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Speaking of grateful parents, everyone will say parents are raising me, of course to be grateful. First of all, we would like to thank them here let us born in this beautiful world. Without them there would be no us, without them there would be no us today, without them there would be no we now good result.

Parents is we are the first teachers in life, from we began to learn to speak, walk, has been to grow up, every success, and even failed every time, parents will remember in my heart, accompany in your side, give you silently support, patient counseling, let us quickly learned how to be a useful person to society. So we have such parents, just can have happy today.

Parents also is very love us. Even the body piercing minor injuries, they will be very self-reproach, why didnt always want to watch the children of her own heart. If you are sick, they must be out in a proper meal, sleep, even cry for a little while. Remember once, I had a high fever, mother carried me to the hospital, from the anxious expression in her eyes I deeply feel the parents of my love is from the heart. Parents take care of us like to take care of the little angel, let we grew up and became a healthy and lively big boy. They pay for us, we do everything never called for the return.

The classmates, let us learn to Thanksgiving! With a grateful heart to treat their parents, with a heart sincere heart to communicate with their parents, dont take it for granted that their parents to help us to do anything, they brought us to this beautiful world, is great enough, and pull us is big, also not return, silently pay for us, Thanksgiving! Thanksgiving parents give us everything!

This again, I also wish the world says parents well-being! Happy!








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Since I was a little child, I was taught that dont give up forever. My

mother told me that teaching me how to walk was a tough task. When I just

learned how to walked, I fell down frequently, but she or my father never helped

me to stand up, because they wanted me to stand up by myself. After fell down

again and again, I finally learned walking. My parents were proud of me. Now,

whenever I meet with a problem or get into trouble, no matter how hard the

situation is, I rarely stop my step, because I have a faith in my mind that the

most beautiful view will come in after the highest hill. If you are sure what

you do, then you just stick to it. Nothing in the world is easy, so we will

always meet challenges in life, but remember one thing that never give up and

sunshine comes after the storm.



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If someone asks my favorite person, then my father is well deserved. Because with him, happiness is always accompanied me, all the troubles will disappear.

Just get up in the morning, although I have been dressed, but I still stumbled, always want to lie down to bed Dad met with a smile came, pulled me up from the bed, Xiaohe He said: "how, but also when the blanket head of the pumping your lazy tendons just fine." Then on the arm from me Come, I "Puchi" laughed out, while patting his fathers back, while laughing and blaming him: "You are really bad, you really bad." At this time, my father has long hearty smile.

At noon, my father came home after the first sentence will ask: "Tingting back there?" As long as I saw a pair of hands to the back of a back, walked in the stage of Peking opera, with Jingqian smiling to me: "Hungry me, and take the meal to eat with me." So we are in the happy meal.

In the afternoon, when I was carrying a heavy school bag to the house, feel tired and tired. But a push the door and found my father had been waiting for me at the door, and see me back, he took my hand bag, his feet together, a bow, like a Japanese like me to say: "Hard, and my big for you!" Then looked up, silly looked at me. I am amused by his appearance, and my heart has long been gone to the clouds, can not help but suddenly flew into my fathers arms, arms around his neck, whispered in his ear, said: "You are so good, father!

This is my father, he gave me a happy life.



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The Chinese New Year is called Spring Festival, it usually comes in February. There is a name for each year. It may be called the year of the dog or the year of the monkey. And this year is the year of the cock.

Before the Now Years Day, the Chinese people usually give their houses a general cleaning. On the last day of the old year, there is a big family dinner. All members of the family try to be present at the meal. On the first day of the new year, people go to visit their relatives and friends. As a rule, children are given some money to buy things they like.

People often have a good time during the Festival.



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My mother is a great woman in the world, since I grown up I have thought it.

My mother’s name is Zen Yan fang, but her best friends often call her sister Zen. She is 42-years-old now, but I do feel that she is always a young woman. And she has a very long hair that she likes to keep changing shape. My dad don’t like that she often changes her hair, but I know it’s the way my mom want to hide her changing age.

To tell you the truth, I even don’t know what things my mother really like to do. In my memory, she is good at lots of things. To keep this family, she worked as a mechanical worker, as a salesperson of insurance. And these years she is the boss of herself. I appreciate that I have such a diligent and brave mother. I knew that she is very hard, but she never tell it to us.

