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When it comes to harmony, you might think that this is an abstract, general concept. Its hard to see what it really is. Maybe if you read the following, it will be clear what harmony is.

It may be a definition of nature. Indeed, the weak creatures must be the belly of powerful creatures. But the ring of the ring is also a natural harmony. When a large number of frogs die, there will be a plague of locusts and food. As a result, food prices have skyrocketed and financial crises are inevitable.

A remote road in the United States, called maltin, is clogged with vehicles. The reason is to make way for the snake. Originally, the construction of this road, destroyed the "channel" of snakes. In that year, there were not only frequent incidents of snake wounding, but also in the north of Fulton, there was a crop failure, and the rats were overrun. The reason was that there were too few snakes!

The Yellow River, our mother river, the silt accumulation, this is also the result of the harmony that the Chinese people break. In the upper reaches of the Yellow River, the water is clear and transparent. But as she flows through the loess plateau, piles of sediment flow into the water, making her muddy. The loess plateau was a green place hundreds of years ago. It is because of human logging that soil erosion and silting are deposited in the Yellow River.

See, isnt this an example of a typical human being who destroys his own harmony with nature and leads to his own detriment?

But have you thought about it? Why do humans destroy the food chain? Undermine your harmony with nature? Why would humans be so desperate for natural safety?

For one thing, many people dont know enough about the food chain. Dont really understand what the food chain is! Second, and most important, human beings have endless desires. Some people, to satisfy the desire of money, killed the elephant, saw the tusks with saws, saw the ivory to buy the crafts, and got a lot of money. Of course, there are also people who pay a lot of money to buy mink, leopard skin, tiger fur coats. Because of this, there will be many people to kill and sell, like those lovely and good animals to death. Others are just to vent their anger and abuse the petite little creatures that have no resistance to human beings. Of course, there are also people for entertainment, for their own sake, and go hunting. So many cases, in fact, is mans endless desire.

But the development of mankind is precisely because human beings have endless desires. People have invented elevators, cars, trains and planes because they are too lazy to walk. Someone has invented a massage chair, air conditioner, etc. The war that led to the rapid progress of mankind is also rooted in the desire to be bullied by powerful, desirable countries. Thus, the development, creation, the establishment of its own international status. Therefore, no desire, no progress, development.

Destruction is inevitable as you develop to satisfy your desires. But if, at the same time, it also protects nature, afforesting and releasing animals, then this is a virtuous cycle. As the workers of the great hinggan mountains said, "we cut down trees, we also have trees, one hand and one hand." We should also protect our own nature.

Nature is like a very tight equation, like a long iron chain. It is always a ring and a ring. The incompleteness of the equation will affect the problem and lead to the deviation of the result. Once the chain is rusted, it disconnects, loses its ability to function, and causes significant losses at critical moments. Therefore, we humans should not deliberately destroy the harmony of nature, while destroying it, our human interests actually suffer a great loss. We need to protect nature and establish a harmonious relationship with nature.

You must have been able to understand the real harmony here.




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Life needs positive energy. A person’s life is a road with lots of difficulties and various negative emotions.

Everyone will have the desperate time. Positive energy can help us go through this period of time.

For example, I am sad about the exam yesterday. But an optimistic classmate encourages me to think in a good way and comfort me.

I can recover soon. But if she also is as pessimistic as me, I won’t have recovered so quickly. Maybe I will be sad for a long time. There are many similar things happening in our life. To live a better life, we need positive energy.





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Myname is Zhang Xin and I study in No.1 Middle School.

Our campus is so large andbeautiful that I am happy to study in our school.

I usually reach school at 7 o’clockand our morning reading begins at half past seven.

I have seven classes a day,four in the morning and three in the afternoon.

I listen to the teachercarefully in the class. But after class, I play very well with my classmates.We have many activities for fun. Our class ends at five o’clock. Generally, I spendhalf an hour in taking part in sport activities. It’s good for my health. I likemy life in school.





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I was born in the country, my family lived there before I was 6 years old.

