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低碳生活Low-carbon Lifestyle

Withthe spread of the consciousness of environmental protection, the word“low-carbon” has been very popular in life. We can find it in many aspects,such as low-carbon products, low-carbon consumption, and low-carbon travel andso on. Generally speaking, more and more people are advocating “low-carbon”lifestyle.


Asimplied in the name, “low-carbon” lifestyle is a kind of new pattern of lifestylewhich aims to lowering the carbon dioxide emission in living as much aspossible. For example, some office workers are not proud of driving privatecars from work to home any more but pride themselves on riding or taking public transportation. In addition, they advocate recycling water and saving energyas much as they can.


Ascollege students, we also make some contribution in our daily life to reducethe emission of the carbon dioxide. For example, switch off the light whenleaving and save water. In addition, we should use our knowledge and action toarouse others’ concern about the importance of lowering emission of carbondioxide and lead them to lead a “low-carbon” life.





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Look,this is my family photo .This is my father .His work in hard .Because he is a driver . This is my mother .My mother doesn’t have a job . Because I have a sister and a brother . My mother must take care of us .My sister’s name is Wang Meng yao .My brother’s name is Wang Lu yao .They are cute .This is my uncle .My uncle also is a driver.My aunt is a shop assistant .but she desn’t like her job she wants to be a poliewoman. My uncle desn’t like to be a policeman Because he thinks it’s a little dangerous Those are my cousins .They are leaming at kangyuan Middle school .they like going to the mories with me .their favorite actor is paul Jackson .He har a new movie, My Fatber’s Birtbday .It’s a very funny comedy .these are my grandparent

This is my family. Do you like then ?I do.


One Saturday,our whole family are to read a book,read newspaper,everyone is sleepy,boring.I always feel the house has what sound,look back for a moment,suddenly,I turn found a "war fuse" - mice are low-pressure in my "walk",our whole family the spirits,I and my father is "murderous look up into the sky".I got up and to the mouse fly up a foot,mouse a "ling2 Po wei2 a step" agile away my attack made dad a "cynical",the whole family with laughing.Mice found himself was after,fled in every direction.



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My Winter Holiday Plans Well, winter holiday is coming. So what I am going to do? I am going to read English books,surf the Internet,play badmintoon every day。And first I am going to finish my homework.In addition,I am going to leave Shantou for Xiamen with my family and we are going to stay there for ten days。And after we are getting there,we are going to eat delicious food,climb the mountains in the Jin Bang Park。That must be a lot more fun and we will very excited。How about you?What are you going to do when the Winter Holiday is coming?



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我的家庭生活周六晚上,我家举行了一次“卡拉ok”演唱比赛晚会,我们请了邻居的小朋友来做观众,爷爷当主持人兼裁判。 爷爷宣布比赛开始了。第一个上场的是爸爸,他大摇大摆地走上台,清领情嗓子对大家说:“今天我演唱的歌曲是《说句心里话》。”说完,爸爸右手拿着话筒,伴随着电视上的音乐节奏唱起来,响亮的歌声在屋子里回荡。 随后上场的是妈妈,妈妈唱的是《大海啊,我的故乡》。歌声悠扬,悦耳动听。妈妈的声音刚落,屋子里响起一片热^范文大全烈的掌声。 第三个上场的就是我了。我不好意思地走上台,唱起了《小酒窝》,由于我心里紧张,像揣了只小兔子怦怦直跳,连拿话筒的右手手心里都是汗。这时,妈妈投来了鼓励的目光,我这才镇定下来。于是我稳定了一下情绪随着音乐唱了起来“小酒窝长睫毛,迷人得无可救药,我放慢了步调,感觉像是喝醉了终于找到,心有灵犀的美好,一辈子暖暖的好,我永远爱你到老……”随着节拍,我跳起了舞,越唱越投入,歌声在一阵阵掌声中结束了。 比赛结束后,要宣布比赛名次了,我的心跳个不停,生怕名落孙山。这时,爷爷走上台,用他那洪亮的声音宣布:我得了第一名,妈妈第二,爸爸第三名。我高兴得跳了起来,大家都纷纷向我表示祝贺,表姐还拿了一束花送给我,我连忙鞠了一个躬,表示感谢。 啊!今天的比赛真有意思!




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In my big family, there are six members. They are my grandfather, my grandmother, my father, my mother, my little brother and I. We live together happily.

My grandfather and grandmother are in their seventies. My grandfather has something wrong with his heart, while my grandmother is in good health. Last summer, I taught her to play chess. She was so intrested in it that I had to play with her all day on weekends!

