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I was experiencing the feeling of paradox after reading the book. I felt my eyes wet when I read his stories, about how Mr. Jobs was able to overcome the challenges in life. These are challenges that I, you, and a lot of us will never encountered, but I understand how it must feel to be in the middle of the situations, and how it must feel being hopeless. This understanding has led me to the being moved by Steve Jobs’s bra一veness and persistence. The power of his dream had proved beyond anything, illness, unfairness and death. He continued to love his career even after being diagnosed cancer, and used his power and strengths to change the world by changing how all of us see it.

He was a nerd, a crazy man, a paranoid, but there was no evidence that would show him not being one of the greatest man in human history. Even though people found themselves tired working with Mr. Jobs (he was such a paranoid), they loved him, as he could bring the novelty to this world and make a difference. To the great man who changed the world with mac and ipod, to the hero of the electronic industry, to Steve Jobs, you will always be my hero.



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There is such a person, he is a doctor, but the very obsession for sailing adventure, although every time almost died, does not lose enthusiasm, he was in a strange island through series of memorable times, who is he? By the way, is gulliver.

Gulliver has been to four isolated islands - Lilliput, giants, flying island, and the houyhnhnms. In Lilliput, initially, the king treat gulliver like a child. But then for a ridiculous reason, lead to the power split into two continuous small country. A country that has entertained a gulliver many days, let him to fight against another country, gulliver didnt promise, so the king of his exertion. And once built a fire, the palace gulliver in a hurry, suddenly into the use of urine douse the fire. Liledagong originally, but the king listen to chan said, believed to be insulted him, also want to kill gulliver, thanks to a secretary told him to avoid the disaster.

In the giant countries, the situation much worse than Lilliput. Because they all think that gulliver is not a real person, but to a person like robot, so dont put the gulliver seriously, because of the small, everyday want to go to the street performances. Gulliver cant stand this slave life, he escaped while owners do not pay attention to.

In all gulliver sailing experience the most interesting is in the flying island. Where there are a lot of good to be true. Someone says, can be extracted from the cucumber sunshine, but he has never been successful. There is also a architect want to build a house from top to bottom, and flushed to argue that many insects are building houses in this way. On the other side of the flying island is wu, a man born inside there is magic, those flowers look very common, actually hold great power.

On our way to the adventure gulliver with wisdom and courage to overcome the one after another difficult. In the future study, we also want to like him, work hard, go forward.








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Abstract: This film Shawshank Redemption describes a man called Andy Dufresne was sent to the prison for he murdered his wife but in fact he was innocent. Then he started fighting against with the wicked prison life. Though he suffered many unfair treatments and ordeals, he never gives up himself. Due to his intelligence and perseverance, he spend 20 years successfully escape from the prison as a redemption. He teaches me that never lose hope.

Keywords: hope; redemption; freedom; dream

The story took place in 1940. A man who is a banker called Andy Dufresne, was sent into the Shawshank prison, for he murderer his wife and her lover in bed. However, he was innocent as he said. The new days in the prison were hard to live. It’s violent, heartless and cruel. Nevertheless, A month later, Andy began to make friends with other prisoners. And one of them called Red, who could get anything what he wanted. Andy bought a mallet from him and started his plan to escape. During this time, he did many things: expanding the library, caving stones, helping the corrupt warden to get money or bribe, etc. Then a young prisoner’s coming break his quiet life in jail. But the warden killed the young prisoner the only man that knew Andy was innocent. Then he knew the prison he could not stay any more. It took him 20 years to tunnel secretly and he successfully escaped from the prison. When he got free, Andy sent the evident which could prove the warden corruption, briber and murdering to the policy agency. Before that, Andy had told his best friend Red that his dream---Zihuatanejo, a warm place without memory. After escaping, Andy lived a free life in another identity and made the prison governor arrested. Several years later, Red was approved to leave. for the promise to Andy. Finally, in Zihuyatanejo, they met.

The cruel prison life terrified me and the friendship moved me. The story goes to a happy ending---redemption. This film impressed me a lot. A sentence was said in the film: ’Some birds aren"t meant to be caged, but most birds will choose to stand it.’

