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just had a disease, the motherland and we still love it!武汉只是生了一场病,祖国和我们依然爱它!


so many people sticking it out, why wouldnt we try.有这么多人都在坚守,我们有什么理由不去努力。


Clean hands with soap and water or alcohol-based hand rub.用肥皂或者用含酒精的洗手液洗手。


Cover nose and mouth when coughing and sneezing with tissue or flexed



where there is epidemic, fight it till it perishes.疫情就是命令,防控就是责任。


Wuhan wins, Hubei wins. If Hubei wins, the whole country



lives is of paramount importance.生命重于泰山。


to the most beautiful retrograde! This is the role of medical workers! Come



viruses but not love, because love is the best bridge.隔离病毒但不隔离爱,因为爱是最好的桥梁。


epidemic is ruthless, and I believe that spring will always





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导语:一生当中,真正属于自己的时光就那么几次。大多数时光里,我们不是在重复自己的生活,就是在重复别人的生活。下面是yuwenmi小编为大家整理的感悟生活的句子,欢迎阅读与借鉴,谢谢! ​





















































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I often go to see my grandma and grandpa during winter vacation。 They are both seventy years old and live in the country happily。 I can do many interesting things there。 I am used to getting up early in the morning and breathing the fresh air in the countryside。 After snow, I would like to skate and ski with my friends。 When night comes, I am used to sitting by the fire and listening to grandma telling me many funny stories。 And I tell her some new things happening in the city。 When I have to go back, I am always reluctant to go。 I really feel happy living in the country。





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When we sit in front of the television to watch the colorful programs we hand on the mouse in the computer world; when we are in the spring season with relish eatingwatermelon...... We may have thought: what brings our life change so much? Is science!Is a great strength of science and technology, changing everything around us, changed the world! With the progress of science and technology, the face of the world what has changed? Grandma said: people live longer! Developed in science, hunger and diseasehas been a threat to the enemy of human existence, countless people by disease and starvation mercilessly killed precious life. Chinas establishment of the new China, the average life expectancy of the population was only 35 years old. No wonder her old grandmother before talking about "life rarely live to seventy" sigh. And now, what have Iheadache and fever, to the hospital to buy some medicine to fight a few needles. So, my grandmother very happy all day long to boast of good health, what people live a hundred years is not surprising "said! Dad said: our work easier! No longer the same --face loess back into the air like a grandfather when, on the hard physical labor, on theelusive God dinner. In the use of high-tech agricultural park, arable land, sowing,harvesting and other procedures can be used to manage the computer, to complete for agricultural machinery. It makes people from heavy manual labor freed. Mother said: our life better! Before, people always worry about the problem of food and clothing. The development of science and technology, let us fill the rice bag, filled with vegetable, not only to eat, and eat well, eat more rich. Last year, my family also built two four storey building. I also have their own little world, father is still in my room to install air conditioning, warm in winter and cool in summer, I can sit comfortably An Jingjing, writingin reading story books. I want to say, I feel that the progress of science and technology,the world has become smaller! The annual Spring Festival, Zhang uncle next door tothe long-distance telephone, and as far away as Taiwans brother call to congratulate,separated by thousands of miles of the family in the ear. You want to learn from India,along the way to travel over land and water, brave the wind and dew, experienced all kinds of hardships, had walked for several years before they reached their destination.Now, fast and safe vehicle, ship, aircraft and other transportation our footprints inalmost all the places on earth. The "five one" festival, our family went to the capital Beijing! In the east of the world, our ancestors invented gunpowder, the compass,printing, papermaking, creating its own brilliant history. We are lucky to grow in a new era, science has never been so dazzlingly beautiful flowers, the road of science has never been so wide. Students, let us from an early age to develop good habit of lovescience, science, scientific spirit, and climb the heights of science, to create a beautiful home.



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coronavirus came to our side light of heart from care and the carefree




novel coronavirus is named after a crown. He was like a proud and ignorant king

who locked people in his home and could not go out.



