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梦想是绳,升起饱满的帆梦想是帆,推动希望的船,梦想是船,漂荡理想的海,梦想是海,托起光明的阳,梦想是阳,照亮前进的路。以下是小编分享给大家的关于梦想与成功英语作文,欢迎阅读! 梦想与成功英语作文1:

When we talk about dreams, we are so excited, we have many dreams, such as being a famous person, traveling around the world and so on. Dreams are what we pursue for a lifetime, with many dreams, we have motivation to fight for our life. The opposite side of dream is reality, we have to face reality everyday, reality is what we perceive in our life. Reality always frustrates us to be successful. We need to balance them. First, we need to face reality, though it is not ideal, we live in a world, we have to know exactly who we are. Second, to make our dreams come true, we need to adjust our dreams according to the reality.


In this way, our dreams can achieve. Lets work hard together to make our dreams come true.

这样的话,我们的梦想才会实现。让我们一起努力让梦想成真吧! 梦想与成功英语作文2:

I like singing. I like POP music. My favorite singer is Avril Lavigne. I wanted to be a singer many years ago. This dream is just a dream.

I have a lot of dream about my job. I like writing. I have my own blog on the Internet. I want to be a news reporter. I think that this job is very colorful. I’m going to bring truth to my audience. I’ll interview people from all walks of life. Maybe I will meet Avril. That’ll be exciting. I will visit a lot of cities in China or a lot of countries in the world in the future. I’ll be like a cosmopolite traveler.

I hope I’ll learn English well, because English is very important in job and in life. If I become an English teacher, like my tutor. It’s also a good choice. But it’s very difficult for me. Well, I’ll become a hard-working student.

At last , I hope I’ll enjoy my life with my family. We have health and luck. Our life will become become better and better in future.





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同学B说:说来话长,我想当医生还有原因呢…2003年4.5月份的时候,非典病魔肆掠北京城的时候,恐怖的气氛笼罩在北京上空,不断有疑似病历出现,弄得人心惶惶.就在这时,白衣战士们不顾个人安危,日夜奋战在这没有硝烟的战场上.在抗非典前线有这么一家医院----小汤山医院,发生了这么一场感人的故事:一名医生,从隔离开始就战斗在第一线,大家让他休息,他总是说:“我已经上了一线这么长时间了,有了一定的经验,可以更好的履行我的职责,重新换人又加大了感染源,我在干一段时间吧?”这位好医生已数月未跟家里联系,他把对家的思念深深得埋在心底,更加忘我的工作.终于,他被传染上了非典,因为发现得太晚,已到了危重的关头,他的家庭陷入了深深的悲痛之中,可这位医生在隔离区解手记者采访时,尽管眼里噙着水,无限留恋这美丽的世界,却坚定的说:“请把我的遗体交给医学组织用于解剖,尽早解决非典疫苗,让更多 的病人早日离开医院,早日回家团圆.”这位医生的无私奉献精神深深的打动了我,打动了大家,我们为他的殉职而痛苦.他牺牲时才36岁,还那么年轻,生命对他来说是那么短,我不由心里轻轻地说:“好大夫,您走好!”

同学C说: 我的理想是做一名优秀的警察。我看见警察叔叔在抓坏人的时候,那样子多么潇洒.而小偷们一看见警察的身影,就抱腿就跑.而让我最佩服的人就是警察.我打小就立志做一名警察,为人民服务.






