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The conception of money is different for the old and the young. The old

generation believes that money should be saved in case of the urgent situation,

while most young people think that money should be spent to realize its value.

When I was struggled about the different opinions, I saw the news report about a

man got back his money that he saved in the early 1990s, which was about 1000

RMB. People made their comment that this amount of money meant so much at that

time, which could buy a nice big house, while today it was just a big meal in

the restaurant. This news inspired me to make reasonable plan of money. The old

way to treat money is not suitable, because money will lose its value as time

goes by. I choose to spend part of money while saving another part of it.





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summer comes after spring. it is the warmest season in the year. it often rains ,sometimes quite heavily. everything grows very quickly. young people love this time of year because it is good for sports .i often go swimming ,sometimes in a lake near my home, and sometimes in the river. i enjoy it very much.





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January 15 20xx


It was the third day of our winter holiday. Today, there are many business in my mothers company. So my mother told me to help my uncle who is the manager of my mothers company. I sat in my mothers office and help her answer the telephone. While I was free, I was writing my homework. Although I also have a lot of time to do my homework, I still do it. Because in my mothers office, I had nothing to do. If I did nothing, I was wasting my time and my life. I cant do the foolish thing. We should take good use of our time.




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The sun send voice silently walk, to meet the summer girl, summer girl has just arrived, and the sun is becoming more and more hot, like a ball of fire. The heat absorbed too much sun, full stomach heat absorption, want to find a place to send out. He relentlessly baked the earth not one bit, and the earth to dry, very not easy a little wind blowing, the wind is hot, hot sun like to bask in the oil just be willing to give up.

Summer it was the season of growth, in the paddy fields, green a piece, like a green sea, blowing a gust of wind, like the water in the boiling. Summer flowers in varied, especially the lotus, lotus petals extend outward, a piece of lotus leaf, like the disc under the flower luxuriantly green. Beautiful, like a young girl in the dance.

Summer is very cool in the evening, the Milky Way is a variegated stars in the sky, coupled with the reflection of sunshine, became a beautiful galaxy. In the evening, the vampire Lord, and the mosquito come very annoying, as long as you do not pay attention to, it will run to come over to kiss you a bite, and buzzing sound, like to sing a song in your ear.

I love summer!



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I have rested for 10 days. In these days, I felt very bored. I didn’t know

to do what. Although I had a lot of things to do, I felt uncomfortable. I was

ill because of the hot weather. I was tired, sleepy and had no strength. My

parents are worried about my health. in fact, it didn’t matter. I was always in

the room with air-conditioner and opened it in a low temperature. So when I went

out, the high temperature disagreed to me.At last, I was ill.




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My secret

My mother’s birthday is coming soon, I want to give her a surprise, it is my secret. My mother takes care of me all the time, she is working so hard for the family, as I grow up, I know it is not easy for her to be a housewife. I have saved some money, I plan to buy her a scarf, which she will like.






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Yesterday was my birthday, so some of my classmates sent me presents。 Mother prepared a tea party for me。 I invited all of them to e and take part in it。The tea party began at half past six。 There were cold drinks and refreshments。 We ate, talked and laughed。 We felt that we were the happest men in the world。翻译:昨日是我生日,所以有几位我的同班同学送我礼。母亲给我准备一个茶会。我邀请他们都前来参加。茶会下午六点半开始。有冷饮和点心。我们又吃又谈又笑。我们觉得是世界上最快乐的人。



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Dear Sophie,

My name is Yang Yang.I’m 10 years old this year. I have a hamster, It’s

called the Little Devil, I like him very much.

I have many hobbies, I like playing basketball and playing computer. I do

not like playing badminton, because I do not want to pick balls, but my sister

does. She always asks me to play with her at the weekend. But I think she is not


How about you? What do you do in your spare time?

Write soon,please.

Yang Yang









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There are many happy things in the Spring Festival, but the happiest thing is to eat my mothers fragrant annual dinner.


Look, there is hen soup on the table, there are &ldquo, three thousand feet &rdquo, and braised pork legs, spicy chicken legs, red crabs and shrimps, and attractive fruit salad … &hellip.


