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It goes without saying that english plays an important role in our modern

society. english is an international language. wherever you go, you can hear

english spoken by many people.

From this point of view, it is true that english is important to our daily

life. learning english is like learning to swim or learning to play ball. our

primary trouble is that we have tackled the study of language from the wrong

end. we are like theman who thinks he can learn to swim only by reading books

about swimming. in actuality, we learn by doing. the grammatical rules are

valuable as we plunge into the language and need some assistance. in the same

way, advanced instructions about swimming are helpful as we learn something from

actual experience in the water. but reading books never makes a swimmer and

learning rules never makes a practical linguist. the regular procedure in

learning english involves listening first, to be followed by speaking. then

comes reading, and finally the writing of the language. the way you learn

english is much the same as the way you learned your own language.

First of all you must listen and then repeat and repeat until you can use

the language easily. in other words, you have to build up language habits in

english just as you build up english habits in your own language. to sum up, we

must bear in mind that nobody can learn to swim for you. nobody can learn to

play ball for you. nobody can learn english for you. its up to you. you must

learn for yourself and you will learn if you really want to and are willing to





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2. 静静心,“摘下”为己锈锁;养养神,“推开”爱心红门;伸伸手,“排除”私欲垃圾;动动身,“找回”雷锋精神,3.5雷锋日,愿你弘扬雷锋精神,收获人生真谛。

3. 不去想付出有多少回报,不去想奉献对自己多好。助人为乐好心会得好报,舍己为人社会为你骄傲。3.5雷锋日,学习雷锋好榜样,雷锋精神世代传。祝你雷锋日快乐!

4. 助人为乐情长在,雷锋精神心永存,帮助别人不为财,只为心里乐开怀,多做好事善门开,帮了老人帮小孩,对待朋友要有爱,和谐社会春常在,三月五日雷锋日,学习雷锋传万代!

5. 雷锋纪念日,高举“助人为乐”大旗,弘扬“舍己为人”精神,实行“大公无私”政策,揣着“古道心肠”情怀,带上“两肋插刀”风貌,祝您用爱心为工具,联通天下的美好!

6. 学习雷锋好榜样,逮着机会不能放。我来休息你顶岗,我吃鸡肉你喝汤,我请吃饭你付账,短信一来表衷肠,逗你耍你没商量,乐观精神大发扬,大发扬。

7. 学习雷锋好榜样,尽做好事且谦让,热爱生活本不忘,立场坚定斗志强,奉献精神来武装,生活因他变了样,大家生活多舒畅。祝你生活喜洋洋!

8. 学习雷锋登上场,我你相互捧个场!助人为乐好榜样,雷锋精神永不忘!艰难困苦不惧怕,幸福生活大家创!世间处处是和谐,人人脸上笑绽放!互帮互助都进步,家和人旺国更强!三月五日雷锋日,祝愿朋友喜洋洋!

9. 学习雷锋好榜样,我有事来你帮忙:我请客时你买单,我购物时你掏钱,我欠债时你偿还。雷锋日学雷锋,以上交待记心中,祝你开心快乐每一分钟!

10. 学习雷锋好榜样,雷锋精神万古传。一身正气傲千古,惩恶扬善美名扬。工作岗位不叫苦,甘当人民勤务员。助人为乐心无私,奉献社会不为名。学雷锋日到了,让我们从身边小事做起,让社会永远一片阳光!

12. 学习雷锋好榜样,忠于工作职守岗。泾渭分明德善扬,乐善好施芳华献。协助他人高风气,尊老携幼人夸奖。全民共建调和路,人皆有责美德传。光荣传统不能忘,欢歌笑语为民忙。

13. 浩渺的夜空中,有很多的星星在闪烁,我常常在寻觅,哪一颗是你的化身?我坚信你就在这些星斗中心静静的守护着祖国和公民。雷锋,咱们牵挂你!

