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Winter holiday will soon be over, really is coming. See, it is such a rich and colorful holiday ah, what to compare it to, it is like seven rainbow of colors, like a changeable clouds, like colorful shells... Always beautiful, brilliant. How could such a good winter vacation life, I was the only one person alone, write it out, let everybody a enjoy!

One of my winter holiday life: study. Holiday life, learning is indispensable, consolidate the previous knowledge that can let you can also preview in advance once you are going to learn after the part. Learn to learn well, dont half-hearted by playing. I have more than 4 hours of study time every day. Of course, I also have a few hours of exercise time, go out for a walk, many activities, some exercises. Sometimes I read some books, the expanded aspect of knowledge, of course, is the computer class, because I like computer, dont make the vision loss.

My holiday life # 2: sports. To do more sports is the guarantee of a healthy body. Everyone should have a favorite sports, I like most is skating and playing badminton. The skating sport is very simple, but you really come to ice are different! This is not your imagination of so simple and easy. Stand up, it is very simple, of course, but you slip a lap down is very difficult. Because I spent a long time, technology also can also wrestling this word is very strange to me now. Badminton everyone who will, learning to learn tired want to relax, you can play a minute ball, it can be you tired when I let you relax.

My winter holiday life # 3: the computer.

Computer is wonderful its hard to express in words. Do you know? The size of a small mouse mouse, can bring you into a magical world of computers. You can use it to play computer games interesting, to carry out the exploration of one adventure; You can use it to mail hair net friend, share strangers friend sent joy; You can also use it on the Internet, enjoy the fun of surfing the Internet. In this high-tech virtual world, how can you know the progress of modern science and technology rapidly, the pace of the modern human is powerful.

This is my winter holiday life, my life colourful winter holiday. It has trained me a loving heart, I love all beautiful things in the world. All, how can I was the only one, write it out, let everybody a enjoy!










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1 . 是不是失望和心寒是常态。

2 . 希望和失望也绝不能是善,因为恐惧是一种痛苦,希望不能脱离恐惧存在,所以希望和失望都表示知识的缺乏,和心灵的软弱无力。

3 . 希望和心酸连成等待。

4 . 爱情常常让人满怀希望却又彻底失望,可有时候,亲情不也如是吗?只要爱着一个人就有希望和幻想,也就难免会有失望和伤痛。苦乐相随,爱有多深,就有多苦。

5 . 你眼眶超载的眼泪,乘客是绝望和心碎。

6 . 多余是什么?是夏天的被单,冬天的蒲扇,和心凉之后,你的殷勤。

7 . 一次又一次的相信和期待,一次又一次的失望和心寒,我想我已经不敢再去听信所谓的安排和未来了。就连那个最重要的等待,我也开始动摇了。

8 . 当你学会放弃,你才可以承受一切的失望和谎言。我什么都可以不要了,你还能拿我怎样?

9 . 希望和失望交错迭生 倏尔一生。

10 . 哪里会有人喜欢孤独,不过是不喜欢失望。

11 . 有时候期望和失望是不可调和的,可你总不能因为害怕失望连点期待都没有吧,我觉得毫无指望的滋味比失望更甚。即使是海市蜃楼也总比空洞的死寂好一些吧。

12 . 他终归是不能相信我的,而我已经无法再次忍受他的失望和不信任了。

13 . 当青春变成旧照片,当旧照片变成回忆,当我们终于站在分叉的路口,孤独,失望,彷徨,残忍,上帝打开了那扇窗,叫做成长的大门。

14 . 愚昧将使你达不到任何成果,并在失望和忧郁之中自暴自弃。

15 . 自杀并不可怕,比自杀更可怕的是失望和厌世。

16 . 最怕等待的人却总在等待,挽回的却只是失望和无奈。

17 . 绝望不想期望,失望和希望一点点发展,而只需要一句话的一瞬间。

18 . 我懂这世间人心凉薄,却偏偏固执地想要寻求温暖。

19 . 像失望和委屈这种东西藏在心里就好,懂你的不必解释,不懂的何必解释。

20 . 失望是一种很抽象的东西,它不似开心,只要你咧开嘴笑,大家都知道你开心。但是失望到整张脸都透露出主人很失望的信息,那真的是很失望了。任何抽象的东西具体的时候都是异常强大的。

