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currently, english is more and more widely used in our daily life. and in addition, english is regarded as one of the three essential skiils in the future(i.e.english, driving and computer skills).therefore, as far as i am concerned, learning english well is important for us students now.for myself, i prefer to learn english with interest.that is , i choose to listen to some popular english songs and watch some original english films to develop my interest in english at the beginning. and after that , i will be more interested in what teachers teach us. further, i will review the notes which is taken in class in order to remember the important points in class.Ok, these are my ways to learn english.



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1. 眼见为实.

seeing is believing.

2. 人生短暂,学艺无穷。

Art is long, life is short.

3. 三思而后行.

Look before you leap.

4. 有其父,必有其子。

Like father,like son.

5. 再晚也不算迟。

Better late than never.

6. 条条大路通罗马。

All roads lead to Rome.

7. 并非闪光的都是金子。

All that glitters is not gold.

8. 种瓜得瓜,种豆得豆。

As you sow,so shall you reap.

9. 物以类聚。

Birds of a feather flock together.

10. 不劳无获。

No pain,no gain.

11. 入乡随俗,

When in Rome,do as the Romans do.

12. 那恰是我所喜欢的。

Its my cup of tea.

13. 一日一苹果,医生远离我。

An apple a day keeps the doctor away.

14. 患难见真情。

A friend in need is a friend indeed.

15. 少壮不努力,老大徒伤悲。

A young idler; an old beggar.

16. 熟能生巧。

Practice makes perfect.

17. 一分耕耘,一分收获。

No sweet without sweat.

18. 时间就是金钱。

Time is money.

19. 欲速则不达。

Haste makes waste.

20. 说起来容易做起来难。

Easier said than done.

21. 人各有所好。

Every man has his taste.

22. 物极必反。

Extremes meet.

23. 活到老学到老。

Live and learn.

24. 事出必有因。

Nothing comes of nothing.

25. 光荣之路常坎坷。

The path to glory is always rugged.

26. 失败是成功之母。

Failure is the mother of success.

27. 江山易改,本性难移。

A leopard can not change his spots.

28. 好心有好报。

Good mind,good find.

29. 得饶人处且饶人。

Forgive others whenever you can.

30. 爱乌及乌。

Love me ,love my dog.



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The 5th day of the fifth month of the Chinese lunar calendar is the Dragon Boat Festival, according to the custom, every household to pack zongzi, and some places to organize a dragon boat race and so on activities, I asked Dad: why do you want to pack zongzi dragon boat?

Father said: the Dragon Boat Festival is to commemorate the great national poet Qu Yuan, Qu Yuan died in the early May, five stone cast to the river and died, Chu people in order not to eat fish and shrimp in the water to eat Qu Yuans body, dumped the dumplings into the river, at the same time, the Dragon Boat drums and drums can be shocked to walk the dragon, so, the formation of the five eating zongzi dragon boat in the early May, the formation of dragon boat delimit dragon boat in the early May. Custom.

We need to learn Qu Yuans patriotism and we need to have a patriotic heart.



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Recently, I have seen an impressive film—“Meet the Parents”, which is about

a woman Palm brought her boyfriend Greg to her parents’ home to spend holiday.

In the film, Greg was so dishonest to Palm’s parents that Palm’s father is

suspicious of his behavior and quality. As a result, Greg is obnoxious to all

and has to leave. As far as I am concerned, the consequence is heavily caused by

his dishonesty. If Greg could be real him all the time, he would get much

respect and appreciation and would not get much frustration. From the film, I

have learned that being honest was extremely important and necessary. In other

words, being honest is a basic principle for us to deal with others.

For one thing, we will not get others’ trust unless we are honest. If we

deceive others, we would get the same in return, and even no one would make

friends with us or even communicate with us. For another, we will get others’

respect and appreciation if telling the truth. Telling the truth and being

ourselves, we will get a healthy and peaceful surrounding to grow up better.

However, something strange happens in our society. There is a strange

phenomenon that honest people suffer but the dishonest benefit a lot. It made

some people have a suspicion that being honest is not so important.

But I still believe that these are just a few cases, since honesty is

deeply rooted in our minds and we still consider it as a basic principle in

social contacts.



