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Making Every Day Earth Day

Now the earth is in bad condition. For example, in some places, the air and water pollution is so serious that it causes many deaths. At the same time, many animals and plants are in danger because of the destruction of their habitats.

Luckily, we human beings have realized the problem. On April 22nd, millions of people across the world do something good for the earth. Some clean up beaches and water, some pick up rubbish, others give speeches to call on more people to take action. But can we save the earth only by one day’s work? The future of our planet depends on our efforts. What we should do is to make every day Earth Day. Only by taking good care of it every day can we hope to live in harmony with nature.




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1) 遭受挫折,并不是坏事。因为,人生的最终结果是一个极大值函数(由所有尝试中最成功的一次决定),而不是一个平均值函数。即使现在,我每天在生活中,还是会遭到拒绝。之所以会这样,这也只是因为我在不停尝试。

2) 没必要和命运争吵,顺其自然才彼此相安。成功的路径不止一条,不要循规蹈矩,更不要冥顽不化,此路不通,不妨换条路试一试。不要什么都逼着自己去选择,越害怕失去就越容易失去。顺其自然,内心会逐渐清朗,思想的负担也会随之减轻。只有顺其自然,才能随遇而安。

3) 人生的成功不在于拿到一副好牌,而是怎样将坏牌打好,做任何事情,我们都不应该半途而废,哪怕前行的道路再苦再难,也要坚持下去,你如果要想赢,就一定不能怕输。不怕输,结果未必能赢。但是怕输,结果则一定是输。

4) 我喜欢坚强的面对,勇敢的欢笑,因此我的生活也更加的多姿多彩。不必强求什么,也不必刻意在乎什么,人生不如意十之八九,何不让幸福细水长流呢?当无情的打击到来时,我们的笑靥就是最好的回击;当命运的不公降落时,我们的坚强就是最棒的奇迹!

5) 在逆境中是要去看到生活的美,在希望中也是别忘记不断奋斗。人生除了生死,其他的事都是小事。放弃与放手的区别:放弃是牺牲本来属于你的,而放手是放下那些从来不是你的。人生谁不曾伤过痛过执着过感怀过。岁月因为经历而懂得,生命因为懂得过而精彩。

6) 如果说他的命运是那破旧的花架,那么因为他的坚强意志,变得繁花似锦,光艳夺人;如果说他的命运是那漆黑的夜空,那么因为他的坚强意志,变得繁星闪烁,熠熠发光;如果说他的命运是那贫瘠的土地,那么因为他的坚强意志,变得葱葱郁郁油油翠绿。

7) 人生的许多沟沟坎坎总是要自己去过。任何人帮得了你一时,帮不了你一世。不要依靠,不要祈求,依靠只会使自己懦弱,祈求也只是一种安慰。自身的强大才是硬道理。不如挺一挺腰板,种下信念的种子,让坚强之树在心灵之中越长越高。人生活的是自己,再旺盛的藤蔓也有瘫倒的一天。

8) 我们总会不定时的经历坎坷,我们总会不定时的迎接风雨,我们总会分手在下一个路口,我们也会从下一个路口牵手结伴一起走向太阳的方向。走过了悲伤,走过了欢乐,我们经历了风雨的洗礼,经历了岁月的变迁,我们总会与人争与人闹,继而怀念初见时的完整,可我们再也找不到初见时的心如止水和怦然心动的感觉了。

9) 即使是最平凡的人,也是得要去为他那个世界的存在而战斗。越长大,越是小心翼翼,想要活得爽,大家都劝你不要在乎别人的评价。但不是每个人都能做到这一点,既然做不到不在乎外界的评价,那就请把自己手头的事都尽心尽力给做好。

10) 想要走得快,就独自上路;想要走得远,就结伴同行。快与远,都是我们的追求。追求快中的独立,追求快中的坚强,给自己留一片属于自己的天空。追求远中的欢声笑语,追求远中的结伴同行,便不会有孤单。即便是失败了,那也无所谓,失败了,总是搏了一回,不后悔。

11) 心有多宽,人生的舞台就有多宽,如果不能打碎心中的壁垒,即使给你整个世界,你也找不到自由的感觉。人生的坚持,就是学习的坚持,尽管是遭遇困苦,但是我们却是能在一次次的苦难中去成长,重新的去爬起来。这就是奋斗的人生。

12) 乌云再密集,天也有放晴的时候;海洋再广阔,船也有到岸的时候。只要用乐观的心态来看待事物,面对生活,就会发现这个世界真的好美。正确的方向,积极的思想,环境的栽培,坚持不懈的行动。观念决定方向,思路决定出路,胸怀决定规模。努力吧!

13) 人生充满着期待,梦想连接着未来。抽出时间去学习,凡事从小做起,不怕单调和重复,长期的积累坚持,想不成功,也难。过去的习惯,决定今天的你,所以,过去的懒惰,决定你今天的一败涂地。面对困难挫折挑战只要你肯相信自己,不断努力的付出,哪怕你现在的人生是从零开始,你都可以做得到。

14) 这些年,我们已逐渐学会接受,接受意外,接受变节,接受误解,接受努力了却得不到回报,接受世界的残忍和人性的残缺。但这不代表我妥协,我们还会去努力,去爱,去为遥不可及的一切付出心血。不患得患失,不怕翻脸,不惯着任何人,朝着这个目标前行。因为,我们还相信梦想!

