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Nowadays, with the development of technology, many young people stay

indoors and play computer all the time. Especially for those who stay up very

late or go out to play for fun until midnight, then they wake up at noon the

next day. This is the unhealthy lifestyle, and they need to make some


First, having regular break time and enough sleep is the basic way to keep

healthy. Some young people hang out for fun after work. They need to release

their pressure and have fun with their friends. They go home very late and then

next day get up, preparing to work. In the long run, they not only have low

efficiency, but also damage their bodies.

Second, keep the balanced diet. Most people are picky about food. They only

choose the food they like and lose the balance of nutrition. For most kids, they

like to have meat and refuse of the vegetables and fruit. It is not good for the

growth of their bodies.

The healthy lifestyle helps people live the harmonious life. Besides having

enough sleep and keeping balance diet, taking exercise is also in need.




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1、 清贫,洁白朴素的生活,正是我们者能够战胜许多困难的地方! 方志敏

2、 音乐,是人生最大的快乐;音乐,是生活中的一股清泉;音乐,是陶冶性情的熔炉。 冼星海

3、 奋斗的名言奋斗就是生活,人生惟有前进。 现代文学家巴金

4、 寒冷冬季到,养生需做到:吃有所选,平衡适度;喝有所检,温热滋补;身有所练,不宜过度;肤有所养,精心呵护;笑有所乐,开心生活!

5、 生活中受伤难免,失败跌倒并不可怕,可怕的是因此而一蹶不振,失去了对人生的追求与远大的理想。没有一个人的前进道路是平平稳稳的,就算是河中穿梭航行的船只也难免颠簸,生活中所遇上的坎坷磨难不是偶尔给予的为难,而是必然所经受的磨练。

6、 生活、工作、学习倘使都能自动,则教育之收效定能事半功倍。所以我们特别注意自动力之培养,使它关注于全部的生活工作学习之中。自动是自觉的行动,而不是自发的行动。自觉的行动,需要适当的培养而后可以实现。 陶行知

7、 生活总是展露着他们的缺点,使人们不断地来为它弥补。他用没有光亮的夜叩开人们的想象,让人们发明了灯,电灯。它用没有清凉的夏日打开了人创造的大门,又有了扇子,有了电扇,有了空调。生活给予了我们无穷无尽的困难,也在不断地开发我们的智慧。

8、 大海的浪花靠劲风吹起,生活的浪花靠理想鼓起。

9、 一件事无论太晚或者对於我来说太早,都不会阻拦你成为你想成为的那个人,这个过程没有时间的期限,只要你想,随时都可以开始,要改变或者保留原状都无所谓,做事本不应该有所束缚,我们可以办好这件事却也可以把它搞砸,但我希望最终你能成为你想成为的人。我希望你有时能驻足於这个令你感到惊叹的世界,体会你从未有过的感觉。我希望你能见到其他与你观点不同的人们。我希望你能有一个值得自豪的人生。如果你想像的生活不一样,我希望你能有勇气重新启程。

10、 生活里有些美丽的爱好,那是怎样的一种滋润;人生中有些读不尽的东西,那是怎样的一种财富啊!被古诗滋养的孩子,得到的不仅仅是诗情和文才,实际上也成为被生活和命运多一份垂青的人。在平凡的生活之外,他更有一个桃花流水窅然去,别有天地非人间的世界。让孩子多读些诗吧!

11、 没有幽默滋润的国民,其文化必日趋虚伪,生活必日趋欺诈,思想必日趋迂腐,文学必日趋干枯,而人的心灵必日趋顽固。《一夕话》

12、 不要试图控制别人,不要要求别人理解你。活在当下,别在怀念过去或者憧憬未来中浪费掉你现在的生活。

13、 这是人类的弱点:人人都喜欢表露感情,以至在内心的冲动中暂时忘掉了日常生活的利益。 车尔尼雪夫斯基

14、 金钱只不过是使我们能过上舒适生活的媒介,它只是一种工具,而并不是我们活着的全部世界。

15、 如果男人以他忙为理由,不来探你的病情,不回你的邮件,不关心你的现状,不能和你承担生活的重负,无法给你勇气。勇敢一点,自动离开。没有什么比自己关心自己来得实在。而一个不爱你的人,你付出的再多,他再好,那也不过是浪费时间和精力。

16、 每个人都是有潜能的。当被困境所逼,就会做出意想不到的事来,穷者思变,人只有压力才会有动力。在山重水复疑无路的逆境中,就会逼出一个柳暗花明又一村。人都是有惰性的,要生活在优越的环境中,就没有那么高的积极性、主动性和挑战性了。不是有很多逼你成才、逼你成功的例子吗?

