
It’s not particularly surprising to be disappointed by any puter-animatedfilm not bearing the Pixar logo。 In fact, until Shrek, 2024’s rollickingsuccess, I wouldn’t have even believed it could happen,下面是小编为大家带来的英语观后感,希望你们喜欢。






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1909年,美国的索诺拉?道得呼吁建立父亲节。She wanted to honor her own father. 她的父亲是一个老兵。她的母亲在生孩子的时候去世了。Her father raised six children by himself. 在索诺拉?道得的努力下 不错哦 你也可以投稿,人们接受了设立父亲节的建议,并确定6月份的第三个星期天为Father s Day。因为索诺拉父亲的生日是在6月。

Nowadays many countries celebrate Father s Day, though not all on the same day.Most countries celebrate Father s Day as the United States does. In Australia, Father s Day is celebrated on the first Sunday in September. 许多天主教徒将圣约瑟夫日(St. Joseph s Day)当作父亲节,因为约瑟夫是耶稣的父亲。St. Joseph s Day is March 19th.

Father s Day is an important day. It is a good chance to show your love to your father.

这个周日就是父亲节了,别忘了向老爸表达你的心意哦!A yellow rose could be a good idea. A sunflower is also a good choice. You can send your father a card, too. Don t forget to write your wishes on the card!

父亲们也很伟大。They do a lot for us. 他们用强壮的身躯保护我们的家。Tell your father you love him. 每一天都该向老爸表示你的孝心哦!




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Almost every kid will be asked the question of whom do you like better,

your mother or your father. There is no doubt that mother is very great as she

gives you the life, while father is also of importance. Father’s Day is invented

to show gratitude to fathers. Its coming has a story.

The first person to propose the idea of Father’s Day was Mrs. Dodd in 1906.

She wanted a special day to honor her father, whose wife passed away many years

ago. At first, Mrs. Dodd wanted Father’s Day to be celebrated on her father’s

birthday, but later President Johnson signed a paper to declare the third Sunday

of June was Father’s Day. Since then, it became an international day. It is not

only to honor one’s father, but also the fathers of all the people.

Father’s Day reminds people to show gratitude to their fathers, who loves

you all the time and no matter what difficulty you meet, he will stand by your

side. So however busy we are, we should call them now and then.



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All over the world,no one can love us more than our we come across bad things,they will never hesitate to offer us we fail our exam,father always tends to punish us while mother tells us to work harder next es no doubt that they show love in different they indeed love is the place that we can find comfort no matter what come back to see them as often as you are always ready to support you and it is time that you cared for them.



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Mother! Mother! My dear mother! You in this world is how great, how selfless, in this decade, you to make me happy in this beautiful world of peace and enjoy life, dont know how much hard work and sweat. You are like a beautiful angel, in my life, for me to add to my glory, to my charm.

Mother! Oh! My dear mother! Before I come to this world, you dont know how much time you have to suffer in the hospital room, and I was born in your belly. I have heard you say that I am an underbelly, and I can imagine that I must be as naughty as a boy in your stomach, which has given you a lot of pain.

Mother, you are like a blue sky, I am that bird flying freely in the sky, soaring in your broad arms. It is you who gave me so many tenderness that I am happy and healthy.

Mother! I want to say to you: "I love you! Thank you for making me happy and healthy and make me learn to be a human being.



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my father

I think my father is a kind man,he love help people,and always forget to do something for himself.He has a good sence of humor,yes,I like that.That always make us happy.

I think he is a friend of mine.Because he always talk with me.I often feel I am not his daughter but his friend.

I think that my father is a good father and also a good worker.He works very hard.So he can’t play with me or my mum for long time.He think work will make him happy because work has many funny.So he always teaches me:don’t think work is a hard thing.

My father has many hobby.For example,he like reading,and he also like play computer game.He use his hobby to realx.He can feel very happy if he work,and also play.

He is a good man,isn’t he?



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Dear Dad,

Today I was at the shopping mall and I spent a lot of time reading the Father’s Day cards. They all had a special message that in some way or another reflected how I feel about you. Yet as I selected and read, and selected and read again, it occurred to me that not a single card said what I really want to say to you.

