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My family has a dog baby, it is purely German shepherd, very expensive. For the arrival of the whole family are very happy, this guy is too cute.

It is not covered with a trumpet, if you sleep in the snow, I am afraid that three days can not find. Its sharp ears, small and exquisite, vigilant up the vertical; black eyes, shiny light. That sensitive smell unparalleled, was V blood basin mouth is daunting, sharp teeth make it even more powerful. Its strong limbs support a strong body. See it so brave, I give it from the white tiger.

White Tiger Although it looks a bit scary, but actually not the case. Remember that my uncle had just given it to me, it opened his mouth, I can not help but be surprised: good sharp teeth ah! I do not know it bite or no bite. But after a few days, it is no stranger to me, and began to walk around me every day to the night market, I took it, provoke many curious talk about, some children also followed the white tiger to go, white tiger But gently walked in front of me open, not bite. I know that it is so gentle temperament.

White Tiger and I am familiar with, they became a good friend inseparable. Go to school every day, it must go with me. No way, I had to rush home again and again; every day after school, it ran out early to meet me, see me back, it put up his forepaws stretched out his tongue, shaking his tail stand downstairs wait for me. Whenever this time, I sorted out its white hair and went home with it.

My lovely white tiger is not big, but eat a lot of things. Every night, my mother will have to get another piece of meat to eat it, and the white tiger at this time to relish to enjoy the fragrant barbecue. But in order not to raise a fat dog, it should eat more vegetables. Every day the nutrition meal, by me to set.

Alas, my lovely pet dog! Really my good partner.




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Mo Yan, is a famous contemporary Chinese writer. In 2012, He became the country’s first Nobel Literature Prize laureate。

Born Guan Moye, the author writes under the pen name Mo Yan, which means don’t speak in Chinese。

Mo Yan was granted an honorary PhD of Arts by OUHK and was appointed guest professor at the Qingdao University of Technology. Relying on a series of countryliterary works, Mo’s claim to fame came in the 1980s when he established a reputation for being a so-called root-seeking writer. His works were strongly influenced by magical realism and told the tales of numerous legends which took place in Gaomi, Shandong Province. Mo isrenowned for his unique perceptions of reality, imaginative descriptions, de-familiarizationprocessing, mysticism and a pioneering style。



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寄托着家乡人民一种美好的愿望,现在由我来给你介绍一下我美丽的家乡吧! 我的家乡六安位于安徽省西部地区、大别山北麓,俗称“皖西”。她的名字寓意“六地平安”,



我的家乡六安还是座历史悠久的古城。在战国时期就留下了大量足迹,这里曾先后发掘出汉、秦、楚等朝代的古墓,出土了许多珍贵、有价值的文物;如:近几年发现的汉王墓、楚国夫妻墓等等,为研究中国古代的历史提供了重要的依据。南门塔与北门塔好似一对双胞胎兄弟,各自耸立在城区的南北边,成为六安城一大景观,两塔遥相呼应、甚是宏伟,古塔保存完好;听老人们说,是宋朝建造的,据今已有几百年的历史了,它像两位历经沧桑的“老寿星”见证了六安古城一路下走来的风风雨雨。历史上,六安是古代司法鼻祖皋陶的故里,他死后就埋葬在这儿 ,所以六安又称为“皋城”。楚王打败仗后也曾逃难至此;这儿留下了军阀征讨袁世凯的步步脚印,这里养育了共产党初期的领导人王明,这片净土 曾经遭受日军惨无人道的践踏,遭受过无数次炮火的洗礼!我的家乡虽然饱经战乱和风霜,但她没有被彻底击垮,而是一次又一次顽强地屹立在神州大地上,越发生机,这种百折不挠的精神激励着我们一代又一代六安人民自强不息、顽强拼搏!努力建设家乡!






黄山的景色秀丽神奇,尤其是那些怪石,有趣极了。就说“仙女弹琴”吧,那美丽的仙女弹着琴,悠扬的琴声在山间久久回荡,好像在让人们评赞她的琴声。瞧,那陡峭的山峰上有一只可爱的小狗,抬头望着月亮,好像是要到月亮上去看看吧,这就是有趣的“天狗望月”。黄山的奇石还有很多,像“狮子抢球”、 “猴子观海”、“ 龟鱼对望”等,千姿百态,惟妙惟肖。 玉屏楼的附近,有几棵古老的松树,其中一棵叫迎客松,好像时刻都在欢迎游客的到来。还有棵叫送客松,它好像在说:“祝您好走,欢迎下次再来!”