She is such a strong woman so that she is strict to us. When I was a little girl, I often fell down on the floor, but my mother never comes to comfort me. She always said, “why don’t you look at your own way, and you deserve it.” I swear I hate her at that moment, but now I don’t hate her at all. I love her. Thanks to her treat me that cold way so that I can be such strong. And I

won’t be worried about such a little thing again.

My mom told me that to be a happy is the best way to live. My mom told me everything can be possible.

My mom told me that never give up.

My dear mom told me lots of things that instruct me all my life. I love you, my dear mom.



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I have a nice friend. His name is Roy. He lives in XieQiao. He’s 12 years old and his birthday is in March. He speaks Chinese. He can speak English, too. He’s short. His hair is short. He wears a pair of yellow glasses. He likes swimming in the river in summer. Swimming can make him happy. His math and English are very good. Sometimes he teaches me math. Usually I read books with him. He will be my good friend forever.





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Heard that microblogging is a fresh thing, I have to get one. Registration, the system let me lost the user name, I thought it was your sina email lost in.

One day afternoon, the classmate called me, ask, what is my weibo name. I paused, do not know he ask which name is. I have to say: "Ill check it and tell you later on."

Came to the computer desk, quickly open the computer, microblogging, I was shocked. My name as email. I decided to change! He picked up the mouse to click the button. Suddenly jump out a white box, ask what I want the name, the following and fill out a bunch of. I think the most, still didnt come up with a preferred name. But on second thought, interesting and have what use? Once couldnt remember not spoiled.

"Well," forgotten "is a good choice." I said to himself. However, all these need not the name of the memory has been trademarked, how to do? I have to add characters to the name, keyword. I tried a dozen minutes, finally make a name, called "I really, really forgot. Hey hey, this is not to forget. I call my classmate is busy, tell him the new weibo name.

To give a little easy to remember and cool name - difficult!








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1) 我的同学陈楚岳,他胖乎乎的,长个国字脸,跑起来浑身的肉都直打颤。虽然他很胖,但反应还不慢,非常可爱。

2) 我的好朋友,他叫黄新,他的身材很瘦小,嘴唇白白的,眼睛很小,看得出他是一个近视眼,他的肩膀很宽,从体形来看,他是一个很瘦的人。他也是一个热爱帮助别的人,他很有爱心。

3) 我的妹妹,她今年7岁了,属鸡,奶奶常常笑她,说他是猴子屁股——坐不住。不过,她长得一点儿也不像个“小瘦猴”!胖嘟嘟的身子,圆乎乎的脸蛋,圆鼓鼓的胳膊腿儿,浑身都是肉。

4) 我们的数学老师是男的,他有着胖胖矮的身体,眼睛大大的,戴着眼镜。他对我们一向都是很关心的。

5) 我的英语老师是那么辛勤,帮助我们成才。老师啊!您在我心中是一位十分优秀,十分美丽,永不衰老,永远青春的老师,教师您是我父母亲的恩人您帮他们教育了儿女。英语老师,我爱您!您永远在我心中。

6) 有一次,我的妹妹在洗澡,她在水里蹦来蹦去,把水都波出来了,她有时候非法镅,而且还喜欢哭,不过,我倒很喜欢她调皮捣蛋的样子。

7) 我有一个可爱的弟弟,圆圆的脸蛋,细长的眉毛下长着一对圆溜溜的大眼睛,你要是问一个问题,他那黑葡萄似的眼珠便在眼眶里骨碌碌地转着。在他那高高的鼻梁下边,长着一张小巧的嘴巴。平时总是笑嘻嘻的,要是生起气来,两只嘴翘得老高老高,这时大家都打趣地说:“真可以挂上两只油瓶呢!”

8) 小毛头长得很小,头只有我的大洋娃娃那么大;脸圆圆的,红红的,像只大苹果。她睡得很甜,两只眼闭得紧紧的,像两条线;两根眉毛像两只弯弯的新月;小嘴巴经常一动一动,好像在吃奶。她浑身被小被子包住,还用绳子扎紧,一动也不动。

9) 他沉静在讲台上,单手托腮,侧着头,望着窗外。在窗外,他看见“一群贪婪的啃老族正在街头闲逛着”。他转过头,并没有说什么。只是拿起教科书,开始给同学们阅读例题。

