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My father likes to tell me a story before I sleep,so I like to read story book.My parents buy me a lot of books,I read them everyday,I always finish reading a book in a week.I like adventure story very much,I imagine I am the guy who is so great.Books gives me happiness,I like reading.


I like reading very much. When I was a small girl,I was interested in reading picture books on science and history. At the age of seven,I entered a primary school and began to read more books.

Now I am a middle school student. I have many subjects to learn. Every day I must finish a lot of homework. I am very busy. But when I have spare time I still want to read some story books. One day my young sister brought me a book XI YOU JI.I read the book with great interest.much.

I like Monkey King very much.





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Main Characters: The little prince, the pilot, the rose, the fox, the snake, etc.

Despite I’ve not in my childhood yet, I still prefer reading fairy-tale stories. The tales, which accompany with me in my old days, often make me think of some precious experience and sensation which only belong to children. This summer I’ve review this kind of tale, which was published in 1940. It’s the world-famous fairy-tale by the French author, Antoine de St-Exupery, The Little Prince.

As many other fairy-tales, the outline of The Little Prince is not very complex. ―I‖, the narrator of the story, is a pilot whose plane has something wrong and lands in the Sahara. In this occasion, the pilot makes the acquaintance of the little prince, a little boy from another planet, the Asteroid B612. The little prince has escaped from his tiny planet, because he has some quarrel with a rose, which grows on his planet. In that case he left his own planet and took an exploration at some neighbor asteroids.

On his all-alone journey, the little prince meets different kinds of people, which includes a king, a conceited man, a tippler, a businessman, a lamplighter and a geographer. From these people he gets a conclusion that the grown-ups are very odd. Following the instruction of the geographer, he descends in the Sahara, on the earth.

Traveling on the earth, the little prince, who sees a garden of five-thousand roses, is overcome with astonishment and sadness, as he considers his rose is unique in the universe before. At that time a fox appears. The fox, who tell the little prince about the meaning of the word ―tame‖, becomes his new friend. At the time to say farewell, the fox makes him know that his rose is unique because she is his rose and tamed by him. From that the little prince begins to treasure friendship and be responsible to his rose.

At the anniversary day of his descent of the earth, rejecting the pilot’s advice, he goes back to his own planet by bite of a snake. ―It’s too far. I can not carry this body with me. It’s too heavy.‖ he said. He tells his friend, the pilot, he must be responsible for his rose, so he has to go back. At the end the author doesn’t tell us the ending directly. Maybe it’s more significant for us to imagine, and for more, think over.




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The traffic problem is one of themost serious problems in my hometown. Recently, more and more people have privatecar, but the roads are so narrow that we have to fight against the heavytraffic when we go out. Especially during the rush hours, cars and buses areunable to move. To make things worse, many people are killed in the trafficaccidents. How miserable it is!


For the sake of our life andsecurity, some measures must be taken to change the present situation. In thefirst place, as there are a great many cars, we should control the number ofprivate cars and vehicles and use the public transportation more often.Secondly, the government should widen the roads and build more flyovers, so asto ease the traffic pressure and reduce the traffic accidents. In addition, theundergrounds and light rails should be constructed, so that we can have morechoices when going out and do not have to worry about the traffic jams in thefuture.


I believe the traffic problem couldbe solved if we devote our actions to them.




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When I was 8, I lied to my parents in order to get my favorite toy, and then got hit by it. The mistake made me wiser.

When I was 10, my friends made an appointment with me in the morning, but I forgot the appointment and kept them waiting for a long time. Then I was criticized for a meal. The mistake made me know how to get along with others need good faith.

At the age of 12, it was our turn to be on duty, but I ran away to play basketball and was later fined. The mistake made me understand that everyone in our class is responsible.

Now, more mistakes come from exams, though they are careless little mistakes, but they make me grow knowledge and try to overcome careless mistakes.