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Chinese there are a lot of traditional culture, such as the Lantern

Festival, the Dragon Boat Festival Dragon Boat Glutinous Rice Balls to eat, to

celebrate the Mid Autumn Festival, summer egg fight...... I love most is the

beginning of the egg fight.

The day of the beginning, I invited my buddy to fight my eggs. At the

beginning of the egg, mother prepared an egg for each of us and said, "who is

the last of the eggs, who is the king of the egg!" First of all, I and Yao

Peiyu, both of us egg head to the egg, who will not let anyone, to fight each

other up. We just fight soon, they heard the click sound, there is a broken egg!

I was so surprised that I looked at my eggs, and thank God, my eggs were not

broken. It was Yao Peiyu who accidentally hit the empty head with my tip! We saw

it and laughed all the time. He bites and says, "come again!" This time, we all

put out the strength of the milk, but his strength was not big, so he was

defeated by me! Left --iao Yu--uan, although she is a girl, but not a good


All of a sudden, I came up with a good plan and a seamless plan. I used to

fight with her on the empty end and broke up in a moment. I thought to myself,

"this is the end of you. Your sharp head has been damaged. I will fight with you

with a good and sharp tip." So, I tried to wipe the egg head, and suddenly

blows, give strength to my eggs. At first, her eggs were damaged, and she was

not so big as I was, so I was easily defeated. I jumped up with joy. Mother

loudly announced, "the end of the game, Sun Yize is the king of eggs!" Now

everyone begins to eat eggs. " We eat eggs, and all the people are in the

atmosphere of joy.

The egg not only brought us happiness, but also let me understand a truth:

everything should be brain, with wisdom to win!



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When I learned English, I had no idea why would I learn it, but as I was in

high school, my English teacher showed me many things about the foreign country,

then I came to know what the foreign country was like. They are so different

from China, the world is so big, I must travel abroad someday, I want to see the

other countries, having access to their tradition. I am very interested in the

culture, I know our country’s culture well, I want to know more beyondChina. I

learn thatParisis very fashionable,Egyptis an old city with its famous

tower,Veniceis a water city, all of there are so interesting to me. English is a

basic tool that I can communicate with the world, so I must learn English well,

making enough money and realize my dream.



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1. 崇高的理想就象生长在高山上的鲜花。如果要搞下它,勤奋才能是攀登的绳索。

