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Hi! Im Ma Cheng Long a students of Gread 7.

At school my classmates and teachers are kind to me.My shool life is very interesting.I like it very much.

Class beging at 8 oclock a.m. I have four class in themorning and I have four class in the afterroom. I study Chinese English mathP.E.geogarphy and some other sudjests. Im good at Enlish very much so I like English best.I also like P.E.and math. But I dont like grogarphy at all. BecauseI think its a little difficult and boring. what do you think?

After schoolI often play besketball with my classmates on the playground. Its my favorite outdoor activity. Sometimes I play soccer with my classmates. Sometimes I draw pictures with my friends.

Do you think my school life is very interesting? What about your school life? Can you tell me something about it?




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I’m going to the sun on my holiday. I will go there by a spaceship. I will take a big blue spaceship.

Then I’ll pilot the spaceship to the sun. The sun is very hot. So I put on the super-shirt. In the morning, I will have some sun burger for my breakfast.

At eight o’clock, I will play with my friends there. They are super dog and super girl. Super dog is white and black. Super girl is very clever. Super girl and super dog like to play with me. So I play with them for forty minutes. Then I do my homework in my little red room on a small blue table. After my home work, I will have my lunch. I will eat sun salad. I will make some red toy bear to the sun babies. I will have red juice, red fish and red rice. All the things are red. Then I need a lot of water on the sun because the sun is too hot. So I will walk to the spaceship. I’ll pilot the spaceship to the earth.

This is a good holiday on the sun.








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Summer vacation, so dad took me home to have a good time.

Back to their hometown, family are very friendly and hospitable, I three elder sister and I said excitedly: "tomorrow, will harvest the rice in the field, you and we go to harvest" I thought to myself, if I have leeches? It can suck blood! I hesitated for a moment and said, "will there be leeches?" "It doesnt matter if there are water shoes. The leeches dont absorb the blood," she said brightly. My heart finally settled in my heart.

The next day, I got up early and waited for the harvest. And armed to the teeth and three elder sister has a one year younger than my sister came to the land, walking in the muddy, narrow road, dont feel is easy to slip into the field, will be bitten by leeches, can say it will come, I walked carefully into a very muddy places, one foot stepped on the ground, swish fell into the fields, I thought to myself, ah! My crows mouth, 5555555, I cant get up! When the third sister saw that, she hurriedly put me up, the third sister was afraid and said, "be careful to be bitten by the leech!" After a panic, at last, the two girls were reaping the harvest.

Cousin saw some little tadpoles in the water hurriedly catch up, I built a nest with mud, put the small tadpoles in the water into the soil, but all of a sudden water into the mud, and his cousin hurry to hold water and pour into mud, poor little tadpoles in the mud desperately. My cousin and I just throw out small tadpoles of mud to the fields of others, went to the water to catch tadpoles in mud nest, drain water, lost a little tadpoles... It was repeated for hours.

I had a good time and fear this summer!



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In my summer vacation life, summarize up to three words: busy, play, sleep.

In my summer vacation life, Im very busy, under the pressure of my parents, I have to complete their task assigned me every day, even for them to do some housework every day, of course, I can also get some compensation. Once, I watch TV in the afternoon, probably because the show is too good, I have been seen for more than five o clock in the afternoon, I want to go along and see for more than six o clock in the afternoon, at that time, my homework done nearly one 5, only by my dad come back, see I wrote this only a little homework, yet and also each mop the floor, so I just bad luck, in addition to pay no today, but also fined, will write up the work, I have been to twelve o clock at night, I didnt finished the homework to take a shower sleep.

In my summer vacation life, I am very naughty, when my dad went to work in the afternoon, my mom to play CARDS, I wouldnt seriously homework, for it is written in the book of my agreement with my parents I can only play one hour a day of computer, and cant play, my mother to watch TV on computer, so I can go to play computer games, but every time I go to play, my dad is just like a clairvoyant, no matter how I disguise, but he can know. I may also be "half-hearted" (homework, while watching TV).



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Now, the summer holiday is coming to the end. I really spend a rich but happy holiday. As a junior student, I am not totally free in the summer holiday, because study is still an important part in my life. In the first month of the holiday, I study at home to finish my homework. There are many tasks I have to finish. Besides, I have to go to the English and mathtraining class, because I am weak inthe two subjects. Therefore, I need some extra training. After that, I visit to my father with my mother. My father works in other province and I have not seen him for half a year. My mother and I miss him very much. We spend near a month with him.When my father is free, he often takes us go out. We are happy together.




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How to Live in Harmony with your Roommates?Everyone has his answer.In my opinion,to Live in Harmony with your Roommates,one should:

Firstly, keep the same pace with roommates. There are usually four people or more in a room. It’s better to have a unified schedule. To maintain the order of the life, everyone should coordinate and abide by the schedule to reduce the disputes.

Secondly, don’t make little “squads” in the dormitory. You should treat every person equally rather than discriminating or isolating someone. We object to establish deep friendship under the cost of sacrificing the friendship’s width and breadth. It’s important to keep balance in the dormitory.

Thirdly, dont invade your roommates privacy. Everyone has their own secrets and eccentricities. We should not search roommates privacy. If someone has clearly made a field private, they must have special sensitive to this field and any subject attempting to break into this field will not be appreciated by them.

Fourthly, participate in dormitory’s collective activities actively. The activities of the dormitory is not only a simple activity, but also a way to contact with each other to share feelings. Dont be naive to think collective activity as boring and useless action which wastes time and money, and showing a pair of disparaging appearance for company. In fact, its all emotional investment, and indispensable.

Fifth, provide help and ask for help. Good roommate relationships is based on mutual help. When roommates meet with difficulties, we should voluntarily help. That’s obvious. So, when we have some trouble, is it appropriate to ask help from roommates? The answer is yes. Because sometimes asking for help show that you trust your roommates, which can deepen your relationship.



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1、 家乡的人被矿坑淹没失去了生命。

2、 林黛玉在贾宝玉的心中仍然占有独一无二的位置。有两个主要原因:一是林黛玉和他是前世的情缘,自然今生牵扯不断;二是林黛玉与他趣味相投,是他生活中的精神同类。此外,林黛玉独一无二的才情和个性,亦是令贾宝玉魂牵梦绕的因素。

3、 这世上没有真正的公主!除非你老爸家资亿万,能引来一帮图你油水的男生女生常绕在左右虚意奉承,否则,你别指望全世界的人都能宠你若宝!