My cousins family came to our family to have a new years dinner. Some adults play “ Dou landlord ” some chat. I eat an attractive fruit salad, and my cousin is staring at the table with a puppy eye. All of a sudden, my cousin saw me eating an attractive fruit salad. I could not bear the mouth water, “ a small dirty hand, ” to the fruit salad. I “ snap ” hold down his little hand. This time I took a little weight, although he did not cry, but took out his special skills — — cry. I do not eat this set, thought: little cousin, why are you so stupid? You dont have a drop of tears, I cant see it. As I sat and waited for him to cry, my cousin saw me ignore him and immediately did not cry.


At this time both of us smelled the roast chicken and extended their hands to the legs of the chicken. I grabbed the right thigh, and the cousin grabbed the left leg. When the little cousin saw that he was holding a little chicken leg, he immediately shouted, "“ I want to eat big!" I ask: ” “ with what? ” “ Im a guest. ” “ I am the master. ” I dont let it go. I dont see cousin concede loud fool: “ I am younger than you, and I want a long body. ” my face is turned to iron blue: “ you have a long body, Im not long? Besides, the little ones should listen to the big words. ” “ cousin immediately broke out, I have to learn Chinese Pinyin, eat big memory! ” “ I stamp with rage I work more than you, I eat is to fill the body. ” finally, mother roasted a plate of chicken legs to eliminate the war between my cousin and me.


Its a lot of fun to have a years dinner.



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He comes home, has a shower,

And eats dinner, every day.

Now he’s sitting in his favourite chair

Too tired to laugh or play.

He reads his book or newspaper

To learn what’s new today.

Soon he’ll go to bed.

He’s a boring man, my dad.

Then I see him working,

On the building site.

He’s high up in the clouds

Higher than a kite

He’s walking on a narrow piece of wood

Not worried about the height,

Not afraid, not afraid like me.

He’s a superman, my dad.




















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1. 晴空万里,天上没有一丝云彩,太阳把地面烤的滚烫滚烫。一阵热风刮来,从地上卷七一股热浪,火烧火撩的使人感到阵阵窒息。杂草抵挡不住太阳的曝晒,叶子都卷成细条了。

2. 大街上的柏油路在太阳的炙烤下变的软软的仿佛踩在橡皮泥上;街边的梧桐树像一把巨大的遮阳伞,给伞下的市民带来一丝可怜的阴凉时,自己也泛着耀眼的绿光;整个城市如同一个巨大的蒸锅,城市里的人们便在蒸锅里哗啦啦的淌着汗,觉得自己随时就要熟了。

3. 炎热的夏天来临了,大地被太阳烤得直冒烟,那些小草忍不住太阳的暴晒叶子都卷成了细条,知了热得在树上不停地叫着:“知了,知了。”青蛙在池塘呱呱地叫个不停。

4. 夏天,太阳炙烤着大地,路旁的荒草丛几乎要燃烧起来,空气中弥漫的热浪,让人喘不过气来。没有一丝风,河岸边的柳树垂下了头,路旁的美人蕉几乎都要枯萎了,唯独那可爱的三色花,挺立着自己细细的腰枝,开着鲜艳的花朵,真是早开的红梅——一枝独秀呀!

5. 盛夏,则是一年中最煎熬难捱的日子,令人一筹莫展。盛夏的阳光已是近于“刻毒”了,似乎它有意要与人类作对,报复人类,气得人们诅咒它,甚至于要学后羿射掉这个“毒日”了。

6. 夏天的街上车辆不多,行人很少。地面被晒的滚烫,脆弱的皮肤无法与暴露在阳光下的金属接触。我走在路上不敢抬头,火辣辣的太阳太猛烈了,太霸道了,谁都不敢去瞪它一眼。原本的天空失去了蔚蓝的色彩,好象是一片火光,一幢幢高楼大厦上的玻璃幕墙反射着刺眼的光亮。来匆匆,去匆匆,谁也不愿意在街上多待一分钟。

7. 夏天,是一个炎热又快乐的季节。早上,晴空万里,云霞满天,太阳公公把大所有事物都图上了一层金色。一群群小鸟,在绿树枝头欢蹦乱跳,唧唧喳喳地唱歌,空气清新凉爽,而且散发着一种难以形容的芳香,每吸上一口,都令人振奋。

