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Call a spade a spade. 据实而言。

Call me not olive till thou see me gathered. 盖棺论定。

Call no man happy until he dies. 盖棺才能定论。

Can the leopard change his spots? 江山易改,本性难移。

Care and diligence bring luck. 谨慎和勤奋,带来好运气。

Care brings grey hair. 忧虑催人老。

Care killed the cat. 忧虑伤身。

Cast not out the foul water till you bring in the clean. 清水未来,莫泼赃水。

Cast not your pearls before swine. 明珠莫投暗。

Catch the bear before you sell his skin. 大事未成时,莫开庆功宴。

Cats hide their paws. 大智若愚,大巧若拙。

Caution is the parent of safety. 谨慎小心是安全之源。

Chains of gold are stronger than chains of iron. 金链锁人比铁炼更牢靠。

Change lays not her hand upon truth. 真理不变。

Charity begins at home, but should not end there. 仁爱须由近及远。

Cheats never proper. 欺骗决非正当事。

Cheek brings success. 和气生财。

Cheerful company shortens the miles. 旅有好旅伴,不觉行程远。

Cheerfulness and goodwill make labour light. 欢快与好意,劳动不觉累。

Childhood shows the man, as morning shows the day. 看人看年少,看天看破晓。

Children and fools cannot lie. 孩子和傻子,不会说谎话。

Children and fools speak the truth. 孩子和傻子,说的是真话。

Children are the parentss riches. 子女是父母之财富。

Choice of the end covers choice of the means. 选择目的包含著选择手段。

Choose an author as you choose a friend. 选书如择友。

Choose a wife rather by your ear than your eye. 选妻,最好用耳莫用眼。

Christmas comes but once a year. 佳节良辰,机会难得。

Circumstances are therulers of the weak, instrument of the wise. 弱者困于环境,智者利用环境。

Civility costs nothing. 礼貌不须什么代价。

Cleanliness is next to godliness. 清净近乎神圣。

Clothes make the man. 人要衣装,佛要金装。

Come what may, heaven wont fall. 船到桥头自会直。

Comfort is better than pride. 安慰胜过傲慢。

Coming events cast their shadows before them. 山雨欲来风满楼。

Compare your grievs with other mens and they will seem less. 你的悲痛与人比,悲痛就会轻一些。

Comparisons are odious. 人比人,气死人。

Confession is the first step to repentance. 悔罪先须认罪。

Confidence of success is almost success. 对成功抱有信心,就近乎成功。

Conquer of fear of death and you are put into possession of your life. 不怕死,然后才能生。

Constant dropping wears away a stone. 滴水穿石。

Content is better than riches. 知足常乐。

Content is happiness. 知足常乐。

Conversation makes one what he is. 言如其人。

Councils of war never fight. 主战者不打仗。

Counsel after action is like rain after harvest. 放马后炮。

Counsel must be followed, not praised. 忠告必须照办,而不是赞美。

Count not your chickens before they are hatched. 不要过早乐观。

Courage and resolution are the spirit and soul of virtue. 勇敢和决心是美德的灵魂。

Courtesy costs nothing. 谦虚恭敬,不用分文。

Cowards are cruel. 懦夫不仁。

Credit, like a looking-glass, broken once, is gone, alas! 信誉像镜子,破碎无法补。

Creditors have better memories than debtors. 放债人的记性比借债人好。

Crows do not pick crows eyes. 同室不操戈。

Cry up wine and sell vinegar. 挂羊头,卖狗肉。

Cry with one eye and laugh with the other. 口不应心。

Curiosity killed the cat. 好奇心,惹祸根。

Custom is a second nature. 习惯是第二天性。

Custom is the guide of the ignorant. 习俗是无知者的向导。

Custom makes all things easy. 若照习惯办,万事皆不难。

Custom rules the law. 习俗影响法律。

Custom without reason is but ancient error. 习俗没有道理,古代谬误而已。

Cut short the nonsense and return to ones muttons. 闲话少说,言归正传。

Cut the coat according to the cloth. 量布裁衣。




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1. Wade not in unknown water.不知水的深浅,不可粗心趟水过河。

2. Wahtever a man sow, that shall he also reap.种瓜得瓜,种豆得豆。

3. Walk groundly; talk profoundly; drink roundly; sleep soundly.行路踏实,言谈深刻,饮酒豪爽,睡眠酣畅。

4. Walls (or Pitchers) have ears.隔墙有耳。

5. Want of care does us more damage than want of knowledge.粗心比无知更为有害。

6. War is deaths feast.战争是死亡的筵席。

7. War is the business of barbarians.战争是野蛮人干的事。

8. War makes thieves, and peace hangs them.战争造成盗贼,和平把他们吊死。

9. Wash a dog, comb a dog, Still a dog, remains a dog.本性难移。

10. Waste not, want not.俭以防匮。

11. Waste of time is the most extravagant and costly of all expenses.浪费时间是一切花费中最奢侈豪华的费用。

12. Water afar quenches not fire.远水难救近火。

13. Water dropping day by day wears the hardest rock away.水滴天天滴不停,石头最坚也磨损。

14. We all do fade as a leaf.我们都要像树叶一样枯萎。

15. We are not born for ourselves.人生非为己。

16. We can live without a brother, but not without a friend.我们生活中可以没有兄弟,但不能没有朋友。

17. We can live without our friends, but not without our neighbours.生活可无友,邻居不能无。

18. We first make our habits, and then our habits make us.我们先养成习惯,然后习惯又左右我们。

19. We have no more right to consume happiness without producing it than to consume wealth without producing it.如果不创造财富,就没有权力享用财富;同样地,如果不能创造幸福,就没有权利享受幸福。

20. We hope to grow old, yet we fear old age; that is, we are willing to live, and afraid to die.我们希望长大,但怕年老;就是,愿意生,而害怕死。