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21. 人类也需要梦想者,这种人醉心于一种事业的大公无私的发展,因而不能注意自身的物质利益。

22. 也许梦想是纯真的,也许是无限的,梦想是可以超脱的。梦想如风一样吹拂过我的脑海,在梦想里面人是渺小的,也许我们太过于渺小。

23. 我们当代青年更应该有属于自己的梦想,梦想最大的意义是给予我们一个方向,一个目标,如果把梦想只当作做梦,那么这样的人生可以说没有什么亮点。

24. 梦想不是虚无飘渺的,它是一种理性、是一种追求,是一种力量,激励人们去拚搏,去实现自己的“梦想”。

25. 每个人心中都有梦想的道路,只是我们没有地图,但我们一直在寻找着……

26. 我随着年龄的增长,却越来越觉得梦想的可贵。有人会说:做梦使人进步,我们必须快快长大,才能真正实现荒诞的梦。

27. 一首甜滋滋的歌来自梦想,是梦想心灵的一部分,当梦想开放的那一天即是你最快乐的一天也是你最无法接受的一天。

28. 让我们随风自由奔跑,去追逐伟大、神圣的梦想吧!

29. 如果我们心中只有梦想,却不知道如何靠近梦想,只是心怀梦想到处乱窜的话,我们不但会碰得头破血流,更会让自己的人生变得越来越凄惨。如果你的人生正在变得凄惨的话,不要抱怨自己的梦想,我们应该反省自己找的梯子对不对。

30. 当你停下追梦的脚步,开始向生活妥协的时候,你就注定要在矛盾中度过一生。

31. 河水流动悄无声息,不知疲惫,因为它有自己的方向;山路蜿蜒曲折,千回百转永无尽头,因为它有自己的目标;建设中的卢家坝项目,工地上机器轰鸣,卢家坝水泥项目大发展蓄势待发,雄鹰终会展翅翱翔,巨人终会踏步远行,沿着河流,顺着山路追寻年轻的梦。

32. 每个人每个民族乃至每个国家都有梦想,梦想是对美好生活的憧憬,是激励人们奋发向前的动力源泉。

33. 梦想与幻想,虽然同为人体机能的具体体现,但还是有着本质区别的;梦想,一般是自然状态下,被动的梦境;而幻想,却是主动追求某种事物,产生的幻觉;无论是梦想,还是幻想,都与现实,相去甚远。

34. 我们心中不但要有梦想,还要有让自己实现梦想的阶梯,这样经由靠近梦想,我们的人生会变得富足、自由、幸福。

35. 理想和梦想究竟有什么区别。词典上的解释是:梦想等于是一种妄想、一种不切实际的渴望。而理想却是一个人对未来事物的想象,多指有根据的、合理的。我认为理想是方向,而梦想是彼岸。就像在大海里航行的船,灯塔是理想,而最终停靠的港湾才是梦想。

36. 当雨与雪齐飘,当风与累静止,花开花落又是一季;梦想不变,笑容依然,放开双手,拥抱春天的美好。

37. 我相信我们应该在一种理想主义中去寻找精神上的力量,这种理想主义既要能不使我们骄傲,又能使我们把希望和梦想放得很高。

38. 建立了自己的梦想,并积极行动,是获取成功的必须,梦想是动机,而行动是关键,梦想再好,不去实现,就只能是幻想,明天是人类拖延的最好借口,然而成功必须是今天就去努力,今日的辉煌是昨日努力的结果,明天的辉煌也必定是今日努力的回报。

39. 年轻时,人们往往感性地看待梦想,但在成长过程中,应该学会把个人梦想与职业生涯规划结合起来,多作力所能及的贡献,积累与释放正能量。

40. 我有很多梦想,其中一个是要建立一所全世界最先进的研究所,将全世界最有才华的年轻科学家汇集起来,做我想要做的生命科学研究,我要从各个层次来深入研究生命的各种现象,解释更多生命的奥秘。



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People’s whole life is not too long or too short. They have experienced

many things in their life journey, such as, success, fail, happy, sad, and

excited and so on. What about dreams? Some people think that they have so many

things to deal with in the limit time. How can they spend time for dream? It is

a waste of time. However, some people regard dreams are as important as their

life. People can’t live without dream. In my opinion, I agree with the latter


First of all, dreams provide life motivation for human beings. If a person

has a dream, he will try his best to take every chance to reach it. Even though

he will meet many difficulties on the way, even has to give up, but he will

renerve in the end. It is because he has dreams, and he has the desire to see

the day his dream come true. So no matter what obstacle he meets, he has the

motivation to overcome. This is the power of dreams.