21 . 失望,有时候也是一种幸福,因为有所期待所以才会失望。因为有爱,才会有期待,所以纵使失望,也是一种幸福,虽然这种幸福有点痛。

22 . 第一次感觉失望,就像心口被戳了一个洞。结果越蔓延越大。最后什么都没了,也不会觉得难受和心痛就结束了。

23 . 你永远不知道一句“失望”背后包含多少的伤心,我很失望,真的很失望。

24 . 男人对女人的伤害,不一定是他爱上了别人,而是他在她有所期待的时候让她失望,在她脆弱的时候没有扶她一把。

25 . 要我告诉你,怎样才能不被人伤害吗,不要付出也不要接受任何东西,不要期待任何事情,那么也不会失望也不会受伤了。

26 . 没有希望,就没有失望,更没有绝望。

27 . 对你的多次纵容导致了我在认真地对你失望,而你却在笑。

28 . 你是故意的吧,在不适合的时间出现,适合的时间离开,离开后再说爱我。 徘徊在希望和失望之间的滋味,你懂吗。

29 . 有事情是要说出来的,不要等着对方去领悟,因为对方不是你,不知道你想要什么,等到最后只能是伤心和失望,尤其是感情。

30 . 其实一句顺其自然里同样装着太多失望和太多期望!无能为力或不想勉强亦或不敢面对才找出来的一个托词而已。

31 . 忽然明白这个世界可以用一个字形容,假,人可以用一个词形容,装他妈的。

32 . 可是我牵挂的那个人,他从来都不知道,现在的平和经历过多少的辛酸和挣扎,现在的安稳承受了多少的失望和遗憾。

33 . 感情中的失望和伤害,是一个疼痛挣扎的一个阶段,却有人沉腻于此......爱到疯狂,恋至情虐...就像从你嘴角流的血,从你眼角露的邪,鲜红与阴霾...

34 . 没有期望就不会有失望。不要给自己做梦的机会。就不会有伤心的结尾。

35 . 感情总是被低估或者高估。有时我很失望。有时我佯装不知这些失望,并最终忘记这些失望。

36 . 心累了,心凉了。

37 . 你说慌,我心凉!

38 . 天黑了,心凉了。

39 . 谎言被称为失望,真相就是失望的爷爷:绝望!

40 . 当我们渐渐长大,爱上了一个人,也因为爱这个人而领略了失望和辜负,那时我们才明白,原来漫长的人生道路中有比摔跤更让我们感到疼痛的事情。

41 . 半生风雨半身伤,半句别恨半心凉。

42 . 心凉只需一瞬间。

43 . 我的心凉了很多。

44 . 被你伤的透心凉。

45 . 从希望到绝望,然后又看见希望,然后绝望。我的一生都穿行在这种希望和那种绝望里。最后,我会停下了,死在间于希望和绝望的淡忘里。

46 . 秋来寒意起,心凉我本人。

47 . 世事一场大梦,人生几度心凉。

48 . 没有悔,没有恨,只是失望,失望你不是我想的样子。

49 . 什么有的人明明是相爱,却是又去互相伤害呢?那就是因为相爱,才是会有那么多的执着、期望和要求,总希望他变成我所想的那样,于是也难免会失望、哭泣和怨恨,渐渐就不爱了。

50 . 一念忘穿君心,从此,此心凉薄。

51 . 从前的冰淇淋,现在的心凉。

52 . 心凉了,不是吹吹就能暖的。

53 . 天黑黑、雨长长、雷响响、无处话心凉!

54 . 当她横刀夺爱的时候,你忘了所有的誓言。

55 . 如果能选择,我情愿选择没来过这个世界上。



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This is a picture of our school life.


There is a boy standing there.


Some students are playing basketball.


Others are talking with each other.


There is even one who is practicing taichi.


The sun is shining brightly.


The sky is blue.


The wind is blowing softly.


The birds are singing happily in the trees.


The trees are full of new life.



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I want to be a famous writer in the future.I like to write stories for kids.The stories will be short and funny.My teacher said I was good at writing.But I still need to improve my English,too.Then I can write stories in English.So the kids from all over the world can read my stories.



