初中英语作文a happy day汇总20篇

感动是什么?一千个人有一千种答案。但,无论是谁,都无法对一个毫无感情的人说出感动究竟是什么。因为感动不是用嘴说出来的,而是用心品出来的。感动,如沁人心脾的甘泉。以下是小编为大家带来的初中英语作文a happy day,希望能给大家提供帮助,欢迎浏览阅读转发!






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In the old China, people were seduced by opium and many people had ruined

their lives. Today, China becomes stronger and opium has become the history, but

the new type drug catches peoples attention all the time. When we walk around

the street, we can find that most people are lowering their heads and playing

smart phone. Smart phone has been the new drug for people, especially for young

generation. They play it for such a long time that their body health is under

threat. The news has reported many incidents of people feel uncomfortable after

playing mobile phones for a long time. We need to use mobile phone in the proper

way, or we will get into trouble.




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如何减肥 how to lose weight

it seems that many people today are overweight. no one wants to carry around extra pounds, lout few people know how to slum down effectively. they look for miracle pills and magic cures. in the end, they fail and the pounds come back. but the most effective way of losing weight is actually very simple. it is a combination of a good diet and proper exercise. what makes it work is determination. it requires discipline and commitment to succeed. here is an example that proves the truth of these words.


my aunt had been trying to lose weight for years. she went on one diet after another, but none of them worked. she lost a lot of weight quickly only to have it come back. finally, she followed her doctors advice and began to eat a simple, well-balanced diet. she ate lots of fruits and vegetables and avoided high-fat foods. in addition, she joined an exercise class. she worked out three times a week. at first, my aunt wasnt happy because the weight came off so slowly. but her classmates encouraged her to stick to it and eventually she reached her goal. best of all, she was able to stay at her ideal weight. that was because she had developed healthy new habits.




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My mother, thirty years old, medium tall, slim figure, melon face, long with a bright long hair, every day wearing a ponytail, put in the back of the head to go. A pair of thin long eyebrows with a pair of water Lingling big eyes, high nose bridge with a pair of black box glasses, it is very gentle. I like to see my mother laugh, my mother laughed and exposed a white teeth, looks very good. You do not be confused by the appearance of my mother, but at home, but a "king" it.

I remember once, my mother told me to practice calligraphy words, I reluctantly, absent-minded, bent on watching TV, three times under the two write a few words written, then my mother came over and saw my word , Without any explanation, "snapped ... ... snapped ... ...", gave me two slap, pulled me just wrote the word, kneaded into a ball, torn to pieces, thrown into the trash, pointing to me, reprimanded: " With this attitude, but also want to write a good brush.

I clutching my mother had just hit the red face, silent, two drops of tears from the eyes of the flow out, I re-pick up the pen, seriously began to write. I know my mother is good for me, she often educated me: young and strong do not work, the boss was sad. My mom is a bit impatient, but she is very capable and hardworking. Morning, the day is not bright, my mother to get up early to do breakfast, laundry, and so on when we have a sumptuous breakfast to show in my eyes, fragrant.

How, i have a best mother in the world, envy it!



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I know many singers, such as Wang li-hong, Zhou jie-lun and Michael Jackson and so on.

But I like Michael Jackson best.

I recognized Michael Jackson on occassion. There was a poem recitation competition in my class. I had to look for a song about peace. Finally I found "Heal the World". I liked it at once when I first heard this song. I thought it was the best song that I had ever heard. Then I found the words of this song. "Heal the world, make it a better place, for you and for me, and the  entire human race." This song was Michael Jacksons famous work.

Since then I began to know more about Michael Jackson. I began to love him. He was named "King of Pop". He hold a Children Foundationg and wanted to make the world peace through the music.Although he was dead, he was still one of the most famous singers in the world. I love him, because he was not only a singer but also a loving person.



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1. There be 结构

there be 结构和have has结构翻译成汉语都是“有”的意思,但含义不同。have (has)表示“某人拥有某物”,there be而结构表示“某人或某物存在于某地或某时”。

There are some apple trees in the garden.