15) 人生不是一帆风顺的,所以才有很多不完美,也正因为他们的不完美,才成就了他们别样的完美。如果摆在我们面前的是一条平坦笔直的道路,它会让人乏味,没有挑战,安逸一生。如果摆在我们面前的是一条崎岖蜿蜒的小路,它会使人斗志昂扬,不甘沉落,图强一世。

16) 没有谁天生就有一副神奇的翅膀,没有人能够随随便便成功。生命的每一片彩虹都是风雨换来,你也只有非常努力,才能看起来像那些成功的人一样毫不费力。梦想就从现在开始,当脚步和心同在路上,谁也无法想象,未来和世界有多么辽阔宽广。

17) 这几年,累是一定的。但我相信我的人生不可能就止于此了。我不想长大变成街上一抓一把的庸人,我不想以后为钱发愁,我不想以后每天做的都是不喜欢却必须做的事,我不想成为那种人。我有我的梦想,所以我要努力。只有坚持这阵子,才不会辛苦一辈子。我发誓会努力,我会让自己过得很好。

18) 不管你的生活有多么糟糕,都要记得微笑;不管你受了多少伤,都不要绝望;不管你的内心有多迷茫,都要记得你的梦想。有了梦想,灵魂就不会四处游荡;有了梦想,生活就有希望;有了梦想,每个平凡的日子都会变得闪亮。

19) 为自己选择的跑道去冲刺,即使很漫长,即使有阻碍,即使会跌倒;但是,坚定的信念会一直陪伴着我欢笑的努力地飞快地奔跑。即使非常非常的辛苦,只要有坚持下去的勇气,再大的山再阔的海都可以跨越,努力的奔跑,天空的那一边就不再遥远!

20) 没有谁的人生会一帆风顺,成长的过程总会磕磕碰碰。一路走过,我们可以痛,可以悲伤,可以大哭。但别沉溺悲伤太久,别纵容眼泪哭伤了双目。记得,一定要站起来,更坚强的面对人生。因为生活仍在继续,生命还未终结,只有内心强大的人才能更好的保护你想要保护的人。

21) 很多时候,我们慨叹命运多桀,生活维艰,渴望有舞台去展示,有天空去翱翔。没有舞台的时候,我们要勤学舞技,除了你自己,没有人能够阻挡你走上舞台的脚步;没有天空的时候,我们要苦练展翅,别等到有了天空,我们只会望空兴叹,或者茫然无措。

22) 上天是公平的,不会让碌碌无为的人享受成功,更不会让艰辛付出的人白白努力,成功靠的是奋斗,奋斗就要坚持。历史上着名的音乐家贝多芬双目失明并且两耳完全失聪,但他依然写出了大量脍炙人口的作品。贝多芬说过这样一句话,我要扼住命运的咽喉,他决不能使我完全屈服。

23) 因为有梦,所以勇敢,我们都走在奋斗的路上。这条路也许很坎坷,也许很崎岖,也许一眼望不到头,也许在别人看来不可思议但是为了守住心中的那束阳光,我们坚持着自己的梦想,在奋斗的路上义无反顾地奔跑!不为模糊不清的未来担忧只为清清楚楚的现在努力。

24) 不要羡慕别人的精彩,不要嫉妒别人的成功,任何精彩和成功的背后,都沉淀着酸楚,融解了心血。精彩和成功,只是事物结束的方式,行动和过程,才是连缀我们生命的线条。要想多些精彩和成功,行动前要有坚定的决心,拼搏中要有不折的韧性,败北后要有面对的勇气。成功,就是我们战胜了自己。

25) 多少个梦,多少次想,多少回在梦海里,种植一株叫梦想的树。多少个梦想,掺杂着多少汗水,揉合着多少泪水,终于邂逅今生最美丽的花开。终于我们将得到我们想要的。寻找的旅途,除了艰辛还有美好,除了坎坷还有你认真思考认真走过之后坚毅的心。

26) 乐观一点,用力微笑吧!隐晦的日子总敌不过我们阳光的心态。简单的付出,用心情转变话语,用事迹带动思绪的蔓延,很多的知识走进了内心。慢慢的造就了自己,改变了今天,铸就了明天,就这样,简单的就这样,累积自己,改变话语,改变事迹,必须付出属于自己的心情磨练和思考。

27) 人一生可以灿烂,也能腐朽。人生的道路是自己一步一个脚印走出来的,而历史,则是人的社会进程记录。也是目标高远,越是容易成功,这是一种信念以及意志力。破釜沉舟,每一刻我们都在付出时间付出生命,坚定信念,一切都在前方。

28) 学历代表过去,财力代表现在,学习能力代表将来。所见所闻改变一生,不知不觉会断送一生。没有目标的人永远为有目标的人去努力;没有危机是最大的危机,满足现状是最大的陷讲。下对注,赢一次;跟对人,赢一世。老板只能给你一个位置,不能给你一个未来,舞台再大,人走茶凉。

29) 相信自己,我们可以竖一方碑基,在人生的行程中。相信自己,即使在风浪翻涌的怒涛中,我们仍旧能把握自己生命的航船,准确驶向远方的港湾;相信自己,即使在山穷水尽疑无路的境地,我们仍旧可以开启柳暗花明又一村的新门。

30) 人生在世,都会遇到厄运,适度的厄运具有一定的积极意义。它可以帮助人们驱走惰性,促使人奋进。因此厄运又是一种挑战和考验。我们的生活因厄运变得丰富而多彩,我们的性格因坎坷而锤炼的成熟。厄运来临与厄运挑战在战斗中升华自己,这就是逆境的意义所在!