In this film, as we can see, the Shawshank Prison, which enjails lots of people. They have been in the prison form many years ,so they won’t go abroad. Because they won’t and also they can’t. They lived here for years without hope, and they lived just in the small prison, where nobody knows what is their dream and what’s their hope. As I remember, a old man Brooks was released after he had been in the jail for 50 years. But he found that the world became completely different from the world he imagined. For example, he seldom see cars before. He felt very strange and helpless to the outside world He can hardly adapt to the new developed world. He would rather stay in the prison. So unfortunately he chose to commit suicide.

However, on the contrary, Andy said a converse sentence:’ Some birds aren"t meant to be caged, that"s all. Their feathers are just too bright’ He long for the freedom and strive for it! What I remember very clearly is someone said that These walls are kind of funny things like that. First, you hate them, then you get used to them. Enough time passed, get so you depend on them. That is institutionalizing. But Andy hadn’t been affected. He insisted on his faith of freedom. He dared to pursue his deserved freedom! That’s the first point I appreciate.

What’s more, another thing I think is friendship. Of course, Andy’s perseverance and endeavor is the main reason that he succeed in escaping. But it can’t be denying that friendship is also a important reason. Without the friends’ help in the prison, especially red’s, He can’t break the prison, too. Even in the jail which is the most evil place that Andy could make it a significance place. He had transformed a storage room smelling of turpentine into the best prison library in New England. Then the prisoners read the books and got knowledge from it. Andy also helped them to pass the high school equivalency. The glitters of him lighted others’ life. That helps him built many sincere friendships in the prison. He just too bright that didn’t belong to the prison .Then he escape and gained the freedom.

Furthermore, the patience, courage and b willpower are the keys to escape. 20 years, not a short ordeal time, but he endured. He made his plan day by day, week by week and year by year. He never gives up. he took nearly twenty years to dip a tunnel with a little rock hammer which Red said it would take a man 600 years to tunnel under the wall with one of these to fight for his free .And he did it finally. Please imagine, crossing the tunnel he dup, he still should crawled through five hundred yards of shit-smelling foulness. That is the length of five football fields.

Then is the last but not least, I think. He has the bright brain ,the never fading persistent, and the most important thing----hope. Just as Andy said to Red: Hope is a good thing, may be the best of things. In this film, Andy show us that how good thing the hope is. Yes , hope is a good thing. Whatever it is, it can’t lock the hope. We all have dream. We all have hope. We all have it and please never give up, like Andy.

This film, Shawshank Redemption, teaches me a lot. It deserves to be one of the most overwhelming films in the Hollywood.



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多萝茜和她的伙伴们多么的顽强啊,其实,在我们的生活中,也有许多类似的事例.如:有些被拐卖的儿童,当他们身陷魔爪时,表面上他们很顺从,内心却在保持着镇静,等待时机报警,最后在警察的帮助下回到父母的身边!他们是多么的勇敢啊!又如:在今年5.12 发生的汶川大地震中,那位喜欢芭蕾的女孩,却在地震中失去了一条腿,只剩下一条腿的她连走路都无法独立完成,却站在舞台上,为我们全国人民表演了一段美妙的舞蹈!我们不难想像,为了这一刻,她所付出的汗水和泪水有多少,我们只知道她为我们创造了一个奇迹,她不正是我们现实生活中的多萝茜吗?











这本书的作者是美国的莱曼,弗兰克,鲍姆。讲诉了一位活波可爱的小姑娘多萝茜被旋风从家乡堪萨斯州刮走 1,简单交待时间,地点和结果…醒来之后发现自己置身于一个神奇的国度。为了寻找回家的路,她开始了一段不寻常的历险。路上多萝茜遇见了渴望得到脑子的稻草人、渴望得到爱心的铁皮人和得到勇气的狮子,他们一起出发寻找澳芝,请他帮助实现自己的梦想。


四位朋友以及小狗托托相互扶持、依靠,历险让他们结下了深厚的友谊。在路上,他们走出了毒花海,力战怪兽开力大,对付恶女巫……他们彼此忠诚,友谊在一次次困境的考验下变得越来越坚固。他们相互帮助 “明白晓畅,文采飞扬,这种老到的语言功夫是众多考生无法望其项背的”,从不丢弃彼此。




