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第二节 书面表达(满分25分)

假定你是李华,你校摄影俱乐部(photography club)将举办国际中学摄影展。请给你的英国朋友Peter写封信。请他提供作品。信的内容包括:







One Possible Version

Dear Peter,

Our school photography club is going to hold an International High School Student Photography Show. The theme of the show is environmental protection. It

thwill start from June 15 and last for three

weeks. Any student who is interested is welcome to participate. I know you take good pictures and you’ve always wanted to do something for environmental protection. I remember you show me some photos on that theme the last time you visited our school. This is surely a good


for more people to see them. If you want to join, you can send your photos to . Hope to hear from you soon.


Li Hua




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As we all know, the eyes are very important to every human life. Without the eyes, one could not enjoy the beauty of the nature, the magnificent sight of sunrise, love in friend’s eyes as well as the colorful life. As students, protecting our own eyes is especially important, because we need to read, to write and to learn. If our eyes get sick, our study will become extremely inconvenient, and our study as well as our mood will be influenced by it. That’s not quite in our expectation, isn’t it?

To protect our eyes, we can start with standard reading habits. The first thing we should pay attention to is that we should not read in a long time, and then escape the environment with too strong light or dim light while reading. Last but not least, we should keep doing the eye exercises. Hope all of you own the eyes that are both beautiful and healthy.



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外籍教师Richard想了解一下你所在班级学生的到校方式。假如你是李华,请以The way I go to school为题,写一篇英语短文,想Richard介绍自己的到校方式。


1. How do you go to school?

2. Why do you prefer to go in that way?


1. 短文必须包括所有提示内容,并围绕你所选择的某种交通方式,写出二至三个理由,可适当发挥。

2. 文中不得出现真实的人名,校名和地名。

3. 词数60-80个。(短文开头已给出,不计入总词数)

The way I go to school

I’m Li Hua.


I’m Li Hua. I go to school on foot. I have several reasons for that.

First, my home is not very far from my school, it is just about two kilometers away from school. It takes me about 20 minutes to get there. Second, walking to school is a kind of exercise. It is good for my health. Third, it’s pretty safe to walk to school because there is a lot of traffic on the road at this time of a day. So I prefer going to school on foot. It’s really a good choice.



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I am _______and I would like to apply for the position of___________posted on________.I have attacheda copy of my resume for consideration.I believe my qualifications are ideal match for your requirements.

I am a major in_______,and I will graduate in___________.In addition to my experience of_____________,I_____________.I believe my education and experience__________.You will find me to be____________.I would appreciate your time in reviewing my enclosed resume and if there is any additional information you require, please feel free to contact me.It would be great if you give me an opportunity to meet you for interview.

Best regards.




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In order to better take care of the eyes, prevent eye disease and protect vision, on September 25, 1992, tianjin medical university, professor of ophthalmology Wang Yanhua and professor of epidemiology at GengGuan to national initiative for the first time, and held a national held seminars for the first time in tianjin. The initiative response by educational circles and eye eye experts, decided on May 5, every year for the "national sight day". On May 5, 1993, tianjin held promotional activities for the first time.

Affected by this, starting in 1994, Beijing, Shanghai, guangzhou and other domestic large and medium-sized cities have yizhen advisory activities on May 5, publicity of the significance of sight day at the same time.

In 1996, the state ministry of health, the ministry of education, central, China disabled persons federation and other 12 ministries jointly issued a circular, will held activities listed as one of the national holiday, and reschedule on June 6 for "national sight day" every year.






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In 2003 of SARS, influenza, fever is what a terrible ah, has attracted the attention of a great nation. At that time, very accidentally I also infected with the influenza, sudden fever, and havent been back for three days, the mother began to be nasty, from time to time be caring and attentive.At first, I also see in textile city hospital, then, listen to the doctor said I the illness is likely to be severe acute respiratory syndrome (SARS), call me in the hospital. Under this, my heart felt a qualm, tears streaming down and mother saw a consolation way: "dont be afraid, no matter what disease, the doctor here dont have to be afraid, always medical well."

But to say that finish, mothers eyes are red. Back home, mom and dad said: this light textile city, after all, is a small hospital, not to be trusted. Or else... Show him to the second hospital of shaoxing, where the doctors see more patients, have experienced.