17、 亲人在日常生活中往往不如同事和朋友显得亲密和重要,可一旦发生什么事,一旦灾难临头,只有亲人才能熨平你流血的伤口,让你的心真正得到藉慰,真正安宁下来。

18、 每个人都有自己的活法,自己的伤痛自己清楚,自己的哀怨自己明白,自己的快乐自己感受,也许自己眼中的地狱,却是别人眼中的天堂,也许自己眼中的天堂,却是别人眼中的地狱。生活就是这般的滑稽,不要总疑春色在人家,关键在于自己心态的调整过好,自己的生活最重要,不攀不比。

19、 我三十一岁,我读书,我睡眠,我写作,我厌倦,我坐立不安,我四下走动,我探头探脑,我漫不经心,我无聊至极,我孤独寂寞,我单调乏味,我不值一提,我的生活支离破碎。

20、 在爱情里,坚贞是假相,誓言是应景,生活是改变,统统在永远之前就有了结局。

21、 爱情说:我有玫瑰,释放的花香令所有人陶醉。生活说:我有感情,将所有的日子染色成酸甜苦辣的味道。

22、 性教育也正应该是爱的教育,即由生活、志趣和希望的致所组成的那种重大的深刻的感情教育。

23、 人很容易在一种既定的生活中形成习惯,不去想改变。

24、 每个人都是精灵,世界上就一个自己,没必要膜拜谁,做自己,过自己的生活便是最好的人生。

25、 我们的青年是一种正在不断成长,不断上升的力量,他们的使命是根据历史的逻辑来创造新的生活方式和生活条件。

26、 尝试是乌云蔽日时能直上云霄的那种勇敢的鸟;尝试是大浪迭起时海上勇往直前的一叶扁舟。对于勇敢者,尝试是一条崭新的生活之路;对于懦弱者,尝试是一座铁筑的高墙。比喻是画家手中的颜料,为景物增色;比喻是诗人想像的翅膀,为抒情添彩;比喻是哲人智慧的火花,点亮永远激励人们前进的真理之灯。巧妙的比喻可绘难状之景,可状难抒之情,可议难说之理。

27、 感谢 ** 同学家长的讲话。我们想对各位家长说的是:我们将始终坚持把教育好每一个学生变成自己的责任、信心和荣耀,我们希望我们的家长能够永远快乐着孩子的进步和成长,永远幸福着孩子的发展和成功! 我们也相信:生活不会亏待我们伟大的家长,孩子在长大,会慢慢长成杰出的青年,您付出多少,未来就一定会收获多少!

28、 再美好的爱情也要依附于一定的经济基础,就好比再美丽的鲜花,也需要阳光和露水的滋润。所以有句话说得更好,人必生活着,爱才有所附丽。

29、 中学生彼特-帕克自幼父母双亡,他与心爱的梅婶母和本叔叔一起生活在纽约皇后区。彼特过着一个普通的学生生活,在校报担任一名摄影师,暗恋着美丽的玛丽-简-沃森,并经常与死党哈里-奥斯本一起到处游荡。

30、 看海与出海是两种生活,两种境界。一种是把眼睛给了海,一种是把生命给了海。

第一、 把军训中养成的军人作风保持下去,带到我们今后的学习和生活中去。高标准,严要求,规范自己的言行,遵守学校各项规章制度,树立集体观念,做文明学生,创文明班级,建文明校园。

31、 就在那一刻,我明白了,我得作出选择。我可以为自己寻找各种借口对生活低头,也可以迫使自己创造更好的生活!

32、 老人们最后的和高尚的过错就是妄想把他们的深思熟虑、谨慎小心的美德遗赠给被生活逗得如醉如痴,被享乐引得像热锅上蚂蚁似的小辈们。 巴尔扎克

33、 要是做父母的生活放荡,儿女就会变成酒徒和罪犯。

34、 对于未知的未来我们没有把握我总在思考应该如何去应付这草蛋生活是我想得太多么最近发生了一些荒唐事并且不知所云的陷在里边无法脱身。

35、 读书能让我的眼界开阔;读书能让我更容易的处理生活中遇到的问题;读书能让我丰富自己的课余生活。

36、 事实上,作家总要比社会上的普通人小得多,弱得多。因此,他对人世间生活的艰辛比其他人感受得更深切、更强烈。

37、 我们生活在同一个温暖的水域,也许偶尔会被水草缠绕,但因为彼此温暖的呼吸,相信都不会是死结。如果我说我爱你,我一直爱你,不知道你会不会相信?