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I have got a lot of interesting scientific knowledge from the books of National Geographic Reading Expeditions, some of which are about life, physics. I really can’t help losing myself in the colorful pictures and clear words in the books. After reading the books, I have been considering a question: What if we lived without science? Great changes have taken place in the world with the help of science. In the past, life was nasty, brutish and short. It is hard to imagine how our forefathers could do without so many conveniences that modern science brings about. Back then, only a small group of people enjoyed the very few comforts. But the majority of people didn’t even have sufficient food, let along their privilege to be educated. Anyway, it is science that changes the world and makes people’s life better and better, although it also leads to some bad aspects at the same time.

From the discovery of the gravity to the first step on the moon, we human beings have experienced a long process of developing science. And now, this process is still continuing much faster. New organisms are already being engineered, and new genetically modified crops promise benefits from higher yields and less use of harmful chemicals and so on. A lot of examples are showing this point. In the future, changes are likely to be even much greater as science reaches out to shape life itself. Maybe one day, the possibility that life existed on Mars billions of years ago will be potentially one of the greatest discoveries of our time. It is the force of the competition, we human beings’ inquiring mind and initiative that bring about the non-stopped development of science. Therefore, it is difficult and impossible to prevent science from changing the world and our life as well.

At present, we are in two minds about science. On the one hand, we are enjoying the sweet life as a result of the evelopment of science, and expect it to continue. And we are showing our interests into some scientific expeditions, such as the astronomy, the alien civilization, etc. On the other hand, we are distrustful of it, due to the lack of understanding of science. Some people thus far are still very superstitious, and they would even believe in superstitions rather than believe in science.

Stephen Hawking, one of the most remarkable scientists in the world, once said, “In a democratic society, the public needs to have a basic understanding of the science, so that it can make informed decisions and not leave them in the hands of experts.” This has reminded me of Professor Alan G. MacDiarmid from America, the person who got the Nobel Prize for chemistry in the year of XX. In his lecture at Peking University this year, he put forward that science is people. He also expounded the importance of the basic science for the public. Evidently, every one of us does need science, or we can’t live without it.

Now that everyone needs science, why not take advantage of some means to give the public the right basic scientific knowledge? So when they face the problems such as acid rain, the greenhouse effect, nuclear weapons, environment destruction and some other problems, they can also make informed decisions on these subjects, just as what Hawking said. One aspect relies on what is taught in schools. But science is often taught in an uninteresting way and most students just learn it by rote to pass examinations. However, the final goal of learning science is not to pass examinations or to get a higher score; instead, we should try to make full use of it to change our world and life. While learning, we should try to ask more questions and we should have the courage of suspecting the knowledge in the books, as some of the scientific conclusions are likely to be corrected in the future. Who knows. So not only must we change our attitude towards science, but also the way of teaching and learning science.



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I”d never given much thought to how I would die. But dying in the place of someone I love seems like a good way to go. " When reading such moving words, I am completely absorbed in this splendid novel --- Twilight. The person who had said such moving words was a 17-year-old girl --- Bella, who was a high school student. After reading the whole novel, what impresses me most is not the mysterious vampires family, but the kindhearted and brave girl --- Bella. Bella was a 17-year-old girl who has experienced her parents” divorce. In order not to be an obstacle to her mother”s happiness with her stepfather, Bella firmly chose to move into a new city --- Forks to live with her father. Even though she knew that what was waiting for her was the new and strange circumstance, Bella still decided to face all of them fearlessly, which makes me know that Bella is a really thoughtful and considerate girl.

As a matter of fact, Bella was just an ordinary human girl who would grow old as time went by and die one day, but Edward was an immortal vampire who had an exceptional and unique strength of reading people”s minds. Actually, some people may wonder why Edward would fall in love with such a delicate human girl, while others may hold a doubtful attitude towards their love story. However, to my mind, I strongly believe that Bella and Edward can lead a happy life. About one thing I am absolutely positive, they can lead a happy life and they needs to confront with various of hardships and setbacks. But why am I so positive about their love story? Let me have an analysis!