We have some apple trees in the garden.

there be 结构中的动词 动词与后面的主语在数的方面保持一致。如果句中的主语是并列主语,即有两个或两个以上的人或物作主语,那么一般说来动词的数应与第一个主语的数保持一致。如:

There is a green apple and two oranges in the fruit bowl.

There are two oranges and a green apple in the fruit bowl.

2. I think he is very old.



I don’t think he is very old.

I didn’t think Wang Hai would enter for the high jump.



I don’t think he has finished the work, has he?

You think my brother told a lie yesterday, don’t you?

3. That’s right. That’s all right. All right.

“That’s right.”表示“对、正确”。一般在对话中用于肯定对方的回答或表示赞同对方的说法。 “That’s all right.” 是回答感谢话或道歉话的用语,意思是“没关系,不用谢”,相当于“You are welcome”、“That’s OK”或 “Not at all”“All right”一般用于同意别人的请求,是“好的、可以”的意思。如:

A: I think the correct answer is two. B: That’s right.

A: I am sorry I left your notebook at home. B: That’s all right.

4. He’s up there in the tree with Bill.

这句话的主语是“he”,“with Bill”不是主语,而是表示一种伴随状态,所以请注意谓语要和主语在数和人称称保持一致。一般在句子中我们经常用“with+名词”这种结构表示“有、带着或伴随着”的意思。如:

He went to the concert with me.=He and I went to the concert.

She answered me with a smile.

He went to sleep with the bedroom light on.

5. It’s time…


(1) It’s time to +动词原形

(2) It’s time for sb. +动词原形

(3) It’s time for +名词

如:It’s time to go to school.=It’s time for school.

It’s time for us to go to school.

6. What’s wrong with you?

这句话的意思是“你怎么了?”,既可表示问身体有什么不舒服,也可以表示问出了什么事,介词后还可以跟物品名称,表示问某样东西怎么了(是否出了什么毛病)。与其类似的句型还有:“What’s the matter with…? / What’s the trouble with…?”这三个句型在使用时要注意wrong是形容词,所以在它有前面不加冠词,而matter和trouble都是名词,在它们前面要加定冠词。如

What’s wrong with Bill?

What’s the matter (the trouble) with Bill?

7. They looked like saucers.

在本句中like是个介词,解释是“像。。。”,常和动词 be或 look连用。请注意不要错把它当成动词“喜欢”。

8. You had better come early next time.

此句中的had better是一种习惯用法, 意思是 “最好…”成, 一般用来表示向别人提建议或劝告.这一句经常可以与祈使句或带有情态动词should 的句子进行替换.在使用had better 时请注意以下几点: (1) 它没有人称、时态和数量的变化。(2)它的后面只能跟动词原型。(3)它的否定式为had better not,后面同样只能跟动词原型在疑问句中,通常是把had提到主语之前。如

We had better not go fishing on such a windy day.

9. be + adj. + (for somebody) to do (something)

在此句型中谓语动词一般不用被动语态。同时请注意动词不定式都有动宾关系, 因此如果不定式中的动词是不及物动词,那么它的后面一定加上适当的介词。

The problem is not very difficult for me to work out.

10. I hope… / I wish…

Hope 与wish 都可以解释为“希望”,但它们所表达的意思和用法都有所不同。 在意思上Hope所表达的愿望是比较实际的,是可能实现的,而 wish所表达的是不太可能实现的梦想, 所以wish引导的宾语从句大多用虚拟的语气。在用法上它们的唏不完全相同,区别在于wish可以用于wish sb. to do, 而hope没有这种用法。:,

They hope to win the game in the afternoon.

We all wish him to bring us the good news.

11. My dad will come back in two days.

“in + 一段时间”常用来表示将来的一段时间以后,对它提问用 “how soon” 。如果表示将来的某个时间点以后,一般用“after +某个点时间”,对它提问要用 “when / what time”。如:

How soon will you finish your homework?

I will finish my homework in an hour.

When / What time will you come back?

I will come back after dinner.