21. We know not what is good until we have lost it.有的时候不爱惜,失了以后空叹息。

22. We learn not at school, but in life.学习不在校,而在生活中。

23. We must repeat a thousand and one times that perseverance is the only road to success.我们必须千百次地反覆说明,坚韧不拔是取得胜利的唯一道路。

24. We never know the worth (or value) of water till the well is dry.井枯方知水可贵。

25. We only live once,, but if we work it right once is enough.我们生命只一次,好自为之一次足矣。

26. We shall lie all alike in our graves.一进坟墓,大家一样。

27. We shall never have friends if we expect to find them without fault.欲找朋友无缺点,永远不会有朋友。

28. We should never remember the benefit we have offered nor forget the favour received.施惠莫记,受恩莫忘。

29. We should push our work, the work should not push us.我们要推动工作,不要让工作推动我们。

30. We should weep for men at their birth and not a t their death.我们应在人降生时流泪,而不该在人死亡时哭泣。

31. We soon believe what we desire.一厢情愿。

32. Weak men wait for opportunity, but the strong men make it.若者等待机会,强者创造机会。

33. Wealth is not his who has it, but his who enjoys it.财富并不属于拥有的人,而是属于享用的人。

34. Wealth makes worship.财富能使人拜倒。

35. Wealth may be an excellent thing, for it means power, leisure, and liberty.财富可能是一样好东西,因为它意味著权力,安逸和自由。

36. Well begun is half done.良好开端,功成一半。

37. Well fed, wed bred.衣食足,知荣辱。

38. What a sauce for the goose is sauce for the gander.不分畛域,一样对待。

39. What cannot be cured must be endured.事已无法可救,只得耐心忍受。

40. What do you expect from a pig but a grunt?.狗嘴里吐不出象牙。

41. What does the moon care if the dogs bark at her?.月亮岂怕狗来吠。

42. What good shall I do this day? What good have I done today?.我今天要做些什么好事?我今天做了些什么好事?

43. What I have done is due to patient thought.我的成就是由于坚忍地思索。

44. What is bred in the bone will not go out of the flesh.生于骨中者不会出肉外。

45. What is done by night appears by day.若要人不知,除非己莫为。

46. What is done cannot be undone.木已成舟。

47. What is known to three is known to everybody.一件事情三个人知道就人人知道。

48. What is learnt in the cradle lasts (or is carried) to the grave.小时学会的事情到老不会忘记。

49. What is not wisdom is danger.不智的事是危险的。

50. What is one mans cloud is another mans sunshine.此人乌云盖顶,彼人艳阳满天。

51. What is sauce for the goose is sauce for the gander.适用于甲的,也适用于乙。

52. What is sculpture is to a block of marble, education is to the soul.教育之于心灵,犹如雕刻之于大理石。

53. What is there sadder under the sun than a day that is gone and notyhing done.世界上没有什么事情,较之虚度年华,一事无成,更使人痛心。

54. What is wealth good for, if it brings melancholy?.财富如带忧郁来,有了财富有何用?

55. What is worth doing at all is worth doing well.事既值得做,就把事做好。

56. What makes life dreary is the want of motive.没有目的,人生就黯淡无光。

57. What must be must be.该怎么样的就怎么样。

58. What soberness conceals, drunkenness reveals.醉汉口里露真言。

59. What the eye does not see, the heart does not grieve over.眼不见,心不烦。

60. What the eye sees not, the heart craves not.目不瞬,心不乱。

61. What the heart thinks, the tongue speaks.心直口快。

62. What we are ignorant of is immense.我们不知道的东西多得不可胜数。

63. What we do willingly is easy.世上无难事,只要肯登攀。

64. What we learn with pleasure we never forget.乐意学的东西决不会忘记。

65. What we lose in hake we shall have in herring.失之东隅,收之桑榆。

66. What you dislike in another, take care to correct in yourself.别人身上你不喜欢的东西,自己身上的也要注意改正。

67. What you lose on the swings you gain (or get back) on the roundabouts.失之东隅,收之桑榆。

68. What youth is used to, age remembers.青年时经常做的事,老年时却能记得起。

69. Whatever I do, I will do in my power.无论我做什么事,我都尽力而为之。

70. Whatever man has done man may do.天下无难事。

71. Whatever you do, do with your might; Things done by halves are never done right.不论做什么事要尽力去搞;事情做得不彻底,就不能算好。

72. Whats bred in the bone will come out in the flesh.生就的本性,总会暴露的。

73. Whats done by night appears by day.若要人不知,除非己莫为。

74. Whats done cant be undone.无可挽回。 泼水难收?