However, mistakes have always been regarded as eyesore, and people are often very afraid of it, even call it "the devil"". Mistakes are people hate, maybe the error will lead to naught, perhaps mistakes will make people regret, perhaps the wrong people will eat get disheartened. However, it is because of the mistake, let a person assiduously, firm and indomitable, strong, and success. The world is like this, many things are often antagonistic, but they are also unified, as if there is no mistake, where success is like this. "Failure is the mother of success", this platitude and the ancient and modern, is just to confirm this point.

Edison, the inventor of the invention, did not know how many mistakes he had made. After many detours, he invented the electric lamp. Nobel didnt know how many experiments he had made and how many mistakes he made, and finally developed explosives...... Every earth shattering invention fills many errors into the ground and finally reaches the top.

Mistakes are not a "devil", it is sometimes more "angel", it is not a stumbling block to success, but the key to success, for the wrong, we should not be bored, but to appreciate the essence of mining.

Lets take good care of our mistakes!












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Mother is the most important person to us. Now people celebrate Mother’s

Day every year. It has become more and more popular. This day is on the second

Sunday in May. On that day, children often send their mother flowers to express

their love. And some children make small gifts for their mothers.

In last years Mothers Day, I didnt spend it with my mother because she

was in the hometown and I was at school, which made me feel ashamed. At night, I

called my mother. At that time, I left my tears, and my mother told me that I

should study hard at school. In the end, I said to her “Happy Mother’ Day, I

love you" and she was very surprised and happy.



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Of the four seasons,I love Spring Spring,the weather gets warmer and everything begins to grow we go to the countryside on a sunny day in Spring,Wll find tree turning green and flowers mypersonal interests,I think the most in portant I like Spring is that Spring signifies hope and assures us a promising season of summer and also the most iportant havvest love Spring.



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我最喜欢的三国人物是诸葛亮。 东汉末年期间,各地出现了许多个据一方的军队,他们彼此长期混战,生产力遭到极其严重的破坏。正所谓“乱世出英雄”,东汉末年 三国时期,英雄很多。奸诈多疑的曹操,年轻有为的孙权,谦虚谨慎的刘备,武艺超群的关羽……都给我留下了深刻的印象。然而,最令我喜欢和钦佩的,是鞠躬尽瘁、神机妙算的诸葛亮。 首先,他是一个足智多谋的军事家。就拿赤壁之战来说吧,诸葛亮说服孙权联合抗曹。由于曹操考虑到将士们不适应水战,便下令将战船锁在一起,以便平稳。诸葛亮考虑到这一点,又夜观天象,断定会刮东风,便让周瑜的部下黄盖写信给曹操,假意降曹。

晚上,黄盖带领战船驶向曹军,等时机一到,便点燃战船。借着东风,着火的战船直冲曹营,曹军的战船一时变成了一片火海。一把火,烧掉了曹军十几万大军。赤壁之战,促进了三国鼎立局面的形成,也是历史上著名的以少胜多的战役。除此之外,还有火烧新野、计取荆洲、火烧博望坡、七擒孟获等多个战役,足以展现诸葛亮的足智多谋、料事如神,是一位令人钦佩的军事家。 诸葛亮的沉着冷静也令我钦佩。诸葛亮北伐期间,派马谡镇守街亭,不料街亭失手。情急之下,诸葛亮只好率军撤往汉中,司马懿穷追不舍。路径西城,诸葛亮只好率军前往。此时的西城只剩下些老弱病残,可以说是一座空城。而诸葛亮并不慌乱,他命令手下士兵把城门打开,独坐城上,悠然弹琴。司马懿率令追兵前往,见诸葛亮如此冷静,却害怕起来,怀疑他早已设下了埋伏。司马懿闭目细听,听见诸葛亮的琴声优美动听,便断定城内设下伏兵,率军撤退30里。当他反应过来自己上当的时候,诸葛亮早已撤军。可见,沉着冷静是多么的重要,这更让我对诸葛亮产生了敬意。 此外,诸葛亮对蜀国的忠心也令我很感动。