4、 从来不需要想起,永远也不会忘记。

5、 很多人,很多事,原本是熟悉的,以为明天可以再继续的。于是转过身暂时放手,想的是明日又将重聚的希望。你来回应,我靠近天堂,你沉默,我成了经过。太阳落下去重新升起来以前,那些事,就不可能再经历;那些人,就从此与你永别了。

6、 爱到分才显珍贵,很多人都不懂珍惜拥有,只到失去才看到,其实那最熟悉的才是最珍贵的。

7、 淳朴的脸孔又再一次想起心灵的归宿何处挡风遮雨。

8、 人之所以不幸福,也可能是被自己耽误的。

9、 几乎所有女人都是这么认为:一个男人愿意为一个女人花多少钱,就证明他对她的爱有多少。这不是女人的拜金,而是很明显的一个投入产出的道理。就像父母一样,不惜血本培养孩子学钢琴学外语学美术学舞蹈,你可以说他们是“望子成龙望女成凤”,但究其深层原因:那是源自他们对孩子的爱,他们的投入,希望能换来孩子的好生活!

10、 记住该记住的,忘记该忘记的,改变能改变的,接受不能改变的。

11、 那些花儿,盛开了,散落了。

12、 焚烧的纸钱在狂风中乱飞过去的回忆抹不去的伤痕。

13、 纷乱了世间,除了你,一切繁华都是背景,这场戏用生命演下去,付出的难得有这份约定,这段情只对你我有意义。

14、 月亮一走,风儿也觉无聊。

15、 都市的人被欲望淹没却失去了灵魂。

16、 很多花心的男人往往是女人逼出来的:他在家里找不到生活的快乐,在女友身上体会不到温暖,只好,去家外找其他女人叙感情了。

17、 成长的老幺现在我终于知道逃离的家乡最后归去的地方。

18、 泪水呐喊换不回阿爸在淹没的矿坑里面。

19、 怀旧是一种负担过去的痛苦,现在想起来依然痛苦而失去的快乐,现在回忆起来更加痛苦什么都不去想远比思念一个人来得简单。

20、 风,吹起破碎的流年,我看见远方的寂寞,泪流满面。

21、 生活,就是这样,永远占领着绝对的领导地位,当无数的傻子高呼着自己控制了生活自己掌握了命运,却没有看到,生活站在更高的苍穹之上,露出的讥笑嘲讽的面容…

22、 人在做痛苦,最恐慌的时候,并没有眼泪,眼泪永远都是流在故事的结尾,流在一切结束的时候!

23、 孤单的你,孤单的我,孤单的灵魂,流离失所。

24、 谁的眼角触得了谁的眉 ;谁的笑容抵得了谁的泪 ;谁的心脏载得住谁的轮回 ;谁的掌纹赎得回谁的罪

25、 谁在春日艳阳的午后, 轻抚你穿过飘扬秀发的手。 谁在无数个黯然的白夜, 带走独斟酌饮的酒, 把浓烈的温度,狠狠的烧进胸口。 谁把一季又一季的绿色原野, 揉碎成泥土中潮湿的腐朽。 谁捧起花的脸庞, 让岁月美的黯然神伤。

26、 有人告诉我鱼的记忆只有7秒 ,7秒之后它就不记得过去的事情 ,一切又都变成新的 。所以 ,在那小小的鱼缸里鱼儿,永远不会感到无聊 。我宁愿是只鱼 ,7秒一过就什么都忘记, 曾经遇到的人, 曾经做过的事 都可以烟消云散 , 可我不是鱼。无法忘记我爱的人 , 无法忘记牵挂的苦无法忘记相思的痛、、、

27、 最好的时光里,我依然独自一个人走在那条浮华炫丽却不属于我的街。 我像一个拾荒者,悄悄收藏起时光的底片,让它变成陈年的私酿,然后在那个夏日的午后,晾晒出任何与你有关的画面。

28、 邂逅的瞬间,我站在你的面前,只是个陌生人。 是浮华的化妆舞会,散场以后,一个落寞而黯淡的女子,是烟花一样虚空的美丽。喜欢这样的文字,把自己沉在一个最卑微的姿态局里,不需要任何人的理会,独自一个人在角落里笑着哭泣,不需要谁再来打扰属于我的宁静生活。)

29、 夕阳西下, 是我最想念的时候, 对着你在的那个城市, 说了一声:我想你, 不知道, 你是否听得到、

30、 有时候, 很迷茫的去看前方, 明明知道那片海没有你在, 却还要固执的踏上火车去追逐那个有你不了解的爱, 害怕总是真实的存在, 精彩的孤单总是陪伴着我们 终究该明白, 不能再在原地徘徊, 不能再固执的守着不会回来的, 不能再挣扎着看着你的不精彩、

31、 我不喜欢说话却每天说最多的话, 我不喜欢笑却总笑个不停 ,身边的每个人都说我的生活好快乐 ,于是我也就认为自己真的快乐 …… 可是为什么我会在一大群朋友中突然地就沉默 ,为什么在人群中看到相似的背影就难过 ,看见秋天树木疯狂地掉叶子我就忘记了说话 ,看见天色渐晚路上暖黄色的灯火, 就忘记了自己原来的方向。

32、 如果一开始,你就不要出现在我的面前 ,那么,我也许就不会知道幸福的滋味

33、 永远不要欺骗女人 , 因为我们一眼就能看穿 。 你知道男人和女人 , 说谎的最大差别在哪里吗 。 男人说谎是要让自己觉得好过 , 而女人说谎呢 是要让对方好过 ,我们选择欺骗 ,是因为不想伤害深爱的人 , 我们不是故意的 ,只是没有伤害对方的勇气 ,所以才隐藏真正的答案。

34、 我们离回忆太近,离自由太远。 有时候念念不忘,只是爱上回忆。 一次犹豫,一次背叛,一次意外,足以让它枯萎。挣脱一切,烟消云散。

35、 我们害怕岁月,却不知道活着是多么的可喜。 我们认为生存已经没意思,许多人却正在生死之间挣扎。甚么时候,我们才肯为自己拥有的一切满怀感激? 忘掉岁月,忘掉痛苦,忘掉你的坏。 我们永不永不说再见。

36、 也许。 这只是一个梦。一个破碎了的梦。 花凋花谢。 最后还是一片凄楚。 相识相爱。 最后还是不和而散。

37、 青春, 如同一场盛大而华丽的戏, 我们有着不同的假面, 扮演着不同的角色, 演绎着不同的经历, 却有着相同的悲

38、 坚硬的城市里没有柔软的 。 爱情, 生活, 不是林黛玉, 不会因为忧伤而风情万种 。

39、 几年后,发现无数的感情不撕自碎 , 原本都不完整,就不需要撕碎 。 现在,我开始怀念, 那个撕碎你信和照片的雨夜。我羡慕那时的自己 , 还有完整的幸福可以撕碎。

