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Good morning, everyone! my name is lu xin. i am so happy to stand in front

of you to introduce myself. i am thirteen years old. i graduated from the no.1

primary school of our city. i like reading books and playing badminton. i hope

we can take exercises after class. besides, i like watching movies and listening

to pop music. i am sure there are some classmates have the common interests with

me. therefore, we can communicate with each other. in primary school, i did well

in chinese but math is not so good. i hope i can make progress in middle school.

i am very excited to be a classmate of you and i hope we can make progress and

have good days together.




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Summer holidday is coming.I have a good plan for it.My best friend Tony who

is from Britain will spend the holiday with mw.Tom is 17 years old ,he like

China very much.One week ago,I wrote him a letter,inviting him to come to Dalian

for the holidays.Tony has accepted my invitation and will fly to Dalian next

week.I will go to the airport to pick him up.Then well show him around the

city.Well go to the beach to watch the sea first.Then well visit some

insteresing places.Tony will live in my house during the holiday.I hope well

have a good time.



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The way of learning English

Nowadays, English has become the international standard language. As China is stepping to the internationalization, learning English is more and more important. But many people find it hard to learn English well. According to my own learning experience, I think determination, read English materials and patience are the most significant.


First of all, doing everything needs determination. Determination is a prerequisite to do something. When facing difficulty, the people who have determination will insist, on contrary, thepeople who don’t have determinatin are easily give up. Thus, if people wants to do something well, the first thing they need to do is to make up their mind. Secondly,reading English materials is a great help for learning English. It can help people raise sense for English language,have interest and confidence in Engilsh. That will help people a lot in the process of learning. Last, patience is necessary in English learning. Most people will feel difficult to learn English at the beginning. The people without patience will often upset towards learning English. As a result, it will increase the difficulties of learning English and vice versa.


In general, determination, reading English materials and patience are the effective ways to learn English. If people recognize those, they will learn it well sooner or later.





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My name is Li Xing, a boy in fourteen years old. I come from Dalian, Liaoning Province, which is a beautiful and energetic city. Every year, thousands of tourists visit there. There are three people in my family, my parents and I. My parents are doctors who work in a big hospital in my city. I have many interests. Swimming, reading and movie are my favorites, which bring color to my busy study life. In study, I am good at Chinese and English, while math is my weakness. I work very hard to improve it, but it doesn’t work very well. Besides, I am easygoing and likely to make friends with others. Friendship is an important part of my life.






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1. There be 结构

there be 结构和have has结构翻译成汉语都是“有”的意思,但含义不同。have (has)表示“某人拥有某物”,there be而结构表示“某人或某物存在于某地或某时”。

There are some apple trees in the garden.

We have some apple trees in the garden.

there be 结构中的动词 动词与后面的主语在数的方面保持一致。如果句中的主语是并列主语,即有两个或两个以上的人或物作主语,那么一般说来动词的数应与第一个主语的数保持一致。如:

There is a green apple and two oranges in the fruit bowl.

There are two oranges and a green apple in the fruit bowl.

2. I think he is very old.



I don’t think he is very old.

I didn’t think Wang Hai would enter for the high jump.



I don’t think he has finished the work, has he?

You think my brother told a lie yesterday, don’t you?

3. That’s right. That’s all right. All right.

“That’s right.”表示“对、正确”。一般在对话中用于肯定对方的回答或表示赞同对方的说法。 “That’s all right.” 是回答感谢话或道歉话的用语,意思是“没关系,不用谢”,相当于“You are welcome”、“That’s OK”或 “Not at all”“All right”一般用于同意别人的请求,是“好的、可以”的意思。如:

A: I think the correct answer is two. B: That’s right.

A: I am sorry I left your notebook at home. B: That’s all right.

4. He’s up there in the tree with Bill.

这句话的主语是“he”,“with Bill”不是主语,而是表示一种伴随状态,所以请注意谓语要和主语在数和人称称保持一致。一般在句子中我们经常用“with+名词”这种结构表示“有、带着或伴随着”的意思。如:

He went to the concert with me.=He and I went to the concert.

She answered me with a smile.

He went to sleep with the bedroom light on.

5. It’s time…


(1) It’s time to +动词原形

(2) It’s time for sb. +动词原形

(3) It’s time for +名词

如:It’s time to go to school.=It’s time for school.