In addition, life without dreams is meaningless. We often see that when

someone talks about his dream, his face is full of smile. It is because dreams

give him hope and fun. No matter the dream is easy to make it or not, when the

people think of it, they will have the beautiful vision to fight for. But if a

person who don’t have a dream, he would not know what he should do and can do.

His life is confused and meaningless.

In a word, dreams look like the lighthouse in the ocean. It gives people

motivation and the meaning of their journey. It is so significant that everyone

needs dreams.



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i have a dream that a lot! but some macant do but i heard: "a person, have a dream, have goals, have goals, there ipower; a power; hathe power, life ifull of meaning." so im going to like the wordof one layer upward, become a successful person!

from third grade i have a dream ito have been admitted to the universitdepartment of insects, or other subjectabout biological, although thiroad itough, but i believe that: "along ahave a dream can come true in all things." so i trto effortto tragain upwards.

i have thiverbig dreams, because i have a passion for biologand insect, love, i think everone of umust have complete mission in the world, and i came into the world should be dedicated to the insect world.

anyway, everyone hagoaland dreamhe will be vertrmbest to make their own dreams, no matter adults, children and old grandpa and grandma must have been hidream, but someone hadied still unfinished, so be sure to cherish their own dreams, let him not onlthe big dreams, but most true eternal dream, everone of the world must come on!



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Every dream is heart empty twinkling bright stars on the stage, and each was born out of a young childs dream is to star in the most pure, most beautiful, just like a tender bamboo shoots and relaxed but person.

My dream - clothing designer, I want to be a famous designer in the world, and make China proud, let others envy, even though my dream is very big, but when it comes to do it, start from each step, the first step on the dream.

First of all, I will learn to paint, achieve the result that practice makes perfect, try to catch up with the ginger to level, because I lack of imagination, do not out of the beautiful clothes, so I have to look at a fairy tale book. When I tired, want to be lazy, I always think of celebrities is not all through daily practice every night to become famous artist, scientist, costume designer? Just because of this, makes I insist now, because dream makes me become more diligent than ever, more easy to learn.

If my dream come true, I will make the most beautiful clothes. I painted clothes, while any celebrity design clothes, soon, I painted a garment is, after all comments, modify, can make a different clothes. I also want to let the people of the whole country all know: making clothes to different, like to write a composition to ingenuity, to create unique clothing.

Have a dream is beautiful, a dream to make you hard. Efforts, as long as you set your mind to.








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Girls’ Dream

As a girl, I just like other girls, like to imagine how my future husband is. We imagine him as a prince, riding his white horse, coming to us. This is every girl’s dream, we hear so many fairy tales, in the story, there is a prince saves the princess from the difficulty. In girls’ hearts, there are heroes, they give the girls expectation for future.





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My Dream

When I was a little child, I had many dreams. I wanted to be rich, so that I can live in a big and beautiful house. I can go everywhere by car. But now, my dream seems to be better and more realistic. I hope I can have a good job. It will not take much of my time, although I can’t earn much. Every year, I have holidays to travel. Traveling is my favorite and it can reduce my pressure. It’s good for my life. Therefore, 初中学习方法 I hope traveling can be a part of my future life.





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Everyone may have his own dream. Someone may want to be rich, someone may want to be beautiful, and someone may want to have power. But I’m different from them. My dream is special. I want to have a pair of wings. Because I want to fly in the sky,I like the feeling of freedom.


If I have a pair of wings,I’m sure it will be very wonderful. I can fly below the blue sky with the birds. I can enjoy the music of birds’. I can fly across the cloud and the small wind will blow past my face. The feeling must be the same as that my mother caresses me.