31) 真经不在西天,而在路途;佛祖不是如来,而是自我;那成群结队的妖精乃是人心生出来的欲望和执念;三大徒弟其实是唐僧多面的性格和天赋秉性。生活平波无澜不外人心已死,你还愤恨,你还痛苦,你甚迷茫,你就是那个时时刻刻跟妖精斗争的取经僧,你脚下的路,永远是通向自我的路。

32) 一个人的成长,一是天赋,二是机遇,三是修炼,四是信仰。天赋是成长的基础,机遇就是贵人,修炼是成长的加油站,信仰是成长价值的皈依。我们平凡但不平庸。生活的形式是命定的,但在自己的人生里找到意义和方向,是自己定的。

33) 在个人成长的道路上,会碰到多少风雨和霜雪,会尝到多少艰辛和困难。风雨能够磨练你的性情,霜雪会让你变得从容坦然;艰辛能够磨练你的意志,困难会让你变得更加坚强。不要生活在别人的影子里,不要工作在别人的眼色中;不要把前途命运交给幻想,不要把开心快乐随便遗忘。穿好自己的鞋走好自己的路。

34) 来生的缘,可以是今生结下的;来生的果,可以是今生种下的。前世的债,今生正在还。还不清,来生还得继续。前世的缘,今生正在实现,好不容易盼到了,还不好好把握?如果今生都不积极地把握,凭什么瞻望来生?今生都不耕耘,凭什么盼望来生丰收?

35) 每个人都有自己的过去,每个人的过去都有不堪回首的部分:失败伤害痛苦,甚至肮脏屈辱。我们可能没办法也没有必要将它们遗忘,但我们可以对它们释然。学会和自己和解,学会接纳自己,学会欣赏自己这是人生最为重要的功课。

36) 春光可惜莫轻抛,时代堪喜须勤奋。这一句话,如警钟长鸣,时刻击响着心灵,震荡着我们的思想,敲打着人生前进的灵魂。立下志向,行动起来,勤奋,勤奋,再勤奋,让自己的人生充满希望,早晚有一天,火红的成功向你挥手,让你的人生刻下流传后世的丰碑。



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With the developmentof science and technology, our lives have changed a lot in the past century. Manythings that wouldn’t happen before have come into reality now. Therefore, ourlives will change as well in the future. Our pace of live will greatly speedup, because we will help many machines to finish our work. Many things can bedone autonomously. Therefore, people will have more time for fun. People cantravel the outer space freely. Space shuttle can bring people to planets farfrom the earth. Human beings may live in other planets. Besides, ourenvironment will be much better than now, because some effective measures aretaken to protect the environment. Earth is still a beautiful home for human.



now, people are getting richer and richer. lets think, what will the life be like in the future?

in the future, we wont have to change many clothes every day. we will wear a kind of special clothes. we can be warm when we feel cold and be cool when we feel hot. they will have many beautiful colours. we can change the colour we like anytime.

in the future, there are more and more kinds of food we can choose. they will be much more delicious than now. they will not be expensive. we can buy them with little money. isnt it wonderful?

in the future, all of us will live in beautiful houses. it can move anywhere. when we want to change the place we live, it will take us quickly without any trouble.

in the future, we wont have to go to work by bus or bike. everyone will have a small but useful plane, we can go anywhere we like by plane. how great will be !

in the future, maybe each family will have a robot. our mother wont be busy at housework, they wont be tired. when we feel bad, we wont have to go to hospital to see a doctor. the teachers wont need to go to school to work because they can teach students through world wide web.


life in the future will be much more wonderful than now, i think it will come true.



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My summer vacation life was very fantastic and meaningful.I did my homework every day .I also played table tennis and basketball with my friends every day.I sometimes went to movies and went to the parks with my friends.I surfed the internet,read books and watched TV every evening.I visited my grandparents and helped them with the housework,too.I helped my parents clean the room and cook meals.My parents and I went to Hannan Island and spent a week there.I really had a happy summer vacation



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In the language class, teacher lets schoolmates arrange in order two detailed lists, one matter which is complained, one matter which is feels grateful.after I displayed these two detailed lists, one by one looked again. In the complaint matter first was quick tests. Yes, tests, in mine idea by the pressure, the worry, anxious and so on and so on with huge crowds of people have already been encircled watertight. What but is undeniable, in feels grateful in the detailed list first matter is also tests, because will test might rise from now on to the high first-level school, will also have nearly two month-long long vacations, that will be makes the matter which very much one anticipated. is obvious, regardless of being the complaint or feels grateful, has the intrinsic relation. I hate the test, it lets me so be all the time anxious; I will loathe the parents forever endless talking incessantly, will cause me not to the completely matter be optional “the happy face”. But I feel grateful the test time and time again, lets me clearly recognize that own insufficiency, thank parents#39; talking incessantly, these will talk incessantly are show loving concern, let me not lose, will not walk in the boundless life wilderness loses.the reason that we complained that many matters, are because they make our body and mind to be all weary, attacks weakly in us place most sorrowful place. However, we whether to have thought is precisely these disciplines causes us frail place becomes endures, thus has promoted itself.therefore , we complained these matters, is also precisely we most should feel grateful! the gratitude unpleasant result, feels grateful the fatiguesome physical ability training, grateful parents#39; chattering, the gratitude soon arrives tests ......These once were “the complaint detailed list” inhabitant, now actually in I “feel grateful the detailed list” on to live, and will be will forever be stationed! with that many complaints, waves the hand makes farewell speech, enables them to become us to feel grateful the cornerstone, felt grateful they to enable us to grow true thorough informed and experienced.



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I often go to see my grandma and grandpa during winter vacation. They are both seventy years old and live in the country happily. I can do many interesting things there. I am used to getting up early in the morning and breathing the fresh air in the countryside. After snow, I would like to skate and ski with my friends. When night comes, I am used to sitting by the fire and listening to grandma telling me many funny stories. And I tell her some new things happening in the city. When I have to go back, I am always reluctant to go. I really feel happy living in the country.



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Summer holiday is from July to August .It s a long time for me to do all kinds of things . I like visiting some places of interest . And I like travelling by train . It takes me too much time , but it saves money .Sometimes I stay at home and do my homework , sometimes I help my parents do some house work. When my parents are free , we often go to the park or the zoo , and we have a good time there . I have a good summer holiday .




