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In a large, I need to do as much as possible to participate in some extracurricular activities, give yourself some training opportunities, including: regularly learning, understanding and practice of the party constitution, as well as their own words and deeds, feelings, as soon as possible through the audit, to join the Communist Party of China; actively participate in school the art style of campus activities, community activities, debate, speech contest, painting and calligraphy competition, in order to fully exercise the courage and ability to display personal style. Learn something new (simple dance, basketball, table tennis etc.) but the premise of all activities, must first learn! In the sophomore year, we must learn professional skills and make full use of school libraries, outsourced bookstores and network information, expand our horizons and expand our knowledge range, so as to inspire and develop our ideas and try to design academic innovation and technological innovation. Do more part-time jobs, contact more social practice, let yourself know more about the society, lay the foundation for entering the society after graduation, and prepare for some qualification tests. The target English is over four levels.

Machine two and so on. In the third, fully ready to go for a certificate, such as securities qualification certificate, qualification certificate and professional related to finished in Sandu, for the future lay the foundation for the accumulation of experience. You have to have some capital to talk to others. In the fourth year, the goal should be to improve the job hunting skills, collect the information of the company, and determine whether you want to get it. In professionalwritingacademicarticles, can boldly put forward their own views, exercise their ability to solve problems independently and creatively; to participate in the summer and professional work experience and exchange students work experience, understand the collection of information sources, and actively try to join the network, and have alumni, schoolmates talk about the job situation in previous years. More experience, as soon as possible for your career orientation, and try to make full preparation for the employment. Besides, we also need to develop the practical skills needed by the profession. Because employers, not only pay attention to the professional knowledge and skills of college students, but also pay attention to the plasticity of college students and some potential quality abilities. Take part in useful vocational training. Vocational training includes vocational skills training. Scientific evaluation of self professional ability, professional adaptability and professional values. In general, we should constantly improve the ability to cope with frustration, cultivate self - will and shape a good personality. Only with these basic abilities can we set up their own team and lay a solid foundation for their own development.

In the University, there is a popular sentence, "the university will regret for four years, and the university will regret for a lifetime without being in love." This view is at least disagreed at the moment. It may be an inevitable process to be in love at a university, and it should also be within the plan. It doesnt matter whether its important or not. Whats important is how to deal with it well. Its not only bad for oneself, but also affects itself, and more importantly, it may affect academic study and make oneself indulge in unrealistic imagination. Im afraid its not just regret for four years.




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1、 我虽然生活在这个世界,却不属于这个世界。

2、 音乐的内容是表现在音响中的生活的印象、思想和感情。因此作曲家应当有开阔的思想,深刻地理解生活,他应当是他那一时代的先进的人。如果内心生活贫乏,如果作曲家脱离生活,如果他的生活印象是贫乏的、肤浅的和偶然的,那他的音乐也一定是空洞的和无内容的。而他的一切技术就成为谁也不需要的东西了。 格里爱尔

3、 平直的生活淡而无味,曲折的生活五味俱全。

4、 当别人忽略你时,不要伤心,每个人都有自己的生活,谁都不可能一直陪你。当你看到别人在笑,不要以为世界上只有你一个人伤心,其实别人只是比你会掩饰。

5、 世界再精彩,他人再美好,都与你无甚关系,你就是你,只须梳理自己的羽毛,飞你想去的地方;世界再冷漠,他人再虚伪,这些也与你无甚关系,你还是你,若把生活看成一种刁难,你终会输,若把生活当做一种雕刻,你总能赢。有些事少犹豫,做了才知道对错;有些人别纠缠,久了总是要后悔。

6、 叔本华曾说:生活是一条由炽热的煤炭所铺成的环形道路。因为他的情感中有对生活苦难的深度感知。张爱玲说:生活是一件美丽的华袍,里面爬满了虱子。因为她的情感中有对生活本质深刻的剖析。

7、 要抓紧时间赶快生活,因为一场莫名其妙的疾病,或者一个意外的悲惨事件,都会使生命中断。

8、 一个时期变一个人,16岁慢慢懂得低调,17岁慢慢懂得生活不容易,18岁慢慢懂得爱不是随便说说,19岁慢慢懂得现实社会的残酷,20岁一路走过来很不容易,陪你一路继续奋斗的只有家人和你最爱的人了。

