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Since we were born, we are meant to face the stage of study and work until

we retire, which seems everybody does the same thing in their life. They start

to wonder about the meaning of life. In my opinion, the meaning of life lies in

study and finding the right place.

Study comes first for human being. Since we learn the knowledge, we get to

know about the world. The more we learn, the more we want to search for the

unknown knowledge. The world is beautiful because of diversity, and there are so

many amazing scenery waiting for us to discover. At the process of searching the

knowledge, we also become mature and have our own thinking.

Finding the place in the world is the basic task for us. The purpose of

knowledge is to master some skills, so as to get accustomed to the world and

know what we want to do and what we can bring to the world. The value we create

can bring happiness to people we love and make a contribution to the world.

Life is short, but we keep searching all the time.




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If I had my life to live over...I would have talked less and listened more.

I would have invited friends over to dinner even if the carpet was strained and the sofa faded.

I would have taken the time to listen to my grandfather ramble about his youth.

I would never have insisted the car windows be rolled up onasummer day because my hair had just been teased and sprayed.

I would have burned the pink candle sculpted like a rose before it melted in storage.

I would have sat on the lawn with my children and not worried about grass stains.

I would have cried and laughed less while watching television-and more while watching life.

I would have gone to bed when I was sick instead of pretendingtheearth would go into a holding patter if I were not there fortheday.

I would never have bought anything just because it was practical,would not show soil or was guaranteed to last a lifetime.

There would have been more I love yous ... more Im sorrys...but mostly, given another shots at life, I would seize every minute... look at it and really see it...live it...and never give it back.



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My father is busy all the time, he promises me that once he has the time,

he will bring me to the zoo. This week, he finally keeps his promise. I am so

happy, I see many animals, the monkeys impress me so much. They are so active

and they climb everywhere. My father and I have the good time in the zoo. I also

broaden my vision.



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I had a great time during my winter vacation. The first thing I did was I made a plan for my study. I assigned my homework equally according to the holidays so that I can finish all of them in time. And during my winter vacation, we welcome the most important festival in China-Spring Festival, it‘s also called Chinese New Year by lots of foreigners. At that night, our family came together and had a big meal. Of course we had dumplings that night, because that is our Chinese traditional. We then watch the CCTV spring festival evening party together and watch the beautiful fireworks. That‘s the happiest time in this world! The winter vacation I had dreamed all year around was finally coming. And I really enjoyed a lot from it. The first thing I did was I made a plan for my study. I assigned my homework equally according to the holidays so that I can finish all of them in time. I also arranged myself the books and words I need to read and recite. Secondly, I took some extracurricular activities and read some English original reading. My favorite book is , written by Sherlock Holmes. Among all the classical movies, the Sound of Music was the most exciting one. During my holidays I also made some assistance for my physical class teacher, surely I met lots of difficulties in this stage and from which I knew what perseverance really was. Lastly, I went to the temple fair and was lucky to taste several Chinese traditional dishes; “Jiaohua chicken” is one of them. It is said it originated from Hangzhou centuries ago, made by a famous beggar Hong Qi Gong, the senior leader of Beggar Gang.Steamed with fresh lotus leaf wrapped up,it is famous for its special aroma and taste. Now that the holiday is ending and a new semester is coming, I need to fresh up and get started to embrace the upcoming challenges.



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1、 从此,我要以每天的成绩令世人惊叹。每天我要延长花在工作上的时间,让那多付出的汗水成为明天的投资。有了这种态度,这种在我们这个自私自利的世界上罕见的态度,我不会失败。

2、 能够在这个世界上独领风骚的人,必定是专心致志于一事的人。伟大的人从不把精力浪费在自己不擅长的领域中,也不愚蠢地分散自己的专长。其实,这个伟大的秘密一直摆在我的眼前,只是我的眼睛看不到它。

3、 我出生时,上帝准是闭着眼睛,没有把黄金放在我的手上,把王冠带在我的头上。以前的我是多么愚蠢啊!