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Each and every one of us is responsible for the greenhouse gases we emit in our daily actions and choices. Therefore, combating climate change is going to take the combined efforts of everyone on the planet.

The average household carbon footprint in China is 2.41 tons of carbon dioxide annually. Thats enough to fill half an Olympic swimming pool.

Surprised? Well, heres how you can work to reduce it:

1.Get started by calculating your own carbon footprint. This will give you a starting point from which to begin monitoring your progress. You enter details such as what sort of apartment you live in, your personal energy use and travel habits.

2. Each week, choose one day when you dont eat meat. Meat uses up lots of energy because it takes a long time to produce. Animals produce methane, which is another dangerous greenhouse gas, when they burp and fart.

3. Only buy the amount of food you need and if there are leftovers, get creative. For instance, make them into a soup. Ask to take food home from restaurants if theres some left, but remember to take your own container to avoid using a disposable carton.









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I remember when I was very young, I will look forward to, look forward to and, like the Peoples Liberation Army, dressed in camouflage uniforms, received military training. Fortunately, I finally look forward to this day ... ...

Just enter the door to high school, military training is a Prior to that, how happy I am because I can finally experience the taste when the Peoples Liberation Army! I have dreamed more than once: I was wearing camouflage fatigues, standing on the playground, listening to loud slogans instructors and students, together with the slogan of his forward refueling breeze for us, for our sun clouds, enjoy the sound and laughter from the playground into a vast blue sky ... ... However, this is not true!

When to wear camouflage uniforms, set foot on the playground, the waves on the head-up heaters, although very hot, however, I feel very warm. I finally met the instructors, who, like us, also dressed in camouflage uniforms, the spirit can seem more than we had. We have just total instructors on hand, he blew a whistle, said: "The following five minutes to carry out military training!" Oh, only five minutes, I will certainly be able to insist on living! "I himself." Attention! "Instructor of instructors to hear the total order, then we have issued orders," began the following points "Therefore, I have to instructors to model the action of our stand. The burning sun, sun, I sweat. Sweat rolled down from the forehead, down the cheek drip down also hard for me trying to catching, instructors has prevented me, let me again point Stand straight! I was very angry, thinking: he added that instructors can ah! is not even a little human touch! Fortunately, as long as five minutes, let me take a look at a few point of! instructors take advantage of attention, I looked at the table, ah! all eight, and do not tell us how to rest, ah, instructors must have forgotten that you wait another moment. a minute later, two minutes later three minutes have passed ... ... watch instructors almost "wrong time" 15 minutes, I was very anxious. At this time, my feet have begun to insist not, and pain, faster Station Station the instability. Finally, when a full 35 minutes have passed, the instructors agreed with us the rest, trying to get water to drink up, and he stopped, he said: "The moment you insist, go to school drink plenty of water. "After listening to this, I feel the instructors really like the training ground like a real hell ah!

Probably have been for a long time, I am tired of dragging the body back to the hostel, trying to lie down in bed later, but the instructors walked in, pointed at our hostel, said: "what a mess, Come clean up the look!" Helpless, reluctantly climb up from cleaning to health. A clean-up after an instructor came to the bedside, said: "Come see, and I teach you !" Alas! Folded blankets folded stack is not it? Studies also attached? Finished, the instructors made up of our model, only skill he moves, a folded blanket. After I have gazed look, wow, nice, quilts made in the hands of instructors such as "Mankiw", we stacked the "hamburger" Its more comparable! It seems also quite lovely instructors.

Finally, the five-day "ordeal" is over, I recall that the five-day military life. I am filled with emotion. I slowly come to understand, although the military training very hard, but it is not only my physical training, but also my strong willpower. Let me understand it to be a hard, a Chinese Stand straight. At the same time, military training, I also learned how to do normal things instead of by their parents, I learned self-reliance, but also integrated into the collective.

Although military training very tired, let me benefit, I began to live like this.










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Although I’ve had a busy school life in the past three years, getting along with such amazing classmates has made me the luckiest person in the world.

In one of those unforgettable days, we had a basketball game. During the tough time, I could feel that everyone in my class was so concentrated that our hearts were beating together fast. We brought the players not only encouragement but also some real help and skills. Though there were only three people on the front line, I knew it was 39 people fighting side by side and we would never give up. At last, we won the game. With great excitement, all of us jumped around and burst into tears.

