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In the doorway of my home, I looked closely at the face of my 23-year-old son, Daniel, his backpack by his side. We were saying good-bye. In a few hours he would be flying to France. He would be staying there for at least a year to learn another language and experience life in a different country.

It was a transitional time in Daniel‘s life, a passage, a step from college into the adult world. I wanted to leave him with words that would have some meaning, some significance beyond the moment.

But nothing came from my lips. No sound broke the stillness of my beachside home on Long Island. Outside, I could hear the shrill cries of sea gulls as they circled the ever-changing surf. Inside, I stood frozen and quiet, looking into the searching eyes of my son.

What made it more difficult was that I knew this was not the first time I had let such a moment pass. When Daniel was five, I took him to the school-bus stop on his first day of kindergarten. I felt the tension in his hand holding mine as the bus turned the corner. I saw color flush his cheeks as the bus pulled up. His questioning eyes looked up at mine.

What is it going to be like, Dad? Can I do it? Will I be okay? And then he walked up the steps of the bus and disappeared inside. And the bus drove away. And I had said nothing.

A decade or so later, a similar scene played itself out. With his mother, I drove him to the College of William and Mary in Virginia. His first night, he went out with his new schoolmates. When he met us the next morning, he was sick. He was coming down with mononucleosis, but we could not know that then. We thought he had a hangover.

In his room, Dan lay stretched out on his bed as I started to leave for the trip home. I tried to think of something to say to give him some courage and confidence as he started this new phase of life.

Again, words failed me. I mumbled something like, Hope you feel better, Dan. And I left.

Now, as I stood before him, I thought of those lost opportunities. How many times have we all let such moments pass?

A parent dies, and, instead of giving a eulogy ourselves, we let a clergyman speak. A child asks if Santa Claus is real, or where babies come from, and, embarrassed, we slough it off. When a daughter graduates or a son is married, we watch them go through the motions of the ceremony. But we don‘t seek out our children and find a quiet moment to tell them what they have meant to us. Or what they might expect to face in the years ahead.

How fast the years had passed. Daniel was born in New Orleans, slow to walk and talk, and small of stature. He was the tiniest in his class, but he developed a warm, outgoing nature and was popular with his peers. He was coordinated and agile, and he became adept in sports.

Baseball gave him his earliest challenge. He was an outstanding pitcher in Little League, expecting to make it big in high school. It didn‘t happen that way. He failed to move up from the junior varsity team. But he stuck it out. Eventually, as a senior, he moved up to the varsity. He won half the team‘s games. At graduation, the coach named Daniel the team‘s most valuable player.

His finest hour, though, came at a school science fair. He entered an exhibit showing how the circulatory system works. He sketched it on cardboard. It was primitive and crude, especially compared to the fancy, computerized, blinking-light models entered by other students. My wife, Sara, felt embarrassed for him.

It turned out that the other kids had not done their own work--their parents had made their exhibits. As the judges went on their rounds, they found that these other kids couldn‘t answer their questions. Daniel answered every one. When the judges awarded the Albert Einstein Plaque for the best exhibit, they gave it to him.

By the time Daniel left for college he stood six feet tall and weighed 170 pounds. He was muscular and in superb condition. But he never pitched another inning. He found that he could not combine athletics with academics. He gave up baseball for English literature. I was sorry that he would not develop his athletic talent, but proud that he had made such a mature decision. He graduated with a B average.

One day, I told Daniel that the great failing in my life had been that I didn‘t take a year or two off to travel when I finished college.

This is the best way, to my way of thinking, to broaden oneself and develop a larger perspective on life. Once I had married and begun working, I found that the dream of living in another culture had vanished.

Daniel thought about this. His Yuppie friends said that he would be insane to put his career on hold. But he decided it wasn‘t so crazy. After graduation, he worked as a waiter, a bike messenger, and a house painter. With the money he earned, he had enough to go to Paris.

The night before he was to leave, I tossed in bed. I was trying to figure out something to say. Nothing came to mind. Maybe, I thought, it wasn‘t necessary to say anything.

