25.   英姿飒爽  英勇无畏  摩拳擦掌  跃跃欲试  大显身手

26.   大步流星  大刀阔斧  大喊大叫  大起大落  全力拼搏

27.   勇猛顽强  敢打敢拼  沉着应战  毫不示弱  难分难解

28.   生气勃勃  灵活敏捷  旗开得胜  精神振奋  积极准备

29.   斗志旺盛  大局已定  一马当先  一路领先  一瘸一拐

30.   两面夹击  两相配合  出乎意料  紧张激烈  紧追不舍

31.   咬紧牙关  竭尽全力  奋力拼搏  遥遥领先  并驾齐驱

32.   生龙活虎  龙争虎斗  龙腾虎跃  你追我赶  你争我夺

33.   争先恐后  风驰电掣  风云莫测  风虎云龙  健步如飞

34.   身轻如燕  不甘示弱  不动声色  不负众望  不骄不馁

35.   不分上下  不可开交  不顾一切  不可阻挡  急起直追

36.   急中生智  左右开弓  左冲右突  左躲右闪  扣人心弦

37.   毫无惧色  毫不气馁  脚下生风  离弦之箭  长驱直人

38.   勇往直前  勇战强手  沉着应战  变化无常  变幻莫测

39.   胜负难料  胜券在握  胜利在望  稳扎稳打  稳如泰山

40.   稳定军心  稳住局势  稳操胜券  反败为胜  反复争夺

41.   士气大振  士气高昂  流星赶月  难分难解  难分高下

42.   出奇制胜  身手不凡  气喘吁吁  气势逼人  全力拼抢

43.   全场紧逼  全力防守  全力以赴  全面出击  防守严密

44.   防不胜防  叫苦不迭  以攻为守  以快制慢  以静制动

45.   以逸待劳  以退为进  险象环生  频频命中  连连得分

46.   连连失误  轻装上阵  猛打猛冲  配合默契  野马脱缰

47.   腾空而起  调兵遣将  高潮迭起  棋逢对手  旗鼓相当

48.   首开纪录  大局已定  将遇良才  名不虚传  所向披靡

49.   无所畏惧  中流击水  眼疾手快  势均力敌  下定决心

50.   此起彼伏  兴高采烈  艺术体操  人头攒动  人山人海

51.   掌声雷动  欢声雷动  万众欢腾  一举成名  一鸣惊人

52.   厉兵秣马  新人辈出  大将风度  充满信心  意在夺冠

53.   旗鼓相当  势均力敌  十拿九稳  一决雌雄  攻势凌厉

54.   变化多端  大板扣杀  凌空一脚  勇猛冲杀  手疾眼快

55.   腾空而起  纵身一跃  身轻如燕  身怀绝技  一鼓作气

56.   千钧一发’马到成功  首战告捷  一帆风顺  一举成功

57.   力克群芳  力挫群雄  两雄相遇  一场鏖战  使出高招

58.   越位犯规  要求暂停  面授机宜  反败为胜  化险为夷

59.   瞬息万变  主动出击  主动进攻  连破纪录  捷报频传

60.   难分胜负  不分高低  鹿死谁手  略胜一筹  棋高一着

61.   两军对峙  相持不下  阵容强大  强手如林  灵活多变

62.   声东击西  老谋深算  初生牛犊  令人叫绝  叹为观止

63.   荣获冠军  蝉联冠军  卫冕成功  屈居第二  创造纪录

64.   打破纪录  刷新纪录  锁定胜局  集训提高  从严要求

65.   首战告捷  充实力量  调整部署  后生可畏  后来居上

66.   呕心沥血  冲出亚洲  友谊第一  为国争光  增强体质

67.   再造辉煌  出师不利  败下阵来  军心涣散  士气不振

68.   顾此失彼  措手不及  一筹莫展  一蹶不振  一落千丈

69.   一败涂地  纷纷落马  溃不成军  有名无实  外强中干

70.   不堪一击  被动挨打  节节败退  存在差距  准备不足

71.   指挥失当  判断错误  令人叹息  疲于奔命  招架不住

72.   军心动摇  被动挨打  疲惫不堪  大败而归  一败涂地



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英语写作和语文写作一样,文字表述正确还只是最基本的要求,至于文字的流畅程度同样重要。不妨看看。不妨看看我最喜欢季节英语作文。 我最喜欢的季节英语作文一

My Favourate Season

How glad I am that summer has come!

I like summer best because I can have a very happy time then. Every summer I stay at my uncles house in the country for some time and enjoy the life there. I can also catch worms that are not found in cities. In addition, we can see many kinds of birds. I think the country is certainly a better place than the city for vacation.

Summer is my favourite season. 我最喜欢的季节英语作文二

There are four seasons in a year.The first season is spring. In spring, almost everything comes back to life. The snow begins to melt, the trees sprout and the grass turns green.Spring is warm so that its a good time to go hiking outdoors. After spring, itis summer. Summer is my favorite season,because I can swim quite often. The third one is autumn. In autumn, the weather is cool and comfortable. Farmers may be the busiest people, because autumn is a time of harvest.Winter is the last season of the year. In winter, the weather is very cold. In the north, it usually snows. Children can play games or make snowmen after snow. It seems very funny. But, because of the cold weather, I dont like winter very much. Whats your favorite season?

