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From this incident,we can see that there are still more things to be done。

Firstly,the government needs everything possible to ensure the quality of

products,particularly the safety of food as this concerns everyones

life.Secondly,as for the producers,it is very important for them to be morally

honest. They should never try to pursue profit or economic growth at the expense

of health and life of people. Thirdly,we consumers must attach importance to the

things we eat and develop an awareness of how to protect our legal rights if

cheated。 Only in this way will we be able to build a more secure and harmonious





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As is known to all, food is a priority for the mon people.Recently,

however, reports about food problems have often been seen in the newspapers,

showing that people have always been concerned about what they eat every day.

The reason for this problem is that some of the food producers are too fond of

making money, leading to the result that they use whatever will make the food

look good or taste better without considering the bad consequences。 This is not

normal because people just cannot live without eating anything.

So we should take all the measures necessary to forbid the food producers

to make food that is not safe enough. Laws should be strengthened and the

government should have more control over these producers。 Only when people are

no longer worried about whether their food is safe or not can they enjoy a

better life.



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I think Mid-Autumn Day is an old traditional festival in China。 Everybody likes it because its a family get-together。 You see it is called"Mid-Autumn Day", so it often es in September or October。 It is on the 15th of the 8th of the lunar month。 Now, lets say something about this interesting festival。

Firstly, Id like to say something about the moon。 I like it very much because I want to be an astronaut in the future。 That day the moon is round, big, just like a beautiful plate hanging on the blue cloth。 When I see the moon, I will remember the ancient myths——the godess Chang Er and her little rabbit are playing under the tree which Wu Gang grows。 I will also think about Armstrongs first moonwalk。 I will also miss the friends in Tai-wan island, in Macao and Chinese people who are abroad。 I know they are missing us very much, too。

Secondly, I11 say something about the tradition on Mid-Autumn Day。 Look!Theres a big tree in a garden of a Chinese fami-ly。 All the family members are sitting around a big table under the tree in the open air。 They are eating the mooncakes and admiring the full moon in the sky。 That is a family reunion dinner。 The mooncakes and the moon represent the love from a family。 I think this is one of the most valuable things in the world。

Thirdly,it is a very good opportunity to make three wishes on Mid-Autumn Day。 My wishes are: the first, I, an astronaut in the future, would like to go to the moon one day, and stay with the sky and stars; the second, I hope every person in the world will stay with family, share love from the family forever; the third, I hope everybodys dream will e true。

That is the Mid-Autumn Day in my mind。 I will always re-member: East or West, home is best。


首先,我想谈谈月亮问题。我非常喜欢它,因为我希望将来成为一名宇航员。那天月亮是圆的,大的,就像一块美丽的盘子挂在蓝色的布上。我看到月亮,我会记得古老的神话 - 长女和她的小兔子正在吴刚生长的树下玩耍。我也会想到阿姆斯特朗的第一次月球漫步。我也会想念台湾的朋友们岛上,澳门和国外的中国人。我知道他们也非常想念我们。


第三,这是一个非常好的机会,在中秋节做出三个愿望。我的愿望是:第一,我,未来的宇航员,有一天想去月球,和天空和星星呆在一起; 第二,我希望世界上每个人都能和家人在一起,永远地与家人分享爱意; 第三,我希望每个人的梦想都是真的。




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《考拉小巫的英语学习日记——写给为梦想而奋斗的人》是在班级的书 架上,不过那时赶到马上放寒假,学校里事物多,一直到放假在家中才开始有幸读一下。书中讲诉的是作者从一个英语菜鸟到高阶,从懒孩子到勤孩子、从中国环境到美国家庭的巨大转变,告诉我们即便你不出身名校、不天资聪颖,奋斗和坚持依然可以将你引向成功。这不仅仅是一本英语学习日记,更是一本作者在彷徨、无助、动摇时的人生感悟,是关于奋斗、坚持和梦想的故事,读完此书,让我们热血沸腾,激励着我们去为理想奋斗、拼搏,即使我们迷茫在人生中的大海中,也能超越自己劈波斩浪。考拉小巫的故事就是一个选择和坚持的故事,就像托福名师无老师所说:“人生中常常面临选择,而更常遇到的则是选择过后的迷茫与自我怀疑。就好像进入一间密室,只有从黑暗和碰壁中坚持下来的人,才有机会开启通向光明的大门。” 我佩服考拉小巫的勇气,选择之后坚持到底,虽有过彷徨、迷茫、无助,甚至自我怀疑,但那孤注一掷的风格,坚持到底的毅力,生命不止、奋斗不息的精神,帮助她一路披荆斩棘,冲向梦想开花的地方。这样的女子,值得拥有一切美好的事物!