75. Whats learnt in the cradle lasts till the tomb.小时学过的,至死不忘记。

76. Whats lost is lost.流水落花春去也。

77. Whats more miserable than discontent?.有什么比不知足更为痛苦?

78. Whatsoever ye would that men should do to you, do ye ever so to them.己所欲,施于人。

79. Whe angry, count ten before you speak; if very angry, a hundred.怒时数十再说话,大怒数百方开言。

80. When a dog is drowning everyone offers him drink.落井下石。

81. When a friend asks, there is no tomorrow.朋友的要求不要拖。

82. When ale (or drink or wine) is in wit is out.贪杯丧智。

83. When all men speak no man hears.人人都讲话,无人去听它。

84. When an opportunity is neglected, it never comes back to you.机不可失,时不再来。

85. When anger blinds the mind, truth disapears.怒火中烧瞎心眼,真理在前看不见。

86. When flatterers meet, the devil goes to dinner.马屁精会面,魔鬼去赴宴。

87. When Greek meets Greek, then comes the tug of war.龙争虎斗。

88. When guns speak it is too late to argue.待到炮声响,辩论已莫及。

89. When in doubt, play trumps.举棋苟不定,何妨将一军。

90. When in Rome do as the Romans do.入乡随俗。

91. When love puts in, friendship is gone.爱情入,友谊出。

92. When one is about to act, one must reason first.凡事要先思而后行。

93. When poverty comes in at the door, love flies out at the window.贫穷进门来,爱情飞窗外。

94. When riches increase, the body decreases.财多体衰。

95. When rogues (or thieves) fall out, honest men come by their own.盗贼一内哄,好人就自在。

96. When sorrows come, they come not single spies, but in battalions.祸不单行。

97. When stupid man is doing something he is ashamed of, he always declares that it is his duty.蠢人做件羞愧事,总说义不容辞。

98. When the belly is full the mind is among the maids.逸则思淫。饱则思淫欲?

99. When the belly is full, the bones would be at rest.饱暖图安逸。

100. When the cats away the mice will play.猫儿不在,老鼠造反。

101. When the ffish is caught the net is laid aside.鱼获网弃。

102. When the fight begins within himself a mans worth something.内心开始斗争时,为人就会有价值。

103. When the fox preaches, take care of your geese.佛口蛇心。

104. When the fruit is scarcest, its taste is sweetest.物以稀为贵。

105. When the heart is afire, some sparks will fly out at the mouth.心中发火,口吐妄言。

106. When the heart is full,, the tongue will speak.胸有成竹,口若悬河。

107. When the sun comes in, the doctor goes out.阳光入室,医生出屋。

108. When the well is full, it will run over.井水满了要溢出。

109. When the wound is healed, the pain is forgotten.好了伤疤忘了痛。

110. When three know it, all know it.三人知,天下晓。

111. When two friends have a common purse, one sings and the other weeps.两友合用一钱包,一个悲来一个笑。

112. When two ride on one horse, one must sit behind.两人共骑一匹马,总有一个背后跨。

113. When war begins then hell opens.战争一开始,地狱门敞开。

114. When we have gold we are in fear; when we have none we are in danger.手头有黄金,惶恐很担心;两手都空空,处在危急中。

115. When wine is in truth is out.酒后露真言。

116. When you go to buy, use your eyes not your ears.你去购买东西时,要用眼睛莫用耳。

117. Where (or While) there is life there is hope.留得青山在,不怕没柴烧。

118. Where drums beat, laws are silent.战鼓一打,法律无声。

119. Where love fails we espy all faults.恋爱一旦遭失败,缺点全都看出来。

120. Where love is there is faith.有爱情就有忠诚。

121. Where might is master, justice is servant.有强权,就没有正义。

122. Where passion is high there reason is low.感情高涨处,理智就低落。

123. Where the knot is loose the string slips.结子一松掉,绳子就滑脱。

124. Where the sun enterd, the doctor does not.阳光照耀处,医生就不需。

125. Where there is a will,, there is a way(or skill).有决心,就有办法。

126. Where there is no good within, no good comes out.没有内心的美,就没有外在的美。

127. Where theres reek theres heat.无风不起浪。

128. Where they saw chance, we see law.以前他们认为是偶然的,现在我们认为是必然的。

129. Where your will is ready, your feet are light.下定了决心,脚步就轻盈。决心一下,脚下生风?

130. Wherever he is satisfied with what he does, he has reached his culminating point--he will progress no more.一个人对所做的事感到自满的,就达到了顶点,不会再前进了。