40、 年少时 ,我们因谁因爱或是只因寂寞而同场起舞 ;沧桑后, 我们何因何故寂寞如初却宁愿形同陌路;

41、 相爱时,我们明明两个人 ,却为何感觉只是独自一人? 分开后,明明只是独自一人 ,却为何依然解脱不了两个人?感情的寂寞,大概在于: 爱和解脱—— 都无法彻底

42、 让女人念念不忘的是感情, 让男人念念不忘的是感觉 。 感情随着时间沉淀, 感觉随着时间消失 。 终其是不同的物种 ,所以—— 谁又能明白谁的深爱 , 谁又能理解谁的离开。

43、 轻吟一句情话,执笔一副情画。 绽放一地情花,覆盖一片青瓦 。 共饮一杯清茶,同研一碗青砂 。 挽起一面轻纱,看清天边月牙。爱像水墨青花,何惧刹那芳华。

44、 淋过雨的空气,疲倦了的伤心,我记忆里的童话已经慢慢的融化。

45、 寂寞是与生俱来的,当繁华散去,当容颜老去,伴随我们的也只剩下寂寞了吧!只是我们习惯了寂寞,就像我们习惯了呼吸,并不会因为一时的遗忘而停止!寂寞和欢乐是在人生路上交叠出现的两个站台,寂寞并不是弃绝红尘,哀叹人情的冷暖,也不是消沉,而欢乐也不是贪慕名利,跟随世俗的车轮随波逐流。

46、 不要忘记你离开学校时的梦想,虽然经过一段时间的工作让你有时很疲惫,很迷茫,甚至也很悲观,但不要忘了当年散伙饭上,你喝下最后一杯酒,给自己的承诺。

47、 人是可以快乐地生活,只是我们自己选择了复杂,选择了叹息!

48、 如果不能够永远在一起,也至少给我们怀念的勇气,拥抱的权利,好让我明白我心动的痕迹。经历过死的人,往往活得更好更精彩,只因为他们明白了“活着”的可贵!

49、 既然爱,为什么不说出口,有些东西失去了,就在也回不来了!

50、 你走了,带着我全部的爱走了,只是一句分手,我忍着眼泪看着你的背影,好想最后在抱你一次,好想在对你说一次“我爱你”。

51、 等待的感觉,有一点仇恨,又有一点忧伤。但总之,绝对不是坏的感觉。

52、 晨曦中模糊的脚步声已忘了最后一次的道别。

53、 生命中,不断地有人离开或进入。于是,观见的



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Im a student.My weekend life is happy.I and my family often go mountain climbing,enjoy the fresh mountain air.I sometimes go and friends go shopping together.I like my weekend life.

Yesterday,I had a happy weekend.In those days,I read books in the sun on the moring,its so warm and comfortable .And I also played the piano for two hours.I enjoyed playing it .With my mothers permission I went to the park wit my friend and went shopping with her,oh how nice it was to play with friends .Of course,I watched TV in the evening like many others .At night,I had a so sweet dream,what a happy day it was.

Today is sunday .I am in hainan with my friends now.it is a sunny day,I got up early at Seven thirty,I watched a movie with my brother in the morning,it was a interesting film.And in the afternoon,I went swimming with my best friends .I was tired.But I was happy ,too.Uh...What a wonderful day it is!

I had a nice holiday in last weekend.My friend invited me to play table tennis with him.It was a relax sport.I would love it if there was no people smoking there,although the slogan on the wall shows no smoking.There are always some people whose happiness is built on others misery.

In this weekend,I have a plan,if tomorrow is a sunny day.

Saturday morning,I am going to visit my grandparents.after lunch I have good friends and I go to the movies and football.At night,I can stay home and watch cartoons.

Sunday,I will go fishing with dad.After that I will go home to do my homework.

I hope this weekend I can live very happy!

Last weekend,I went to the city center with my mother.I saw many beautiful clothes.Mum bought a coat for me at last.She also brought me have much delicious food.Later,I went to the XinHua book shop.I chose some books for my study and my mum paid for them.We played happily.




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1、 生活有时并非那么复杂,只是因为我们想多了,想深了,人为地给自己编织了一道道网,然后在里面奋力地挣扎;爱情有时并非那么美好,可是我们喜欢沉湎于它的浪漫,于是给它披上了绚丽的外衣,其实就算走到天荒地老,也离不开平淡稀松的日子。走过才知道,有些事简单点,现实点,你才能轻松点,走远点。

2、 若要给美好人生一个定义,那就是惬意。若要给惬意一个定义,那就是三五知己、谈笑风生。

3、 时光越老,人心越淡。曾经说好了生死与共的人,到最后老死不相往来。岁月是贼,总是不经意地偷去许多,美好的容颜,真实的情感,幸福的生活。也许我们无法做到视若无睹,但也不必干戈相向。毕竟谁都拥有过花好月圆的时光,那时候,就要做好有一天被洗劫一空的准备。

4、 什么样的男人才真爱你?他也许无法立刻给你最好的生活,但他一定在为美好未来而努力;他也许不能立刻迎合你的习惯,但他一定在为你做着改变;他也许不能满足你所有愿望,但却从不忽视你的想法。两个人相爱着,最美好的莫过于此。那就是一起努力,一起改变,一起梦想。

5、 什么是浪漫?不确定,却坚定地去接近一份模糊的美好,你渴望,却从未想过能得到那美好,在山穷水尽时,在灯火阑珊处,忽然遇见,不论得失。

6、 我们可以度过美好时光,也可以虚度光阴,但我希望你活得精彩。我希望你能看到令你惊叹的事物,我希望你体会从未有过的感觉,我希望你遇见具有不同观点的人,我希望你的一生能让自己过得自豪。如果你发现你的生活并非如此,我希望你能有勇气重新来过。——《返老还童》

7、 光阴蹉跎,世界喧嚣,我自己要警惕,在人生旅途上保持一份童趣和闲心是不容易的。如果哪一天我只是埋头于人生中的种种事务,不再有兴致扒在车窗旁看沿途的风光,倾听内心的音乐,那时候我就真正老了俗了,那样便辜负了人生这一趟美好的旅行。——周国平《车窗外》

8、 有些事,只适合烂在心底,不适合揭开伤疤,让众人参观;有些路,还是需要自己走,不需要有人相伴;有些场景,只感动得了自己,感动不了别人。所谓的感同身受,有时不过是一种美好的期待罢了。

