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i am ****. usually a lot of my hobbies, such as skating, playing 356 didesmococcus feather, draw, watch extra-curricular book, watch tv and so on, so my life is very rich extra-curricular. ago is a more introverted person, i have very few words, only and i am very good friends to so many before, but after school at the time of my personality to change slowly, and not, as

previously like very few words, and students are also very harmonious relationship.

in fact, since childhood i dare not interested in english, so my english very poor, then let us hear english, introduce myself, i really do not know how to do, nervous for some time, so i think in the future of english class can have more understanding of english can have more interest in english. families are. usually a lot of my hobbies, such as skating, playing 356 didesmococcus feather, draw, watch extra-curricular book, watch tv and so on, so my life is very rich extra-curricular. ago is a more introverted person, i have very few words, only and i am very good friends to so many before, but

after school at the time of my personality to change slowly, and not, as previously like very few words, and students are also very harmonious relationship.

i think noting is difficult if you put your heart into it,so i can say will make my english be nice in future.

thank you!





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Henan has a humid warm-temperate climate. Dry and windy in winter and spring, the province is hot and rainy in summer and bakes in strong sunlight during the autumn months. Rainfall averages about 600-1000 millimeters increasing from north to south, as does the annual temperature which increases from about 12.8C in the north to 15.5C in the south.

Henan province is considered the cradle of Chinese civilization due to its location on the Yellow River. This rich historic heritage has endowed Henan with numerous historic treasures, from primitive dwellings to earliest wheel thrown pottery. The remains of some of the earliest human settlements have been unearthed here, including the over 7000-year-old Peiligang Culture Site, the 6000-year-old Yangshao Culture Remains and the 5000-year-old Dahe Culture Remains. All these cultural remains have profound significance in the history of Chinese civilization.

Luoyang City has been the capital of nine dynasties since the time of the Eastern Zhou Dynasty (770BC-221BC). There are many historical sites to be viewed in Luoyang as well as the opportunity to purchase replicas of the famed Tang three-glaze horses. Luoyangs Longmen Grottoes, famous for its grand treasure trove of Chinese Buddhist statues, are located 12km (7 miles) south of Luoyang. First sculpted and chiseled around 493 AD when the capital of the Northern Wei Dynasty (386-534) was moved from Datong City to Luoyang, the grottoes of Luoyang house an awe-inspiring collection of sculpted Buddha and other religious subjects.

Kaifeng, one of the ancient capitals, also boasts the following buildings worthy of a visit: Iron Pagoda (Tie Ta) of the Northern Song Dynasty (960-1127), Dragon Pavilion (Long Ting) - site of imperial palace of the Song and Jin dynasties - and the 1400-year-old Xiangguo Temple which is one of the most famous Buddhist temples in China. Also on view in Kaifeng are ruins of the Shang Dynasty, an important part of human cultural and historic heritage. The Shang Dynasty Ruins, also known as the Yin Ruins, are famous because of the unique style of the large palace and its grand mausoleums, in which emperors of the Shang Dynasty are buried. The bronze vessels of the Shang Dynasty, which were both finely decorated and popularly used by the citizens of the Shang Dynasty, are well-known at home and abroad.



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Im very glad to join in the interviw.First,let me introduce myself to you.My name is Lin YA Qian,Im 20 years old,I come from Zhe Jiang,and Im an outgoing girl,I like philosophy and sport.Oh yes,I hope that I can do something for the Beijing Olympics.If you give me the great chance,I wont let you disappoint.Ok,thats all.I hope that you are satisfied with me,thank you!



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Hello everyone!My is.,from Qinzhou.I’m so glad to meet you,and I’m currently a student at Guangxi Textile Industrial School.my major is knitting.It’s my pleasure to join the CHAMPION training camp,because I love English and I hope I can learn something in the training for my future work.As we all know English is very useful in every field.

My English is limited that’s why I’m here.I know it’s a huge challenge for me to conquer English,but I believe that “No pains,no gains,success belongs to the persevering”,I hope I can learn more from you,Thank you!



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Hi, everybody! My name is XXX, this year 19 years old, is a Gemini girls. X class from electronic engineering department of automation.