131. While (or Where) there is life there is hope.留得青山在,不怕没柴烧。

132. While the grass grows the horse (or steed) starves.远水救不了近火。

133. While the priest climbs a post, the devil climbs ten.道高一尺,魔高一丈。

134. While the word is in your mouth, it is your own; when tis once spoken, tis anothers.话未出口属于己,话一出口属别人。

135. While we breathe, there is hope.只要活著,就有希望。

136. Who answers suddenly knows little.答得迅速,懂得不多。

137. Who are ready to believe are easy to deceive.轻信的人容易受骗。

138. Who has never tasted bitter, knows not what is sweet.不尝黄连苦,怎知蜂蜜甜。

139. Who has no haste in his business mountains to him seem valleys.做事不急,履险如夷。

140. Who holds the purse rules the house.钱可神通。

141. Who keeps company with the wolf will learn to howl.近朱者赤,近墨者黑。

142. Who knows most speaks (or says) least.大巧若拙。

143. Who knows not how to dissemble knows not how to live.掩饰感情全不会,怎样生活必不知。

144. Who lives by hope will die by hunger.靠希望而生,必因饥饿而死。

145. Who loses liberty loses all.失去自由即失去一切。

146. Who makes everything right must rise early.要把事事都做好,必须坚持起得早。

147. Who minds his own business has no time to mind other folks.为人只顾自己事,就无时间关心人。

148. Who serves everybody gets thanks from nobody.人人都侍候,个个不见好。

149. Who swims in sin shall sink in sorrow.在罪恶中游泳的人,必将在悲哀中沈没。

150. Who undertakes many things at once, seldom does anything well.许多事情同时干,一件事也办不成。

151. Who will not keep a penny, shall never have many.不积少,不会成多。

152. Whom God would ruin, he first deprives of reason.伤天害理,天诛地灭。

153. Whom the gods love die young.好人不长寿。

154. Whom we love best to them we can say least.对我们的最爱的人,我们可说的话最少。

155. Wicked men obey from fear; good men, from love.坏人服从出于怕,好人服从出于爱。

156. Wickedness does not go altogether unrequited.恶有恶报。

157. Wilful waste makes woeful want.浪费招致穷困。

158. Wine and judgement mature with age.酒存放年代越久越香,判断力随年龄而增长。

159. Wine in the bottle does not quench thirst.瓶中之酒不解渴。

160. Wine is mirror of the mind.酒后吐真言。

161. Wisdom in the mind is better than money in the hand.手里有钱财,不如胸中有文才。

162. Wisdom is a good purchase though we pay dear for it.我们为了求知识,付出高价也值得。

163. Wisdom is better than gold or silver.智慧胜过金银。

164. Wisdom is more to be envied than riches.才智比财富,令人更可羡。

165. Wisdom is only found in truth.只有在真理中才能找到智慧。

166. Wisdom is to the mind what health is to the body.知识之于心灵,犹如健康之于身体。

167. Wise care begets care.谨慎小心会导致忧心忡忡。

168. Wise men chanbge their mind, fools never.聪明人随机应变,愚蠢者固执己见。

169. Wise men have their mouth in their heart, fools their heart in their mouth.智者嘴在心里,蠢人心在嘴上。

170. Wise men learn by other mens mistakes (or harms); fools by their own.聪明人由别人的错误获得教训,蠢人由自己的错误获得教训。

171. Wise men love truth, whereas fools shun it.聪明人爱真理,蠢人背弃真理。

172. Wit bought is better than wit taught.不经一事,不长一智。

173. Wit once bought is worth twice taught.亲身一次的经验,抵得上老师两次的教导。

174. Wit without learning is like a tree without fruit.仅有机智而无真才实学,犹如一棵大树不结果。

175. With time and patience the leaf of the mulberry becomes satin.只要功夫深,铁杵磨成针。

176. Without a friend the world is a wilderness.没有朋友,世界就等于一片荒野。

177. Without danger we cannot get beyond danger.没有危险就不能解除危险。

178. Without health, life is not life, life is lifeless.如无健康的身体,生活就不成为生活,人生也毫无生气。

179. Without hope, the heart would break.如无希望,心就破碎。

180. Without method, little can be done to any good purpose.不讲究方法,办事就没有成效。

181. Without practice, hopes will be reduced to zero.没有实践,希望会化为乌有。

182. Without respect, love cannot go far.如不相互尊重,爱情就难发展。

183. Without wisdom wealth is worthless.如果没有智慧,财富就无价值。

184. Woe to him that is alone.孤独的人最苦恼。

185. Women in mischief are wiser than men.妇女在受危害时比男子机智。

186. Wonders are many, and nothing is more wonderful than man.奇迹很多,但没有一件东西比人更为奇妙。

187. Words are but wind.耳闻不如一见。

188. Words cut (or hurt) more than swords.言语比刀剑伤人更厉害。

189. Words pay no debts.空言无补。

190. Work bears witness who does well.工作能证明谁人做得好。

191. Work has a bitter root but sweet fruit.劳动根虽苦,然而果实甜。

192. Work makes the workman.工作出工匠。

193. Work today, for you know not how much you may be hindered tomorrow.今天有事今天做,明天可能事受阻。

194. Work will not kill a man but worry will.累不死人愁死人。

195. Working without a plan is sailing without a compass.工作没有打算,犹如航海没有罗盘。

196. Worry kills more men than work.忧虑比劳累更伤人。

197. Would you know your daughter, see her in company.若要知道你女儿,且看她和谁交往。

198. Write down the advice of him that loves you, though you like it not at present.爱你的忠言且记下,即使你目前不爱它。

199. Write it on your heart every day is the best day of the year.要记住,每天是一年中最好的一天。



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《考拉小巫的英语学习日记——写给为梦想而奋斗的人》是在班级的书 架上,不过那时赶到马上放寒假,学校里事物多,一直到放假在家中才开始有幸读一下。书中讲诉的是作者从一个英语菜鸟到高阶,从懒孩子到勤孩子、从中国环境到美国家庭的巨大转变,告诉我们即便你不出身名校、不天资聪颖,奋斗和坚持依然可以将你引向成功。这不仅仅是一本英语学习日记,更是一本作者在彷徨、无助、动摇时的人生感悟,是关于奋斗、坚持和梦想的故事,读完此书,让我们热血沸腾,激励着我们去为理想奋斗、拼搏,即使我们迷茫在人生中的大海中,也能超越自己劈波斩浪。考拉小巫的故事就是一个选择和坚持的故事,就像托福名师无老师所说:“人生中常常面临选择,而更常遇到的则是选择过后的迷茫与自我怀疑。就好像进入一间密室,只有从黑暗和碰壁中坚持下来的人,才有机会开启通向光明的大门。” 我佩服考拉小巫的勇气,选择之后坚持到底,虽有过彷徨、迷茫、无助,甚至自我怀疑,但那孤注一掷的风格,坚持到底的毅力,生命不止、奋斗不息的精神,帮助她一路披荆斩棘,冲向梦想开花的地方。这样的女子,值得拥有一切美好的事物!

看了考拉小巫的故事,我觉得要想成功,需要有值得你奋斗的梦想,有孤注 一掷的勇气和奋斗到底的坚持。翻上书本,我问自己,你的梦想是什么?你准备好为你的梦想奋斗了吗?你有勇气放弃一切,有勇气面对“密室”中的灰暗和碰壁吗?你有坚持到底奋斗不息的毅力吗? 的确,并不是每个人都能做到这些。每个人都有梦想,但最终实现者确凤毛 麟角,因为命运之神总是眷顾那些坚持到最后的人。或许我做不到像考拉小巫那些拼,那样孤注一掷。但她的生活态度和想法对 我来说很有启发。