9、 钱是用来花的,不花的银两只是废物。这是一个以钱易物的社会,假设用得其所,不但能使你舒服地享用一切,生活得多姿多采,还可为你赚得到名利和权势。

10、 好教育应当给学生一种技能,便他可以贡献社会。换言之,好教育是养成学生技能的教育,使学生可以独立生活。

11、 情,不像天上的白云,逍遥,飘拂,随风游荡;爱,不似水中的浮萍,轻盈,飘逸,随波逐流。生活,有情有爱。情,总是于相处时,悄悄萌发,暗暗生芽,踏入不经意的心田,闪出爱的火花。人生,难的不是缺爱,而是有爱如何处理,世上少有红颜知己,若爱,就要明白,心不能两瓣,情不能两离。想好再去深爱。

12、 农民要与商人交易余缺,各取所需,才能使双方生活便利而有利可图。

13、 生活要朴素,学习要努力,做人要坦诚,对人要真诚。

14、 生活就是这样,它不会因为你的松懈而停下它的脚步。

15、 世上只有一件东西,能始终经受住生活的冲击:一颗宁静的心。

16、 生活比漫画残忍一百倍。它在你身边安排了无数喜欢欺负你的胖虎,无数喜欢嘲笑你的强夫,和一个你永远都追不上的宜静,却从来没想过要送你一只真正的机器猫。

17、 如何保鲜自己的爱情如同初恋般,首先是需要一直保持恋爱的心态,而在恋爱中偶尔装装失忆,彼此吵架闹别扭后要即使清除不好的记忆,只记得对方的好,多赞美对方的有点。第二是要懂得调情,会调情的女人才有情调。一段感情里没有情调,很容易变淡,只剩下亲情。所以对于女孩子来说,最重要的是要懂得情调。为生活制造一点浪漫的话,那么就能保持住爱情的新鲜度。

18、 我热爱我的生活,没什么可以阻挡我,但是我时时刻刻都快乐吗?不,我也会伤心,我有时候也会哭,那倒并不是因为我没有手脚,这倒容易接受,我是担心如果我爱的人受了伤,我却什么也不能做,这会让我感到十分痛苦。

19、 爱一个人并不是生活中最重要的,得到一个人,才是真正的生活。

20、 钢是在烈火和急剧冷却里锻炼出来的。所以才能坚硬和什么也不怕。我们的一代也是这样在斗争中和可怕的考验中锻炼出来的,学习了不在生活面前屈服。--奥斯特洛夫斯基

21、 学表演男生全被灭灯,其实是其专业惹的祸,让评委无法确认什么是真实。不过说句大实话,职场里生活中充满了表演(包括评委),讽刺的是每个表演者却在力求真实。当触碰到这个潜意识时,建议示弱而不逞强,示拙而不逞能。不懂装懂是聪明,懂装不懂却是智慧。(我也常装嫩--杨石头

22、 祝福你们,新郎新娘,祝贺你们爱情之树常青。愿你们相新相敬,恩恩爱爱,和和睦睦,白头偕老;愿你们尊敬父母,孝心甘情愿不变,依然是个好儿子、好女儿,这要当个好女婿、好媳妇;愿你们工作、学习和生活,步步称心,年年如意!!

23、 克洛普斯洛克没有人会选择孤立状况的整个世界,因为人是政治生物,他的本性要求与他一起生活。

24、 我唯一锲而不舍,愿意以自己的生命去努力的,只不过是保守我个人的心怀意念,在我有生之日,做一个真诚的人,不放弃对生活的热爱和执着,在有限的时空里,过无限广大的日子。95、人生活在希望之中。 莫泊桑

25、 我觉得生命是最重要的,所以在我心里,没有事情是解决不了的。 --不是每一个人都可以幸运的过自己理想中的生活,有楼有车当然好了,没有难道哭吗?所以呢,我们一定要享受我们所过的生活。 电影 新不了情

26、 在人生的道路上,谁都会遇到困难和挫折,就看你能不能战胜它战胜了,你就是英雄,就是生活的强者。 张海迪

27、 不能把小孩子的精神世界变成单纯学习知识。如果我们力求使儿童的全部精神力量都专注到功课上去,他的生活就会变得不堪忍受。他不仅应该是一个学生,而且首先应该是一个有多方面兴趣、要求和愿望的人。――苏霍姆林斯基