Spring Festival in 2020, in the hearts of all Chinese people, is destined to be

a memorable memory forever. The novel coronaviruss raging force makes the bell

ring for the old and new year more heavy, and the mask on peoples faces makes

the Spring Festival feel cold.



virus has brought great disaster to human beings. I want to say to you, "come

on! We have a way to deal with this virus, we will win! "





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Thursday, November 16 rain Left upright, raised his right foot, bouncing off his toes straight, and 45 ° angle into the ground ... the instructor shouted hoarse. Today is the first day of military training, we all suffer students, instructors stringent requirements, we do it difficult

I secretly peeping out of the side of the students, skew Tampa, Pakistan eye, brow tight, physical shaking, it seems that everyone suffered torture, Variety ... rain and tears along glowing red on the cheek as the river and under. We usually stand down the Jiaoxiaojie in these temper, not only did not cry, but very brave, look optimistic, Gangyi, Jin is not happening, indeed admirable.



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Winter holiday is coming,and I have a plan about it.


I get up at 8:00,then do the morning exercise in the park which is near my home,then do my homework,sometimes I watch TV,sometimes I play computer games,I think it is very good.


During the holiday we will have the Spring Festival,it is one of the most important festival in China,we are very happy because we can have red packets,eat many delicious food,wear new clothes.


So,I think this Winter holiday will be very happpy.I like it.




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( 1 ) 慎言,独立,学会妥协的同时,也要坚持自己的底线。

( 2 ) 因为思之太切的心与心的交融,撞击心扉带来的微微疼痛,从未有过的感觉,所以盈满从未有过的欣喜。

( 3 ) 你要是一直想改变他,那样子你会痛苦。要学学怎样忍受他才是。你要学学怎样包容他才是。

( 4 ) 但只要咬牙撑过去,一切都不一样了。无论你是谁,无论你正在经历什么,坚持住,你定会看见最坚强的自己。

( 5 ) 谁都会有低落的时候,但是不要让它影响你向前就好,变成一个更让自己喜欢的自己,然后遇到一个不需要取悦的人。

( 6 ) 同样的瓶子,你为什么要装毒药呢?同样的心理,你为什么要充满着烦恼呢

( 7 ) 我允许你走进我的世界,但不允许在我的世界走来走去。

( 8 ) 人生只有三天,活在昨天的人迷惑,活在明天的人等待,活在今天的人最踏实。

( 9 ) 来生的缘,可以是今生结下的;来生的果,可以是今生种下的。前世的债,今生正在还。还不,来生还得继续。前世的缘,今生正在实现,好不容易盼到了,还不好好把握?

( 10 ) 创造机会的人是勇者。等待机会的人是愚者。

( 11 ) 当你劝告别人时,若不顾及别人的自尊心,那么再好的言语都没有用的。

( 12 ) 无人能从世俗的羁绊中解脱出来,是爬起来比倒下去多一次,用汗水代替口水而已,也唯有如此,方能让生命在磨难中得到升华。

( 13 ) 梦虽虚幻,却是自己的梦想;位虽低微,却是自己的岗位;屋虽简陋,却是自己的家;志虽渺小,却是自己的追求。

( 14 ) 位虽低微,却是自己的岗位;屋虽简陋,却是自己的家;志虽渺小,却是自己的追求。

( 15 ) 你不要一直不满人家,你应该一直检讨自己才对。不满人家,是苦了你自己。

( 16 ) 人生不必长睡,死后自会长眠。

( 17 ) 根本不必回头去看咒骂你的人是谁?如果有一条疯狗咬你一口,难道你也要趴下去反咬他一口吗?