By face to face with self adjusting post match, let me know more about myself. About my character: I am friendly, serious, responsible, loyal to their duties, have the sense of responsibility. Principle of life is to be honest, other people can be honest with you. So the heavy friendship, attaches great importance to the relationship with friends. I ready to help others. Easy-going personality, willing to get along with people. Want to be a popular person. Social adaptation ability. Sensitive to interpersonal relationship, the people, to the thing, and better insight on the surrounding environment. I like to like to listen to, also like the pragmatic. With the spirit of perseverance, as long as I think I should do, no matter how difficult it will be to do. I do have very strong principle and flexible, respect the agreement. Is a standard Gemini girl like to stay in a quiet place to study work and life. Although I sometimes have a strong emotional reaction, but usually reluctant to personal feelings. My interests: my hobby is reading literature books, like the fable story, like detective fiction, but sometimes obsession and harm the eyes. The pursuit of nature, like to study in play in the way of life. Love ancient buildings, like that has a sense of place. I have very strong curiosity to new things, and study on things you dont understand, have stronger ability to learn. I like the pragmatic, the pursuit of specific and clear. Rational thinking like according to actual situation. Pay attention to the details of things, like judging from the details. Skills: I have the ability to learn, because I am from vocational schools on me than my classmates many mastered the basic mechanical principle, mechanical manufacturing technology, mechanical manufacturing base,

Mechanical drawing (including the basis of CAD application), literature common sense, and so on. Motor coordination ability strong, the incident response his swift, have very strong right control. Can move hand is strong, for small things quickly and have the right. In other ways, language expression ability is stronger, good at communication with people.

I think the primary task of college students is to learn cultural knowledge, therefore I steadfastly, in the study did not relax. I think a good method of study is very helpful to learn knowledge, so after each test, I will summarize the learning experience. No pains no pains, no gains, nothing is impossible. Good optical knowledge on book is not enough. I think learning is the students profession, the profession also needs to have the wisdom, perseverance and perseverance. In todays rapid development of information age, we only by constantly learning new knowledge, dont fall behind. College, rich and colorful social life and sleek and nervous learning atmosphere, I got many different levels of exercise and test; The attitude of calm and calm is my respond. The hobby is widespread makes me very enrichment; So many friends that I feel rich! I very strong dedication and sense of responsibility that I can face any difficulties and challenges.

Thank you for your attention




我觉得大学生的首要任务还是学好文化知识,所以在学习上我踏踏实实,一点也不放松。我认为好的学习方法对学好知识很有帮助,所以在每次考试后,我都会总结一下学习经验。一份耕耘一分收获,没有什么事是不可能的。光学好书本上的知识是远远不够的。我认为学习是学生的职业,这份职业同样需要有智慧、毅力和恒心。在当今这个快速发展的信息时代,我们只有不断汲取新知识,才不会落伍。 大学里,丰富多彩的社会生活和井然有序而又紧张的学习气氛,使我得到多方面不同程度的锻炼和考验;沉着和冷静是我遇事的态度;爱好广泛使我非常充实;众多的朋友使我倍感富有!我很强的事业心和责任感使我能够面对任何困难和挑战。





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I am ****. Usually a lot of my hobbies, such as skating, playing 356 Didesmococcus feather, draw, watch extra-curricular book, watch TV and so on, so my life is very rich extra-curricular. Ago is a more introverted person, I have very few words, only and I am very good friends to so many before, but after school at the time of my personality to change slowly, and not, as previously Like very few words, and students are also very harmonious relationship.

In fact, since childhood I dare not interested in English, so my English very poor, then let us hear English, introduce myself, I really do not know how to do, nervous for some time, so I think in the future of English class can have more understanding of English can have more interest in English. Families are. Usually a lot of my hobbies, such as skating, playing 356 Didesmococcus feather, draw, watch extra-curricular book, watch TV and so on, so my life is very rich extra-curricular. Ago is a more introverted person, I have very few words, only and I am very good friends to so many before, but after school at the time of my personality to change slowly, and not, as previously Like very few words, and students are also very harmonious relationship.

I think noting is difficult if you put your heart into it,so I can say will make my English be nice in future.

Thank you!