人们说:“五岳归来不看山,黄山归来不看岳。”此话不假。这个暑假我有机会去游览了黄山。 黄山可真奇啊!一座座山峰玲珑俊秀,有的像香炉,有的像彩缎,有的像莲花……最让人叫绝的是山上的怪石。黄山的怪石有两千多个,让人眼花缭乱。这些石头形态各异,因而起的名字各不相同。








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We are the seem with you, even though we come from Zi Yang. Both of us love our hometown deeply.. However, compared with you, we seemingly posses more nativist sentiments(乡土情节)。 Because we listen to the folk songs, sing the tea songs and drink the selenium-rich tea(富硒茶)every day from childhood. From now on, I would also take some teas no matter where I go.

In the past, our anscestors were creating their own happiness on this land when they were in poor conditions, such as traffic inconvenience, economy undevelopment and information impediment.In recent times, our flagstones are sold to America, Canada and Japan; our teas and drugs have influencing many people’s daily-life; our money orages(金钱橘) have win universal praise, and, this year, Yan Chang Contium(延长集团) has invest 400 billions to our hometown—Shuang Qiao, wich would cause great change to it. The bright future let us love our hometon very much undoubtely. I don’t know what way I should use to introduce our hometown properly to you. I’m afraid of stainning the beaty of it because of my valgurism and superficiality, so that it may give you a bad impression.

Therefore, I introduce it to you today just through a narrow point of view. I hope that we could share the beaty and the joy of it together.

And, please see the following video which describe the culture of our hometown objectively and really through a comparative broad view.



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"Ah! My hometown has changed! "I cried with joy.

The change in my hometown is really big in these years! It used to be dirty and smelly, and there was a lot of junk in it. There were no trees on the hillside, only one tree stump. Around us there are some factory chimneys discharge smoke, gas, disorderly discharge, even lead to the surrounding trees, flowers and plants, all become withered yellow, often stink in the river, some fish died, rarely see the figure of a bird. Because of the bad environment, the air is seriously polluted and people often get sick.

With the improvement of peoples living standards, the awareness of the environment has improved greatly. Now people no longer throw garbage, factory construction also becomes a green plant, factory around trees and flowers in full bloom, the air becomes pure and fresh, the river water becomes clear gone, the water is very little fishes. Every year on March 12, people will plant trees with shovels and saplings, and now the trees are thick and the birds often sing on the branches. The environment is better, and peoples mood is better and healthier.

The changes in my hometown made me love my hometown more and helped me to study harder and work harder for a better home.



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Hi, everybody! My name is XXX, this year 19 years old, is a Gemini girls. X class from electronic engineering department of automation.

By face to face with self adjusting post match, let me know more about myself. About my character: I am friendly, serious, responsible, loyal to their duties, have the sense of responsibility. Principle of life is to be honest, other people can be honest with you. So the heavy friendship, attaches great importance to the relationship with friends. I ready to help others. Easy-going personality, willing to get along with people. Want to be a popular person. Social adaptation ability. Sensitive to interpersonal relationship, the people, to the thing, and better insight on the surrounding environment. I like to like to listen to, also like the pragmatic. With the spirit of perseverance, as long as I think I should do, no matter how difficult it will be to do. I do have very strong principle and flexible, respect the agreement. Is a standard Gemini girl like to stay in a quiet place to study work and life. Although I sometimes have a strong emotional reaction, but usually reluctant to personal feelings. My interests: my hobby is reading literature books, like the fable story, like detective fiction, but sometimes obsession and harm the eyes. The pursuit of nature, like to study in play in the way of life. Love ancient buildings, like that has a sense of place. I have very strong curiosity to new things, and study on things you dont understand, have stronger ability to learn. I like the pragmatic, the pursuit of specific and clear. Rational thinking like according to actual situation. Pay attention to the details of things, like judging from the details. Skills: I have the ability to learn, because I am from vocational schools on me than my classmates many mastered the basic mechanical principle, mechanical manufacturing technology, mechanical manufacturing base,

Mechanical drawing (including the basis of CAD application), literature common sense, and so on. Motor coordination ability strong, the incident response his swift, have very strong right control. Can move hand is strong, for small things quickly and have the right. In other ways, language expression ability is stronger, good at communication with people.