12. I’m afraid…

I’m afraid…常用于表达与别人意见不同后拒绝别人的请求,有时也可以用在表示不肯定或推测的话前面,是口语中十分常用的短语。它的后面可以接从句,也可以加或。如

A: Must I hand in the report today?

B: I’m afraid you must

“be afraid of +名词或动名词”的用法也很常用。表示“害怕”。如:

She is afraid of going out at night.

13. Sorry, I forgot to tell you that.



He forgot to return the money to me. 他忘记还钱给我。(表示钱还没有还。)

He forgot returning the money to me.他忘记已经把钱还给我了。(表示钱已经还了,但他忘记了这件事。)

(2) stop后面跟不定式表示停下来去做别一件事,如果加动名词就表示停止这个动作。如:

Please stop talking and listen tome. 请不要讲话,听我说。

Please stop to have a rest 请停下来休息一下。

14. This one is much better than that one.



初中阶段常用的原级比较句型为:as…as…, not as (so)…as…。使用时注意它们的含义,as…as… 表示“和。。。一样”,而它的否定结构表示“不如。。。”。如

Is the Huanghe River as long as the Nile?

He does not work so hard as his brother.

(2)最常用的比较级用法是“比较级别+ than ”。另外两个相同的比较级用连接起来可以表示“越。。。越。。。”。如果要表示“两个中较为。。。的一个” ,在比较级之前要加一个the,一般可以修饰比较级的有:much, far, a little, a bit, even, still.

It is even colder than it was last month.

More and more people are helping fight pollution.

His handwriting is better than any other student in his class.


Among all the sports I like soccer best.

I am the eldest girl in my family.

15. (not)…until (till)

在这一句型结构中until (till) 引导的是时间状语(从句),因此从句中不能用将来时,只能用一般现在时代替。如果主句的谓语动词或until (till)前面的动词是一个瞬间动词,那么该动词必须用否定形式。一般地来说until和till的意思与用法都基本相同,唯一的区别在于可以置于句首,而不能。如:

He watched TV until (till) his parents came back.

We couldn’t go back home until the rain stopped.

16. be pleased…

这个短语后面既可以另动词不定式,也可以加适当的介词。 加不定式be pleased to do表示“做......很高兴”, 而加介词 be pleased with / at / by......表示“对......感到很高兴,很满意。”如:

We are pleased to plant trees by the river every spring.

My parents are pleased with my hard work.

17. You should go out instead of staying at home.

Instead of 可解释为“代替,而不是”,介词 of后面可以跟名词或动名词。有时没有必要说出被代替的人或物,也可以只用instead

He stayed at home to read the book instead of going out to play basketball.

If you don’t want to go, I can go there instead.

18. I don’t like it any more.

No more, not any more, no longer, not any longer这几个短语都表示“不再......,再也不......”。在使用时请注意它们在句子中的位置。如:

She ins’t a teacher any more = She is no more a teacher.



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People always say in one life, they can’t be sailing plainly, it means

people will meet all kinds of difficulties and they are easy to feel frustrated,

the one who gets over frustration, the one who becomes successful. When we meet

difficulties, we must learn to face it in the optimistic way, so we can see the

hope and have the faith to move on. The difficult moment is just the small

interlude of our lives. As the saying that failure is the mother of success, so

we need to learn lessons from failure and then when the time comes, we will get

successful. Facing frustration is unavoidable, if we can handle it well, we will




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I have a dream that one day every vally shall be exalted, every hill and mountain shall be made low, the rough places will be made plain, and the crooked places will be made straight, and the glory of the Lord shall be revealed, and all flesh shall see it together.

Wow, what a dream it has been for Martin Luther King. But the changing world seems telling me that people gradually get their dreams lost somehow in the process of growing up, and sometimes I personally find myself saying goodbye unconsciously to those distant childhood dreams.