Mother said: "all right, all right, anyway is better than the small hospital." The next day, mom and dad and then take me to the hospital to see. On the taxi, the driver moved speedily sent us to the second hospital outpatient service building, after blood tests to check, the doctor said I this is not in the early period of the severe acute respiratory syndrome (SARS), just call me in the hospital be in hospital, but a few days. I have heard, earnestly to the doctor said I am not in the hospital? The doctor firmly replied: "in the hospital is good for you."

Not much said, father, mother took me to the hospital pay booths.Days in hospital, I was slightly better, just went with dad itself through through the fresh air, go for a walk.Finally, I was released from the hospital and left with me for three weeks, hospital beds, the building of the aunts. Back to his home reunited.




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1、 悲观些看成功,乐观些看失败。轻松些看自己,宽容些看别人。不问收获,但问耕耘!天道酬勤。

2、 春天是碧绿是天地,秋天是黄金的世界。愿你用青春的绿色去酿造未来的金秋。

3、 大家一起努力吧。等待我们的将是一个美好的明天!加油!加油!

4、 当离别拉开窗帘,当回忆睡在胸前,要说再见真的很伤感,只有爱依旧灿烂!友谊万岁!考试顺利,共闯人生这一关!

5、 放开往日的学习中的紧张,用一颗平常心去轻松面对,相信你会考出自己理想的成绩的。愿好运一直陪伴着你!

6、 放下包袱开动脑筋,勤于思考好好复习,祝你取得好成绩!

7、 风儿静静的吹动,凤凰花吐露着嫣红,亲爱的朋友请握一握手,明天就要各奔西东!但不要忘记彼此的约定:高考成功!

8、 高考过后好好玩一把吧,用放纵的快乐把高考复习的那些功课统统忘掉!

9、 高考加油!亲爱的朋友,平和一下自己的心态,控制自己的情绪,以平常心态应考,考完一门忘一门,让自己尽量放松,好好休息。希望你一举高中喔!

10、 高考没有什么大不了的,我能做得出的题目别人不一定能做出来,我做不出的题目别人同样做不出,我所做的就是对的,我就是最棒的!

11、 高考属于你!相信自己,你是最棒的!祝你在高考中旗开得胜、一鸣惊人、金榜题名!

12、 高三不再有,劝君珍惜之。一年之经历,终身之财富。

13、 孩子,你是爸爸妈妈生命的延续,也是爸爸妈妈未来的希望,你的一举一动时刻牵动着爸爸妈妈的心。今后的路还很长,你要勇敢地面对任何挑战,爸爸妈妈是你坚实的后盾。

14、 厚德载物,天道酬勤。你我不是一直都相信吗?!呵呵,所以你已经付出了这么多了,就不要怕了(虽然嘴上没说),呵呵,绝对没有问题的

15、 挥一挥手,送你先走,我的潇洒微笑,但愿你永远记住。高考如期而至,希望你我高中,相约在理想的学校里再见!

16、 或许,人生不可能像自己想象的那样美好,一生的路也不可能都是平坦的,人的心情也不会永远静如止水。

17、 健康身体是基础,良好学风是条件,勤奋刻苦是前提,学习方法是关键,心理素质是保证。

18、 经过了三年风雨的洗礼,踏过了几许的风涛海浪,十年寒窗,今朝从容潇洒走考场!明朝金榜题名天下知!风雨后的彩虹,就在你打开礼物的瞬间出现,而我的祝福就在你读完的刹那笑完!笑着读完,笑着走你以后的的路!朋友!我的祝福你会懂!

19、 就要考试了,放开往日的学习中的紧张,用一颗平常心去轻松面对,相信你会考出自己理想的成绩的。愿好运一直陪伴着你!

20、 就要考试了,希望我的问候短信会为你送去一份轻松清爽的心情,不要太紧张哦!不然可会把答案忘掉的!我在这里支持着你,鼓励着你,为你祝福!

21、 开启高考成功之门,钥匙有三。其一:勤奋的精神;其二:科学的方法;其三:良好的心态。

22、 考试的日子里,你要像猪一样能吃能睡,能像马一样多拉快跑,像鼠一样能钻能窜,像猴一样能蹦能跳,更要像狼一样坚韧不拔,最后像被通缉一样跑不掉被录取,然后从此过上幸福生活。

23、 考研的日子在逼近,希望你能调整好自己的心态,好好发挥,考上理想的公大! 在为你祝福。一定会成功的!

24、 考研的意义是在于你真正投入的过程。请务必坚持信念,守得云开见月明!祝你们成功!

25、 快到考试的日子了,希望你干自愿事,吃顺口饭,听轻松话,睡安心觉。使自己保持良好平静的心态,不要太紧张,相信你的梦想会实现的!

