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Wind, gently, gently blowing, is beautiful and shy autumn girl came.

Autumn girl to the autumn garden dress pretty pretty, just "chrysanthemum" there are a dozen, there are romantic chic dancing chrysanthemum, there are jade plant surrounded by purple Venus, there are colorful peony, Elegant chrysanthemum, purple, dark yellow, light green, light green, deep purple, light purple, purple purple everything, dizzying, and even some called also can not call the name to ... ... tender and beautiful, fragrant million miles.

Go down the garden, there is a dense oblique Yong Road, Yong Road next to the two stone tables, eight stone bench, which can become a good place for children every morning accompanied by a cool autumn wind, We are here to study, write, for fear of wasting this beautiful autumn light.

Walking, we walked to the grass on the grass, the little bit of yellow on the grass, but also like a bare earth covered with a yellow blanket, lawn central dotted with a variety of trees, umbrellas like chui Yu, hot air balloon Of the trees, a few overlapping with the pagoda like the green pine, full of red hawthorn ... ... Hawthorn tree covered with a drunk little red lanterns, they can not afford to take the branches of the leaves, if the pick Down a taste, sour, sweet, delicious.

The lawn is next to the teacher was trimmed neatly hedge, they like a team waiting only to review, poplar also have fallen leaves, breeze blowing, leaves flying in the air, like a small handkerchief from heaven, so nice!

Ah! This beautiful autumn light, I want to make use of this poem autumn.



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I had a lively and lovely little cat, and the whole family liked it.

Small cat is a male cat, the body in addition to the hair on the neck is black, the rest of the hair white no time. Small cats head with a pair of short and small ears, small and exquisite faces embedded in a pair of black round yo little eyes, in the day always like to narrow into a seam, one night to like two gems, sparkling Thriving There was a small, black nose under the eyes, with long beards on both sides of the nose. You can not underestimate the cats beard, is said to be used to measure the size of the mouse hole size ruler. Small cat under the soles of the feet have five small red meat pad, walking even the footsteps are not heard. You see, how cute little cat!

The cat is very naughty. I remember once, my mother in the yard to play a sweater, small cat lying on the mothers feet in the sun. My mother accidentally fell to the ground off the hair, the cat heard the sound, opened his eyes to see the wool group, immediately full of energy stood up, ears raised, eyes tightly pegged to the line, the body back to the bow, Two forepaws hold the ground, eager. I see this, deliberately search the search wool, the line group rolled up on the ground, small cat saw, just rushed up, accurately grasp the line group, happy to play up. It put up the tail, jumped over, jump back, play too happy.

Little cat is still a catch expert. Once, I came home from school, saw a small cat hiding in the corner, two eyes staring at the rat hole. Soon, a small mouse stuck his head to look, that time is late, then fast, small cat suddenly rushed to the small mouse is not good, want to shrink back, but too late. Small cat with lightning speed, with its claws hold the mouses head, and then drag it out, then dangling with teeth, the mouse issued a burst of screams. The little cat was proud to show off its booty, and I also patted his little head and said, "You are true!"

This is my lovely cute cat, it brings us joy.



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Entered in 20xx, on the other day under a heavy snow. Like the other day also Yangchun warmest March on more than 2:00, cold weather, the air is filled with lead-colored clouds. On people wake up from sleep when the cold wind up on the peg. But soon enough, the wind stopped, it began to snow. This is the first winter snow.

From a distance, the snow like small Eun-joo, like drizzle point, such as willow flowers, one after another for us to hang spondee the roof snow white curtain, the rise of the snow through the curtain looked sparse, and that high-rise buildings nearby, faint about about, like clouds, the clouds like in years, is particularly good-looking. Occasionally heard "creak" A snow pressure to cut off the branches.

To the school. Dense snow, dancing all over the place, and pretty soon the entire campus into a silver on the world, the ground turned into a carpet, wearing a white sub-trees, from building with white hat, a cotton covered with houses, that Tong branches full of the "pear" tree branches covered with a "snowball" and "silver ball", from afar, Qiong Yu-shu-chi, powder, full of poetic.

