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感恩节感想感恩节是美利坚一个不折不扣的最地道的国定假日。在这一天,具有各种信仰和各种背景的美国人,共同为他们一年来所受到的上苍的恩典表示感谢,虔诚地祈求上帝继续赐福。 (整理) 其实值得感恩的不仅仅是对上苍,我们对父母、亲朋、同学、同事、领导、部下、政府、社会等等都应始终抱有感恩之心。我们的生命、健康、财富以及我们每天享受着的空气阳光水源,莫不应在我们的感恩之列。一位盲人曾经请人在自己的乞讨用的牌子上这样写道:“春天来了,而我却看不到她。”我们与这位盲人相比,进一步说与那些失去生命和自由的人相比,目前能这样快快乐乐地活在世界上,谁说不是一种命运的恩赐,我们还会时常愤怒得发抖而总去抱怨命运给自己的不幸和不平吗?

所以,尽管苦难不能忘记,罪恶必须得到惩罚,但我们也的确应常怀感激之心并努力回报那些给予我们恩情的组织和人们。 回报父母之恩,是他们让我们有机会看到这个精彩纷呈的世界; 回报母校之恩,是各位师长培育我们成长; 回报组织之恩,是组织在我们需要工作机会的时候,给我们提供了工作机会,使我们能 够在工作中继续学习锻炼而且不仅不用再交学费,还能获得报酬;

回报领导之恩,是他的责骂、严格要求和言传身教,使我们不断成长和进步,使我们没 有陷于懒散和放任的泥潭; 回报同志之恩,是他们与我们一起工作和奋斗,共同开拓着未来; 回报社会之恩,是社会给我们提供了这样一个美好的时代和自由生活的舞台; 回报政府之恩,是政府给我们提供了这样一个安宁和秩序,使我们免受混乱; 回报员工之恩,是他们的鼎力支持和努力工作才使我们做领导的有所成就; …… 美国的罗斯福总统就常怀感恩之心。据说有一次家里失盗,被偷去了许多东西,一位朋友闻讯后,忙写信安慰他。罗斯福在回信中写道:“亲爱的朋友,谢谢你来信安慰我,我现在很好,感谢上帝:因为第一,贼偷去的是我的东西,而没有伤害我的生命;第二,贼只偷去我部分东西,而不是全部;第三,最值得庆幸的是,做贼的是他,而不是我。”对任何一个人来说,失盗绝对是不幸的事,而罗斯福却找出了感恩的三条理由。