There’s no doubt that we’ll always go through hard times together and I’ll never forget the happiness we shared. I love my school life with my lovely Class 3.







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I live with my father and mother in a very big house in Dongguan. My parents are both very busy. They leave for work very early in the morning and don’t return home until late in the evening.

When I am home on weekends from school, we spend a lot of time together. We talk about my studies, my health and my school life. I love my parents very much.

My grandparents are still living, but they don’t live with us. Their health is good and they both do sports very early in the morning. My grandmother does gymnastics with elderly women her age in the park. Both of my grandfathers play basketball in the morning and sometimes they go swimming.

Chinese people eat rice for every meal, but I don’t like rice because I think it is tasteless! We eat meat, fish and vegetables. My family eats noodles and congee. My favorite is noodles.

I often play computer games because I like it so much. I often watch Japanese cartoon movies with my parents on the weekends. On long holidays we take trips, too.

That is my description of typical family life in China.



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Now, the world is in advocate a theme, that is: "low-carbon life".

Why should advocate low carbon life? Thats because in recent years, as people on waste, caused a sharp reduction in the earths energy, is now left, to the development of new energy sources, certainly too late.

Behavior, therefore, we should resist these waste, save energy use as much as possible in the life, and thus reduce carbon dioxide emissions. In this way, can achieve the "low-carbon life".

Now, more and more people begin to join the advocate low carbon life, then make a contribution to build a low carbon life. But there are some people, just enjoy yourself, dont for the sake of the future, the waste of the earth have very little energy at random, this kind of behavior is wrong, if everyone like they, themselves, low energy on the earth before long, will be used up, by this time, no matter how much people have the regret, also of no help.

Low carbon life in this moment now, appears especially important, I hope everyone should consciously create a low carbon life, starts from his side. Create a low carbon life, starts from me!









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Today, I got up at8:00 at usual. And I have a busy day. In the morning, I studied for two hours. Andthen my father told me to visit my uncle with him. We took something to him andhad lunch at his home. We went home at 14:00. When we got home, my mother was cleaning our home, so my father and I helped her. I cleaned my room. It was alittle dirty. After that, we went to the supermarket. I bought some snacks. I wastired today.




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when i was in high school, I had to study all the time and hardly had spare time to do what i wanted to.Besides, I had to focus on my textbooks and doing exercise again and again. Therefore, I had little time to read magazines and novels and watch TV. what was worse, I couldnt play with my friends a lot, which I couldnt stand the most. In a word, all i did in high shool should be considered for the College Entrance Examination.

However, my college life is totally different from the life in high school.I can arrange my time freely. I spend most of my time reading in the library, where I can open my eyes and broaden my mind.In my free time, I also join some clubs,where i can make a lot of friends of different majors. My teachers in college are so kind and knowledgeable that they not only teach us knowledge but also how to be a person and how to get on with others. In addition, there are more opportunities for me to improve myself.

I believe college life is an important stage in my life. In college, i can learn how to learn by myself, how to get on with others, how to live independently.College provides me with a stage where i can show myself and be myself.






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Life in the university is not as satisfactory as what we had expected.

First of all, we are tightly hound by continual classes, excessive homework and exams; some students complain that we are becoming "exam machines". Secondly, the teaching method is boring; instead of lecturing, some teachers just "read" lessons. Finally, living conditions need to be improved; and food in the dining-hall is far from being attractive and tasteful.

In spite of all these adversities we still enjoy our life in the university. During the four-year university study, we can not only acquire a lot of book learning, but also foster various abilities. All types of extracurricular activities such as sports meets, speech contests, different social gatherings and dancing parties provide opportunities to make friends; many of these friendships may last a long time.

In short,we should value our life in the university. Four years is only a short period when compared with our whole lifetime. In the university we mature, and in the university we prepare ourselves for the real world. Although there are many

things lacking, the four years in the university is a worthwhile period in our whole lifetime.




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Jingle bell, "the students in class, I hope you do the preparatory work before class, quietly waiting for the teacher to class." The clear sweet sound of the bell.