2. 要想学到很多东西,就不要一下子学很多东西。——英国

3. 当一个小小的心念变成成为行为时,便能成了习惯;从而形成性格,而性格就决定你一生的成败。

4. 即使智慧远在中国,人们也会想方设法却寻找。——阿拉伯

5. 业精于勤疏于嬉,行成于思毁于随。

6. 蜂采百花酿甜蜜,人读群书明真理。

7. 人之所以能,是相信能。

8. 成功的法则极为简单,但简单并不代表容易。

9. 宝剑不磨要生锈;人不学习要落后。

10. 只有创造,才是真正的享受,只有拚搏,才是充实的生活。

11. 书山有路勤为径,学海无涯苦作舟。

12. 造烛求明,读书求理。

13. 苦想没盼头,苦干有奔头。

14. 书籍备而不读如废纸。——英国谚语

15. 行动是成功的阶梯,行动越多,登得越高。

16. 自古成功在尝试。

17. 敢于向黑暗宣战的人,心里必须充满光明。

18. 挫折其实就是迈向成功所应缴的学费。

19. 知识是智慧的火炬。

20. 坚韧是成功的一大要素,只要在门上敲得够久、够大声,终会把人唤醒的。

21. 粮食补身体,书籍丰富智慧。

22. 积极思考造成积极人生,消极思考造成消极人生。

23. 用宝珠打扮自己,不如用知识充实自己。

24. 不学习的人象不长谷物的荒地。——印度不知道不算惭愧,不想知道才是羞耻。——土耳其

25. 不学习的人总以后悔而告终。——土耳其

26. 驾驭命运的舵是奋斗。不抱有一丝幻想,不放弃一点机会,不停止一日努力。

27. 如果惧怕前面跌宕的山岩,生命就永远只能是死水一潭。

28. 你可以选择这样的三心二意:信心、恒心、决心;创意、乐意。

29. 自己打败自己的远远多于比别人打败的。

30. 不虚心的人永远和愚昧在一起。——非洲

31. 世上没有绝望的处境,只有对处境绝望的人。

32. 世界会向那些有目标和远见的人让路。

33. 旁观者的姓名永远爬不到比赛的计分板上。

34. 没有一种不通过蔑视、忍受和奋斗就可以征服的命运。

35. 人的结构就是相互支撑,众人的事业需要每个人的参与。

36. 劳动是知识的源泉;知识是生活的指南。

37. 不向前走,不知路远;不努力学习,不明白真理。

38. 读一书,增一智。

39. 积累知识,胜过积蓄金银。——欧洲谚语

40. 树不修,长不直;人不学,没知识。

41. 世界上三种东西最宝贵——知识、粮食和友谊。——缅甸谚语

42. 只有不断找寻机会的人才会及时把握机会。

43. 星星使天空绚烂夺目;知识使人增长才干。

44. 懦弱的人只会裹足不前,莽撞的人只能引为烧身,只有真正勇敢的人才能所向披靡。

45. 骏马是跑出来的,强兵是打出来的。

46. 如果想研究高深学问,就得从字母学起。——日本



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Dear Sir,

I am a graduate in 2012, graduating from Southwestern University of Finance and Economics. I was noticed your company is looking for a CFO and I am writing to candidate for this position. I was major in financial management in college and minor in Business. I studied very hard in school and I was perfect in my courses. I ranked top three in my college. Moreover, I took part-time jobs in summer holidays and I had an internship in a company before, which brought me great practical experience. I know your company aims to internationalization and I am sure what I learned in school would help me to be qualified to this position. The following is my resume in details that will help you to know me better. I’m looking forward to your positive reply. And Best wishes for you and your company.

Sincerely yours,




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1、Love is the mother of love.

情生情, 爱生爱。

2、The heart that once truly loves never forgets.


3、Without respect, love cannot go far.


4、The course of true love never did run smooth.


5、It is better to give than to take.


6、Complete sincerity can affect even metal and stone.

精诚所致, 金石为开。

7、Love endures only when the lovers love many things together and not merely each other.

情人不仅彼此相爱, 而且有许多共同爱好时, 爱才能持久。

8、Beauty is in the eye of the beholder.


9、Absence makes the heart grow fonder.


10、Between two stools you fall to the ground.


11、Blood is thicker than water.


12、First thrive and then wive.

先立业, 后成家。

13、Marry in haste, and repent at leisure.


14、A good wife and health is a man’s best wealth.

男子的最大财富, 在于妻子贤惠, 自己健康。

15、Taking joy in living is a woman’s best cosmetic.


16、He knows not what love is that has no children.


17、Example is better than precept.


18、The value of marriage is not that adults produce children but that children produce adults.

结婚的好处并不在于成人可生养孩子, 而在于孩子可助人成熟。

19、Be it ever so humble, there is no place like home.

休嫌它寒微贫贱, 天涯无处似家园。

20、Home is home, be it never so homely.

金窝银窝, 不如自家的草窝。

21、First love is unforgettable all ones life.


22、In the very smallest cot there is room enough for a loving pair.


23、Love without end hath no end.


24、Loves tongue is in the eyes.


25、In love folly is always sweet.


26、There is no hiding from lovers eyes.


27、The only present love demands is love.


28、The heart that once truly loves never forgets.


29、Love warms more than a thousand fires.





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When talk about tennis, most people’s reaction is money, because for

Chinese people, it needs a lot of money to play tennis, so only the rich people

can have the chance to be a tennis player. But now, as our country’s economy

develops fast and the globalization of tennis, playing tennis is not an

untouchable dream, everyone can have access to tennis.

Tennis match is very popular in the western country, every year, there are

a lot of tennis tour matches, ten years ago, not so many Chinese people know

about the tennis matches, but as the game become more and more popular, people

start to fall in love with tennis match. We can see that Chinese tennis players

start to show on the world stage, they have won so much honor. Li Na is the

first Asian player to win the grand slam, her great success inspires so many

Chinese players to work on the tennis career.

Tennis is the world’s third game, football and basketball rank first and

second. The globalization of the tennis will make more and more people fall in

love with tennis.