感恩是生活中最大的智慧。时常拥有感恩之情,我们便会时刻有报恩之心。有了报恩之心,就会把成就归功于大家,失误归过于自己;就会把组织的优点告诉大家,把组织的不足告诉领导。而牺牲精神便会凝聚在我们体内,当需要舍弃个人英雄主义时,我们坦然面对;在组织困难的时候,甘愿做出自我利益的牺牲;在他人困难的时候,甘愿不计利益提供帮助。 常怀感恩之心,我们便会更加感激和怀想那些有恩于我们却不言回报的每一个人。正是因为他们的存在,我们才有了今天的幸福和喜悦。常怀感恩之心,便会以给予别人更多的帮助和鼓励为最大的快乐,便能对落难或者绝处求生的人们爱心融融地伸出援助之手,而且不求回报。常怀感恩之心,对别人对环境就会少一分挑剔,而多一分欣赏。 感恩之心使我们为自己的过错或罪行发自内心忏悔并主动接受应有的惩罚;感恩之心又足以稀释我们心中狭隘的积怨和蛮恨,感恩之心还可以帮助我们度过最大的痛苦和灾难。常怀感恩之心,我们也会逐渐原谅那些曾和你有过结怨甚至触及你心灵痛处的那些人。常怀感恩之心,我们便能够生活在一个感恩的世界。 在这个感恩的世界,人们心中充满了像刘宏娟和宛云所说的那样的感激: 感激生育你的人, 因为他们使你体验生命; 感激抚养你的人, 因为他们使你不断成长。 感激帮助你的人, 因为他们使你度过难关。 感激关怀你的人, 因为他们给你温暖。 感激鼓励你的人, 因为他们给你力量。 感激教育你的人, 因为他们开化你的蒙昧。 感激钟爱你的人, 因为他们让你体会爱情的宝贵。 感激伤害你的人, 因为他磨炼了你的心志; 感激绊倒你的人, 因为他强化了你的双腿; 感激欺骗你的人, 因为他增进了你的智慧; 感激藐视你的人, 因为他觉醒了你的自尊; 感激遗弃你的人, 因为他教会了你该独立。 凡事感激。 学会感激。 感激一切使你成长的人! 人的一生中,小而言之,从小时候起,就领受了父母的养育之恩,等到上学,有老师的教育之恩,工作以后,又有领导、同事的关怀、帮助之恩,年纪大了之后,又免不了要接受晚辈的赡养、照顾之恩;大而言之,作为单个的社会成员,我们都生活在一个多层次的社会大环境之中,都首先从这个大环境里获得了一定的生存条件和发 展机会,也就是说,社会这个大环境是有恩于我们每个人的。感恩,说明一个人对自己与他人和社会的关系有着正确的认识;报恩,则是在这种正确认识之下产生的一种责任感。没有社会成员的感恩和报恩,很难想象一个社会能够正常发展下去。在感恩的空气中,人们对许多事情都可以平心静气;在感恩的空气中,人们可以认真、务实地从最细小的一件事做起;在感恩的空气中,人们自发地真正做到严于律已宽以待人;在感恩的空气中,人们正视错误,互相帮助;在感恩的空气中,人们将不会感到自己的孤独…… 人生道路,曲折坎坷,不知有多少艰难险阻,甚至遭遇挫折和失败。在危困时刻,有人向你伸出温暖的双手,解除生活的困顿;有人为你指点迷津,让你明确前进的方向;甚至有人用肩膀、身躯把你擎起来,让你攀上人生的高峰……你最终战胜了苦难,扬帆远航,驶向光明幸福的彼岸。那么,你能不心存感激吗?你能不思回报吗?感恩的关键在于回报意识。回报,就是对哺育、培养、教导、指引、帮助、支持乃至救护自己的人心存感激,并通过自己十倍、百倍的付出,用实际行动予以报答。 “感恩”是个舶来词,“感恩”二字,牛津字典给的定义是:“乐于把得到好处的感激呈现出来且回馈他人”。“感恩”是因为我们生活在这个世界上,一切的一切包括一草一木都对我们有恩情! “感恩”是一种认同。这种认同应该是从我们的心灵里的一种认同。我们生活在大自然里,大自然给与我们的恩赐太多。没有大自然谁也活不下去,这是最简单的道理。对太阳的“感恩”,那是对温暖的领悟,对蓝天的“感恩”,那是我们对蓝得一无所有的纯净的一种认可。对草原的“感恩”那是我们对“野火烧不尽,春风吹又生”的叹服。对大海的“感恩”,那是我们对兼收并蓄的一种倾听。 “感恩”是一种回报。我们从母亲的子宫里走出,而后母亲用乳汁将我们哺育。而更伟大的是母亲从不希望她得到什么。就像太阳每天都会把她的温暖给予我们,从不要求回报,但是我们必须明白“感恩”。 “感恩”是一种钦佩。这种钦佩应该是从我们血管里喷涌出的一种钦佩。 “感恩”之心,就是对世间所有人所有事物给予自己的帮助表示感激,铭记在心;