书中的“傻子哲学”很有意思:为什么傻子能成功,是因为傻子很傻,他不 管自己是不是能做成,也不管别人怎么笑话他,也不管遇到多少困难,他只是一个人傻头傻脑地一直做。而聪明人很聪明,他总是会考虑自己目前的目标对不对, 会不会有更好的办法,能不能抄捷径省时间。最后,聪明人选了一条路又一条路, 每条路都刚走了一点点就又换,所以,他总是在离起点不远的地方徘徊。而傻子却在一条路上一直走,虽然他速度慢,但他一直都在坚持。最后,傻子比聪明人先到达了终点。”其实傻子的哲学不复杂,就两个字“坚持”。 生活中有很多这样的聪明人,这样的人真的很搞笑,事情没做之前,总担心 这害怕那,担心会失败,你把时间花在无谓的担心上,根本都还没做,当然不可能成功,有时候我们需要点傻子精神,一根筋到底。从考拉小巫身上我学到了坚持,更让我感动的是她的拼劲,那股子年轻人的 朝气蓬勃,似乎有挥霍不完的青春。而反思我们这一代的年轻人,身上还有多少锐意进取、干劲十足、青春无敌的精气神,渐渐得变得喜欢随大流、甘于平庸安逸生活、不愿冒尖。

做一个像考拉小巫一样勇敢的人,为自己的梦想而拼! 这是书中最让我感动的一幕:十二月里天气越来越冷,楼道里也很冷,但是我每天都把板凳从自习室里搬出来,坐在楼道的走廊里,把电脑架腿上,一边计时连口语题,一边给自己录音。说一道录一道,录完以后认真听,不满意了就重录,每道题都是录到自己完全满意的地步才继续下一题。当时我一直在矫正牙齿,满嘴上下都戴着布满细铁丝的牙套。由于练口语的缘故,嘴唇和舌头总是被无数次划破,一被冷风吹就特别疼,吃饭的时候也很困难,经常饿肚子:我觉得这世上最宝贵的事物莫过于不畏艰险的坚持不懈的做一件事。方言茫茫人海,有几人能做到,我想这就是为人们存在的价值,作为我们精神上的领袖,“要从失败中汲 取教训,那就是:你贪玩儿,可以,但是要记住,贪玩儿是要付出代价的。你想要得到一样东西,必然要放弃另外一样东西。老天爷是公平的,他不可能让你什么都得到。当你贪玩儿的时候,别人都在奋斗,所谓逆水行舟,不进则退。老天爷给了人生两种味道:苦与甜。如果你选择前半生吃苦,那么就可以后半生享乐。 但如果你选择前半生享乐,那么就只能做好后半辈子吃苦的准备了。”我在书中 看到这段话,对我感悟颇深。我感悟的并非是字里行间的意思,而是对世事的无奈,这句话我们何尝不懂呢,但做到的又有几人,每当看到那些中年人为自己少年虚度光阴后后悔,我想经历过苦中苦,才能彻头彻底的明白,但又有什么用呢, 过去的不在回来,留下的只有悔意。我想到那时的我们也会一样来悔恨自己,可一切为之已晚。然后就将希望寄托在下一代,可悲的是,一代一代亦是如此,实在让人可笑又无奈。这,就是大学了吗?

接下来,我该做什么?我到底为什么要上大学?大学 是什么?大学这四年我到底该怎么度过?这一切的选择到底对吗?人生又是什 么?人生的意义何在?我这辈子到底要做什么?到底该做什么?和我的朋友们 比起来,我之前为什么失败了?我到底错在哪里?只因我学习不够刻苦吗?如果是的话,人,又是为了什么而学习?为了什么而奋斗?为了什么而坚持?为了什么而活着?我想这些问题是我们最应该们也是最迫切去弄明白的。封面的那句“写给为梦想而奋斗的人”深深的激励着我,成功无捷径,需要 我们在梦想的征程中勇敢、坚持、不顾一切 。同志们,革命尚未成功,同志仍 需努力。




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I am not a brave girl, I am afraid of losing face in front of my friends

and parents, so I always let the chance go and refuse to try. Once, I have a

chance to take a performance in the Christmas show, but thinking about if I

performed badly, all my friends would laugh at me, so I gave up the chance. But

now, I am tired of letting so many chances to go, I want to try, after seeing my

friends take all the chances to try, I am not going to be the outsider all the

time, I want to live my own life and make some differences. People say failure

is not terrible, the unforgettable thing are to lose the courage to try and then

making all kinds of excuses. Let’s take out our courage and do what we want to




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Nowadays,there is a increasing number for people to join in the activities

of volunteering.Its well-known that volunteering job is making contribution to

the society with nothing in return.Its like the Leifeng spirit.However,knowing

this,there are still many people would like to devote themseves in this

trend.For instance,the 20__ Beijing Olympic Games has so many volunteers.They

made lots of contribution to the success of opening the Olympics.Moreover,we can

often see that there many students go to geroium to visit the old to bring warm

to the lonely people.Even there are some peoples career is volunteer.They are

ready to help others.Although the volunteers are much more mon,we still need to

thanks them to admire them devoting themseves to the society.




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1、(as)greedy as a wolf (非常贪婪, 贪得无厌)

2、cry wolf (喊“来了”, 发假警报)

3、eat like a wolf (贪婪地吃, 狼吞虎咽)

4、have [hold] a wolf by ears (骑虎难下)

5、have a wolf in the stomach (饿极了 )

6、He sets the fox to keep the geese、引狼入室。

7、When the fox preaches, take care of your geese、黄鼠狼给鸡拜年,没安好心。

8、the wolf at the door 比喻家庭面临的财政问题。

9、He holds a wolf by the ears、拧狼耳,即骑虎难下。

10、The wolf may lose his teeth,but never his nature.狼的牙齿会掉,本性却改不了。

11、The death of wolves is the safety of the sheep.(狼死羊安)

12、a lone wolf (不喜欢与人来往的人, 喜欢独居的人; 独自作案的罪犯 )

13、wolf-call (色鬼调戏妇女时的怪叫 wolffish )

14、Don’t trust a goat with the kitchen-garden,or a wolf with sheepfold、不能请羊管菜园,不能请狼管羊圈。

15、Who keeps company with wolves, will learn to howl、和狼在一起,就会学狼叫。

16、Man is a wolf to man、人对人是狼。(人心狠,人吃人)