You’ll soon be 84 years old, Dad, and you and I will have had 55 Father’s Days together. I haven’t always been with you on Father’s Day nor have I been with you for all of your birthdays. It wasn’t because I didn’t want to be with you. I’ve always been with you in my heart but sometimes life gets in the way.

You know, Dad, there was a time when we were not only separated by the generation gap but completely polarized by it. You stood on one side of the Great Divide and I on the other, father and daughter split apart by age and experience, opinions, hairstyles, cosmetics, clothing, curfews, music, and boys.

The Father-Daughter Duel of ’54 shifted into high gear when you taught me to drive the old Dodge and I decided I would drive the ‘54 Chevy whether you liked it or not. The police officer who escorted me home after you reported the Chevy stolen late one evening was too young to understand father-daughter politics and too old to have much tolerance for a snotty 16 year old. You were so decent about it, Dad, and I think that was probably what made it the worst night of my life.






当你教我驾驶旧道奇的时候,“54”的父亲Daughter Duel转向高齿轮,我决定我会驾驶“54雪佛兰”不管你喜欢与否。警察护送我回家后,你报告的日间偷来的晚了一天晚上太年轻不懂父亲的女儿政治和太旧了,有足够的宽容,对这个16岁的。你真是太体面了,爸爸,我想那可能是我人生中最糟糕的夜晚。



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somewhere along the line,the generation gap evaporated. age separates us now and little else. we agree on most everything,perhaps because we’ve learned there isn’t much worth disagreeing about. however,i would like to mention that fly fishing isn’t all you’ve cracked it up to be,dad. you can say what you want about wrist action and stance and blah,blah,blah...

i’ve been happily drifting for a lot of years,dad,and i didn’t see you getting older.

i suppose i saw us and our relationship as aging together,rather like a fine wine. numbers never seemed important. but the oddest thing happened last week. i was at a stop sign and i watched as you turned the corner in your car. it didn’t immediately occur to me that it was you because the man driving looked so elderly and fragile behind the wheel of that huge car. it was rather like a slap in the face delivered from out of nowhere. perhaps i saw your age for the first time that day. or maybe i saw my own.






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Fathers Day is a festival of thanking our fathers. About started in the early 20th century, originated in the United States, it has been widely circulated around the world, but its date is different because of the differences of the regions. The date of the most popular is on the third Sunday of June each year, and there are 52 countries and regions in the world celebrating the fathers day on this day. They have various ways of celebration, most of which is related to gifts and family dinner or other activities.




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my father.

I think my father is a kind man,he love help people,and always forget to do something for himself.He has a good sence of humor,yes,I like that.That always make us happy.

I think he is a friend of mine.Because he always talk with me.I often feel I am not his daughter but his friend.

I think that my father is a good father and also a good worker.He works very hard.So he can’t play with me or my mum for long time.He think work will make him happy because work has many funny.So he always teaches me:don’t think work is a hard thing.

My father has many hobby.For example,he like reading,and he also like play computer game.He use his hobby to realx.He can feel very happy if he work,and also play.

He is a good man,isn’t he?



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Fifty years ago this spring we planted kohlrabi together in a garden in Charles City, Iowa.

I didn’t know then that I would remember that day for the rest of my life. This week, we’ll plant kohlrabi together again, perhaps for the last time but I hope not. I don’t understand why planting kohlrabi with you is so important to me but it is. And the funny thing about it is, well, I don’t know quite how to tell you this, Dad...I don’t even like kohlrabi...but I like planting it with you.

I guess what I’m trying to say, Dad, is what every son and daughter wants to say to their Dad today. Honoring a Father on Father’s Day is about more than a Dad who brings home a paycheck, shares a dinner table, and attends school functions, graduations, and weddings. It isn’t even so much about kohlrabi, ’54 Chevrolets, and fly-fishing. It’s more about unconditionally loving children who are snotty and stubborn, who know everything and won’t listen to anyone. It’s about respect and sharing and acceptance and tolerance and giving and taking. It’s about loving someone more than words can say,and it’s wishing that it never had to end.

I love you, Dad.