看了考拉小巫的故事,我觉得要想成功,需要有值得你奋斗的梦想,有孤注 一掷的勇气和奋斗到底的坚持。翻上书本,我问自己,你的梦想是什么?你准备好为你的梦想奋斗了吗?你有勇气放弃一切,有勇气面对“密室”中的灰暗和碰壁吗?你有坚持到底奋斗不息的毅力吗? 的确,并不是每个人都能做到这些。每个人都有梦想,但最终实现者确凤毛 麟角,因为命运之神总是眷顾那些坚持到最后的人。或许我做不到像考拉小巫那些拼,那样孤注一掷。但她的生活态度和想法对 我来说很有启发。

书中的“傻子哲学”很有意思:为什么傻子能成功,是因为傻子很傻,他不 管自己是不是能做成,也不管别人怎么笑话他,也不管遇到多少困难,他只是一个人傻头傻脑地一直做。而聪明人很聪明,他总是会考虑自己目前的目标对不对, 会不会有更好的办法,能不能抄捷径省时间。最后,聪明人选了一条路又一条路, 每条路都刚走了一点点就又换,所以,他总是在离起点不远的地方徘徊。而傻子却在一条路上一直走,虽然他速度慢,但他一直都在坚持。最后,傻子比聪明人先到达了终点。”其实傻子的哲学不复杂,就两个字“坚持”。 生活中有很多这样的聪明人,这样的人真的很搞笑,事情没做之前,总担心 这害怕那,担心会失败,你把时间花在无谓的担心上,根本都还没做,当然不可能成功,有时候我们需要点傻子精神,一根筋到底。从考拉小巫身上我学到了坚持,更让我感动的是她的拼劲,那股子年轻人的 朝气蓬勃,似乎有挥霍不完的青春。而反思我们这一代的年轻人,身上还有多少锐意进取、干劲十足、青春无敌的精气神,渐渐得变得喜欢随大流、甘于平庸安逸生活、不愿冒尖。

做一个像考拉小巫一样勇敢的人,为自己的梦想而拼! 这是书中最让我感动的一幕:十二月里天气越来越冷,楼道里也很冷,但是我每天都把板凳从自习室里搬出来,坐在楼道的走廊里,把电脑架腿上,一边计时连口语题,一边给自己录音。说一道录一道,录完以后认真听,不满意了就重录,每道题都是录到自己完全满意的地步才继续下一题。当时我一直在矫正牙齿,满嘴上下都戴着布满细铁丝的牙套。由于练口语的缘故,嘴唇和舌头总是被无数次划破,一被冷风吹就特别疼,吃饭的时候也很困难,经常饿肚子:我觉得这世上最宝贵的事物莫过于不畏艰险的坚持不懈的做一件事。方言茫茫人海,有几人能做到,我想这就是为人们存在的价值,作为我们精神上的领袖,“要从失败中汲 取教训,那就是:你贪玩儿,可以,但是要记住,贪玩儿是要付出代价的。你想要得到一样东西,必然要放弃另外一样东西。老天爷是公平的,他不可能让你什么都得到。当你贪玩儿的时候,别人都在奋斗,所谓逆水行舟,不进则退。老天爷给了人生两种味道:苦与甜。如果你选择前半生吃苦,那么就可以后半生享乐。 但如果你选择前半生享乐,那么就只能做好后半辈子吃苦的准备了。”我在书中 看到这段话,对我感悟颇深。我感悟的并非是字里行间的意思,而是对世事的无奈,这句话我们何尝不懂呢,但做到的又有几人,每当看到那些中年人为自己少年虚度光阴后后悔,我想经历过苦中苦,才能彻头彻底的明白,但又有什么用呢, 过去的不在回来,留下的只有悔意。我想到那时的我们也会一样来悔恨自己,可一切为之已晚。然后就将希望寄托在下一代,可悲的是,一代一代亦是如此,实在让人可笑又无奈。这,就是大学了吗?