“感恩”之心,就是我们每个人生活中不可或缺的阳光雨露,一刻也不能少。无论你是何等的尊贵,或是怎样的看待卑微;无论你生活在何地何处,或是你有着怎样特别的生活经历,只要你胸中常常怀着一颗感恩的心,随之而来的,就必然会不断地涌动着诸如温暖、自信、坚定、善良等等这些美好的处世品格。自然而然地,你的生活中便有了一处处动人的风景。 “感恩”是一种对恩惠心存感激的表示,是每一位不忘他人恩情的人萦绕心间的情感。学会感恩,是为了擦亮蒙尘的心灵而不致麻木,学会感恩,是为了将无以为报的点滴付出永铭于心。譬如感恩于为我们的成长付出毕生心血的父母双亲。 “感恩”是一种处世哲学,是生活中的大智慧。感恩可以消解内心所有积怨,感恩可以涤荡世间一切尘埃。人生在世,不可能一帆风顺,种种失败、无奈都需要我们勇敢地面对、豁达地处理。 “感恩”是一种生活态度,是一种品德,是一片肺腑之言。如果人与人之间缺乏感恩之心,必然会导致人际关系的冷淡,所以,每个人都应该学会“感恩”,这对于现在的孩子来说尤其重要。因为,现在的孩子都是家庭的中心,他们只知有自己,不知爱别人。所以,要让他们学会“感恩”,其实就是让他们学会懂得尊重他人。对他人的帮助时时怀有感激之心,感恩教育让孩子知道每个人都在享受着别人通过付出给自己带来的快乐的生活。当孩子们感谢他人的善行时,第一反应常常是今后自己也应该这样做,这就给孩子一种行为上的暗示,让他们从小知道爱别人、帮助别人。

“感恩”是一个人与生俱来的本性,是一个人不可磨灭的良知,也是现代社会成功人士健康性格的表现,一个人连感恩都不知晓的人必定是拥有一颗冷酷绝情的心。在人生的道路上,随时都会产生令人动容的感恩之事。且不说家庭中的,就是日常生活中、工作中、学习中所遇之事所遇之人给予的点点滴滴的关心与帮助,都值得我们用心去记恩,铭记那无私的人性之美和不图回报的惠助之恩。感恩不仅仅是为了报恩,因为有些恩泽是我们无法回报的,有些恩情更不是等量回报就能一笔还清的,惟有用纯真的心灵去感动去铭刻去永记,才能真正对得起给你恩惠的人。 (整理) “感恩”是尊重的基础。在道德价值的坐标体系中,坐标的原点是“我”,我与他人,我与社会,我与自然,一切的关系都是由主体“我”而发射。尊重是以自尊为起点,尊重他人、社会、自然、知识,在自己与他人、社会相互尊重以及对自然和谐共处中追求生命的意义,展现、发展自己独立人格。感恩是一切良好非智力因素的精神底色,感恩是学会做人的支点;感恩让世界这样多彩,感恩让我们如此美丽! “感恩”之心是一种美好的感情,没有一颗感恩的心,孩子永远不能真正懂得孝敬父母、理解帮助他的人,更不会主动地帮助别人。让孩子知道感谢爱自己、帮助自己的人,是德育教育中重要的一个内容。





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Everyone first Thanksgiving, Thanksgiving parents, teacher in gratitude. Yes, I like all people, also be thankful to my parents. I dont know what words to describe them. I only know that they since the childhood is the most hurt me. On that occasion, I do not know is I do wrong, or if they do wrong. I dont know how they love me, and I know, how they education I.

Since the childhood, mom and dad are often said to me: "good good study, you will have a way out." I dont know how to answer. Just in my heart she complains and upset you. Now, I grow up, is no longer that easily to "swept" mom and dad I; Is no longer the only a day I will cry; No longer is that the I couldnt climb up. Experienced a lot of things, I understand a lot.





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Fri. ,Feb. 5 Rainy

In my dream

Last night ,I dreamed I became a very beautiful brid. I dreamed that I was in a forest. In tht forest,there were a lot of animals. Then,an old bird told us,"we have a very beautiful forest,we should therefore protect it from pollution. "All the animals agreed with him.

But the second day,people came into our forest. Many animals were caught. The people wanted to build house and parks in our forest. Many old trees were felled. And then suddenly,nothing was left standing.

I was so shocked and then I bursted out crying. I woke up at midnight. It was only a dream.