14. 送人玫瑰手留余香,让乐善好施成为家常;济困扶危友情漫长,让举手之劳成为乐章;勤俭节约扶弱锄强,让无私奉献成为荣光;学习雷锋好榜样,让咱们在浮躁中沉积一份漠然与崇高,在富贵中学会一种胸襟和质量。雷锋精神让咱们一同颂扬!

15. 今天,最好听声音是《学习雷锋好榜样》,最准确自我定位是为人民服务,最知名物件是螺丝钉,最火的人是正看短信的雷人。学雷锋纪念日,好好学习哦!

16. 雷锋日,学雷锋,好榜样;做好人,有模样;多助人,心情亮;损人事,咱不想;亲邻里,热心肠;勤努力,蓄能量;祝福语,多想想;好精神,来传唱;祝愿你,幸福长!

17. 年年岁岁花相似,岁岁年年精神恒。三月五日雷锋日,送人玫瑰香留手。为人亲和心态好,人缘生活差不了,多做好事人不知,心中快乐也算值。如今送你小短信,望你幸福美一生。

18. 学习雷锋好榜样,雷锋精神放光芒,勤学苦练螺丝钉,助人为乐永不忘,艰苦朴素心中装,勤俭节约幸福长,领袖教诲犹在耳,三五与君共分享。

19. 学习雷锋好榜样,三月五日都上岗;热爱生活本不忘,助人为乐好心肠;尽做好事且谦让,立场坚定斗志强;生活因咱变了样,大家生活都舒畅!

20. 每个人在绝望的时候,都需要一只伸向你的温暖的手!只有先伸出你的手,才会够得着别人伸出的手。3月5日学雷锋日,希望大家都伸出自己的手!

21. 人,做一件好事并不难,难的是一辈子好事。对于朋友,必须坚持有困难要帮,没有困难,制造困难也要帮。今天是学雷锋日,别忘了助人为乐哦。

22. 三月五号是雷锋日,虽然他已不在了,但他的精神却永流传。这一天大家都积极的做个“活雷锋”,但这一天的意义更在于平时大家也要积极做“活雷锋”!

23. 三月五日又到了,雷锋精神要弘扬;心存善念多善举,好事多了世风正。勿以善小而不为,涓涓细流汇成河。雷人言行少出现,脚踏实地多做事!越来越好!

24. 学雷锋日,著名品牌,有质量保证,包你做了好事后,腰不酸,腿不痛;如果长期坚持做好事,还能笑口常开,财源滚滚。还等什么,赶快做好事吧!

25. 助人为乐是春风,吹散心头冷漠情。唤出扶贫济困雨,滋润心头一片春。天寒地冻人心暖,天涯海角都是情。学雷锋日到了,学习雷锋好榜样,让每个角落都充满阳光!

26. 做好事不过时,你帮我,我帮你,世界才能更和谐;献爱心有快乐,一片情,一片意,情意相通暖人心;雷锋日送祝福,祝你美,祝你乐,美好陪伴在今朝!

27. 你可以弯腰为他人捡起一本书;你可以扶盲人过马路;你可以为有需要的人让座;你可以扶起摔在地上的小朋友……学习雷锋不必惊天动地,只需从小事做起,学习雷锋纪念日,向雷锋学习,把爱心传递!

28. 学习雷锋千层浪,花儿朵朵竟绽放。处处盛开雷锋花,真爱勤俭百姓传。爱民扶老高崇尚,无私奉献热情感。争当雷锋代相传,幸福花开万年长。

29. 今天,听声音是《学习雷锋好榜样》,最准确自我定位是为人民服务,最知名物件是螺丝钉,最火的人是正看短信的雷人。学雷锋纪念日,好好学习哦!

30. 雷锋精神用职场,帮助新人快成长。工作积极莫偷懒,协助同事度难关。垃圾纸屑随手捡,爱护环境一天天。雷锋精神职场传,水涨船高定美满。学雷锋日,让雷锋精神在职场发扬光大,让我们的职场开满幸福之花!