What does it matter in the course of a lifetime if a father never tells a son what he really thinks of him? But as I stood before Daniel, I knew that it does matter. My father and I loved each other. Yet, I always regretted never hearing him put his feelings into words and never having the memory of that moment.

Now, I could feel my palms sweat and my throat tighten. Why is it so hard to tell a son something from the heart? My mouth turned dry. I knew I would be able to get out only a few words clearly.

Daniel, I said, if I could have picked, I would have picked you.

That‘s all I could say. I wasn‘t sure he understood what I meant. Then he came toward me and threw his arms around me. For a moment, the world and all its people vanished, and there was just Daniel and me.

He was saying something, but my eyes misted over, and I couldn‘t understand what he was saying. All I was aware of was the stubble on his chin as his face pressed against mine. And then, the moment ended, and Daniel left for France.

I think about him when I walk along the beach on weekends. Thousands of miles away, somewhere out past the ocean waves breaking on the deserted shore, he might be scurrying across Boulevard Saint Germain, strolling through a musty hallway of the Louvre, bending an elbow in a Left Bank café.

What I said to Daniel was clumsy and trite. It was nothing. And yet, it was everything.





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My name is Xia Shunyao. Im eight years old, grade two in primary school. I have a round face, big black eyes, big ears. My hair is black and bright, also please. In fact, I want to keep a long braid, but mother is not let me stay, I do not agree, but there is no way, had to leave a short hair.

My mother told me that my name was very meaningful. Because of the Xia Dynasty is the first dynasty Chinese, Emperor Yao and shun China is the earliest and most kind-hearted monarch, mom and dad gave me this name, is the hope that Ill do.

I am a good student in my class. I can finish my homework every day on time. I can check it after I finish it. In class, I can speak actively and help the students, so the teacher chose me as her little assistant.

At home I often help my mother do the housework, such as tow the floor, wipe the table, help my mother to buy food. When my parents are out of work, I can also go to the canteen to eat.

You see, am I great? Would you like to be a friend with me?








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Hello everyone! My name is Mao Qingdong. I am 13 years old and I am studying at the Golden Blue experimental school.


When I was young, people said I was a boy. Yes, I did not have a child. I like monkeys like to laugh, like crazy, a kick to jump. Dad said that the habit was natural, dont jump again! But where can I hear it?


My hobbies are math and English. Math teachers and English teachers like me very much, especially English teachers. They always show Zhang Cixiangs face to me. As for math teachers, they always face me with dolls, but my math and English scores are always good. Of course, the same is the same in Chinese.


I like watermelon and mango. Their taste is very good. You might as well try it!


I like to run, and he has a great advantage for my body. I have a lofty ideal, that is, I want to be a great entrepreneur, so I also like sky blue and silver white. It means I want to fly to the sky.


I am a very strong person ambition. In the exam, others did better than I did. I was not convinced, usually I worked harder, and I got better results, because I knew that only the children of Haisheng heart cavity could succeed.


My advantage is bravery. I am brave to take part in all the competitions, and I have to take part in, and I have to give a certificate back. Otherwise, I wont be willing to be willing. My shortcoming is that I do not love to raise my hand to answer the question, and I often say to myself, is my hand as heavy as a kilo? What are you afraid of? Ill raise my hand tomorrow! But on the second day, I was like a mouse, and I shrunk to the cave, and I wouldnt correct it.


This is me. Do you like me?



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Though there are no exact figures for the ecotourism segment, a government-sponsored push for rural tourism usually involving staying with farmers has become popular in China in recent years.