In class, my classmates and I in the spacious and bright classrooms full of feeling to read the text, beautiful intonation cadence, it was nice! At this time, the leaves become very quiet, do not move, birds do not sing, even the butterflies do not fly, seems to have been attracted to the sound of reading. The most interesting is running a few puppies, these cute little friends, stood outside the campus, so listening curiously we read the text. After class, my classmates and I happily arm wrestling, telling jokes, some students in the drinking water machine water, there are students in the play stone scissors cloth......


This is my school life, happy life on campus!



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Today, my brother went to school in Jinan and my father brought me up. Dad wanted me to feel the life of the University. We came to Shandong Normal University, and that was the fathers alma mater. The entrance is very blocked, because today is the date of new arrival, so there are so many vehicles that we cant go in very easily. Once we enter the mountains, we have many big sisters and big brothers, holding the brands of their colleges to welcome the arrival of new students. The first picture was the statue of Chairman Mao. An air of teaching building, a clean lawn. There are tall laboratory buildings, libraries, and hundreds of thousands of books, books, books, books, books, books, books, and books. It is a sea of knowledge. My father said so, I want to go in and see, but dad said that there must be a card to go in to see, but I had to imagine in it.

Every time I go to a place, I will ask my father what it is for. My father introduced me like a tour guide, and I listened carefully. Dad told me that he was in college at that time. I think college life is really meaningful. We came to the dormitory imperceptibly brother, I look dumbfounded, the corridor inside the dark, than I imagined. My father was busy explaining to me that I knew the house was a few decades old, so it was so old. Let me have a bad feeling about college life. I said, "I cant test this school in the future, and the environment is too bad." But I listen to my father that the learning atmosphere of this school is still very strong, everyone can learn. I want to grow up quickly and get into the dream college life earlier.



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As we all know,the environment around us is getting worse and worse.In some places we cant see fish swimming in the river or trees on the hills.Some people even have no clean water to drink.We should live a low-carbon life in order to protect the environnment . we can go to school on foot or by bike instead of taking a car.We had better use shopping basketbets instead of plastic bags when we go shopping.We should use both sides of the paper when we write.Dot use paper cups.At our school dinning room,use our own bowls and chopsticks instead of disposable ones.We can reuse the water and save the electricity.In a word,if everyone pays more attention to our environment,there will be less pollution and our life will be better.


"There is only one earth",I hope everyone will protect our environment well.




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In the morning, it is very fine! Then I climb the mountain with family, the air on the mountain is very fresh, the flowers plants and trees on the mountain all seem extremely beautiful. In the afternoon, I go to friends home to play, the friend entertains me warmly, show me a lot of books of his , has listened to his CD for me , then also ask me to eat a sumptuous dinner.

Coming back home in the evening, family and I sat and watched TV together, we are returning and eating the fruit while chatting, the whole family is happy and harmonious!



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Everyone has their own dreams, I am the same. But my dream is not a lawyer, not a doctor, not actors, not even an industry.

Perhaps my dream big people will find it ridiculous, but this has been my pursuit! My dream is to want to have a folk life! I want it to become a beautiful painting, it is not only sharp colors, but also the colors are bleak, I do not rule out the painting is part of the black, but I will treasure these bleak colors! Not yet, how about, a colorful painting, if not bleak, add color, how can it more prominent American? Life is like painting, painting the bright red color represents life beautiful happy moments. Painting a bleak color represents life difficult, unpleasant time. You may find a flat with a beautiful road is not very good yet, but I do not think it will. If a person lives flat then what is the point?

Life is only a short few decades, I want it to go Finally, Each memory is a solid.



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Time spent at a university is a most worthwhile period in a young persons

life. This is a time when a student begins to form his or her ideas about life

in general. Attending classes and studying in the library keep a student busy

and provide him or her with access to valuable information, adding to his or her

knowledge base.

Campus life can also be rich and colorful. Most universities offer a

variety of extracurricular activities such as sports events, contests, and other

social gatherings, enabling the students to experience relief from study and

homework. Students often form lifelong friendships through the varied

experiences of university life.

During the time a student spends at university, he not only develops his

intellectual abilites,he also develops social skills as well as knowledge and

wisdom necessary for choosing a future career. By learning how to balance

intense study and recreation, a student will be well prepared for the challenges

of future responsibilities.