My father is a doctor and my mother is a middle school teacher. They are all very busy and hard-working. Although sometimes they disagree with each other, they respect each other.

My little brother is only two years old. He is very lovely. He has a round face and two big black eyes. There are two dimples on his cheeks when he smiles just like me. I often can’t help kissing him. Sometimes he is very naughty. When I don’t want to get up in the morning, he comes to pinch my ear to wake me, and runs away quickly when I open my eyes angrily.

What a harmonious family we have! I love my family forever!









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Nowadays, more and more students have to study after class. Therefore, tutor becomes a popular job. Many teachers teach at school in weekday and they become tutors after class or at weekends. Tutor can teach more carefully, because the teaching mode is one-to-one. The pertinence is stronger. From this aspect, it’s good for students to have a tutor. However, it’s not always good. Children should have more time to play and to relax. Having a tutor will occupy most of their time after class. They have spent much time in school, so after class, they should have more free time to taste the joy of growth. Therefore, whether to have a tutor really should depend on children’s own choice.





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放学了,我高高兴兴地回家。到了家门口,门上的电子眼把我全身上下扫描了一遍,然后显示器上绿灯亮了起来,大门自动打开了。这是高级住宅门,不用锁,只要一个扫描器, 一个显示器就可以分辨出这个站在门前的人是谁。到家之后,机器人雪菲帮我换好了鞋,我往鞋柜旁的一块地板上一站,这块地板便把我送到了我的房间,我开始写作业。






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Low-carbon Life

Low-carbon life is good for everyone. To help with the environment,I always walk or ride a bike to school instead of taking a car. Besides,I will try to use things that can be recycled and I never forget to turn off the lights when I leave the classroom. I think it‘s my duty to live a low-carbon life. And even the simplest activities can make a real difference to the environment. So I suggest we should reuse books as long as possible. And we’d better not spend much money on expensive clothes. If everyone does something for the environment,I believe the earth will be a better place.



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Today was Sunday, I was so happy because our family had a big meeting, we went to the park to have the barbecue. We called our relatives to join us, it was such a great party. As the family members haven’t got together for a long time, so my father decided to get everybody united. In the park, I played with my cousins, we were taking a visit of the park while the parents were doing the barbecue.

When my counsins and I played so tiredly, we went to join the grow-ups’ activities.

The fathers were talking about the business stuff, while the mothers were talking about the children and their daily life. Our family was so harmonious, we shared the things together and helped each other. I like this activity so much, I wish my families can have more time to be together.





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My family only there peoples, there are my father, my mother and me.

I’m fourteen year old. I’m very active, so I like playing with my friend, and I like playing computer.

My father is driver. He is strong and tall, but he looks very funny. He likes watch newspaper very mach.

My mother works at a factory. She is beautiful and tall too. She likes sports ,so she is very thin .

This is my family. Do you like my family? I like it very mach.



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At once, the summer vacation has passed half, in the "limited", Ive really had a leisurely, go to the swimming pool to swim, go to the beach on vacation. Looking at a book sometimes blowing air conditioning, comfortable and happy. Of course, sometimes I will be at my desk writing assignments.

The most let me remember profoundly or the time of going to the beach on vacation. Drove eight or nine hours, arrived at our destination, weihai rushan city. The air is very clean here, can see the most, is that a large a large corn, HuaShengDe, they and the blue sky white clouds, mountains, green trees form a beautiful picture.



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Today, after school, my friends asked me to have dinner with them, I felt so happy and went the restaurant with them. Then I found they wanted to eat buffet, I was so happy, because I always wanted to have buffet, I could eat a lot of food.

As we paid the money more than we usually spent, so all of us wanted to eat as more as possible, even though we were full enough, we still tried to eat. I would go the wash room many times, so that I could continue to eat. I found eating the buffet should be a happy thing for me, but now it seemed to be a kind of torture, I always told myself to eat more than I could bear, my stomach hurt.

The experience to eat buffet lets me realize that I should enjoy the food instead of eat more than I could bear.



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As a Senior Grade Three students, I am very busy in preparing for the college entrance examination. I have seven classes a day, and two self-study classes at night. And only a day left for the weekend. So, most of the time I have to spend on the study, after all the college entrance examination is very important for almost all of us. Aside of study, I would play football with my friends after school and the weekend. I like playing football very much. When I run on the football field, I can put the examination thing off my mind for a while, only sweat and laugh left. It is a good exercise for health and a good way to relax from the busy study too. This is my high school life, busy and fulfilling.



相关标签: 生活Life 学生Student



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Community service is very common in many countries. It is a voluntary activity to improve the environment of our community and then raise our living standard. Community service has become very important. It can unite the people and increase the responsibility of citizens.