26、 流霞,因为我们坚信,不经过战斗的舍弃是虚伪的,不经过劫难磨炼的超脱是轻佻的,逃避显示的明哲是卑怯的。

27、 路始终要走 不必回头 都是天空下的孩子 都是四季绽放的花儿 风雨中 都是一张张美丽的脸 愿你的双眸在我深处停留 你是我的兄长 是我的姊妹。

28、 没有付出,就没有收获,人只有上坡路才是最难走的,相信自己能成功,自己就一定能成功。努力吧,希望会属于你的。

29、 没有了旋律,就没有了诗歌,没有了色彩,那是怎么样的生活?愿春天赋于你绚丽是色彩无限的希望美好的未来。

30、 那年那月那个孤独的考研人, 那山那水那条寂寞的考研路, 那曰那夜那颗迷茫的考研心, 那恨那爱那份无奈的考研情, 那风那雨那个执著的考研梦, 亲爱的战友坚持到底!愿天下考研人:忧愁是可微的 。。。

31、 你笔下拥有一个色彩绚丽的世界:愿你,也相信你,拥有另一个笔下灿烂的图景。

32、 你还好吧,你远方的老同学真心的祝福你在今年的高考之中金榜提名,一举夺魁,考入心中理想的大学,进而步入人生的象牙塔!

33、 你一定能行的!你要相信自己!对自己要有信心!我等你的好消息!

34、 你有你的赤橙黄绿,我有我的青蓝靛紫,天空同属于我们,因为我们年轻。

35、 努力的苦读,就为这一刻啰!把你的实力全部发挥,所有关爱着你的人,都会为你祝福、祈祷,相信你会考出满意的成绩,榜上有名喔!



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1、It is well-known to us that……我们都知道……

As far as my knowledge is concerned, …就我所知…

2、Recently the problem of…… has been brought into focus

Nowadays there is a growing concern over ……最近……问题引起了关注

3、Nowadays(overpopulation)has become a problem we have to face


4、Internet has been playing an increasingly important role in our day-to-day life. It has brought a lot of benefits but has created some serious problems as well.


5、With the rapid development of science and technology,more and more people believe that……


6、It is a common belief that……

==It is commonly believed that……人们一般认为……


1、People‘s views on……vary from person to person。 Some hold that……However, o thers believe that……人们对……的观点因人而异,有些人认为……然而其他人却认为……

2、People may have different opinions on……


3、Attitudes towards (drugs)vary from person to person。

==Different people hold different attitudes towards(failure)。人们对待吸毒的态度因人而异。

4、There are different opinions among people as to……



1、In short, it can be said that……


2、From what has been mentioned above, we can come to the conclusion that……


3、Taking all these factors into consideration, we naturally/reasonably come to the conclusion that……


4、Hence/Therefore, we‘d better come to the conclusion that……


5、There is no doubt that (job-hopping)has its drawbacks as well as merits.


6、All in all, we cannot live without……,but at the same time we must try to find out new ways to cope with the problems that would arise.



1、It is high time that we put an end to the (trend).


2、There is no doubt that enough concern must be paid to the problem of……




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I found that many students dont care for the eyes, the eyes are very powerful, he could see anything, if have no eyes, that you cannot see the road, not to mention riding bicycles, electric cars, motorcycles, cars, cant think of any place, and, if do not have eyes, that people couldnt eat, will die.

I also found that many students are blind and I think, this is the reason why he didnt care for the eyes, to protect his eyes must have these points:

Every day must look outwards;

Must rest 1-2 hours a day;

Sleep at least eight hours a day;

Please be sure to protect your eyes!









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On May 5, 1993, tianjin held promotional activities for the first time. As a result, in 1996, the ministry of health, the ministry of education, the central, China disabled persons federation and other 12 ministries jointly issued a circular, will be one of the activities held a national holiday, and to determine the annual June 6 for the "national sight day". The national sight day is June 6, 2015.

World sight day is different in sight day, world sight day is on the second Thursday of every October, belongs to the world festival, on this day, the world over countries and regions will hold a series of large propaganda activities. Purpose is to arouse the world attaches great importance to the blindness and visual impairment and the recovery of the vision damage problem, world sight day is held under the vision 2020 global initiative. All over the world and the prevention of visual impairment or restored vision related partners will celebrate world sight day. This is also the prevention of blindness and vision 2020: the right to sight "main propaganda activities. The latter is created by the who and the international agency for the prevention of blindness, a global action to prevent blindness. World sight day is on October 16, 2014.