Then my parents moved to the city for their work, I had to stay away from my

hometown. Though living in the city brings me a lot of convenience, I eat the

good food, I still miss country life all the time. I love to live in the


Living in the country, the time seems to be very slow. I woke up early in

the morning and then took the walk. After eating the breakfast, it was about 8

o’clock. I went out to play with my friends or went to help my grandparents with

their work. After doing these, it was just 11 o’clock. But in the city, I woke

up at 9 o’clock, and then I ate the breakfast, the rest of the day was to play

computer. How time flies to me.

I get so close to the nature and I find so much fun in the country life. I

always want to live in my hometown. When I have the time, I will go back there

and enjoy the moment.



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We will never forget our freshman year at college.In general it is a time filled with anticipation,some anxiety,and wonderful discoveries.

College is much different than high school.You may decide to commute from your home to a local campus.Without doubt,the most dramatic freshman year is for those living away from home.What can we expect as we head off into the wonderful world of higher education?

The first thing I notice is the workload.It is heavier and more intense than I ever experienced before.The major challenges of college work are large volume of reading,short deadlines,and “endless” writing.A related effect that can be brought on by the workload is doubt,frustration,and loneliness if possible.

On some of those long,seemingly endless nights of studying and writing,it will be very natural for me to long for fine old days.Hang in there.These down periods will pass.

I have made a lot of new friends.I am sure college friendships will be among the most satisfying and long-term in my life.Its always exciting to discover how wonderfully diverse college relationships can be.

I am enjoying my newfound freedom.Stay up until dawn talking about my ideals and ambitions with my dorms regular bull session buddies.Sleep in until the afternoon on a light class day.Explore the local town or suburbs with one or two of my new friends.

I even start to think about my future.Going to college is as much about finding out who am I as it is about getting the degree.



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Nowadays, with the development of technology, many young people stay

indoors and play computer all the time. Especially for those who stay up very

late or go out to play for fun until midnight, then they wake up at noon the

next day. This is the unhealthy lifestyle, and they need to make some


First, having regular break time and enough sleep is the basic way to keep

healthy. Some young people hang out for fun after work. They need to release

their pressure and have fun with their friends. They go home very late and then

next day get up, preparing to work. In the long run, they not only have low

efficiency, but also damage their bodies.

Second, keep the balanced diet. Most people are picky about food. They only

choose the food they like and lose the balance of nutrition. For most kids, they

like to have meat and refuse of the vegetables and fruit. It is not good for the

growth of their bodies.

The healthy lifestyle helps people live the harmonious life. Besides having

enough sleep and keeping balance diet, taking exercise is also in need.



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I imagine a lot about lives in the future. I think two words can summarize

my imagination. The first word is fast. In the future, we will have more quickly

transportation means. Now matter how far we go, it takes only a short time. With

the development of science and technology, we can travel to the moon, Mars or

somewhere outer space. People may can live in other planets. The second word is

convenient. Because of the fast development of our society, many work can be

done by computers or even robots. Lots of things are fully automated. Humans

just need to give some simple instructions to complete complecated tasks.



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1、 家乡的人被矿坑淹没失去了生命。

2、 林黛玉在贾宝玉的心中仍然占有独一无二的位置。有两个主要原因:一是林黛玉和他是前世的情缘,自然今生牵扯不断;二是林黛玉与他趣味相投,是他生活中的精神同类。此外,林黛玉独一无二的才情和个性,亦是令贾宝玉魂牵梦绕的因素。

3、 这世上没有真正的公主!除非你老爸家资亿万,能引来一帮图你油水的男生女生常绕在左右虚意奉承,否则,你别指望全世界的人都能宠你若宝!