二月五日 星期五 雨


昨晚我梦见我变成一只非常漂亮的鸟。 我梦见我在一座森林,森林里有很多动物。 然后有一只老鸟告诉我们,"我们有一座非常美丽的森林,因此我们应该保护它,免受污染"所有的动物都赞成他。

但是第二天,人们进入我们的森林,许多动物被逮捕。 这些人要在我们的森林地上建造房子和公园。 许多年老的树木被砍下,然后,突然间,一切都被夷平了。

我很震惊,接着突然大哭起来。 我在半夜醒来,原来只是个梦。



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In winter, is a very beautiful season. It is not like spring gentleness, also is not as hot as summer, more dont like autumn sunshine is bright, but winter is charming.

You look carefully, a piece of green in the field, the greenhouse rows, patches, melon and fruit garden, farmers uncle in sowing and reaping. Master cheng yen, street traffic. Roadside Holly still carried the head and spine straight. Various snacks: dumplings, fans, Fried rice... Dazzle you. Open air conditioning, in the supermarket variety: green vegetables, dumplings, fruits, drinks... Its everything. Especially after a heavy snow, houses, land, crops, as with a layer of silver dress. The wind blows, snow or satisfied. Street like a jade belt into the distance, fall the leaves of the branches full of fluffy silver bar, winter and summer evergreen pine tree, filled with fluffy snowballs, like the earth covered with a layer of blanket. I and friends in the snow, some snowball, some make a snowman, snowball fights, enjoy it.

I love winter, love this beautiful scenery!



我爱冬天,更爱这美丽的景色! 英语作文季冬季带翻译范文二

The weather in winter is a set of all the phenomena in a given atmosphere at a given time. It also includes interactions with the hydrosphere. The term usually refers to the activity of these phenomena over short periods (hours or days), as opposed to the term climate, which refers to the average atmospheric conditions over longer periods of time. When used without qualification, weather" is understood to be the weather of Earth.

Winter is cold. Let’s play the snowball and make snowman. The snowman is big . I like to play snowball. I am on the snow. The snow is cold. I have a scarf and coat. So I am not cold. I like the Christmas. Because I can see santa clus in Christmas . Christmas tree is beautiful. The presents are on the Christmas tree. I like winter. Do you like winter?





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My teachers and some elderlypeople often praise me. They always say that I must have a bright future,because I like study very much. I really like study. The knowledge from the book attracts me so much. Every time I search the knowledge there, I feel very satisfied,excited and powerful. I like exploiting all knowledge. I don’t need anyone topush me to study. I just like it.





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Hi,everyone! I introduce my friend to you now. I have a lot of friends. In my Chinese lesson, I have a friend called Mary. In my maths lesson, I have a friend called Jack. In my English lesson, I have a good friend,too. She is my best friend. I like her very much. She helps me study English every day. She tells me how to read English, how to write English, how to speak English If I have some questions, I will ask her and she will answer me carefully.

Sometimes,I will ask her and she will answer me carefully. Sometimes,she tells me something about the world. Now, do you know who my best friend is? Right,she is English Coaching Paper!









I have a friend. Her name is Liu Chang. She is a happy girl. She is twelve years old. We are in the same class.

Liu Chang is tall and beautiful. She has two big black eyes and a small mouth. She looks like a lovely doll.

She likes blue best. Most of her clothes are blue. She says, “The sea and the sky are blue. They are very clean. ” She likes swimming,and she can swim very well.

She has many things to do in a week. From Monday to Friday she must go to school. At weekends she helps her mother with the housework. She is a good girl.

Liu Chang has many friends. Im one of them,and we help each other at school. She helps me with my lessons and I help her with playing basketball. We often play games together after class.

I like my friend.




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My name is Yin Zhaoyi. Im nine years old. Im from Hengyang, Hunan. I love writing and reading.

I was a lively and cheerful girl, face, round eyes, long eyebrows, high nose, black hair, big mouth, short stature, long limbs.

Today is Sunday. I asked my mother if I could go to the library to read books. My mother said yes, I went straight to the library happily, and there were very few people in the library. I picked up a book and looked up. An hour passed, and two hours passed. Until 6 oclock in the evening, I found it was 6, and I ran home at full speed.