38、 一清如水的生活,诚实不斯的性格,在无论哪个阶层里,即使心术最坏的人也会对之肃然起敬。在巴黎,真正的道德,跟一颗大钻石或珍奇的宝物一样受人欣赏。 巴尔扎克

39、 电影多有魅力!生活里做不到的事,电影里可以做到,生活中泡不到的妞,在电影里可以泡很多。

40、 如果我们的生活是一部电影,或者说是一部高-潮迭起的连续剧,那么,在这样的时刻,一定会非常伤感的背景音乐缓缓地从地面外浮现出来。那些伤感的钢琴曲,或者是悲怆的大提琴琴音,把我们的悲伤和难过,渲染放大直到撑满一整个天地。

41、 梦想只要能持久,就能成为现实。我们不就是生活在梦想中的吗。 丁尼生

42、 不要太计较别人的评价。没有一副画是不被别人评价的,没有一个人是不被别人议论的。被别人议论甚至误解都没什么,谁人不被别人说,谁人背后不说人,你生活在别人的眼神里,就迷失在自己的心路上。

43、 Thoreau said, Most men lead lives of quiet desperation. 梭罗说,大多数人都生活在平静的绝望中。

44、 不要寄希望于爱情能够重来,而是要让自己长大,拓宽自己生命、生活的宽度和广度,让自己变成一个足够优秀的女子,如果那个男孩子也在成长,并且恰好你们有机会在一起的时候就可以再续前缘。

45、 女人单凭自己是不可能让自己盛开的,她的生活里必须存在一个好男人。

46、 老外问:李先生,你们四川的生活水平怎么样?李伯清:其他的不敢提劲,我们盖的铺盖都是不锈钢的!

47、 风花雪月:原指旧时诗文里经常描写的自然景物。后比喻堆砌词藻、内容贫乏空洞的诗文。也指爱情之事或花天酒地的荒淫生活。

48、 大海的浪花靠轻风吹起,生活的浪花靠理想鼓起。 佚名

49、 只要是辛勤的蜜蜂,在生活的广阔原野里,到处都可以找到蜜源。

50、 感情这种事不能听别人的,而得自己做主。每个人都有自己的生活方式,别人的不一定适合你。自己做主的标准很简单,一段感情能让你开心安心,就谈下去;一段感情让你痛苦和不安,那就要谨慎了。

51、 生活越来越像黑色幽默,不让你懂的时候你偏想懂,等到你懂的时候却又想什么都不懂;你应该享受没长大的时光的时候你拼命想长大,等到长大了又恨不得制造时光机器回到过去。

52、 有负面情绪是正常的,但是自己一定要知道,要明白这只是生活的一小部分,在其余时间里,要尽量的让情绪平稳起来。

53、 数学是一种精神,一种理性的精神。正是这种精神,激发、促进、鼓舞并驱使人类的思维得以运用到最完善的程度,亦正是这种精神,试图决定性地影响人类的物质、道德和社会生活;试图回答有关人类自身存在提出的问题;努力去理解和控制自然;尽力去探求和确立已经获得知识的最深刻的和最完美的内涵。 克莱因《西方文化中的数学》

54、 都说现在生活条件好了,每天都像在过节。对我而言,所谓年味,恰恰是平日里那淡淡的幸福。

55、 我所理解的生活就是,做自己喜欢的事情,和自己喜欢的一切在一起;对陌生人提防与否,取决于你的出厂原始设定,我喜欢先把人设定成好人,再从中甄别坏人,有些人则反之。但所谓的甄别方式其实就是被坑一次。我相信以诚相待,也相信倒霉认栽。 韩寒



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How time flies, the twinkling of an eye, happy winter vacation life is coming to an end, to review the whole winter holiday, I think I had a happy and substantial.

Just on holiday soon, our whole family to a cleaning, that day early in the morning, we began to division of labor: dad wipe cabinet, mother clean the floor, I clean the Windows.

Say action is, I get the newspaper first wipe the glass carefully again, and then to the "good helper" "a wipe. I put the two pieces of sponge wet inside, inside one half of the "wipe", the other half on the outside, against the glass, "pa" glue stick to the absorption, I took out half, with lines and then have a sequentially on the move. I rubbed the breath

Five window, the window of brush very clean, and even let dad look outside, hit up a package.

To reward my father promised to go fishing with me too, but the premise is I cant make a sound. I repeatedly promise. A few days later, my father took me to the field of a large pond, take out fishing rods, and help me put the earthworm, I chose a place on it, and then quietly waiting for the fish bait. Etc. Along while, no movement, dropped their fishing rod I almost want to go to play, can have a look at the father buckets for fish, and unwilling to him, had to take a fishing rod dry, his eyes staring at the buoy, straight shaking buoy up suddenly, I rubbed my eyes, it was a slight movement, Im sure the fish bait, just a lift rod, haha, a big fish, I the father proud proud head, father also with surprised eyes looked at me, Im so happy!

Have a good beginning, I am confident, no longer want to give up easily. So lucky goddess comes into my head, big fish small fish to eat fish bait, I had a good harvest. At home, mom and dad have to a thumbs-up to me, I admire myself.