9、 白岩松有天安慰我:“人们声称的最美好的岁月其实都是最痛苦的,只是事后回忆起来的时候才那么幸福。”——柴静《看见》

10、 人们声称的最美好的岁月其实都是最痛苦的,只是事后回忆起来的时候才那么幸福。

11、 光阴蹉跎,世界喧嚣,我自己要警惕,在人生旅途上保持一份童趣和闲心是不容易的。如果哪一天我只是埋头于人生中的种种事务,不再有兴致扒在车窗旁看沿途的风光,倾听内心的音乐,那时候我就真正老了俗了,那样便辜负了人生这一趟美好的旅行。——周国平

12、 对错过的爱情,我们永远傻傻分不清;是因为遗憾,所以美好,还是因为美好,所以遗憾。

13、 我们都太喜欢等,固执地相信等待永远没有错,美好的岁月就这样一日又一日被等待消耗掉。

14、 你有没有爱过一个遥远的人,他从来都不让你绝望,是你继续活下去的勇气和力量。他永远是年轻的,美好的,光芒万丈的,他永远在那里,好像信仰一样。

15、 生命中有一些美好的事情,其实是你曾犯过的错。

16、 美好的人,并不是那么难遇到。难遇到的,是美好而且深爱我们的人。

17、 这世上除了父母,再没有人会无缘无故对自己好,所以当有人对自己好时,关心自己的喜怒哀乐时,会为自己辗转反侧时,都是值得珍惜的美好。

18、 生命的美,不在它的绚烂,而在它的平和;生命的动人,不在它的激情,而在它的平静。惟平和,才见生命的广大;惟平静,才见生命的深远。

19、 有的人与人之间的相遇就像是流星,瞬间迸发出令人羡慕的火花,却注定只是匆匆而过。

20、 时间在变,人也在变。有些事,不管我们如何努力,回不去就是回不去了。

21、 大学生活是一种酷刑,用完邢也不知痛觉,解开铰链的时候才发现早已体无完肤。

22、 生活中有很多不公平,别抱怨,因为没有用。

23、 拥抱真是个奇怪的东西,明明靠的那么近,却看不见彼此的脸

24、 你懂我吗你懂我的人吗你懂我的心吗你懂我的生活吗

25、 一缕阳光,开启最平凡的一天;一阵清风,送去最真诚的祝福;一个微笑,展开最开心的快乐;一个信息,传递最唯美的祝愿,愿你快乐每一天!

26、 风声雨声读书声,我不出声,家事国事天下事,关我屁事。

27、 考试就像做人流,开始了吗?已经结束了。

28、 我爱的人,不一定要全听我的,但是答应我的事一定要做到;我爱的人一定会从我们牵手那刻起对我说从今天起我们有福同享有难我当;我爱的人,一定会在我哭的时候为我擦眼泪,然后告诉我乖,不哭有我在呢!我爱的人,一定会在我累的时候,伸出手臂很心疼的说抱抱!如果有这样一个人我一定会爱他。

29、 心如大海,博大无垠。倘若你没有博大的胸襟,犹如笼中之鸟,犹如长在钵盂里的小树,无法摆脱最终的厄运。拥有博大的胸襟,就拥有了世界,甚至超越了世界。心有多宽,爱就有多宽;心有多深,爱就有多深。大海般博大的心,走到哪都有汩汩径流奔腾涌来,川流不息。

30、 人生并不在于获取,更在于放得下。放下一粒种子,收获一棵大树;放下一处烦恼,收获一个惊喜;放下一种偏见,收获一种幸福;放下一种执著,收获一种自在。放下既是一种理性抉择,也是一种豁达美。只要看得开、放得下,何愁没有快乐的春莺在啼鸣,何愁没有快乐的泉溪在歌唱,何愁没有快乐的鲜花绽放!

31、 千年岁月俨然是一炉酝酿深久的沉香屑,点燃的青烟中,熏染的是一段段时浮时沉的往事。曾经的鲜衣怒马,曾经的春衫年少,都落入历史的滚滚长河,一去再不返。而我的梦,却越发清晰,追梦的脚步,亦会越发坚定。

32、 一份最美的淡泊,一腔最真的情怀,自自然然真真切切地发生,悄无声息的流逝。这种相逢的味道,有点儿淡然,有点儿挂牵,有时也有点儿怀念。秋去了,冬又来,人走了,情还在。这是最纯洁的相处,这是最美的一个接触,可能来不及寒喧,可能来不及握手,可能来不及说一声再见。然而,就在这样君子之交淡如水的日子里,直叫人茅塞顿开,多了一分感慨,添了一份处世不惊的泰然。

33、 以感恩的心态面对生活,生活才会充满阳光。心灵是一面镜子,里面装着什么取决于你面向哪里。世界不完美,生活难免有缺憾。幸福是一种对照,因为流过泪,所以笑得更甜美。收起抱怨的心,让心灵的镜子照向光明,让黑暗躲到角落里,眼不见心不烦。凡事都是优劣并存,多看好的一面心就不会流泪。

34、 有一种懂得叫珍惜,有一种浪漫叫平淡,有一种幸福叫简单。生活中多一份思索,少一份迷茫。多一份淡定,少一份烦恼。多一份宽容,少一份狭隘。多一份坦然,少一份遗憾。心变得简单日子就会快乐幸福就会生长。

35、 如果你欣赏我,请你静坐期待,我会让你更欣赏。如果你嫉妒我,请你远离,因为我会让你更嫉妒。如果你认为我出尘脱俗,我便是。如果你觉得我娇揉造作,我便是。如果你认为我清高自傲,我不反驳。如果你认为我俗不可耐,我便轻笑。你赠予的嫉妒,愤怒与侮辱。如果我都不接受,它们还是归属于你!