世界爱眼日不同于全国爱眼日,世界爱眼日是每年十月的第二个星期四,是属于世界性的节日,在这天,全球多个指定国家及地区会举办一系列的大型宣传活动。 目的是唤起全球重视盲症、视力损害以及视力受到损害者的康复问题,世界爱眼日是在“视觉2020全球倡议”下举办的。世界上所有与预防视力损害或者恢复视力有关的合作伙伴都将庆祝世界爱眼日。这也是预防盲症以及“视觉2020:享有看见的权利”的主要宣传活动。后者是由世卫组织和国际防盲机构创立、用以预防盲症的一项全球行动。2014年世界爱眼日是10月16日。



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1、True mastery of any skill takes a lifetime.


2、Sweat is the lubricant of success.


3、If you are doing your best,you will not have to worry about failure.


4、Energy and persistence conquer all things.


5、Bravery never goes out of fashion.


6、Those who turn back never reach the summit.


7、Proper preparation solves 80 percent of lifes problems.


8、Winners do what losers dont want to do.


9、Every noble work is at first impossible.


10、We improve ourselves by victories over ourselves. There must be contests, and we must win.

我们通过战胜自己来改进自我。 那里一定有竞赛,我们一定要赢!

11、Speech is the image of actions.


12、It is always morning somewhere in the world.


13、If you do not learn to think when you are young, you may never learn. ( Edison )


14、Anger begins with folly, and ends in repentance.


15、Talents come from diligence, and knowledge is gained by accumulation.


16、The greater the man, the more restrained his anger.


17、If there were less sympathy in the world, there would be less trouble in the world. ( O. Wilde )


18、All lay load on the willing horse.


19、Strike the iron while it is hot.


20、When shepherds quarrel, the wolf has a winning game.




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_________ is currently becoming a serve problem in China, which happen to ________. So long as ________, ___________ will always unsurprisingly ________.

Why does ________ become so rampant? First and foremost,__________. Secondly,_________. Last but not least, ________. As a consequence,___________.


During the last decade, there has been a steady rise in the number of _________. In detail,________.

Three reasons, in my mind, account for this social phenomenon. First and foremost,__________. Moreover,_________. In addition,___________. As a result,__________.

Personally, I firmly believe that the problem derives from __________. Thus, if the government make relevant policies and take relevant measure to __________, the problem can be readily solved in __________.


Nowadays,_________ is/are doing great harm to ___________.

What are the incentives that drive people to _________? The most important factors should be __________. Furthermore,________. It directly leads to the patent and salient harmfulness that ________.

Consequently, it is high time that the whole society should contribute to the collective efforts to put an end to ________.



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Directions: For this part, you are allowed 30 minutes to write a composition on the topic "Tire Life on Internet". You should write in no less than 100 words, and base your composition on the outline given in Chinese below:




The Life on Internet 21st century is a century of Internet. With the development of science and techdology, moreand more people, old and young, begin to "surf the net" to look for information or to entertainthemselves with on-line games.

lnternet is a colorful world. Here you can look for whatever information you want; you canbrowse the latest news at home and abroad; you can chat with friends, do your shopping, watchmovies, play games, send e-mails and so on. You can do almost everything in this variable world.In the 21st century, people have been and will be more accustomed to Internet. Interact makesthe world smaller, and with it the whole world seems to be just a click away. It is part of our life.




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1. 关于……人们有不同的观点。一些人认为……

There are different opinions among people as to ____ 。Some people suggest that ____。

2. 俗话说(常言道)……,它是我们前辈的经历,但是,即使在今天,它在许多场合仍然适用。bbs.xschu.com

There is an old saying______。 Its the experience of our forefathers,however,it is correct in many cases even today.