Bella is a kindhearted and independent girl who never goes with tide. She always sticks to her own way of doing everything. On her first day to school, Edward came across with Bella, and at that moment Edward could not move his eyes on Bella at his first sight on her. I clearly know that it was Bella”s unique and special character that drew Edward”s attention. In Edward”s mind, Bella was a natural girl with a kind heart. After several days” struggle, Edward could not prevent himself from caring about her and loving her though he knew perfectly well that it would be a fateful and deadly thing for a vampire to fall in love with a human girl. From this, it can be seemed that what a charismatic and glamorous girl Bella was.

When Edward said to Bella, "I don”t have the strength to stay away from you forever." I know, Edward had already been loving Bella deeply.

When Bella answered "I”ll be with you forever, Edward." I can realize their love has already been surpassed human in human”s innermost feelings.

When Edward said, "You don”t know how long I”ve waited for you, Bella" I know, Bella is the most suitable one for him, only with Bella can Edward gains the real happiness.

When Edward swore, "You”re my life now, Bella." I think all the lovers will be overwhelmed by such impressive words at that moment, as well as I. I know, from then on, Edward would move heaven and earth to protect Bella. There is no doubt that Bella is happy when being with Edward.

To be honest, Twilight is the best romance novel that I”ve ever read. There is no much flourish in it, but there are lots of touching and thrilling plots between Edward and Bella. I still remember every time Bella was in danger, Edward could helped her out in time, which made Bella feel so grateful and become interested in him gradually.

There was a time when Bella was on her way home from a bookstore alone, suddenly a gang of ruffians molested her, Bella felt helpless and hopeless. Fortunately, Edward appeared as a hero and rescued the beauty, Bella. At that moment, I couldn”t help praising, that Edward was such a thoughtful gentleman who cares about the person he loves at any time. No wonder Bella would love him.

Then when Edward told Bella he had a super strength that he could read every person”s mind except Bella”s one. You can not imagine that, Bella”s first reaction to it was --- "Is there something wrong with me?" Hearing that, Edward smiled and said, "I tell you I can read minds, and you think there is something wrong with you." At that time, Edward knew Bella was a kind girl indeed, who would not be worried and scared when hearing such unusual truth, but just try to find the mistakes of herself.

Once Edward took Bella to his home to meet his family members, instead of being afraid, Bella asked Edward what if his families didn”t like her. Edward was so surprise to hear that and said to Bella, "you are worried not because you”ll be in a house full of vampires, but because you think they won”t approve of you? " Then, I know, Bella has never treated Edward as a different kind. May I ask, how can Edward refuse such a kind and lovely girl. When Edward took Bella to fly through the forest in his amazing speed, I think no more girls can refuse such a romantic man.

Bella pursued the true love belong to her bravely, while Edward was giving all his love to the one he loved. I know this is love.

All in all, romantic love always has a happy ending. When Bella went through life and death, when Edward experienced the cruel ordeal, seeing they were dancing romantically at last, I can say their love will be going on.



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The merchant of Venice is let me hard to release the hand of a good book, I took three days to finish it.Read after me for a long time to let go and stroked the bark, deeply touched.The merchant of Venice image portrayal of the characters is bright,

Antonio is the most kind, and he stands in sharp contrast to Shylock despicable, but Bosch chardonnay is the most intelligent.Characters are left an enduring impression on me, the most let I touched Antonio intentionally and bashan.

Friends are brothers, friends, and can wheels.Antonio and bashan friends, friendship, in bashan, the victim, fell to their lowest life, Antonio to bashan, as before.Antonio had to bashan said: "your debts, die without hatred".

Friendship, said Antonio of bashan, friendship, let me the most moving.Moved, let me.

Have a friend, also encouraged me to make more friends., I and friends, and Antonio and bashan friendship.I dont treat friends to Antonio, my friends dont have a friend like Antonio.

I will completely open your heart to treat my friends and also retained., can make ordinary friends, if you want to have a true friend, as I go down, was a forlorn hope.

Saw the merchant of Venice, I decided to treat friends wholeheartedly, to open up, with the sincerity pays.