I can fly over the sea, below the rainbow, through the forest I can see all the wonderful view. But I know that it will never be uteri have another instead. I want to have a fly of my own. The plane must be very small and light. It has to carry only one person. It can fly by wind or sunshine. It can fly for a very long time. And the important thing is that it must be very save.


I’m sure I can have this plane some day. And I can have fly to everywhere I want.




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导语:理想是石,敲出星星之火; 理想是火,点燃熄灭的灯; 理想是灯,照亮前行的路; 理想是路,引你走向黎明……下面是yuwenmi小编为大家整理的优秀作文,欢迎阅读与借鉴,谢谢!

If I could do anything what should I do? Everyone has his/her own answer so do I. 、My dream job is to be a baker. And I really want to have my own bakery.

I like all the sweet and beautiful things. Especially the food. In my heart Cakes are so beautiful Pastries are so sweet bread is so nice biscuits are so lovely .each of them has nice smelling each of them can makes me happy. So I hope one day I could do them by myself.

Nowadays more and more people like romantic atmosphere. They like to go to the romantic place buy the romantic things; and eat romantic cakes. The cake is an art of history and fashion. in other words it is romantic. Make it can mound my integrity and everyone would like it.

However the temptation is hard to resist. Nobody could refuse the delicious food. Especially the beautiful cake. It is so sweet .children like eating it Youngman like eating it middle aged person like eating it and old people like eat it. When you are on your birthday party the cake is necessary when the valentine’s day you can buy a cake for your lover to show your love when you get married you can have cakes with all your friends. In the happy life you can’t live without cake. The sweet cake shows the sweet feelings. So there are many commences in this job.

Every cake has its own story; make it and get the massage of it can research the history and culture of the cake. That maybe can promote me.So I have interested in the baker I enjoy this job and like to do it. If I have chance to be a baker I will do my best on it!









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Everyone has his own dream, and each are not identical. My dream is to be a glorious peoples teacher, use white chalk to impart knowledge, to take care of students with broad mind.

I am the students and teacher in the study, but in life I is of concern to their friends.

I in to the students in the class, must be combined with the content of the textbook, told them one after another interesting story, to fill the whole classroom with laughter. Next class, I will be on time class is over, let the students make full use of the recess this precious ten minutes, to play, go to bask in the sun, let them in a more full spirit to meet the next class.

After class, I rarely few homework, get the kids to recall the knowledge that the day will be ready to go out to play. Let them play in learning, play high school.

I also want to lead the students to observe the secrets of nature in nature: watching ants and how to communication between the ants; See how insects crawling; Take a look what the grass can blossom, which cant... Let the students into life, understand the nature.

In order to this dream, I must study hard, do a admirable good teacher in the future.









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What will our world be like in x yearsI can’t imagine. It must change a lot. If I meet myself who comes from the future, I will ask her whether my dream comes true or not.

My dream is to become an excellent interpreter. When I was in Grade 1, I began to study English. At that time, I was so excited for learning a new language. Because of English, I know that America is a beautiful and polite country. From then on, I hope I can speak English very well and have chance travel to America some day.

Nowadays, English is widely spoken throughout the world. What’s more, plenty of people have realized its importance. In order to make my dream come true, I try my best and work much harder. I start to watch America drama to practice my English. And I also read some English books now. I talk with others to practice my oral English as possible as I can. But the path to the success isn’t smooth. Sometimes I want to give up. But it’s my dream, I can’t give up easily. Shelley said” if winter comes, can spring be far behind”

On the other hand, with the development of China, more and more people are interested in our culture. Some enjoy Beijing Opera, some study Chinese Kongfu, some even learn to speak Chinese, etc. As a Chinese, of course I will help them to know more about Chinese culture. I want to be an envoy of cultural exchange between China and America. So if I am an interpreter, I will introduce China to the world. I believe if I work hard enough, my dream will come true.