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Beginning of "low carbon" two words for all of us are more strange words, later after mother to explain, I didnt understand what is the meaning of "low carbon", we want to live a "low-carbon life" how to do?

I said to his mother, "mom, low carbon life, starts from me, starts from the minor matter."

1, the stairs every day, resolute dont take the elevator;

2, everyone read books, do not throw away, to people in need;

3, save water, will be used with water, to flush the toilet;

4, save electricity, limit yourself time to watch TV and play computer every day, no more than an hour, after use, remember to turn off the power supply, plug.









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名词:math, favorite subject,beginning, fun, skill, sir, madam, activity, group, unit, team, joke, Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday, reason, test, geography, yesterday, middle school, suggestion, exam, classmate, report, article, idea, rule, hallway, classroom, Ms, dinning hall, sports shoes, gym, Dr, in class, schoolwork, physics, grade, gift, prize, visitor, monitor, umbrella, raincoat, end-of-year exam, report card, semester, disappointing result, senior high school, half the class, mistake; secret; speaking skills; writing skill, grammar

动词:pass, relax, star, teach, clean, read, study, describe, improve, stop, remember, say, did, went, stay, have, spend, discuss, said, fight, look for, talk about, do some reading, practice, have to, do one’s homework, have fun doing, study for the test, have a party, practice English, help sb. do, win, end, drive, go for a drive, sleep late, have a day off, hang out, study for a test, copy, have a really hard time with, be surprised to find, forget to do, start a bad habit, get over it, get mad at sb, be able to do, write in English, break the rule, make mistakes, laugh at; take notes, look up, work with friends, read the textbook, listen to tapes, ask the teacher for help, study for a test, watch a video, can’t understand, spoken English, find a pen pal, try one’s best, be afraid to…, succeed, achieve, stay up until 11 pm, be strict with…, talk about the rules, wear uniforms, wear our own clothes, allow sb to do…, care about, concentrate on

形容词:busy, interesting, boring, fun, tired, difficult, cool, following, regular, irregular, present, past, colorful, better, different, wet, hard-working, own, unimportant, frustrating; relaxing, strict, frustrated, serious enough, wild, old enough, calm enough

I am really busy. At … I have math.

It’s difficult but interesting. I like…/I don’t like…

We have to clean the classroom.We can’t run in the hallways.

I take the subway to school and it takes 25 minutes.

The early bus takes him to school.

The bus ride usually takes about 25 minutes.

In other parts of the world, things are different.In China, it depends on where you are. That must be a lot of fun than taking a bus!My favorite subjects are physics.

Last week’s talent show was a great success.

The prize for the funniest act went to Steve Tian and his dog.

I study by …; I have learned a lot that way.

Studying grammar is a great way to learn a language.

First of all, …; Then…; At last…;

It is easy for me to understand …

Teenagers should be allowed to …

I am (not) allowed to…

We have a lot of rules at my school/home.

So do we. I have to…


1. 每个学校都有许多校规。学生应该遵守它们。

2. 在学校,每人必须穿校服。

3. 我们不能在教室吃东西。

4. 学生不被允许把手机带入学校。

5. 我同意第一个规定。

6. 校服看起来普通。

7. 它使我们运动时轻松。

8. 我建议在不同场合穿不同类校服。

9. 在不同天穿不同颜色的校服。

10. 我相信校规会越来越完善。






Every school has school rules. _________ students should obey them. Here are some of them. ____________, everyone has to wear school uniforms at school. _____________, we can’t eat in classrooms. ___________, we are not allowed to bring mobile phones to school. I agree with the first one. ____________ our uniforms might look very normal, they enable us to do all kinds of sports easily.

__________, I have a piece of advice for it. I suggest that we should _________wear different styles of uniforms in different situations.

____________, I believe the school rules will be improved better and better.


1. 词组搭配,

建议:suggest sb. do, suggest doing, advise ab to do, give some advice on,

同意:agree to do,agree with sb, agree that, be in agreement, approve, disagreement

允许:allow/ permit sb to do, be allowed to do, should, be supposed to do…, It’s our duty /

responsibility to do…obey /break / follow the rules

校园活动:take part in, join in club, enjoy doing, , keep/stop/prevent… from doing, set an

example,do exercise, have PE class,

学习: concentrate on , pay attention to, put one’s heart into... take notes, work out, catch up

with, by doing, get good grades, make great/rapid progress, have difficulty in doing, find it difficult / frustrating / amazing / encouraging / fantastic to do, be afraid of, work on, work out, help with, help out, ask… for…, try one’s best, get over, go over, be afraid to , can’t understand, listen to teachers

科目:Chinese, math, P.E, English, favorite subject,interesting, boring, fun, tired,

2. 句型从句 too…to, so that, not only…but also…, Let’s…make sb. adj., that/which/who

3. 非谓语结构:It’s +adj. for sb. to do, doing sth …

e.g. Every school has school rules which students should follow.

I agree to the idea that cell phones can’t be brought into school

I am honored to give some advice on the improvement of some rules

We get up too early to have our breakfast. As a result, we need sth to refresh us.

School rules are of great importance for young people’s development, and all of us approve most of our school rules.

By following the rules, we take the responsibility to make our school safer and more harmonious.

It’s our duty to obey the school rules and in return the rules keep us from dangers and distractions

I hope this idea will be taken into account and I’d like to know more suggestions, which will add color to our life at school for sure.


回想三年的英语学习历程,丰富多彩的英语课堂活动一定给你留下了许多难忘的印象。请你以“What should we do in English class” 为题写一篇英语短文,谈谈在英语课堂上学生应该怎样做,才能使英语学习更有效。


⑴ Listen to the teacher.

