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In winter, the air wave with large snowflakes, not for a moment, then on the ground covered with white snow, people stepped in the thick soft snow, really comfortable ah! The branch also put on the White House jacket, with a string of pearls like ice, in the sun, her tears, with his last time to let people see her shining side. At this time, a few naughty figure on the streets, they wear a thick cotton padded jacket, scarf, hats and gloves, playing in the street. The snowball was flying in the air, and the sound of a child. The people heard the sound of running out, together, enjoying the beautiful scenery, watching the children playing happy scene, laughing and talking, people face exposed happy smile. This is a village - my hometown, how beautiful, harmonious, I love my hometown of winter!

冬天,空中飘舞着鹅毛大雪,不一会儿,地上便铺满了洁白的雪,人们踩在这厚厚的软绵绵的雪上,真舒服啊!树枝也穿上了那白色的棉袄,房屋上结了一串串珍珠似的冰,在太阳的照射下—她流着泪,用自己最后的时光让人们看到她闪闪发光的一面。 这时,街道上出现了几个淘气包的身影,他们穿着厚厚的棉袄,围着围巾,戴着帽子和手套,在街道上玩耍。雪球在空中飞舞着,时不时传来一个孩子的叫声。人们听见这声便跑出来,聚在一起,一边欣赏着美丽的景色,看着孩子们玩耍时快乐的情景,有说有笑,人们的脸上都露出了幸福的笑容。 这是村庄—我的家乡,多么的美丽,和谐,我爱家乡的冬天!




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首先要描写它的外形样子,要仔细看它的头部、尾部、毛色、四肢 是什么样的,形状、特点、颜色是什么样的。



2 然后再看它的生活习性又是什么样的,小动物怎样吃食啦,怎样游戏啦,怎样睡觉啦,把这些都要细致观察,具体地描写出来。例如:小鹅儿“哦哦,小鹅儿出壳了!小鹅儿出壳了!”我拍手高兴地喊,我最爱小鹅了。这些刚出壳的小鹅儿一身水淋淋的,毛色不算好看,但是红红的小脚激起了我的兴趣。第二天,我把这些小家伙放出来喂食。它们的毛已经干了,金黄柔美,尽管它们脚还软,站不起来,但是一个个都很活泼,放下地就一扑一扑地,像在摔跤,真逗!小鹅儿睡觉的时候,小颈缩短了,那脑袋就像用绒沾在上面的。它们很容易醒,轻轻地脚步声,它们都会睁开眼睛看看,没有声响了,再睡。十多天以后,我刚揭开遮鹅笼的罩子,它们就要争先恐后的出来,一个小鹅站在另一个小鹅身上一跳,居然跳出来了!它们的毛开始变白了,脚也不软了。一下子就跑到我脚前要吃的,我先放些饭在碟子里,手里拿着两大片菜叶,它们嘴在呷饭,眼睛却盯着我的菜叶。菜叶似乎比饭更好吃,一只小鹅索性蹦起来呷着,摔了一跤!引得我大笑起来。这些小家伙很通人性,我一到家它们就跑到我的脚下转悠,亲热的很呐。我常常跟它们说话,有时它们还回答呢!所以,我把小鹅看成我的朋友。文章活脱脱地展现出小鹅出壳、吃食,睡觉和性情,语言活泼,条理清晰,形容逼真,童趣盎然,字里行间包含着小作者与小鹅之间的情感。

3 描写小动物的样子侧重于静态描写,描写小动物活动情况,侧重于动态描写。按照从静态到动态有条理,有层次地观察和描写,可以把小动物写得清楚、细致、感人。请你阅读下面的作文:猴子我最喜欢猴子,它在动物中恐怕是最聪明的。当我们来到它们跟前时,一只猴子用明亮的眼睛盯着我们。它的长相很奇特:一个很小的鼻子向里凹着,一张凸起的小嘴发出‘吱吱’的叫声,浑身的毛不但亮而且黑里透黄。小耳朵竖着,两只小爪子不时挠着头皮,做出怪模样,使人发笑。我掏出一块面包丢给它,不料,它没有接,只是先用爪子试探了一下,又缩了回去,还用眼晴看看我。过了一会儿,它抓起面包,狼吞虎咽地吃起来,吃完后又用央求的目光看着我,伸出爪子向我要吃的,于是我又扔一块糖给它。它迅速地剥开糖纸,放入口中大嚼起来。读了这篇片段作文,小猴子的可爱的形象会栩栩如生地展示在我们面前。所以产生这样感人的效果,是由于小作者从静态——外形样子,动态——生活习性两方面仔细观察,认真描写的结果。




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If you ask me what my favourite animal.I can tell you pandas are my favourite.I like the pandas not only because they are one of the Chinas treasures,but also because they looks cute.