By the way, how have you been in the winter vacation, also like me happy and substantial?










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People always say that we are lacking of the eyes of realizing the beauty in life. I can’t agree with it anymore. Last week, I woke up very early in the morning, so I decided to take a walk. The street was very quiet and there were many old people dancing in the square. Without many cars, I realized the city looked so clean and beautiful. Some coffee shops decorates so well, which attrated my eyes. The city was coverd by the green trees, which made it a green city. I liked this feeling so much. At this moment, I found the city was so lovely, I just ingored its beauty usually.





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Hello! My name is Tom,I’m a student of NO.7 Middle school,I like my school,because my school life is very interesting.I like my classmates and teachers.They are very friendly.

Classes begin at 8:00.I have four classes in the morning.I study English,Chinaese,math,biology,history and some other subject.I like English very much,I also like music.But I dont like geography at all.Because it’s very boring. Do you think so?I often have lunch at school,in the afternoon.I have four classes,too.

After school,we have outdoor actives.I usually play basketball with my classmates and sometimes I read books at school library.You must keep quiet at school library.There are so many beautiful flowers and trees in school gardens.And there are some apples on the trees,they are very delicious.I often go home on foot with my friends.

This is my school life. Do you like my school life? I think you must like it very much!



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Myname is Zhang Xin and I study in No.1 Middle School.

Our campus is so large andbeautiful that I am happy to study in our school.

I usually reach school at 7 o’clockand our morning reading begins at half past seven.

I have seven classes a day,four in the morning and three in the afternoon.

I listen to the teachercarefully in the class. But after class, I play very well with my classmates.We have many activities for fun. Our class ends at five o’clock. Generally, I spendhalf an hour in taking part in sport activities. It’s good for my health. I likemy life in school.





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1、 想家,想家,无论我在海角天涯;想家,想家,忍不住泪如雨下。无论我们走得有多远,也走不出你的心啊!无论外面有多复杂,想起你就不再害怕!想家,想家,家是我们永远的根啊!

2、 亲情是无形的,没有人能够说清楚他是什么样子;亲情是无偿的,没有人会让你为此付出钱物;亲情是无价的,世上没有什么事物的价格比得上她;亲情是无私的,世上没有东西比她更能牺牲自己;亲情是无尽的,你的一生无时无刻不在体会到他的存在。

3、 母亲亲手做的热气腾腾的可口红豆粥;爸爸拿手的饭菜因为自己的归来而摆上了餐桌;母亲的唠叨;爸爸的叮咛;睡醒后自己儿时床头明媚的阳光;小鸟在枝头欢唱似乎欢送自己的归来;母亲一遍遍催自己起床的嗔怒;儿时可爱的玩具;夜已深,一家人还在吃着热气腾腾的馄饨汤,一起聊自己儿时的糗事。

4、 这就是我的家,一砖一瓦都用爱去建造。家人的微笑给我不尽的财富,家人的关爱给我无限的力量……我坚信一个人只要有了自己的理想之家,再加之努力与勤奋,成功的目标就会离自己越来越近。“家庭是温暖的港湾”,比喻多么贴切啊!我为我有这个温暖的港湾感到无比自豪。

5、 家是我们永远的依靠,虽说我们都已经长大,但还是舍弃不了那份对家的眷恋。

6、 如果说:幸福就像一个沙漏,你觉得它是在一点一滴的流逝着?还是一点一滴的累积呢?就好比时间,一分一秒的进行着,我们常常会忘记了它的存在;已经过去的美好,藏在记忆里的是幸福,对于未来的期盼,勾勒出的画面是幸福,然而最重要的现在呢?或许,幸福真的需要时间来证明,或者,幸福正在等待时间来完成,但我更宁愿相信,在一分一秒进行的时间里,幸福也在一点一滴的持续经历着。我正在体会:此刻的幸福

7、 无论是在生活中还是学校生活中,无论是苦,是累,是难过,是快乐是兴奋,这都是我们的幸福生活呀!再苦里包含着我们的泪水和汗水和我们的泪水。在累里包好着我么的努力了一天的成果。在快乐里也是我们幸苦一天的成果。在这些里面无论是成功是失败,多事我们的幸福生活。在成功时我们一起分享是快乐的,失败时我们一起分享是苦涩的,但苦涩里也包含着快乐。这才是我们幸福生活的开始,因为我们已不再是小孩子,是一个成熟的大孩子。现在我们懂得什么是叫快乐了,什么叫伤心,什么叫关心,什么叫帮助,什么叫学习。所以我们一定要将恩熙现在的生活!