It’s time for us to go to school.

6. What’s wrong with you?

这句话的意思是“你怎么了?”,既可表示问身体有什么不舒服,也可以表示问出了什么事,介词后还可以跟物品名称,表示问某样东西怎么了(是否出了什么毛病)。与其类似的句型还有:“What’s the matter with…? / What’s the trouble with…?”这三个句型在使用时要注意wrong是形容词,所以在它有前面不加冠词,而matter和trouble都是名词,在它们前面要加定冠词。如

What’s wrong with Bill?

What’s the matter (the trouble) with Bill?

7. They looked like saucers.

在本句中like是个介词,解释是“像。。。”,常和动词 be或 look连用。请注意不要错把它当成动词“喜欢”。

8. You had better come early next time.

此句中的had better是一种习惯用法, 意思是 “最好…”成, 一般用来表示向别人提建议或劝告.这一句经常可以与祈使句或带有情态动词should 的句子进行替换.在使用had better 时请注意以下几点: (1) 它没有人称、时态和数量的变化。(2)它的后面只能跟动词原型。(3)它的否定式为had better not,后面同样只能跟动词原型在疑问句中,通常是把had提到主语之前。如

We had better not go fishing on such a windy day.

9. be + adj. + (for somebody) to do (something)

在此句型中谓语动词一般不用被动语态。同时请注意动词不定式都有动宾关系, 因此如果不定式中的动词是不及物动词,那么它的后面一定加上适当的介词。

The problem is not very difficult for me to work out.

10. I hope… / I wish…

Hope 与wish 都可以解释为“希望”,但它们所表达的意思和用法都有所不同。 在意思上Hope所表达的愿望是比较实际的,是可能实现的,而 wish所表达的是不太可能实现的梦想, 所以wish引导的宾语从句大多用虚拟的语气。在用法上它们的唏不完全相同,区别在于wish可以用于wish sb. to do, 而hope没有这种用法。:,

They hope to win the game in the afternoon.

We all wish him to bring us the good news.

11. My dad will come back in two days.

“in + 一段时间”常用来表示将来的一段时间以后,对它提问用 “how soon” 。如果表示将来的某个时间点以后,一般用“after +某个点时间”,对它提问要用 “when / what time”。如:

How soon will you finish your homework?

I will finish my homework in an hour.

When / What time will you come back?

I will come back after dinner.

12. I’m afraid…

I’m afraid…常用于表达与别人意见不同后拒绝别人的请求,有时也可以用在表示不肯定或推测的话前面,是口语中十分常用的短语。它的后面可以接从句,也可以加或。如

A: Must I hand in the report today?

B: I’m afraid you must

“be afraid of +名词或动名词”的用法也很常用。表示“害怕”。如:

She is afraid of going out at night.

13. Sorry, I forgot to tell you that.



He forgot to return the money to me. 他忘记还钱给我。(表示钱还没有还。)

He forgot returning the money to me.他忘记已经把钱还给我了。(表示钱已经还了,但他忘记了这件事。)

(2) stop后面跟不定式表示停下来去做别一件事,如果加动名词就表示停止这个动作。如:

Please stop talking and listen tome. 请不要讲话,听我说。

Please stop to have a rest 请停下来休息一下。

14. This one is much better than that one.



初中阶段常用的原级比较句型为:as…as…, not as (so)…as…。使用时注意它们的含义,as…as… 表示“和。。。一样”,而它的否定结构表示“不如。。。”。如

Is the Huanghe River as long as the Nile?

He does not work so hard as his brother.

(2)最常用的比较级用法是“比较级别+ than ”。另外两个相同的比较级用连接起来可以表示“越。。。越。。。”。如果要表示“两个中较为。。。的一个” ,在比较级之前要加一个the,一般可以修饰比较级的有:much, far, a little, a bit, even, still.

It is even colder than it was last month.

More and more people are helping fight pollution.

His handwriting is better than any other student in his class.


Among all the sports I like soccer best.

I am the eldest girl in my family.

15. (not)…until (till)

在这一句型结构中until (till) 引导的是时间状语(从句),因此从句中不能用将来时,只能用一般现在时代替。如果主句的谓语动词或until (till)前面的动词是一个瞬间动词,那么该动词必须用否定形式。一般地来说until和till的意思与用法都基本相同,唯一的区别在于可以置于句首,而不能。如:

He watched TV until (till) his parents came back.