( 18 ) 现在的我,不埋怨谁,不嘲笑谁,也不羡慕谁。阳光下灿烂,风雨中奔跑,做自己的梦,走自己的路。一切都好,真的,都很好。

( 19 ) 学会低调,取舍间,必有得失。做自己的决定,然后准备好承担后果。

( 20 ) 不想做颓废落寞的人,所以,精致的生活,所以,快乐的工作,还有,淡淡的想你,间或,淡淡的流泪。

( 21 ) 一个人如果不能从内心去原谅别人,那他就永远不会心安理得。

( 22 ) 心中装满着自己的看法与想法的人,永远听不见别人的心声。

( 23 ) 虽然行动不一定能带来满意的结果,但是不行动就绝对不会有满意的结果。

( 24 ) 不要在你的智慧中夹杂着傲慢。不要使你的谦虚心缺乏智慧。

( 25 ) 大气的人生,像北极星一样璀璨永恒。让心豁达起来,不要惋惜过去,而应换一种观点换一种心情去生活。

( 26 ) 毁灭人只要一句话,培植一个人却要千句话,请你多口下留情。

( 27 ) 有一种失败叫做成功之母,有一种爱叫做放手,因此有一种单身叫做宁缺毋滥。

( 28 ) 生命不是一场赛跑,而是一次旅行。比赛在乎终点,而旅行在乎沿途风景。

( 29 ) 该坚持时就坚持,以不变应万变,该改变时就改变,以万变应不变。

( 30 ) 其实路并没有错,错的是选择,爱并没有错,错的是缘分,所以无论何地,一路的风景总是有限的,终究会有美好的。

( 31 ) 每个人出生的时候都是原创的,可悲的是很多人渐渐都变成了盗版。

( 32 ) 再坚决的爱情终究躲不过时间和金钱的考验。

( 33 ) 多一分心力去注意别人,就少一分心力反省自己,你懂吗?

( 34 ) 欲知世上刀兵劫,但听屠门夜半声。不要光埋怨自己多病,灾祸横生,多看看横死在你刀下的众生又有多少?

( 35 ) 憎恨别人对自己是一种很大的损失。愿我做到这一切,只为久等的旧人……

( 36 ) 天晴了,撒了泡尿,反射出彩虹。能说不能做,不是真智慧。

( 37 ) 强者不是没有眼泪,只是可以含着眼泪向前奔跑。

( 38 ) 明白付出并不一定有结果。过去的事情可以不忘记,但一定要放下。要快乐,要坚韧,要温暖,给予真诚。

( 39 ) 多用心去倾听别人怎么说,不要急着表达你自己的看法。

( 40 ) 你要包容那些意见跟你不同的人,这样子日子比较好过。

( 41 ) 得不到的东西,我们会一直以为他是美好的,那是因为你对他了解太少,没有时间与他相处在一起。

( 42 ) 没有欢笑的时光,是虚度的光阴。当有一天,你深入了解后,你会发现原不是你想像中的那么美好。

( 43 ) 活着一天,就是有福气,就该珍惜。当我哭泣我没有鞋子穿的时候,我发现有人却没有脚。

( 44 ) 承认自己的伟大,就是认同自己的愚疑。

( 45 ) 每一次的考验,都有一份收获;每一次的泪水,都有一次醒悟;每一次的磨难,都有生命的财富。

( 46 ) 每一次的伤痛,都是成长的支柱。每一次的打击,都是坚强的后盾。

( 47 ) 活着必定要经历一些挫折,而我们依然坚强战胜每一次挫折,只要我们还活着,就值得庆幸!