36、 走在无边岁月里,风不时吹起我头发,不知不觉中,花开花落几春秋,漫漫人生路,有你、有我。尘封心底的往事在记忆里纷飞,心事飘摇,汹涌成潮,起起落落。

37、 当我们再回首时,沉淀的可能不只是记忆,那些如风的往事,那些如歌的岁月,都在冥冥的思索中飘然而去。拥有的就该要珍惜;毕竟,错过了的,是再也找不回的。但愿天下有情人都成眷属。

38、 我们这一生注定有很多偶遇,偶遇一件事,偶遇某个人,让我们的生活多了许多曲折。不管怎样,总有那么几件事,让你念念不忘,总有那么一个人,让你陡生叹惜。错过的,就当是路过吧,没有交集的美,仅是心空的幻影,遗忘是彼此最好的怀念。一路走来,偶遇的星光,让我们有遗憾,亦有温暖。

39、 遇上你是我今生的缘,不是我们前生没有约定,不是我们今生忘了前世约定的誓言。听人说那是晚霞记错了落山的地点;也有人说,是因为在擦肩的那一刻没有同时敞开彼此的心扉?如果如此,我真想跋山涉水,跨越万水千山去叩开你的心扉,验证我们的誓言,核对我们相约的地点,把天涯变成咫尺,相拥,相依。

40、 想念对方的时候,对方却不知道。我常常想起你,在路上。在寝室。在教室。在我所能在的地方。想你在做什么,会不会也在想我,有没有觉得我们该见面了,过的好不好。很想,很想。

41、 因为四季轮回,我们感受着自然变幻,体味着春华秋实;因为喜怒哀乐,我们沐浴着生活七彩,聆听着生命韵律。春去春回,花开花谢,这是规律,我们无须伤春悲秋;你去我来,人歌人哭,这也是规律,我们不必悲欢失度。置身一处风景,好好的欣赏;经历一段时光,细细地感悟,生活因此而偏爱你。

42、 你不会知道,有这么一个人,会因为你的微笑而感觉世界灿烂。红尘中,有太多的不如意,也有太多的无奈,我们只是其中的微粒。悄悄地来,势必终有一天要悄悄离开。或许能拥有烟花般灿烂的一瞬,也是一种美好,也是一种永恒,但我更情愿相信,能静静地守望你的幸福,也是一种美好。

43、 融入银河,就安谧地和明月为伴照亮长天;没入草莽,就微笑着同清风合力染绿大地,这样才算善待生命,不负年华。

44、 少一点预设的期待,那份对人的关怀会更自在。

45、 依靠权势立业的人,永远站不直腰杆。弯腰是讨好上级,伸腰是吓唬平民。倘若一天死了,其腰还是弯的,因为上下摆动的拖累,再无力支撑;

46、 暗恋明恋相恋热恋失恋复杂混乱的感情历程。

47、 教室里最完美的座位是周围有我最好的朋友、我的暗恋对象、一个成绩好的同学和一个超搞笑的人。

48、 无论何时,当我被可怕的失败击倒,在第一次的阵痛过去之后,我要想方设法将苦难变成好事。伟大的机遇就在这一刻闪现……这苦涩的根必将迎来满园芬芳。在每一次困苦中,我总是寻找成功的萌芽。

49、 你的生命刚刚翻开了第一页,愿初升的太阳照耀你诗一般美丽的岁月。明天属于你们。我感谢上帝让我拥有你,我的孩子在这个特殊的日子里我祝福你。六一儿童节快乐!

50、 曾经下定决心要忘记的事,竟然就真的这么忘记了。

51、 午夜浅唱,撕心裂肺的伤。

52、 从此,我要以每天的成绩令世人惊叹。每天我要延长花在工作上的时间,让那多付出的汗水成为明天的投资。有了这种态度,这种在我们这个自私自利的世界上罕见的态度,我不会失败。

53、 幸福就是和喜欢的人一起在外面散步,突然窜出一条狗,她赶紧躲到你身后的场景。

54、 时间会耗尽一个人的所有热情



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This time I came to my hometown, guizhou. The day there more lovely than elsewhere, the sky is so blue, the earth is green. Makes me want to sing a song, said filled me with pleasure.

One day morning, I washing a face, just want to pour out the water. Big jiu is stopped, he said, "this water will not pour out, because other people also can wash a face, only when the water is dirty, can pour out." Said, "he told the big aunt come out to wash a face, big aunt quickly washed clean your face. In the evening, I and others had finished washing face, just wanted to pour out the water, big jiu, said: "the water washing a face can also stem what?" I say: "can water the flowers." Big jiu said: "no, you missed, is wash feet." "I know." I quickly wash feet clean, then put the water used to flush the toilet.

On one occasion, my grandfather out a piece of land over the land. I am very happy, I said to my grandfather, "we can build a playground here." Grandpa said: "we want to kind of fruits and vegetables on the land." Grandpa hurriedly put Chinese cabbage seeds in the ground. My grandfather gave them fertilization, watering every day. Now, with every piece of land has green Chinese cabbage, delicious fruit, tall trees, formation of the woods. Every day we breathe the fresh air in here. Most of the people here is very healthy, because there are many green.

The classmates, every one of us to do to save water, protect the environment. Together, let us do the basic conditions of saving water.







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I have spent a happy summer holiday now.The most enjoyable thing that happened during this summer was to swim with my brother.

My brother was a good swimmer ,who had swum for about 3 years.

We went swimming together on a hot sunny day to the nearest swimming pool.I liked the swimming very much because that day the sun was burning on us making us feel so hot.In the cool water we cooled down our bodies and exercised.

It is the most joyful thing that has ever occured to me.

Dont you think so?



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The university is not only free but and learning both the field, it is the most wonderful life of an experience, and how to make their college life more colorful and gorgeous, it requires us to have a good, comprehensive and scientific planning of their college career. Effective plans will help to make better use of college time to improve themselves and to prepare for the world to open up their own world. The meaning of youth is that no matter what we choose, whether we succeed or not, we do not regret it. So the students should have a purpose, planned to carry out their college life, otherwise it can be your university time wasted in a cocoon around oneself.

I hope that through 4 years of college life, I deeply appreciate the joy and sweetness of youth and growth. We should not only work hard to learn professional knowledge, but also cultivate their own awareness of competition, awareness of innovation and teamwork. After 4 years of experience, I hope to be brave, strong, and positive.

Farewell to the age of high school, entering the Universitys school, and the course of life has opened a new page. The road of life entered a new stage, the students we have hope and longing into China Three Gorges University, the ideal life will be established here in the future will be here in the foundation, a good university will also start from here. Entering the university with a vision and facing the new environment of the new term is also an important base. We should adapt ourselves to the new environment as soon as possible, and make a series of corresponding plans to rebuild our world. Many people have asked myself: "the road of life in the University, for the reading of several of the students, is undoubtedly the most important turning point in life, but life is also planning to start up precisely in this period. How do you plan to design a future for yourself when you start college life? It may perhaps dull colorful, harmonious, perhaps full of challenges and thorns -- but no matter how, accumulate steadily, is an inevitable rule. I remember a philosopher said, "go all the way, this is your life." Yes, the road of life is long, because it is the interpretation of your life meaning. The road of life is short and short, because every day you live is your life. Everyone is designing their own life, and they are all realizing their dreams. China Three Gorges University is a large garden. I am just a small grass in Baihua garden, but there is a big dream in the little grass. Let me reflect on my college life here.