I have done community service once when I was in junior high school. My teacher told us that we were going to clean the streets around the community. It was the first time I learned that we, as members of the community, should help clean and maintain its environment. It is our responsibility to conserve our living conditions. We walked along the streets and picked up all garbage. After we finished the service, I was tired but content, because I felt that I did a really good thing to the community.

The promotion of community service is very important. If we start to promote such work to kids when they are little, it can be more popular. Although community service has become widespread, there are still just a few people who dedicate themselves to it. Citizens should be more responsible, and know that it’s not just some other people’s job to keep the community safe and clean.

Even though it will be tiring and may take a lot of time, you will be delighted after you do a favor for you community. If we all give a hand, the community will become a wonderful place for people to live.


1995 i went into taizhou junior middle school.Totally we had 7 classes,i was in class 4.The head-teacher of the class was a middle age woman.she was so strict with us.for example, i was catched when i ate a big rabbit sugar during class time,she asked me to buy that bland sugar one peice for everyone.in my opinion ,she hated everyting except study,everyweekend ,she asked us to study in school,sunday afternoon was just the free time for us.when she saw we played football,she must get the ball back to her office.someone who was to be in love was found by her,he would be punished just like a shit.luckyly,i was not found by her.i liked the girl who was my Elementary school schoolmate during my junior middle school.i didnt know she konwed or not.it ended when we graduated.but i liked to talk with others during class time,everytime i was found by her,she asked me to write 3000 words to explain why and how to do in future.

nowadyas every time i remeber what happened in my junior middle school,i deeply appreciat her kindness.she is real a good teacher.

my junior middle school time has pasted ,but it will influece till the end of my life.

When we barge up against, don’t trepidation, don’t be scared, and tell the tribulation to our

kiths, they can help you.



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The winter vacation is coming,I have made a plan for my vacation.I want to spend time with my family,so I will return to my hometown .I am for back to my hometown for preparation.I miss my grandparents very much ,so I will visit my grand parents at first.I will chat with my uncle and aunt ,play with my cousin .It will be very intereting .I hope I will have a great time there.



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I love my family very much. My father is very busy. Everyday, he must work. He always sleeps at home. Sometime, we can have lunch and supper with him. My mother is a housewife. She cooks for us everyday. My older sister is different. She is a middle school student. Sometimes, she is lazy. Sometimes, she is laborious. It depends on her mood. She is very strange. My younger brother is very good. He studies hard. He is very thoughtful. My older sister and my younger brother like music and chat. I’m a girl. I study at Daxin Primary School. I’m in Grade Five. I love studying. This is my family.



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My teacher gave me an assignment "experience life" last week. I had been thinking how to finish it because I had never done any thing by myself before.

Mother was out today. It was a good chance to complete the assignment. Seeing the barrel was empty, I decided to fetch water from the well.

I took the empty barrel and went towards the well outside the yard. It snowed yesterday, so the alley was very slippery. A layer of thickice was frozen on the platform of the well. I was frightened by the sight, but I gathered my courage to walk towards it.

The alley was so slippery that I walked with difficultly. Suddenly, I slipped and fell down, water in the barrel totally poured down on the ground. I stepped on the platform carefully. After standing steadily and squatting down slowly, I hooked the barrel at the end of the rope and put the rope down slowly. I made an effort to drag the barrel up after it was filled with water. I was very careful because it was easy to slip and fall. Then, I carried the barrel of water and returned to my house. My figners were frozen stiff. I realized my effort was in vain. I hated myself.

I failed to finish the assignment but I did experience life through a trifle which seemed easy but difficult to do well. Such was my first experience of life.



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每个人都有自己的家庭,你的家庭是怎样的呢?一起看看以下写家庭的英语作文吧! 我的家庭英语作文1

My name is Yu Geqin. I’m nine years old. There are three members in my family, my father, my mother and I.

My father is a teacher. He is very handsome. He always wears a pair of glasses. He works very hard. He’s busy from morning to night. He’s the cleverest man of my family. He can solve the difficult problems, too.

My mother is very beautiful. She has two big eyes and her black hair is long. My mother is worker. She is good at her job. She is also a good housewife.

I have a happy family. I like it very much. 我的家庭英语作文2

There are four people in my family, my father, my mother, my sister and me. My father likes reading. My mother likes cooking. They both work in Leliu. They always go to work by car. They work hard.

My sister and I are pupils. I study in the primary school affiliated with Shunde No.1 Middle School. My hobby is collecting coins. My sister studies in Xishan Primary School. She likes watching TV. We love our family very much.