( 48 ) 每个人真正强大起来都要度过一段没人帮忙,没人支持的日子。所有事情都是一个人撑,所有情绪都是只有自己知道。

( 49 ) 所谓的成长,就是越来越能接受自己本来的样子,也能更好的和挫败的自己相处,并且接受它,然后面对它。

( 50 ) 人生旅程中,平坦顺畅也好,泥泞低谷也罢,都应该坦然面对。因为在这世界上,本不存在极乐天堂。

( 51 ) 上天对每人都是公平的,它在关上一扇门的同时,必定会打开一扇窗。无论多么糟糕的东西,世界都为其预留了位置。

( 52 ) 人生无常,再明媚的春天,偶尔也会有云翳遮住阳光,再平静的湖面,也会有点点涟漪,学会接受百味生活。

( 53 ) 将来的你,一定会感谢现在现在拼命的你。

( 54 ) 我们缺少的不是机遇,而是对机遇的把握;我们缺少的不是理想,而是身体力行的实践。

( 55 ) 有了成绩要马上忘掉,这样才不会自寻烦恼;有了困难要寻找对策,这样才能迎刃而解。

( 56 ) 忌妒别人,不会给自己增加任何的好处。忌妒别人,也不可能减少别人的成就。

( 57 ) 永远不要浪费你的一分一秒,去想任何你不喜欢的人。

( 58 ) 有一个清醒的头脑比有一个聪明的头脑更重要;有一身勇气和胆识比有一门知识更强劲。

( 59 ) 如果你想快点成名,那么就得慢点睡觉;如果你想慢点淘汰,那么就得快点迈步。

( 60 ) 人生需要一点冒险精神,否则就抢占不了“高地”;人生需要一点风险意识,这样才能有效保护自己。

( 61 ) 每一个人都拥有生命,但并非每个人都懂得生命,乃至于珍惜生命。不了解生命的人,生命对他来说,是一种惩罚。

( 62 ) 自以为拥有财富的人,其实是被财富所拥有。

( 63 ) 不怕路远,就怕志短;不怕缓慢,就怕常站;不怕贫穷,就怕惰懒;不怕对手悍,就怕自己颤。

( 64 ) 好心情才会有好风景,好眼光才会有好发现,好思考才会有好主意。

( 65 ) 安乐给人予舒适,却又给人予早逝;劳作给人予磨砺,却能给人予长久。

( 66 ) 健康的才是美丽的,合适的才是最好的,常新的才是迷人的,平凡的才是伟大的,坚韧的才是长久的,真实的才是永恒的。

( 67 ) 世间的事情都是如此:当你刻意地追求时,它就像蝴蝶一样振翅飞远;当你专心致志之时,意外的收获已悄悄来到你的身边!

( 68 ) 虽然我们不能决定自己生命的长度,但可以拓宽它的宽度;虽然我们不能改变容貌,但可以展现笑容;虽然我们不能控制他人,但可以掌握自己。

( 69 ) 当你知道迷惑时,并不可怜,当你不知道迷惑时,才是最可怜的。

( 70 ) 在找到合适的另一半之前,唯一需要做的是让自己足够的优秀。

( 71 ) 失败是学习过程中必经的阶段,你若未曾失败过,只能说明你承受的还不够。

( 72 ) 遇到困难不要抱怨,既然改变不了过去,那就改变未来。

( 73 ) 恋爱不是慈善事业,不能随便施舍的。感情是没有公式,没有原则,没有道理可循的。可是人们至死都还在执着与追求。

( 74 ) 请你用慈悲心和温和的态度,把你的不满与委屈说出来,别人就容易接受。

( 75 ) 多少人要离开这个世间时,都会说出同一句话,这世界真是无奈与凄凉啊!

( 76 ) 赫尔岑说:会在快乐时微笑,也要学会在困难中微笑。

( 77 ) 这个世界从来不缺乏机遇,而是缺少抓住机遇的手。

( 78 ) 有这样胸怀的人,从不回头去寻觅昨日黄花,而是快乐地去追求明日繁星。

( 79 ) 如果你有想法就要赶紧付出行动,别担心失败或者困难重重,你才能超越自我,创造属于自己的辉煌。



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My School life


My name is Beth.Im 14 years old,and I study in No.1 Middle School of Hangzhou.My school is very big and beautiful.Im very happy in the school.


I usually get up at 6:15 in the morning.Then I do morning exercises in the playground.At 6:40,I have my breakfast.You can see many students and teachers in the dinning room.After breakfast,I often read English with my classmates.


We have six classes every day.The first class begins at 7:50 am.I like all the classes for my teachers can make the classes lively and interesting.My favorite subject is English,so I join English Corner every week.I can speak English with many other students there.Its very interesting and exciting.I think its helpful for me to learn English well.After class,I always play games with my friends.We play soccer ball,basketball,volleyball,ping-pong and so on.They are very relaxing.


I like my lessons,my friends and my teachers.In a word,I love my school.I find my school life more and more meaningful and colorful.My school life is wonderful,isnt it?




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Since I went to college, I feel so excited about the new chapter of my

life. I have imagined the campus life for so many years. Now I finally come to

this stage. I have much time after class, so I need to learn to deal with it.

After two years’ struggling, I find the right way to spend my time.