⑵ Take part in activities.

⑶ Be confident in ourselves.

要求:⑴ 文稿须包括所有提示内容,可适当发挥。

⑵ 文稿中不得出现真实的人名、校名和地名。

⑶ 词数:60-80个。

参考词汇: take notes, work in groups with..., not be afraid of…

What should we do in English class

In English class,_______________________________________________


In English class, we should listen to the teacher carefully. Without doubt, the more carefully you listen, the more useful information you can get. Besides, taking notes is also a good way to make you concentrate on the class.

In order to learn English well, we are supposed to take part in all kinds of activities. We need to work in groups with our classmates and talk with them in English.

Last but not least, it is very important for us to be confident. As a proverb goes, confidence in yourself is the first step on the road to success. We shouldn’t be afraid of making mistakes in class. Only in this way, can we improve our English.

In a word, I believe as long as we remember all these strategies, we will surely make it in English in the end.




提示词语:I, a middle school student, learn, many subjects, after class, take part in, activity, be interested in, grow up, important, be sure.



I am a middle school student. I learn many subjects at school. After class, my classmates and I often take part in different school activities. I’m interested in computer science and I often go to our school computer group. I learn to get useful things from the Internet. I think it is important to learn to use computers because they are used everywhere in our modern life. I want to work for our country with computers when I grow up.


I am a middle school student who is always busy with school work. Luckily, though we have to learn many subjects at school, we can enjoy a number of activities. In order to free ourselves from studying pressure, my friends and I often take part in different school activities after class. However, I showed great interest in computer science and I spent most of my spare time in our school computer group. I learned to get useful things from the internet so that I could teach my classmates how to use computers. I feel very proud and happy while helping them. I think it’s important to learn to use computers because not only are they used everywhere in our modern life, but also they help us communicate better with the world. I am keen on learning computer and I would like to put this love to good use by working for our country when I grow up. I’m sure that my dream will come true if I work hard.

All in all, I have a colorful school life.

I am a middle school student. Our school provides us with many kinds of activities. I prefer the sports club to others. Therefore, I became a member of the volleyball team and benefitted a lot from it. Fitting as much time as possible practicing playing it results in my healthy body.

As far as I’m concerned, taking part in the school activities can not only help us learn different skills, but also make us understand the importance of team spirit. Besides, we’ll feel refreshed after these activities. Only in this way, can we be energetic enough the next day. It is because the school activities have many advantages that we all like them very much. I’m sure that they will keep adding colors to our school life.


假如你叫Sally, 是Betty的笔友,你收到了她的来信。请你给她写一封回信,针对她的问题,谈谈你的看法,并给出可行的建议。

Dear Betty,

I have read your letter. _____________________________________________________


Yours truly,Sally

Dear Betty,

I have read your letter. I can understand your feeling and I’m worried about your health and your study. Here are some suggestions for you.

First, hamburgers, ice creams and potato chips are bad for your health, so you had better give up the thought that you want to eat them at school. Second, try to eat as much school lunch as possible in order to have enough energy. Try your best and everything will be all right soon. Finally, if there is really something wrong with the school lunch, you can talk to your teachers and help improve it. It’s not only for yourself, but also for the whole school.

Good luck.

Yours truly,Sally

Dear Betty,

I’ve read your letter. I can understand how you feel. And I’m willing to help you out. Here’s some advice for you.

Firstly, hamburgers, ice creams and potato chips are so bad for your health that your school doesn’t provide you with them. On the other hand, whether the food your school offers is delicious or not, it must be safe and nutritious. Thus, I suggest that you give up those junk food and try to eat as much school lunch as possible in order to have enough energy to keep you concentrating on your lessons. In addition, if the lunch is really bad, you need to take action. I think one of the nice things about admitting to the fact that your school lunch do has some unpleasant point is that it gives you a chance to take the responsibility to help improve it. Talking to your teacher about it may help make a difference.

In conclusion, I hope all these above can help you in one way or another. I’m looking forward to your good news.

Yours truly,Sally

[初中一年级英语作文:My School Life



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低碳意指较低的温室气体的排放,低碳生活可以理解为:减少二氧化碳的排放,低能量、低消耗、低开支的生活方式。小编收集 了低碳生活的句子,欢迎阅读。

1、 世界上为什么会有人类的存在,难道说人类的出现就是为了破坏生态平衡吗?我想不是的。人类是世界上最高级的动物,我们要当先行者来推广低碳生活,让世界有更美好的未来。

2、 我喜欢清晨的一米阳光,我喜欢喜鹊燕子自由飞舞,我喜欢月季牡丹迎风招展,我喜欢繁星点点月光如纱。大自然的馈赠是多么丰厚,低碳生活从现在开始,让它成为保护环境的屏障。

3、 电视省电有妙方,调好亮度对比度,调到中间为最佳,最好罩上防尘罩,灰尘增多耗电高,待机也会把电耗,关机电源要拔掉!