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It was sunny today. I was excited. I got up at a quarter to seven. I made a

appointment to meet at nine o’clock. After I had my breakfast, I went to the

Wanjia Market . It was hot outside. When I arrived, my friends didn’t arrive. I

waited for him in front of the KFC’s door. I haven’t seen them for a year. And

in a year, we didn’t come into contact with others frequently. About ten minutes

left, my friends arrived one by one. After we greeted,we went to play basketball

in Liwan Gymnasium. The match last for tow hours.Oh!I fill very happy today!





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It was sunny and warm day. I got up early. After breakfast I went to ..Mountain with my friend Li Lei. It took us about an hour to get there by bus. There were thousands of people. We joined them to climb the mountain as soon as we got there. We felt tired but we kept climbing. It took us about an hour to get to the top of the mountain. The wind was so cool and the scenry was very beautiful. We had a picnic and then we walked down from the mountain. We were very happy that day. In the evening, I surfed the internet and then read an interesting book. I really had a meaningful and happy day.



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Summertime is the best time of the year. There is no school for months and

I get to do what I want. With no tests and no homework, Im as free as a



I do many things during the summer vacation. I relax by reading books and

watching TV. I also hang out with my friends or travel with my family. However,

I dont only play in summer. I take advantage of the free time to learn more.

For example, last summer I learned to swim. This summer I might study computers

or English. Summer vacation flies by fast, so its important to do as much as

you can.




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Thanksgiving Day

Thanksgiving is a holiday celebrated in much of North America, generally observed as an expression of gratitude, usually to God. The most common view of its origin is that it was to give thanks to God for the bounty of the autumn harvest. In the United States, the holiday is celebrated on the fourth Thursday in November. In Canada, where the harvest generally ends earlier in the year, the holiday is celebrated on the second Monday in October, which is observed as Columbus Day or protested as Indigenous Peoples Day in the United States.

Thanksgiving is traditionally celebrated with a feast shared among friends and family. In the United States, it is an important family holiday, and people often travel across the country to be with family members for the holiday. The Thanksgiving holiday is generally a "four-day" weekend in the United States, in which Americans are given the relevant Thursday and Friday off. Thanksgiving is almost entirely celebrated at home, unlike the Fourth of July or Christmas, which are associated with a variety of shared public experiences.




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Hello, everyone, welcome to my home. Ma Chi I am positive and optimistic, I am a boy, I was nine years old and a half. My birthday is November 26, so I can eat delicious cake soon. There are five people in my family: look, my grandfather, my grandmother, my father mother and I. Although I dont have a brother and sister, but I live also very happy. Our house is very spacious, there are two bedrooms, a living room and a new study.My grandma and grandpa are nomads, but its already retired, they look very young, I hope they healthy forever.My father is a very good driver, hes tall and strong and has a kind heart. My mother is a particularly good secretary, shes hard-working and ingenuity.I am a lively and active fifth-grade elementary school students, but we like to play volleyball, table tennis, also enjoy doing manual, rollerblading. I love to eat pineapple, sweet and sour, it is very delicious. There are many books in our house, I also love reading all the more, every weekend I would forget all about eating and sleeping.My mom and dad love me very much, I also love them very much. Dad at leisure, sometimes will take our family of five to foreign travel, mountain climbing, climbing in the desert. As long as you are a free and I will give them to tell jokes, let them relax. Grandma and grandpa kua I am a sensible child, every time at this moment, my heart joy bloom.I hope everyone has such a harmonious family.





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Dear mom:

A: hello!

Mom this is my first time to write to you, so some shame.

How are you recently? Have a smooth work! How your mood these days, I have no dont care you one day.

How much I miss you, do you give me the rice, how delicious, I often dream of in the evening I went to the kitchen to steal to eat the food you do.

Mom you sit down and rest for a while! Dont be so hard to cook for us after work every day, every day we wash clothes... Every time after the meal, I want to help you wash the dishes, you say you dont have to tube chores, you just mind your own learning. Himself out of one eye, I am full of tears.

Ah! Mother I love you.

I wish you the best

Healthy body, the work is smooth.












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Today I found time was a cruel thing.Whatever man is,time always goes on.It

won’t stay to wait for somebody.You can’t use anything to exchange time.Time is

also a fair thing.Although you have a lot of money or you enjoy comfortable

life.time won’t leave them more.