8. 推开大门,一股热气迎面而来,热浪滚滚。太阳似火球一般,炙烤着大地,空气闷热,地面滚烫滚烫的,人们在地面上走都觉得烫脚。动物们可避暑有方,狗躲在阴凉处,伸出长长的舌头“嘘嘘”地喘着粗气,宛如刚刚参加了马拉松比赛;知了使足了劲,“知了,知了!”地叫唤着。路旁的梧桐树无精打采地站立在那,没有一丝风,树叶纹丝不动,上面落满了厚厚的灰。小草,小花像干了错事的孩子低着头站在老师面前。

9. 夏天真热呀!透蓝的天空,挂着火球般的太阳,云彩好像被太阳烧化了,也消失得无影无踪。树也被太阳晒得垂下了头,鸟儿们无力地飞着。小狗耷拉着脑袋,伸长舌头喘个不停。大地被烤得发烫,人在地上走都觉得烫脚。往日热闹的街上看不到几个人,只有早上和傍晚才会看到几个老人在锻炼。

10. 你看,天上那圆圆的太阳火辣辣的,像个大火球,高高地挂在空中,把空气都晒热了,整个世界热得发狂了。大树的树叶被晒得耷拉下来,显得有气无力;它把小树晒干,竖在那里一点精神也没有;它把花晒的花瓣都垂下了头,垂头丧气;它把小草晒枯了,干巴巴的。我们新村里那些喜欢跑来跑去的狗,都在蜷在一旁睡觉,家里的小兔都热的躺者喘粗气。

11. 早晨,才刚5点多天就亮了。太阳光像箭一样穿过窗户,热辣辣地射在我的脸上。我被从梦中惊醒过来,周围一丝风也没有。热得我出了一身汗,把衣服都浸湿了,害得我又要换另一件衣服。

12. 下午晴空万里,太阳象发疯似的把地面烤得滚烫滚烫,柏油马路晒得发软,树叶卷起,蝉在树上热得“知了……知了……”直叫苦,声音由高变低,沉重而缓慢。热得连鸭子都在河边树阴下乘凉,无精打采连游泳都不愿了。只有那勤劳的蚂蚁不停地搬着家,也许它们知道不久的将来会下雷雨呀!这可是人们的期盼呀!

13. 今天真热啊!我被太阳晒得满头冒汗,我把电风扇找到,马上打开电源,风马上吹过来,真凉爽啊!“电风扇还真有用处”我想“我在吹电风扇,那地上的小草和小猫、小狗它们也很热。”于是,我把电风扇放在地上,小草被风一吹,就跳起了舞蹈;小猫被风一吹,懒洋洋的趴在地上,睡着了;小狗被风一吹,就摇着尾巴再走近电风扇。

14. 盛夏的天气,下午二三点钟,更是一天里最难耐的时候,马路上焦干、滚烫,脚踏下去柏油路都软绵绵的了,处处在化开。空气又热又闷,像划根火柴就能点着了似的。整个世界刺眼的亮,令人口焦舌干,头昏眼花。处在这“砖窑”中的人似乎也成了烧烫的火砖,任你用凉水浇下去,总浇不灭这团火,刚浇下去的凉水立即就化成汗珠,蒸发掉了。

15. 躲在树阴下的小狗,吐出舌头,“呼哧呼哧”地喘着粗气。往常在天空中高高飞翔的鸟儿也停在树枝上,不愿意飞翔。小草被晒得无精打采,懒洋洋地弯下了腰,花朵被太阳晒得把自己漂亮的小脸蛋藏了起来。

16. 树叶低着头,一动也不动地站在那里,好像在埋怨太阳公公把阳光变得这么强烈,晴空万里,天上没有一丝云,太阳把地面照得滚烫滚烫的,小草禁不住太阳公公的暴晒,连叶子全都卷成了细条了。

17. 残夏,是一年中夏季转折点的时节。白天,依然烈日当空,土地依然被烤着,空气在灼人的阳光下依然闷热。成熟的谷物在炎热下弯着腰,低着头,和草叶一样绿色的蚱蜢,四处发出微弱而嘈杂的鸣声。天空带着那种即将变红的橙黄色,仿佛一大片金属接近炉火时一样。