However, we meed dreams. They nourish our spirit; they represent possibility even when we are dragged down by reality. They keep us going. Most successful people are dreamers as well as ordinary people who are not afraid to think big and dare to be great. When we were little kids, we all dreamed of doing something big and splashy, something significant. Now what we need to do is to maintain them, refresh them and turn them into reality. However, the toughest part is that we often have no ideas how to translate these dreams into actions. Well, just start with concrete objectives and stick to it. Don’t let the nameless fear confuse the eye and confound our strong belief of future. Through our talents, through our wits, through our endurance and through our creativity, we will make it.

Hold fast to dreams, for if dreams die, life is a broken-winged bird that cannot fly. Hold fast to dreams, for when dreams go, life is a barren field frozen with snow. So my dear friends, think of your old and maybe dead dreams. Whatever it is, pick it up and make it alive from today.




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Yesterday ,I went to a zoo with my parents .

When we got to the zoo, we climbed up a little hill first. We can see many kangaroos on the hill, I played with some kangaroos. Then, we went to a pond. I fished in the pond, and got a big fish and 2 small fishes. I was very happy at that time. After fishing, we walked on grass. There are many parrots on the grass. And we were surprised that one of them can speak English. I spoke to it, and it said ‘hello’ to me. That made a lot of fun for me.

In the afternoon, we went to see monkeys, pandas, snakes and big sharks. And I took many photos from them. I also rode a horse and painted a mask for fun.

When we back home, it almost got drak. But I’m very happy, because I had a good time at the zoo that day



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We all wish (hope) to be happy, so we should take good care of our health.

Health is the best treasure (which) a man can possess. Money can do many things, but it cannot buy happiness. However, so long as man has good health, he can enjoy the pleasures of human life.

In order to insure good health we must pay attention to three things. They are-nourishing food, fresh air and proper exercise.







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刚上一年级时,由于我在换牙,口齿不清,所以在英语课上根本就不敢进行口语练习,生怕同学们笑话我“大舌头“。当时同学们在老师的带领下,都能流利地用英语谈话,而一句简单的“my name is yuxiaolin”我都说不出来。面对老师的提问,我总是把头低下,心想:别叫我,千万别叫我!开始,同学们都踊跃举手,所以蒋老师也就没有发现胆小的我。

可是随着时间的推移,老师终于在一次口语练习的时候叫到了把身体都快溜到课桌下的我。我在大家的注视下,红着脸站起来了,我感到自己的眼泪快要流出来了。“别着急,说出你的名字。”老师的语气是那么柔和,可是我说不出口。时间就在我的窘迫中渐渐流逝,终于老师打破了沉默,“我知道你的名字,老师们都夸奖你是个学习认真的孩子。同学们,是不是呀?”同学们都不假思索地应和:“是!”听到这些,我的眼泪不由自主地流下来了。蒋老师带领大家一起说出:“my name is yuxiaolin! my name is yuxiaolin!”奇怪,我竟然不害怕了,也跟着同学们一起说连续说了两遍,就在大家都停下时,由于惯性,我又说了“my name is yuxiaolin”。“你真棒!”老师竟然祝贺我,“好孩子,你能再大声说一遍吗?” “my name is yuxiaolin!”我终于敢张开嘴了,心里也仿佛卸下了一块大石头。同学们没有嘲笑我,老师没有批评我,耶!我不怕了!




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Smoe people say that money is the best thing in the world. but i consider reading books as the best and the most precious thing one can ever have.

Reading books is very important. first of all, it is knowledge that makes society develop and by reading books you can get all kinds of knowledge. furthemore, reading books makes you a qualified person and makes your life enjoyable.

One is never too old to learn. no matter what time you rcalize the importance of reading books, you can enjoy it during the rest of your life time. love books, for they are your best friends.




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Good morning, everyone! My Name is Lu Xin. I am so happy to stand in front of you to introduce myself. I am thirteen years old. I graduated from the No.1 Primary School of our city. I like reading books and playing badminton. I hope we can take exercises after class. Besides, I like watching movies and listening to pop music. I am sure there are some classmates have the common interests with me. Therefore, we can communicate with each other. In primary school, I did well in Chinese but math is not so good. I hope I can make progress in middle school. I am very excited to be a classmate of you初中生物 and I hope we can make progress and have good days together.