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everyone should have a life down on feelings - thanksgiving, we have thanksgiving life, family thanksgiving, thanksgiving life, the community thanksgiving ... ...

if, like me to choose my first thanksgiving to the parents. they let me come to this colorful world, and they spared no effort to support me grow up in their harvest success, i am pleased to join with me, and sow the tears of joy; they are in my frustration, i am encouraged by, i am inspired; loud voice exhort, and look forward to a report, the parents of the heart and blood flowing from time to time in my whole body.

if you only thanksgiving parents may be too narrow. we would also like to live thanksgiving. as long as grateful, then your life will be happier! life is fair, she will not deceive you, as long as you pay, there will be a return. despite the sometimes smooth, sometimes despite the numerous reefs; singing, even though at times laughing, even though at times sad depression. this is the life, gave us hot suanku salt, gave us flowers and sunshine. no matter the kind of situation is that thanksgiving should live, or where colorful? !

but also everyone around thanksgiving. grateful to those who encourage you, because he brought you to power; grateful for your help, because he told us what to give; spur thank you, because he removes your karma; grateful to those who have hurt you, because his temper your mind; to thank those who have deceived you, because he has enhanced your knowledge; to thank those who have abandoned you, because you have to teach him self-reliance; grateful for your trip, because he strengthens your ability to ... ...

thanksgiving did not know how a person, not like a fish breathe, can not survive a moment;

thanksgiving know a person, just like the flowers bees encounter, as encountered in the desert oasis, just like horses came face in the world so beautiful!

let‘s hearts with gratitude, singging aloud in front of the world, "the heart of thanksgiving, thank you, with my life ... ..."




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In work hard learning, the library is a good place, I study it brings me a lot of knowledge. For every class often in and out of the library I; Selected for the volunteers by the teacher, in the heart very happy, because finally had a chance to service for people!

When a small volunteers on the first day, class library all things for me; Is a question mark, for others, photocopies accidentally! A wrong button, the paper places appeared a piece of data only a quarter of the paper, I have to pay.Sacrifice lunch break I went to the library work, the more cautious to fill a book, seeing so many tattered book, thinking "can have such a good study environment, dont cherish" an angry heart. One day, after finishing the book, see a man in the book, a stepped forward to wanted to scold him a lesson, but the thought of Confucius said: "the way of administration, together with punishment, people free and shameless. Virtue, together with the ritual, shame and." Im not angry, had to use moral to persuade him, and when no ones in, also wont destroy the book.

Busy, the teacher also told us to read, to gain understanding. When moving the heavy book, in fact, think about it, this will not only help the teacher save trouble, also enhance their own strength, every second, why not

As the young volunteers, I though a little tired, but for the teacher to share many things; I am also very happy, because "help others for pleasure this!"




牺牲午休时间 去图书馆工作的我,更加谨慎的补书,眼见这么多破烂的书,心想“能有这么好的读书环境,竟然不好好珍惜”心中一股气愤涌上心头。一天,在整理书时,见到了 一位在破坏书的人,走上前去原想臭骂他一顿,但一想到孔子说:“道之以政,齐之以刑,民免而无耻。道之以德,齐之以礼,有耻且格。”我也不生气了,只好用 道德来规劝他,才能在没人的时候,也不会再破坏书。




Everyone in the path of growth, must through all kinds of test. Some people own learning is not ideal, some bad for your skin and worry, and some to get parents understand and feel wronged... I think it should be growing pains.

"You how so careless, English written in capital letters lowercase letters; math is not decimal forgot to add, is the brain around it; the language too, shouldnt always wrong... wrong since time, scores have been falling, straight down to 20 name!" Is the time, this kind of words are often in my mind.

I also want to increase the performance to once upon a time, but always cant contentment. Is not the improvement to the subject, is a division of grades and beaten down. Who wouldnt want to test a good result, but each persons ability is different, also the effort by different, so the harvest "fruit" is also different. So I can only say: "do your best!"

As a student, I told myself not too bad; I told myself cant let parents down; I told myself cant let the teacher lose faith in yourself... So, my worries are growing.