上面的报道中,ecotourism就是近几年经常被提及的一种旅游形式生态旅游,其实就是ecological和tourism两个词结合而成的,类似的用法还有eco city,eco-farming等。另外,这里还提到了rural tourism 乡村旅游,算是ecotourism的一个初步形式吧。其他常见的旅游形式还有:package tour,DIY tour,group/organized tour,medical tour等。

1.Environmental protection in the places embodying cultural, historical and natural relics will be promoted. Integrated planning and management of tourism will give priority to the development of ecological tourism and improvement of forest parks and scenic resorts.加强有关文化遗产和自然遗产的环境保护工作,加强旅游业统一规划管理,开展生态旅游,强化森林公园和风景名胜区建设。

2.A variety of tourism products designed around sightseeing, conferences and contests, vacations, business trips, academic studies, cultural explorations, technology, sports, ecological tours, and traditional customs shall all be improved.完善观光旅游、会奖旅游、度假旅游、商务旅游、修学旅游、文化旅游、科技旅游、体育旅游、生态旅游、民俗旅游等旅游产品。



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Laba festival, December eighth day of the lunar calendar, on that day, people will eat laba porridge and other traditional food to celebrate, the custom in I have been a very long history, people will to a famous temple worship, to evil spirits, and his family a year of peace.

Since the pre-qin, the laba festival is used to worship our ancestors and gods, pray for a harvest and good luck. The laba festival in addition to the activities of ancestor worship god, people also have to disease. The activities in the ancient nuo. Prehistoric times one of the medical treatment method of the spirits to cure disease. As witchcraft activities month, drum drive disease of common, there are still retained today in hunan xinhua and other regions. , it is said that the founder of Buddhism sakyamuni into way also in December 8, the day of so laba is buddhist festival, also known as "Buddha into the festival".

The laba festival is also called LaRi offerings and laba offerings, princes wax or Buddha into the day, the original ancient harvest celebration, thanks to the ancestors and gods fete ceremony, in addition to the activities of ancestor worship god, people also have to disease. The activities in the ancient nuo. Prehistoric times one of the medical treatment method of the spirits to cure disease. As witchcraft activities month, drum drive disease of common, there are still retained today in hunan xinhua and other regions. Later evolved into memory of the Buddha, Buddhism ng muny into a religious holiday. Dynasty called LaRi jia ping, shang dynasty to the qing si ", the zhou dynasty as the "big wax"; Because the held in December said the month for the twelfth month, called the Greek festival this day LaRi. LaRi of pre-qin period after the winter solstice of the third day of the start of the northern and southern dynasties was fixed in the day.

Spring-heralding "" la, the pursuit of epidemic diseases, and the tradition of" Buddha into a festival, is also a "tao", actually is the origin of December eighth day for LaRi, so to speak. Allegedly, founder of Buddhism sakyamuni practice mountain, sit for six years, hungry gaunt, had to abandon the bitter, and when a shepherdess, chyle sent him, he eat cross-legged sitting under a bodhi tree, attained enlightenment on the day of December 8, shixing in honor of the "Buddha into the festival". From religious believers in China, hence with "LaRi", is "the laba festival", and also held a grand yili activities.

Silence is like flowing water, life festival, let us a ripple on tight life, live every holiday that are rich in meaning!


从先秦起,腊八节都是用来祭祀祖先和神灵,祈求丰收和吉祥。腊八节除祭祖敬神的活动外,人们还要逐疫。这项活动于古代的傩。史前时代的医疗方法之一即驱鬼治疾。作为巫术活动的腊月击鼓驱疫之俗,今在湖南新化等地区仍有留存。 据说,佛教创始人释迦牟尼的成道之日也在十二月初八,因此腊八也是佛教徒的节日,又称“佛成道节”。

腊八节又称腊日祭、腊八祭、王侯腊或佛成道日,原来古代欢庆丰收、感谢祖先和神灵的祭祀仪式,除祭祖敬神的活动外,人们还要逐疫。这项活动于古代的傩。史前时代的医疗方法之一即驱鬼治疾。作为巫术活动的腊月击鼓驱疫之俗,今在湖南新化等地区仍有留存。 后演化成纪念佛祖释伽牟尼成道的宗教节日。夏代称腊日为“嘉平”,商代为“清祀”,周代为“大蜡”;因在十二月举行,故称该月为腊月,称腊祭这一天为腊日。先秦的腊日在冬至后的第三个戌日,南北朝开始才固定在腊月初八。





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A filed a friend, I will think of her: medium tall, white skin, a round face with two light eyebrows, below brow with a pair of big eyes of long lashes, she has a pair of small ears. She is Gu Xinyi.

