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导语:人生就是一列开往坟墓的列车,路途上会有很多站口,没有一个人可以至始至终陪着你走完,你会看到来来往往上上下下的人。下面是yuwenmi小编为大家整理的感悟生活句子,欢迎阅读与借鉴,谢谢! ​






















































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Joy in living comes from having fine emotions, trusting them, giving them the freedom of a bird in the open. Joy in living can never be assumed as a pose, or put on from the outside a mask. People who have this joy don’t need to talk about it, they radiate it. They just live out their joy and let it splash its sunlight into other lives as nature as a bird sings.


We can never get it from working for it directly. It comes, like happiness, to those who are aiming at something higher. It’s a byproduct of great, simple living. The joy of living comes from what we put into our living, not from what we seek to get from it.





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3. 带一颗平和的心,沿路而行,若得到七个微笑,三个白眼,就请用七成的力气回应微笑,三成的力气无视白眼;怀一颗和平的心,品尝食物,若七次好吃,三次难吃,就请用七成的味觉享受美味,三成的味觉忍受苦涩。世界无善恶,观感自在人;世界无敌对,和平心中留。921世界和平日,愿世界和平常在,人人心存平和,消灭敌对与暴力!

4. 同住一个地球村,同是地球一家人,同在一片蓝天下,同靠一轮太阳生。茫茫宇宙中,爱是最亮的一颗星。国际和平日,山连山,水连水,大家心连心,珍爱世界,珍爱和平!祝福和平万万岁,世界永远缠绕橄榄绿!

5. 自然的灾害无法避免,人类之间的战争却可以。个人与个人的争吵可以遗忘,国家与国家的战争却永远无法磨灭。国际和平日,拒绝战争,天下一家亲。

6. 包容,让我们摒弃了歧视;谅解,让我们化敌为友;没有解不开的疙瘩,没有平息不了的战争,只要我们怀揣一颗宽容的心,世界的和平就在我们身边。9月21国际和平日,让我们双手紧握,和平永驻。

7. 我们同住一个地球,地球是我们共同的家园,我们是姐妹弟兄。为什么要自相残杀?为什么毁灭我们共同的家?国际和平日,让我们举起橄榄枝,和白鸽走遍世界的每个角落,保卫和平!

8. 两手相握,就是朋友,扬手示威,便成敌人,和平战争一念间,少些霸气,少些冲动,和平就在我们身边;没有宽容,没有谅解,硝烟就把我们笼罩,万事需三思而后行。9月21国际和平日,让我们放下对峙的念头,拥抱和平吧!

9. 战争是物资的消耗,是大肆的破坏,是社会的退步,是人类的最大灾难。放下心中的仇恨,让和平的阳光照遍整个世界,和平的世界更稳定,和平的社会更繁荣。国际和平日,放下分歧,用协商和谈判解决国际争端,让善良的人们享受和平的生活!

10. 和平是一朵娇嫩的花,需要我们一起去守护;和平是一棵希望的苗,需要我们去珍惜;和平是一首幸福的歌,需要我们用心去聆听。国际和平日到了,让我们一起呼唤和平!

11. 让和平鸽飞过每一片硝烟弥漫的战争;让橄榄枝出现在每一块战火肆虐的土地;用爱去医治战争带来到的创伤;用宽容去共同建设幸福的明天。世界和平日,让和平和我们不再远离。

12. 国际和平日到了,让大地不再硝烟弥漫,还人类一个宁静的空间;让人间再也没有哭泣和离散,到处是欢笑声和幸福的容颜。让和平鸽自由在蓝天飞翔,让橄榄枝伸向每一个角落。抵制战争,保卫和平,我们责无旁贷!

13. 和平鸽衔着橄榄枝,将幸福快乐传递,世界人民手牵着手,将安定详和演译,双手合十默默祈祷,愿和平遍布每一个角落,国际和平日,愿永远战争,世界人民安定幸福!