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After reading Jane Eyre, I think Jane Eyre is a great woman. Through a serious of troublesome situations between Jane Eyre and Mr. Rochester, the author set up a great female image before readers: insisting on maintaining an independent personality, pursuing individual freedom, advocating equality of life and being confident before hard conditions.

Her early life at Gateshead was terrible, everyone seems harsh on her. She survives her parents at an early age, and has to live with her ugly aunt and three cousins. She suffers large quantities of bad conditions that others may not experience. However, she does not give up in despair, she does not destroy herself mentally, instead, Jane Eyre is filled with unlimited confidence, and she is a strong spirit, a victory over the inner personality.

She is then forced to send to Lowood Institution, unfortunately, life there turns out to be terrible, too. She is still under physical and spiritual punishment. Mr Brocklehurst insults her to be a liar before all pupils and teachers. But there she meets one sincere friend Helen Burns and one sincere teacher Miss Temple. They always treat her well. She then behaves very well and get many people’s recognition. Six years later, she makes a teacher there.

After two years teaching life at Lowood Institution, she plans to leave there to pursuit her own life and happiness. She was in a position of governess through a letter from Thornfield. Her life was totally changed after that. There she met a lovely girl, Adele and her master, Mr. Rochester. She has a special feeling about them. With the development of the plots, Jane Eyre succeed a large sum of money from his uncle, and through all bitter things which was caused by Rochester’s wife in Thornfield, Jane Eyre and Mr.Rockester finally get married and lead an ideal life.

I think Jane Eyre is an autobiography of Charlotte Bronte. Although the story is made up, the heroine and peoples life and the environment in the story were taken from the details of real people around and experience. Charlotte Bronte described a young girl’s struggling life to express her inner thought: everyone is equal regardless of his or her gender. The uniqueness of Jane Eyre is not only lies in its truth and the strong artistic appeal, but also lies in the particular female image. The love story of Rochester and Jane Eyre vividly shows the fire of passion and sincere heart strongly reveals their notions of love. She looks down upon the upper class who only use their power to do what they intend to do and laughs at their stupid to show her independent character and beauty dream.

In the actual fact, she wasn’t pretty, even herself knows that, and of course, the ordinary appearance make others have bad opinion on her, even her own aunt dislike her. And some others even thought that she was easy to look down upon and tease, but she was totally much more than “the plain and ugly tutor”. And as a little governess she said to her master: “Do you think my poor, obscure, plain, and little has led me to be a soulless and heartless person? You have done a wrong thing!”Underneath these lines sees the equality of human in Jane Eyre’s mind. She has affection towards her master, Mr. Rochester, but when she finds that he has already had a wife, she leaves him and her love place without consideration. Although God did not grant her a beauty and wealth person, instead, God gave her a kind mind and a thoughtful brain. Her idea of equality and self-respect impressed us extremely much and make us feel the power inside her small body.

In my mind, a person’s beauty on the face can only make others feel that he or she is attractive or charming, if his or her mind isn’t the same noble as the appearance, beauty of this kind cannot last for a long time, because other people will one day find that the beauty which had charmed them was only a superficial one, it’s not sincere, they will not like the person any more. For a long time, only a person’s great virtue, a noble soul, a beautiful heart can be called as an everlasting beauty, just as Albert Einstein said: “A person must be held accountable for their biological survival or all of the meaning or purpose, from an objective point of view, I think it is ridiculous. Everyone can have a certain ideal, which determines the ideal and his efforts to determine the direction. In this sense, I never easy and the enjoyment of life as an end in itself, the ethical basis of this, I call it the ideal pigsty. I lit up the road, and continue to give me new courage to face up to the pleasure of the ideal life is good and the beautiful and true. If it were not for like-minded between the warm feelings, but focus on the objective world, the arts and sciences in the field of work will never reach the target, and then it seems to me that life would be empty. There are efforts to pursue the goal of the vulgar - property, vanity, luxury living, I think it is despicable.”

Now I get a better understanding of what real beauty is, as we are all human-beings, so we should distinguish whether a man is noble or vulgar.

Jane Eyre’s story makes me thinking about our future life and I learn much from her experiences, I know everyone will have a better tomorrow if one holds his beliefs, regardless of one’s status and the situation he is in.