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我的爸爸在2009年作为访问学者去了美国斯坦福大学胡佛研究所。为了看望爸爸,我和妈妈在2010年1月27日踏上了前往美国旧金山的飞机。 经过了十几个小时的长途飞行,飞机终于降落在旧金山机场。妈妈告诉我,要进入美国,必须经过入境检查,边检与海关人员要提问。

我心里有点紧张,妈妈告诉我,不超过12岁可以不回答,我这才舒了一口气。轮到我们接受询问了,妈妈的回答虽然勉勉强强,但总算过关了。而我却只是听懂了诸如“what”、“time”、“many”这些简单的单词。我暗下决心,一定要下工夫学英语,不然要进入美国,就会很尴尬。 到达了爸爸所居住的宿舍时,我无意中去看挂在墙上的时钟。钟表“嗒嗒”地走动着,可显示的时间居然是下午4:17。这让我十分吃惊,因为我自己的手表上显示的时间是凌晨2:00,难道是我的手表出现了问题?带着一些不解,我上网查阅了资料。我得知旧金山的时间与南京相差十多个小时,我的手表显示的则是南京现在的时间,所以我才会发现它们的不同。 第二天,我带着愉快的心情来到了斯坦福校园。进入校园,道路两旁高大的棕榈树映入我的眼帘,这就是闻名世界的斯坦福大学棕榈大道。

棕榈树的树干好像经过专门的修剪,树冠呈放射状,仿佛一朵绽开的花朵。在棕榈大道的终端,是一片很大的绿草地。绿草地呈椭圆状,大约有几个足球场那么大。由于现在正好是当地雨季,所以草色鲜绿,映衬着蓝天、白云,真像一个美丽的童话世界。 再往前走,就会看到一幢幢淡黄色的楼宇。这些楼宇都带着回廊,但不是很高。墙面上镶嵌着精美的雕像和雕花。在主校区的一栋建筑的正墙上有一块铭牌,上面写满了英文。经过爸爸的翻译,我才知道这是一块很不寻常的纪念牌,叙述的是一个感人故事。当年老斯坦福夫妇的可爱儿子16岁时因病去世。夫妇两人悲痛之余,决定用儿子的名字建立一所大学,将自己对儿子的爱转给成千上万的年轻学子。经过斯坦福夫人的艰辛努力,如今斯坦福大学已经成为世界著名的大学,成为全球无数优秀学子梦寐以求的地方。

在老校区精美的建筑群中,有一幢古老的房子,这就是斯坦福大学的教堂。教堂的各个窗户和外墙都有十分逼真的彩绘,描述都是各个宗教故事,使人心静气和。教堂的前面是一个很大的广场,除了匆匆而过的斯坦福学生之外,我还看见不少正在摄影留念的游览者。经过询问得知,他们是来自深圳的一个中学生代表团,到加洲来演出,并专程前来参观斯坦福校园。 来自不同地方的人们,都被这儿的美景深深陶醉。



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自我介绍30秒 但是你稍微多说几句没问题。

自我介绍时,标准是短而有力,只要能突出自己的某方面特点让人记住就行了。最简单实用的方式其实就是抓住一点,用一件具体的事情说透——你在其中做了什么,有什么感受,这件事如何展现了你的个人特点。爱好兴趣。彰显你个性品质的地方。尤其突出团队协作力或者领导力。举个例子这样。不要重复你学业上的成就。第一印象和最后的谢幕很重要。 整个面试小组讨论30分钟 说话机会很少。


2011年香港大学自主招生面试内容(Part 2)



【人数】一对一,所以叫Individual,教授一般较Nice,记得放轻松。 Q:你觉得建筑是什么?(我的第一志愿是建筑系)

A:从广义而言是人们工作和生活的场所,但它同时又具有独特的审美意义。 时隔太久我已经忘了中间说过什么……反正话题被我扯到了高二时搞过的一个研究性学习“西关大屋的保护和发展”。



Q:你提到广州的特色建筑是西关大屋,但是我们知道广州的特色建筑 有骑楼、西关大屋和东山洋楼,那你觉得哪一样才能代表广州的传统建筑呢?