14. 国际和平日,希望世界上的每一个角落都充满了和平的曙光,希望世界上的每一个角落都被爱是光环所包围。愿和平的彩虹照亮世界的每一寸土地。

15. 战争在你愿意时开始,却并不在你快乐时结束

16. 和平鸽在天空上面翱翔,在快乐的歌唱,橄榄枝在你手中摇摆,享受着和平的阳光,国际和平日,我们每一个人都要维护和平,抵御战争,做一个和平的使者。

17. 和平的鼓儿打起来,驱散硝烟无阴霾;和平的歌儿唱起来,迎来团圆幸福在;和平的钟声敲起来,心中默默在祈愿;和平的橄榄枝长起来,世界和平万万年。国际和平日,我们齐祝愿,世界和平在眼前!

18. 和平的白鸽翱翔蓝天,飞越千山万水天南地北世界各地,奏响和平的哨音,播撒幸福的种子,召唤和谐共处。国际和平日:世界人民联合起来向和平进发!

19. 敲起和平鼓,硝烟散尽;敲响和谐钟,永无战争;放飞和平鸽,世界安宁;抛出橄榄枝,世界太平。国际和平日,愿天下安康,万民幸福!

20. 和平是世界人民的共同心声,祈盼幸福和谐共处。和平可建设国家安居乐业,过悠闲自得的生活。和平使人类亲同兄弟姐妹,共建美好的大家园。国际和平日:让世界人民一起携手搭建和平!

21. 现在,我看到慈爱的光,环绕着全世界,环绕着这整个地球,拥抱着每一个人,拥抱着每一个生命。人人沐浴在慈爱的光中,内心充满祥和、宁静。邪恶刚强的心,在爱的拥抱中被融化了,变得柔软慈悲,祥和宁静。国际和平日,愿世界永远和平。

22. 战争如魔鬼,张牙舞爪贼凶狂,破坏家园人离散,孤儿哀鸣喊爹娘,9月21日国际和平日,让我们放飞和平鸽高举橄榄枝做一个和平的天使,大声呼喊:我们要和平不要战争。

23. 祝福着全人类。无限的爱在你我的里面,光明灿烂,越来越明亮。无限的爱在每一个人的里面,光明灿烂,越来越美丽,越来越耀眼。爱与和平拥抱全人类,爱与和平充满全世界,国际和平日,愿所有的人都平安,地球永恒美丽。

24. 炮火连天泪水淌,流离失所离家园,和平处处展笑颜,幸福生活比蜜甜。仰天长啸在呐喊,我们要和平不要战争!国际和平日,守护和平,不要暴力,不要对抗,世界将更加的美丽。

25. 和平是一首快乐的歌,让我们共同来歌唱;和平是一曲欢乐舞曲,让我们共同来跳起;和平是一面迎风的旗,让我们共同来挥舞;国际和平日,让我们共同来歌唱和平的歌,跳起和平舞蹈,共享和平阳光。

26. 和平是碧水蓝天下的安居乐业,和平是美丽村落里的幸福安康,和平是落日余晖中的怡然自乐,和平是群山深处的宁静悠远。国际和平日到了,让我们一起守护美丽和平。

27. 让和平的白鸽翱翔,呼唤人性心底的善良;将鄙夷的目光埋葬,实现人人平等的愿望;让残忍的杀戮投降,还原生活和乐的模样;将大度的胸怀敞亮,绽放世界微笑的脸庞。国际和平日,让我们一起为和平贡献力量。

28. 一花一世界,一念一菩提。善由止恶始,恶从胆边生。素质需提高,文明可载道。和平似鲜花,呵护你我TA。微笑可传递,相拥战火熄。财富可创造,抢掠又何必。海伦不爱你,十年特洛伊。精神有创意,物质靠科技。欲望凭自律,和平需要你。播下温柔子,收获和平果。国际和平日,遍绕橄榄枝!