当时我也不知道我以后会怀念那一天。这一周,我们还要在一起栽苤蓝菜,这是第二次。也许,这是最后一次,可我并不希望那样。我不明白为什么我和您一起栽苤蓝菜我会感到很有意义,可事实上就有意义。而且,关于这个,有个有意思的事情,可我不知道该怎么和您说这事,爸爸…… 我不喜欢苤蓝菜……但是,我却喜欢和您一起栽苤蓝菜。





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My father I think my father is a kind man, he love help people, and always forget to do something for himself. He has a good sence of humor, yes, I like that. That always make us happy. I think he is a friend of mine. Because he always talk with me. I often feel I am not his daughter but his friend. I think that my father is a good father and also a good worker. He works very hard. So he can’t play with me or my mum for long time. He think work will make him happy because work has many funny. So he always teaches me: don’t think work is a hard thing. My father has many hobby. For example, he like reading, and he also like play computer game. He use his hobby to realx. He can feel very happy if he work, and also play. He is a good man, isn’t he?



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Its fathers day tomorrow, I want to give my father gave two gifts.


At noon, I took advantage of a moment when you take a nap, I come up with fifty yuan pocket money to buy a gift, a flower shop, but I dont know which one to buy, I see that look, finally found the right to spend money to the boss. I went to buy a few packets of paper folding a wishing star, came back home, I put the flowers in the vase on the inside, add water, put the flowers did not pay attention to where to hide. Flowers after, I began to break the wish upon a star, every star I have written a blessing, a star, two stars, a total of one hundred and seventy-nine pieces of broken, dont look at those little stars, but each star are filled with my fathers blessing. Wish upon a star. After that, I put it in a beautiful little gift, looking forward to tomorrow will come.


The second day early in the morning at six oclock, I walked into the room quietly, I put the flowers and the wish upon a star on the table, and I walked out of the room. Slowly fragrance filled the room, my father was fragrant smoke woke up to find it, he wrote: happy fathers day. Father face smiles.


篇12:父亲节英语作文:fathers day is coming

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The United States is one of the few countries in the world that has an official day on which fathers are honored by their children. On the third Sunday in June, fathers all across the United States are given presents, treated to dinner or otherwise made to feel special. .

The origin of Fathers Day is not clear. Some say that it began with a church service in West Virginia in 1908. Others say the first Fathers Day ceremony was held in Vancouver, Washington.

Regardless of when the first true Fathers Day occurred, the strongest promoter of the holiday was Mrs. Bruce John Dodd of Spokane, Washington. She thought of the idea for Fathers Day while listening to a Mothers Day sermon in 1909.

Sonora wanted a special day to honor her father, William Smart. Smart, who was a Civil War veteran, was widowed when his wife died while giving birth to their sixth child. Mr. Smart was left to raise the newborn and his other five children by himself on a rural farm in eastern Washington state.

After Sonora became an adult she realized the selflessness her father had shown in raising his children as a single parent. It was her father that made all the parental sacrifices and was, in the eyes of his daughter, a courageous, selfless, and loving man. In 1909, Mrs. Dodd approached her own minister and others in Spokane about having a church service dedicated to fathers on June 5, her fathers birthday.

That date was too soon for her minister to prepare the service, so he spoke a few weeks later on June 19th. From then on, the state of Washington celebrated the third Sunday in June as Fathers Day. Children made special desserts, or visited their fathers if they lived apart.

In early times, wearing flowers was a traditional way of celebrating Fathers Day. Mrs. Dodd favored the red rose to honor a father still living, while a white flower honored a deceased dad. J.H. Berringer, who also held Fathers Day celebrations in Washington State as early as 1912, chose a white lilac as the Fathers Day Flower.

States and organizations began lobbying Congress to declare an annual Fathers Day. In 1916, President Woodrow Wilson approved of this idea, but it was not until 1924 when President Calvin Coolidge made it a national event to "establish more intimate relations between fathers and their children and to impress upon fathers the full measure of their obligations."

Since then, fathers had been honored and recognized by their families throughout the country on the third Sunday in June. In 1966 President Lyndon Johnson signed a presidential proclamation declaring the 3rd Sunday of June as Fathers Day and put the official stamp on a celebration that was going on for almost half a century.

When children cant visit their fathers or take them out to dinner, they send a greeting card. Traditionally, fathers prefer greeting cards that are not too sentimental. Most greeting cards are whimsical(奇形怪状的,异想天开的)so fathers laugh when they open them. Some give heartfelt thanks for being there whenever the child needed Dad.



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If you ask me, who Loved Me? I must answer, of course, is my favorite dad.