4、 从来不需要想起,永远也不会忘记。

5、 很多人,很多事,原本是熟悉的,以为明天可以再继续的。于是转过身暂时放手,想的是明日又将重聚的希望。你来回应,我靠近天堂,你沉默,我成了经过。太阳落下去重新升起来以前,那些事,就不可能再经历;那些人,就从此与你永别了。

6、 爱到分才显珍贵,很多人都不懂珍惜拥有,只到失去才看到,其实那最熟悉的才是最珍贵的。

7、 淳朴的脸孔又再一次想起心灵的归宿何处挡风遮雨。

8、 人之所以不幸福,也可能是被自己耽误的。

9、 几乎所有女人都是这么认为:一个男人愿意为一个女人花多少钱,就证明他对她的爱有多少。这不是女人的拜金,而是很明显的一个投入产出的道理。就像父母一样,不惜血本培养孩子学钢琴学外语学美术学舞蹈,你可以说他们是“望子成龙望女成凤”,但究其深层原因:那是源自他们对孩子的爱,他们的投入,希望能换来孩子的好生活!

10、 记住该记住的,忘记该忘记的,改变能改变的,接受不能改变的。

11、 那些花儿,盛开了,散落了。

12、 焚烧的纸钱在狂风中乱飞过去的回忆抹不去的伤痕。

13、 纷乱了世间,除了你,一切繁华都是背景,这场戏用生命演下去,付出的难得有这份约定,这段情只对你我有意义。

14、 月亮一走,风儿也觉无聊。

15、 都市的人被欲望淹没却失去了灵魂。

16、 很多花心的男人往往是女人逼出来的:他在家里找不到生活的快乐,在女友身上体会不到温暖,只好,去家外找其他女人叙感情了。

17、 成长的老幺现在我终于知道逃离的家乡最后归去的地方。

18、 泪水呐喊换不回阿爸在淹没的矿坑里面。

19、 怀旧是一种负担过去的痛苦,现在想起来依然痛苦而失去的快乐,现在回忆起来更加痛苦什么都不去想远比思念一个人来得简单。

20、 风,吹起破碎的流年,我看见远方的寂寞,泪流满面。

21、 生活,就是这样,永远占领着绝对的领导地位,当无数的傻子高呼着自己控制了生活自己掌握了命运,却没有看到,生活站在更高的苍穹之上,露出的讥笑嘲讽的面容…

22、 人在做痛苦,最恐慌的时候,并没有眼泪,眼泪永远都是流在故事的结尾,流在一切结束的时候!

23、 孤单的你,孤单的我,孤单的灵魂,流离失所。

24、 谁的眼角触得了谁的眉 ;谁的笑容抵得了谁的泪 ;谁的心脏载得住谁的轮回 ;谁的掌纹赎得回谁的罪

25、 谁在春日艳阳的午后, 轻抚你穿过飘扬秀发的手。 谁在无数个黯然的白夜, 带走独斟酌饮的酒, 把浓烈的温度,狠狠的烧进胸口。 谁把一季又一季的绿色原野, 揉碎成泥土中潮湿的腐朽。 谁捧起花的脸庞, 让岁月美的黯然神伤。

26、 有人告诉我鱼的记忆只有7秒 ,7秒之后它就不记得过去的事情 ,一切又都变成新的 。所以 ,在那小小的鱼缸里鱼儿,永远不会感到无聊 。我宁愿是只鱼 ,7秒一过就什么都忘记, 曾经遇到的人, 曾经做过的事 都可以烟消云散 , 可我不是鱼。无法忘记我爱的人 , 无法忘记牵挂的苦无法忘记相思的痛、、、

27、 最好的时光里,我依然独自一个人走在那条浮华炫丽却不属于我的街。 我像一个拾荒者,悄悄收藏起时光的底片,让它变成陈年的私酿,然后在那个夏日的午后,晾晒出任何与你有关的画面。

28、 邂逅的瞬间,我站在你的面前,只是个陌生人。 是浮华的化妆舞会,散场以后,一个落寞而黯淡的女子,是烟花一样虚空的美丽。喜欢这样的文字,把自己沉在一个最卑微的姿态局里,不需要任何人的理会,独自一个人在角落里笑着哭泣,不需要谁再来打扰属于我的宁静生活。)

29、 夕阳西下, 是我最想念的时候, 对着你在的那个城市, 说了一声:我想你, 不知道, 你是否听得到、

30、 有时候, 很迷茫的去看前方, 明明知道那片海没有你在, 却还要固执的踏上火车去追逐那个有你不了解的爱, 害怕总是真实的存在, 精彩的孤单总是陪伴着我们 终究该明白, 不能再在原地徘徊, 不能再固执的守着不会回来的, 不能再挣扎着看着你的不精彩、