接下来,我该做什么?我到底为什么要上大学?大学 是什么?大学这四年我到底该怎么度过?这一切的选择到底对吗?人生又是什 么?人生的意义何在?我这辈子到底要做什么?到底该做什么?和我的朋友们 比起来,我之前为什么失败了?我到底错在哪里?只因我学习不够刻苦吗?如果是的话,人,又是为了什么而学习?为了什么而奋斗?为了什么而坚持?为了什么而活着?我想这些问题是我们最应该们也是最迫切去弄明白的。封面的那句“写给为梦想而奋斗的人”深深的激励着我,成功无捷径,需要 我们在梦想的征程中勇敢、坚持、不顾一切 。同志们,革命尚未成功,同志仍 需努力。




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Spring Festival is coming,I am very happy.On this winter holiday,I went to

visit my grandparents with my parents. My grandmother is very zeal.Our dinner is

very delicious.After the dinner,the people gave me money in red envelopes.I am

very happy in this family with my grandparents.

Sometimes,we go to climb the mountains.The mountain is very high.Look!There

is a clean river near the mountain.And there are some beautiful flowers,grass

and big trees.Some trees are orange trees,the others are banana trees.Oh,I am

very tired but interesting.

I am very happy on this holiday because I like Spring Festival very

much.What about you?



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In the modern time, the growth of technology is increasingly developed.

More and more people don’t use their brains when there is no need to use other

instruments. Too much people use technology so that people are lazier and less

healthy than before. They rely on technology too much.

Some believe that modern technology shorten the distance of human. For

instance, people all use cellphone to call friends or family, or computer to

search information, or use QQ, MSN, twitter, blog etc. These modern instruments

shorten the distance between human.

However, others think that it’s just the reverse. Technology makes people

use less face-to-face communication. The contact in real life is less and less.

People do less interaction to each other. In the long term, people will get

depressed without enough communication.

As far as I’m concerned, modern technology provides convenience to people.

It makes people easily to get information. Only could we use it correctly, it

does much contribution to us.



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Chinese there are a lot of traditional culture, such as the Lantern

Festival, the Dragon Boat Festival Dragon Boat Glutinous Rice Balls to eat, to

celebrate the Mid Autumn Festival, summer egg fight...... I love most is the

beginning of the egg fight.

The day of the beginning, I invited my buddy to fight my eggs. At the

beginning of the egg, mother prepared an egg for each of us and said, "who is

the last of the eggs, who is the king of the egg!" First of all, I and Yao

Peiyu, both of us egg head to the egg, who will not let anyone, to fight each

other up. We just fight soon, they heard the click sound, there is a broken egg!

I was so surprised that I looked at my eggs, and thank God, my eggs were not

broken. It was Yao Peiyu who accidentally hit the empty head with my tip! We saw

it and laughed all the time. He bites and says, "come again!" This time, we all

put out the strength of the milk, but his strength was not big, so he was

defeated by me! Left --iao Yu--uan, although she is a girl, but not a good


All of a sudden, I came up with a good plan and a seamless plan. I used to

fight with her on the empty end and broke up in a moment. I thought to myself,

"this is the end of you. Your sharp head has been damaged. I will fight with you

with a good and sharp tip." So, I tried to wipe the egg head, and suddenly

blows, give strength to my eggs. At first, her eggs were damaged, and she was

not so big as I was, so I was easily defeated. I jumped up with joy. Mother

loudly announced, "the end of the game, Sun Yize is the king of eggs!" Now

everyone begins to eat eggs. " We eat eggs, and all the people are in the

atmosphere of joy.

The egg not only brought us happiness, but also let me understand a truth:

everything should be brain, with wisdom to win!