3. 现在,……,它们给我们的日常生活带来了许多危害。首先,……;其次,……。更为糟糕的是……。

Today, ____, which have brought a lot of harms in our daily life. First, ____ Second,____。 What makes things worse is that______。

4. 现在,……很普遍,许多人喜欢……,因为……,另外(而且)……。bbs.xschu.com

Nowadays,it is common to ______。 Many people like ______ because ______。 Besides,______。


5. 任何事物都是有两面性,……也不例外。它既有有利的一面,也有不利的一面。

Everything has two sides and ______ is not an exception,it has both advantages and disadvantages.www.xschu.com

6. 关于……人们的观点各不相同,一些人认为(说)……,在他们看来,……bbs.xschu.com

People’s opinions about ______ vary from person to person.Some people say that ______。To them,_____。


7. 人类正面临着一个严重的问题……,这个问题变得越来越严重。

Man is now facing a big problem ______ which is becoming more and more serious.www.xschu.com

8. ……已成为人的关注的热门话题,特别是在年青人当中,将引发激烈的辩论。bbs.xschu.com

______ has become a hot topic among people,especially among the young and heated debates are right on their way.


9. ……在我们的日常生活中起着越来越重要的作用,它给我们带来了许多好处,但同时也引发一些严重的问题。

______ has been playing an increasingly important role in our day-to-day life.it has brought us a lot of benefits but has created some serious problems as well.www.xschu.com

10. 根据图表/数字/统计数字/表格中的百分比/图表/条形图/成形图可以看出……。很显然……,但是为什么呢?bbs.xschu.com

According to the figure/number/statistics/percentages in the /chart/bar



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Recently, the phenomenon of students pursue famous brands has become the focus of the public concern.They always do anything in order to buy what they want. What has caused this problem?It is no easy/simple task to offer the reason for this phenomenon which involves more than one complicated factor.

There are two aspects reason as follows. On the one hand,with the development of the economy/society/people’s living standard, we can afford the articles of luxury. On the other hand,the mind of rivalry is the most important reason.The topic of the famous brands is the main idea among the students, they think a famous brand is a symbol of sophistication and taste.

To change this situation, I suggest that college school students should cultivate positive values and look at things in a proper way.Although brand is the best way to show their status,we shouldn’t pursuit brand blindly.students ought to pay much attention to their studies.




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My Views on Examinations

Since school comes into being, the test standard has been used to appraise performance of students。 So far it is still being used, which may suggest that actually there are some advantages in it。 However, it is also highly possible that the test standard is a not ideal way to find out what students have learned and what they havent。 Most school is still using it just because there is no better method to replace it。

In my opinion, the following three points are the critical flaws in the test standard。

One of the most harmful effects on the test method is that it will force us to study just for passing tests, not for acquiring knowledge especially in China。 Obviously the final object of education is XXX us intellective by learning more knowledge。 While the test is only a way to examine the level of students studies, it has been deteriorated to a sifter deciding the fate of students。 Why can it be called a terrible sifter? Now in the tests, which decide who can enter a higher school, thousands of poor students, who want a splendid future, must prepare for the tests by finishing a great deal of practices。 Those practice tests are heavy-laden to them。 So in this case, how can they be expected to study to obtain knowledge? To them that are enough if they can reach the level which tests need。 In the end what our nation will get, genuine persons with ability or just test robots?

Secondly, tests will bring the examinees great pressure, which can affect their lives。 A typical example of this is that most young students have worn glasses even though some of them are still children。 For preparing for tests, they must spend a lot of time on doing their homework so that their eyesight becomes worse and worse。 And the more time they spend on those, the less time they have for playing and relaxing。 Consequently, there is a bad influence on their health。

Thirdly, in fact, test system itself can not veraciously estimate who is better than others because there are many factors impacting the results of test。 For instance, someone cheated in test so that his score would be higher than others。 Or someone who was too nervous to perform well fell in the test。

Only in spare time and no pressure of tests existent, students can study simply for the fun, for obtaining knowledge and for the things that they are really interested in。 But now the test system is the only way to select which one is better, who can reach better school and who can get good job。 Then what we can do is to improve the test system or hope that something better will be invented and replace the test system。




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My Experience In Examination

In my opinion, examinations are one of the important activities in school life. I have gone through all sorts of examinations since my primary school. I have tasted the flavor of happiness and sadness.

Before examinations I always have a hard time and don't know what to do.During examinations I feel nervous and sometimes my mind becomes blank Only after examinations does the world seem to be bright again and am I brimming with vigor. We often complain that our teachers make trouble for us on purpose. But it is not true. The fact is that examinations are just a way to-help us do better in our study.




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Failure exists in every stage for everybody. As students, I think the most common failure would be failing in the exam. Yes, I have failed in the exam for many times. It is very common, because on one can keep the name of ever-victorious generals forever. But some students do not figure out this. When they fail in the exam, they need a long time to recover, even have directly negative effect on their inner heart. This is not the right way to deal with this problem. We need to figure out the reason why we don’t do well in the exam. And then correct it. Try our best to get better next time.





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