The first thing for every college student is to learn major knowledge. In

China, so many students think college time is used to play instead of study, so

they skip class. This is a big mistake. College is the stage for students to

master practical skills, which decides what kind of job they will work on. So I

study very hard from Monday to Friday. I don’t want to miss the important


The second thing for college students is to join the after-class

activities. Joining the activities can not only learn more skills, such as dance

and sports, but also can make friends. Campus is like a small society. Students

need to learn to make connections with other students, so that they can win more

chances. I learn a lot from my new friends and know how to communicate.

My college life is wonderful, I learn both knowledge and social skills.



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Hello,everyone! My Winter vacation`s life was so interesting.Do you want to know what I did during the Winter vacation? Well, at the first week, I did my homework,surfed the Internet,played computer games and watched TV. At the second week, I helped my parents with housewrk, so I did the dishes, washed lots of my parents` clothes and helped them take out the trash. At the third week, I chatted with my girl friend on mobile phone and we both had a good time.I had a happy Winter vacation`s life ! So how about you? What did you do during the Winter vacation?



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I live with my father and mother in a very big house in Dongguan. My parents are both very busy. They leave for work very early in the morning and don’t return home until late in the evening.

When I am home on weekends from school, we spend a lot of time together. We talk about my studies, my health and my school life. I love my parents very much.

My grandparents are still living, but they don’t live with us. Their health is good and they both do sports very early in the morning. My grandmother does gymnastics with elderly women her age in the park. Both of my grandfathers play basketball in the morning and sometimes they go swimming.

Chinese people eat rice for every meal, but I don’t like rice because I think it is tasteless! We eat meat, fish and vegetables. My family eats noodles and congee. My favorite is noodles.

I often play computer games because I like it so much. I often watch Japanese cartoon movies with my parents on the weekends. On long holidays we take trips, too.

That is my description of typical family life in China.



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summertime is the besttime of the year。there is no school for months and i get to do what i want。with no tests and no homework,im as free as a bird。

i do many things during the summer vacation。i relax by reading books and watching tv。i also hang out with my friends and travel with my family。however,i dont only play in summer。i take advantage of the free time to learn more。for example,last summer i learned to swim。this summer i might study computers or english。summer vacation flies by fast,so its important to do as much as you can。




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There are many things in the world. Compare to those, people is a very small part of the world, so it is very difficult and lucky to be a person in the world. Thanks to my monther.I should live happy to thanks my monther. When she see my smile, she will be happy too. She will think that all she does for me is deserved. I think that the meaning of live is not only make myself or my month happy, but also bring the happies to all of the people around me.Hope everyone in the world can live happily.

life is to grow up. I dont like to be a child. I would like to be a elder sister/brother, a monther/father. big person can have money, beautiful dress. Their words are always right. Child should liston to them.I hope that I can grow up quickly.




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Time, can really fast, I cant catch the fast. Twinkling of an eye, this two months of summer vacation, draw to a close, I dont know what to say. Sitting in front of the computer, dull, total want to indulge in his own weaving dreams, do not want to wake up. Time the old man, anyway, I put the summer vacation time all away from me.

Really, quick opening, want to say something, but I dont know where to start. This summer vacation, the raising of the third summer vacation. My friends asked me, how things this summer vacation. I answered: I, not very happy, they asked: why, yes, why, why, perhaps because of mother promised me to hangzhou line, did not go into, perhaps because the deadlock good friends relationship, maybe its my wayward didnt cram school. Too many reasons, too many stories.

Summer vacation, not happy, now, is hate me, I know the grade, but I was not a good preview course in grade 3, really, at this moment, good regret. I know, regret is useless, so, I see, this summer vacation again how unhappy, but always in time you angry, slip regret, not grasp you.

Good refueling ah, in the third, study hard!

Summer vacation is over. All the wind scattered, start a new life!



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My School Life

I like my school .My school life is nice,too.Now,I will tell you something about my school life.I usually qo to school at seven o"clock.We have eight lessons every day.At about five o"clock,Igo homeand do my homework.My school life isn"tvery intreseting,but it is very useful for me.



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8College life

When I was young at high school,I couldnt stop dreaming about my college life again and again.Suffering too much pressure form college entrance test,I always admired college students for their relaxed life in college.