10) 我的爷爷是一个非常好的老人。他不但很好。而且很和蔼。不管怎么样他都要养花:桂花、红豆杉、兰花、蟹爪兰,都是他养的花是鼎鼎有名的。我家的桂花开的颜色鲜艳,黄的白的,搭配起来很漂亮,当桂花开的时候,我家布满了香气,并且还有一盆小的,在空调前面的桌子上。客人来了都一一赞赏。

11) 她大概叫琅琅,穿一件红底白点小罩衣,凸额头,塌鼻梁,一头顶柔软的卷发,总是不声不响,像个沉静的小哲学家。

12) 邻居家有个七岁的小男孩叫宝宝。宝宝十分胖,脸上的肉把眼睛都挤成三角形了,可他还拼命吃。这不,他正在吮一支棒冰,弄得满地都是冰水。

13) 你认识我阿姨家的小妹妹吗?她的眼睛蓝蓝的,就像清澈的河水,也像蓝蓝的天空。眼睛就像黑水晶一样闪闪的发光。她的脸蛋粉嘟嘟的,白里透红,就像成熟的苹果和桃子。她的嘴唇红红红的。她的手胖乎乎的,打到我也不觉得疼。

14) 在我的心目中,爸爸哪儿都好,不高不矮的身材稍稍发福的肚皮,乌黑的头发,和蔼的笑脸,戴着一副眼镜,显得很有学问。但他有一个缺点,让我无法忍受,那就是他特别爱吸烟。

15) 下课时,她跟我们有说有笑,摆弄着各种手势,让我们猜是什么动物,只见她双手一交叉,就变成了鸟,一只手张开,另一只闭合,又变成了蛇……有时,她会拍拍我们的肩膀,摸摸我们的头,赞扬我们几句,让我们心里像吃了蜜一样甜。

16) 我的父亲很高,但很瘦。他的背已有些伛偻,我不知道是他更瘦了还是老了。这是一个让人思考的问题,想得我揪心地疼。

17) 你看过日本动画片《聪明的一休》吗?我家也有个“一休”呢!那就是我四岁的表弟。

18) 宋老师见她睡得时间太长,想弄醒她,就用手捏捏她的鼻子。这下可把她弄火了。只见她脸涨得通红,眉毛皱紧,想哭,但又没哭,只是把头颈一伸一缩的,过了不多久,又呼呼大睡了。

19) 他也很喜欢讲笑话。有一次在电视上看到一个电视节目举起手来,里面有很多搞笑的画面,他到学校来后一个一个的说给我们听。他还把潘长江演的一些搞笑动作演给我们看,把我们每个人都逼得哈哈大笑。

20) 爷爷个子不高,很瘦,有点驼背。脑门上有几道深深的皱纹。爷爷的眼睛不大,眼神很浑浊,几缕头发不均匀地分布在头上。

21) 我们的邢老师是个严厉的人,可是我知道,邢老师生气,责备我们,就是为我好,改正我们的缺点。二年级时,有一次,我的试卷没有交,因为,那正是复习的时候,我的试卷弄得我一塌糊涂,所以,我没有听清老师说的话,就相当于没有听讲。但到了第二天早晨一来,我才发现我的试卷在我的文件夹里。中午,邢老师把我留下了,还罚我把试卷上的成语一个词抄三遍,才允许我放学。

22) 陈楚岳很有上进心,有一天,他突然对我说和我比考试的成绩,我听了欣然答应。从那以后,我时刻想着还有个人要在学习上超过我,我就一点也不敢放松。期末考试时,他真的考了第四名,是他有史以来最好的一次,虽然没赶上我,但他的那种精神却让我不敢小视。

23) 她非常喜欢画画,她画的画可漂亮了。她的字也很工整,学习成绩很好。彭一乔有两个小缺点:一个是经常丢三落四,另一个是脾气有点暴躁。

24) 英语老师为我们付出了那么多,为我们付出了自己的知识,把知识传给我们,就是想让我们成才,让我们为国家做贡献。老师是辛勤的园丁,培养着祖国的花朵。其实读书并不只是为了自己,而是为了回报老师,报效祖国,回报自己的家人,老师不但教了我们英语,还教了我如何做人。

25) 在寒假里,那里一个女生都没有,我顿时刚到感到孤单,我刚学几个星期,那一天,我来到乒乓球俱乐部,看见里面有一个小女孩,大大的眼睛,圆圆的脸,绑着一条马尾辫,长得跟我有点相似呢!啊!原来是新来的,终于有人和我做伴了。