4、 上楼下楼,不坐电梯。离家回家,不开汽车。空调温度,不超二六。随手关灯,拧紧水龙头。节约能源,要靠大家。

5、 每天少抽一支烟,空气时刻保新鲜,出门别忘关电源,养成节俭好习惯,洗漱完毕关水源,细水长流保低碳,每天节俭一点点,低碳生活好模样。

6、 节能环保人人有责,认真遵守行为准则,低碳生活从我做起,为救地球献计献策。

7、 现在不环保,也许你的孩子以后只知道红橙黄蓝紫,以后便没有绿和青了。为了下一代,为了所有人,为了环保献出一份力量。

8、 少浪费一滴水,少浪费一度电,少用一些油,少丢一个垃圾,绿色生态,靠大家。

9、 写信固然很美丽,但是发邮件不是一样饱含深意吗?开私家车固然很拉风,但是乘公交不是别有风情吗?低碳生活,为了你我。

10、 什么颜色最美丽?不是绿色吗?那又为什么要让绿色一点点消失呢?建生态中国,护绿色家园。

11、 曾几何时,大片森林不复存在;曾几何时,城市高楼见不到鸟儿;曾几何时,天空都变得不再蔚蓝。如今我们在这些都变成梦想的世外桃源,为了保护地球母亲,让我们每天都过低碳生活,一起节能、减排、低碳。

12、 爷爷随地吐痰要提醒,爸爸随处吸烟要提醒,妈妈乱倒垃圾要提醒,姐姐老洗泡泡浴要提醒,低碳生活不是一个人的事。

13、 一朵花,一棵草,也许不靓丽,也许不伟大,但是小小的花草啊,它们懂得反哺我们的母亲--地球。我们呢?我们为母亲做了什么?

14、 健康生活要记牢,节能减排很重要,少污染来多保护,环保路上大家行

15、 河流为什么变成黑色?行云为什么变成黑色?树林为什么不是绿色?平原为什么变成沟壑?还有许许多多的为什么,你能回答几个?还不快快下车?步行走进低碳生活的快乐!

16、 家里常用洗衣机,洗衣也能把点省,脏衣先泡一刻钟,漂洗起来更容易;采用低泡洗衣服,省电省水又省时,衣服深浅要分开,防止染色能节电!

17、 冰川消融,海平面上升,粮食减产,大气层破洞,物种灭绝,世界末日进行中。危言耸听?NO!NO!NO!为地球,长存宇宙;为生活,欣欣向荣,快快都来行动齐节能:媒体宣传,官府带头,社会监督,人人动手,低碳生活,日久必成,造福子孙,你我光荣。GO!GO! GO!

18、 环保宣传多一点,口号力度响一点,人们意识多一点,为了后代想一点,心甘自愿分一点,地球母亲苦难就少一点,也许我们的生活就会更美一点!

19、 空调省电有窍门,空调器要防日晒,定期清洗散热片,防止灰尘去电耗,空调制冷勿太低,太低用电就越多,窗帘最好质地厚,利于留住冷空气,只要平时多注意,空调省电很容易!

20、 汽车尾气的污染,成了空气的心伤,渐渐地全球变暖,成了人类的忧伤,想要告别忧伤,请阻止地球变暖,想要阻止变暖,请停止污染,想要没有污染,请将爱车停放。步行上场,走进低碳!

21、 上五千年观河川,顺流征上,日日不息。下五千年看天地,浓烟管滚,黑云摧城。资源自有限,环境亦有界。低碳日日需操持,节约人人需供养。

22、 低炭生活有好处,空调温度设标准,感冒不会侵袭你,植树造林搞绿化,清晰空气围绕你,地球资源很有限,勤俭节约是关键,低炭生活大家做,造福子孙好处多。

23、 低碳生活好,节能又环保,微排是主张,温馨又健康,全身放轻松,烦恼去无踪。

24、 多种几颗树,迎接绿色家园;少抽几根烟,迎接新鲜空气;多点健身步伐,迎接健壮身姿;少点噪音烦恼,迎接快乐健康;多点环境宣传,地球母亲越活越年轻!

25、 人生是如此的短暂啊!不要虚度我们的人生,我们要为世界多增一点绿色,少添一些灰色,让我们以及后代有一个更美好的未来。

26、 低碳生活从我做起,一点一滴共同努力,电动电器节能节电,家居环境环保为宜,交通低碳以步代车,办公桌前绿色一片,从现在起节约资源,每一滴水每一度电,为了地球为了明天。

27、 低碳生活我做起,因此尼龙我捡起!节约资源我记起,因此水滴我关闭!绿色环保我宣传,因此短信我发来!地球母亲我来护,热爱家园人人做!

28、 低碳生活由我做起,节约用水绝不浪费,汽车低排减少污染,随手关灯养成习惯,爱护花草亲近自然,保护家园绿色发展。

29、 不要只把环保,低碳当两个名词,这是动词,是现在进行时,我们都来做这些动词的主语吧。

30、 垃圾请入箱,废品请回收,用水请节约,用电请适量,为了地球母亲美好的明天,为了子孙后代美好的明天,低炭生活,人人有责。

31、 天没以前蓝了,因为车多了。地没有以前绿了,因为房子多了。水没有以前清了,因为垃圾多了。人没有以前健康了,因为有害食品多了。请大家爱保环境,保护好地球。

32、 现在的人儿真是坏,为了赚钱把人害,色素、蔬菜、还有黄瓜和猪肉。现在的人儿真是拽,为了面子把车开,有车有房还想住别墅,到处去砍大小树。可怜的地球可怜的树,再这样下我们都会没地住。少开一天车,还你一片蓝天。少砍一棵树,还你一个草地。

33、 低碳生活从点滴做起,少开一次私家车,出门别忘关电源,洗漱完毕关水源,天气不热空调关。

34、 以前低碳概念浅,后来大力多宣传,了解实情才发现,原来此事不简单,刷新头脑旧观念,迎接低碳心已专,低碳生活我做起,骄傲自豪为家园!

35、 冰箱使用很耗电,省电最好买节能,摆放勿与家电混,四周预留十公分,物品冷藏要摊开,如此降温速度快!

36、 多走几天路,多种几棵树,少建几栋房,少吐几口痰,多一点对地球的关爱,少一点对地球的伤害

37、 小小一台笔记本,省电也会有技巧,屏幕亮度要调低,电池完全充放电,使用最好避高温,待机设置要合理,掌握如此小窍门,电脑省电又长寿!