Pandas are very fat and hairy. They have two colours:white and black.The pandasd face,back and stomach are all white, their eyes nose legs and arms are all black.

The pandas like eating bamboo. Using the paws,he chew the bamboo very slowly with his mouth.

There are two pandas called tuantuan and yuanyuan will send to Taiwan.



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2、如果你是一只蜜蜂,就酿造一份甜蜜; 如果你是一只蝴蝶,就点缀花儿;如果你是一只雄鹰,就搏击万里长空。



5、狐狸 它是如此的美丽,如此的狡猾,如此的灵活。









14、小鸟的叫声 “唧唧”“喳喳”,仿佛是新掘起的歌手在高歌,十分清脆,十分婉转,十分动听,仿佛天籁之音



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I like autumn. I love the falling leaves in autumn. They cover the ground with golden yellow.

When you walk on them, they rustle beneath your feet, just as if they are singing to you.

I know trees get ready for their next years rebirth by doing this, so I enjoy them without any sad feelings.

The fields in autumn are fruity. People are easy to have good mood in a harvest season.

So cant autumn sights bring happiness to us as well?



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Few Americans study stay put for a lifetime. They move from town to city or to suburb, from high school to college in a different state, from a job in one region to a better job elsewhere, from the home where they raise their children to the home where they plan to live after retirement. With each move they are forever making new friends, who become part of their new life at that time.




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Animals are the best friends of man who can all care for them? I am a favorite little animal, small animals are cute and naughty, like a naughty child.

I like the puppy, the puppy is very cute. I used to have a name: snow and snow to listen to the name to know is a lovely little dog, its hair like snow as white, with a pair of round black eyes, two ears in the head. Cute, but snow is also very naughty, then Ill tell you its naughty it!

One afternoon I came home from school, snow and snow as usual to pick me up, I and it walked on the stairs, to the stairs, it saw my hand bag, all of a sudden bite in the past, I chased it, while chasing Cried: "Snow snow to my bag back, hurry or else I want to teach you." Snow seems to understand, so obediently ran back, hand over the bag. Rub me a bit like me in the request of my understanding, I touched it, and it returned home.

Snow is very cute and very naughty. But I and it is a good friend, I like it snow snow.



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I have a kitten, it is very naughty, often in my homework when scratching my feet, bite my feet. It is a small white cat, the name is "Cher". It has big eyes, sharp ears, round head, white body sometimes make a roll children. It will sometimes call, it is lying in front of its food. Think of it, it is saying, "Im hungry, Im hungry, give me some food!" Then I gave it some little fish.

Sometimes I hold it, it is "meow" to call up! Also break out. It said: "You do not hold me, I am hot!" I understand, put the snow down. Cher said happily: "I finally cool!" And then went to the bowl to drink water to go.

It sometimes saw me to drill under the bed. You listen, "haha!" It said, "you can not catch me!" Can be really naughty! It is a small lazy cat, daytime always whirring to sleep.

I love my kitten.



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Nowadays more and more people keep animals as pets; they treat them as their family members. But there is someone who likes to torture animals. They do this for some reasons: they don’t like animals, they get fire or they are just not happy. Some people think it’s fine to torture animals, because people are suffering more pressures than before; they need some way to be relaxed. In my point of view, I think animals deserve better.

In the first place, some animals are kept as pets in family. They are a part of it, like dogs or cats. They can bring people happiness. Lost of parents have pets for the reason that it could help their children learn to care about others; they think it’s a good way to teach children to be a good person. For the single people, pets could be a good companion, especially for an introvert, they prefer to talk to an innocent animal better than a person who is wearing a mask.