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● Burn one’s bridges。


● Do as the Romans do。


● Love me, love my dog。


● Clothes make the man。


● Look before you leap。


● No news is good news。


● Well begun, half done。


● No sweet without sweat。


● History repeats itself。


● Better late than never。




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2. 静静心,“摘下”为己锈锁;养养神,“推开”爱心红门;伸伸手,“排除”私欲垃圾;动动身,“找回”雷锋精神,3.5雷锋日,愿你弘扬雷锋精神,收获人生真谛。

3. 不去想付出有多少回报,不去想奉献对自己多好。助人为乐好心会得好报,舍己为人社会为你骄傲。3.5雷锋日,学习雷锋好榜样,雷锋精神世代传。祝你雷锋日快乐!

4. 助人为乐情长在,雷锋精神心永存,帮助别人不为财,只为心里乐开怀,多做好事善门开,帮了老人帮小孩,对待朋友要有爱,和谐社会春常在,三月五日雷锋日,学习雷锋传万代!

5. 雷锋纪念日,高举“助人为乐”大旗,弘扬“舍己为人”精神,实行“大公无私”政策,揣着“古道心肠”情怀,带上“两肋插刀”风貌,祝您用爱心为工具,联通天下的美好!

6. 学习雷锋好榜样,逮着机会不能放。我来休息你顶岗,我吃鸡肉你喝汤,我请吃饭你付账,短信一来表衷肠,逗你耍你没商量,乐观精神大发扬,大发扬。

7. 学习雷锋好榜样,尽做好事且谦让,热爱生活本不忘,立场坚定斗志强,奉献精神来武装,生活因他变了样,大家生活多舒畅。祝你生活喜洋洋!

8. 学习雷锋登上场,我你相互捧个场!助人为乐好榜样,雷锋精神永不忘!艰难困苦不惧怕,幸福生活大家创!世间处处是和谐,人人脸上笑绽放!互帮互助都进步,家和人旺国更强!三月五日雷锋日,祝愿朋友喜洋洋!

9. 学习雷锋好榜样,我有事来你帮忙:我请客时你买单,我购物时你掏钱,我欠债时你偿还。雷锋日学雷锋,以上交待记心中,祝你开心快乐每一分钟!

10. 学习雷锋好榜样,雷锋精神万古传。一身正气傲千古,惩恶扬善美名扬。工作岗位不叫苦,甘当人民勤务员。助人为乐心无私,奉献社会不为名。学雷锋日到了,让我们从身边小事做起,让社会永远一片阳光!

12. 学习雷锋好榜样,忠于工作职守岗。泾渭分明德善扬,乐善好施芳华献。协助他人高风气,尊老携幼人夸奖。全民共建调和路,人皆有责美德传。光荣传统不能忘,欢歌笑语为民忙。

13. 浩渺的夜空中,有很多的星星在闪烁,我常常在寻觅,哪一颗是你的化身?我坚信你就在这些星斗中心静静的守护着祖国和公民。雷锋,咱们牵挂你!

14. 送人玫瑰手留余香,让乐善好施成为家常;济困扶危友情漫长,让举手之劳成为乐章;勤俭节约扶弱锄强,让无私奉献成为荣光;学习雷锋好榜样,让咱们在浮躁中沉积一份漠然与崇高,在富贵中学会一种胸襟和质量。雷锋精神让咱们一同颂扬!

15. 今天,最好听声音是《学习雷锋好榜样》,最准确自我定位是为人民服务,最知名物件是螺丝钉,最火的人是正看短信的雷人。学雷锋纪念日,好好学习哦!

16. 雷锋日,学雷锋,好榜样;做好人,有模样;多助人,心情亮;损人事,咱不想;亲邻里,热心肠;勤努力,蓄能量;祝福语,多想想;好精神,来传唱;祝愿你,幸福长!

17. 年年岁岁花相似,岁岁年年精神恒。三月五日雷锋日,送人玫瑰香留手。为人亲和心态好,人缘生活差不了,多做好事人不知,心中快乐也算值。如今送你小短信,望你幸福美一生。

18. 学习雷锋好榜样,雷锋精神放光芒,勤学苦练螺丝钉,助人为乐永不忘,艰苦朴素心中装,勤俭节约幸福长,领袖教诲犹在耳,三五与君共分享。

19. 学习雷锋好榜样,三月五日都上岗;热爱生活本不忘,助人为乐好心肠;尽做好事且谦让,立场坚定斗志强;生活因咱变了样,大家生活都舒畅!