But think carefully, if falling grades so easily becomes good, so dont lose its senseSo think about it, there is less worry a lot. But dont strive for it, it wont come. So, still want to care my shadow, always follow me, this should be most students face troubles.

Trouble is important in life, we should be brave to face, with positive attitude, trouble will be gone.









Everyone has their own hobbies, I was no exception. My hobby numerous as the stars in the sky, but I most like to read books.

Since I was young, I love reading, where I can see, in bed, go to the toilet see, going to travel in the car, even to eat. Mom and dad always hope me the real little bookworm go out to play for a while, but I dont know a person in the neighbourhood, so the book has become my best friend. Remember once I went to a bookstore reading a book, with my mother agreed to go back until five o clock, but the sight of the wide variety of books, I swim in the sea of stories to boil. I picked up a book "laughing cat diary", read, and was attracted by Yang hongying style of writing. Time like off the string arrow, blink of an eye by six o clock, I remembered that time, is on his way back, met a mother, I look with my mom out in a rash.

A few days ago, I was in the toilet for more than half an hour, I was so angry mother nose crooked, is this whyBecause I see in the toilet, "meaning Lin" youth version by that mom took her killer response - animal roars at fellow players.

However, a yard to yard, reading is a good thing. Now, one in the class, my composition since school reading quantity reach millions of words. The classmates, let us read more books!








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Weekends to people mean that people can have two days‘ rest. They can go out or get together at home.

Everybody spends weekends in his own way. Some people relax themselves by listening to music, reading in libraries or doing sports outdoors. In a word, different people have different relaxations.

I often spend weekends with my family. Sometimes my parents take me to visit our relatives. Sometimes we go swimming or go dancing and sometimes I go to read some instructive books. I often enjoy myself at weekends.







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Thanksgiving is an ancient festival American original people, is also the American family reunion holiday, so the Americans brought Thanksgiving always feel warm. Thanksgiving Day is the most truly American of the national holidays in the United States (holiday), the early history of the United States and is most closely connected. The early settlers of Massachusetts originated in Plymouth. These people were called pilgrims in the UK, because of their religious reform of the Church of England is not completely satisfied with, and the king and the Church of England for their political repression and persecution, so the pilgrims from the Church of England, went to Holland, then decided to move to the other side of the Atlantic that desolate land, hope in accordance with the wishes of their religious freedom in life.


In 1962 September, "May flower" ship loaded with 102 pilgrims and their families to leave England to North America, after two months of hard sailing in Plymouth, Massachusetts ashore, settled down. The first winter, due to lack of food, cold weather, disease rampant and overworked, the settlers died more than half. The second year spring, the local Indian tribal chiefs, Masaso de led the kind-hearted Indian, gave the Puritan grain seed, and teach them to hunt, planting crops, fishing etc.. With the help of the Indians, the pilgrims had a good harvest. The first governor William Bradford has proposed the establishment of a festival to celebrate the harvest, thank you for the gift of god. At the same time, also want to take a holiday to strengthen the harmony between whites and indians. In late November 1621 Thursday, 90 Indians have a joyous gathering the Pilgrims and Massa Soder, celebrated the first Thanksgiving USA history. Male pilgrims go out hunting, capture Turkey, women in the home with corn, pumpkin, sweet potato and fruit to make delicious food. Thus, whites and Indians around the bonfire, chat while eating, but now singing, now dancing, the celebration lasted three days.


At Thanksgiving without a fixed date, the provisional decision by the state. Until America after independence in 1863, President Lincoln declared Thanksgiving a national holiday.



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Hello, my name is Shi Yunjie, 22 years old this year. I am a Junior from the Jiangsu University. My hometown is Nantong, a city in Jiangsu Province.It is a seaside city, which has pleasant weather all year around. My character is optimistic.I like to communicate with people.For about three years in the university, I have made a lot of friends, coming from different professions and hometown all over the country. My hobby is listening to music, watching movies and reading. I especially like to read biographies,such as Franklin、Mao Zedong and so on, to get some useful inspiration about Life planning through this way,