8、 如果活着,是上帝赋予我最大的使命,那么活者有你,将会是上帝赋予我使命的恩赐。

9、 幸福,原来是有声音的。人们总要在清醒的时候,才听的。只有理智清醒时,还能放心去爱的感情,才是值得永久珍藏的幸福。

10、 周六爸妈一起回来了。我太愉快了。又跟奶奶说,我都不意识我爸了。然后我们一起去姥姥家了。吃完饭,妈妈提议我们三口去看火车,可后来不晓得咋回事,就变成他们带着我一起回市里的家了。多年从前,我也算事业有成,在别人眼中我的生活让人爱慕,我多才多金,倚身上流社会,手一招不知道有多少个“美女”簇拥身边。再回过火来看看曾经的出尘百合,九天仙女现在已被贬为普一般通的家庭主妇,身上感染了世俗的气味,曾经银白润滑的肌肤已微微变黄,眼角的鱼尾纹也浮现出来了。

11、 渐渐岁月挽起年少,我已经离开母亲身边,离开儿时的家,在漂泊的日子里,人生的路途好像那条曲折的山路一样,在某一段路中,以为走到尽头了,一转角,又是一片朗朗晴空,就这样,不停的奔波在一个又一个城市间,偶尔停歇下来,在陌生的街道看着忙忙碌碌的人们,想着家乡那条曲折宁静,散发着青草香味的山路,山路的一端有为我一大早起床做饭的母亲,有高高的门槛,有我摔疼的记忆。

12、 其实,幸福的家庭都很相似,就算没有唠叨却慈爱的父母在等你归来,也会有小鸟依人的爱人和孩子给你深情一吻。而孤独的你呢,就算没有人在等着你,也会有一张舒适的床一盏温暖的灯在等着你。或许,有人天生不恋家。但随着你和渐渐年老的父母之间的话越来越少,变化也会悄然发生,家的亲情和温馨也会慢慢地消磨掉。

13、 母亲亲手做的热气腾腾的可口红豆粥;爸爸拿手的饭菜因为自己的归来而摆上了餐桌;母亲的唠叨;爸爸的叮咛;睡醒后自己儿时床头明媚的阳光;小鸟在枝头欢唱似乎欢送自己的归来;母亲一遍遍催自己起床的嗔怒;儿时可爱的玩具;夜已深,一家人还在吃着热气腾腾的馄饨汤,一起聊自己儿时的糗事。

14、 这就是我的家,一砖一瓦都用爱去建造。家人的微笑给我不尽的财富,家人的关爱给我无限的力量……我坚信一个人只要有了自己的理想之家,再加之努力与勤奋,成功的目标就会离自己越来越近。“家庭是温暖的港湾”,比喻多么贴切啊!我为我有这个温暖的港湾感到无比自豪。

15、 家是我们永远的依靠,虽说我们都已经长大,但还是舍弃不了那份对家的眷恋。

16、 如果说:幸福就像一个沙漏,你觉得它是在一点一滴的流逝着?还是一点一滴的累积呢?就好比时间,一分一秒的进行着,我们常常会忘记了它的存在;已经过去的美好,藏在记忆里的是幸福,对于未来的期盼,勾勒出的画面是幸福,然而最重要的现在呢?或许,幸福真的需要时间来证明,或者,幸福正在等待时间来完成,但我更宁愿相信,在一分一秒进行的时间里,幸福也在一点一滴的持续经历着。我正在体会:此刻的幸福

17、 无论是在生活中还是学校生活中,无论是苦,是累,是难过,是快乐是兴奋,这都是我们的幸福生活呀!再苦里包含着我们的泪水和汗水和我们的泪水。在累里包好着我么的努力了一天的成果。在快乐里也是我们幸苦一天的成果。在这些里面无论是成功是失败,多事我们的幸福生活。在成功时我们一起分享是快乐的,失败时我们一起分享是苦涩的,但苦涩里也包含着快乐。这才是我们幸福生活的开始,因为我们已不再是小孩子,是一个成熟的大孩子。现在我们懂得什么是叫快乐了,什么叫伤心,什么叫关心,什么叫帮助,什么叫学习。所以我们一定要将恩熙现在的生活!

18、 幸福,原来是有声音的。人们总要在清醒的时候,才听的。只有理智清醒时,还能放心去爱的感情,才是值得永久珍藏的幸福。

19、 周六爸妈一起回来了。我太愉快了。又跟奶奶说,我都不意识我爸了。然后我们一起去姥姥家了。吃完饭,妈妈提议我们三口去看火车,可后来不晓得咋回事,就变成他们带着我一起回市里的家了。多年从前,我也算事业有成,在别人眼中我的生活让人爱慕,我多才多金,倚身上流社会,手一招不知道有多少个“美女”簇拥身边。再回过火来看看曾经的出尘百合,九天仙女现在已被贬为普一般通的家庭主妇,身上感染了世俗的气味,曾经银白润滑的肌肤已微微变黄,眼角的鱼尾纹也浮现出来了。