20. 每个人在绝望的时候,都需要一只伸向你的温暖的手!只有先伸出你的手,才会够得着别人伸出的手。3月5日学雷锋日,希望大家都伸出自己的手!

21. 人,做一件好事并不难,难的是一辈子好事。对于朋友,必须坚持有困难要帮,没有困难,制造困难也要帮。今天是学雷锋日,别忘了助人为乐哦。

22. 三月五号是雷锋日,虽然他已不在了,但他的精神却永流传。这一天大家都积极的做个“活雷锋”,但这一天的意义更在于平时大家也要积极做“活雷锋”!

23. 三月五日又到了,雷锋精神要弘扬;心存善念多善举,好事多了世风正。勿以善小而不为,涓涓细流汇成河。雷人言行少出现,脚踏实地多做事!越来越好!

24. 学雷锋日,著名品牌,有质量保证,包你做了好事后,腰不酸,腿不痛;如果长期坚持做好事,还能笑口常开,财源滚滚。还等什么,赶快做好事吧!

25. 助人为乐是春风,吹散心头冷漠情。唤出扶贫济困雨,滋润心头一片春。天寒地冻人心暖,天涯海角都是情。学雷锋日到了,学习雷锋好榜样,让每个角落都充满阳光!

26. 做好事不过时,你帮我,我帮你,世界才能更和谐;献爱心有快乐,一片情,一片意,情意相通暖人心;雷锋日送祝福,祝你美,祝你乐,美好陪伴在今朝!

27. 你可以弯腰为他人捡起一本书;你可以扶盲人过马路;你可以为有需要的人让座;你可以扶起摔在地上的小朋友……学习雷锋不必惊天动地,只需从小事做起,学习雷锋纪念日,向雷锋学习,把爱心传递!

28. 学习雷锋千层浪,花儿朵朵竟绽放。处处盛开雷锋花,真爱勤俭百姓传。爱民扶老高崇尚,无私奉献热情感。争当雷锋代相传,幸福花开万年长。

29. 今天,听声音是《学习雷锋好榜样》,最准确自我定位是为人民服务,最知名物件是螺丝钉,最火的人是正看短信的雷人。学雷锋纪念日,好好学习哦!

30. 雷锋精神用职场,帮助新人快成长。工作积极莫偷懒,协助同事度难关。垃圾纸屑随手捡,爱护环境一天天。雷锋精神职场传,水涨船高定美满。学雷锋日,让雷锋精神在职场发扬光大,让我们的职场开满幸福之花!


32. 助人为乐热心肠,无私奉献有担当,舍已为人胸怀广,爱岗敬业创辉煌,小事做起不张扬,热爱生活心坦荡,学习雷锋纪念日,传递爱心,愿雷锋精神永传唱!

33. 让和谐友爱成为一道春风,文明就在你我身边,让奋发向上成为一股力量,勇气就在你我身边,让助人为乐成为一种风尚,雷锋就在你我身边。


35. 学习雷锋不寻常,助人为乐多帮忙;微薄之力不轻量,举手之劳不张扬;舍己为人好榜样,互敬互爱百花香;和谐美满保安康,短信祝福俺送上。


37. 雷锋,是我们生活海洋里的一座灯塔,指引我们寻找幸福的港湾,乐于助人,勇于奉献的雷锋精神,将指引我们继续前行,雷锋日快乐。

38. 雷锋虽然离开了我们,但是今天的雷锋精神依然存在,让我们伸出爱的双手,勇于奉献,乐于助人,做新时代的雷锋,让短信把雷锋精神代代相传,快乐的生活。

39. 学习雷锋精神在当代不落伍,学习雷锋精神在当代有必要,学习雷锋精神在当代受尊敬,学习雷锋精神在当代受欢迎,学习雷锋精神在当代很流行。

40. 学雷锋,谨记心,好榜样,要传承,你也来,我也到,齐动手,传温暖,发短信,递问候,关怀到,祝福享,共和谐,益身心,乐善美,齐分享。



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Before Chinese students go to college, they have been told about the great

things on campus life all the time, so they have the motivation to study hard.

When they come to university, they begin to slow down their pace to study and

waste their youth.