Q:(此人沉默甚久)……算是,有一点那边的血统。怎么看出来的? A:……你的口音。

其实整个过程我都觉得自己很欠抽…… 【注意事项】









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美国是世界上最发达的国家,对于美国,你的了解有多少?下面,是小编为你整理的有关介绍美国的英语作文,希望对你有帮助! 有关介绍美国的英语作文篇1

Based on historical documents, modern survey and statistics, as well as the result of predecessor studies, the trend and main process of forest dynamics are recognized. The forest area and forest coverage rates for each province of China from 1700 to 1949 are es- timated backward by every 50 years. Linking the result with modern National Forest Inventory data, the spatial-temporal dynamics of Chinese forest in recent 300 years (AD 1700–1998) is quantitatively analyzed. The study shows that in recent 300 years, the forest area in current territory of China has declined by 0.95×108 hm2 (or 9.2% of the coverage rate) in total, with a trend of decrease and recovery. Before the 1960s, there was a trend of accelerated de- scending. The forest area was reduced by 1.66×108 hm2 (or 17% of the coverage rate) in 260 years. While after the 1960s, there has been a rapid increase. The forest area increased by 0.7×108 hm2 (or 8% of the coverage rate) in 40 years. The study also shows that there is a significant spatial difference in the dynamics of forest. The amplitudes of increasing and de- creasing in western China are both smaller than the ones in eastern China. During the rapid declining period from 1700 to 1949, the most serious decrease appeared in the Northeast, the Southwest and the Southeast, where the coverage rate in most provinces dropped over 20%. In Heilongjiang Province, the coverage rate dropped by 50%. In Jilin Province, it dropped by 36%. In Sichuan Province and Chongqing Municipality, it dropped by 42%. In Yunnan Prov- ince, it dropped by 35%. During the recovery period 1949–1998, the western provinces, mu- nicipality and autonomous regions, including Ningxia, Gansu, Inner Mongolia, Si- chuan–Chongqing, Yunnan, Tibet, Xinjiang and Qinghai, etc, the increase rates are all below 5%, while the eastern provinces, municipality and autonomous regions (except Heilongjiang, Hubei, Jiangsu–Shanghai) have achieved an increase over 5%, among which the Guang- dong–Hainan, Guangxi, Anhui, Beijing–Tianjin–Hebei, Shandong, Henan, Zhejiang, and Fu- jian have an increase over 10%. 有关介绍美国的英语作文篇2

A history of long and effortless success can be a dreadful handicap,but,if properly handled,it may become a driving force.When the United States entered just such a glowing period after the end of the Second World War,it had a market eight times larger than any competitor ,giving its industries unparalleled economies of scale.Its scientists were the worlds best,its workers the most skilled.American and Americans were prosperous beyongd the dreams of the Europeans and Asians whose economeics the war had destroyed.

It was inevitable that this primacy should have narrowed as other countries grew richer.Just as inevitably,the retreat from predominace proved painful.By the mid 1980s Americans had found themselves at a losss over their fading industrial competitiveness.Some huge American industries,such as consumer electronics,hand shrunk or vanished in the face of foreign competitiong.By 1987 there was only one American television maker left,Zenith.(Now there is none :Zenith was bought by SouthKoreasLGElectronics in July.)Foreign made cars and textiles were sweeeping into the domestic market.Americas machine-tool industry was on the ropes.For a while it looked as though the makeing of semiconductors,whidh America had invented and which sat at the heart of the new computer age,was going to be the next caualty.

All of this caused a crisis of confidenc.Americans stopped taking prosperity ofr granted .They began to believe that their way of doing business was failing,and that their incomes would therefore shourtly begin to fall as well .The mind -1980s brought one inquiry after another into the causes ofAmericas in dustrial decline.Thir sometimes sensational findings were filled with warnings about the growing competitiong from overseas.

How things have changed!I1995 the United States can look back on five years of solid growth while Japan has been struggling.Few Americans attribute this Self doubt has yielded to blind pride.American industry has changed its structure ,has gone on a diet ,has learnt to be more quik witted,according to Richard Cavanagh,executive dean of Harvards Kennedy School of Government.It makes me proud to be an American just to see how our businesses are improving theirproductivity,says Stephen Moore of the Cato Institute ,a think tank in Washington,DC,And William Sahlman of the Harvard Business School believes that people will look back on this perido as a golden age of business management in the United States.




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我在中学学习期间不但是一名学习认真,品学兼优的好学生,而且是一个小有名气的“交友家”。 此外,我的特长是英文,爱好是篮球,特别是在比赛场上更能表现我的不怕苦不怕累和团队精神。

世上最怕的就是“认真”二字,我是一个做事认真的人,总是执着地带着激情学习 。自我认为可塑性强,接受新知识新环境的能力强,可以认真地说,你教我什么,我懂什么,你让我做什么,我能做好什么,这就是我的可塑性。

尽管我煞费苦心把自己介绍给x,用意是不言而喻的:希望您能赏识我,接收我。如果您在录取的审核过程中,左右不定难以取舍的时候,请选择我吧,我会证明给你看:你选对了。 祝:您工作顺利!