32. 助人为乐热心肠,无私奉献有担当,舍已为人胸怀广,爱岗敬业创辉煌,小事做起不张扬,热爱生活心坦荡,学习雷锋纪念日,传递爱心,愿雷锋精神永传唱!

33. 让和谐友爱成为一道春风,文明就在你我身边,让奋发向上成为一股力量,勇气就在你我身边,让助人为乐成为一种风尚,雷锋就在你我身边。


35. 学习雷锋不寻常,助人为乐多帮忙;微薄之力不轻量,举手之劳不张扬;舍己为人好榜样,互敬互爱百花香;和谐美满保安康,短信祝福俺送上。


37. 雷锋,是我们生活海洋里的一座灯塔,指引我们寻找幸福的港湾,乐于助人,勇于奉献的雷锋精神,将指引我们继续前行,雷锋日快乐。

38. 雷锋虽然离开了我们,但是今天的雷锋精神依然存在,让我们伸出爱的双手,勇于奉献,乐于助人,做新时代的雷锋,让短信把雷锋精神代代相传,快乐的生活。

39. 学习雷锋精神在当代不落伍,学习雷锋精神在当代有必要,学习雷锋精神在当代受尊敬,学习雷锋精神在当代受欢迎,学习雷锋精神在当代很流行。

40. 学雷锋,谨记心,好榜样,要传承,你也来,我也到,齐动手,传温暖,发短信,递问候,关怀到,祝福享,共和谐,益身心,乐善美,齐分享。



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English is a useful language now.Therefore we must learn English well.But some students say that it is very hard for them to learn English well.I have some suggestions for them.

Firstly,you should love this subject in your heart and then you can devote yourself to learning English.

Secondly,it is necessary for students to recite many new words and phrases.Thirdly,you can learn some English songs if you think reading is boring or you can watch some movies.

Finally,you should talk with your teachers or classmates in English.

I think in this way ,you can improve your English.








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There was a man who had four sons. He wanted his sons to learn to not judge

things too quickly. So he sent them each on a quest,in turn,to go and look at a

pear tree that was a great distance away.

The first son went in the winter,the second in the spring,the third in

summer,and the youngest son in the fall.

When they had all gone and come back,he called them together to describe

what they had seen.

The first son said that the tree was ugly,bent,and twisted. The second son

said no - it was covered with green buds and full of promise.

The third son disagreed,he said it was laden with blossoms that smelled so

sweet and looked so beautiful,it was the most graceful thing he had ever


The last son disagreed with all of them;he said it was ripe and drooping

with fruit,full of life and fulfillment.

The man then explained to his sons that they were all right,because they

had each seen but one season in the tree‘s life. He told them that you cannot

judge a tree,or a person,by only one season,and that the essence of who they are

- and the pleasure,joy,and love that come from that life - can only be measured

at the end,when all the seasons are up.

If you give up when it‘s winter,you will miss the promise of your

spring,the beauty of your summer,fulfillment of your fall. Don’t let the pain of

one season destroy the joy of all the rest.



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The beginning of spring rain, rainwater


The beginning of spring sunny day, and effortless


The beginning of spring, rain, cloudy and wet to the tomb


The rain spring Ngau Tau, seven seven forty-nine days of sorrow.


The water spring, the hundred days of sorrow


The beginning of spring to frost, when the spring seedling rot


Thunder made the Spring Festival, the rain did not stop the awakening of insects.


Twelfth lunar month of lunar January Chunshui early spring, late spring.


Years to meet the double spring water, years to meet the double spring good farm.


Rain is harvest, farmers do not forcibly plow








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1.Pain past is pleasure.