17、A growing youth has a wolf in his belly、年轻人,在成长,吃起饭来像饿狼。

18、A wolf in sheeps clothing 匹着羊皮的狼。

19、The wolf may lose his teeth,but never his nature.(狼的牙齿会掉,本性却改不了。)

20、wolf in sheeps clothing (披着羊皮的狼 )

21、cry wolf (虚张声势;报谎喊“狼来了” )

22、One must howl with the wolves、(跟狼在一起, 就得学狼叫; 入乡随俗。)

23、sea wolf (狼; 任何贪食的大海鱼。海盗; 私掠船。潜艇。)

24、see[have seen]a wolf (张口结舌, 说不出话来。)

25、set the wolf to keep the sheep (叫狼看守羊; 引狼入室。)

26、the big bad wolf (令人恐怖的人或物。)

27、throw to the wolves (送入虎口; 置...于险境)

28、wake a sleeping wolf (自找麻烦)

29、He who keeps company with a wolf will learn to howl、(跟狼在一起, 就会学狼叫; 近墨者黑。)

30、keep the wolf from the door (拒狼门外。也可翻译成“免于挨饿,勉强度日”)。

31、have a wolf in ones stomach (肚里有狼)是指“饥肠辘辘”。

32、have a wolfish appetite 是“有狼一般的食欲”。

33、to wolf down ones food 是“狼吞虎咽的吃东西”。

34、Keep the wolf from the door 是“得免饥寒”。

35、We were in those days very poor,and keeping the wolf from the door proved no easy task 那时,我们很穷,求温饱很不容易。



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" Rain, pedestrians deep sorrow……" Ching Ming Festival is coming, people

with a sad mood to the cemetery. The heavens seem to understand peoples heart,

also cry. The wicker also lowered his head ... ... Ah! The qingming festival

really makes people sad!

Our family with firecrackers, paper money ... ... With a sad heart came to

the cemetery, a door, he saw the huge crowds of people, hear the deep, found a

place, we started sweeping the grave.

The father lit a candle, it is placed in front of the monument, after a

moment, father and pick up a piece of clean towel seriously to wipe up the

stone, every word polished. Suddenly I found another stone is tied with a

ribbon, I feel very strange, and I also bought a piece of writing ", in the" red

belt on the stone, it is to rely on our memory of their loved ones. Then, my

mother cooked a paper money, his mouth still muttering incantations, hope she

can well, and bless our family happiness! Finally, we also kowtowed, set off


on my way home, I thought: "I must study hard, live up to the expectations

of my relatives who died!



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Since I go to middle school, I have to learn many subjects. Though I am not

the best student in class, but I won’t give up. I always tell myself to work

hard, because if I want to compete with other students, I need to make great

effort. People are easy to deny themselves when they face difficulty. If they

fail one time, then they will doubt the effort they have made. Actually, we are

not studying in vain. What we learn will be a great help to improve ourselves.

The thing we learn decides what kinds of person we are. So don’t deny yourself,

as you will see the value you have stored before in the future.



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here there is a will, there is a way.


Well begun is half done.


East, west, home is best.


There is no royal road to learning.


Look before you leap. First think, then act.


It is never too late to mend.


Light come, light go.


Time is money.


A friend in need is a friend indeed.


Great hopes make great man.


After a storm comes a calm.


All roads lead to Rome.


Art is long, but life is short.


Stick to it, and youll succeed.


Early to bed and early to rise makes a man healthy, wealthy, and wise.


A good medicine tastes bitter.


It is good to learn at another mans cost.


Keeping is harder than winning.


Lets cross the bridge when we come to it.


More haste, less speed.


No pains, no gains.


Nothing is difficult to the man who will try.


Where there is life, there is hope.


An idle youth, a needy age.


We must not lie down, and cry, "God help us."


A plant may produce new flowers; man is young but once.


God helps those who help themselves.


What may be done at any time will be done at no time.


All work and no play makes Jack a dull boy.


Diligence is the mother of success.


Truth is the daughter of time.


Take care of the pence, and the pounds will take care of themselves.


No man is wise at all times.


Never put off till tomorrow what you can do today.


Live and learn.


Kill two bird



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It maybe our common desires to experience a meaning life, but when it comes

to the topic “How to live a meaningful life”, the opinions are divided. In

someone’s eyes, they agree that a meaningful life is just a comfortable life

which means they can enjoy themselves as possible as they can.

However, personally in my view, if we spend our whole life in pursuing

things only for ourselves, we will surely let ourselves down when we look back.

There’s an old saying that goes “The greatest use of life is to spend it for

something that will outlast it”. I can’t agree more. If there is a way to avoid

a disappointed life, it should be to try our best to find meaningful things

which can also make contributions to the whole society. Even a single man can

make a big difference to the world. Not to mention that everyone get together to

bring changes to the society.

It’s high time that we took measures to experience a meaning life. What’s

more, it’s never too late to start a meaning life. So be yourself, enjoy your

happiness and be helpful to others. That’s the meaning life worth living.



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The environmental pollution is worse and worse today. Many trees are cut

down, and water and air are polluted. As a student I try to have a low-carbon

life to save energy and reduce pollution.Firstly, I often walk to school. It can

reduce air pollution. Secondly, I always turn off the lights and fans when

leaving the classroom.

Thirdly, I always make full use of paper and other school things and never

waste water.

I wish more students to join me and make the earth more and more




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Low carbon life is popular nowadays. Its aim is to reduce the energy in our

daily life, especially reduce the emissions of carbon dioxide. It is well-known

that the air pollution is more and more serious. So we should do something to

protect our earth.

Firstly,we should take more bus instead of driving cars. As people’s living

standard has improved, there are more and more people driving private cars. This

phenomenon is one of the causes for air pollution. Because its gas will produce

lots of carbon dioxide, which may enventually lead to air pollution. Secondly,

when we leave our house or classroom, we would better turn of the lights, fans

or airconditioning.