31、 我不喜欢说话却每天说最多的话, 我不喜欢笑却总笑个不停 ,身边的每个人都说我的生活好快乐 ,于是我也就认为自己真的快乐 …… 可是为什么我会在一大群朋友中突然地就沉默 ,为什么在人群中看到相似的背影就难过 ,看见秋天树木疯狂地掉叶子我就忘记了说话 ,看见天色渐晚路上暖黄色的灯火, 就忘记了自己原来的方向。

32、 如果一开始,你就不要出现在我的面前 ,那么,我也许就不会知道幸福的滋味

33、 永远不要欺骗女人 , 因为我们一眼就能看穿 。 你知道男人和女人 , 说谎的最大差别在哪里吗 。 男人说谎是要让自己觉得好过 , 而女人说谎呢 是要让对方好过 ,我们选择欺骗 ,是因为不想伤害深爱的人 , 我们不是故意的 ,只是没有伤害对方的勇气 ,所以才隐藏真正的答案。

34、 我们离回忆太近,离自由太远。 有时候念念不忘,只是爱上回忆。 一次犹豫,一次背叛,一次意外,足以让它枯萎。挣脱一切,烟消云散。

35、 我们害怕岁月,却不知道活着是多么的可喜。 我们认为生存已经没意思,许多人却正在生死之间挣扎。甚么时候,我们才肯为自己拥有的一切满怀感激? 忘掉岁月,忘掉痛苦,忘掉你的坏。 我们永不永不说再见。

36、 也许。 这只是一个梦。一个破碎了的梦。 花凋花谢。 最后还是一片凄楚。 相识相爱。 最后还是不和而散。

37、 青春, 如同一场盛大而华丽的戏, 我们有着不同的假面, 扮演着不同的角色, 演绎着不同的经历, 却有着相同的悲

38、 坚硬的城市里没有柔软的 。 爱情, 生活, 不是林黛玉, 不会因为忧伤而风情万种 。

39、 几年后,发现无数的感情不撕自碎 , 原本都不完整,就不需要撕碎 。 现在,我开始怀念, 那个撕碎你信和照片的雨夜。我羡慕那时的自己 , 还有完整的幸福可以撕碎。

40、 年少时 ,我们因谁因爱或是只因寂寞而同场起舞 ;沧桑后, 我们何因何故寂寞如初却宁愿形同陌路;

41、 相爱时,我们明明两个人 ,却为何感觉只是独自一人? 分开后,明明只是独自一人 ,却为何依然解脱不了两个人?感情的寂寞,大概在于: 爱和解脱—— 都无法彻底

42、 让女人念念不忘的是感情, 让男人念念不忘的是感觉 。 感情随着时间沉淀, 感觉随着时间消失 。 终其是不同的物种 ,所以—— 谁又能明白谁的深爱 , 谁又能理解谁的离开。

43、 轻吟一句情话,执笔一副情画。 绽放一地情花,覆盖一片青瓦 。 共饮一杯清茶,同研一碗青砂 。 挽起一面轻纱,看清天边月牙。爱像水墨青花,何惧刹那芳华。

44、 淋过雨的空气,疲倦了的伤心,我记忆里的童话已经慢慢的融化。

45、 寂寞是与生俱来的,当繁华散去,当容颜老去,伴随我们的也只剩下寂寞了吧!只是我们习惯了寂寞,就像我们习惯了呼吸,并不会因为一时的遗忘而停止!寂寞和欢乐是在人生路上交叠出现的两个站台,寂寞并不是弃绝红尘,哀叹人情的冷暖,也不是消沉,而欢乐也不是贪慕名利,跟随世俗的车轮随波逐流。

46、 不要忘记你离开学校时的梦想,虽然经过一段时间的工作让你有时很疲惫,很迷茫,甚至也很悲观,但不要忘了当年散伙饭上,你喝下最后一杯酒,给自己的承诺。

47、 人是可以快乐地生活,只是我们自己选择了复杂,选择了叹息!