28、 什么叫不简单?就是把简单的事情千百遍都做好,就是不简单;什么叫不容易?就是把大家认为非常容易的事情非常认真地做好,就是不容易。受挫一次,对生活的理解加深一层;失误一次对人生的醒悟增添一阶;不幸一次,对世间的认识成熟一级;磨难一次,对成功的内含(涵)透彻一遍。从这个意义上说,想获得成功和幸福,想过得快乐和欢欣,首先要把失败,不幸,挫折和痛苦读懂。

29、 我觉得艺人是有社会影响力的,不管在生活及工作上面都要尽力表现最好的状况,我希望我能成为好的榜样并带动一些好的风气。

30、 在我们的生活里,曾经有多少个陌生的生命,只是迎面错过,甚至连对望一眼的机会都没有。

31、 一个演员正在表演力旺盛之际,因为抵抗恶劣的社会环境,而蓄须谢绝舞台演出,连嗓子都不敢吊,这种痛苦我无法用语言来形容。我之所以绘画,一半是为了维持生活,一半是借此消遣。否则,我真是要憋死了。

32、 不要管大人的事!大人都学坏了;上帝正考验他们呢,你还没有受考验,你应当照着孩子的想法生活。等上帝来开你的心窍,指示你应当做什么,领你走那应走的道路。懂不懂?至于什么人犯了什么过失--这不是你的事。这让上帝来判断,惩罚。这要他来管,不是我们!

33、 青春应该怎样度过?有的如同烈火,永远照耀别人。有的却像荧光,甚至也照不亮自己!不同的生活理想,不同的生活态度,决定一个人在战斗中站的位置。吴运铎

34、 有理想的生活,即充满了公共利益,因而抱有高尚目的的生活,便是世界上最优美,最有趣的生活。()加里宁

35、 30年前保罗艾伦与我创建微软的时候,我对软件开发充满很多梦想。我们希望自己的软件能够对这个世界产生重要影响,让每一个办公桌和家庭拥有电脑也一直是我们讨论的话题。令我们感到惊讶和兴奋的是,梦想中的很多东西都已经成为现实并且涉及到生活的很多方面。我从没想过一家令人难于置信且异常重要的公司竟然源于这些最初的想法。

36、 想想吧,因为我们的懒惰,总想着来日方长,做何事都能拖则拖,竟致那么多的计划、旅行、恋爱、对人生的探究未见实行!大难不至,我们就会什么也不做,我们会发现自己又回到日复一日的平庸生活,生活的欲望被消磨殆尽。

37、 教育是对于受教育者心理上所施行的一种确定的、有目的的和有系统的感化作用,以便在受教育者的身心上养成教育者所希望的品质。如培养一定的世界观、道德和人类公共生活规范,养成一定的性格和意志、习惯和兴趣,发展一定体力上的本质等等。

38、 每个人都有一定的理想,这种理想决定着他的努力和判断的方向。就在这个意义上,我从来不把安逸和快乐看作生活目的的本身。 这种伦理基础,我叫它猪栏的理想。(本文出自名言客)

39、 生活里没有书籍,就好象没有阳光,智慧里没有书籍,就好象鸟儿没有翅膀。 莎士比亚

40、 世界文学大师雨果说:大自然既是善良的慈母,同时也是冷酷的屠夫。近年来,人类由于对环境不够珍惜,随心所欲,滥伐林木,滥建厂房,生存环境遭到了严重破坏,各种环境问题接踵而至:森林退化,沙尘暴扬,水土流失,洪水肆虐,火灾频发,噪音刺耳,臭气熏天,酸雨赤潮,臭氧空洞空中烟囱林立,浓烟滚滚,河中死鱼漂荡,污水滔滔;地上垃圾遍布,废渣成堆人为地破坏环境,无异于自掘坟墓,早在1996年联合国环境署就曾发出警告:南极臭氧空洞正逐步增大,地面紫外线辐射增强,皮肤癌发病率上升;12亿人口生活在混浊的空气里;12亿人口生活缺水;12%的哺乳动物和11%的鸟类濒临灭绝;每年地表土壤流失200亿吨;森林以每年450万公顷的速度消失。