Gu Xinyi is a helpful person, as long as there is in the class which the students meet with difficulties, is her first. Take the English test in not long ago, for instance! The teacher asked us to each student must water pens. When I open the pen bag, immediately blindsided. Worse, the forgotten my pen. My heart "hitched", try so hard to find. But, I went through the whole bag also didnt seen hide or hair of pen, how to do? At this time I was like a cat on hot bricks, bean big sweat down the eminence straight flowing downwards, tears in my eyes constantly. But I dare not timid filed with the teacher. Sits next to me at this time, see this picture I Gu Xinyi, then quietly asked: "jady, whats the matter with you?" "I forgot to take my pen!" Im sorry to said. "You can use my it, I just have two pens." Gu Xinyi said quietly. See, she said, quickly open the pen bag, chose a colour from the two pen updates to my hands. I went hurriedly to her gratitude. The class was over, I hurriedly to thank her. But, she said, "you are welcome! We are friends, you should help each other, and everyone will meet with difficulties in life, to help others at the same time also is equal to help yourself, right?"

Life everyone needs friends, and I am very glad to have a good friend like Gu Xinyi!






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Christmas is a grand festival of the west, is every childs favorite holiday, because the childs parents will buy some Santa costumes, dressed as Santa Claus, after the child fell asleep, the children want presents on socks, etc. Let the child find tomorrow morning, give the child a surprise.

Once, when mother woke up I was sleeping, yi! Socks had the a gift, it was a beautiful crown princess headdress, let me happy all day.

At school, students are asked me why I so happy, originally, because I received a Christmas present. Made me glad Christmas gift, make me happy, makes me very excited that I...






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In my heart, my father is a great man, he wakes up early and goes to work,

in the event, he goes home late. He is working so hard, all he does is for the

family and to support my education. Once I ask him if he is tired, he smiles and

says that I am his sweet burden. I feel so moved, his love for me is so





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Live in the dense forest, many small animals. Every spring they hold a grand acrobatics competition. This years competition is very busy, small animals came to the venue early and took out his magic sauce.

First of all, beautiful peacock dances: he head high head, chest, belly on tail slowly, gently shake the feathers; His head from time to time is to the east, west, the fan tail like a gorgeous colorful dress, and tightly attracted the audiences eyes.

Then, the dog show Riding on the swing. See his jump, jump to the swing, both hands hold the rope. He first gently swinging back and forth a few, and then make sufficient strength, flaring, his superb action see person dazzled.

The most wonderful for its black bear on wood pellets. Heavy black bear carefully standing on wood pellets above board, feet or so back and forth to keep balance. Wood ball turning around, but he firmly when local, not nervous. You see, his right hand on the waist, left hand waving to the crowd. His wonderful performance won applause...

The annual acrobatics competition ended, but the animals good show, for a long, long time also by forest residents are talking about.


首先,漂亮的孔雀表演舞蹈:他昂着头、挺着胸,慢慢地展开尾巴,轻轻抖动着羽毛;他的头时而摆向东、时而摇向西,那条扇子似的尾巴像一件绚丽的七彩衣,紧紧 吸引着观众的眼神。

接着,小狗表演 荡秋千。只见他纵身一跃,跳到秋千上,双手紧紧抓住绳子。他先是轻轻地荡了几个来回,然后就使足劲,直冲云宵,他高超的动作看得人眼花缭乱。





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The old man and the sea mainly tells the story: an old fisherman for eighty-four days without fish, met with a giant marlin on the sea. After three days and three nights of struggle, the old man finally killed the big marlin, but he on the way home, but being attacked by a shark, when he returned, the big marlin only fish head fish left.

This story, but tell the immortal hero, although the old man fails, but thats just the sort of strength and a failure of the body, of his confidence and hope that it is impossible to burst. "People are not born for defeat. A man can be destroyed, but can not be one to beat! This is a tough guy spirit!" A very valuable spirit!