29. 请抑制血液里沸腾的战争欲望,请转换种族歧视的有色眼光,人人生而平等,和平才是这世界的主题思想,别让战火的硝烟泯灭人性的善良,别让水深火热的境遇伤害国家的希望,和平才是我们最终的期望,国际和平日,请奉献你我的一点力量,用心去爱国际大家这个地方。

30. 让我们用和蔼的态度与人交流,让我们用宽容的胸怀与人相处,让我们用无疆的大爱与人相拥,让我们手捧鲜花来装点这个没有硝烟的地球村吧,和谐的生活来自我们对自由的向往。9月21国际和平日,愿这个世界永远没有仇恨,永远一片祥和。

31. 看,蓝蓝的天,挥着白云向我们招手;听,潺潺的水,蜿蜒流下为我们歌唱;闻,淡淡泥香,是大自然引我们上路;这,才是生活,没有战争,没有硝烟;这,才是世界,永远和平,永远无争;9月21国际和平日,让我们拒绝战争,拥抱和平!

32. 从烽火戏诸侯到争霸春秋,从战国时代到楚河汉界,从三国争雄到南北对恃,从安史之乱到蒙古铁骑,从火烧圆明园到五四青年节,华夏五千年,传承未断,战火未止!国际和平日,为中华之崛起而呼吁!

33. “早睡早起工作勤,上班选择步行去,不花钱来不用油,昂首挺胸大步走,不用担心路拥堵,满面春风精神佳,走出健康走出美,热爱自然享清净。世界无车日,愿你关爱健康,践行环保!“

34. 君不见,满园风光成焦土,环顾四周心茫然;君不见,夫妻分离哭成片,一别生死两茫茫;君不见,白发父母心头恨,白发人送黑发人;君不见,孩童面黄肌瘦无人样,哭爹喊娘无人应。这些都因战争存,幸福人生变了样。惟愿白鸽自由飞,橄榄枝儿抛八方。世界和平日,让我们一起反对战争,保卫和平!

35. 战争场面多凄凉,多少孩子废墟之中唤爹娘。妻子寻夫夫不见,血流成河在战场,父母整天倚门望,盼儿早日归故乡。田园荒芜无食粮,面黄肌瘦病怏怏。愤声问问战争狂,发动战争为哪桩?只盼白鸽衔来橄榄枝,和平之光照耀世界每一方。国际和平日,让我们一起保卫和平,远离战争!

36. 地球上的人类将透过爱成为一体;地球上所有的恐惧、对立、纷扰、不安、战争与灾荒,终将消失,和平与秩序必将来到,自由民主的声音将响遍每个角落。国际和平日,愿无家可归的人都有一个温暖的家,人人光明喜悦。

37. 同样生存在一个地球,同样享受一个宇宙空间。为什么要相互格斗残杀?你争他霸,战争硝烟弥漫。从而使城市摧毁,物种濒危,土地焦黑,生灵涂炭。9。21世界和平日,唤起世界人民起来反对战争,和平共处,世界和谐。建设家园,安居乐业,繁衍生息。世界和平万岁!

38. 和平与正义如果没有实力作基础,恐怕只能是空中楼阁。

39. 请抑制血液里沸腾的战争欲望,请转换种族歧视的有色眼光,人人生而平等,和平才是这世界的主题思想,别让战火的硝烟泯灭人性的善良,别让水深火热的境遇伤害国家的希望,和平才是我们最终的期望,国际和平日,请奉献你我的一点力量,用心去爱国际大家这个地方。

40. 从烽火戏诸侯到争霸春秋,从战国时代到楚河汉界,从三国争雄到南北对恃,从安史之乱到蒙古铁骑,从火烧圆明园到五四青年节,华夏五千年,传承未断,战火未止!国际和平日,为中华之崛起而呼吁!

41. “早睡早起工作勤,上班选择步行去,不花钱来不用油,昂首挺胸大步走,不用担心路拥堵,满面春风精神佳,走出健康走出美,热爱自然享清净。世界无车日,愿你关爱健康,践行环保!“

42. 君不见,满园风光成焦土,环顾四周心茫然;君不见,夫妻分离哭成片,一别生死两茫茫;君不见,白发父母心头恨,白发人送黑发人;君不见,孩童面黄肌瘦无人样,哭爹喊娘无人应。这些都因战争存,幸福人生变了样。惟愿白鸽自由飞,橄榄枝儿抛八方。世界和平日,让我们一起反对战争,保卫和平!