41、 生活难以应付这个事实说明,你的生活方式不适合生活的模式,所以你必须改变你的生活方式。一旦你的生活方式适应生活的模式,疑难问题就随之消失。

42、 家庭是社会的一个天然的基层细胞,人类美好的生活在这里实现,人类胜利的力量在这里滋长,儿童在这里生活着,生长着 这是人生的主要的快乐。

43、 年轻时最有趣的是:人们不了解自己,对生活也无准确要求,若在那时,人不去挤压自己,令自己去多尝试,那么以后也无机会了解自己。接下来,中年到来,你发现你的人生底线也随其到来,你就是想平平安安地活下去,但这需求却要长达二十年的自我教育与磨炼,于是你开始懂得嫉妒那些能做到的人。 石康

44、 如果我们改变不了事实可以改变心情,改变不了别人可以改变自己,生活会简单点,快乐也会多点。

45、 不能把小孩子的精神世界变成单纯学习知识。如果我们力求使儿童的全部精神力量都专注到功课上去,他的生活就会变得不堪忍受。他不仅应该是一个学生,而且首先应该是一个有多方面兴趣、要求和愿望的人。 苏霍姆林斯基

46、 享受生活,也享受工作的快乐。



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Im going to the sun for my holiday. I will go there by spaceship. I will pilot a big blue spaceship to the sun. The sun is very hot. So I put on the super shirt.

In the morning, I will have some sun burger for my breakfast. At eight oclock, I will play with my friends there. They are super dog and super girl. Super dog is white and black. Super girl is very clever. Super girl and super dog like to play with me. So I play with them for forty minutes.

Then I do my homework in my little red room at a small blue table. After my homework, I will have my lunch. I will eat sun salad. I will have red juice, red fish and red rice.I will make some red toy bear to the sun babies. All the things are red.

Then I need a lot of water on the sun because the sun is too hot. So I will walk to the spaceship. Ill pilot the spaceship to the earth.

This is a good holiday on the sun.



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I really had a busy and happy winter holiday. I did my homework and helped my parents with the housework every day. I like drawing so much that I spent lots of time drawing pictures and read books about drawing every day. I sometimes went to the library to read books and surfed the internet.During the Spring Festival, i visited my grandparents, friends and relatives. We really had a great time together. I prepared for the new lessons and read English,too. I really enjoyed my winter holiday.




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Summer can be very hot in southern xx where the temperature usually goes up to 32"C or more. Because of the heat it is a trying experience to go to school or do anything else in a place that is not air-conditioned. Also because of this I stay at home most of the time during the summer vacation and only occasionally go to the beach to plunge myself into the cool water as a way to keep my body less sticky. Actually I like swimming and think nothing is more refreshing than a swim.

In the summer vacation that has just ended I went swimming many times with my classmates and we all had a good time. This summer vacation, however, was not spent entirely in seeking fun. As a second-year senior student I had to prepare myself for the college entrance examinations that were only a year away. In other words, I must find time to study, too. So I divided my time between work and play during the summer vacation and derived much benefit from this arrangement.



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At school,I get up early everyday,I study at classroom with my classmates,play on the playground.All of us feel very happy.At these time,we help each other,make progress together,grow up together.sometimes schools life makes me tired,makes me bored.but laugh and smile are more then the bad things,I love my school life,I love the big family which called "school"!



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Hello! I am Yulan, a sunshine girl! I’m a student in ClaTwo Grade Seven. My school lifeis so wonderful! Classes begin at 8:10 a.m. I have four classes in the morning and three classes in thafternoon. My favorite subject is math, because it ’s easy and interesting!

Do you like math,can you tell me? I usually have lunch at school, then, I have rest. After school, I often climb hills with my classmates on the playground. It,’s my favorite outdoor activities I like it very much! What do you think?

My schoool life is busy and fantastic. First, we have four classes in the morning and three in the afternoon. We have to get to school before 7:30 because we have a morning class. Second, I like my school life because teachers and my classmates are friendly and helpful.

We also have lots of after-school activies. Third, our school environment is very beautiful, the teachers all can make their lesson interesting and instructive. So I like my school life very much.



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There’s no doubt that it’s always been a pretty hard timeduring the training.

Last afternoon,our group stopped beside the threatre andbegan to exercise.A moment later,I could barely concentrate and my body wasshaking fiercely.We were asked to stand straightly and properly.I tried hard tohold on my pace,but then my brain started to go blank.Ninty percent of my sightwas covered by some sorts of shadows as if they’were starve devils,eating up mymind.With the help of my teachers,those annoying shadows graudually fadedaway.Then it just left me endless guilty and shame.I just wanna go home.