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When I got settled, the total use of the microwave to do their own things to eat. One day, my father saw me, I am afraid to say that I grew up as a cook. I immediately shaken like a rattle-drum head, you said : That is not my ideal.

When I grow up I want to IT industries. Yes, I bought a computer five years ago after his father, I am familiar with it day by day. Until last year, and I have formed a deep bond with it. From then on, I want success in the information technology industry to make contributions to the cause of national computer. But my father said I could only do in the field testing the game, is what the new game, and always let me play with, the report there will be any games.

I think what he said is not their fault, I always play games recently, those who do not have a veteran like Flash. In recent days, I sprouted out of a bad idea : I will be playing the game that the network server to the black. My account will revise the highest level. However, I Xiangliaoyouxiang, this is wrong, but was caught by the police network is not good. When hackers but also need high computer skills. As a member of the IT industry is my ideal, I would like to advance this goal, to improve their computer skills.



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1、 梦想无论怎么模糊,它总潜伏在我们心底,使我们的心境永远得不到宁静,直到梦想成为事实。

2、 梦是一种欲望,想是一种行动。梦想是梦与想的结晶。

3、 梦想,是一个目标,是让自己活下去的原动力,是让自己开心的原因。

4、 一个实现梦想的人,就是一个成功的人。

5、 心存希望,幸福就会降临你;心存梦想,机遇就会笼罩你。

6、 梦想无论怎样模糊,总潜伏在我们心底,使我们的心境永远得不到宁静,直到这些梦想成为事实。

7、 一个有事业追求的人,可以把梦做得高些。虽然开始时是梦想,但只要不停地做,不轻易放弃,梦想能成真。

8、 梦想绝不是梦,两者之间的差别通常都有一段非常值得人们深思的距离。(古龙)

9、 一个人如果已经把自己完全投入于权力和仇恨中,你怎么能期望他还有梦?(古龙)

10、 梦是心灵的思想,是我们的秘密真情(杜鲁门•卡波特)

11、 梦想只要能持久,就能成为现实。我们不就是生活在梦想中的吗?(丁尼生)

12、 梦想一旦被付诸行动,就会变得神圣(阿•安•普罗克特)

13、 一切活动家都是梦想家(詹•哈尼克)

14、 人生最苦痛的是梦醒了无路可走。做梦的人是幸福的;倘没有看出可以走的路,最要紧的是不要去惊醒他(鲁迅)

15、 梦想家的缺点是害怕命运(斯•菲利普斯)

16、 梦想家命长,实干家寿短(约•奥赖利)

17、 梦境每是现实的反面(伟格利)

18、 如果失去梦想,人类将会怎样?(热豆腐)

19、 用强烈欲望作为达成梦想的后盾,使欲望变得狂热,让它成为你脑中最重要的一件事。

20、 一个有事业追求的人,可以把“梦”做得高些。虽然开始时是梦想,但只要不停地做,不轻易放弃,梦想能成真。

21、 无论哪个时代,青年的特点总是怀抱着各种理想和幻想。这并不是什么毛病,而是一种宝贵的品质。

22、 梦想无论怎样模糊,总潜伏在我们心底,使我们的心境永远得不到宁静,直到这些梦想成为事实。

23、 一个有事业追求的人,可以把“梦”做得高些。

24、 虽然开始时是梦想,但只要不停地做,不轻易放弃,梦想能成真。

25、 心存希望,幸福就会降临你;心存梦想,机遇就会笼罩你。

26、 很难说什么是办不到的事情,因为昨天的梦想,可以是今天的希望,并且还可以成为明天的现实。

27、 如果失去梦想,人类将会怎样?