26) 有一次,我和她到公园玩。“快看。”我顺着她指的方向望去,是两只漂亮的大蝴蝶。她情不自禁地追着蝴蝶跑,看着她眼里惊异与探寻的神色,我也被感染了,与她一起捉蝴蝶。我终于捉到了两只蝴蝶,这时,她急忙明我跑来,圆圆的小脸上,一双眼睛满是喜悦,她神采奕奕地接过蝴蝶,欢快地蹦着跳着。

27) 我的小妹妹名叫张语冰,今年三岁了,水灵灵的眼睛,翘翘的小鼻子,红红的樱桃小嘴,一笑起来眼睛弯成了两个小月芽,是个超级可爱的小女孩。小冰冰整天哥哥长哥哥短地念道我,一见到我就跟在我屁股后面转,我干什么她就干什么。虽然有时候她也会欺负我一下,可是谁让我是哥哥呢,我从来不跟她小屁孩一般见识。

28) 她,长得不算眉清目秀,但五官还挺端正,她的脸圆而略长,在两道浓而有些杂乱的眉毛下,有一双不大却有神的眼睛。高而直的鼻子,给平平淡淡的脸上增加了些棱角。在脸的两侧,镶着五官司之中我最满意的——耳朵,它们不大不小像一对元宝似的。

29) 我在生活中也交了几个朋友。有一次,我和朋友的一家三口出去游玩,由于山上没有饭店作文人网 你也可以投稿,我们说好了,自己带食物上山。才走到半路上,我的食物就吃完了,又坚持走了一段路,肚子早已饥肠辘辘。好朋友主动拿出自己最喜欢吃的山楂糕给我吃,那一瞬间,我确确实实体会到了“朋友”这个词的意义,也感受到了朋友的温暖。

30) 有一个同学是和我连续读了几学期的,他就是李宋。他虽然成绩不好,但他的人却是个大好人。他喜欢乐于助人,如果你这个星期没有钱,你去找他,他会马上借你钱。如果他看到有人被欺骗了或挨了打,他会马上去帮助别人保护别人。

31) 余秋是我的好朋友,她生有双黑溜溜的眼睛,有对像月牙儿似的眉毛,白里透红的肌肤,就介是刚长出来的苹果一样,晶莹剔透,她还扎着两个小辨子,别上一对蝴蝶结的夹子,更是别出新裁,这就更加招人喜爱了,这就是我的好朋友,一个可爱,迷人的小姑娘——余秋。

32) 她挺高的,身材苗条,长得很漂亮。乌黑的头发,弯弯的眉毛下面嵌着一双大而有神的眼睛。她既慈祥又严厉,是个关心、爱护学生的好老师。黄老师不仅写得一手好字,而且读出来的课文很有感情,班上的同学都爱听黄老师读书。

33) 说到胡斯琪,她给人的第一印象还算不错:弯弯的眉毛、水灵灵的大眼睛、高挺的鼻梁、樱红的嘴唇、白皙的皮肤,宛若

34) 乌黑油亮的头发,红红的小脸蛋,两只小眼睛像小猫那样睁着,伸直了他胖胖的手臂,手臂上还有五个小窝窝。

35) 我有一个充满了儿童心的老姑,老姑长着一双浓眉大眼睛、弯弯的眉毛、金黄色的头,在穿上一件体恤,就更美丽了!

36) 我的表妹文文,今年五岁,是幼儿园大班的小朋友。她个头很高,身体稍微有些胖,凸额头,塌鼻梁,一头乌黑油亮的头发,红红的小脸蛋像朵要开的花,两只眼睛亮亮的,我们都叫他“小蓓蕾”。




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School for nearly two months, in school, many teachers have left a deep impression on me, but I the deepest impression is the kind of English teacher, ms liu.

He has blond hair, students think that it is dyed, but liu said: "it was born. We are all very surprised, he not only has a cool head of hair, but also full of teaching experience and the knowledge of English, he will use humorous language comes to our interest in learning, lets put in a special clever every knowledge to understand more thoroughly.

Whenever we have English class, the students are very excited, liu will teach us of the clever way to learn English, make learning English more simple and interesting. During the class, he will teach us English loudly shout out, also said: talented people are those who repeat the most times, we are going to step on my English.