4、 我们每个人,即使是最刚毅最具英雄气概的人,一生中的大部分时间都是在失败的恐惧中度过的。

5、 我为胜利而来,不向失败低头。

6、 历史上任何伟大的成就都可以称为热情的胜利。没有热情,不可能成就任何伟业,因为无论多么恐惧、多么艰难的挑战,热情都赋予它新的含义。没有热情,我注定要在平庸中度过一生;而有了热情,我将会创造奇。

7、 我从没在休息前,花时间回顾一天的得失。我从来没有带着勇气和诚实,回想一天的言行,以便第二天有所借鉴,从而进步。

8、 与其诸事平平,不如一事精通,这是一种规律。分散精力的人不会成功。

9、 生活的全部意义在于无穷地探索尚未知道的东西,在于不断地增加更多的知识。

10、 现在我知道,从劳动中结出的硕果,是最甜美的果实。天才可能承担伟大的工作,但必须靠辛勤的劳动才能完成。

11、 生活便是寻求新的知识。

12、 生活的原貌是五彩缤纷的,赤橙黄绿青蓝紫是并存的。

13、 我发现苦难有许多好处,只是很少为人察觉。苦难是衡量友谊的天平,也是我了解自己内心世界的途径,使我挖掘自己的能力,这种能力在顺境中往往处于休眠状态。

14、 我终于知道,只要我一心一意向着一个目标稳步前行,百折不挠,一定不会失败。这就好比用玻璃聚集起太阳的光束,那么即使在最寒冷的冬天,也可以燃起火来。

15、 经验往往被人们当成愚蠢与悲伤的同义语。其实大可不必。假如我愿意井确实从经验中学习,那么今天的教训就会为明天的美好生活打下基础。

16、 无论何时,当我被可怕的失败击倒,在第一次的阵痛过去之后,我要想方设法将苦难变成好事。伟大的机遇就在这一刻闪现……这苦涩的根必将迎来满园芬芳。在每一次困苦中,我总是寻找成功的萌芽。

17、 一个人,从出生到死亡,始终离不开受苦。宝玉不经磨硕就不能发光。没有磨炼,我也不会完美,生命热力的炙烤和生命之雨的淋浴使我收益匪浅,但是每一次的苦难都是伴随着泪水。为什么上帝以这种方式惩罚我,让我一次又一次地失落。

18、 那些顶尖人物都是不以份内之事为满足的。他们比常人做得更多,走得更远。他们不图回报,因为他们知道最终将尝到硕果。

19、 生活得最有意义的人,并不就是年岁活得最大的人,而是对生活最有感受的人。

20、 我要欢呼庆祝,不要吸泣哀诉。

21、 如果我每天都找出所犯错误和坏习惯,那么我身上最糟糕的缺点就会慢慢减少。这种自省后的睡眠将是多么惬意啊。

22、 生活是一杯清水,你放一点糖它就甜;放一点盐它就咸!

23、 过去,我曾愚蠢地让失败和悔恨的重负压弯了我的身体,眼睛盯着地面。现在我卸去了以前的包袱,视野开阔,目所能及之处,大门敞开,迎接我去过一种更好的生活。我不再于空等中期待机会之神的拥抱。

24、 一个人要想实现自己的目标,离不开艰辛的脑力劳动和体力劳动。如果我不愿付出这样的代价,那么我的未来一定充满眼泪和贫穷,我会为那没有笑声与鲜花的未来顿足捶胸,哀叹自己的不幸。以后我不再为自己感到悲伤,我不再走在老路上。

25、 我不留恋于过去。任何一次失败都不可能减缓我奔向那成功与幸福的乐土,我将在那里安度余生。我终于明白,想要引吭的歌喉总能找到合适的曲调。

26、 把一只蜥蜴截成两段,一半向前跑去,另一半向后跑去。这正如一个人做事情将目标分开一样。成功不会光顾那些分散注意力的人。

27、 平淡生活是人生的一种境界。每个来临的日子都是平淡的呈现,人为的乐趣,忙碌和烦恼充填着我们的心灵与生活。

28、 素衣回忆,淡淡的长袖挥洒着那年、那月的时光,在茶香的淡淡飘逸。藏在回忆里,那青春也清纯如画,每一条线,每一次涂写,都会变成生命里最美丽的传说。

29、 平淡的日子有它特有的平淡的舒畅,有它特殊的美。它的需用心品味的美,如宁静、安祥、隽永、深沉混合的清水,浇灌在内心喧嚣焦灼干裂的土地上,让那些成长的幼苗,在达观平淡的任凭风吹浪打胜似闲庭信步的悠然中,不急不燥不卑不亢的生长着。

30、 有人无视平淡,觉得平淡是没有波澜的,僵化的生存方式,他便开始角逐于人生的势利场,换着自己不同的人生面具。

31、 静听花开的声音,细品生活的意义。

32、 自足常乐、平平淡淡才是真、相夫教子、老实人常在。

33、 有人则在平淡中学会热爱,借平淡的杯盏啜饮人生的美酒,他觉得平淡是人生的一种底蕴,可以映衬一份心灵的和谐。我们离开平淡,平凡的生活或许会失重,像没有尾巴的风筝,或是一只打湿翅膀的飞鸟。