Time was slippery as an eel,the sky wentdark.Eventually,our class teacher taught us the true meaning of thetraining.Not until this moment,did I suddenly realized that I should havecarried on longer.The training is a different form of lesson,showing us how todeal with troubles as well as issues,how to obey orders accurately and whatresistance truly is.

At the moment,a well-known saying just hit in mythoughts—Keep calm,and carry on.








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In the survival of our planet, there are lovely animals bring us laughter, has plants the smell, heady mist. But in recent years, the human is relentlessly destroy the natural ecological environment.

The recent rise in global temperatures, penguins and polar bears are being destroyed, become the direct climate refugees. Dressed in a black "tails" penguins have to tow, a large number of large Numbers of immigrants. Simple and honest lovely polar bears because cant find the food cold and hunger, tummy "loud gurgling" straight. Charming scenery of the maldives is a good place for leisure vacation, every year thousands of tourists come to sightseeing. But in the near future, there will be inundated by the Antarctic melting glaciers. Residents of the panic, some even abandoned the upbringing of their homeland, migrate.

Also dont understand the people of low carbon life consciousness soon! For humans, animals and nature in harmony forever. Each one of us should be low carbon environmental small guards, start from the self, from small start bit by bit, with a grateful heart, to build our beautiful earth.






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One day in the summer vacation, I and dad after breakfast, came to the gan and fishing.

I take out in advance to buy a good bait, wear on the hook, and threw the hook into the water. Just for a minute or two, and I saw buoy sinking, there must be a fish took. I hurriedly filed a fishing rod, saw a fish hook and sure enough, I hurried to catch the line, the hook from the fishs mouth out

Still entered into with water in a bucket, and then wear good bait on the hook, threw it into the water, such as fish bait quietly.

But, after a few minutes, there is still no fish bait, I have to sit still, want to lift hook, it is, dad talked: "fishing to be patient, it is cant catch fish." I hear the word of the father, continue to wait. But more than ten minutes passed, and still no fish bait. So dad told me to change a place to catch, but still no fish bait, how to return a responsibility? I mentioned a look, originally the bait has been eaten by the slippery fish, I have to replace bait, in a short time, a fish bait. I asked my father: "why just down the earthworm will cause the fish?" Dad replied, "just down the earthworms have a kind of smell, fish smelled the odor will know that there are food, can swim by..."



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躺在柔软的草地,享受阳光的抚摸,聆听 花开的声音,我深深的沉迷于这样的生活……


感受着风绕过指尖的温柔,看它拂过路 面,扬起一片尘埃.我伸手想要抓住什 么,却什么都抓不住.我时常在想,生 活,究竟是什么?

有人说,生活是一杯香茗,是一池春水,亦是一丝花香.我也曾找寻过,却始终感 受不到生活的真谛,它就像那抹被扬起的 尘埃,一直都拾不到.难道是浮华的尘 世,泯灭了那份对于生活的执着?

那个“采菊东篱下,悠然见南山”的隐士,那个“带月荷锄归”的农夫,对,他来了,带来了阵阵菊香,面对官阙,他选择了隐 世,选择了自然的那份恬适.面对繁华,他选择了归园,他用他那“阡陌交通,落 英缤纷”的理想,绽放了压在心底的那份 最质朴的天真,他的丰碑永远树立于田园 之上.

千帆过尽,一片汪洋,浊浪便似那杯煮过 的酒,李白这一喝,便醉了一部唐代的史 诗篇章.仗剑天涯的他,选择了诗意的生 活.于是便有了历史长河中青莲居士洒脱 的背影,一匹白鹿,一袭青衫,让李白找 寻到了活的快乐,倘佯于山水.祖国的美 好化作了诗仙笔下不屈的黄河,成了落九 天的瀑布.

雨过天晴,空气中弥漫着淡淡的泥土香 气,使人沉迷其中,路旁的一花,一草,一树,都经过雨的洗礼,变得更加挺拔.残留的雨露顺着叶脉缓缓滑下,如滚雪球 般汇聚得越来越大,凝固在叶尖,似不肯 滴落,但却渗出一片清凉,“叶上初阳干 宿雨”望着那越发翠路的树叶,感受这它 那传递而来的丝丝生气,这便是生活么?