43. 和平是碧水蓝天下的安居乐业,和平是美丽村落里的幸福安康,和平是落日余晖中的怡然自乐,和平是群山深处的宁静悠远。国际和平日到了,让我们一起守护美丽和平。

44. 和平是一首快乐的歌,让我们共同来歌唱;和平是一曲欢乐舞曲,让我们共同来跳起;和平是一面迎风的旗,让我们共同来挥舞;国际和平日,让我们共同来歌唱和平的歌,跳起和平舞蹈,共享和平阳光。

45. 战火,只会增加仇恨;硝烟,只会增加苦难;纷乱,只会加剧混乱;战争,只会加剧伤痛。国际和平日,让和平的白鸽在全世界自由翱翔,让和平的橄榄枝抛向四面八方,惟愿世界和平,和谐安定。愿你珍惜美好,幸福一生!

46. 我们期盼,周围的空气里没有硝烟;我们期盼,家人团聚再无离散;我们期盼,和平的白鸽自由飞翔在蓝天;我们期盼,橄榄的绿枝延伸到天涯海边。国际和平日到了,愿世界的每个角落都会幸福平安!

47. 唱起和平的歌谣,愿人们幸福,敲响和平的钟声,愿人民安定,放飞和平的白鸽,愿人类快乐,种上和平的橄榄,愿世界和平,国际和平日,愿世界没有战争,人类安定幸福!

48. 用彼此的关怀植下和平的种子,用相互的理解浇灌和平的幼苗,用共同的心愿呵护和平的大树。国际和平日到了,希望世界处处洒满和平。

49. 朗诵和平的诗歌,给人快乐;叩响和平的钟声,给人安宁;绘制和平的蓝图,让人幸福;聆听和平的乐曲,让人欢悦。世界和平日到了,愿和平的阳光洒落世界的每一处。

50. 和平的蓝天上白鸽自在飞翔,和平的大地上人民安居乐业,和平的原野里橄榄茁壮生长,和平的世界里各国儿女欢笑一片。国际和平日到了,愿和平的音符飘荡在世界的每一个角落。

51. 今天是国际和平日:“和平之鸽”是维护和平的小使者。它消除邪恶,不停地期待着和平的明天。

52. 国际和平日,让和平白鸽自由飞翔,带去安宁温馨;让美好橄榄枝四处蔓延,编织幸福世界;让和谐旗帜随风飘扬,传递快乐心语。惟愿世界和平,永无战争!



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After entering college, we found, to our surprise, that differences between high school life and college life are great. In high school, we always depended on our parents and teachers to solve all kinds of difficult problems. At college, however, we have to rely exclusively on ourselves. Whats more, we have to learn how to get along with our classmates and roommates.

Four years at college is an important yet very short period of time in our life. So it is always expected that we adapt to this life as quickly as possible. But it is a pity that not everyone can do so immediately. Here are some suggestions.

First, get familiar with the main buildings on the campus. Spend one or two hours by yourself or with your classmates to go around the campus so that you can know the location of such important places as the library, the dining room, the post office, the clinic and classrooms. Next, try to be independent. Learn to do such things as making sound decisions on how to spend your time, how to spend your money etc, and washing clothes on your own. Furthermore, form good study habits. Talk with your classmates and learn from their good habits. Finally, try to take part in all kinds of activities to get out of your solitude and get on well with your classmates.



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As we know, many people favor theidea that the college life is free and comfortable, but I’d like to say it’snot true. As a matter of fact, my life in university is so busy that I wonderif my energy is enough. As to my college life, I divide it into four parts,including study, student activities, library and the others.

Firstly, I want to talk about thestudy. In my opinion, study is the priority in college. When I received theletter of admission in summer, I knew clearly that what I should do. So I makeup my mind to study hard and pursue learning as much as possible. I’m greatlyconvinced that knowledge can change my life. Therefore, I often go to the quietstudy room where many people study there. By working so hard, I get good gradesin the exams.

Secondly, student activities playan important role in our college life. To be honest, the student Union is agood place where one can develop social skills, get his abilities trained. Itake part in many student activities. For example, I’ m a volunteer, teachingthe kids to learn to dance and write. I think it’s meaningful for everyone togive a hand to others. I can also do some jobs in the Student Union, includingreceiving and sending fast mail, selling papers and magazines. I think they’re unforgettableand worthwhile experiences for me.