We couldn’t go back home until the rain stopped.

16. be pleased…

这个短语后面既可以另动词不定式,也可以加适当的介词。 加不定式be pleased to do表示“做......很高兴”, 而加介词 be pleased with / at / by......表示“对......感到很高兴,很满意。”如:

We are pleased to plant trees by the river every spring.

My parents are pleased with my hard work.

17. You should go out instead of staying at home.

Instead of 可解释为“代替,而不是”,介词 of后面可以跟名词或动名词。有时没有必要说出被代替的人或物,也可以只用instead

He stayed at home to read the book instead of going out to play basketball.

If you don’t want to go, I can go there instead.

18. I don’t like it any more.

No more, not any more, no longer, not any longer这几个短语都表示“不再......,再也不......”。在使用时请注意它们在句子中的位置。如:

She ins’t a teacher any more = She is no more a teacher.



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One evening several years ago,I went to a concert with my friend.When we got to the concert I suddenly found I lost my ticket on the way.I was walking backwards to see to see if I could found it in the street,there the ticket was no way to be found.I felt very sad and started crying.Then a guy saw me and asked me what went wrong.I told him about the lost ticket.He then put his hand in his pocket and pulled out his own ticket and gave it to me,and said “you can have mine,because I’ve seen the concert.” I was so touched and before I could react,he hurried away and disappeared.I wish I could find this guy and say thank you to him.



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I have a pet dog, her name is Du Du. She is very cute but quite naughty. My father, my mother and me, we all like her very much, and seldom scold her though she sometimes makes a mess at home. However, my mother got really angry with Du Du a few days ago. My mother loves flowers and always brings some home. Last Sunday, she bought some lilies. They were very fragrant. Du Du must have thought that the flowers were delicious, too, so she ate them while my mother was in the kitchen. By the time my mother rushed out of the kitchen, the vase was broken, water was everywhere and the flowers were all gone. My mother was so angry that she didn’t talk to Du Du for the rest of the day and didn’t feed her in the evening.





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Welcome to my room ,it is not very big but it is very nice and clean ,there

are many things in my room ,near the wall is my bed ,under the bed is my

soccer,my desk is beside the window ,there are many books and a tablelight on

the desk ,the chair is under the desk ,there are many pictures on the wall ,they

are all my favorite actors and movie stars,I like their movies ,there is a book

shelf in my room ,on the shelf are my favorite books ,i like them best ,I

usually read books when I am free,I like my room very much .



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at present, more and more people think that men and women should enjoy

equal rights. many countries even have passed laws to guarantee such an equality

between different sexes. accordingly, there are now no longer certain jobs or

certain places that are closed to women. the number of business women, female

doctors, scientists and leaders is considerably increasing.

there are three main reasons for the improvement of womens social

position. first, women themselves have been persistently struggling for

equality. second, men also realize that women are not born inferior to them.

women can do a great many things as well as or even better than men. third,

social development has produced a great demand for womens participation in

every field.

in spite of these changes the liberation of women has not been completely

realized. prejudice against women is deeply rooted still in some peoples mind,

especially in distant rural areas. so, mankind should take further painstaking

efforts to really realize equality.



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The teacher set up the summer homework. Good guy, that damned language

teacher actually call us to the 4th grade the old poem famous quote to copy 8

times! By this time, the roof of the classroom was "overturned". The students

were Shouting at each other. I myself comfort myself: nothing, dont copy 8

times, the big deal I make quick, still do not change plan.

Another day after that, my classmate xiao sheng called me to study

taekwondo with her. After the family discussed, I decided to let me go to

school. Then the cousin called again and said, "hello, yueyue, stay for a few

days during the summer vacation! I will teach you to draw pictures, by the way!"

"Really? Thats great! I must come!" By this time, I had forgotten to plan and

threw it out of the clouds.

When I look at the schedule, I have found that I am completely filled with

the schedule and time is not enough. How to do? Only a little bit of time... But

in comparison, none of them are free. That how to do? Can only be changed. What

better? Well, I only had a three-hour nap to learn taekwondo... That way, my

summer vacation will be "ample". What a bad summer!