34、 我发现,不能享受平淡生活的人,大都因为心浮气燥。如果要把“浮躁”二字,从心头上抹去,他就必须学会简朴生活和平淡生活。当然,拥有平淡生活,并非不思进取养成人生的惰性。

35、 人就这么一辈子,开心也是一天,不开心也是一天,所以你一定要开心。人就这么一辈子,做错事不可以重来;碎了的心难再愈合,所以你一定不能事后后悔。人就这么一辈子,过了今天就不会再有另一个今天;一分一秒都不会再回头,所以你一定要珍惜每分每秒。告诉自己:要微笑面着对任何挫折。

36、 每个人,有每个人的不同的生活方式。你羡慕的富人,不一定就比现在钱不如他的你快乐和幸福。可能他还羡慕你在纷繁忙碌的尘世中,拥有的这份平淡呢。

37、 平淡生活是一个人的支撑和偎倚,也是在这个世界拼搏后,自己给自己留下的一片绿地。这个世界充满了各种诱惑,我们用一份平淡生活克制自己的欲望,然后,再留下一份热爱给平淡生活,这样的人生才是完美的!

38、 生活如一潭死水,没有半点波澜。

39、 生活是一杯水。杯子的华丽与否显示了一个人的贫与富。但杯子里的水清澈透明,无色无味,对任何人都一样。接下来,你有权利加盐加糖,只要你喜欢。

40、 想和你一起浅浅淡淡的生活,分享每一天的平凡,每一刻的幸福,感动,每一秒的丝丝甜蜜。我不知道这算不算奢求,反正我也早就习惯了奢求。

41、 冷静的平和的内涵。平和的人,其玄机在一个“静”字,“猝然临之而不惊,无故加之而不怒”,冷静处人,理智处事,身放闲处,心在静中。

42、 平平淡淡才是真,平平淡淡方是人生味。如过时间是一条浩荡的大河,那么,平淡生活就是河流涌起的波浪,理想是帆,港湾是我们心灵的栖息之地。这里我们所说的平淡不是平庸,但是平淡很容易导致平庸,平淡离平庸仅有一步之遥。如果我们放纵自己的所作所为,整日虚度光阴,又被自身的惰性所误,就会陷入平庸的人生旋涡。

43、 人生如水,有激越,就有舒缓;有高亢,必有低沉;不论是绚丽还是缤纷是淡雅还是清新,每个生命必定有其独自的风韵。一个人的一生,有轰轰烈烈的辉煌,但更多的是平平淡淡的柔美。人是需要一种平淡的,这种平淡无声无息,但又无处不在。

44、 平淡是一种力量,它在你人生遭受到挫折后,它会轻轻地抚慰你的心灵,为你的心灵充满向上的电量!把一份平淡放在人生的低处,静听人生的春天,就会有一股春风拂掉你人生的阴霾与坚冰,让你捕捉到平淡生活散发出的人生之味。

45、 当今社会,为什么有人陷入欲望的沟壑他活着,没有好好地细品人生之味,他把权力,金钱看得过重了,而不知道用一份平淡品味人生的清茶。



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There are different opinions among people as to 省略.Some people suggest that 省略.


There is an old saying省略.It is the experience of our forefathers,however,it is correct in many cases even today.


Today,省略,which have brought a lot of harms in our daily life.First,省略,Second,省略.What makes things worse is that 省略.


Nowadays,it is common to 省略.Many people like 省略because省略.Besides,省略.


Everything has two sides and 省略is not an exception.It has both advantages and disadvantages.


Peoples opinions about 省略vary from person to person.Some people say that 省略.To them,省略.


Man is now facing a big problem省略which is becoming more and more serious.


省略has become a hot topic among people,especially among the young and heated debates are right on their way.


省略has been playing an increasingly important role in our daily life.It has brought us a lot of benefits but has created some serious problems as well.


According to the figure/number/statistics/percentages/ in the chart/bar graph/line/graph, it can be seen that省略.Obviously,省略,but why?



On the contrary,there are some people in favor of 省略.At the same time ,they say省略.


But I dont think it is a very good way to solve省略.For example,省略.Worst of all,省略.


省略is necessary and important to our countrys development and construction.First,省略.Whats more,省略.Most important of all,省略.

4)有几个可供我们采纳的方法。首先,我们可以……。 There are several measures for us to adopt.First,we can省略.

5)面临……,我们应该采取一系列行之有效地方法来……。一方面……,另一方面…… Confronted with省略,we should take a series of effective measures to省略.For one thing,省略For another,省略.


It is high time that something was done about it.For example,省略.In addition.省略.All these measures will certainly省略.