On one occasion, liu taught to us "family show" this word, it means family show. At this time, liu said: "everyone seen rice didnt show! It is family show" homophonic ". We have also a listen to, really, from then on, the word gave me a very deep impression.

Our teacher liu is not only has the rich teaching experience, but also as a father, care to us. English whenever I ask him questions, he will patiently explain to me, until I completely understand. But liu for not writing homework classmates were not so good. Remember once, I forgot to write English homework, teacher liu gave me a piece of my mind. Since then, I have never experienced no homework. As an old saying goes, "the strict teacher I". Because of the teachers strict requirements, just make me in months exceeded otherregions made a good record in English.

He is my English teacher, he has an ordinary but great job and we all respect him, love him.




有一次,刘老师给我们教了“family show”这个单词,它的意思是家庭秀。这时,刘老师说:“大家都看过‘饭没了秀’吧!它就是‘family show’的谐音”。我们一听,还真的是,从此,这个单词给了我无比深刻的印象。





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My father is a tall, with big eyes and black hair...

He is also a kind person, like to participate in activities...

I remember one time I failed the exam on the exam. But dad didnt scold me also said that after "to learn" Im a 5th grade children, still have to need to take care of mom and dad. In my small heart father is how great ah! Dad to work to make money to feed us, dad every day to day work. Father will be very early Monday to Friday to cook for us...

When I was a kid my father often told me stories, for example: "Cinderella" "little red riding hood," "Snow White"... Actually when I was a child is very naughty, often fell bad things, break things, dad would say: be careful next time dont fell bad things again, each child will get errors, mistakes and just change the are good children. The words impressed deeply in my heart. I want to say to my father: dad, you really great, you are my hero in my heart.







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I am taking a long vacation this National Day .

My mother told me to make vacation plans. So I am thinking about what I am doing for vacation. My father wants me to go to Beijing with him, my mother wants me to visit my grandma with her , but I just want to spend time with my friends and relax at home, because I am tired and sleepy after long weeks classes.

Later on , I decide to go to Beijing with my father on October 1st . I am visiting Tian’an Men Square, Bird nets and taking a lot of beautiful photos there. But I don’t like going away for too long, so I am staying there just for four days.

After I get back home, I am visiting my grandma with my mother and brother on October 5th . I am watching TV and having lunch at my grandma’s home. In the afternoon, we are going shopping at the mall.

On October 6th. I am ralaxing at home , playing computer games and surfing the Internet . I am going to beaches with my friends on the seventh day. We are playing in the water and playing beach volleyball there.

I hope the weather will be nice during National Day holiday and I am enjoying myself. I can’t wait.




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你的暑假是怎么样过的呢?一起看看以下作者们的英语暑假日记作文吧! 暑假的英语日记一

It was a sunny day today,when i got up in the morning,i decided to see my grandparents.so i took the bus and got there at noon,they were happy to see me,and i was very happy,too.

In the afternoon,my farther asked me to help him water the plant,and i was happy to see the flowers smiling in the wind.

In a word,today is a unforgetive day.because i saw my relatives and helped people. 暑假的英语日记二

I enjoy summer vacation very much. Because summer vacation is the longest vacation of the year. We have more than fifty days to rest. Though it is very hot, we can either go to swim or stay in the air-conditioned room . In the evening, I like to go shopping with my friends. We can eat many things in summer, such as ice creams, watermelons, grapes,so on.In summer, I always go on a trip with my parents. Its a good chance for us to visit some nice interesting places. 暑假的英语日记三

In the morning, it is very fine! Then I climb the mountain with family, the air on the mountain is very fresh, the flowers plants and trees on the mountain all seem extremely beautiful. In the afternoon, I go to friends home to play, the friend entertains me warmly, show me a lot of books of his , has listened to his CD for me , then also ask me to eat a sumptuous dinner. Coming back home in the evening, family and I sat and watched TV together, we are returning and eating the fruit while chatting, the whole family is happy and harmonious! 暑假的英语日记四

Last year, I go to Beijing with my parents. We go to the Great Wall and visit it.And we visit the famous Forbidden City.They are the prettiest buildings I have ever seen.But there is so hot ,we could bear.So, we buy many drinks and ice-creams,We are play have fun very much and very much! 暑假的英语日记五

Times flys. My summer holiday is coming to the end. My holiday is just so so. It is not too much difference as before. At the biginning of the vacation, I was doing my homework. After all, study comes first. After I finished my homework, it was almost the end of July. It is the time for me to help my family for harvest. It is so tired to to the farm work. Howevr, being a member of our family, I have to give a hand. Watching the achievement, I felt proud though I just help a little. After finished the farm work, I found myself become much more tan. Who cares! It was my happy time, when I finished all the things. I went out with my friends almost everyday. Sometimes we played games or sport or went hiking. Sometimes we went shopping in the evening for the sun is too heavy in the daytime. We felt uncomfortable. But now there are two days left before the school opening time. So I have to stay at home for a good rest to store energy for my study. Everything is so perfect. It is 11 o’clock. I think I have to say good ninght now.