老人与海》主要讲述了:一位老渔夫连续八十四天没有捕到鱼的情况下,在大海上遇到了一条巨大的马林鱼。经过了三天三夜的较量,老人终于杀死了大马林鱼,可他返航的途中 ,却被鲨鱼袭击了,当他返回时,那条大马林鱼只剩下鱼头鱼尾了。




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The food in Shanghai disagree me. I think the food in Beijing is the most

delicious. Seafood in Beijing is very fresh. Prawns in restaurant are all alive.

And there are many food that you can’t see in other cities. It is very cheap

that you eat seafood in Beijing. The less money you pay, the more enjoyable you

are. Maybe my stomach is ill. Whatever food I eat, I am still thin. And I am too

thin, I want to be a litter fatter. So I must eat more.




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Winter is coming, when it comes to the traditional festival is my favorite, I cannot hide the excitement of the heart. Winter solstice can make dumplings, eating dumplings, it makes me feel the winter solstice is the most happy.

Once in the winter solstice, my mother and I are ready to make dumplings materials: some meat, some of the wrappers. I picked up a piece of the wrappers on the left hand, right hand dug a little fresh, use chopsticks to dumplings lining. But fresh meat seems very lively, leap to jump, very not easy sealing top results open again... Making dumplings is really not easy!

Speak of the winter solstice eat dumplings, there is also a custom! In my hometown - the north of henan province, the winter solstice every family tradition is to make dumplings, eating dumplings. As the saying goes: "the winter solstice misconduct dumplings bowl, frozen off ears is nobodys business."

The custom of the northern winter eat dumplings is due to the memory of "the medical sage" zhang zhongjing winter solstice medicine left. Hungry people eat dumplings, to drink the "remove cold soup", and warm, fever, two ears frostbite ears were cured.

No matter you have the habit of eating dumplings, wish everyone happy winter solstice, happily and family spent together the happy holiday!








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Time slips away like water, and a happy, happy, happy summer vacation is quietly taken away. What happened during the summer vacation was like a star in the sky. Because I especially like to read books about history, but I am very unhappy because I have too many homework to read. In this summer vacation mom seemed to see my heart, and immediately to the library of our village four or five books about history of thick book to me, then I watched intently. But I saw it in three weeks and I had nothing to do. Three days after reading the book, I was still bored. Finally, my fourth day mother asked me to go with her to move the watermelon!

I put on my boots and started off with the bucket. I walked gingerly on the slippery field, and gradually saw many watermelons, carefully removing the round watermelon, for fear of falling on the ground. "One, two, three..." I put five big watermelons on the bucket, and I lifted the bucket and pulled it back. I was full of sweat when I came home, but "the emperor has no man to do", and my mother gave me an ice watermelon to reward me. Its nice!

But, those are memories, and the new semester is the one that needs to be faced.



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Mothers Day

Mothers Day comes on the second Sunday in May each year. On that day this year, I bought a sweater and some flowers for my mother to thank her for her hard work for me. Receiving my gift, my mother was very happy.





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It was the first day of our summer holiday.All of us were very happy. Why? Because we have two months to do things we love to do.We are free.Although we have some homework.But we can finish them in several days.And the rest time we can make good use of.My god! We have been very tired after hard studying.In summer holidays,I want to have full sleep and eat good food in order to replenish myself. Last but not the least,I will have a good rest.





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Miss Li is my Chinese teacher . She is about thirty years old . She is very pretty and young . Her hair is brown and curly .

Miss Li always wears a blue coat . I think her favourite colour will be blue .

Miss Li is very friendly and kindly .Her classes are very interesting ,we all like to have Chinese class .

She always smiles when she speak to us .Sometimes she is very strict with us,when we make a mistake,she often makes us stand up .

Miss Li often sticks to have lessons when she is ill , She looked weak,but still beautiful .

Miss Li love us very much, she teaches us so carefully .I think she is a good teacher. We all love her,too .