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Nowadays university graduates have different job outlooks. For most of them, to find a job with satisfactory pay is their most important wish while majority want to be self – employed. However, a certain number of graduates are not in a hurry to hunt for jobs. They are just waiting for better chances. Toward this point of view, some experts warn that it is not wise to be just waiting. They advise that graduates should find a regular, full-time job as quickly as possible so that they can earn money to support themselves and get working experience, which will help to find a better position later. Moreover, it might be more difficult to find a satisfactory job next year.

如今大学毕业生的就业前景不同。对于大部分孩子来说,要找到一个令人满意的支付工作是他们最重要的希望,而多数是希望能够自我 - 就业。但是,一定数量的毕业生不急于寻找就业机会。他们只是在等待更好的机会。对这一观点,一些专家警告说,只是等待这是不明智的。他们提醒毕业生应该找到一个正规,全职工作,以便尽可能快的挣钱来养活自己和获得工作经验,这将有助于找到更好的更高的位置。此外,明年可能更难找到一个称心如意的工作。



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Waking up on New Year, everybody dresses up. First they extend greetings to

their parents. Then each child will get money as a New Year gift, wrapped up in

red paper. People in northern China will eat jiaozi, or dumplings, for

breakfast, as they think "jiaozi" in sound means "bidding farewell to the old

and ushering in the new". Also, the shape of the dumpling is like gold ingot

from ancient China. So people eat them and wish for money and treasure.

Southern Chinese eat niangao (New Year cake made of glutinous rice flour)

on this occasion, because as a homophone, niangao means "higher and higher, one

year after another." The first five days after the Spring Festival are a good

time for relatives, friends, and classmates as well as colleagues to exchange

greetings, gifts and chat leisurely.

China has 56 ethnic groups. Minorities celebrate their Spring Festival

almost the same day as the Han people, and they have different customs.



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Day, night, and finally ushered in the long-awaited summer vacation. In

these two months, can"t play games every day! Besides, even if I think so, mom

and dad are certainly can"t promise. Only done to make them more satisfied, my

freedom is a bit more, this summer vacation will have a more pleasant. Combined

with the requirements of the teacher and I wish mom and dad, have a preliminary




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Dear Mr. Smith,

As a graduate student of Zhejiang university, I already studied four years in this university, including four years studying Chemistry Department. I also worked six months in Lafarge Roofing Systems China as a project assistant. The CEO appreciated my analytic and synthesis skills. He gave me his confidence to represent Lafarge and prospect the Zhejiang Development Zones to find the best location to build a new factory.

I have an intermediate level in English (speaking and writing).I am gaining proficiency as a good negotiator in my daily and working life.Now that all my classes are finished, I am back in China in order to stay here at least a few years.

I am available as soon as required, and I will be glad to give you more details about my experiences, my motivation, and my skills. I thank you in advance for your interest.

Yours faithfully,




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The Great Wall runs across North China like a huge dragon, It winds its way

from west to east, across deserts, over mountains, through valleys till at last

it reaches the sea. Its the longest wall on the earth, also one of the wonders

in the world.The Great Wall has a history of more than 2000 years. The first part was

built during the Spring and Autumn Period.

All the walls were joined up in Qin Dynasty.All tile work was done by

hand.Thousands of people died while building the wall.Thus the Great Wall came

into existence.Since then, it has been rebuilt and repaired many times.

Now the Great Wall,the admiration of the world, has taken on a new look.

Its visited by large numbers of people from all parts of the country and the




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Dear Cherry,

I’m happy to hear from you. I know many young people like playing computer games , as a result they have little time to study. I don’t think you are right. You have made your parents angry.

You should have a good talk with them and tell them your mistakes. You should also ask them to help you spend more time doing something useful for your study. If you work hard, they will be pleased you.





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In current society,thanks to the deepening reform and opening-up,there is

so much unemployment, the competition for jobs is very fierce.In an effort to

land a decent job ,a host of school-leavers choose to attend the graduate

school‘s test.They want to learn more knowledge before acquiring a fine job.They

also can be confident in taking interviews.Consequently,attending the graduate

school‘s test is pevalent increasingly in late several years.