Nowadays, a lot of college students lose motivation to move on when they

come to the new chapter of their life. Campus life seems to be relaxed and a

place to free themselves. Without the supervision from parents and teachers,

they choose to lose themselves in the computer games or all kinds of


So someone made the comment on campus life as the nursing house, which

satirized the students who wasted their precious time and youth to accomplish

nothing. It is the important stage for them to learn professional knowledge and

master skills, so as to be competitive and find their own place in the


For a wise student, they make the plans and improve themselves all the

time. If we live the life as the old people in the nursing house, then it is

kind of committing suicide for a young person.



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I want to grow up as soon as possible. When I grow up, I can do many things

that I can’t now. However, at the same time, I am afraid. I don’t know what my

future life would be. Look around myself, some people are busy working for

having enough food to eat and live better; some are achieving every goal that

they make; some may live in the poor situation. I don’t know what kind of life I

would have in the future. But I know that everyone’s life is in their hands. So

I will try my best to work hard for a better future life.



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Chengdu City Chengdu, the capital city of Sichuan province in China, has

been recognized as “the land of abundance” for a long time. With rich cultural

heritage, Chengdu is one of the most popular destinations for tourists in China.

People who once step onto the land of Chengdu city will quickly fall in love

with life there. It seems that Chengdu people are living a happy life with less

pressure from their occupation, family or from the conflict social competition.

Children, for example, can enjoy the child-only facilities in the parks. They

can play with peers and make friends with each other. For teenagers and adults,

the various entertainment places and snack streets are indispensable part of

their life. The old in Chengdu can also sit in a teahouse with a cup of tea

after dinner and gossip their family. The pace of life in Chengdu is slower than

in other big cities. People tend to spend more time and efforts to create and

experience happiness.

Chengdu is a city where one comes and doesn’t want to leave. There are many

famous scenic spots such as Jingli, Kuanzai Street, Tianfu Square and Chengdu

Panda Base. In Chengdu, one can not only enjoy shopping in Tianfu square,

walking on the ancient streets and buy souvenirs in traditional houses or stores

on Jingli and Kuangzai Street, but also play with cute pandas and help feed

their cubs in the Panda Base. Furthermore, watching a Sichuan Opera Show will

also provide a newcomer with unforgettable and precious memories. The delicate

face-changing in Sichuan Opera has become a symbol of Sichuan culture.



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Alongside with the development of the society,lifelong learning is becoming more and more important.Lifelong learning is the concept that, "Its never too soon or too late for learning", a philosophy that has taken root in a whole host of different organisations.With so many forms of lifelong learning,different people have different views.Some prefer learning by the Internet,for it provides extensive resources for us.Others are good at learning from life,as they say ,life is the best teacher.As I see it,the informations from the Internet may be wrong.



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Im a high school student now.I am weak in English.And most students in my class are good at English.So I have to improve my English and catch up with them.I make a English Study Plan.Firstly,I will spend 20 minutes remembering words every day.I find that I only remember a small number of words. Secondly,I must listen to the teacher carefully in class.And I will do the homework every day.Of course,listening to the English tapes every day is necessary.Sometimes I will read some English writings. Thirdly,I will often use English and communicate with classmates in English.Every Sunday,I will learn English on the Internet. This is my plan.



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Since I was very small, my parents sent me to learn painting. They thought

I could understand art and mastered one skill. This experience brings me the

sense of art. I have my own understanding of it.

On the one hand, art is an important way to express peoples opinion. When

we see the pictures, the difference between classical and ordinary paintings

lies in the thoughts. The famous artists implant their ideas in the pictures,

which are admitted by the public, so the value of arts can be seen. Some famous

artists expressed their unique opinion and gives arts great meaning.

On the other hand, art is not only from works, but also from life. For

example, my mother cooks the delicious food. Everybody speaks highly of her. So

her food brings people great happiness, which makes the food an art for me.

Whats more, my friends is good at communicating. The way she talks can convince

other easily, so I call the way she communicates as an art.

In all, for me, art is around. It brings people a way to see the world or

makes our life wonderful.



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The people I respect the most is my father. He is a doctor. He always busy

with work. Since I can remember, he never spent a whole weekend to stay with me.

He goes to the hospital very early before I get up, and comes back home after I

sleep. But I doesn’t matter at all, he is hero to me. He devotes almost all the

time to his patients, many lives are saved. He always said, a man should have

dignity, integrity, honor, and most of all, be helpful to others. This affected

me deeply, so I work hard so that someday I could be the man like my father.



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