Rained today, can give my father to buy clothes and shoes was sent ah, looking forward to a father from Monday through Fathers Day, it is also going to rain!

I put on my raincoat firm ran home, half an hour later to the home, and even locked the door. At this time the rain had stopped it! Dad called, he says that they are mother and pouring it. And quickly went to where to find them. I shouted a voice:

I help my father lift tube, put the finished pouring tube turn up north. Finally, my shoes are wet, but I am still very happy. Mom and Dad did not think Id come to help, but also very happy. I think as long as Mom and Dad need us, we stay with them, even if we do not buy a gift, they will be very happy.

Fathers Day, I accompanied my father had, he was pleased, and I am even more happy.

Fathers Day, Fathers Day is not just that we have to think in the end the lack of what Mom and Dad? Mom and Dad need us, we are in front of it? Thanksgiving Dad, Thanksgiving mother. Fathers Day, you stay with your parents yet?



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Today is fathers day. Im going to buy a gift for my dad with my pocket money, so I "kill" the little fat piggy bank.

I walked into the room and said to my father, "dad, I broke something." Father got angry, blew his beard and stared, and he kicked me in the ass without saying a word. I was kicked out.

I took my pocket money and didnt go back to the shoe store. At the shoe store, I said to my bosss shoes, "buy an adults shoes." The boss say: "you are a child, how can buy adults shoes?" I told my boss it was for my father. The boss asked me again, "how big is your fathers foot?" I turned my butt up and showed him the footprints of my father. The boss was surprised at first, but he immediately responded, laughing and saying, "youve got your size on your ass."


My father I think my father is a kind man, he love help people, and always forget to do something for himself. He has a good sence of humor, yes, I like that. That always make us happy. I think he is a friend of mine. Because he always talk with me. I often feel I am not his daughter but his friend. I think that my father is a good father and also a good worker. He works very hard. So he can’t play with me or my mum for long time. He think work will make him happy because work has many funny. So he always teaches me: don’t think work is a hard thing. My father has many hobby. For example, he like reading, and he also like play computer game. He use his hobby to realx. He can feel very happy if he work, and also play. He is a good man, isn’t he?


Every person has a father , and everyone thinks that his/her father is the best father in the world , so do I.

My father is of middle height . He has big eyes , the same as me . He has short hair , looking more gently . I believe my father is a talented man . He is decisive and efficient in doing things his own talents and efforts , he has secured for the family a good social position and a comparatively rich life . He usually educates me that the person must to be honest , friendly to other ,and working diligently.

This is my father . I Love him forever !


Yesterday was Father's Day. I had planned to give my father a present. But I didn't remember it until in the was too late to post a card to him. So I decided to buy something. When I was in the department store. I found it was not easy for me to choose something right for him.

Suddenly I got an idea. I ran home and opened my computer. I made a beautiful card and mailed him through the Internet. then I began to make supper. When father came home, he was very glad to find a big meal on the table. then I asked him to check his e-mail. He was amazed to find a beautiful card in his e-mail-box.

What a wonderful surprise!



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My dear father,Today is Father Day,I want to say to you:"I love you !"Because you gave me life and love me.You have to in order to our home to work hard every day.I also want to say to you:"Im sorry!"because I often make you feel angry.I know I shouldnt do it.I promise I wont in the future.Do you remember you teach me play basketball?I want to play basketball with you.Who is winner?I think you can and I compare.Finally,I hope you have a happy Father Day.I love you forever.




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Your eyes show sternness, but more kindness and care. Thank you for making me feel important.


Thanks for holding my hand when I need it.


I own all of my skills of fatherhood to you Dad. Happy Fathers Day.


Father, there are always many ways I stay happy, the father is always most concerned about one of my father I love you! I wish his father happy!


Dad, you let me have a wider sky, let me see you higher and farther.


I didnt realize that being a father would be so difficult. It makes me appreciate you all the more.


Now that I am a father, I can see what a good job you did in raising us.


I didnt see what a good father you were to us before, but I do now.


Your experience and guidance have always been appreciated.更多信息请访问:


I hope you know how proud I am of you, father. Happy Fathers Day! Happiness always!


To father--from your favorite string bean.


You are a little different from the rest of us, but thats OK. You are still my Dad.