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Life is blending with bitter and sweet. Sometimes we may feel blue and don’t know what to do, but you just need to cheer up and find the true happiness in your life. Everyone is longing for happiness. But what is happiness? Different people have different opinions to happiness. Some people think making large sum of money and spending all of it on big mansion, expensive food, pretty clothes and fancy cars make them happy; some people think marry to the people they love and live a plain life is happiness, even though they can not afford a bigger house or a brand-new car;And some other people think that don’t need to go to work and sleep in the bed until the noon is happiness. Apparently, the definition of happiness varies from person to person.

For me, staying in good health and have a long vacation without homework is happiness. Good health is the foundation of happiness. Picture this, if I sick, I will go to the hospital, and there are a lot of funny things I can’t do because I feel uncomfortable. I will lose my appetite for the delicious food, and have no strength to go outside to play with my friends. What’s worse, in order to cure the illness, I will sallow countless pills and some of them may have side effects. Only a well function body can ensure the life to be happy. While a long vacation will give me affluent time to do the things I want to. If I can spend my time to do the things I want instead of homework, I definitely will be very happy. I really love traveling; I plan to go to Tibet on next long vacation. To see the beautiful scenes of the different places can broaden my horizon and enrich my life experience. I wish everybody find their happiness in life.



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One day in the summer vacation, I and dad after breakfast, came to the gan and fishing.

I take out in advance to buy a good bait, wear on the hook, and threw the hook into the water. Just for a minute or two, and I saw buoy sinking, there must be a fish took. I hurriedly filed a fishing rod, saw a fish hook and sure enough, I hurried to catch the line, the hook from the fishs mouth out

Still entered into with water in a bucket, and then wear good bait on the hook, threw it into the water, such as fish bait quietly.

But, after a few minutes, there is still no fish bait, I have to sit still, want to lift hook, it is, dad talked: "fishing to be patient, it is cant catch fish." I hear the word of the father, continue to wait. But more than ten minutes passed, and still no fish bait. So dad told me to change a place to catch, but still no fish bait, how to return a responsibility? I mentioned a look, originally the bait has been eaten by the slippery fish, I have to replace bait, in a short time, a fish bait. I asked my father: "why just down the earthworm will cause the fish?" Dad replied, "just down the earthworms have a kind of smell, fish smelled the odor will know that there are food, can swim by..."



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1. According to a recent survey, four million people die each year from diseases linked to smoking.


2. The latest surveys show that quite a few children have unpleasant associations with homework.


3. No invention has received more praise and abuse than Internet.


4. People seem to fail to take into account the fact that education does not end with graduation.


5. An increasing number of people are beginning to realize that education is not complete with graduation.


6. When it comes to education, the majority of people believe that education is a lifetime study.


7. Many experts point out that physical exercise contributes directly to a persons physical fitness.


8. Proper measures must be taken to limit the number of foreign tourists and the great efforts should be made to protect local environment and history from the harmful effects of international tourism.


9. An increasing number of experts believe that migrants will exert positive effects on construction of city. However, this opinion is now being questioned by more and more city residents, who complain that the migrants have brought many serious problems like crime and prostitution.


10. Many city residents complain that it is so few buses in their city that they have to spend much more time waiting for a bus, which is usually crowded with a large number of passengers.


11. There is no denying the fact that air pollution is an extremely serious problem: the city authorities should take strong measures to deal with it.


12. An investigation shows that female workers tend to have a favorable attitude toward retirement.


13. A proper part-time job does not occupy students too much time. In fact, it is unhealthy for them to spend all of time on their study. As an old saying goes: All work and no play makes Jack a dull boy.


14. Any government, which is blind to this point, may pay a heavy price.


15.Nowadays, many students always go into raptures at the mere mention of the coming life of high school or college they will begin. Unfortunately, for most young people, it is not pleasant experience on their first day on campus.


16. In view of the seriousness of this problem, effective measures should be taken before things get worse.


17. The majority of students believe that part-time job will provide them with more opportunities to develop their interpersonal skills, which may put them in a favorable position in the future job markets.


18. It is indisputable that there are millions of people who still have a miserable life and have to face the dangers of starvation and exposure.


19. Although this view is wildly held, this is little evidence that education can be obtained at any age and at any place.


20. No one can deny the fact that a persons education is the most important aspect of his life.


21. People equate success in life with the ability of operating computer.


22. In the last decades, advances in medical technology have made it possible for people to live longer than in the past.


23. In fact, we have to admit the fact that the quality of life is as important as life itself.


24. We should spare no effort to beautify our environment.


25. People believe that computer skills will enhance their job opportunities or promotion opportunities.


26. The information Ive collected over last few years leads me to believe that this knowledge may be less useful than most people think.


27. Now, it is generally accepted that no college or university can educate its students by the time they graduation.


28. This is a matter of life and death——a matter no country can afford to ignore.


29. For my part, I agree with the latter opinion for the following reasons:


30. Before giving my opinion, I think it is important to look at the arguments on both sides.


31. This view is now being questioned by more and more people.


32. Although many people claim that, along with the rapidly economic development, the number of people who use bicycle are decreasing and bicycle is bound to die out. The information Ive collected over the recent years leads me to believe that bicycle will continue to play extremely important roles in modern society.

尽管许多人认为随着经济的高速发展,用自行车的人数会减少,自行车可能会消亡, 然而,这几年我收集的一些信息让我相信自行车仍然会继续在现代社会发挥极其重要的作用。

33. Environmental experts point out that increasing pollution not only causes serious problems such as global warming but also could threaten to end human life on our planet.


34. In view of such serious situation, environmental tools of transportation like bicycle are more important than any time before.


35. Using bicycle contributes greatly to peoples physical fitness as well as easing traffic jams.


36. Despite many obvious advantages of bicycle, it is not without its problem.


37. Bicycle cant be compared with other means of transportation like car and train for speed and comfort.


38. From what has been discussed above, we may safely draw the conclusion that advantages of bicycle far outweigh its disadvantages and it will still play essential roles in modern society.


39. There is a general discussion these days over education in many colleges and institutes. One of the questions under debate is whether education is a lifetime study.


40. This issue has caused wide public concern.


41. It must be noted that learning must be done by a person himself.


42. A large number of people tend to live under the illusion that they had completed their education when they finished their schooling. Obviously, they seem to fail to take into account the basic fact that a persons education is a most important aspect of his life.