端出一杯冒着丝丝热气的花茶,看着夕阳 携着余晖悠悠落下,看着飞鸟划过天际,看着白云重重遮蔽天日,我似乎安静下来 了,那被层层乌云遮住的便是生活把?……




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1. The latest surveys show that quite a few children have unpleasant associations with homework.


2. No invention has received more praise and abuse than Internet.


3. According to a recent survey, four million people die each year from diseases linked to smoking.


4. People seem to fail to take into account the fact that education does not end with graduation.


5. An increasing number of people are beginning to realize that education is not complete with graduation.


6. When it comes to education, the majority of people believe that education is a lifetime study.


7. Many experts point out that physical exercise contributes directly to a persons physical fitness.


8. Proper measures must be taken to limit the number of foreign tourists and the great efforts should be made to protect local environment and history from the harmful effects of international tourism.


9. An increasing number of experts believe that migrants will exert positive effects on construction of city. However, this opinion is now being questioned by more and more city residents, who complain that the migrants have brought many serious problems like crime and prostitution.


10. Many city residents complain that it is so few buses in their city that they have to spend much more time waiting for a bus, which is usually crowded with a large number of passengers.




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I am Mike, a Chinese boy. I have a plan about next weekend. First I am

going to read magazine on Saturday morning. It’s my favorite. And then I will go

to the zoo with my parents because they have promised me. On Sunday, I will go

to the book store and buy an English book. After that, I have to do some


It’s my weekend plan. And I think it will be wonderful days.



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In the future, can be high-tech, also can be ordinary, my dream is a very common, its just a small dream, is not science fiction.

I hope that the future world is a tree-lined, air pure and fresh and beautiful world, I dont want to tall buildings, everywhere is full of smoke, the blue sky "appearance" is already being thrown outside the cloud nine, then again high-tech also unable to save our earth a beautiful blue sky white clouds, and they will leave us, never... Forever...... , at that time, only the horrible plague and deadly disease could "save" the ignorant people.

So, I just want to let the world become the blue sky white clouds, flowers, birds and insects live very happy, vibrant has indescribable beautiful, is full of magnificent eagle in the sky, the freedom of flying in the sky, the earth is like a fairyland in general.

"Look, a beautiful planet!" Mars family patriarch said surprised. To start, general gawk, heads of the fathers, and some curious Mars people are ready to the beautiful dream of fantasy, just began, Mars the beauty of people was in shock, who also dont want to leave it, this time a long, between the earth and Mars are in love, live together all day, very happy.

So perfect planet, what can people do not like, other people of the planet is not exceptional also, aliens on earth everywhere, even on the sun of the residents also subsequently changed moved to here, then, in the morning and aliens say hello is also a "norm", those evil ghosts and spirits were purified, and made in heaven gods also moved to the surface, the earth vibrant, each step is laughter, the joy of living is everywhere.








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There are two people watching outside the window. The first man can only see the rubbish, because he is a pessimist. He always complains about his life, as he always regards that God is not equal to him. While facing difficulties, hes always frightened. Therefore he often loses his chances to win. Reminding his old days, hes very regretful. Once his father had placed him at the entrance of the road and told him to be careful while choosing his life. But he has chosen the wrong way. Now he gets nothing from his journey but remorse and errors. He dares not to see his father in the haven. He often cries bitterly but in vain. No wonder he is a penniless failure.


However, the second man is different from the first. Through the window, he can see the beautiful stars. As an optimist, he always smiles to everything. While facing difficulties, he still keeps a sense of humor. He can defeat all the setbacks and stumbling blocks by his great determination. And he often finds his life so colorful and interesting as he overcomes all the difficulties. Whats more, hes very strong and powerful. Although life is very difficult outside, he still makes a great effort to overcome all the troubles. Hes very brave and confident. Hes so brave, brave enough to face the present life. Hes so confident, confident enough to challenge himself. Hes very easy-going and kind-hearted. He always helps others when they are in trouble. Thats why he always owns a good fame.


From the story, we know the fact that the second man has set a good example to us, so we must follow his good example.




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Everyone has their own dreams, I am the same. But my dream is not a lawyer, not a doctor, not actors, not even an industry.