However,just like everyone has both its good and bad sides,省略also has its own disadvantages,such as省略.


Nonetheless,I believe that省略is more advantageous.

9)完全同意……这种观点(陈述),主要理由如下: I fully agree with the statement that省略because省略.



As for as I am concerned,I agree with the latter opinion to some extent.I think that省略.

2)总而言之,整个社会应该密切关注……这个问题。只有这样,我们才能在将来……。 In a word,the whole society should pay close attention to the problem of省略.Only in this way can省略in the future.


Personally,I believe that省略.Consequently,Im confident that a bright future is awaiting us because省略.


With the development of society,省略.So its urgent and necessary to省略.If every member is willing to contribute himself to the society,it will be better and better.

5)至于我(对我而言,就我而言),我认为……更合理。只有这样,我们才能…… For my part,I think it reasonable to省略.Only in this way can we省略.


It is difficult to say whether省略is good or not in general as it depends very much on the situation of省略-.However,from a personal point of view find省略.


From what has been discussed above,we may reasonably arrive at the conclusion that省略.


If we can not take useful means,we may not control this trend,and some undesirable result may come out unexpectedly,so what we should do is...




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初中英语作文:初二英语作文 Our School Life

I don't think our school life is colorful. Because we've got so many classes every day. I wonder whether we can change our school life someday. You see, from Monday to Friday, I have to stay at school. the only relaxation is to listen to the radio or play ball games. At weekends, we need to go to school to have classes, too. I know it's very important for us to study well now. As the saying goes, "All work and no play makes Jack a dull boy. "I want to step into the nature. I hope we will have more activities such as visiting museums, taking part in different kinds of contests, attending some lectures and so on. Is it only a dream?



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During the winter vacation, nothing is different for my life. I wake up 11

o’clock Am everyday, after a washing, I have a good lunch with my parents. Next

I play computer games till the time to have supper. After have dinner. I go on

playing till 2 o’clock Am, and then go to sleep with tired. This is one dull day

of my winter vacation.But I haven’t bored all the time. Sometimes I read the

books, sometime I listen to the music or the radio in the bed,because it was

very cold outside and snowy all the day. And I also meat some of my good friends

during the vacation ,we have a very long talk about the life of each other in

the past year and play table tennis tegether .And I watched the spring festival

party of the CCTV in the last seconds of the 2004 year! I think this is the

thing most people of china doing at that time.that’s all, all my dull, coldly

and snowy winter vacation.



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How to Live in Harmony with your Roommates?Everyone  has his answer.In my opinion,to Live in Harmony with your Roommates,one should:

Firstly, keep the same pace with roommates. There are usually four people or more in a room. It’s better to have a unified schedule. To maintain the order of the life, everyone should coordinate and abide by the schedule to reduce the disputes.

Secondly, don’t make little “squads” in the dormitory. You should treat every person equally rather than discriminating or isolating someone. We object to establish deep friendship under the cost of   sacrificing the friendship’s width and breadth. It’s important to keep balance in the dormitory.

Thirdly, dont invade your roommates privacy. Everyone has their own secrets and eccentricities. We should not search roommates privacy. If someone has clearly made a field private, they must have special sensitive to this field and any subject attempting to break into this field will not be appreciated by them.

Fourthly, participate in dormitory’s collective activities actively. The activities of the dormitory is not only a simple activity, but also a way to contact with each other to share feelings. Dont be naive to think collective activity as boring and useless action which wastes time and money, and showing a pair of disparaging appearance for company. In fact, its all emotional investment, and indispensable.

Fifth, provide help and ask for help. Good roommate relationships is based on mutual help. When roommates meet with difficulties, we should voluntarily help. That’s obvious. So, when we have some trouble, is it appropriate to ask help from roommates? The answer is yes. Because sometimes asking for help show that you trust your roommates, which can deepen your relationship.



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We have lived in lida school for more than one year. i enjoy all the time here because it can bring me a lot of things such as feelings, knowledge and other things i need.

There are many trees and flowers around us. the trees are green all the year. when we sit in the classroom and look out of the windows, we can see a big tree shaking its strong arms to us. it is really wonderful.

In some ways, our thoughts are at large. perhaps it makes our brains creative. i believe that nothing can tie up my mind even it stands for authority. the free life is just like our school life.

In our school, of course, there are both success and failure. we should not be proud but modest because there are too many people much better than myself. actually, we also should muster up courage and work harder.

I like to sing:

“We are honest.

We always keep promises.

We often think a lot.

We are never afraid of anything.”

So we have our own school life different from others.