In my personal opinion,living in university is  an enjoyment.Every day we can open our eyes naturally,and put on clothes in our own style without warring about teachers rigid control.Communicating with great master is no longer beyond our reach.Each course we take can be a feast for our mind and soul.After class,we will lead a rich and colorful life filled with various leisure activities such as .Library in  university is another factor I pursue.I think its an access to enhancing our comprehensive abilities to read even just scan all  sorts of

writings.Whats more,we will have so much disposable time that we can do whatever worthy.And our contact group will be extended signally via organizing and participating many activities.All in all,I once imagined that I can live a life that is substantial but meaningful.

However,I just have to admit that what I just describe is really dream.Now living in SD I cant figure out what I pursue and make a feasible career planning.So many young cynics in this schoolyard  argue for something meaningless.Worse still,the academic atmosphere has already done with nothing left.I havent found a busy but rich thing to try my best.As a matter of fact,I even cant choose a lifestyle I prefer.What a tragedy it is between dream and reality. 篇二:大学生活英语作文怎么写

Life in the university is not as satisfactory as what we had expected.

First of all, we are tightly hound by continual classes, excessive homework and exams; some students complain that we are becoming “exam machines”. Secondly, the teaching method is boring; instead of lecturing, some teachers just “read” lessons. Finally, living conditions need to be improved; and food in the dining-hall is far from being attractive and tasteful.

In spite of all these adversities we still enjoy our life in the university. During the four-year university study, we can not only acquire a lot of book learning, but also foster various abilities. All types of extracurricular activities such as sports meets, speech contests, different social gatherings and dancing parties provide opportunities to make friends; many of these friendships may last a long time.

In short,we should value our life in the university. Four years is only a short period when compared with our whole lifetime. In the university we mature, and in the university we prepare ourselves for the real world. Although there are many things lacking, the four years in the university is a worthwhile period in our whole lifetime.



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As a sophomore, I am feeling the time flies. Recalling about the past one year, so many thoughts are flooding in my mind. At this time, I just can’t tell my real idea. The memory is just like so fresh, and all the things happened yesterday!

When first day I came to University, I really feel that the school is very good, but at the first sight of the dormitory, something disappointing come up to me! The condition of the dormitory is really very poor with only one room, no lavatory! I saw something sad in my father’s eyes, maybe that time he thought of the poor condition! So with a big smile on my face, I told my father” it doesn’t matter, Dad. In this kind of condition, I will get myself better!” My father felt better. But when he was coming back, seeing his back, I just wanted to cry! I felt in this city I was just isolated, from that time, I said to myself, “ you have no others who can help you here, just depend on yourself”

And then I came to my dormitory 303. I considered that I would spend four years here (in fact I moved to another one year later) and my dorm mates are all there. Most of them came from Sichuan and they were chatting with a happy voice, but I can’t understand them! Again, I felt myself isolated! I hated that kind of feeling, and then I said to hello to them! To my surprise they are very friendly to me and warm-hearted! I no longer felt afraid. And I got along well with them. But at the first night here, I burst out to tears for that I was missing my family. I don’t know why. Everyday when I was at home, I was just eager to go to school, to experience the wonderful college life but when coming here, I am just eager to go back! It’s quite strange though, you must know this kind of feeling!

Just spending about 2 days here, we were on our way to military train. To us, it’s a fresh train and a kind of experience to know the life between the classmates. But to me, I was nervous but excited. This was my first and precious train life because before going to school I have been staying with my family. So, you know, it’s just this kind of feeling I can’t convey it clearly! The train life is impressive on everybody; we had a lot of activities, for example giving a speech on a stage or singing together or playing basketball. At that time, I felt myself so little among them. All of them have a special talent but not me. I admired them but meanwhile jealousy. Why don’t I have this kind of talent? Am I stupid? I always said to myself. So that time I was also very ambitious, just eager to catch up with them. Except the classmates, the trainer in our team also left a deep impression on me! He was not very handsome and very kind. Just because of his kindness results in my laughter when training. He always said to me that I should be serious in the team but I didn’t listen to him. So after a long time, when investigating the training result, I gave them a disappointing answer.