38、 生活要美好,环保很重要。多份爱之心,责任不可少。齐心力量大,人人要记牢。不为自己想,想到后代要。地球寿命长,子孙乐逍遥。只要做到了,地球才更好!

39、 创造绿色,生命才有呼吸;保护地球,地球才有脉搏;节约资源,世界才有生存。宣传低碳生活,从身边做起!

40、 低碳生活低碳情,节约资源看我行,降低排放留光明,和谐生活我看行。



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I live with my father and mother in a very big house in dongguan. my parents are both very busy. they leave for work very early in the morning and don’t return home until late in the evening.

When i am home on weekends from school, we spend a lot of time together. we talk about my studies, my health and my school life. i love my parents very much.

My grandparents are still living, but they don’t live with us. their health is good and they both do sports very early in the morning. my grandmother does gymnastics with elderly women her age in the park. both of my grandfathers play basketball in the morning and sometimes they go swimming.chinese people eat rice for every meal, but i don’t like rice because i think it is tasteless! we eat meat, fish and vegetables. my family eats noodles and congee. my favorite is noodles.

I often play computer games because i like it so much. i often watch japanese cartoon movies with my parents on the weekends. on long holidays we take trips, too.

That is my description of typical family life in china.



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I went to the countryside to spend my summer holidays this year.I liked green plants,clear rivers and lovely amimals there.I breathed the fresh air on the mountain and sometimes I went swimming in the river.I kept a diary every day.

I liked not only the scene of the countryside,but also the people there.I helped them to do farm work.I also helped the children in the neighbourhood with their lessons.The children were interested in English.They were good at reading and writing,but did not do well in listening and speaking.I helped them improve their listening and speaking.Their parents thought highly of me.I realized that knowledge is greatly needed in the countryside.



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I have a happy family, there are three people in my family, my father, my mother and I. I go to school from Monday to Friday, on the weekends, I will go out with my parents, they always take me to different restaurants, we will taste different food. At night, my mother will tell me a story, then I can have a good dream, I love my family life.



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1. I have nothing against something. But … 我并不反对某事,但…

2. I think it’s time we put a stop to something. 我认为是我们停止某事的时候了。(it’s time (that) 后的从句要用虚拟,既(should)+动词原形)

3. I find the statement of … to be too narrow. 我觉得…的观点过于狭隘。

4. I can tell you from experience that … 凭我的经验可以告诉你…

5. Personally, I am standing on the side of … 就个人而言,我站在…的一边。

6. Although doing something might seem a wild idea, I believe that … 虽然做某事似乎狂妄,但我相信…

7. At an individual level, I feel that … 从我个人的角度出发,我觉得…

8. I sincerely believe that … 我真诚地相信…

9. But for me, I would rather think of the matter in an (optimistic) way. 至于我,我宁愿以乐观的态度来看待这一问题。

10. But I do not think that this view can hold water. 但我并不认为这一观点能站得住脚。

11. It is not half so important to do something as it is to do something. 和做某事相比,做某事的重要性连一半都不及。

12. There are some people who hold that …. And on the other hand, there are some other people whoargue that…. Both opinions are very popular…. But I cannot accept either view. 有一些人认为…,然而还有另外一些人认为…。上述两种观点都很流行,但我两种观点都不能接受。

13. Although many people (believe) that …, I doubt whether the (argument) bears further (analysis). 虽然有许多人相信…,但我怀疑这个论点能否经得起进一步的推敲。

14. In my opinion, it is more advisable to do something than to do something. 在我看来,做…比做…更明智。

15. In the nationwide discussion, many people suggest that …. But I argue that … 在全国范围内的讨论中,许多人提出…。但我却认为… (该句suggest引导的从句应用虚拟。)

16. As opposed to widely held belief, I believe that … 与普遍接受的看法不同,我认为…

17. From a personal perspective, I also prefer to … 从个人的角度来看,我也喜欢…

18. Finally, to speak frankly, there is also a more practical reason why I would choose to …最后,坦白地讲,我选择…还有一个更为现实的原因。( 励志天下 www.cnfla.net )

19. Some people think that …. To be frank, I cannot agree with their opinion for the reasons below. 一些人认为…,坦白地讲,我不赞同他们的观点,理由如下:

20. The situation is not rare. It is one of many examples I have encountered. 这种情景并不少见,它也是我遇到的许多情况之一。

21. 37) There is another reason why I cast my preference for … 我倾向于…还有另外一个原因。

22. As for me, I am on the latter part of the argument. The reasons are as follows. 至于我,我支持争论的后半部分。原因如下:

23. From my point of view, it is more reasonable to support the first opinion rather than the second. 在我看来,支持第一种观点比支持第二种观点更有道理。

24. The following reasons can account for my inclination. 如下的原因可解释我的倾向。

25. To make myself as plain as I can, I should give my standards for … 为使我的观点更加清楚,我给出我关于…的标准。

26. I disbelieve, and therefore strongly resent, the claim that … 我不相信,因此强烈反对,这一主张,即…

27. My final and perhaps my best reason for not doing something is … 我不做某事最终的,或许最好的理由是…

28. For the same reason, it matters to me that … 同样原因,我很在乎…

29. For these reason, I recommend that … 出于这些原因,我推荐/建议… (recommend做建议讲时,接从句要用虚拟,即谓语用(should)+动词原形)

30. My answer is that …. I have several reasons, and they’re good ones. The first is the one that … 我的回答是…。我有几个理由而且它们是很充分的理由。第一个是…



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The Winter Holiday

I like the winter holiday very much. Though its very short,I can enjoy the Spring Festival. I can watch cartoon every day. I neednt go to school frepuently. Sometimes I can go to play with my friend outside. With the festival coming,I can play all the time. I can play video game with my brother. I am good at playing PC game. So I often beats my brother. Then more and more relative came to my home. We had dinner together. Its so lively that Iam very happy. But I still

have to do my homework. During the holiday,I learned a lot. I love the winter holiday.