At last, it is impossible for me to resist the temptation to say: what a perfect school life i have!




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Last summer holiday I went to Paris with my parents by plane. First we visited the Arc and Triomphe, and we took many photos. Then we went to the Notre Dame, which is very wonderful. We saw a lot of interesting things. Finally we came to the Eiffel tower, and there were so many people, but they were all friendly. After that we sat on the grass, looking at the view. We felt very happy.


What a pleasant trip! I will never forget it.




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when i was in high school, I had to study all the time and hardly had spare time to do what i wanted to.Besides, I had to focus on my textbooks and doing exercise again and again. Therefore, I had little time to read magazines and novels and watch TV. what was worse, I couldnt play with my friends a lot, which I couldnt stand the most. In a word, all i did in high shool should be considered for the College Entrance Examination.

However, my college life is totally different from the life in high school.I can arrange my time freely. I spend most of my time reading in the library, where I can open my eyes and broaden my mind.In my free time, I also join some clubs,where i can make a lot of friends of different majors. My teachers in college are so kind and knowledgeable that they not only teach us knowledge but also how to be a person and how to get on with others. In addition, there are more opportunities for me to improve myself.

I believe college life is an important stage in my life. In college, i can learn how to learn by myself, how to get on with others, how to live independently.College provides me with a stage where i can show myself and be myself.






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Dear parents,

Words fail me when I want to express my thanks to you. You have taken good care of me since I was born.When I am in trouble,you always encourage me and cheer me up.Once I argued with my best friend and was upset,you talked with me the whole night and finally helped me solve the problem. With your help,I have become a good student.I am so thankful for your love that I will work harder and try to do better in the future.

Best wishes


Zhang hua



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1、 让温暖的友谊胜过冰冷的对抗,让绿色的和平代替血红的战争,让朗朗的笑声取代悲痛的哭喊,让团聚的家庭远离战争的分离。国际和平日,鸽子衔来的橄榄枝,为我们谱写和平的交响曲。

2、 国际和平日,放飞和平鸽,洒满橄榄枝,双手已合十,心愿默默许,仇恨抛九宵,战争永消失,世界心连心,人类共繁荣。国际和平日,愿地球没有战争,愿人民安居乐业。

3、 和平是清风,吹绿了原野;和平是细雨,滋润了大地;和平是花朵,芬芳了心灵;和平是歌谣,抚慰了心灵;和平是阳光,温暖了世界。国际和平日到了,愿世界处处是和平。

4、 和平是加法,加入彼此的包容之心;和平是减法,减去彼此的嫉妒心情;和平是乘法,乘以彼此的理解之心;和平是除法,除去彼此的敌对心情。世界和平日到了,让我们用加减乘除法来守卫和平。

5、 彼此包容,和谐的乐章就会奏响;彼此沟通,所有的不快就会消散;彼此理解,和平的白鸽就会自由飞翔。国际和平日,让我们丢弃偏见,丢弃歧视,相互理解,相互包容,和平的美景定会实现!

6、 国际和平日到了,愿和平的旗帜飘荡在祥和的大地,和平的白鸽飞翔在宁静的天空,和平的旋律回荡在幸福的心田,和平的道路绵延在世界的脚下。愿世界处处和平。

7、 和平的阳光更加温暖,照耀在世界每一个地方;和平的歌声更加动听,飘荡在地球每一个角落;和平的白鸽更加自由,飞翔在蓝天白云之间;和平的橄榄枝更加翠绿,蔓延在万水千山。国际和平日,让我们共同努力,建造和平世界!

8、 国际和平日,让和谐的风吹散硝烟,让安宁的雨滋润大地,让和平的鸽翱翔天宇,让橄榄的枝抛洒四方,惟愿天下太平,永无战争,百姓安乐,幸福永远!

9、 和平是幸福的歌,写满了快乐的音符,和平是甜蜜的图,涂满了如意的颜料,和平是安定的种子,长满了欢乐的果实,国际和平日,愿和平的阳光洒满每一个角落!

10、 和平是脸庞绽放的甜蜜微笑,和平是心底回响的和谐旋律,和平是眼前国泰民安的盛景,和平是梦中温馨幸福的场面。国际和平日到了,让我们为保护和平贡献自己的力量。

11、 幸福的歌谣飘荡在安宁的原野,快乐的细雨滋润着辽阔的大地,和平的白鸽飞翔在美丽的天空,绿色的橄榄成长在和谐的花园,国际和平日到了,热爱和平的我们守护着和平!

12、 硝烟弥漫家离散,骨肉分离泪水淌。残垣断壁随处见,年老无依幼无傍。哭爹喊娘声凄惨,何日才能见阳光?国际和平日,让我们共同努力,抵制战争,让和平的白鸽自由飞翔!