48、 如果不能够永远在一起,也至少给我们怀念的勇气,拥抱的权利,好让我明白我心动的痕迹。经历过死的人,往往活得更好更精彩,只因为他们明白了“活着”的可贵!

49、 既然爱,为什么不说出口,有些东西失去了,就在也回不来了!

50、 你走了,带着我全部的爱走了,只是一句分手,我忍着眼泪看着你的背影,好想最后在抱你一次,好想在对你说一次“我爱你”。

51、 等待的感觉,有一点仇恨,又有一点忧伤。但总之,绝对不是坏的感觉。

52、 晨曦中模糊的脚步声已忘了最后一次的道别。

53、 生命中,不断地有人离开或进入。于是,观见的



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1. 不用说…… It goes without saying that …

= (It is)needless to say(that)…

= It is obvious that …


It goes without saying that it pays to keep early hours。

2. 在各种……之中,…… Among various kinds of …,… /= Of all the …


Among various kinds of sports,I like jogging in particular。

3. 就我的看法……;我认为……

In my opinion,…

= In my mind,…

= As far as I am concerned,…

= I am of the opinion that …

例:In my opinion,playing video games not only takes much time but is also harmful to health。


4. 随着人口的增加…… With the increase/growth of the population,…

随着科技的进步……With the advance of science and technology,…

例:With the rapid development of Taiwans economy,a lot of social problems have come to pass。


5. ……是必要的 It is necessary(for sb。)to do / that …

…… 是重要的 It is important/essential(for sb。)to do / that …

…… 是适当的 It is proper(for sb。)to do / that …

……是紧急的 It is urgent(for sb。)to do / that …

例:It is proper for us to keep the public places clean。

It is proper that we(should)keep the public places clean。




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Read "one man to cherish life", so I know life is everywhere, everywhere, life is so precious! With life, there is competition and struggle; with life, there will be happiness and sadness; with life, there is hope and ideals, with life, only to cherish life.

Jack Londons love of life tells a story about life. The works show that the strong breath of nature, brave and adventurous romantic spirit, strong will and to "live" deeply attracted me, reading people excited: a western American prospectors friend cruel abandoned was on his way back, he walked alone in the vast on the moor. The winter approached, and the cold wind caught him with snow, and he had no more food, and his legs were hurt, his shoes were broken, his feet were bleeding. He can only waiwaixiexie to stumble in the swamp covered hills, stream of wasteland, very difficult to move forward. Even at the end of the day, he had to climb forward. Just after his body was very weak and fainted, his danger came! He met a wolf who was equally hungry! The sick wolf followed him closely, licking his blood. In this way, a fierce battle between life and death began! Two dying creatures dragged their dying bodies and hunted each other in the wilderness. In order to go back alive, in order to overcome this horse he sick sick wolf, although the disease is still exhausted, hungry and exhausted all efforts in unarmed combat killed a wolf, the wolfs blood to drink. Finally, by the wilderness of ice and snow, he came to the beach and was rescued by a whale ship.

The novel clearly shows a man in the wilderness through the difficult process of survival, quietly portrays life great and powerful, is a celebration of life. "Love of life" by readers of the Blitz, is not accidental, because we can see from the face of harsh environment peoples indomitable will, dare to challenge and go beyond the limit of life, to create a miracle of life. Especially people fight in bed and illness, from which we can draw the power of life. Like the hero of the book, never give up, never give up, life strangling the throat, become a powerful life.

Ostrovsky once said: "the most precious thing is life.". Life belongs to man only once." Yes, how sacred and precious life is. However, in real life, some people lament, people complain that Life is but a dream. Born Under A Bad Sign, I do not intend to live, more people say life is painful and boring, even some people because a little small setbacks on the yield. Self abandonment, mediocrity in life.

Yeah! Life is your own, we can make it valuable, also can make it valuable, also can make it intense darkness without light. Therefore, we should be responsible for ourselves, we should cherish life, let the limited life to create unlimited glory!