2. While there is life, there is hope.

3. Wisdom in the mind is better than money in the hand.

4. Storms make trees take deeper roots.

5. Nothing is impossible for a willing heart.

6. The shortest answer is doing.

7. All things are difficult before they are easy.

8. Great hopes make great man. (伟大的理想造就伟大的人。)

9. God helps those who help themselves.(天助自助者。)

10. Four short words sum up what has lifted most successful individuals above the crowd: a little bit more.

11. In doing we learn.(实践长才干。)

12. East or west, home is best.(东好西好,还是家里最好。)

13. Two heads are better than one.(三个臭皮匠,顶个诸葛亮。)

14. Good company on the road is the shortest cut.(行路有良伴就是捷径。)

15. Constant dropping wears the stone.(滴水穿石。)

16. Misfortunes never come alone/single.(祸不单行。)

17. Misfortunes tell us what fortune is.(不经灾祸不知福。)

18. Better late than never.(迟做总比不做好;晚来总比不来好。)

19. It‘s never too late to mend.(过而能改,善莫大焉;亡羊补牢,犹未晚也。)

20. If a thing is worth doing it is worth doing well.(如果事情值得做,就值得做好。)

21. Nothing great was ever achieved without enthusiasm.(无热情成就不了伟业。)

22. Actions speak louder than words.(行动比语言更响亮。)

23. Lifeless, faultless.(只有死人才不犯错误。)

24. From small beginning come great things.(伟大始于渺小。)

25. One today is worth two tomorrows.(一个今天胜似两个明天。)

26. Truth never fears investigation.(事实从来不怕调查。)

27. The tongue is boneless but it breaks bones.(舌无骨却能折断骨。)

28. A bold attempt is half success.(勇敢的尝试是成功的一半。)

29. Knowing something of everything and everything of something.

30. Good advice is beyond all price.(忠告是无价宝。)



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导语:积少成多 Every little helps.下面是小编为大家整理的精选50句励志英语谚语,欢迎大家阅读欣赏!

1.有志者,事竟成.Nothing is impossible to a willing heart./Where there is a will there is a way.

2.千里之行,始于足下.The longest journey begins with the first step.

3.积少成多 Every little helps.

4.满招损,谦受益.Pride hurts, modesty benefits

5.世上唯有贫穷可以不劳而获.Nothing is to be got without pain but poverty.

6.伟业非一日之功/冰冻三尺非一日之寒.Rome was not built in a day.

7.一寸光阴一寸金,寸今难买寸光阴.Lost years are worse than lost dollars.

8.自助者天助.God helps those who help themselves.

9.欲速则不达.More haste, less speed.

10.台上一分钟,台下十年功.One minute on the stage needs ten years practice off stage.

11.好的开端是成功的一半.Well begun is half done.

12.酒好不怕巷子深.Good wine needs no bush.

13.成功源于勤奋.Industry is the parent of success.

14.英雄所见略同.Great minds think alike.

15.熟能生巧.Practice makes perfect.

16.静水流深.Still waters run deep.

17.滴水穿石.Little stone fell great oaks.

18.前事不忘,后事之师.The membrance of the past is the teacher of the future.

19.君子之交淡如水.A hedge between keeps friendship green.

20.机不可失,失不再来.Take time while time is, for time will away.

21.集思广益.Two heads are better than one.

22.未雨绸缪.Provide for a rainy day.

23.真金不怕火炼.True blue will never strain.

24.必须相信自己,这是成功的秘诀.You have to believe in yourself. Thats the secret of success.

25.燕雀安知鸿鹄之志.A sparrow cannot understand the ambition of a swan.

26.身正不怕影子歪.A straight foot is not afraid of a crooked shoe.

27.天涯何处无芳草.There is plenty of fish in the sea.

28.大智若愚.Cats hind their paws.

29.人不可貌相,海水不可斗量.Judge not a book by its cover.(Never judge from appearances.)

30.有情人终成眷属.All shall be well, Jack shall have jill.

31.海内存知己,天涯若比邻.The world is but a little place, after all.

32.宁为鸡头,不为凤尾.It is better to be a head of dog than a tail of a lion..

33.良药苦口.A good medicine tastes bitter.

34.知识就是力量.Knowledge is power.

35.金钱不是万能的.Money is not everything.

36.时不我待.Time and tide wait no man.