13、 和平是世界人民的心声,和平时安居乐业的保证,和平时幸福生活的根本,和平是人类平等的基础,和平时繁衍生息保障,和平是自由每悦的向往。为和平而奋斗!

14、 国际和平日,让和谐之光,普照大地;让安宁之声,传播万里;让和平之鸽,翱翔天宇;让太平之旗,遍插各地。愿天下永远和平,永远和谐!

15、 战争是利剑,让文明消失,将建筑摧残,让社会倒退,让生命消散;和平是阳光,描画生活的美好,抚平心灵的创伤,促进世界的繁荣,加速文明的成长。国际和平日,放下战争的利剑,沐浴和平的阳光,让世界充满爱,让生命不再悲伤!

16、 美丽的世界不应该被战争的阴云所笼罩,安宁的国度不应被刺耳的枪炮声所打扰。用爱放飞和平鸽,让它飞遍世界的每个角落;用宽容栽种橄榄枝,使和平的绿茵笼罩住所有被战火所施虐的土地。世界和平日,希望世界能够和平永存。

17、 枪炮打断了幸福的神经,每个难民的脸在扭曲,心在喋血;战火烧伤了快乐的翅膀,每个难民的平安跌落深渊,眼前漆黑。还世界和平欢乐,让笑容挂上每一张可爱的脸庞。为了和平,都努力学习工作吧。9.21让和平鸽飞上我们头顶共有的晴空。

18、 阿富汗和伊拉克的战火还未远去、利比亚的战火刚刚平息、叙利亚已是战火又起。战争并未真正的离我们远去,在和平生活中的人们应该好好珍惜。世界和平日,希望和平永远陪在我们的身旁。

19、 庆幸我们没有出生在战争年代,不幸我们常常要受到战争的威胁。渔船事件,钓鱼岛事件,以及周边的虎视眈眈,都威胁着我们来之不易的发展。一寸山河一寸血,十万青年十万军。如此多娇是江山,我以我血荐轩辕。热血沸腾的青年,我们渴望和平,我们更要伟大的祖国繁荣昌盛。为了和平,我们必须繁荣昌盛,那样才能维系动态的平衡。国际和平日,我们都要自强不息!

20、 到处是轰轰的炮声、爆炸声、和各种枪声。飞机在天空嗡嗡作响,流弹呼啸而过。到处尘土飞扬,满目的焦土废墟。河流泛滥,树木建筑当然无从,逃荒人处处可见,流离失所。老人、小孩、乳妇的尸体遍地皆是,惨不忍睹。今天是“9.21国际和平日”停下惨无人道的战争,和平共处,共同享受,是全世界人民的心声。和平万岁!

21、 用快乐的音符奏响和平的旋律,用轻柔的笔墨绘制和平的图画,用幸福的笑容编织和平的云锦,用安宁的氛围弥漫和平的家园,用包容的情怀铸就和平的世界。国际和平日到了,让我们为和平而努力。

22、 国际和平日到了,愿和平之歌响遍地球,和平之舞踏遍角落,和平之鸽飞遍蓝天,和平之树蔓延各地。让我们共同努力,守卫和平,远离战争!

23、 放飞和平的白鸽,让幸福飞越天际,播种和平的种子,让快乐伸展枝芽,摇起和平的旗子,让和谐迎风飘扬,国际和平日,双手合十,祈祷世界和平,人类安宁!

24、 用幸福谱个调子,唱响和平,用文字写个诗篇,赞美和平,用快乐画个圆圈,圈住和平,国际和平日,愿世界和平,人类和谐,生活和美!

25、 和平是一朵娇艳的花,用心地呵护会绽放,无情地摧残会凋零;和平是一只白鸽,晴空是它的怀抱,阴雨是它的宿敌;和平是一只孔雀,赞美使它开屏,惊吓使它躲避。国际和平日,你我共维系,大家一起爱和平,和平的福音心中留,和平之花遍地开!

26、 和平鸽挥动翅膀,扇灭战争的烈火,融化冰冷的关系,让和谐的空气流动人间。和平鸽衔橄榄枝,让绿色的和平绽放,打开心灵的门窗,和平的歌声传遍世界。国际和平日,愿世界和平!

27、 武力解决一切,同时也毁灭了一切。反对战争,热爱和平。热爱和平,从热爱生命开始。热爱他人的生命,自然没有偏见,只有包容。没有厌恶,只有理解。没有杀戮,只有照顾。人类可以开发的宝藏很多,何必要争的你死我活?开发地球的资源,更环保安全。开发大脑的潜能,更健康聪明。不求人人琴棋书画精通,最起码能互相尊重。国际和平日,爱你爱他爱自己!