I think this book is worthy to reading, it make us cherish our life.



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I am a student at grade 6,I want to say something about my life in primary school.

My school life in primary school is wonderful! I have a lot of friends. They are friendly to me.We study together play together and talk together. My teachers are very patient .They teach me a lot and help me with many problems. The school life is unforgettable.






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I think childhood is the happiest period in life, because there are few troubles and worries at that time. The only thing we worry about is our study.

Therefore, it’s a time for fun and enjoyment. In my memory, my childhood was colorful and interesting. I was born in the countryside, and I didn’t have many toys, just like other kids in my hometown. But as a creative group, we could always make a lot of toys by ourselves, which need no money at all.

We could get all materials around. Toy-making process is of course very interesting. Sometimes, we might quarrel with other kids because of different ideas, but we would get on well soon.

Of course, I was to blame by my parents due to my naughtiness. Sometimes they even banned me out. However, when I remember those things now, I often feel happy rather than sad or angry.

I will always cherish my childhood in my mind.



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My Winter Holiday` Plans Well, winter holiday is coming. So whatI am going

to do? I am going to read English books,surf the Internet,play badmintoon every

day。And first I am going to finish my homework 。In addition, I am going to leave

Shantou for Xiamen with my family and we are going to stay there for ten

days。And after we are getting there, we are going to eat delicious food,climb

the mountains in the Jin Bang Park。That must be a lot more fun and we will very

excited。How about you?What are you going to do when the Winter Holiday is




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It can be noticed that there are some unhealthy living habits among young people, especially college students. Typical examples include staying up late, being addicted to games, consuming in an inappropriate way. Thus, due attention should be paid to students daily habits.

Apparently, these bad habits may generate negative impacts. To begin with, they may impair students physical health and psychological fitness. In addition, what worries many teachers is that they may also exert negative influences on students academic performance. To conclude, never can we turn a blind eye to these phenomena.

In view of the seriousness of this issue, it is time that we took effective measure. Firstly, it is suggested that universities or colleges should cultivate students awareness of healthy living. Secondly, students themselves are well-advised to learn to regulate and control their own life appropriately. Only by doing so, can we hope to see the ideal scenes in which students enjoy their colorful and healthy life in Ivory Tower.



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Winter fun are countless, the last thing that impressed me most is the new year. It was a busy morning, the little bird had just been asked by the sun and the sun. On a very busy market, people laughing, everywhere is a beaming, the land put on new clothes, red like a red dress. Crackling, what sound is it? Oh Is the original happy Symphony, street upload times childrens laughter, the market is crowded with people, next to endure crowded crowded. The cars on the road running, the little swallow circling, twittering in the sky, what is it doing? It played spring praise for everyone!

Mom took me to squeeze into the bustling market, to visit relatives, relatives of domesticated a chubby little guy, she is very naughty, dont stop with a small beat my face, nails is not cut, she and I played the many interesting games. For example: cat and mice, monkeys on the tree...

I cant forget this interesting thing.



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You may feel that college life is boring. We do not know how to deal with the plenty of spare time. But I think the college life will become wonderful as long as you make it meaningful.

In your spare time, you could play basketball, football and so on. Doing sports is very interesting and good for your health.

In fact, you can do anything which you are interested in.Do not be nervous.We are friends.

Studying in college is a brand new start of our life.You can continue to study hard for the better scords. Libary is a good place for students to study in. If you want to show your talents and skills you can join in all kinds of activities.

In a word,college life is wonderful!








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Presently, a new lifestyle called low carbon life is spreading every corner of our country. The concepts of low carbon are low energy and no waste. It is such a significant project that I can‘t wait to present my ideas on how to promote it.


On the first place, a no-car day is supposed to set up every week in our school. Because cars not only cause serious air pollution but also waste energy. On no-car day, neither students nor teachers are allowed to drive to school. Meanwhile, just walk, jump, cycle or run. Use our legs and enjoy the fun.