Thirdly, I also visit the libraryconstantly. It’s said that “shelves of books, oceans of knowledge”, so I readbooks that I’m interested in. In this way, I can share stories with my new friendsand it also changes my horizons .When I’m sad, lost or in trrouble, staying thelibrary makes me quiet and comfortable. After all, every life has bad momentsas well as good ones, and the library for me is a support in bad moments. So it’s wise choice for me to stay in thelibrary.

Finally, I often do other thingsin my spare time. In order to alleviate parents’ burden, I often do somepart-time jobs and write some articles to earn money. It helps me to beindependent and improve my social skills.

In short, mylife in university is busy but valuable. You can see that study brings me knowledge,student activities improve myself, library changes my horizons, the othersthings make me independent. They get all my abilities trained. And I see thatthe chance will come only if you have a prepared mind, so I’m sure that I canachieve my dreams in college life.



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Do you want to know what I did during the winter vacation? Well, on the first week, I did my homework,surfed the Internet,played computer games and watched TV.

On the second week, I helped my parents with housework, so I did the dishes, washed lots of my parents` clothes and helped them take out the trash.

On the third week, I chatted with my girl friend on cell phone(手机) and we both had a good time.I had a happy winter holiday! So how about you?



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This years summer vacation was most enjoyable. I spent fifteen days helping my grandparents doing farm work in the countryside, where I saw mountains fields covered with green plants. Sometimes I went swimming in the river to the west of the village, the water in which was quite clear.

I kept a diary every day. Besides doing farm work, I help the children in the neighborhood with their lessons. All of them showed interest in English. They could read write wellthey could hardly understand simple English. So every day in the morning I spent about two hours helping them improve their listening spoken English. They all made great progress. Their parents all thought highly of me. I now realize that knowledge is very needed in the countryside.





2.我的暑假My Summer Holiday作文



5.优秀作文:我的暑假My Summer Holiday










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I have spent a happy summer holiday now.The most enjoyable thing that happened during this summer was to swim with my brother.

My brother was a good swimmer ,who had swum for about 3 years.

We went swimming together on a hot sunny day to the nearest swimming pool.I liked the swimming very much because that day the sun was burning on us making us feel so hot.In the cool water we cooled down our bodies and exercised.

It is the most joyful thing that has ever occured to me.

Dont you think so?



全文共 2116 字

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1. I gave Tom the book. //

2. He bought his mother some flowers. //

3. The bridge was built by workers last year.//

4. We have to finish the work today. //5. He will do his homework tomorrow. //

6. We clean the rooms every day. //7. The writer spent 3 years on the book. //

8. It is a book with a lot of beautiful pictures.//

9. The book sold very well during the first week. //first week.

10. Mary was the only one in the office. //

11. She finished her work at 10 o’clock. //She didn’12. She had to take a taxi home because it was too late.

13. Liza and Mike arrived at the Great Wall in two hours.

14. They were happy to get to the top.//

15. They enjoyed themselves on the Great Wall.//

16. The postman sent Susan and Tommy a paper box.

17. They opened it and found a present from their friend.

18. They both liked the present and felt very happy.

19. Alice didn’t feel well today, so she went to the hospital.

20. The doctor asked her some questions. //

21. The doctor didn’t give her any medicine in the end.


1. The capital Airport has been in use for 20 years. //

2. The capital Airport is the largest one in China. //

3. I have never taken a plane. My friend Li Ping , either. //


1. Father gave $20 for me to buy some books. //

2. I was excited when I saw so many good books in the bookstore.

3. But some books would cost more than I have. //

But I didn’//(全真3)

1. Many Chinese friends went to the party. 2. Tony was given a lot of presents by his friends. //Tony’

3. Seeing his Chinese teacher at the party made Tony very happy. //(全真4)

1. I want to eat something. //2. The refrigerator is empty.//3. Bob spent fifteen yuan on the hamburger. ///(全真5)

1. Mr.Wang doesn’t work in that factory any longer. //

2. Mr. Wang left home earlier in order to catch the bus. 3. Mr. Wang finds it not easy to get along with that young guy. //(专家1)

1. Many people went shopping yesterday.

2. Jane spent 4 hours to buy New year gifts. //

3. She was so tired that she couldn’t walk any longer. //


1. My friends said to me, “Are you free?”

2. She wanted me to go shopping with her.

3. She thinks it a pleasure to go shopping with a friend.



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I have a future world in my heart. Its beautiful and spectacular. Now, let me take you there for a tour.