20、 渐渐岁月挽起年少,我已经离开母亲身边,离开儿时的家,在漂泊的日子里,人生的路途好像那条曲折的山路一样,在某一段路中,以为走到尽头了,一转角,又是一片朗朗晴空,就这样,不停的奔波在一个又一个城市间,偶尔停歇下来,在陌生的街道看着忙忙碌碌的人们,想着家乡那条曲折宁静,散发着青草香味的山路,山路的一端有为我一大早起床做饭的母亲,有高高的门槛,有我摔疼的记忆。

21、 其实,幸福的家庭都很相似,就算没有唠叨却慈爱的父母在等你归来,也会有小鸟依人的爱人和孩子给你深情一吻。而孤独的你呢,就算没有人在等着你,也会有一张舒适的床一盏温暖的灯在等着你。或许,有人天生不恋家。但随着你和渐渐年老的父母之间的话越来越少,变化也会悄然发生,家的亲情和温馨也会慢慢地消磨掉。

22、 家,是烙在游子心中深深地印记,无论天南海北,无论富贵贫穷,家永远是游子心中深深地眷恋。

23、 也许,幸福是“临行密密缝,意恐迟迟归”的牵挂;也许,幸福是“但愿人长久,千里共婵娟”的团圆;也许,幸福是“举杯邀明月,对影成三人”的乐趣;也许,幸福是“蓦然回首,那人却在灯火阑珊处”的喜悦……

24、 家,是烙在游子心中深深地印记,无论天南海北,无论富贵贫穷,家永远是游子心中深深地眷恋。

25、 也许,幸福是“临行密密缝,意恐迟迟归”的牵挂;也许,幸福是“但愿人长久,千里共婵娟”的团圆;也许,幸福是“举杯邀明月,对影成三人”的乐趣;也许,幸福是“蓦然回首,那人却在灯火阑珊处”的喜悦……



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I remember 9 months ago, I was in a hurry to prepare for the college exam. I was afraid I couldnt get to my favorite school at the time. But at last I realized my dream. Now I study Chinese in my favorite university, Hanoi University.

After going to college, my life didnt change too much. Because I live and study in Hanoi, so I dont have to leave the family or rent a house. My home is not far from school, just 15 minutes by bike. But, to be honest, I prefer to live away from home, because I can live on my own, and I can feel the feeling of homesickness.

After the study, everything here is very new to me. I study in a new environment, know a lot of new friends, learn a lot of new knowledge, and so on. At first I felt a little nervous. But now Im getting used to it. The classmates of our class are all very united, often help each other to learn, there is a collective activity, we all join. When I came to school, I felt that I was not very nervous, but more and more knowledge was needed to learn. People know that Chinese characters are very complicated and difficult to remember, so every day I work hard and I will ask the teacher where I dont understand. I think college learning is not the same as high school, because high school, we students often passive learning, but in the University, we mainly study. There is no teacher to remind you of your study. You will lag behind if you dont study.

When I went to college, I was impressed by the library. The library of my school is big and beautiful. There are all kinds of books and quiet. So every day after class, I go there to study and read. There is a big stadium in my school. Every afternoon, I will go there with my friends. For example, playing basketball, dispersing and so on, it feels very easy.

During college, I had only half a days class time, so I spent the rest of the time working to earn money to increase my experience. During the University, we can also participate in community activities except for study. It is very helpful to help others, because we are all hot blooded young people.

Learning not only studies knowledge at the University, but I can learn experience. I hope to study at college in four years can make me grow up.









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Ladies and gentlemen,attention please!


I have something important to tell you.


We are going to have a lecture in the library at 3:00 this afternoon.


The speaker will bean American professor.


He will talk about air pollution.


Please be there on time.


That’s all. Thank you!


How have you been recently?


I am writing to tell you a piece of good news.


I am looking forward to your early reply.



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我的学校生活My School Life

Howtime flies! It has been three years since I came to the school. My school isbeautiful and there are many beautiful flowers and trees. The teachers are sokind though there is always too much homework. My classmates are all veryfriendly to each other. We always help each other. I have learned a lot fromthem and made a lot of friends. I enjoy my school life. However, I dont dowell in math. I’ll try my best to study math during the summer holidays. NowIm going to say goodbye to my teachers and classmates. Ill miss my schoollife.




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In recent years, the global warming gets increasingly attention. More and

more people make contribution to stop the global warming. Therefore, a new

lifestyle occurs--low carbon life. What can we do to live in low carbon?

First, remember to turn off lights and turn off the faucet when you do not

need to use. Use the energy-saving lamps. There are many small things we can do

to save resources. Second, when we go out, take public transport as much as

possible, to reduce gas emissions and to ease the transporting pressures.