I think the primary task of college students is to learn cultural knowledge, therefore I steadfastly, in the study did not relax. I think a good method of study is very helpful to learn knowledge, so after each test, I will summarize the learning experience. No pains no pains, no gains, nothing is impossible. Good optical knowledge on book is not enough. I think learning is the students profession, the profession also needs to have the wisdom, perseverance and perseverance. In todays rapid development of information age, we only by constantly learning new knowledge, dont fall behind. College, rich and colorful social life and sleek and nervous learning atmosphere, I got many different levels of exercise and test; The attitude of calm and calm is my respond. The hobby is widespread makes me very enrichment; So many friends that I feel rich! I very strong dedication and sense of responsibility that I can face any difficulties and challenges.

Thank you for your attention




我觉得大学生的首要任务还是学好文化知识,所以在学习上我踏踏实实,一点也不放松。我认为好的学习方法对学好知识很有帮助,所以在每次考试后,我都会总结一下学习经验。一份耕耘一分收获,没有什么事是不可能的。光学好书本上的知识是远远不够的。我认为学习是学生的职业,这份职业同样需要有智慧、毅力和恒心。在当今这个快速发展的信息时代,我们只有不断汲取新知识,才不会落伍。 大学里,丰富多彩的社会生活和井然有序而又紧张的学习气氛,使我得到多方面不同程度的锻炼和考验;沉着和冷静是我遇事的态度;爱好广泛使我非常充实;众多的朋友使我倍感富有!我很强的事业心和责任感使我能够面对任何困难和挑战。





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Good afternoon and nice to see you at this sunny afternoon.

I am very glad to be here for interview.

My name is YYX . I come from DLUFL and my major is english special lised in business.

Computer, books, films and climbing moutains are my favourite.

I have been a class president for nearly 4 years, and I also have been an interpreter at Dalian Garment Fair for twice.

I think all these exprience and my responsibility, creating thinking and passion would make me qualify for this job.

And whats more, my laptop computer is HP, so I have a better way to recgonize HP.

I believe that it would be a challenge and a chance for me to be a HP man.

Thats all ,Thank you so much!



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Dear distinguished guests and judges.My name is Black.Im fourteen years old.Im a middle school student.I like playing sports,such as football,basketball...However,my favourite sport is basketball.I play basketball very well.I usually play basketball with my friends on Sunday.

Im humorous,so I like reading humorous books.Theyre very funny.Im friendly,too.I have many friends.I love them.

Thats all,thanks.



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A fall weekend, my mother and I came to a farm, a step into the farm to see a golden field. So, my mother and I rushed in. We rushed to the middle of the rice, a gust of wind blowing, the rice Qiqiu bent down seems to bow to us! Suddenly, I found a cluster of rice below there is a planted stomach beans.

We continued to move forward, and saw the corn, a row of corn pen quite like a standing guard, each corn tree waist, long with a full of corn buds, corn buds at the top of a handful of Beard, this beard is thin and long, soft and slippery, green and thin and soft coating, layers of wrapped like a pearl-like water Lingling corn, looks lovely and tempting, I could not help, Bite a bite, a fragrant and sweet fruit flavor, really good. In the corn field, a root of red long dry beans hanging there, like a thin rope skipping.

Then we rushed into a plastic greenhouses, we saw a cucumber, a root cucumber hanging on the vine is very cute, and some like the moon, and some on the big, like a small gourd, Some are bent and bent, like a small ear.

Around the fields, with tall tall persimmon trees, trees hanging like a lanterns like red glowing persimmon.

Field came the rice machine "boom" voice, the farmers looked at the harvest of the field, harvested a year of effort, happy smile.



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Hello everyone! My name is Amy, this year twelve years old, I am from Xiaoshan District of Hangzhou City, Zhejiang Province, the first primary school, is the sixth grade students.

You see, I am slim, so I round face, the nose is not high but it is the most important, because I protect their eyes, so my face is not a small pair of glasses.