We set out in the shape of a water drop solar car. The biggest advantage of this kind of car is that it will not pollute the environment. Its shape is also very interesting. The front is a transparent frame made of long wooden boards and some glass pieces, and the back is a patterned tail made of hard stone. Almost everyone can drive this kind of car, because it is very easy to operate, as long as you press the start button, the following is controlled by the language.

In the future, animals in the world can communicate with people. If you feel bored, animals will come to talk with you and play with you. Of course, these animals have to be your own pets. In the zoo, the keepers will also give the animals the food they want, take them to the places they want to go, and play the games they want to play.

Next, we come to the childrens palace, which is a 50 story building. Children have their own cabinets and desks here. You can enjoy learning and playing with your classmates. The most interesting thing is the restaurant here. When you want to eat, you have to do a small performance, even if you read some ancient incantations and dance a strange dance. You dont have to cook, and the rich food will show up in front of you. OK, let me take you to have a try now. The delicious food will surely make you salivate.

How wonderful my future world is! How about you think about your future world, maybe better than mine!



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1、it must be realized that。


2、all in all, we cannot live without but at the same time we must try to find out new ways to cope with the problems that would arise。总之,我们没有是无法生活的。英语万能句子。但同时,我们必须寻求新的解决办法来对付可能出现的新问题。

3、i sincerely believe that。


4、it is natural to believe that , but we shouldnt ignore that。


5、obviously, if we dont control the problem, the chances are that will lead us in danger。


6、obviously, if we want to do something , it is essential that。


7、only in this way can we。


8、recently,http://tongxiehui.net/by/7321.html the problem of has aroused peoples concern。


9、the best way to solve the troubles is。


10、no doubt, unless we take effective measures, it is very likely that。


11、it is time to take the advice of and to put special emphasis on the improvement of。


12、people have figured out many ways to solve this problem。


13、here are some suggestions for handling。


14、there are different opinions among people as to。


15、many people insist that。


16、nowadays, (overpopulation) has bee a problem we have to face。


17、personally, i am standing on the side of。


18、peoples views on vary from person to person。 some hold that 。 however, others believe that。


19、from my point of view, it is more reasonable to support the first opinion rather than the second。


20、it is urgent that immediate measures should be taken to stop the situation。


21、different people hold different attitudes toward (failure)。


22、it may be true that , but it doesnt mean that。


23、as far as something is concerned。


24、hence/therefore, wed better e to the conclusion that。


25、it is monly believed that / it is a mon belief that。


26、attitudes towards (drugs) vary from person to person。


27、taking into account all these factors, we may reasonably e to the conclusion that。


28、there is no doubt that (job-hopping) has its drawbacks as well as merits。


29、i cannot entirely agree with the idea that。


30、it is high time that we put an end to the (trend)。


31、with the development of science and technology, more and more people believe that。


32、there is no evidence to suggest that。


33、taking all these factors into consideration, we naturally e to the conclusion that。


34、a lot of people seem to think that。


35、people may have different opinions on。


36、there is no doubt that enough concern must be paid to the problem of。


37、in my opinion, it is more advisable to do than to do 。


38、the inter has been playing an increasingly important role in our day-to-day life。 it has brought a lot of benefits but has created some serious problems as well。




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Each and every one of us is responsible for the greenhouse gases we emit in our daily actions and choices. Therefore, combating climate change is going to take the combined efforts of everyone on the planet.

The average household carbon footprint in China is 2.41 tons of carbon dioxide annually. Thats enough to fill half an Olympic swimming pool.

Surprised? Well, heres how you can work to reduce it:

1.Get started by calculating your own carbon footprint. This will give you a starting point from which to begin monitoring your progress. You enter details such as what sort of apartment you live in, your personal energy use and travel habits.