More than the United States and the small snowflakes ah! Began mid-yo, but also small and thick and soft and light, like that noble white swan gently shake the wings, small patches of feathers, down you long Durian; then the small size of the snowflakes , thicken, and become numerous, as one of hard rock heaven Qionghua Yushu, the white petals have no time to fly down; Then, under the snow the more the bigger, small snowflakes in the air you pull, I pull, you cling to I you, one round, one everywhere, as if countless tear to pieces of the cotton ball rolling down from the sky, At that time, the whole world has become vast and beautiful.

Groups of children on the lawn snowmen, snowball fights, snowball throwing objects. Almost joyful shout that the snow on the branches of small to

Snow Grains for many small, as the same as white sugar. They wave in the air, and landed not in a hurry, it seems as if reluctant to leave the sky, and some quietly jumped into the collar of pedestrians, the quietly disappeared. Then, a small piece of snow as light as smoke, such as clean as jade, silver, like white, Durian have triumphantly. Just come down from heaven to kiss the earth ... ...










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Green grass I do not know when to quietly yellow, snuggle in the arms of the earths mother, so next year regeneration. The cicadas were gone, and the geese were walking into the south, and they all told people: "Autumn is coming!"

Autumn sky is exceptionally clear, blossoming white clouds leisurely floating. Poplar willow leaves yellow, and only the pine trees are not willing to take off their green clothes. Maple thought the most thoughtful, took off the summer clothes, put on a red sweater prepared for the fall.

Autumn is the harvest season. In the field, the gold-like valley spatula bent over the waist, a gust of wind blowing, the ground filled with waves, a layer of rushing a layer, also issued rustling laughter; sorghum wore red fire like a burning torch ... ... all this, as if to the people to report the harvest of good news. The peasants were harvesting the crops of the fields, and their faces were sweat with their work and filled with a happy smile.

Orchard, the apple cooked, like a shy little girl, head down. Grapes, full of strings of grapes, purple, green, dark red, one by one in the sun shining, crystal clear, emitting a seductive fragrance. I was so drunk in this charming autumn color!

Full of vitality and vitality of the summer is beautiful, but full of harvest harvest joy more charming!




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Please love our animals, we have a lot of animals around us, such as: stray dogs, stray cats, etc. They have also been favored, and now why they wandering out, that is not because we humans? We put them away from the side, one by the owner only abandoned the little mind how to think, humans have not thought about their life and death. Some people are sad because of a dead bird, but no one to control the animals around. I want to say, "Please take care of the animals around us, keep them healthy and happy, let them have a warm home!"




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World Environment Day is commemorated each year on June 5th, and started from 1972, which is established by the United Nations General Assembly for raising global awareness to take actions to protect the Nature. The establishment of World Environment Day shows peoples the cognition and the attitude to the environmental problem, and expresses our human beings desire of pursuing the better environment. Every year the United Nations Environment Program proposes a theme, and the 2014 theme of this day will focus onSmall Island and Climate changeand the slogan is “Raise Your Voice Not the Sea Level”.This years slogan is "To improve environmental quality The development of green".

World Environment Day can be celebrated in lots of ways, for instances, planting trees, doing some recycling, participating the clean-up campaigns and so on. Certainly people can also do something simple, like going to work by bus instead of private cars. I believe if everyone takes environmental actions as a habit, we are doing a big difference for the better environment.



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1.我家有一只小花猫,它天天和我在一起,我们成了好朋友。 小花猫样子长得很可爱。它有一身黄白相间的花毛,摸上去,毛茸茸的。 圆圆的脸上,长着一对杏叶似的耳朵,特别灵敏。一双透亮灵活的大眼睛有趣极了!那黑黑的瞳仁一天要变三次:早晨,像枣核;中午,成了 一条线;晚上,却变成两只绿色的灯泡,圆溜溜的,闪闪发光。鼻子下面长着一张人字形的嘴,两边有六根长长的胡须,非常神气。它的脚很特殊,脚趾甲尖尖的,像小钩,抓老鼠很厉害;脚掌上有一块软绵绵的肉垫,跑 起路来一点儿声音也没有,老鼠很难防备。我们全家人都非常喜欢这只小花猫。














15.松鼠是一种美丽的小动物,很讨人喜欢。它四肢灵活,行动敏捷。玲珑 的小面孔上,嵌着一对闪闪发光的小眼睛。身上灰褐色的毛,光滑得好象搽过油。一条毛茸茸的大尾巴总是向上翘着,显得格外漂亮