37.少壮不努力,老大徒伤悲.A young idler, an old beggar.

38.趁热打铁.Strike while the iron is hot.

39.天生我才必有用.Every man has his price.

40.看破生死的人能成大事.He who sees through life and death will meet with most success.

41.世上无难事,只要肯登攀.Nothing is impossible to a willing heart.

42不入虎穴,焉得虎子.Noting venture, noting gain.

43.不鸣则已,一鸣惊人.It never rains but it pours.

44.胜者为王,败者为寇.Losers are always in the wrong.

45.谋事在人,成事在天.Man proposes, God deposes.

46.众人拾柴火焰高.Many hands make light work.

47.不经风雨,怎能见彩虹. No cross, no crown.

48.没有付出,就没有收获.No pain, no gain.

49.不进则退.Not to advance is to go back.

50.No way is impossible to courage.勇者无惧.



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believe an animal source is "the most likely primary source" but that some

human-to-human transmission has occurred.



of infection include respiratory symptoms, fever, cough, shortness of breath and

breathing difficulties.



as its been labelled, is understood to be a new strain of coronavirus that has

not previously been identified in humans.



are a broad family of viruses, but only six (the new one would make it seven)

are known to infect people.




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There is a library in every university, some schools pay special attention

to the building of the library, because the library always on behalf of

presentation of a school. We can find all kinds of books in the room, library

provides convenience, but it still has space to improve.

On the one hand, we can check the information and go to the library every

day. It is open all the week, and the time is from 8 o’clock to 10 o’clock. For

students, they can go to the place all the time. What’s more, the book they want

is easy to find, they can check on the computer, and find the number


On the other hand, the library needs to improve its equipment. The books on

the library are very old, it is not good for students to do some research paper.

The amount of the computer is not enough, I always find the students wait for

the computer, while some students need to use the computer for a long time. So

there will be better if increase the number of the computer.

Despite these drawbacks, I am generally pleased with the library and hope

that it will continue to make improvement in the future.



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Wisdom in the mind is better than money in the hand.脑中有知识,胜过手中有金钱。

While there is life, there is hope.有生命就有希望/留得青山在,不怕没柴烧。

Whatever is worth doing is worth doing well.任何值得做的事就值得把它做好!

The shortest answer is doing.最简单的回答就是干。

Storms make trees take deeper roots.风暴使树木深深扎根。

Rejoicing in hope, patient in tribulation. 从希望中得到欢乐,在苦难中保持坚韧。

Prosperity doth best discover vice, but adversity doth discover virtue.顺境时显现恶习,逆境时凸现美德。

Nothing is impossible for a willing heart.心之所愿,无所不成。

Never say die.永不气馁! Never put off what you can do today until tomorrow.今日事今日毕!

Learn and live.活着,为了学习。 Knowledge makes humble, ignorance makes proud.博学使人谦逊,无知使人骄傲。

Knowledge is power.知识就是力量。

Keep on going never give up.勇往直前, 决不放弃!

I can because i think i can.我行,因为我相信我行!

Great hopes make great man.伟大的理想造就伟大的人。

Believe in yourself.相信你自己!

All things are difficult before they are easy.凡事必先难后易。

Adversity reveals genius; fortune conceals it. 苦难显才华,好运隐天资。

Action speak louder than words.行动胜于言语!



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1.A good book is a good friend.好书如挚友。

2.A friend in need is a friend indeed.患难见真情。

3.No pain,no gain. 不劳而获。

4.A cat has 9 lives. 猫有九条命。

5.Every little helps . 积少成多 。

6.Tomorrow never comes. 明日不再来。

7.A lie has no leg . 谎言是站不住脚的。

8.A tooth for tooth .以牙还牙。

9.First come, first served. 先来后到。

10.A snow year, a rich year. 瑞雪兆丰年。



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Nowadays, environmental pollution is very common. Resource waste is also

seen everywhere. In order to protect the environment, to protect our earth, we

need to live a low-carbon life. I usually go to school on foot, sometimes by

bike. If I need to go to the other city, I will choose the public transportation

and not ask my parents drive me there. If I am the last one to leave classroom

or home, I will make sure all the lights are off. I always will save the water

after washing clothes. And then use it to wash the toilet. Our earth is in our

own hands.