All in all, there are many other things we can do to live in the low carbon

life. It needs us to do something practically. If everyone can keep this

lifestyle from now on, it will greatly change the situation and our home would

become more beautiful.



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尽管有很多事让人忧虑,但相比而言,值得感激的事要多得多。尽管生命的美好有时被蒙上阴影,但它却永远不会被埋没。 相对于每一个无谓的破坏行为而言,都有更多数以千计更为微小的,包含着爱,友善和同情的举动静静地上演着。相对于每一个试图伤害他人的人而言,都有更多的人致力于帮助他人,治愈他人的创伤。 生命的美好不能否认。 在最为壮观的前景和最为琐碎的细节中,请仔细观察,因为美好的事物总是散发着耀眼的光芒闪亮登场。 生命的美好没有界限。每一次相遇都会使这美好变得越发丰富。你经历得越多,越能欣赏生命的美好,生命中的美好就会变得越多。 即使当寒风袭来,整个世界似乎被雾气掩盖之时,生命的美好仍会存在。睁开双眼,打开心扉,你就会发现这美好无处不在。 尽管生命的美好有时似乎遭受挫折,但它总会挺过来。因为,在最黑暗的时刻,有一点变得格外清楚,那就是,生命是无价的财富。因此,下正是与生命的美好相对立的事物使其越发强大。 无数次地,当你担心这美好已经远离之时,你会发现生命的美好其实只与你相隔须臾。它就在下一角落,存在于每个时刻之间,等着给你惊喜。 花些时间让生命的美好感动自己的灵魂,放松自己的思绪。然后,把你的幸运与他人分享。因为生命的美好会在每次给予之间变得越来越壮观。 尽管总是有问题让你去关注,冲突也似乎愈演愈烈,但生命的美好却总是静静地,平和地,带着比以往更强的意志和更多的价值变得更加强大。




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Dear parents,

Words fail me when I want to express my thanks to you. You have taken good care of me since I was born.When I am in trouble,you always encourage me and cheer me up.Once I argued with my best friend and was upset,you talked with me the whole night and finally helped me solve the problem. With your help,I have become a good student.I am so thankful for your love that I will work harder and try to do better in the future.

Best wishes


Zhang hua



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We have lived in lida school for more than one year. i enjoy all the time here because it can bring me a lot of things such as feelings, knowledge and other things i need.

There are many trees and flowers around us. the trees are green all the year. when we sit in the classroom and look out of the windows, we can see a big tree shaking its strong arms to us. it is really wonderful.

In some ways, our thoughts are at large. perhaps it makes our brains creative. i believe that nothing can tie up my mind even it stands for authority. the free life is just like our school life.

In our school, of course, there are both success and failure. we should not be proud but modest because there are too many people much better than myself. actually, we also should muster up courage and work harder.

I like to sing:

“We are honest.

We always keep promises.

We often think a lot.

We are never afraid of anything.”

So we have our own school life different from others.

At last, it is impossible for me to resist the temptation to say: what a perfect school life i have!




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大学生活是指读大学期间的生活 。大学是知识的海洋,这里有浩瀚的图书资料和先进的仪器设备,能使大学生接触广博的知识,培养必要的专业技能,学习与人处事的方法。小编为你整理了有关大学生活作文英语,希望对你有所参考帮助。

I am proud of being a college student. I like my college life as it is so wonderful time in my youth. As being born in small village of the remote countryside, I didnt have a good education environment. However, I set a goal and felt confident to be a college student. After hard study, I passed the entrance examination of national college by excellent achievement. All people were proud of me, as I was the first college student in my village. I was farewell warmly by them when I came to school. I was warmly welcome by school, too. After then, I’ve felt my study is not only for myself but also for the honor of my village neighborhood and our school.

The college life is wonderful. All life in school are fresh. New teachers, new classmates and fresh friends are around me. I’ve felt their friendship, wide knowledge and opening mind. The grand library, school buildings and wide playground are very attracting to me. I am very eager to learn much knowledge quickly. In high school, I was ever called as a runner before time. Now,I know I am behind time so much in fact. I hope to catch up with the time by my hard studying. Every day, you can see me get up early, doing exercise hard and go to school the first one. At night, I am the one who leaves away the library. The most interesting thing is that I can’t speak the PUTONGHUA well and made many funny events at the beginning, as I am from South. When I entered the classroom at first time, I was headache as I couldn’t understand what the professor was speaking. I met much difficulties at math, physics and other courses, even though I used to be good at these sciences. Therefore, I learn these courses myself after class. After three months, the exmination indicated that I overcame all the difficlties. I also improved my listening and spoken ability of Chinese quickly. Communication is very important to my college life. I studyEnglish hard as well. It makes me have many chances to communicate with foreigners. I made friends with many foreign teachers and students. From them, I learn many knowledge about foreign cultures. The computer room is another place I like to staying. I contact the outside world by the internet. All the News, advance science, and the information about internal and outside of China.