21.小花猫的脑袋圆圆的,顶着一对尖尖的小耳朵,那大大的绿眼睛瞪得像两盏小绿灯。小猫“咪咪”的那一双大耳朵,一天到晚都直竖着,哪个地方有声音,马上往那边转,活像一架有特殊性能的雷达。 这只花猫的全身是白底黑斑,远看上去,像一团雪白的棉花点上了几滴墨汁。 小猫鼻子下面有一张人字形的嘴巴,两旁有6根白色的胡须,常常一扇一扇的,挺神气。猫的胡子非常硬,像钢针一样,能量出洞口的尺寸。 小黑猫长长的尾巴像小鞭子似的,左右摇摆。 小猫有一对透亮灵活的大眼睛,黑黑的瞳仁还会变:早晨,像枣核;中午,就成了细线;夜里,却变成两只绿灯泡,圆溜溜的,闪闪发光。 小花猫早上起来先伸一下懒腰,然后再坐起来,用两只前爪在舌尖上舔一点唾沫,像人一样地洗着脸,再用舌头不停地舔着自己的毛皮,直到有一点光亮为止。

22.刹那间,“千里雪”平稳地腾到空中,简直像滑翔一般地飞过了深沟,轻轻地落在对岸,继续前奔 兔子的耳朵又大又长,只要听见一点1、轻微的声音,就会“唰”地一下竖起来,灵巧地四面转动,寻找声音发出的地方,直到声音没有了,才恢复常态。 小白兔吃饱了的时候,就仨一群俩一伙地在沙地上跑来跑去,像一个个小雪球在滚动。

23.那条小狗一身金黄色的毛,闪闪发亮,像刚刚擦过油似的。 这只天真可爱的卷毛狮子狗,小黑尾巴一摆动起来,像个滚动的小绒球。 那条小黑狗,一身乌黑发亮的皮毛,就像黑缎子一般油亮光滑;雪白的小爪儿,像4朵梅花;那条撅着的小尾巴,总是悠闲不停地摇摆着。 那黑狗不吼不叫,像一个很有身分的武士,威严、老练,一动不动蹲在那里,雄纠纠张开胸脯上绒样的长毛。 狗的叫声不像猫的咪咪声那样有气无力,也不像老虎的叫声那样恐怖,而是中气十足,使人听起来有雄壮干脆的感觉。

24.这头大肥猪,屁股溜圆,肚子蛮大,由于脂肪过度丰富,它只得慢慢走着,好像架子很大的老爷。 这只猪吃东西的时候,两个耳朵像大扇子一样一扇一扇的,脑袋一颠一颠的,眼睛紧紧地盯着食物。 猪吃完食乖乖地走到圈里,懒洋洋地躺下了,还不时地哼哼两声,好一副心满意足的样子。这匹马,全身皮毛黑发红,红中透亮,油光水滑,像刚从油缸里跳出来似的。














38.我养了一只小猫,它的耳朵尖尖的,雪白雪白的毛像毛毯一样柔软,一只绿绿的眼睛,一只蓝蓝的眼睛。白天时由于光线太强眯成一条缝,而到了晚上,眼睛像亮晶晶的宝石,发出绿色的光,再狡猾的老鼠也逃不过它的眼睛。它的嘴巴每边有三根硬硬的胡须,它还会用爪子洗脸。它最喜欢吃鱼了,有一次,我到菜市场买了几条 小鱼,它蹭的一扑上去就吃,几根胡须高兴地抖动起来,嘴里还发出喵喵的声音,好像在说“谢谢”。









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We all like to make friends, because no one can survive without a friend. If you ask someone how many friends do they have, most will answer a lot. Indeed, we make friends in different stage, even we are old, we still make friends. But not all friends are as honest as they are, some friends we made since we are young, some are just meet a couple of times and we don’t know much about them. The former are real friends, while the latter are not true friends. What is the real friend, a real friend is someone who you can talk about anything and can be show up the moment you need. Other friends are just for drinking and eating, they will not help you if you are in trouble. When we make friends, the real one is what we need.



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My favorite little animal is chicken.


Just right, my house downstairs 307, raised a few chickens. Every day we pass by, the chicks lean on our heads.