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I think you must listen carefully and be active in class.

Speak English as much as possible.

Dont be afraid of making mistakes.

Youd better read widely and learn some important parts by heart. You should practice writing often.

Of course there are many other ways.

You can also see English films, learn to sing English songs or make friends with foreigners.

They are all very helpful.

Nothing is difficult if you put your heart into it.

Im sure youll learn English well.

My holiday

The summer holiday is coming.

I will go to / am going to Hainan with my parents for a holiday.

My father has been there, but my mother and I havent been there yet.

We plan to go there by plane.

Well go to Sanya first after we get to Hainan.

Sanya is very beautiful. Its famous for “Tianya Haijiao”.

Well go to see the sea as soon as we arrive at the hotel at the seaside. Because I like the sea very much.

If the weather is fine/ nice, well go diving.

It must be exciting.

We can spend all day on the beach, and swim or have a walk. Well go shopping before we leave Hainan.

I think there are many things to see and to eat there.

I m looking forward to going there.

I cant wait!

I believe I must spend a perfect holiday!

My holiday

The summer holiday is coming.

I will go to Hainan with my parents for a four days holiday. We will go to Sanya which is a very beautiful city in hainan. First, we are going to the beach to swim.

And when we are tired, we will sit on the beach to enjoy the beautiful scene.

Second, we will go to visit other interesting places.

We will take many photos there. Finally, we will taste some delicious food.

I think our holiday will be an interesting experience.







你最好广泛阅读和背诵一些重要的部分。你应该经常练习写作。 当然还有很多其他的方式。 您还可以看到英语电影,学唱英文歌曲或跟外国人交朋友。 他们都是非常有益的。

























我们将采取有许多照片。最后,我们将品尝美味的食物。 我觉得我们的假期将是一个有趣的经历。



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, etc. under the organization of President Jia YumingIn laws and regulations, our school has formed a good school style of unity and diligence, and dedication. I am also in the future education and teaching.








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Береги платье снову, а честь смолоу.Не авши слова, крепись, а авши, ержись.Уговор ороже енег.У кого совесть чиста, у того поушка по головой не вертится.Дорая слава ороже огатства.Дорая слава лежит, а хуая ежит.Лучше умереть орлом, чем жить зайцем.Лучше смерть, нежели позор.








Капля и камень олит.Терпение и тру все перетрут.Рыа ищет, ге глуже, человек—ге лучше.ем выше встанешь, тем аьше увиишь.Век живи, век учись.








Не имей сто рулей, а имей сто рузей.Старый руг лучше новых вух.Для руга семь вёрстне околица.Друзья познаются в ее.тоы узнать человека, нао с ним пу соли съесть.Вина птица по полету.Возл пылу постой—раскрасне-ешься, возле сажи—замараешься.






На что и кла, кога в семье ла.Согласную семью и горе не ерет.Оин за всех, все за оного.Сто рузей—мало, оин враг—много.










ас терпеть, а век жить.Без терпенья нет спасенья.На хотенье есть терпение.Терпи, казак, атаман уешь.За оин раз ерева не сруишь.Семь раз примерь, оин раз отрежь.Береженого и ог ережет.Не зная роу, не суйся в воу.Впере люей не заегай, а от люей не отставай.Не поклонясь о земли, и гриа не поымешь.Смирение—Богу угоженье, уму просвещение, уше спасенье, ому лагословенье и люям утешенье.



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As is known to all food is a priority for the common people. Recently

however reports about food problems have often been seen in the newspapers

showing that people have always been concerned about what they eat every day.

The reason for this problem is that some of the food producers are too fond of

making money leading to the result that they use whatever will make the food

look good or taste better without considering the bad consequences. This is not

normal because people just cannot live without eating anything.