43. As for me, Im in favor of the opinion that education is not complete with graduation, for the following reasons:


44. It is commonly accepted that no college or university can educate its students by the time they graduate.

人们普遍认为高校是不可能在毕业的时候教会他们的学生所有知识的。 45. Even the best possible graduate needs to continue learning before she or he becomes an educated person.


46. It is commonly thought that our society had dramatically changed by modern science and technology, and human had made extraordinary progress in knowledge and technology over the recent decades.


47. Now people in growing numbers are beginning to believe that learning new skills and knowledge contributes directly to enhancing their job opportunities or promotion opportunities.


48. An investigation shows that many older people express a strong desire to continue studying in university or college.


49. For the majority of people, reading or learning a new skill has become the focus of their lives and the source of their happiness and contentment after their retirement.


50. For people who want to adopt a healthy and meaningful life style, it is important to find time to learn certain new knowledge. Just as an old saying goes: it is never too late to learn.


51. There is a general debate on the campus today over the phenomenon of college or high school students doing a part-time job.


52. By taking a major-related part-job, students can not only improve their academic studies, but gain much experience, experience they will never be able to get from the textbooks.


53. Although people‘s lives have been dramatically changed over the last decades, it must be admitted that, shortage of funds is still the one of the biggest questions that students nowadays have to face because that tuition fees and prices of books are soaring by the day.


54. Consequently, the extra money obtained from part-time job will strongly support students to continue to their study life.


55. From what has been discussed above, we may safely draw a conclusion that part-time job can produce a far-reaching impact on students and they should be encouraged to take part-time job, which will benefit students and their family, even the society as a whole.


56. These days, people in growing numbers are beginning to complain that work is more stressful and less leisurely than in past. Many experts point out that, along with the development of modern society, it is an inevitable result and there is no way to avoid it.


57. It is widely acknowledged that computer and other machines have become an indispensable part of our society, which make our life and work more comfortable and less laborious.

人们普遍认为计算机和其他机器已经成为我们社会必不可少的一部分。 它们使我们的生活更舒适,减少了大量劳动。

58. At the same time, along with the benefits of such machines, employees must study knowledge involved in such machines so that they are able to control them.


59. No one can deny the basic fact that it is impossible for average workers to master those high-technology skills easily.


60. In the second place, there seem to be too many people without job and not enough job position.


61. Millions of people have to spend more time and energy on studying new skills and technology so that they can keep a favorable position in job market.


62. According to a recent survey, a growing number of people express a strong desire to take another job or spend more time on their job in order to get more money to support their family.


63. From what has been discussed above, I am fully convinced that the leisure life-style is undergoing a decline with the progress of modern society, it is not necessary a bad thing.


64. The problem of international tourism has caused wide public concern over the recent years.


65. Many people believe that international tourism produce positive effects on economic growth and local government should be encouraged to promote international tourism.


66. But what these people fail to see is that international tourism may bring about a disastrous impact on our environment and local history.


67. As for me, Im firmly convinced that the number of foreign tourists should be limited, for the following reasons:


68. In addition, in order to attract tourists, a lot of artificial facilities have been built, which have certain unfavorable effects on the environment.


69. For lack of distinct culture, some places will not attract tourists any more. Consequently, the fast rise in number of foreign tourists may eventually lead to the decline of local tourism.


70. There is a growing tendency for parents to ask their children to accept extra educational programs over the recent years.


71. This phenomenon has caused wide public concern in many places of world.


72. Many parents believe that additional educational activities enjoy obvious advantage. By extra studies, they maintain, their children are able to obtain many kinds of practical skills and useful knowledge, which will put them in a beneficial position in the future job markets when they grow up.


73. In the first place, extra studies bring about unhealthy impacts on physical growth of children. Educational experts point out that, it is equally important to take some sport activities instead of extra studies when children have spent the whole day in a boring classroom.


74. Children are undergoing fast physical development; lack of physical exercise may produce disastrous influence on their later life.


75. In the second place, from psychological aspect, the majority of children seem to tend to have an unfavorable attitude toward additional educational activities.


76. It is hard to imagine a student focusing their energy on textbook while other children are playing.


77. Moreover, children will have less time to play and communicate with their peers due to extra studies, consequently, it is difficult to develop and cultivate their character and interpersonal skills. They may become more solitary and even suffer from certain mental illness.


78. From what has been discussed above, we may safely draw the conclusion that, although extra studies indeed enjoy many obvious advantages, its disadvantages shouldnt be ignored and far outweigh its advantages. It is absurd to force children to take extra studies after school.


79. Any parents should place considerable emphasis on their children to keep the balance between play and study. As an old saying goes: All work and no play makes Jack a dull boy.


80. There is a growing tendency for parent these days to stay at home to look after their children instead of returning to work earlier.


81. Parents are firmly convinced that, to send their child to kindergartens or nursery schools will have an unfavorable influence on the growth of children.


82. However, this idea is now being questioned by more and more experts, who point out that it is unhealthy for children who always stay with their parents at home.


83. Although parent would be able to devote much more time and energy to their children, it must be admitted that, parent has less experience and knowledge about how to educate and supervise children, when compared with professional teachers working in kindergartens or nursery schools.


84. From what has been discussed above, we may safely draw a conclusion that, although the parents desire to look after children by themselves is understandable, its disadvantages far outweigh the advantages.


85. Parents should be encouraged to send their children to nursery schools, which will bring about profound impacts on children and families, and even the society as a whole.


86. Many leaders of government always go into raptures at the mere mention of artistic and cultural projects. They are forever talking about the nice parks, the smart sculptures in central city and the art galleries with various valuable rarities. Nothing, they maintain, is more essential than such projects in the economic growth.


87. But is it really the case? The information Ive collected over last few years leads me to believe that artistic and cultural projects may be less useful than many governments think. In fact, basic infrastructure projects are playing extremely important role and should be given priority.


88. Those who are in favor of artistic and cultural projects advocate that cultural environment will attract more tourists, which will bring huge profits to local residents. Some people even equate the build of such projects with the improving of economic construction.


89. Unfortunately, there is very few evidence that big companies are willing to invest a huge sums of money in a place without sufficient basic projects, such as supplies of electricity and water.


90. From what has been discussed above, it would be reasonable to believe that basic projects play far more important role than artistic and cultural projects in peoples life and economic growth.


91. Those urban planners who are blind to this point will pay a heavy price, which they cannot afford it.


92. There is a growing tendency these days for many people who live in rural areas to come into and work in city. This problem has caused wide public concern in most cities all over the world.


93. An investigation shows that many emigrants think that working at city provide them with not only a higher salary but also the opportunity of learning new skills.


94. It must be noted that improvement in agriculture seems to not be able to catch up with the increase in population of rural areas and there are millions of peasants who still live a miserable life and have to face the dangers of exposure and starvation.