Words cant tell how much you mean to us. We wish you happiness on this special day.


On this special day, I want to say Im proud of you, appreciate all youve done for me and I love you.


The third Sunday in June, observed in the United States in honor of fathers. 父亲节:六月的第三个星期天,美国用来纪念父亲


Your eyes show sternness, but more kindness and care. Thank you for making me feel important.


Thanks for holding my hand when I need it.


I own all of my skills of fatherhood to you Dad. Happy Fathers Day.


I didnt realize that being a father would be so difficult. It makes me appreciate you all the more.


Now that I am a father, I can see what a good job you did in raising us.


I didnt see what a good father you were to us before, but I do now.


Your experience and guidance have always been appreciated.更多信息请访问:


I hope you know how proud I am of you, father. Happy Fathers Day! Happiness always!


To father--from your favorite string bean.


You are a little different from the rest of us, but thats OK. You are still my Dad.


Words cant tell how much you mean to us. We wish you happiness on this special day.


On this special day, I want to say Im proud of you, appreciate all youve done for me and I love you.




















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The day after tomorrow, that is, on June 20. Is fathers day! You ready to give dad what gift? As I give you advice?

Most of his father likes to stay up late at night watching the game, if you also like me, is a small fan, then follow your father the old fans watching a wonderful game!

If your dad doesnt like football, and the day is not at home, that you will take advantage of this opportunity, your dads shoes, socks, clothes... Take out all washing!

But if you do the coolie live, will help your dad to quit smoking! Not a lifetime all dont let father smoking, but in this days, dont let father smoking again, and said to him: "today is fathers day, you cant smoke, smoking is harmful to health!"

Again, if your father is a do not smoke, drink, people who do not like football, then you can help my father to reduce a little to work, if your father is a man at night to write files or something, then you can help my father rushed a cup of coffee or tea!

Anyway, fathers day, be sure to let dad healthy and happy!

So, my gift to good, are you prepared to on fathers day to dad what kind of surprise?










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I am a girl of ten, and I live in a small mountain village far from Taiyuan. The only person that lives with me is my mother, because my father is away for eight years, working in a city.


During the Spring Festival, my father came back home. He looked thin and tired. He gave my mother two thousand yuan, and told her that he would work even harder, earn more money, and then he could take us to the city He stayed at home for only ten days.We are living a poor life now. But what I want most is not money, but my father. I miss him very much!




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Fathers Day, contrary to popular misconception, was not established as a holiday in order to help greeting card manufacturers sell more cards. In fact when a "fathers day" was first proposed there were no Fathers Day cards!

Mrs. John B. Dodd, of Washington, first proposed the idea of a "fathers day" in 1909. Mrs. Dodd wanted a special day to honor her father, William Smart. William Smart, a Civil War veteran, was widowed when his wife (Mrs. Dodds mother) died in childbirth with their sixth child. Mr. Smart was left to raise the newborn and his other five children by himself on a rural farm in eastern Washington state. It was after Mrs. Dodd became an adult that she realized the strength and selflessness her father had shown in raising his children as a single parent.

The first Fathers Day was observed on June 19, 1910 in Spokane Washington. At about the same time in various towns and cities across American other people were beginning to celebrate a "fathers day." In 1924 President Calvin Coolidge supported the idea of a national Fathers Day. Finally in 1966 President Lyndon Johnson signed a presidential proclamation declaring the 3rd Sunday of June as Fathers Day.

Fathers Day has become a day to not only honor your father, but all men who act as a father figure. Stepfathers, uncles, grandfathers, and adult male friends are all honored on Fathers Day.



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Dear Dad,

Today is father’s day, for so many years I’ve been seekig a way to express my heartfelt thanks for all you have done for me. Here comes it!

Thank you for always being there sharing my life when I need you most. Whenever I encounter difficulties, I never feel alone and vulnerable, because you will keep me on the right path. I’m blessed to have you.

Thank you for offering me education and teaching me how to be a man. You always inspire me not by words, but by what you have done! Your efforts in the work, your loyalty to your friends, your responsibility for the family and your persistence in the life have already set me good examples in my own life.

Thank you for always appreciating my work, no matter how tiny it is! You have made me realize that it’s capacity not scores that really counts.

Dad, I love you and I will love you forever!

Yours beloved,

Li Ming