28、 我不愿看到金戈战马留下的惊吓,我不愿看到战争炮火带来的恐惧,我愿看到白兰鸽携着友爱的温馨,伴着和煦的风,在夏季的天空里恣意飞翔;我愿看到每一朵花儿都尽情地微笑,享受旋律的美妙,在秋风中领略生活的惬意和美好!国际和平日,愿世界和平,一切安好!

29、 和平的白鸽飞翔在蔚蓝的天空,播撒着幸福的种子;绿色的橄榄生长在肥沃的大地,蔓延着心底的希望。快乐的人们居住在安宁的庄园,歌唱着怡然自得的歌谣。国际和平日到了,愿世界处处是和平。

30、 遇到好的短信,不发给你是我的错,你不转发就是你的错。什么?你没错?行,别激动,和平解决,各国也会学你爱和平。9月15国际和平日,就看你表现了

31、 滴一滴蜜在唇间,给孩子一个爱的理由。打一颗子弹在胸膛,结束一个鲜活的生命。有爱会有和平,仇恨只能引发战争。和平,人类得以延续。战争,世界迟早灭亡。9月21世界和平日,远离战争!

32、 遇到好的短信,不发给你是我的错,你不转发就是你的错。什么?你没错?行,别激动,和平解决,各国也会学你爱和平。9.21国际和平日,就看你表现了

33、 少一点金戈铁马,别再蹂躏芳草地;少一点硝烟弥漫,别再污染好空气;鲜花娇艳,翠绿欲滴,美好和平的世界异常美丽;让和平的信鸽告诉我,告诉你,将和谐与温情传递;远离战争,摒弃自私自利,为和平欢呼与努力!国际和平日,为了世界和平,让我们一起呼吁!

34、 和平,是碧空下白鸽们衔着的橄榄枝,是千百年来人类梦寐以求的渴望;战争,却像一把高悬在人类头顶的利剑,随时用枪声划破和平的宁静。国际和平日,让我们一起爱和平,远战争,爱自由,反霸权,爱独立,反侵略,愿和平鸽衔着橄榄枝永远翱翔在碧空蓝天。

35、 愿所有的语言都传送着一首关于和平的歌,愿所有的哭泣都源于一个关于快乐的传说,愿世界没一个角落都拥有阳光般的颜色,国际和平日,愿世界战争少和平多,愿世间再没有纷争和烟火,愿现世安稳,岁月静好!

36、 放飞和平的白鸽,让硝烟不再弥漫;抛洒绿色的橄榄,让战火不再纷飞;竖起和平的旗帜,让战争不再肆虐;发出和平的呼喊,让和谐沁润四方。国际和平日,愿世界永远和平安定,人民永远安居乐业!

37、 国际和平日,祝天下有情人终成眷属,天下的夫妻都相敬如宾,天下的家庭都幸福美满,天下的军人都温文尔雅,天下的领导人都包容天下,世界的角落都开满鲜花,所有的战争都沦为笑话。战争成为了历史,人类才有和平的未来。没有战争,天下太平!

38、 我们共享宇宙的能量和资源,我们共享宇宙的丰足与爱。我们珍爱大自然的一切,我们与大自然和谐共生.国际和平日,愿人类互助互爱。

39、 和平的白鸽自由飞翔在蓝天,将绿色的橄榄枝投放在世界的每一个角落;和平的呼声传遍世界,将和平的阳光照射在每一个人的心怀。国际和平日,愿天下永远和平,世界永远和谐!

40、 国际和平日,让和谐的歌声,传遍世界;让和平的种子,播洒四方;让安宁的橄榄,蔓延开来;让太平的钟声,响彻云霄。愿世界被爱包裹,和平幸福永远!



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The university is full of talent, learning, and a small stage and small society full of competition and challenge. Every one of us plays a different role on this stage, so why dont we try to play the best part of our role! As a college student, we are eager to positive rather than blind impulse, bold and not wantonly recklessly, dare to think and not utopian, but not like you think of?? let us grasp the youth, to exercise their own here! Leave your hard figure in the activities of the organization, show your most beautiful style in the community activities, and dedicate one of your strengths to volunteering. Here you get not only a kind of knowledge, but also the most valuable wealth of life. When we were young, in their prime, pointing Jiangshan jiyangwenzi. Let the flower of life give birth to the color of youth, and let the youth glow because of vitality. The university campus, not do not, only unexpected, let us give full play to our talents! There are few human beings, and the university is the most treasured. Lets not let the youth idle away, and load a little gain in every days life, so that a confident smile will float on your face, and I believe firmly that there will be rewards for giving and passionate excitement.