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Now National Day is coming. I have made a plan for it .I am going to Beijing with my parents.Because there are many places of interest .First we want to visit the Great Wall ,which is considered one of the seven wonders in the world. Second we want to visit the summer palace ,where lived many emperors during the hot days. Then we want to visit the Water Cube,where many important events are held .Finally we want to visit hutong to get a knowledge of the culture of old Beijing .I think this trip must be very interesting and we will have a good time.

国庆节要到了,我已经定了一个计划,我和我的父母去北京,因为那有很多名胜古迹。首先我们要去长城 ,它被认为是世界七大奇观之一。第二我们要参观颐和园,许多帝王避暑的地方。然后我们去水立方,很多重大的体育比赛都在那举行。最后我们要去参观胡同 去了解一下老北京的文化。我想这次旅行一定很有趣,所以我们一定会玩得很高兴。




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Life needs positive energy. A person’s life is a road with lots of difficulties and various negative emotions.

Everyone will have the desperate time. Positive energy can help us go through this period of time.

For example, I am sad about the exam yesterday. But an optimistic classmate encourages me to think in a good way and comfort me.

I can recover soon. But if she also is as pessimistic as me, I won’t have recovered so quickly. Maybe I will be sad for a long time. There are many similar things happening in our life. To live a better life, we need positive energy.





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This story’s name is “The little prince”。 As it known to all, we will encounter a lot of difficulties, even hardships. Different people may have different ways to deal with them. After reading The Little Princess, I am deeply impressed by Sara’s way to deal with difficulties. The Little Princess was written by Frances Hodgson Burnett, a famous novelist and dramatist. Sara, the heroine of the novel, was born in a rich family. In order to get a better education, her father took her from India to London so that she could go to the best school. Because Sara was kind-hearted, generous and most of all—rich, she was loved by everyone. All went well until her father died in an accident. Everything changed pletely. She didn’t understand why the teachers and classmates treated her so badly. Even the principal who used to be fond of her, made her work 16 hours a day. Sara’s miserable life began.When I finished reading the book, I was shocked by what the unimaginable pain Sara had suffered after her fa爱国名言

ther’s death. She used to be a happy, worriless, and rich Princess, but now she was a lonely and poor servant. She had to work very hard without any rest but only had little food. Besides she had to endure the unfriendly and even rude ways that her classmates treated her. All teachers and students in the school looked down upon her. The most important fact is that Sara had lost the love and care of her parents.What a mighty pain! If you were Sara, could you stand such pain? Needless to say, an 11 years old girl, even if it were an adult, he might not put up with it. But to my surprise, Sara faced it bravely.

Despite of the torture of the principal and all those pressures above, she still was optimistic towards life. By reading this novel, I felt inspired and think much. When we meet such difficulties, what should we do? Some people always plain that the fate is unfair to them. Some people can’t sustain the hardships and choose to give up. Few of them even try to mit  because they lack the courage to overe it. Compared with Sara—an eleven years old girl who can treat the pressure of life with optimistic spirit, these people’s performances are sounded so lamentable. Why can’t they make it?However, what impress me most are her characteristics and the thought of her “being a real princess.” This “real princess” does not mean luxury palaces, beautiful clothes and the apple of the others’ eyes, but being kind, generous and having good manners. It is unnecessary for “a real princess” to be strong in body, but she must be strong in will. Sara is a real princess in my heart all the time, whether she was rich and wore beautiful clothes in the classroom or she was cold and hungry in the attic, just because she had the good characters and kind heart. The story went on. Fortunately, a friend of Sara’s father found her and told her that her father left a great sum of money to her. I pray and believe that every good person in the world deserve a good result, and of course, we are the same.



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Many people have favorite places they like to go to when they are feeling

sad or bored. I also have favorite places that I go to as often as I can.

Here are the three places that I like most. First of all, I like the zoo.