The chickens are hairy and lovely. A yellow feather like wrapped in a golden dress. The chicken has a pair of pointed little mouth. The round eyes are quite spiritual when they look at people.


I dont see their ears, but chickens cant have ears. If there were no ears, how could they lean on our heads when we walked by?


Mother said, the newly hatched chickens can only eat small grains of rice, can not eat millet or corn, but also often give them water. If they had worms, they would have grown stronger.


I love these lovely chicks. But mom and



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Alice is 20 years old. She is a little overweight. But she is tall and fairskinned, so she looks healthy. Her hair is jet-blacked and straight. She has a very pleasant smile and she always has a twinkle in her eye. When smiling, Alice;s dimples will appear who receive them feel very special. When she works, she always put on her glasses. She always dress very elegant and tidy. Because of her fair skin and kindness, we all like her very much.



My father is a humorous person.My father short stature,fine fine thin,white skin,black hair,a head of the “big wave” self-invited roll hair,who would think that he is met at the barbers hot. His colleagues said he is narrowed down fei xiang,I think so too. He is a fine art,is famous in the central south five provinces binding artist,his one-man show has a favorable review in the many famous people. After another wall,he is a funny people,special love kidding,I dont know if all of the art is very humor,I think my dads body is full of humor cells. No matter how tired he how busy work,as long as take a door,exactly,he said,as long as a see me,and immediately he smile,I followed delightful sounds.



My friend Vivi is a lively and smart girl,she has long black hair and she is a tallest girl in our class.She is warm-hearted and good- looking so that everyone loves her.Im so glad to make friend with her.Im out-going too,so we have been good friends for long time.But sometimes I like quiet but she doesnt.And her marks are not good as me.So,i suggested her that she should work-hard in her study so that we can go to the same university.

This person is my best friend Vivi who i can tell everything to.Like my deeply feelings and thoughts.





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The autumn girl drove the summer heat of the summer heat, and brought the cool autumn.

Autumn girl ran into the orchard with her wand a little, the orchard faction of the scene. Mature grapes like a string of crystal clear agate, looks like a mouth-watering, taste a grape in the mouth of the sweet juice in the mouth aftertaste infinite, really people eat a want to eat the second and third Stars. Orchard in the orchard fire red, like a group of burning fire is burning. I could not help it temptation to take off a red hawthorn taste, sour me. I think this hawthorn is really looking good, but eating is really not delicious ah I can no longer be confused by the appearance of the future. Orchard jujube also one by one hanging on the branches, picked down a large and red dates, a taste of sweet and delicious, sweet and crisp very delicious.

The orchard of the persimmon one by one to the branches bent to the waist, one of the Huang Chengcheng persimmon is like a hanging in the branches of a small lantern. I taste really amazing, it is very sweet taste, like sugar as sweet, very delicious really want to eat one. Pomegranate in the orchard is also cooked, one by one grinned his mouth, inside the fruit is like a piece of ruby. In the mouth of a bite rotten, sweet juice to spray out, sweet and sour, very delicious.

Autumn orchard is really a good harvest season it!



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Should men and women be equal? Different people have different ideas on this issue. Some people think that men are superior to women, because men are physically strong. They are better at heavy labor work. And they can also carry on the family lines and hold the important positions. However, other people don’t agree on this idea. They believe that women are as capable as men. Sometimes, women can even do a lot of things better than men, for they are more careful, patient, and responsible. Now there have been so many women leaders and women scientists in the world. Accordingly, we shouldn’t look down upon women. Instead, men and women should be given the equal right and chance to study and work, so that they can do some even greater contributions to our nation. As far as I am concerned, I am in favor of the latter.




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i have a pet dog, it”s name is bear. it is a lovely dog. it was born in 2015. it has a pair of big black eyes, and it is black all over. it has four long legs and a long tail. it often play with me, i love it very much.

【i have a cat 】 i have a cat .its name is mimi. its very lovey.my family all like it.

it always plays with me every day .it has black and white fur.as long as we saymimi,it right away runs to you.

its very good!so my family all like it!

【pig的作文】 mother gave me a lovely "pig" made of cloth on my tenth birthday. it was very lovely. the pig was dressed in blue. he had a red face and a little mouth. his two ears were just like two fans. he really looked funny. there was always a smile on his face. he must be a happy "pig" , i think.