一年中有四个季节,第一个季节是春天。春天,万物复苏,雪开始融化,树木开始发芽,小草开始变绿。春天是个暖和的季节,是外出徒步旅行的好时机。春天过后就是夏天。夏天是我最喜欢的季节,因为我可以经常游泳。第三个季节是秋天。秋天,天气凉爽舒适。农民是最忙的人,因为秋天是收获的季节。冬天是一年的最后一个季节。冬天天气很冷,在北方经常下雪。下雪后孩子们喜欢玩游戏或者堆雪人,似乎很好玩。但是,由于天气寒冷,我不是很喜欢冬天。你最喜欢的季节是哪一个呢? 我最喜欢的季节英语作文三

My Favourite Season There are four seasons in one year, they are spring, summer, autumn and winter. In my opnion ,spring is the best season.First of all, it is very warm. The winter goes away, so the tempreture is higher ,and rather comfortable for human beings. Secondly, spring is very beautiful. The grass and trees grow freely, the flowers are rather colourful, the butterflies fly happily,and the wind is warmer. Thirdly, it is the first season in a year.It means the children are i one year older than before. They are adults now and they can protect themselves . And at last, I like spring just bacause I was born in March. All in all, I believe that spring is my favourite season.




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If someone asks me what little animal I like, I will not hesitate to tell him that my favorite little rabbit.

When I was five years old, my grandfather bought me a little white rabbit. This little rabbit looks very cute. Its ears long, pointed, whenever there is a voice, it is necessary to stand up and listen. Its mouth has three halves, both sides of the mouth also long long beard. Its body snow white, feels soft, slippery. Especially its pair of big eyes, like a ruby-like shiny.

White rabbits love carrots and vegetables. Once, when I feed it to eat, deliberately raised the cabbage, did not expect it to stretch the two front legs, all of a sudden put the cabbage to take away. I wanted to give it a song, did not expect to scare it jump, it was a coward.

You say, my little white rabbit is not very cute? Do you like it too?



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What kind of animals do you like in our common homeland - earth, how many animals do you like? Anyway, my favorite animal is our most loyal friend - dog.

My favorite dog is my neighbors home that is a Beijing dog and rounds and Coli sheep shepherd handsome. They play together every day, is a pair of good friends, I also like them, they saw me and wagged my tail came to me.

Handsome body Biao big, the body about sixty centimeters long. Two legs standing, fully able to my shoulder, his eyes, nose, mouth, ears are more than round, and most like to see him running when the figure - curly flying, like a horse. I often and round, handsome with the running, each time is handsome first, round second, my third It is no exaggeration to say that the speed of handsome hands run no less than the speed of purebred horses. The general dog ran up, will be issued a "blah" sound, handsome handsome hands up very small, not careful is not heard. Handsome handsome look is also handsome: curly flying, the body was arcuate. If you want to use a word to describe handsome, that is: handsome. If you use a word, that is: impeccable.

Relative to the handsome hands, round the size of a lot of small, only about thirty centimeters long, less than half the handsome handsome. The meaning of his name comes from his pair of eyes, it is too round. Like a shiny black gem. And his legs are round, round the name is so come. And his legs are very short, so even if he sprinkled his feet running, but also run fast, but I still like his kind of simple cute.

This is my favorite animal, you like it?



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Sports do us good in many respects.It goes without saying that taking exercises can build up our physical strength. In collective sports like basketball, volleyball, or football, we will learn the importance of cooperation. While taking part in sports game, we will try our best to win and arouse ourselves the competitive spirit. Sports can also help us relax after a period of exhausting work. However, as the saying goes, "there are two sides to everything", and sports is without exception. We may hurt other players or ourselves if we are not careful enough when participating in sports activities. Whats more, excessive or severe training can do harm to our health.

My participation in sports tells me that sports can make us healthy both physically and psychologically. It is also a good way for people to know each other and can promote friendship between people. So long as we are carefully enough, sports can do us nothing but good.







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It was snow just now, there are lots of snow in the sky. The rivers are stopping flowing. The ground is covered with a layer of snow.

The snow looks like smoke, its white. It likes a piece of paper. The snow fall from the sky. It kisses the ground. How white the snow is! How beautiful the snow is!

I like snow! I like winter!







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maybe everyone has a kind of animal which he favourite,me too!

i like all the little animals,but my favourite animal is dog,maybe you will ask the reason,why do i like it ?very simple ,cause of his loyal heart,and they are so cute,they always make a friendly ship with people.they are friends to the human.they bring too much joy to us!do you agree with my view?

and whatyour opinion?



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At the elementary school today it is a sports day; all the parents and friends were invited to attend. Each class in the school was competing in one or more sports events such as relay races, distance races, ball games, parades, and so on. All the guests had small chairs to sit on at one side of the school field. There were refreshments given and a concession stand available if you wanted to buy ice-cream or candy . everyone cheered and clapped after each event. Special honors were given to individual winners, but all in all, everyone felt great that day.



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