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After several days of effort, I finished watching "Don Quixote" this book. It is the representative work of Spanish writer Cervantes, full name for the strange feeling different think gentleman Don Quixote, Taiwan, la has ", a total of two rolls up and down. Novel wrote, aged more than 50 of the country gentlemen Don Quixote, crazy for love knight novel, the story of the average computer-virus. Authors nonsense from the knight novel Don Quixote knight contents and real life mixed with each other, thus resulting in a series of absurd behavior a belly laugh. Him as a giant, the windmill war with it, though in a career on the way, he was cut down one ear, out many teeth, have also been interrupted several ribs, is often war often hurt, but wrong-headed, do not know to repentance. Through this absurd behavior, can feel the authors praise of the aspirations of the ideal society and noble moral.

Social climate is becoming worse now, many young because of not good reading, do the small theft etc. Bad deeds. And others fell on the chair a mobile phone, the humanistic saw should be returned to their rightful owners, or call 110, but conscience never compete greed, directly turned around mobile phones, sneaked away again. Also, bank card switch events, when you do not pay attention to, blocking the card with the hand, immediately to use only one or two seconds, was successful. Social ethos is not to force, it can be very awesome, the monitor and police everywhere now are bad "mousetrap", tight dragnet, grasp not only thing in the morning and evening. Like drunk driving, or some loophole, finally revoked certificates not only, also sit in the classroom. Gods mill grinds slow but sure, now do bad things, you will regret.

Don Quixote limbs developed, simple, and finally the proper price, reading a book not too obsessed, or you will average computer-virus, control yourself, we dont like.






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"Little Prince" is about to tell a story of alien children to live in a very small planet, that planet there is only one him, he has to take care of the planet, he is the planet the little prince, grown up, he went to other planets travel, has encountered all sorts of people (aliens)。 Finally he came to the author encountered on Earth, and then died here

Look at this book, adults should not ripe to look at the mentality, to the point of view of your heart to understand it. the Little Prince has a pure heart and a rich imagination.

When the little prince left his planet, on the road, when a king, and that King would just like to control all rational, this is not like us? Especially when the teacher, like to go to other people, because order that other people can find themselves high up above and become a king, others only obeys.

The second encounter is love are people who love to be admired him, praise him anything except hear, in fact, we ourselves do they not? Others as long as one to praise himself, we do not carried away on it? Through this we can easily become conceited person, but also easy for the offensive.

There drunkard, but also a businessman, even to light lamps and geographer, I think those people is equivalent to our portrayal of the real world, love the order, and love to be admired, I would like to re-occupy the possession, finally left with nothing … …

I think the Little Prince This book is a family book, in this book, I can feel that for whom fame for modern day busy round, but not know they have a deep impact on the younger generation, small Prince did not understand why adults want to do that? Like all children have the same do not know. So I felt, how many more to understand the needs of children, and is no longer a random perfunctory, more children to learn about the ideas, interests, rather than restraint.

I am prince from an early age I learned one thing, the really important things, the eyes are invisible. Really important things is to look at motives.



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I dont like them, so deep to sing "one hundred years of solitude". Any book in my here, it is a mirror, led his own at the same time, also means we used to ignore the fact that. Im thinking, their fate of sorrow. They were so hard perseverance and luster, but there is a so ridiculous and boring life. I had a fear, and fear of my life, to protect my parents, my on the material to meet them, in the spiritual support them.

I also deeply realized that a reality. A person, when there is love and ideals, there will be a lonely. The more we love, more lonely.

Then, this day, for me, although it is the only one year, but it will not perfect. "One hundred years of solitude" boone diaz family each person, they all of life is decided by childhood, a scene in a moment, it has affected their rich and long life. Walked to the end, I could have, but also is the scene of the moment, just at that moment, have without any emotion, as if, the moment has been at his side, and he was the one who has been lost.

I hope I can dont like them, in the process of life, committed to the initial imperfection, has been lost.

Open the heart, embrace the world of good, be a doomed not to complete, but happy people.

This is the birthday of speech. Not happy birthday to myself, but I wish yourself open-minded contentment.









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