时间飞逝。我的暑假就要结束了。我的假期一般般。在假期一开始的时候,我写家庭作业。毕竟,学习是最重要的嘛。我做完作业后,几乎到了七月底了。是时候帮助家人收获了。干农活是如此的累。然而,作为家庭的一员,我不得不帮忙。虽然我只是帮了一点点,但是看着那些成果我感到很骄傲。干完农活后,我发现自己变得更黑了。不过,谁在乎呢。当我完成了所有的事情就是我的快乐时光。我几乎每天都和我的朋友出去玩。有时我们玩游戏或运动或去爬山。有时我们晚上出去购物,因为白天太阳太烈了。我们觉得难受。但现在离开学还有两天的时间。所以我必须呆在家里为学习养精蓄锐。一切都是那么的美好。现在已经十一点了。我想是该说晚安的时候了。 暑假的英语日记六

This July, I graduated from primary school. I was enrolled to a good middle school. Therefore, I had a happy and leisure summer holiday. In the middle of July, I attended to a summer camp. It’s about English. There were twenty five students in the camp. We all like English very much. Together, we studied and played. There were many activities, team work or single performance. We tried our best to put ourselves into this big family. Most of the time, we talked to each other in English. If we really don’t know how to express in English, we could ask for help. Our teachers were so great that they could help us a lot. They were so active that make us acted as they did. I am happy to attend this activity.





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Today is a memorable day, because Im going to the bus station when volunteers. Although the sun like a want to sear us, but I Im not afraid.

In the afternoon, I found volunteers set to follow mother, has gathered a lot of people there. A big brother said to me: "kid, you go to the opposite of a pavilion to send tea!" Im glad to go over. Pavilion, there is a table with two buckets, one filled with chrysanthemum, one filled with boiling water. Volunteers sister called Zhang Liyuan and I gave her the cup and convenient passers-by her water to drink. But very few people to take water, mothers will mobilize our to send tea to passers-by. So, I carry water cup, to the passing pedestrians, but gave a lot of people say not to. How to do? I came up with a good way to move, and that is carefully to see the people, once found staring at the pot, immediately gave them water. Sure enough, these people are happy took me into the water.

This is my first time to when volunteers, although busy one afternoon, sweat soaked my clothes, but in the mind very happy.






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Everybody has a best friend that they can share everything with.I also have a best friend.We met in school,and were in the same grade.

My best friend is a good student because he is very hardworking.I learn a lot from him.He helps me with math;I help him with English.We always help each other.besides that,hes honest and reliable.I trust him completely and we share secrets all the time.

My best friend is also loyal and brave.Once when a bully teased me,he came to my rescue right away.He always remembers my birthday and he is fun to be with.He tells funny jokes and stories.He always makes me laugh.Finally,he is a very good listener and he knows how to cheer me up when Im down.

My best friend is really one of a kind.I hope well stay friends forever.






篇19:初二年级英语作文:Protection of forests

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our country has a large area of forest. however,not until recently did the goverment begin to realize the importance of protecting the forest. as we may know from various sources,the government recently adopted a policy called "restore the farmland to the forest"。this has brought much hope to the forest of our country as well as the sustainable development of our country.



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My mother has a pair of keen eyes which can speak. Whenever I encounter difficulties, her eyes will encourage me and help me cheer up. When I began learning to walk, mother always lent me a hand and encouraged me to stand up while I fell down.


As I finally threw myself into her arms, her eyes Smiled with praise. Aftei I entered the school, mothers eyes still encouraged me.


Once I failed my Chinese exam, my mother helped me find out the reasons instead of blaming me. Now I have grown up and become more independent, but whenever I come across setbacks, my mothers eyes are always with me encouraging me wherever I go.