18. 中午,大地好像被什么东西罩起来似的,拼命地炙烤着大地。到处都有热浪滚滚。阳台上种的花草都像睡着了似的,个个都弯着腰,显出垂头丧气的样子。知了们也拼了命似的喊着:“热死了,热死了……”

19. 中午,红红的太阳像火球一样,高高的挂在天空,把大地烤的滚烫滚烫的。花草树木都无精打采,垂下了头。蝉儿再树上拼命地叫着“知了!知了!”好像在说:“热死我了!热死我了!”大黄狗在树阴底下,张着嘴,不停的吐着舌头,喘着粗气。人们都躲在有空调的地方,不愿意出来。

20. 夏天真热啊!人们纷纷来到公园里乘凉。你瞧,一位阿姨正打着遮阳伞在小路上散步。大树下,两位小朋友正围着老爷爷津津有味地听他讲故事,爷爷手中的蒲扇一直摇个不停。有个小朋友又热又渴,赶紧跑到小卖部买根冰棒来解暑。最快活的要数几个小男生了,他们一个个地“扑通扑通”跳进游泳池,在凉爽的水里尽情地玩耍,他们真舒服啊!

21. 夏天是一个燃烧的季节。核聚变的火球烈日中天,狗吐着舌头,蝉烦躁地鸣叫,柏油马路被晒得软软的,鱼浮出水面出来换气。酷暑下劳作的人们挥汗如雨,一个个汗流颊背庄稼晒得直打蔫,懒洋洋地站在那儿,久旱盼甘露的田地有的裂了缝,农夫心中如汤煮,忙着抽水灌溉。

22. 小鸟不知躲匿到什么地方去了;草木都垂头丧气,像是奄奄等毙;只有那知了,不住地在枝头发出破碎的高叫;真是破锣碎鼓在替烈日呐喊助威!街上的柳树像病了似的,叶子挂着尘土在枝上打着卷,枝条一动也不动。马路上发着白光,小摊贩不敢吆喝,商店门口的有机玻璃招牌,也似乎给晒化了。

23. 七月盛夏,瓦蓝瓦蓝的天空没有一丝云彩,火热的太阳炙烤着大地,河里的水烫手,地里的土冒烟。烈日当空,道路两旁,成熟的谷物在热得弯下腰,低着头。蚱蜢多得像草叶,再小麦和黑麦地里,在小麦和黑麦地里,在岸边的芦苇丛中,发出微弱而嘈杂的鸣声。

24. 六月十五那天,天热得发了狂。太阳刚一出来,地上已像下了火,一些似云非云,似雾非雾的灰气低低的浮在空中,使人觉得憋气。……街上的柳树,像病了似的,叶子挂着层灰土在枝上打着卷;枝条一动也懒得动,无精打采的低垂着。马路上一个水点也没有,干巴巴的发着些白光。便道上尘土飞起多高,与天上的灰气联接起来,结成一片恶毒的灰沙阵,烫着行人的脸。处处干燥,处处烫手,处处憋闷,整个的老城像烧透的砖窑,使人喘不出气。狗爬在地上吐出红舌头,骡马的鼻孔张得特别的大,小贩们不敢吆喝,柏油路化开,甚至于铺户门前的铜牌也好像要被晒化。

25. 空中没有一片云,没有一点风,头顶上一轮烈日,所有的树木都没精打采地、懒洋洋地站在那里。天气闷热得要命,一丝风也没有稠乎乎的空气好像凝住了。整个城市像烧透了的砖窑,使人喘不过气来。狗趴在地上吐出鲜红的舌头,骡马的鼻孔张得特别大。炽热的火伞高张在空中,热得河里的鱼不敢露出水面,鸟也不敢飞出山林,就是村中的狗也只是伸长舌头喘个不休。



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I internet English that can give me a golden future.Because English is the most pupolar language in the world.These is no country in the world use English. Although English is no our mother language , but I learn hard in many ways.Some subjects are taught in English and some goods wrote in English. Nowdays, English is the more important.So I like it and learn it hard.





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Today, I introduce myself to you. My name is Wang Jun, 7 years old, grade three in experimental primary school.

I have a round face, red and red, like an apple, with a small dimple on my face when I laugh. My eyes round and bright, like a grape like.