I am warm and generous hospitality and a love of helping others, remember that in an emergency evacuation drill, we are reading poetry, suddenly broadcast rang, the students rush out of the classroom, in the course of my run, the students saw his feet twisted, he left behind. The other students, have run to the playground, to see this scene, I quickly ran back to the past, to help him up, I helped him, we went to the playground, and afterwards, the teacher praised me for the disciplinary board, not only that, but also let the students to learn from me do you know? At that time my heart.

I am good at skateboarding, write a soft brush, and speak English, my English is not good, in an English exam I ranked second last time, I felt very unhappy, I encourage myself to Study hard to win glory for the class, then, although I did not get the first, but I am not discouraged, I have tried my best.

I also have a very great dream. When a pilot is flying, he can fly his own airplane one day and fly freely in the blue sky. What an exciting and happy thing it is!



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一、Hello, my name is Tom. I’m from JianXi. I’m 10 years old. I’m short and thin. I’m a student. I study in Class2, Grade 5 of primary school. I like English class very much. Because English class is so much fun. There are 4 people in my family. They are my mother, my father, my sister and me. I like hamburger and chicken very much. Do you like me?

二、Hello everyone,My name is xxx . I am from China, with a height of xx cm, and a weight of xx kg. ,I was born in xxxx xx xx, My favroite subject is xxx。My favorite month is February,My favorite season is spring , My favorite sprots is runningMy favorite food is hambuger,,My favorite housework is sweeping the floor, I want to be a computer engineer , You could ask me why , ha , because I like piaying computer !

三、Good morning (afternoon), teachers and students!

My name is JinYue. Beauty is my English name. Im ten years old. Im an active(活泼的) girl. I like singing 、dancing、drawing and playing Pingpang.Im a student of Class one Grade four from Affiliated Primary School of Hefei Pedagogical College.I like Chinese, Maths ,English and so on.I study very hard,I hope I can become a excellent student. I like making friends and wish to be friend with all of you.This is me. Please remember (记住)me, your good friend --JinYue. Thank you very much!

四、Hello, everyone. My name is JinYue. Beauty is my English name. Im ten years old. Im a student of Class one Grade four from Affiliated Primary School of Hefei Pedagogical College. I like singing 、dancing、drawing and playing Pingpang. I like English. I hope to become your good friends. Thank you very much!

五、Goodafternoon, teachers! Today, I`m very happy to make a speech(演讲) here. Now, let me introduce (介绍)myself. My name is ZhuRuijie. My English name is Molly. I`m 12. I come from Class1 Grade 6 of TongPu No.2 Primary School. I`m an active girl. I like playing basketball. Because I think it`s very interesting. I`d like to eat potatoes. They`re tasty(好吃的). My favourite colour is green. And I like math best. It`s fun. On the weekend(在周末), I like reading books in my room. I have a happy family. My father is tall and strong(强壮).My mother is hard-working(工作努力) and tall, too. My brother is smart.(漂亮) And I`m a good student. My dream(梦想) is to be a teacher, because I want to help the poor (贫穷的)children in the future(在将来). Thank you for listening! Please remember(记住) me!



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My name is Winnie. Im a 15 years old girl.  I live in the beautiful city of Ganzhou.

Im an active,lovely and clever girl. In the school,my favourite subject is maths. Perhaps someone thinks its difficult to study well. But I like it. I belive that if you try your best,everything can be done well.

I also sports very much. Such as,running,volleyball and so on.

Im kind-hearted.  If you need help,please come to me .

I hope we can be good friends!

OK. This is me . A sunny girl.



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Before, how much I dont understand, always cut class, make you angry, still fight with people, to do this, you hold a lot of heart for me, although you hit me, scold me, but I still love you. Because I know it is my own fault, you dozen I scold me, just to put my back into the right direction. Whenever someone asked me "what do you like your mom or dad?" I would not hesitate to tell him "I like all parents, but I like my father." Others asked "why do you like my dad? Your father hit you, punish you, you should not hate him, isnt it?" I can honestly tell him "I the fight with person, father will be scold me, sometimes will scold me, but at night he would quietly coated for me several times, I still see him touch my wounds tears, then I will tell myself, I must not let dad sad so sad."

Now I wont fight, dont skip class, I am much better than before. These are all  dads credit. No longer make my father angry, no longer get bothered by dad. Dads mood than they used to be happy, I also feel very happy.