Perhaps my dream big people will find it ridiculous, but this has been my pursuit! My dream is to want to have a folk life! I want it to become a beautiful painting, it is not only sharp colors, but also the colors are bleak, I do not rule out the painting is part of the black, but I will treasure these bleak colors! Not yet, how about, a colorful painting, if not bleak, add color, how can it more prominent American? Life is like painting, painting the bright red color represents life beautiful happy moments. Painting a bleak color represents life difficult, unpleasant time. You may find a flat with a beautiful road is not very good yet, but I do not think it will. If a person lives flat then what is the point?

Life is only a short few decades, I want it to go Finally, Each memory is a solid.



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Vacation, to a poor student, speaking, is a very good gas station, for a study of excellent students, is a happy station. Can do a lot of things in this period of time! See! Blink of an eye, this is not the winter vacation? Come and see what I do! Let`sGO!

Not all of the previous holiday is to develop a holiday schedule? I didnt make it this time! But did not develop, I also have a regular day:8:00 in the morning to get up, eat breakfast.An hour after dinner.After practicing the piano, if it is not the time to eat, homework.After lunch, in the homework, do not take a nap at noon.Rest in the afternoon.After dinner, practice typing.And go to sleep when you read.Almost every day. Looking at the boring, in fact, it is so interesting!

Every day with my mother to buy special purchases for the Spring Festival, relatives stopping by, very happy! And brothers and sisters to play, learn, change the book. Of course, there are a lot of food to eat, it is not to mention how happy! Every day to read the story in the book, people say, lead a person to endless aftertastes true beauty!

Hope everyone also make good use of this precious holiday, do meaningful things, it back to think: this holiday is not white too!!



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I am a first-year student in Nanjing University. Every day, I have a very busy and full schedule.

Education is very important to students. The reason is that our achievement determines whether or not we can early out duties to our country in the future.

I get up early every morning to prepare my lessons. Then I attend classes. The last two periods in the afternoon are usually free. I spend them either on the sports ground or in the library. In the evening I try to complete all the assignments on time.

On the weekends, I like to watch TV or go to the films.

Being a student is hard work, but studying makes you a useful person and it is also full of joys when you are ahead of your classmates in all subjects.



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1. Mary has felt blue ever since her boyfriend left for Europe。


2. You get a chance like this only once in a blue moon。


3. You can talk till all is blue but I shall not believe it。


4. Do you see any green in my eye?


5. Although he is physically old, his mind is still in the green。


6. She is red with anger。


7. All the family is in the pink。


8. Though I believe in telling the truth, I think a white lie is sometimes justified。


9. He insisted on putting the agreement down in black and white。


10. Henry was beaten black and blue, you cant see a white spot about him。


11. Im glad that he is not so black as he is painted。


12. They came out of the bank carrying the money and the police caught them red-handed。

他们带着赃款从银行里出来,被警察当场捉住。 “颜色”英语

13. We will soon be out of the red。


14. I cant even talk about it, except to you, because anybody else would think I was yellow。


15. They choose a white day for their engagement。


16. He is the kind of person who calls white black。




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1. 经济的快速发展 the rapiddevelopment of economy

2.人民生活水平的显著提高/稳步增长theremarkableimprovement/ steady growth ofpeople’s livingstandard

3.先进的科学技术advanced science and technology

4.面临新的机遇和挑战 be faced with new opportunities and challenges

5.人们普遍认为 It is commonly believed/ recognized that…

6.社会发展的必然结果 the inevitable result of social development

7.引起了广泛的公众关注 arouse wide public concern/ draw publicattention

8.不可否认 Itis undeniable that…/ There is no denying that…

9.热烈的讨论/争论 a heated discussion/ debate

10.有争议性的问题 a controversialissue

11.完全不同的观点 a totally different argument

12.一些人 …而另外一些人 … Some people… while others…

13. 就我而言/ 就个人而言 As far as I am concerned, / Personally,

14.就…达到绝对的一致 reach an absolute consensus on…

15.有充分的理由支持 be supported by sound reasons

16.双方的论点 argument on both sides

17.发挥着日益重要的作用 play an increasingly important role in…

18.对…必不可少 be indispensableto …

19.正如谚语所说 As the proverb goes:

20.…也不例外 …be no exception

21.对…产生有利/不利的影响 exert positive/ negative effects on…

22.利远远大于弊 the advantages far outweigh the disadvantages。

23.导致,引起 lead to/ give rise to/ contribute to/ result in

24.复杂的社会现象 a complicated social phenomenon

25.责任感 / 成就感 sense of responsibility/ sense of achievement

26. 竞争与合作精神 sense of competition and cooperation

27. 开阔眼界 widen one’s horizon/ broaden one’s vision

28.学习知识和技能 acquire knowledge and skills

29.经济/心理负担 financial burden / psychologicalburden

30.考虑到诸多因素 take many factors into account/ consideration

31. 从另一个角度 from another perspective

32.做出共同努力 make joint efforts

33. 对…有益 be beneficial / conducive to…

34.为社会做贡献 make contributions to the society

35.打下坚实的基础 lay a solid foundation for…

36.综合素质 comprehensivequality

37.无可非议 blameless / beyond reproach

38.加大了…的可能性 increase the chances of

39.致力于/ 投身于 be committed / devoted to…

40. 应当承认 Admittedly

41.不可推卸的义务 unshakable duty

42. 满足需求 satisfy/ meet the needs of…

43.可靠的信息源 a reliablesource of information

44.宝贵的自然资源 valuable natural resources

45.因特网 the Internet (一定要由冠词,字母I

46.方便快捷 convenient andefficient

47.在人类生活的方方面面 in all aspects of human life

48.环保(的) environmental protection /environmentallyfriendly

49.社会进步的体现 a symbol of society progress

50.科技的飞速更新 the ever-accelerated updating of scienceandtechnology

51.对这一问题持有不同态度 hold different attitudes towards this issue

52.支持前/后种观点的人 people / those in favor of theformer/latteropinion

53.有/ 提供如下理由/ 证据 have/ provide the followingreasons/evidence

54.在一定程度上 to some extent/ degree / in some way

55. 理论和实践相结合 integratetheory with practice

56. …必然趋势 an irresistible trend of…

57.日益激烈的社会竞争 the increasingly fierce social competition

58.眼前利益 immediate interest/ short-term interest

59.长远利益. interest in the long run

60.…有其自身的优缺点 … has its merits and demerits/ advantagesanddisadvantages

61.扬长避短 Exploit to the full one’s favorableconditions andavoidunfavorable ones

62.取其精髓,去其糟粕 Take the essence and discard the dregs。

63.对…有害 do harm to / be harmful to/ be detrimental to

64.交流思想/ 情感/ 信息 exchange ideas/ emotions/ information

65.跟上…的最新发展 keep pace with / catch up with/ keep abreastwiththe latest development of …

66.采取有效措施来… take effective measures to do sth。

67.…的健康发展 the healthy development of …

68.有利有弊 Every coin has its two sides。(不推荐用。。。) No gardenwithout weeds。

69.对…观点因人而异 Views on …vary from person to person。

70.重视 attach great importance to…

71.社会地位 social status

72.把时间和精力放在…上 focus time and energy on…

73.扩大知识面 expand one’s scopeof knowledge

74.身心两方面 both physically and mentally

75.有直接/间接关系 be directly / indirectly related to…

76. 提出折中提议 set forth a compromise proposal

77. 可以取代 “think”的词 believe, claim, hold the opinion/beliefthat

78.缓解压力/ 减轻负担 relievestress/ burden

79.优先考虑/发展… give (top) priority to sth。

80.与…比较 compared with…/ in comparison with

81. 相反 in contrast / on the contrary。

82.代替 replace/ substitute / take the place of 大写)

83.经不起推敲 cannot bear closer analysis / cannot hold water

84.提供就业机会 offer job opportunities

85. 社会进步的反映 mirror of social progress

86.毫无疑问 Undoubtedly, / There is no doubt that…

87.增进相互了解 enhance/ promote mutualunderstanding

88.充分利用 make full use of / take advantage of

89.承受更大的工作压力 suffer from heavier work pressure

90.保障社会的稳定和繁荣 guarantee the stability and prosperity ofoursociety

91.更多地强调 put more emphasis on…

92.适应社会发展 adapt oneself to the development of society

93.实现梦想 realize one’s dream/ make one’s dream come true

94. 主要理由列举如下 The main reasons are listed as follows:

95. 首先 First, Firstly, In the first place, To begin with

96.其次 Second, Secondly, In the second place

97. 再次 Besides,In addition, Additionally,Moreover,Furthermore

98. 最后 Finally, Last but not the least, Above all, Lastly,

99. 总而言之 All in all, To sum up, In summary, In a word,

100.我们还有很长的路要走 We still have a long way to go