To make our unique earth better, we should appeal people to live a low

carbon life. It is also will be the main trends in the future. Let’s do

something for our mother earth.



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导语:海内存知己, 天涯若比邻。下面是yuwenmi小编为大家整理的关于友谊谚语,欢迎阅读与借鉴,谢谢!

1.Set great store by friendship. 情意重千斤。

2.Between friends all is common. 朋友之间不分彼此。

3.Old friends and old wine are best. 陈酒味醇, 老友情深。

4.The friendship of a gentleman is insipid as water. 君子之交淡如水。

5.A bosom friend afar brings a distant land near. 海内存知己, 天涯若比邻。

6.Most mens friendships are too inarticulate. 人的友谊是无法言喻的。

7.Friendship is like a plant of slow growth. 友谊像生长着的植物, 是慢慢地建立起来的。

8.A good book is the best of friends, the same today and forever. 好书如挚友, 情谊永不渝。

9.A man knows his companion in a long journey and a little inn. 路遥知马力, 日久见人心。

10.I like a simple friend, who holds my faults like a looking glass before my face.我喜欢这样的朋友, 他对我的缺点就像照镜子一样直言不讳。

11.It is well that there is no one without a fault, for he would not have a friend in the world .世界上没有不犯错误的人. 想交没有错误的朋友, 你就没有朋友。

12.It is only the greathearted who can be true friends; the mean and the cowardly can never know what true friendship is. 只有伟大胸怀的人才是真正的朋友; 平庸和怯懦之辈决不可能了解真正友谊的含义。

13.No man can be happy without a friend, nor be sure of his friend till he is unhappy.没有朋友的人不会幸福,不处逆境不能识别朋友。

14.Nothing makes the earth seem to spacious as to have friends at a distance; they make the latitudes and longitudes. 远方的朋友能使世界变得非常宽阔; 他们组成了经纬度。

15.Of our mixed life two quests are given control: food for the body, friendship for the soul. 在复杂的生命中, 有两点要牢记:为生存需要吃饭, 而心灵需要友谊。

16.The best that we find in our travel is an honest friend. He is a fortunate voyager who finds many.旅行中最愉快的事是交到一个真诚的朋友。

17.The making of friends who are real friends, is the best token we have of a mans success in life.能交到真正的朋友是人生中最成功的事。

18.The more we love our friends, the less we flatter them. 对朋友爱得越深, 奉承得就越少。

19.The smell of coin is often the knell of friendship. 铜臭味浓往往是友谊的不祥之兆。

20.The true friendship seeks to give, not take; to help, not to be helped; to minister, not to be ministered unto.真正的友谊追求的是给予, 而不是索取; 是帮助别人, 而不是被人帮助; 是为人服务, 而不是被人服务。

21.To prepare a friend, three things are required: to honor him present, praise him absent, and assist him in his necessities. 维护朋友, 有三件事情要做到:当面要尊重他, 不在场时要表扬他, 苦难时要帮助他。

22.Choose thy friends like thy books, few but choice. 选择朋友要像选书那样, 数量要少, 但质量要精。

23.My friend is not perfect—nor am I—and so we suit each other admirably.朋友不会十全十美,你自己也一样,双方要互相尊敬。

24.For a congenial friend a thousand toasts are too few; in a disagreeable conversation one word more is too many. 酒逢知己千杯少,话不投机半句多。



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Old heart not old, poor but proud.


Raised his hand and not dozen no lady, opening not scold a gift.


Dont read mouth born for three days, three years does not make new.


Cut up the hill to catch the bird on the tree.


People in the world, the knife may be sharpened on a stone.


Peak of aspiring people, difficult impotent deceives.


Aspiring, bamboo habits.


Horse tooth plate, people look at words and deeds.


While the iron is hot to their tong, a tiller of the ground changed to yourself.


Money doesnt buy the heart, describe a dont sell.


The heart, the tree might send.


Old man not roles, later will lost.


People afraid of no reason, the dog afraid of tail.


Dont ride two horses, dont drink tea.


Three hundred and sixty line, line out of the top.


Dont pick burden heavy, dont know far a long walk.


Dont look at people dont kiss, depends on straightening out, either.


People, fire flame and contend for a wick sweet.


Well the tao, the water more clear; The pendulum, the more bright.


Ship stability are not afraid of the wind is big, rational transferable.


Dont knock drum ring, not argue is unknown.


People perseverance into everything, a man without perseverance all collapse.


Feet run though the rain, a strong mouth however.


Is afraid of people disrespect but not straight.


Good fight, bad ZhengZui.


The heart every belly, to see the behavior.


People look big bird fly upwards.


Aspiring volunteers who dont move, no ambition of people often aspire to.


Who makes sense, and the horse cross the REINS.


Dont touch the bottom of the hand is not black, dont take clear hand not greasy.


One thousand, shipbuilding, day of the dragon; The weight is small, can press one thousand catties.


No sodium tasteless, words, not weak.


Not afraid ghost scary, clear scary.


Tea is not afraid of fine products, good afraid of fine theory.


Old beef have a chewy, the old have a head.


After a setback, long a knowledgeable.


The mouth says, the facts to prove it.


People afraid of no volunteers, afraid of no skin tree.


Hours to steal needle, the stolen gold.


The pedestrian li road, the bullet hole in my head.


Cattle are unable to cross rake, said rude words.


Thousands of learning as a look as a practice.


Eat to eat delicious, said to say.


Firewood asked the woodcutter, sailing when asked the ferryman.


Rain will next year, the one who is, wont poor.


Casserole dao not leak, wood not chisel.


Eat people ZuiRuan, theory of person do you want it short.


Good wine is not afraid of wine, good people are not afraid to speak.


Better to body, you see.


Swim in the lake big carp, as small carp on the table.