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Communication is common and important in our daily life. All of us live

with others in the society and no one can live cut off from it. Everyday, we

must talk to others to give and get information, but how can we communicate with

others? Some people claim that they don’t know what to say and how to speak to

others, strangers especially. I think first you should find a topic that both of

you are interested in. Then, pay attention to your manners, speed, pitch,

expressions and your body language. You should make others feel comfortable, so

that they are willing to talk to you. Last but not the least, being a good

listener. Listening to others shows your respect to them. Only when they heard,

they want to talk. So do you. Before you talk, listening to others first.



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This year, people across China carried out a variety of activities to learn from Lei Feng. I know Lei Feng was happy to help other people. H e always did his best to help them. It’s very good for us to learn from Lei Feng. However we can do a lot of small things to help keep the school clean. Picking up the rubbish on the floor is easy. We also should try our best to help the classmates as much as possible. I think to be a good person is easy and happy.




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请以 My Best Friend 为题,写一篇不少于60个单词的作文。 My Best Friend 我最好的朋友My best friend is one of my classmates. Her name is Mary. Every day, we go to school together and go back home toget

请以“My Best Friend为题,写一篇不少于60个单词的作文。

My Best Friend


My best friend is one of my classmates. Her name is Mary. Every day, we go to school together and go back home together. We often help each other and learn from each other in study.


We have the same hobby-collecting stamps. She has many nice stamps. She is very proud of them. Sometimes she gives some of them to me. I think she is a very good girl. We will be good friends forever.


点评:这是一篇记人的叙述文。先交代了My Best Friend是谁,接着通过事例交代了为什么“我们是最好的朋友”。最后阐述了主题。



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My favorite animals are swans.they are white.They can swim very well.I think they look like a beautiful girl in a white dress.They have a pair of wings and they can also fly well.I believe they are angles from the sky.They bring us love and make us happy.They are always friendly to us.We cant hurt them,because they are our friend.I love them!I like dogs,too.They are not beautiful,but they are the best friends.They keep the thieves away.Dogs have the best listening and eyes.They can hear in the noisy ,see in the dark.If we are in danger,they will help us at once.And they dont mind their lives.So,I love them.



l like small animals, like the small animals to count my little black dog.

My little black dog she is cute! In black, shiny hairs, eyes with two white spots, like two white beads. On the head and on his thighs hair is very long, like a horse head to the ground. Straight ear, as if time in listening to what passed around. Thick and long broom tail swing, from time to time as a cleaner for free! More funny is that it always speaks with a wet nose toward me, like a sick child, seems to be very poor, in fact, I know it really want to play with me. In the invitation to me!

The little black dog temperament is very docile, very human nature. I get along with it for a long time, in love, it seems very understand me. Whenever I am angry, it squatted beside me quietly motionless and seems to want to accompany me through the sad time. I am happy, it will run up to and around me, "an auf" cried, very agreeable.

The puppy experience dangerous also have several times. Is the first time fell into the river, fortunately, was found to pull up, feed it to take medicine, good soon. And on several occasions by poison poison dog several times, but also by early treatment, will have to escape. From then on, it can sniff out those toxic food, what food non-toxic. Later, our dog never in poison. It very sharp!

I love my dog. I hope it will stay with me, to accompany me joyful growth!







My home have a clever dog flow li, it has a beautiful name - the ball ball.

Ball ball body white as snow, two big eyes, nose and smooth detour, tail short, chopped far look like a small ball.

It particularly fond of sleep. One time, I take a shower, its in the sitting room east and west, then walk to a bedside table, really boring lives had a good stretch, belly up, carefree lying on the ground. Surface tilted his head to left, two small claw tightly embrace together, very intoxicated with close my eyes and fell asleep. When I take a shower, when he was looking for it to play, see it was fast asleep.

It is not only love to sleep, also very greedy. Remember once, we eat the delicious ribs, the ball ball saw this, he swallowed the mouth water, see it, I really dont have the heart to, had to throw a bone to the ground, the dog jumped up, quickly, he grabbed the bones, climbed to the bed, the Wolf to eat it, eat with relish.

This is my familys good sleep and greedy ball ball, do you like it?