So we should take all the measures necessary to forbid the food producers

to make food that is not safe enough. Laws should be strengthened and the

government should have more control over these producers. Only when people are

no longer worried about whether their food is safe or not can they enjoy a

better life.



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Darfur once said that, “The future of illiteracy is no longer illiterate

people, but did not learn how to learn.” In the future world, everyone has to

face the contemporary issue that learn to learn, which is the key to the

lifelong learning as well as the permit to the era of knowledge economy.

Firstly, having an aim is the premise of learn to learn. The goal is the

direction of learning, only when you set up a goal can you have motivation.

Secondly, autonomic learning is the foundation of learning. Study is a lifelong

task. When we stay in school, we have teachers teaching. But after we graduate,

we have to learning independently, and atonomic learning seems particularly

important. Thirdly, scientific learning methods are the keys to learning, which

conductive to cultivate and improve a variety of learning abilities so as to

improve learning efficiency. Finally, make plans for your learning.



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Chinese there are a lot of traditional culture, such as the Lantern

Festival, the Dragon Boat Festival Dragon Boat Glutinous Rice Balls to eat, to

celebrate the Mid Autumn Festival, summer egg fight...... I love most is the

beginning of the egg fight.

The day of the beginning, I invited my buddy to fight my eggs. At the

beginning of the egg, mother prepared an egg for each of us and said, "who is

the last of the eggs, who is the king of the egg!" First of all, I and Yao

Peiyu, both of us egg head to the egg, who will not let anyone, to fight each

other up. We just fight soon, they heard the click sound, there is a broken egg!

I was so surprised that I looked at my eggs, and thank God, my eggs were not

broken. It was Yao Peiyu who accidentally hit the empty head with my tip! We saw

it and laughed all the time. He bites and says, "come again!" This time, we all

put out the strength of the milk, but his strength was not big, so he was

defeated by me! Left --iao Yu--uan, although she is a girl, but not a good


All of a sudden, I came up with a good plan and a seamless plan. I used to

fight with her on the empty end and broke up in a moment. I thought to myself,

"this is the end of you. Your sharp head has been damaged. I will fight with you

with a good and sharp tip." So, I tried to wipe the egg head, and suddenly

blows, give strength to my eggs. At first, her eggs were damaged, and she was

not so big as I was, so I was easily defeated. I jumped up with joy. Mother

loudly announced, "the end of the game, Sun Yize is the king of eggs!" Now

everyone begins to eat eggs. " We eat eggs, and all the people are in the

atmosphere of joy.

The egg not only brought us happiness, but also let me understand a truth:

everything should be brain, with wisdom to win!



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This is my study.There is a desk in it.On the desk,there are a lot of books,a walkman and a clock.Behind the desk,there is a window.On the window,there is a beautiful curtain.In front of the desk,there is a chair.Look at the wall!There is a map of China on the wall.Next to the map,there is a photo of my family.

My study is small.But it is nice and clean.I like it very much.




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It’s beyond reproach that we will come across all kinds of difficulties and

challenges in our life time .Some will be subjected to frequent sadness .Some

will lose their way to move on .Thus,only when we equip ourselves with hope and

courage can we finally succeed in the uncertain future.

Forrest Gump showed so great courage in the movie that he touched me a lot

. For one thing,no matter when and where Jenny got into trouble ,Forrest Gump

would bring her out of it without thinking how dangerous the situation would be

.Maybe we should all fell ashamed that we love ourselves more than we love love

,but Forrest showed great courage in love .For another,Forrest gump risked his

life to save Bubba in the war.It’s courage that helped Forrest gain a series of

honor after war .Forrest Gump is beautiful for his perseverance and touches

others with his courage.

A person can’t do without courage in terms of love and friendship ,let

alone life . A weak person may avoid the difficulties ,but a person with courage

will face up to it head-on. Therefore,let’equip ourselves with great