Long live the slope, it is never too steep.


All that glitters is not gold, the water cannot be measured.



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Nowadays, more and more people realize the harm of smoking and the damage

it bring to the people around us. Considered the health of people themseves and

the one they care, many smokers try their best to give up smoking. When quiting

smoking, I have some suggestions. First of all, people should have strong will

on giving up smoking. Personal determination is the most important factor. When

feeling eager to smoke, people should think about the damage of smoking and the

people they love. And then they can strengthen their will not to smoke.

Secondly, sweep away all the cigarette around. They can’t find any cigarette

when they want to smoke. And then after a while, their wants for smoke will

reduce gradually. Last but not least, prepare some candies in the pocket, when

people want to smoke, eat candies instead. Hope every smoker succeed in the




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总之,一个合格的教师应该有良好的职业道德、健康的心理素质和为祖国 教育事业无私奉献的敬业精神,有新时代所推崇的新思想,新观念,有探索精神和创新精神。正如明确指出一样:“教师作为人类灵魂的工程师,不仅要教好书,还要育好人,各方面都要为人师表。”! clearly pointed out: "Teachers, as engineers of human souls, must not only teach books, but also have good people, and they must be a teacher in all aspects."!








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one of the wonderful things about being a foreign educator in china, is that chinese students are so eager to learn from you。 they have been trained from an early age to be knowledge sponges, looking to soak up as much new information from their teachers as they can。 secondly, confucian education demands a high degree of respect for teachers。

the title "lao shi" is one of reverence in chinese society, though teachers tend to be poorly paid。 even greater is the respect in china for foreign teachers or "foreign experts" as they are called。 despite the fact that most foreign experts in china have no previous expertise as teachers of english as a foreign language but are employed as such, the chinese government welcomes their contribution by bestowing a respectful title upon them。 thus, chinese students hold their foreign teachers especially in high regard, which is perhaps why so many people who come to china to teach end up staying here longer。

it would be hard to find this level of appreciation for teachers among american students。 young people in the u。s。 have a somewhat different attitude toward educators; they are taught to question, not simply absorb, so they decide for themselves if a teacher is credible。 american students may reject their teachers,

confronting them and even publicly disagreeing with them as part of the learning process。 american young people are less accepting of information at face value, preferring to evaluate for themselves as to whether or not what the teacher says is true or useful。the status of the teacher in eastern and western education has a major impact on the way students take responsibility for their learning。 chinese students become heavily reliant on their teachers to give them the "right" information and can easily blame the teacher if they do not do well in the class by saying, "the teacher didnt teach me enough。"

american students tend to be more independent as learners, and teachers encourage them to do research on their own, form study groups and seek answers from outside sources。 this gives american students more flexibility in gathering information, and also encourages them to be responsible for their learning。 responsibility in this context does not simply mean memorizing the "correct" answers to pass an exam, it refers to the sense of ownership that makes learning meaningful。

in chinese, people express modesty by saying that they gave all their knowledge back to the teacher。 this implies that the person never really owned the knowledge in the first place, but simply borrowed it from the teacher to pass the exam。 but it also implies that the person never cherished this knowledge,

because he or she never owned it, and so they neglected it and eventually forgot it。 its just like the difference between living in a dormitory and living in your own house。

no one who lives in a dorm takes very good care of it, especially the public areas。 but once you own a home, you make it beautiful and keep it clean because it has greater value to you。 this is pride of ownership, and what is owned is cherished。 what is cherished endures。

as much as chinese students appreciate their foreign teachers,

they should not forget that responsibility for learning comes from within, not from without。 the teacher cannot "give" someone english。 no one can "get" english from a teacher or from a book like one can get a cold。 responsibility for learning can only come from the learner, when he or she freely chooses to own the quality of his or her learning experience, versus relying on borrowed knowledge from experts。




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01. Study to be what you wish to seem.学习可成为你所理想的人物。

02. Success belongs to the persevering. 坚持就是胜利。

03. Success grows out of struggles to overcome difficulties. 成功来自于克服困难的斗争。

04. Success has many friends. 成功者朋友多。

05. Such beginning, such ending. 有怎样的开始,就有怎样的结束。

06. Such carpenters, such chips. 什麽样的木匠,出什麽活。

07. Sufficient for the day is the evil thereof. 一天的不幸已够人受的了,别再自寻烦恼。

08. Suit the action to the word. 怎麽说就怎麽做。

09. Sure bind, sure find. 捆得好,逃不了。

10. Suspicion is the poison of true friendship. 猜疑伤害莫逆之交。

11. Sweep before your own door. 先律己,后律人。

12. Sweet discourse makes short days and nights. 言语投机恨时短。

13. Take a hair of the dog that bit you. 以毒攻毒。

14. Take a pain for a pleasure all wise man can. 智者能视苦为乐。

15. Take a pain for a pleasure all wise men can. 智者皆能视苦为乐。

16. Take away my good name and take away my life. 夺了我的名誉等于夺了我的生命。

17. Take care of small sums and the large will take care of themselves. 省小钱才能积大财。

18. Take care of the pence and the pounds will take care of themselves. 积少成多。

19. Take care of the sense, and the sounds will take care of themselves. 注意你的理智,声调自会小心。

20. Take honour from me and my life is undone. 夺我名声,我命即亡。

21. Take little, but give much. 应少索取,而多奉献。

22. Take one thing with another. 由此及彼。

23. Take ones courage in both hands. 勇往直前,敢作敢为。

24. Take something by the best handle. 理解某事物,乘其好机会。

25. Take the rough with the smooth. 既能享乐也能吃苦。

26. Take the world as it is. 随遇而安。

27. Take the world as one finds it. 听之任之。

28. Take things as they come (or are). 既来之,则安之。

29. Take things as they come. 既来之,则安之。

30. Take time by the forelock. 要抓住时机。