28、 一个实现梦想的人,就是一个成功的人。

29、 梦想一旦被付诸行动,就会变得神圣。

30、 梦想无论怎么模糊,它总潜伏在我们心底,使我们的心境永远得不到宁静,直到梦想成为事实。

31、 人生最苦痛的是梦醒了无路可走。做梦的人是幸福的;倘没有看出可以走的路,最要紧的是不要去惊醒他。

32、 一切活动家都是梦想家。

33、 青年时准备好材料,想造一座通向月亮的桥,或者在地上造二所宫殿或庙宇。活到中年,终于决定搭一个棚。

34、 用强烈欲望作为达成梦想的后盾,使欲望变得狂热,让它成为你脑中最重要的一件事。

35、 梦是心灵的思想,是我们的秘密真情。

36、 一个人如果已经把自己完全投入于权力和仇恨中,你怎么能期望他还有梦?

37、 一个人有钱没钱不一定,但如果这个人没有了梦想,这个人穷定了。

38、 梦想,是一个目标,是让自己活下去的原动力,是让自己开心的原因。

39、 梦想只要能持久,就能成为现实。我们不就是生活在梦想中的吗?

40、 梦想不抛弃苦心追求的人,只要不停止追求,你们会沐浴在梦想的光辉之中。

41、 努力向上吧,星星就躲藏在你的灵魂深处;做一个悠远的梦吧,每个梦想都会超越你的目标。

42、 一个有事业追求的人,可以把梦做得高些。虽然开始时是梦想,但只要不停地做,不轻易放弃,梦想能成真。

43、 梦想绝不是梦,两者之间的差别通常都有一段非常值得人们深思的距离。

44、 梦是一种欲望,想是一种行动。梦想是梦与想的结晶。



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my secret dream

Everyone has his or her own secret dream. I wonder why I am gonna tell you my secret dream. No way! Heheh... I am gonna make up one secret dream for you. Any way, you will not copy everything I have written down. I am sure that you will get good ideas about writing it up.

When I was much younger, I had some secret dreams. One of mine was about becoming a super hero to save the world. Hehe. I hope it doesnt sound funny to you. Another secret dream of mine was about being the most handsome and intelligent man in the world.

Yeh, I know that sounds unrealistic. After all, that was a bubble dream only. I had a lot more secret dreams when I was a little boy. Some of them came true!




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As a small girl, many teachers have asked me what do I want to be in

thefuture.My answer is always to be a teacher.It is my dream and I study so

hardto realize it.Being a teacher can pass the knowledge to others and guide

themto the right way.Thinking about the great contribution I would make,

everythingis worthy.



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Some people dream is to become a doctor, some people dream is to be a policeman, and my dream is to be an inventor. Invented all sorts of things, make China become more powerful.

Every day I want to back a big bag is big and heavy, I want to invent a very portable bag. I invented bag has three buttons, if you are hot, just press the blue button, bag will flow to you. If you are cold, press the red button, it will release heat, make you comfortable. If you cant see, just click on the yellow button, it will be the road lighting, you can see ten metres! ? Do you also want to have a such a bag!! ? I would also like to invent a intelligent lights, intelligent lamp and a digital, intelligent lamp "digital" according to you to do things to adjust light and shade. And each intelligent lights are equipped with an advanced "ray disinfector", "ray disinfector" can effectively kill the indoor bacteria and viruses. Give you create a little world of health security. Intelligent lamp we learn a good helper!

Invented these things must have rich knowledge, we should study hard, make good foundation for later inventions. Let China become more powerful, this is the Chinese dream of 1.3 billion people, boys and girls, lets come on together!






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Yesterday,we had a discussion.The topic is.What is my dream?Every one has his dream.Some want to be teachers,others want to be scientists.My dream is to become a doctor.

My friends asked me why.I told them my story.When I was a small boy I was very weak.Once I was terribly iii.I had a high fever.My parents sent me to the hospital but the doctors could do nothing for me.Then my parents heard there was a very good doctor in another town.They took me there.I was saved.

A good doctor can save people s lives.From then on I decided to become a doctor.I know it is not easy to be a doctor.But I am determined to study hard.I am sure my dream will come true.