2. Each week, choose one day when you dont eat meat. Meat uses up lots of energy because it takes a long time to produce. Animals produce methane, which is another dangerous greenhouse gas, when they burp and fart.

3. Only buy the amount of food you need and if there are leftovers, get creative. For instance, make them into a soup. Ask to take food home from restaurants if theres some left, but remember to take your own container to avoid using a disposable carton.









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in the life, everybody has a lot of problem. for example, i am a wonderful student. i can usually get a high mark. i study very well. but sometimes i reckless of the examination, so, i can’t do it very well. after the exam, i blow it. most of my teachers usually apprehend me, but my mother sometimes makes little of me. she usually says that,’ honey, why you blew the exam, don’t forget, you are an excellent student, you must study hard, and you must get the high mark next exam.’

when my mother says that, i always feel very chagrin. i am not oracle, why i can’t make mistakes. but my father apprehends me. he thinks i am a children, so i can make a little mistake. i always study hard after i blew the exam, because my father cheers on me. i study hard for me, for him, of course, i study hard for my mother too.

when we barge up against, don’t trepidation, don’t be scared, and tell the tribulation to our kiths, they can help you.



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1. According to a recent survey, four million people die each year from diseases linked to smoking.


2. The latest surveys show that quite a few children have unpleasant associations with homework.


3. No invention has received more praise and abuse than Internet.


4. People seem to fail to take into account the fact that education does not end with graduation.


5. An increasing number of people are beginning to realize that education is not complete with graduation.


6. When it comes to education, the majority of people believe that education is a lifetime study.


7. Many experts point out that physical exercise contributes directly to a persons physical fitness.


8. Proper measures must be taken to limit the number of foreign tourists and the great efforts should be made to protect local environment and history from the harmful effects of international tourism.


9. An increasing number of experts believe that migrants will exert positive effects on construction of city. However, this opinion is now being questioned by more and more city residents, who complain that the migrants have brought many serious problems like crime and prostitution.


10. Many city residents complain that it is so few buses in their city that they have to spend much more time waiting for a bus, which is usually crowded with a large number of passengers.




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I’m going to the sun on my holiday. I will go there by a spaceship. I will take a big blue spaceship.

Then I’ll pilot the spaceship to the sun. The sun is very hot. So I put on the super-shirt. In the morning, I will have some sun burger for my breakfast.

At eight o’clock, I will play with my friends there. They are super dog and super girl. Super dog is white and black. Super girl is very clever. Super girl and super dog like to play with me. So I play with them for forty minutes. Then I do my homework in my little red room on a small blue table. After my home work, I will have my lunch. I will eat sun salad. I will make some red toy bear to the sun babies. I will have red juice, red fish and red rice. All the things are red. Then I need a lot of water on the sun because the sun is too hot. So I will walk to the spaceship. I’ll pilot the spaceship to the earth.

This is a good holiday on the sun.








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● And gladly would learn , and gladly teach .( Chaucer , British pot

勤于学习的人才能乐意施教。(英国诗人, 乔叟)

●Better be unborn than untaught , for ignorance is the root of misfortune .(Plato , Ancient Greek philosopher)

与其不受教育,不如不生,因为无知是不幸的根源.(古希腊哲学家 柏拉图)

●Genius without education is like silver in the mine. (Benjamin Franklin , American president )

未受教育的天才,犹如矿中之银。 (美国总统 富兰克. B.)

●The roots of education are bitter , but the fruit is sweet .(Aristotle , Ancient Greek philosopher )

教育的根是苦的,但其果实是甜的。( 古希腊哲学家 亚里士多德)


●Activity is the only road to knowledge .(George Bernard Shaw , British


行动是通往知识的唯一道路。 (英国剧作家 肖伯纳. G.)

●A free man obtains knowledge from many sources besides books .(Thomas Jefferson ,

American president)


杰斐逊 . T.)

●A great part to the information I have was acquired by looking up something and finding something else on the way .(Adams Franklin , American humorist )


富兰克林. A.)

●If a man empties his purse into his head , no man can take it away from him , an investment in knowledge always pays the best interest .(Benjamin Franklin ,

American president )


富兰克林. B.)