The university is the halls of every one of us. In order to come to this hall, we have experienced the wind and rain. Now that we have stepped into this threshold, let us sprinkle our personality in the hall of this dream.

The university is not a fantasy, not a dream, not a delusion, but a great ideal. As long as we fight for it, fight for it. One day we will return! You will hear the maple leaf flow boat at that time, you will see the Chrysopsis laughing, you can smell the fruit fragrance, for you to the harvest season!

When I wrote this article, I was a student of * * * University. When I was about to enter school, I stood at the beginning of the University, and looked forward to the four years study and life of University. I hope my university can be full and meaningful as expected. Freshman: lay down the foundation. The idea of "want me to learn" is "I want to learn" to learn basic courses well on the ground, especially English and computer. In the big plan, we should make a small plan, keep in mind the English words and practice the spoken English every day, and learn it unswervingly from the beginning of the year. According to the actual situation, consider whether to take a double degree or minor major in second major, and prepare for the information as soon as possible. Freshmens learning tasks are relatively relaxed. They can participate in community activities appropriately, take certain positions, improve their organizational skills and communication skills, and train soldiers for graduation job interviews.



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I did not have to travel during the holidays at home, but in life, but also a variety of interesting!


At the start of the summer break, I make a study plan. But not a few days I will not carry out according to the plan. I thought to myself: this summer is play, why do I look down?


Every day, after class, I always play. Then, listen to my grandma said, other children are admitted to the Tsinghua University. I decided to study hard.


Therefore, every day I will learn the sixth grade mathematics. I feel more and more, the study is a very interesting thing. If you learn, you will feel very happy!


Every day, I will have different feelings. Listen to my fathers joke, I will be happy to listen to my grandma said; all the sad things, I will be sad...... Will naturally have different results.


The summer time is lost in the past, I learned more and more, I feel different.


I look forward to our next summer will be more interesting!



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My school life in primary school is wonderful! I have a lot of friends. They are friendly to me.We study together play together and talk together.My teachers are very patient .They teach me a lot and help me with many problems. The school life is unforgettable



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Hence/Therefore, we’d better come to the conclusion that …


There is no doubt that (job-hopping) has its drawbacks as well as merits.


All in all, we cannot live without … But at the same time we must try to find out new ways to cope with the problems that would arise.


Taking all these factors into consideration, we naturally come to the conclusion that…


Taking into account all these factors, we may reasonably come to the conclusion that …


Recently, the problem of … has aroused people’s concern. 最近,……问题已引起人们的关注.

The Internet has been playing an increasingly important role in our day-to-day life. It has brought a lot of benefits but has created some serious problems as well. 互联网已在我们的生活中扮演着越来越重要的角色。它给我们带来了许多好处,但也产生了一些严重的问题。

Nowadays, (overpopulation) has become a problem we have to face. 如今,(人口过剩)已成为我们不得不面对的问题了。

It is commonly believed that … / It is a common belief that … 人们一般认为……

Many people insist that … 很多人坚持认为……

With the development of science and technology, more and more people believe that… 随着科技的发展,越来越多的人认为……

A lot of people seem to think that … 很多人似乎认为……

People’s views on … vary from person to person. Some hold that …. However, others believe that….人们对……的观点因人而异。有些人认为……,然而其他人却认为……

People may have different opinions on …人们对……可能会有不同的见解。

Attitudes towards (drugs) vary from person to person.人们对待吸毒的态度因人而异。

There are different opinions among people as to …关于……,人们的观点大不相同。

Different people hold different attitudes toward (failure). 对(失败)人们的态度各不相同。



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Winter holiday is coming,and I have a plan about it.


I get up at 8:00,then do the morning exercise in the park which is near my home,then do my homework,sometimes I watch TV,sometimes I play computer games,I think it is very good.


During the holiday we will have the Spring Festival,it is one of the most important festival in China,we are very happy because we can have red packets,eat many delicious food,wear new clothes.


So,I think this Winter holiday will be very happpy.I like it.




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Different people have different opinions about school life.As for me,I think it likes a cup of coffee.Maybe a little bitter,but I really enjoy it.Some students hate homework a lot.

But I dont agree with them.Sometimes doing homework is a kind of relax.For example,when you do some creative homework.That must be very exciting and let me feel relaxed.Although sometimes we will have some problems,dont care about it.Just go ahead,nothing can make you lose interested in study.In a word,the harder we work,the better our future will be.