My personality is very mild, and many children are willing to be friends with me. Sometimes, I play in the yard, and I always find a lot of little brothers and little sisters behind me to play with me, and they all like to call my sister. Sometimes, others have broken my toy, I always lose my temper, and say it doesnt matter.

I have a lot of hobbies, like painting, playing the piano, reading, singing, playing chess. However, I love playing the piano, when he finished his homework when I opened the piano, carefully playing beautiful music. Listen to that melodious sound, I forget everything. After my efforts, I also took part in the piano competition. Although I was small, I also won the praise of my uncle and aunt.

Students, do you know me? Would you like to be a friend with me?




我的爱好很多,喜欢画画、弹钢琴、看书、唱歌、下棋 。但是,我最喜欢弹钢琴,每当做完作业,我就打开钢琴,认真地弹着优美的曲子。听着那悠扬的琴声,我忘记了一切。经过我的努力,我还参加过钢琴大赛。虽然我小,可是还赢得了叔叔阿姨的表扬。




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Today is lantern Festival. I am very happy. Lantern Festival is Chinese

festival. Every year once.

In this day, people are very happy . In the steet, people is a lot

of.people see a lantern. In the evening,I eat yuanxiao together with my family.

It’s very delicious.

I like Lantern Festival very much.







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My hometown is in guangzhou,there will also be like as foreign Christmas.On the day before Christmas will go to neighbours to candy,trick or treat.On Christmas night will eat a lot of delicious food,such as turkey,cake.Before you go to sleep in bed will hang a stocking,tomorrow morning there will be a gift.What a great day!





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关于夏天初中英语作文关于夏天的英语作文范文初中英语作文:我眼中的夏天初一英语作文范文:我爱夏天初一英语作文范文:我喜欢的季节初一英语作文范文:第二个季节初一英语作文范文:夏季之雨夏天的初中优秀英语作文:夏天初一英语作文范文:最美的夏天初一英语作文范文:美丽的夏季初一英语作文:How to Learn English Well




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Wide sea diving, the days of the birds to fly. Everyone carries a dream of

their own.

However, what is the dream? What is dream? Dream is looking forward to, and

the dream is strong - is fleeting dream you insist on the ideal as their courage

and perseverance, are you responsible for their own highest level. But ask

yourself, how many of us to accomplish his original dream in mind?

Our dream is a simple belief, is a future and life of their own

responsibility. Perhaps, is the Youth

grand ambitions; perhaps, is the adolescent confusion and impulsive; maybe

just a plain desire, desire applause, eager for success. Countless "may,"

innumerable "hope" because of our youthful full of miracles, large and small

dreams in our hearts, in every corner of life filled with fragrance.

Only the ideal but no effort is useless. If you want to be a teacher, you

should to study hard. If you want to be a player, you should do more exercises.

If you want to become a businessman, he should learn to get along with people.

For example, my wish is to be a famous writer grew up, because I really love

writing, so from now on, I should read more, more accumulate knowledge, and

strive to improve writing level. No pains, no gains, because my efforts, so my

article was punished in many newspapers , and in many composition contest, I see

the success Im happy, so, struggle is the bridge to the ideal.

Yes, my dream. to give my famliy a warm, give my friend happy. Yes, my

dream. The podium from the first station began his love this place, started from

the first published an article looking forward to the world of words, decided to

stay here from the beginning, stick to bottom of my heart desire.

Years in our faces no matter how many additional traces, no matter how much

things to us across the chest wounds, as long as we have the right to breathe,

to have a passion for remodeling dreams! Oxygen to survive as long as we have to

have the courage to create a passion!

Choose to continue, select the value, select the achievements of the

passion of life, the brave hearts of the initial dream of success!









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It was sunny and warm day. I got up early. After breakfast I went to ..Mountain with my friend Li Lei. It took us about an hour to get there by bus. There were thousands of people. We joined them to climb the mountain as soon as we got there. We felt tired but we kept climbing. It took us about an hour to get to the top of the mountain. The wind was so cool and the scenry was very beautiful. We had a picnic and then we walked down from the mountain. We were very happy that day. In the evening, I surfed the internet and then read an interesting book. I really had a meaningful and happy day.