The animals are amazing because some are so cute and some are so ugly! I like to

pet them,feed them and watch them perform. Museums are cool places, too. They

have good exhibits and fascinating displays. I like the works of art there. Some

museums teach me a lot about history and science. From dinosaurs to robots, I

love them all. Finally, theme parks are my favourite place. I think the roller

coasters are the best. Its fun to scream and get scared.

These places always cheer me up. I try to go to each of my favorite places

once a year. I am going to find more favorite places to go to when I grow




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I Like Winter

There are four seasons in a year, spring means reborn, the trees become green and the flowers get boom. In the summer, the weather is hot while in the autumn, the weather is cool, the winter means cold. Among the four seasons, I like the winter best, though it is cold, I enjoy the weather. I don’t have to bear the hot weather, when I sleep, the warm makes me feel so comfortable, I have the good sleep. What’s more, I can play the snow, I like to build all kinds of snowmen, I play with my friends, we are enjoying the moment. I like winter so much, it brings me so much happiness.


I Like Running

Every morning, I will wake up early and then do some exercise. I like running very much, so I will run around my house. Running on the street and park, I can see the city in its morning face, the street is so quiet, some people are dancing, some are walking. I enjoy running in the morning, I feel so comfortable, I feel life is easy and happy.





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"Green" the eternal topic, let us better to understand the importance of

environmental protection.

Green environmental protection is to make us live a happy life in a clean

environment, however, the environment around us in a worse if we dont alarm,

then, our motherland will be a mess in our hands! Green environmental protection

starts from me. My dad used to drive his car to work, listen to my advice, to

protect the environment, he ride a bike from now on, he thought that not only

the exercise of his body, also for the green environmental protection.

My mother began to contribute to the green environmental protection. Before

she went to vegetable market to buy food, she used plastic bags, a village green

environmental protection propaganda on TV, she understood the green

environmental protection is sustainable, in order to we can have a better

environment. In order to we live healthier lives, so mom from that moment on,

every day go to vegetable market with the own basket, instead of plastic


As a new era of junior middle school students, and I will response to the

green environmental protection call for, I had at school are all use one off

chopsticks, but now I can bring their own chopsticks to school. I think, though

this is a small matter, but I do my responsibility.

Happiness of life to let China land everyone be permeated with happy smile,

rich products, long history, noble quality, the plot environment. Nowadays, the

environment is polluted, the green environmental protection starts from me, let

us together to protect the environment!



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Boys and girls ,

Today I’ll talk about our English club . Our English club was set up two

months ago . Now we have members of 25 . We meet once a week on Saturday

afternoon. So far we have conducted a variety of activities on English learning

, such as watching English films , holding a Christmas party and getting

together with foreign students .

Last week we held an English story-telling competition . We required that

the entries be original and interesting and be presented in English within five

minutes . Every member took an active part in the activity . Two foreign English

teachers were invited to act as judges . At last Li Ping won the first place .

Many members said the activity benefited them in many ways . Not only did it

improve their spoken English ,but also it brought them much fun . They hope many

such activities can be held .

That’s all. Thank you.



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Our class have had a discussion about whether we can use mobile phones.

Some students think it is good to use mobile phones because they can take

photos with them in our daily life. They can also listen to music to relax

themselves in free time. Besides, using mobile phones makes it easy to keep in

touch with their parents and friends.

But some others dont think so. They think students shouldnt use mobile

phones. Using mobile phones too much is bad for their eyes and its a waste of

time to chat with friends. Sometimes some students use mobile phones to play

games. It will have a bad effect on study.

In my opinion, I think wed better not use mobile phones. We should spend

more time on our study instead of using mobile phones.



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Good morning, my dear fellows. I am happy to see all of our classmates come back to school. I would like to share my life in holiday with you. This summer holiday, I spent most of my time in playing, like watching TV, playing games, outing with friends and so on. But I also pay attention to my study. For example, I like watching the educational TV programs, so that I can both have fun and learn something new at the same time. Besides, I get up early to do some morning reading to practice my English. Of course, I finish my summer exercises on time. In short, my summer holiday is colorful and meaningful. How about your life in summer holiday? I am eager to know.