In the second place, people who are like to torture animals may have some psychological problems. If someone is suffer too much pressure that they couldn’t breath, they should find a healthy way to release it, for instance, they could go to swimming, jogging or climbing. They don’t have to hit pets to release their anger. Some people even cut pet’s ear or claw or had pet’s eyes gouged out. This is really sick; it’s hard to understand that what kind of people would hurt an animal when they are look into their innocent eyes.

In sum, animals is a lovely creature that made by god to bring happiness to human beings. People should treat them better than torture them.







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Not long ago, my family came a "gentleman", it was covered with plush, much like marshmallow, so sometimes I called it marshmallow, did not think it, it is our new members, a puppy, Its name is called white, its long ears to cover half of the face, eyes round yo, like two black pearls. White happy time, always thrown the tail, making mistakes, always sandwiched tail under the table or under the bed, afraid of others to fight it.

Eat when the white is always the small head buried in the iron wrist, arching iron wrist straight circle. It is very greedy, like a goldfish, will only eat, do not know full, once, it eat too much, the whole stomach bulging, like a frog, had to obediently lying on the ground a move can not move. When we were not at home, it made a mess of the house and torn the paper at home. It shoes to other places or bite the shoes. Once, it took my sandals out to the door, causing me everywhere could not find.

White like to go with people, my father and mother called it with stooge. It also likes others to touch it, others touch it when it obediently lying on the ground to touch.

I like my familys puppy because its funny and it brings a lot of laughter to our house.



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最近, 我家新添了两位新成员——两只可爱的小仓鼠,它们俩还没有我的拳头大。瞧!我还给他们布置了 一个新家呢:这座小房子是双层的。第一层的地上铺着一层厚厚的木屑,一台小巧玲珑的跑步机旁,是通往二楼的 滑梯,滑梯的右下方是一个迷你版的小水壶和一个红色的小餐盘。第二层有一座超小型的木屋,屋顶是咖啡色的, 其余的都是白色,整个就像一块巧克力蛋糕。

我给它们分别取了一个名字,“小金子”和“小银子”。“小金子”全身雪白,眼睛是红色的,像两颗红 玛瑙;“小银子”全身黑白相间,眼睛像两颗黑芝麻。他们的耳朵、鼻子和“手脚”粉嫩粉嫩的,看上去很是吸引 人。它们的身体像两颗小绒球,圆圆的,毛茸茸的。它们的爪子非常奇特:前爪有四个,总是缩在胸前,后爪有五 个,尖尖的,吃起东西来可方便了。又长又细的胡须从它们的嘴边冒出来,滑稽又可爱!

“小金子”和“小银子”很懒,白天不是吃就是睡。每当我把食物放入它们的小餐盘里时,它们立马精神 振作起来,争先恐后的吃着盘中的食物,所以它们长得圆嘟嘟的。

到了晚上,它们要开始活动了。只见“小金子”快速地从滑梯上窜到了二楼,表演它的绝活——“飞檐走 壁”。它一个敏捷的转身就从笼子这边,跳到了笼子那边。相比之下,“小银子”就要安静得多,它在木屑上来回 踱步,不知在思考什么……就这样,一个夜晚过去了。

第二天,当我再来看这两个小家伙时,它们已经睡着了,缩成小小的一团,躲在木屑里。明媚的阳光洒在 它们身上,暖洋洋的……



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I have a nice sister. She s also my friend. She s 12 years old, is in Grade Six.

My sister is a good student, and she likes play the piano with me. At home, she ofter helps mother do the housework, and she likes reading a books.

My sister is a good girl, I must learn from her, and I like her.



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Everyone knows animals are our friends. So we should be friendly to them.

But some people kill the rare animals, such as pandas, golden monkeys and so on in order to get money.

It will cause these animals to disappear soon.

I think our government should punish those people severely who kill the rare animals.

It is our duty to protect the endangered animals.



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I like a lot of animals, but my favorite animal is the panda. She comes from China, why did I love her? Because she is very cute, but she was very shy. Her body stout like bears, but the first round tail short, black and white fur and white head and body clear. She staple food of bamboo, but also addicted to love drinking water, most of the giant pandas homes are located near the water in streams, the nearest will be able to drink clear spring.