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Kung Fu Panda is the lastest project from Dreamworks. It’s a CG-animated comedy about a lazy, irreverent slacker panda named Po Po (Voiced by Jack Black), who must somehow become a Kung Fu Master in order to save the Valley of Peace from a villainous snow leopard, Tai Lung. Prophecy said that Po is the “Chosen One” to save the day. But he appears to be the laziest of all the animals in ancient China. A group of martial arts masters are going to need a black belt in patience if they are going to turn this slacker panda into a kung fu fighter before it’s too late.I like the movie because it is very interesting and funny.The monkey is voiced by Jackey Chan who is my favourite star!



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Friends, have you ever seen the most functional capsule robots in the

world? Of course I invented it. Yeah! Again to a tumor-bearing patients.

Originally should be frowned doctor, since happy into the operating room, why? A

closer look, he took a box of my invention of the capsule machine.

I saw the doctor to the patient to take a capsule machine, this capsule

robot in the patient to cut the tumor site to stop, immediately stretched out

two hands, left hand spray anesthetic, right hand quickly cut off the tumor.

This will not be a lot of blood, it will not hurt. That the capsule robot has

been parked in the patients stomach, get out of it? It cut the tumor, will be

converted into vitamins to help patients with nutritional supplements, both

convenient and affordable, the doctor to help patients cut the tumor, swaggering

out, with a happy mood, while walking singing: "My job is really easy, this

Capsule really convenient! "

Look, I invented the capsule more convenient, more amazing, you like it?

Let us hard study, the courage to explore, for the day to come to do some




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Dear Mike,

How are you? Im really glad that you are interested in traditional Chinese

festivals. There are many traditional festivals in China, such as Spring

Festival, Mid-Autumn Day and so on. Id like to introduce the Spring Festival to

you. Spring Festival is the most important traditional holiday in China. It

usually lasts for 15 days.

Days before the festival, people clean their houses. They think cleaning

sweeps any bad luck. They decorate their houses with paper cuts. On the eve of

the festival, family members get together and have big meals. Then they watch

the Spring Festival Gala on TV. At midnight, they set off fireworks to welcome

the New Year. During the festival, kids get lucky money from old people. People

visit their relatives and friends. They wish each a happy year and good luck.

How happy we are.

Best wishes!


Liu Wei



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The walls are white and blue. The curtains are blue too. There is a big

window on the wall, so my bedroom is also very bright. There are some photos on

the wall. They’re very beautiful.

In the middle of the room, there is my bed. It’s not so big, but it’s very

comfortable. Every night, I lay on the bed and have a good dream.

On the right of the bed, there is my desk and chair. They’re in front of

the window. My computer is on the desk. There is a lamp on the desk, too. I can

do my homework here and play computer games.

My bookshelf is on the left of the bed. There are a lot of storybooks and

picture books in the shelf. I like them very much.

Not everyone has a bedroom. I’m very lucky, because I have a very beautiful

bedroom. I’ll try my best to keep it clean and tidy.



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Traveling is moer and more popular in the modern world.it helps us open our

eyes and learn knowledge differden places.so i thing traveling is helpful for


When we are free during the holiday ,we can go to some beautiful places to

relax ourselves .w hile we are in different pleaces ,we will have a wonderful

feeling in all we see,there we can eat all kinds of delicious food,visit many

places of interest or something else.

On the other hand ,traveling will help us learn lots of local cultures

,people’s lives there ,sometimes you can make some new friends,it also can make

your life colorful.to us students mwe can relax ourselves from the busy studying

life,we can use these experiences in our studying.

So if you have time ,traveling is the best way to relax yourself the more

places you travel,the mare you will learn.



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Let my little niece winter vacation homework today, she readily agreed, she

took out a pile of books from the school bag and book, Ill ask her winter

vacation homework you have so much? She said, "yeah, were going to do winter

vacation homework book, write a complete book of the words and it is each line,

and a day to write a diary, and mathematical complete book of exercises to do."

After hearing her answer I am a little consternation, winter vacation in only a

month off, how can have so much homework, but also for second grade


I will be in our school children compared with them, find our school

children is luckier. We only require students to finish winter vacation homework

book, and then make a happy years of China pictorial. Especially happy Chinese

New Year posters produced, it can let the student to understand the traditional

culture, and cultivate their ability, but also let them learn in life, found in

the life, and why not? So that the students didnt feel much homework, at the

same time also can get harvest, so now there are a lot of local education system

needs reform indeed, society needs is to be able to adapt to social development

talent, not only can keep the book a nerd. So these are thought-provoking!