It was a very busy evening, I was doing my homework at my home. My father was writing a composition in the study room. My mother was interested in Shanghai opera. She was watching a Shanghai opera contest. The apartment was very quiet. Suddenly the light went out. It was a blackout, but I liked it very much. It came and I didn’t have to do my homework. We went to the living room very slowly. After 5 minutes, we all sat in the sofa. It was a lucky, fortunate day. I said that let’s held a concert. My parents agreed with me. I took out some candles and lighted up. We were singing, laughing and talking. We had a really good time. But while I was singing, the light suddenly turned on. Oh, my God. My father went back to his room went on writing. My mother turned on the TV and said to me “Dear, do your homework!” I felt very frustrated. I sat at the desk and thought I hated light. I hoped there would be a blackout the next day. I thought I would enjoy myself more and more. I went into a dream……

Many children are always looking forward to the winter vacation; this is because during the vacation, children needn’t go to school; They can do everything they like, such as playing, watching TV, traveling, or even sleeping all the day and so on. and when winter vacation come on ,it means that spring festival will come on soon.I spent the whole day at home nearly every day, I played with my computer .I played computer games and surfed the internet. during the vacation ,I still stayed in touch with my classmates and my friends. I think I have been a potatoes mouse .During the spring festival, I visited my relatives ,and I got a lot of red bags. Even though my vacation was crazy and exciting, but I really learnt a lot. It was good for relaxing, and I am getting ready for the coming new term now. Good-bye, my winter vacation.



The Winter Holiday

I like the winter holiday very much.

Though its very short,I can enjoy the Spring Festival.

I can watch cartoon every day.

I neednt go to school frepuently.

Sometimes I can go to play with my friend outside.

With the festival coming,I can play all the time.

I can play video game with my brother.

I am good at playing PC game.

So I often beats my brother.

Then more and more relative came to my home.

We had dinner together.

Its so lively that Iam very happy.

But I still have to do my homework.


A blackout

It was a very busy evening, I was doing my homework at my home. My father was writing a composition in the study room. My mother was interested in Shanghai opera. She was watching a Shanghai opera contest. The apartment was very quiet. Suddenly the light went out. It was a blackout, but I liked it very much. It came and I didn’t have to do my homework. We went to the living room very slowly. After 5 minutes, we all sat in the sofa. It was a lucky, fortunate day. I said that let’s held a concert. My parents agreed with me. I took out some candles and lighted up. We were singing, laughing and talking. We had a really good time. But while I was singing, the light suddenly turned on. Oh, my God. My father went back to his room went on writing. My mother turned on the TV and said to me “Dear, do your homework!” I felt very frustrated. I sat at the desk and thought I hated light. I hoped there would be a blackout the next day. I thought I would enjoy myself more and more. I went into a dream……


New Year Resolution

In the new year, I will work hard in school. I will pay attention in class, complete assignments on time and do extra readings preactively to enhance my understandings about the topics covered in class.

I will lead a healthy lifestyle by balancing work and leisure, exercising regularly and keeping a healthy diet.

I will spend more time with my families and friends. I will share with them my joys and tears and give them a hand when they need help.

Let 2009 be a year of happiness and fulfilment.




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When we sit in front of the television to watch the colorful programs we hand on the mouse in the computer world; when we are in the spring season with relish eatingwatermelon...... We may have thought: what brings our life change so much? Is science!Is a great strength of science and technology, changing everything around us, changed the world! With the progress of science and technology, the face of the world what has changed? Grandma said: people live longer! Developed in science, hunger and diseasehas been a threat to the enemy of human existence, countless people by disease and starvation mercilessly killed precious life. Chinas establishment of the new China, the average life expectancy of the population was only 35 years old. No wonder her old grandmother before talking about "life rarely live to seventy" sigh. And now, what have Iheadache and fever, to the hospital to buy some medicine to fight a few needles. So, my grandmother very happy all day long to boast of good health, what people live a hundred years is not surprising "said! Dad said: our work easier! No longer the same --face loess back into the air like a grandfather when, on the hard physical labor, on theelusive God dinner. In the use of high-tech agricultural park, arable land, sowing,harvesting and other procedures can be used to manage the computer, to complete for agricultural machinery. It makes people from heavy manual labor freed. Mother said: our life better! Before, people always worry about the problem of food and clothing. The development of science and technology, let us fill the rice bag, filled with vegetable, not only to eat, and eat well, eat more rich. Last year, my family also built two four storey building. I also have their own little world, father is still in my room to install air conditioning, warm in winter and cool in summer, I can sit comfortably An Jingjing, writingin reading story books. I want to say, I feel that the progress of science and technology,the world has become smaller! The annual Spring Festival, Zhang uncle next door tothe long-distance telephone, and as far away as Taiwans brother call to congratulate,separated by thousands of miles of the family in the ear. You want to learn from India,along the way to travel over land and water, brave the wind and dew, experienced all kinds of hardships, had walked for several years before they reached their destination.Now, fast and safe vehicle, ship, aircraft and other transportation our footprints inalmost all the places on earth. The "five one" festival, our family went to the capital Beijing! In the east of the world, our ancestors invented gunpowder, the compass,printing, papermaking, creating its own brilliant history. We are lucky to grow in a new era, science has never been so dazzlingly beautiful flowers, the road of science has never been so wide. Students, let us from an early age to develop good habit of lovescience, science, scientific spirit, and climb the heights of science, to create a beautiful home.