Besides study, my college life is also very colorful. I’d like to take any chance to improve my communication skill. I am the monitor and playing an active role in class and school. Last year, I organized a speech match in management department. All the classmates were very interested in this kind of activity. I learned from them much about their hometown, their knowledge and opinions. At the same time, I shew my beautiful hometown to everyone. In school, I take care all the classmates around me. I am so poor due to from the romote countryside. The school pay most the fee for my education. I feel very happy. However, I know some classmates are poorer than me. I am willing to care them and encourage each other.

My college life is long and short. I believe that I can spend a good time in the four years. I hope I will have no any regretion when I look back the short youth of college in the future. Thanks!



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Nowadays ,many people are talking about low carbon living. I think each and every one of us is responsible for the greenhouse gases we emit in our daily actions and choices. Therefore, combating climate change is going to take the combined efforts of everyone on the planet.

2010 World Expo was held in Shanghai. Shanghai Expo theme is "Better City, Better Life." As a student, we should do something about environmental protection. For example, plant trees, save water and less your car.



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Among all the highlighted topics, there is “how to live a meaning life?” Everyone has his or her own opinion. As the saying has it, “the greatest use of life is to spend it for something that will outlast it.” I cannot agree any more.

If our life is just to pursue something for ourselves, we will surely feel fruitless and meaningless when we grow old. From Steve Jobs’s bibliography, we can get that the people who are crazy enough to think they can change the world are the ones who do. Steve Jobs has brought a great many changes to our world. His life, although short, definitely outlast. That’s a life worth living.

Therefore, if there is a way to make my life meaningful, it should be to find something I’m interested in and also helpful to others or the whole society. Only in this way can I keep my passion throughout my life until I finally fulfil my life.







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Nowadays, with the development of technology, the market competition is

fierce and people feel great pressure. In order to improve the working

efficiency, they force themselves to work overtime. However, they are not

machine and need to slow down life pace, or they will break down sooner or


We cant slow down the working hour, but we can control our private time. A

lot of young people mix with working time and private time, so they cant enjoy

their life and feel depressed all the time. The smart person will find the

balance. They will put aside the working stuff when the clock tells them that it

is time to be off work and find the way to release their pressure, such as


Spending the time with friends and families is always a good way to enjoy

our time. No matter what kind of difficulties we face, when we recall of these

happy moments, we will have motivation to move on. We cant choose everything we

want, but we can adjust ourselves to the environment and keep the good mood.

Once life pace slows down, we control our life.



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a new term began. students all returned to school and met again. they were talking about what they had done in the holidays. i was much happier. i couldnt wait to tell my story. now its my turn. i told them i got a job in a restaurant. i worked as a waitress. they didnt believe at first.

"yes, its true. "i said," i really had a hard time at the beginning. but several days later, i could do a good job. i earned six hundred yuan this holiday. "they all looked at me with their mouths open.




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It was the first day of our summer holiday. All of us were very happy. Why? Because we have one months to do things we love to do. We are free.Although we have some homework. But we can finish them in several days. And the rest time we can make good use of. My god! We have been very tired after hard studying. In winter holidays, I want to have full sleepand eat good food in order to replenish myself. Last but not the least, I will have a good rest.



Today I found time was a cruel thing. Whatever man is, time always goes on. It won’t stay to wait for somebody. You can’t use anything to exchange time. Time is also a fair thing. Although you have a lot of money or you enjoy high reputation, time won’t leave them more. Today I found I hadn’t enough time. Although I have more than a-month holiday, but I found I had a lot of things to do. I had a lot of homework to do and I am essential to complete the homework as soon as I have time.



It was the first day of our summer holiday. All of us were very happy. Why? Because we have one months to do things we love to do. We are free.Although we have some homework. But we can finish them in several days. And the rest time we can make good use of. My god! We have been very tired after hard studying. In winter holidays, I want to have full sleepand eat good food in order to replenish myself. Last but not the least, I will have a good rest.




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My winter vacation


During the winter vacation, nothing is different for my life. I wake up 11 o’clock Am everyday, after a washing, I have a good lunch with my parents. Next I play computer games till the time to have supper. After have dinner. I go on playing till 2 o’clock Am, and then go to sleep with tired. This is one dull day of my winter vacation.


But I haven’t bored all the time. Sometimes I read the books, sometime I listen to the music or the radio in the bed,because it was very cold outside and snowy all the day. And I also meet some of my good friends during the vacation ,we have a very long talk about the life of each other in the past year and play table tennis tegether .And I watched the spring festival party of the CCTV in the last seconds of the 2011 year! I think this is the thing most people of china doing at that time.