95. Although rural emigrants contribute greatly to the economic growth of the cities, they may inevitably bring about many negative impacts.


96. Many sociologists point out that rural emigrants are putting pressure on population control and social order; that they are threatening to take already scarce city jobs; and that they have worsened traffic and public health problems.


97. It is suggested that governments ought to make efforts to reduce the increasing gap between cities and countryside. They ought to set aside an appropriate fund for improvement of the standard of peasants lives. They ought to invite some experts in agriculture to share their experiences, information and knowledge with peasants, which will contribute directly to the economic growth of rural areas.


98. In conclusion, we must take into account this problem rationally and place more emphases on peasants lives. Any government that is blind to this point will pay a heavy price.


99. Although many experts from universities and institutes consistently maintain that it is an inevitable part of an independent life, parents in growing numbers are starting to realize that people, including teachers and experts in education, should pay considerable attention to this problem.


100. As for me, it is essential to know, at first, what kind of problems young students possible would encounter on campus.




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Low carbon life is popular nowadays. Its aim is to reduce the energy in our

daily life, especially reduce the emissions of carbon dioxide. It is well-known

that the air pollution is more and more serious. So we should do something to

protect our earth.

Firstly,we should take more bus instead of driving cars. As people’s living

standard has improved, there are more and more people driving private cars. This

phenomenon is one of the causes for air pollution. Because its gas will produce

lots of carbon dioxide, which may enventually lead to air pollution. Secondly,

when we leave our house or classroom, we would better turn of the lights, fans

or airconditioning.

To make our unique earth better, we should appeal people to live a low

carbon life. It is also will be the main trends in the future. Let’s do

something for our mother earth.



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There is a book, the book is not a word, but we can get a lot of knowledge: this book is not the author, but every one of us is the author of this book, this book is called "life". Life is everywhere in the classroom.

One morning, sunny, I harbored a happy mood, came to my house in the yard. The flowers in the yard is flourish, a breeze blowing, colorful flowers danced dance, it is refreshing. I think: the watered the flowers, I gingerly to per pot poured the water. After watering in the, I carry the flowers, touch the potted plant, the flowers are like seems very happy to me open a smiley face.

Suddenly, I saw an earthworm, with their feet to block the path of it, thought it would be "detour", can not think of it the "righteous" climbed to my feet. I wonder do earthworms couldnt see a thing? It is how to identify the direction of it?

Me with a problem, catch a worm to do the experiment. I fetched a basin exudes the fragrance of the flowers, bring a colorful toys, each put on left and right sides of the earthworm, and the worms are placed in the middle, see earthworms will move which things. Earthworms in the middle paused for a moment, slowly to the potted flower move in the past. I shall not the solution: do earthworms have no eyes?

So I went on to do an experiment. I put the potted flower replaced the onions. Who knows, the earthworm unexpectedly not hesitate to climb to the onions, which can be really strange. I think: the two experiments, earthworms crawled to the will smell things, earthworm identification method of direction will not smell related? This is just my guess, hasnt been confirmed. So, I went back home, lying on the bed to prove it.

I suddenly looked up and saw there was a thick book, the spine of the written "Encyclopedia" four words in the bookcase. I think: Yeah, I can go to check the Encyclopedia of ! Really is "where is the friends home, come without effort".

In the encyclopedia, said: as long as the earthworm in underground activities, eyes gradually degraded, can only rely on the sense of smell to identify the direction.

Someone said a sentence: "the truth was born in the one hundred question mark", through this matter, I have a deep feeling of this sentence. Life is everywhere in the classroom.




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I have studied in my middle school for three years.My life in middle school is rich and I have learned a lot. I get knowledge from text books as well as from extra curricular activities. I studied hard in the past three years so that I got perfect scores. But, I also attach importance to other aspects, such as making friends, hobbies, health and sports. I build good relationships with my classmates. They become an important part of my life.I like to chat with them after class that makes me relax and comfortable. My hobby is swimming. Every Sunday morning, I go to swim with my friends or my father. When I have fun, I build a healthy body. Its so great to me. In one word, my life in middle is colorful and unforgettable.



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8College life

When I was young at high school,I couldnt stop dreaming about my college life again and again.Suffering too much pressure form college entrance test,I always admired college students for their relaxed life in college.

In my personal opinion,living in university is  an enjoyment.Every day we can open our eyes naturally,and put on clothes in our own style without warring about teachers rigid control.Communicating with great master is no longer beyond our reach.Each course we take can be a feast for our mind and soul.After class,we will lead a rich and colorful life filled with various leisure activities such as .Library in  university is another factor I pursue.I think its an access to enhancing our comprehensive abilities to read even just scan all  sorts of

writings.Whats more,we will have so much disposable time that we can do whatever worthy.And our contact group will be extended signally via organizing and participating many activities.All in all,I once imagined that I can live a life that is substantial but meaningful.

However,I just have to admit that what I just describe is really dream.Now living in SD I cant figure out what I pursue and make a feasible career planning.So many young cynics in this schoolyard  argue for something meaningless.Worse still,the academic atmosphere has already done with nothing left.I havent found a busy but rich thing to try my best.As a matter of fact,I even cant choose a lifestyle I prefer.What a tragedy it is between dream and reality. 篇二:大学生活英语作文怎么写

Life in the university is not as satisfactory as what we had expected.

First of all, we are tightly hound by continual classes, excessive homework and exams; some students complain that we are becoming “exam machines”. Secondly, the teaching method is boring; instead of lecturing, some teachers just “read” lessons. Finally, living conditions need to be improved; and food in the dining-hall is far from being attractive and tasteful.

In spite of all these adversities we still enjoy our life in the university. During the four-year university study, we can not only acquire a lot of book learning, but also foster various abilities. All types of extracurricular activities such as sports meets, speech contests, different social gatherings and dancing parties provide opportunities to make friends; many of these friendships may last a long time.

In short,we should value our life in the university. Four years is only a short period when compared with our whole lifetime. In the university we mature, and in the university we prepare ourselves for the real world. Although there are many things lacking, the four years in the university is a worthwhile period in our whole lifetime.



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My teachers are excellent.They help me to improve.They are very patient and kind. My classmates are good friends.We often study together.We always help each other out. We are like a team.We play games and enjoy activities.We laugh and have fun when we can.

My schoolwork keeps me busy.I have homework every day.I have quizzes and tests all the time. I like learning new things.I know knowledge is power.I m preparing for the future. My school is like a family.It s like a home away from home.I hope you feel the same way about your school.