【写海马的作文】 there are all kinds of horses in the world. but one of them you cant ride. it doesnt live on land, but in the sea. it looks like the head of horse. so the people call it sea horse. in fact, the sea horse is a small fish. it likes to live in warm water. a sea horse stands up in the water when it swims.

father horse carries the eggs to keep them safe in its pouch. when the eggs are hatched, the baby horses swim away.

【i have a litte dog】 i have a litte dog"xiao pang".because it is very tittt small.ityellow and brown.it olways run with me.it is so big.it like eat meat and rice. sometime i call it"xiao pang ", then it runs towe fast.

i have a litte dog"xiao pang".because it is very tittt small.ityellow and brown.it olways run with me.it is so big.it like eat meat and rice. sometime i call it"xiao pang ", then it runs towe fast.

i love my dog.



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High-rise buildings for dusk, Indus leaves on Xiaoyu rain. --Inscription

The raindrops were spinning in the sky and seemed to cheer for the location of the summer rain. Its dancing infected with the hot summer heat uncle and that annoying cicadas, they all want to see the interpretation of the autumn, but still was driven away by the wind.

Autumn sparse under the rain, wrapped in a layer of sadness. It is sad in what? Originally, it is blaming themselves, blame their coming to give a lot of good life is about to end the hint. Yeah, those "withered old trees faint crow, bridges people, trail westerly thin horse." The bleak picture, though by your hint after the picture. However, you do not know, without your kindness hinted that everything will know how the last interpretation, how will the interpretation of the most beautiful dance it So, you use the enthusiasm of the red maple leaves, so that it is in the last interpretation of the moment, with the most unique color of the fall. Then, you put your magic sinking rain dripping to the field, so that rice in the end of the life of the moment, the last bath once, and then in their own sleep, was stripped of the shell, leaving a small toot Particles, in the dream of peace with the world farewell. Let them go so quietly, without any pain.

Autumn is a magical painter, with its unique brush out of a "day street rain, such as crisp" ink painting. In the scroll, the little girl who holds the oil paper umbrella, with the autumn rain in the same umbrella, she is listening to the rain in the paper on the paper umbrella melody, try to interpret the autumn rain under every dream. Lying on the side of the leaves, in the autumn rain Xiaoxiao sprinkled, the veins flowing in the autumn rain, the wind cruel attack it, because the fall of love and this piece of poor little leaf tied to the ground, no longer let it suffer the wind All the way to torture. Leaves drank the raindrops of rain, obediently stay on the ground, that sitting shaky, and with a slight wind, even more autumn. Ink painting in the autumn rain, with their own vitality of the brush, everywhere depicts his own unique beauty. Autumn in the ink painting stroked in the past, when we had time to fall for the leaves and sigh, but our eyes attracted in such a beautiful picture. I worship this magical autumn painter.

A refreshing autumn debut of the fall ...



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My favorite little animal, the tortoise, gave me the name "Li Shiyan", and I usually called it "extension"". Not only is it cute, but it can understand me sometimes! Its head is small, thin neck, also carrying a bowl of the same size as the shell, green, pointy little tail walking swaying is very interesting.


Although it is only a small animal, but it also has a kind heart. Once when Grandpa was ill in hospital, he went hungry! Even if we bought it its favorite loach fish, he refused to eat it. It wasnt until the grandfather left the hospital half a month ago that he was happy to eat, and it was really a love and pity at the time.


But sometimes, its also "hateful.""! One day, it in the glass bowl to hold uncomfortable, I think it will help it in such a hurry, I use the index finger and thumb carefully pinched its shell, gently put it out, didnt think it even with the sharp claws on me, is really not good people! Although I am very angry, but see it happy on the ground free to play everywhere, I also happy for it.


This is my favorite little animal - the tortoise". Do you like it?



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Today is the happiest day in this holiday. Although I was very tired, I found myself in these busy day. I am afraid of taking a bus usually, the awful smell of the bus drive me mad ,make me feel carsick. But today I didnt feel carsick. I can defeat carsickness finally. At night I went out with an old friend who I ever liked him, but both of us were busy with the examination at the high school that we hadnt been together. I was so surprised that I received his calling. At first, I thought we would never meet after we graduated. Thank him gave me a happy day!