I think teachers are like candles , giving off light for others by burning themselves 。











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Spring, a beautiful and with a dream-like scenery season! In this season, flowers on the earth, and all things recovery. This all of all, have brought joy to people.

Under the spring rain, misty. The distant trees and houses in the misty rain looks hazy; The distance of the road, water, Bridges, a beautiful landscape. The flowers in the garden with grass added a bit more charming; On campus, the top seems to be more clear. Under the rainy, moisten the earth, all revel in the beauty of the spring rains foil.

After a spring rain, more brilliant flowers, the grass more green, trees are more vitality. A dazzling golden dandelion on the side of the road, purple small wildflowers it under the peach tree, sing bees between dividend apricot flowers, butterflies fly in the blue sky, the bird whispers in the four seasons evergreen pine tree.

A breeze blowing, the lake that had long on the leaves of the willow fly under a lot of white catkin. Catkin dancing with the wind on the lake, beautiful lake like a shy little girl, with a gauze blocked side face. The lake house is like a mirage, give a person a kind of unspeakable beauty, linger.

Ah! The beautiful spring, you replace the white winter, you give people hope.








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My family has a father, mother, grandfather, grandmother, and my family.

My father is a humorous dad, he would often make everyone laugh, speak some jokes to me, sometimes joke some fallacies, mother will said Dad, what did you teach your daughter, daughter are bad. Dad said nothing, not. In fact, he is very concerned about me.

My mother is a good mother, is not "free" at home what are not the wife. Eleven hard-working and beautiful wife and mother, mother often give us to do good, that smell, taste really called the people saliva. Say, now eat. My grandfather is a hard-working grandfather, grandfather every day very early, every time we get up, Grandpa back to the ground clean, clean up, the rice is cooked, but also to the field to turn back.

My grandmother is a frugal grandmother, grandmother if you see good-looking clothes, she will look at the store for a long time, the way to see the clothes in the eyes, go home to buy a cloth to do one, you do not say that, compared to buy a little also not bad, but a lot cheaper. Although the beauty of her grandmother, but very frugal, but also often education I do not spend money. To use on the blade.

This is my family.









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To tell you the truth, I dont like the Spring Festival at all. When I was

young I liked it very much,because I could had something tasty to eat during the

Spring Festival,and I could enjoy very wonderful TV programmes,too. I also could

had much free time during which I could did something I liked to do. I dont

like it now, there are many reasons.

Firstly, I cant have a good time during the Festival. Every New Years Eve

something unpleasant often happens. Once I quarreled with my second brother.

Secondly, I cant relax myself during the Festival. I have to do many

things, watch so many TV programmes, meet so many people,all these things make

me very tired.

Thirdly, spending one Spring Festival means that I become one year older. I

dont like to be old. I want to live longer and be young all the time.

Readers, what is your opinions about the Spring Festival? Please tell us,

we can share our opinions. Thanks for reading! Goodbye.









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Animals and human beings, we have thought, have feelings, also have their own way of life, more freedom.

We should not to destroy their peaceful and harmonious life, we have no right to destroy their life, of course, there is no reason to blame hurt them more.

Whenever we place series of delicious food on the table, such as: snakes, frogs, and other animals. Should we think of it, each of us to eat a kind of animal, how much is to go to farmers for banker harmful insects. We are not should the perspective-taking once, they are in a concerted effort to catch insects, can human beings not only ungrateful, instead put them as their food, as we human beings every day to make money, how they are evil!

Today, many of the earths biological already very rare, even have already endangered! If there are no animals on the earth, the earth will become what kind, humans will become like?

I think its time for us human to reflect, if continue like this, we will be the enemy of the animals, more dont talk about what "dances with wolves"

Human, hurry up wake up! Protect wild animals, now, still in time!









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I am a shy girl, when there is activity in my class, I will run away from it and try to be nobody. But in my heart, I want to be noticed and show my talent. My friend encourages me to take part in the activity, she helps me to finish the task.At last, I become more and more confident and get along with others. I am so thankful to her for finding my confidence.