Among other folks intend to secure a job after graduating.Although the

competition for jobs is very fierce,it is also very difficult to find out a fine

job for colleage students.After a couple of years,the number of the graduate

students is sharply up-swing.It is same to face job problems for graduate

students.Secuing a job after graduating can accumulate experience in order to

get on well in the future.

In my eyes,the Middle kingdom enjoys a booming economy, a rising number of

companys from overseas come to built themselves factories.We are facing

opportunities and challenges.We might well choose to land a job after

graduating.Plus,we are still young,we can choose to attend the graduate school‘s

test after accumulating working experience.It will be wise for us to do




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When it comes to honesty, quite a lot of people believe it is essential to

a person’s character and success.

They base their idea on the following reasons: on one hand, successful

business owes much to mutual trust; on another hand, great people in history

such as Abraham Lincoln andGeorge Washington set us good examples of being

honest, they are great because they are honest.

Their reasons run as following: to begin with, cheating on exams is

becoming more and more popular; in addition, some singers and movie stars cheat

on taxes; last but not the least, if you are not careful enough, you’ll buy some

defective goods and fake products.

It is high time we emphasized and encouraged honesty. We can take effective

measures to restore it.

For example, kids should be taught to tell truth, strict rules and

regulations should be carried out to stop cheatings on exams and taxes, etc.



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In current society, shopping on the Interent is becoming more and more popular. It has many advantages and disadvantages .

On the one hand,shopping on the Internet is convient and faster for customers. They can stay at home looking for the items,and they look through the Internet which supplies a variety of products.

People neednt to go shopping in stores . Then it can reduce cars amount on the road. So it also can reduce pollution of the gas. Its unpollution and it can reduce energy.

On the other hand, customers can buy false production. People will becheated and have many bussniss also demaged .

So we shopping on the Internet should notice the quality of theproduction. And we should avoid the false production on the Internet .








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Spring Festival ,known as the Chinese New Year,is the most important

holiday in China.From late January to early February,Chinese people are busy

preparing for the New Year.They clean their houses ,have their hair cut,and buy

new clothes .Jiaozi or dumpling is most popular.To those who live far away from

their home,this festival is also a framily reunion occasion.

And they often go back home to celebrate the festival with their family.The

first day of the new year is the time when people visit their friends adn wish

each other good luck in the new year.



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介绍自己学习英语方法(introduced that oneself studies english the method)

now i’m going to share my experience of studying english with all of you.

i shall mention that speaking is the first skill we must learn by heart. the more we speak, the better we understand. and it’s good for you to try to speak well. as a language, english is really useful. so, we should practice it more, not only study for the examinations.

the next question is listening. if you can’t listen well, you won’t be able to understand what others say. perhaps you should do some more listening exercises when you are free, or talk with your teachers and friends in english more. reading after the tapes is also a good idea. in this way, you could try to imitate their pronunciation and improve your listening.

do you often read articles in english? i enjoy it very much. there are many great english storybooks and magazines in the stores. i have been reading the 21st century teens for a long time, and i think this copy of english newspaper is pretty good. if you are interested in them, read by yourself and you will find lots of fun from reading. and one day, you may fall in love with it.

some students may have a serious problem writing compositions. they worry about it but don’t know what to do, for their compositions are short and rambling, and they often make mistakes in grammar. of course, it’s a long process to improve your writing, but it’s not so difficult. for example, i have been keeping diaries in english since eight months ago. on the one hand, you could write more and get more experience in this way; on the other hand, you could express your feelings. isn’t it a good idea to kill two birds with one stone?

well, the most important thing is that you must think out why you study english so hard. i think i shall stress on this problem. don’t think of your test paper and marks now, think about your own life and the future of your homeland. that’s why we study so hard.

nothing is impossible in the world, believe it ,do it !




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When I was very small, I lived in my hometown. My grandparents raised two

dogs, and I liked them very much. I watched them grow up from the little animals

to the big dogs. Every time when I leaved home for school, they would follow me

for some distance. When I walked a little far away, they would turn home. When I

went home after school, they would wait for me in the door and swayed their

tails. I knew they were welcoming me home. They were like my family members and

I learned that animals are part of our nature. We should protect them. We can

create a harmonious society.