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Love AutumnI like autumn. I love the falling leaves in autumn. They cover the ground with golden yellow. When you walk on them, they rustle beneath your feet, just as if they are singing to you.

I know trees get ready for their next years rebirth by doing this, so I enjoy them without any sad feelings. The fields in autumn are fruity. People are easy to have good mood in a harvest season. So cant autumn sights bring happiness to us as well?



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There are more and more endangered animals at present,so how to protect them has been our task of top priority .Its wrong for people to hunt animals for their meat and feather,for they are our good friends。We should protect them instead of killing them。Giant pandas,which are one of the endangered animals,live in the forests and live on bamboo lealves。They can just live safely in the natural protection zones。We should stop killing animal and protect them。



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The story of a mans lifelong obsession with whales has won the £20,000 BBC Samuel Johnson Prize for non-fiction.

Leviathan, Or The Whale, traces British author Philip Hoares fascination with the marine mammal, which he calls "a living thing past our comprehension".

As he travels the world in pursuit of the creature, he compares his findings to Herman Melvilles Moby Dick. US journalist Jacob Weisberg, who led the panel, said Hoares passion for his subject was infectious. The authors prose "rises to the condition of literature", he added.

In explaining his fascination, Mr Hoare said: "This wonderful mysterious creature so elusive." "Theyre so under threat from climate change, from noise pollution," he went on.







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In the courtyard of the grandmothers house, there is a garden. I like it the way it falls!

Autumn garden and usually different, very cute! Every seam to the fall, the garden is full of people like the grass. Spring, small grass just germination, the number of small, the color is not too green Summer, although the grass more, but it is too green! Winter, the temperature is low, all the grass and all withered. And only to the late autumn, the grass from the spring has long been to the autumn, it is the largest number! And the color of the grass becomes golden, played the golden wheat waves. Grass a cluster next to a cluster, a cluster of crowded a cluster, like a golden carpet, very nice.

The garden of autumn is surrounded by chrysanthemums. This is usually not see the scene. The chrysanthemum of the autumn garden is multipolar. As long as you walk into the garden, it will be surrounded by many chrysanthemums. The door of the rockery is chrysanthemum, trails on both sides of the chrysanthemum, small stone bench next to the chrysanthemum, rockery under the feet, or chrysanthemum! Chrysanthemum color colorful. There are white, yellow, purple, red, pink, especially people feel beautiful, is the flower of chrysanthemum, there are green! Chrysanthemum than other flowers are strong, weak flowers to the fall Long withered, but not only did not fade chrysanthemum, but also head over his head, Tingzhuo, open very good!

There are a few maple trees in the garden. Usually you can not see what they are special, but one late into the autumn, their leaves will become as red as fire, who read will be amazed. Maple leaf coloring process is very interesting. Maple leaves were originally green, to the fall, it first slowly into yellow, waiting for a few days after it turned red. And wait until late autumn, Maple Leaf this becomes dark red, like blood red!

There are ten trees next to the maple trees. In peacetime, the yellow cedar tree is not as characteristic as the maple, and in the late autumn it is the same as the maple, and the leaves are turned from green to crimson. But the leaves of yellow cedar trees than maple leaves, and there is no five horns, is round. This yellow cedar also let me make a joke it. One day fall, my father and I read in the garden, I saw the yellow cedar leaves red, pointing to their father said: "Dad, this a few maple leaves are red!" Dad a laugh Rhettled and told me: "This is not a maple, is a yellow cedar tree! You see its leaves, is round, maple leaves but the pentagonal!" I look carefully, this found himself wrong.

I love the garden of autumn. Every late autumn, I often stay in the garden, the game. I am afraid of the winter, the beauty of the front will disappear, back to the garden to take pictures, can take pictures, I always feel that the photo is not as ideal as I imagined, so I often give the garden to draw, after each painting , I always feel that some in the ointment, so I also love in the painting to draw some of the garden is not the fruit, because I love the garden too far!



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There are some pandas in the zoo. They look like a bear, but they are not a bear. They live in China. They have a small tail and fat body. They are black and white. They re very clumsy, but they can climb trees. They like to eat bamboo very much. Look! The baby panda is under the mother panda, they are sleeping They look very lovely. Pandas are my favourite animals.