●Imagination is more important than knowledge .(Albert Einstein , American scientist )

想象力比知识更为重要。 (美国科学家 爱因斯坦. A. )

●Knowledge is power . (Francis Bacon , British philosopher )

知识就是力量。 (英国哲学家 培根. F.)

●The empty vessels make the greatest sound . (William Shakespeare , British dramatist )

满瓶不响,半瓶咣当。(英国剧作家 莎士比亚. W.)



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Every day I will come to my house downstairs garden that buy vegetables, every time to buy food I will carry a green bag, and I buy food is the most fresh, the most nutrition, without any pesticide of vegetables.

After buying vegetables, I will go home to cook cooking. I hold accuse the electric meal bao in the home is from solar power, so that use of low cost, no pollution to the environment, to adapt to the sustainable development; High reliability, and does not need complex auxiliary system. I started cooking. My family is from downstairs stream into electric frying pans hydro power, its low cost, no pollution, can be continuous regeneration. Can strong effect. Water dissolving force is big, has great ability of ionization, can make the water soluble substances in the body exist in dissolved, and the attitude of the electrolyte ions, help active chemical reactions in the human body, increase the vigour. After dinner, I go to do my homework.

My home is the LED desk lamp, it can be environmental protection and energy saving can save 80% of the electricity; More comfortable visibility, provides a more uniform light and clear images; Long life; Easy to use security. Homework, Im ready to go outside to play for a while.

I rode my bike and looking at the flowers outside, very beautiful flowers, colorful; Grass, grass, cui lust flow. His heart alacrity. My bike is very good, he is very environmental protection, no pollution, can let us save Labour, save money. In the look at the car outside, energy consumption; The tail car cause air pollution, global warming; Go out by car, reduces the chance people walking exercise, affect the body health. Say to say, wed like to keep the car bicycle, drive a car. I went to bed after I exercise the body.

My bed is very warm, it is because we use heat to keep the bed warm. He covers an area of small; Dont need to do central heating time saving manpower; Thermal efficiency is higher, the heat utilization rate of hot water is several times. Very practical. In my warm bed asleep slowly, slowly fall asleep. This is my low carbon life, my home!








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a few months ago, i was a primary pupil. i had many good friends and teachers that i remember all the time.

my new life is very exciting. i’m in dongzhou middle school. it’s famous in jiangsu. it’s bigger and more beautiful than the primary school. i love it very much.

i’m in class 10, grade 7. it’s a good class. the students are clever, nice, friendly and helpful. all my classmates study hard. they want to be on the top.i get up at 5:30. sometimes i read english, sometimes i learn chinese. studying is very / interesting.i’m sure our class will get better and better. i like my new class, the new school and the new life.



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At once, the summer vacation has passed half, in the "limited", Ive really had a leisurely, go to the swimming pool to swim, go to the beach on vacation. Looking at a book sometimes blowing air conditioning, comfortable and happy. Of course, sometimes I will be at my desk writing assignments.

The most let me remember profoundly or the time of going to the beach on vacation. Drove eight or nine hours, arrived at our destination, weihai rushan city. The air is very clean here, can see the most, is that a large a large corn, HuaShengDe, they and the blue sky white clouds, mountains, green trees form a beautiful picture.



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Taking all these factors into consideration, we naturally come to the conclusion that…


Taking into account all these factors, we may reasonably come to the conclusion that …


Hence/Therefore, wed better come to the conclusion that …


There is no doubt that (job-hopping) has its drawbacks as well as merits.


All in all, we cannot live without … But at the same time we must try to find out new ways to cope with the problems that would arise.



It is high time that we put an end to the (trend).该是我们停止这一趋势的时候了.

It is time to take the advice of … and to put special emphasis on the improvement of …


There is no doubt that enough concern must be paid to the problem of …


Obviously, … If we want to do something … , it is essential that …


Only in this way can we … 只有这样,我们才能……

It must be realized that …我们必须意识到……


Obviously, if we dont control the problem, the chances are that … will lead us in danger.


No doubt, unless we take effective measures, it is very likely that …


It is urgent that immediate measures should be taken to stop the situation.