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American eating is funny. They eat almost everything with a fork, and it appears that holding a knife in ones right hand longer than a few seconds is considered to be against good table manners.

The system is that if it is absolutely necessary to use a knife, people take the fork in their left hand, and cut off a piece of meat or whatever it is in the normal manner. Then they put the knife down, transfer the fork to their right hand, and only then do they transport the food to their mouth. This is clearly ludicrous(滑稽可笑), but it is considered good manners.

There are several results of this system. First, if it is not absolutely necessary to use a knife, Americans dont use one, because obviously this greatly complicates(使复杂化) things, and you will therefore see them trying to cut things like potatoes, fish and even bacon(熏猪肉) with a fork. Second, towards the end of a course, since only one implement(器具) is being used, food has to bo chased around the plate with the fork - and for the last mouthful the thumb has to be used to keep the food in place, although one is not supposed to do this.

Third, tables are generally laid with one knife and two forks, the outside fork being for the salad. There is no need for foreign visitors to follow the American system and try to eat the salad with only a fork, but if you do use your knife, remerber to save it for the meat course. Even desserts(甜食) (except ice cream) are eaten with a fork if at all possible, and the spoon you see by your dessert is meant to be for coffee (but if you use it for your dessert no one will say anything).



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I was fortunate to 200 * years in September admitted to the University of  ad specialty XX. From 200 * to 200 *, from East Campus to Dushu Lake Campus. In  the Soviet four years, brought me a lot of heritage and memory. Four years  passed away, when they graduate, should be for the life of four years in the  Ivory Tower to learn to do an interview self-introduction.

In four years, I quite seriously in learning, performance is also better,  every year the school received a scholarship in the class have been able to  maintain in the top five. Particularly in the specialized courses concerned, as  far as possible to learn good use. Actively participate in various advertising  competitions, and won the National College Advertising Art Competition Third  Prize of Jiangsu Division. Both peacetime operations, or papers, or exams, can  seriously hope the best. If you would like to say that four years in learning  what the greatest regret is that English, formerly in high school Ive had a  nice English, but into the university, I slack on the English language, and not  spend too much time to learn , resulting in the test to graduate have not been  6.

In social practice, I think my experience was very abundant. 200 * in the  second half, I have to do internship in an advertising agency planning work,  although the beginning of what will not, very hard, very tired, but when I as a  Fan Meeting planners and executors of the stage and flowers after child  communication band, when I write advertising effectiveness measurement companies  Ina ceramic gain customer acceptance of the report, when I see their planned  ceremony, opening ceremony of the successful implementation of the time, when I  designed the LOGO when used by businesses When I work independently in the scene  when the road show, I was happy. With my own efforts to complete a task.  Internship in advertising, I learned a lot of things can not go to school books,  contact with clients across industries, while also working in the printing  industry, media, service organizations and other rituals have a certain  understanding for the future able to adapt quickly to lay the foundation for  work.

Prior to this, McDonalds, I also worked part-time, bitter, tired, but that  time has given me a lot of fun. Learn a lot. I begun to taste the hardships of  life and make money easily. McDonalds as a world-class enterprises, it has a  strict standard of staff training system and working mechanism. Work at  McDonalds, on the one hand I learned such a big company product promotion,  teamwork, customer service, quality assurance and so should learn the rules and  regulations and successful experiences, on the other hand, deal with all kinds  of customers, but also enhance the my ability to communicate with others, in  addition, work has worked hard my hard-working spirit.

In addition, in terms of ideology, I also actively move closer to the  party, on the one hand, to strengthen its own ideological and moral  construction, to arm themselves ideologically; on the other hand, in the spirit  of serving the people, adhere to help others, serve the community members of the  strict demands on themselves. Finally the beginning of the glorious junior  joined the Chinese Communist Party, and successfully turned positive after one  year.

Four years in college, I know a lot of friends, they gave me a lot of help,  let me learn a lot, this is college, in addition to expertise outside of an  additional valuable asset.

In short, four years of school life, whether professional or social  knowledge about, or people skills, have learned a lot I can say that four years  of my life the most significant period of time, my ideal life and the pursuit of  life during this period to determine their own career planning for a new life  also have a new goal. I will continue to work closer to success!

Thank you!



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