On the second place, we had best not use plastic bags any more. No one can stand the “white pollution”。 So, it is wise to use bags which can be reused again and again. Finally, one thing that we should keep in mind: every big thing comes from the subtle. Therefore, as students, we ought to turn out the lights the moment we leave, turn off the tap in time, and reuse our textbook and so on.


All in all, it weighs greatly for all of us to put the low carbon lifestyle into practice. Just set our mind to these: no-car day, no plastic bags, and no waste. Let‘s do it now.




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13.好运只是个副产品,只有当你不带任何私心杂念,单纯地去做事情时,它才会降临。---马克 安德鲁斯

14.一个人要想实现自己的目标,离不开艰辛的脑力劳动和体力劳动。如果我不愿付出这样的代价,那么我的未 来一定充满眼泪和贫穷,我会为那没有笑声与鲜花的未 来顿足捶胸,哀叹自己的不幸。以后我不再为自己感到悲伤,我不再走在老路上。



17.生没有永远的伤痛,再深的痛,伤口总会痊愈。人生没有过不去的坎,你不可以坐在坎边等它消失,你只能想办法穿过它。人生,没有永远的爱情,没有结局的感情,总要结束;不能拥有的人,总会忘记。慢慢地,你不会再流泪;慢慢地,一切都过去了... 适当的放弃,是人生优雅的转身。







24.为什么我总在试图用言语来掩盖自己的渺小,总在试图为自己减轻负担,又总在为自己的低能寻找托辞?糟糕的是,我似乎已经相信了自己编造的借口,心、安理得,得过且过,安慰自己 比上不足,比下有余 。我不是蠢人,从此我要靠自己的双脚前行,永远抛弃那自怜自贱的拐杖。



27.从此,我将以全部的精力投入工作 不仅要完成计划中的任务,而且还要多做一些。如果我遭受苦难,正像我经常会有的命运,如果我怀疑我的努力,正像我常常想的那样,那么我仍要坚持工作。我要将整个身心倾注在工作之中,那时,天空将变得格外晴朗,在困惑与苦难中,生活中最大的快乐即将到来。让我遵循这条特殊的成功誓言做任何事情,我将尽最大努力。






33.热情是世界上最大的财富。它的潜在价值远远超过金钱与权势。热情摧毁偏见与敌意,摒弃懒惰,扫除障碍。 我认识到,热情是行动的信仰,有了这种信仰,我们就会无往不胜。我永远沫浴在热情的光影中。








41.王子公主的爱情不够现实,金钱名利的爱情不会持久,唯有心灵深处的关爱,才是平凡人的爱情 一个眼神,一个微笑,一个吻。












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Do you think what is the most important in your life?Maybe some answers are dreams.I may directly answer “lovers”.你认为你的生活中最重要的是什么?也许有些人的答案是梦想。我可以坦率地回答“爱人”。

In my opinion, lovers not simply mean your partner of life, but the people you love: your parents, husband or wife, children and friends.I have a happy life because of their company.I even can’t imagine the life without them.在我看来,爱人不仅仅指你的生活伴侣,而是你所爱的人:你的父母,丈夫或妻子,孩子和朋友。我拥有幸福的生活,因为有他们的陪伴。我甚至无法想象没有他们的生活。

My mum told me” money is not as important as you think, you neednt think too highly of it.Don’t be greedy, my girl.”I got it.Person around us is the most important.If they are unhappy, you won’t be happy.There is many beautiful scenery in our life, however, the most important thing we should notice is that, without the people we love, they worth nothing.我妈妈告诉我,“钱不是像你想像中的那么重要,你不要把它看得太重要。不要贪心,我的女孩。“我记住了。我们身边的人是最重要的。如果他们不开心,你也会不开心。在我们的生活中有很多美丽的风景,但是我们应该注意到最重要的是没有我们所爱的人,那些东西就是毫无价值。

In reality, many people are chasing wealth which results to the ignorance of people around them.Obviously, its not a brilliant choice.Don’t’ be controlled by wealth or money.About life , this is my idea, what’s about yours?在现实中,许多人因追逐财富而忽略了身边的人。很显然的,这不是明智的选择。不要被财富或金钱控制。这就是我对生活的看法,你的呢?