他一心辅佐刘备,鞠躬尽瘁、死而后已,一生为匡扶汉室尽心尽力。刘备死后,诸葛亮继续辅佐刘禅,北伐之前,他向刘禅上表了《出师表》,阐述了北伐的必要性以及对后主刘禅治国寄予的期望,写出了诸葛亮的一片忠诚之心。 诸葛亮还是一位伟大的发明家。他发明的运输工具——“木牛流马”,为运粮提供了便利。北伐期间,由于山路很崎岖,运粮非常困难,诸葛亮便找出曾经设计的“木牛流马”的图纸,让士兵们打造。司马懿见到了“木牛流马”很是新奇,就让士兵们把所有的“木牛流马”偷了过去,用来运粮。后来,诸葛亮献计,让蜀军假装检查魏军的运粮队伍,趁机对“木牛流马”动了手脚,使它们都动弹不得。趁士兵们回去报信的空当,诸葛亮派人把“木牛流马”和魏军的军粮抢了回来。由此可见,诸葛亮不仅有军事才能,也很有发明天赋! 我最喜欢诸葛亮的足智多谋了,你呢?




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如何减肥 how to lose weight

it seems that many people today are overweight. no one wants to carry around extra pounds, lout few people know how to slum down effectively. they look for miracle pills and magic cures. in the end, they fail and the pounds come back. but the most effective way of losing weight is actually very simple. it is a combination of a good diet and proper exercise. what makes it work is determination. it requires discipline and commitment to succeed. here is an example that proves the truth of these words.


my aunt had been trying to lose weight for years. she went on one diet after another, but none of them worked. she lost a lot of weight quickly only to have it come back. finally, she followed her doctors advice and began to eat a simple, well-balanced diet. she ate lots of fruits and vegetables and avoided high-fat foods. in addition, she joined an exercise class. she worked out three times a week. at first, my aunt wasnt happy because the weight came off so slowly. but her classmates encouraged her to stick to it and eventually she reached her goal. best of all, she was able to stay at her ideal weight. that was because she had developed healthy new habits.




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In our common home - the earth, life with a lot of animal, which animal do

you like? Anyway, my favorite animal is our most loyal friend - a dog.My

favorite is my neighbors dog that Beijing BaGou yuan yuan and collie handsome.

They play together every day, it is a good friend of a stick dozen not

scattered, I also like them, they saw I was shaking his tail towards

me.Handsome shape tiger is big, the body is about more than 60 centimeters

long. Two leg, capable to my shoulders, his eyes, nose, mouth, ears are much

older than yuan yuan, I most like to see him running figure - curly float in the

sky, like a nice horse. I often and yuan yuan, running with the handsome, every

time is handsome first, second, I am the third round. Can literally, handsome

running faster than thoroughbred horse. Average dog ran up, send out "clicking"

sound, but handsome rans voice is very small, not carefully is inaudible. The

appearance of the handsome run is also very handsome, curly, bow shaped body. If

you want to use a word to describe talent, that is: handsome. If you use a word

that was impeccable.Compared with the handsome, round shape is much smaller,

only 30 centimeters in length and a half smaller than talent. The meaning of his

name from his eyes, it is too round. Like a shiny black stones. And his legs are

very round and round this is name. And his legs are very short, so even if he

runs, casting its foot also run fast, but I still like him very much the kind of

simple and lovely.This is what I like animals, do you like?



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Since I go to school, my parents always tell me that I should study hard,

so that I can find a good job in the future and earn a lot of money. To most

people, the purpose of reading books is to make money. But as I study more, I

realize that making money and reading books don’t have the directly connection.

The children should know more about the world by reading more books, at the same

time, they need to sense the great joy of reading. When they are equipped with

knowledge, they can solve problems by the skills they learn, the most important

thing for them is to face difficulties with positive attitude.



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at present, more and more people think that men and women should enjoy

equal rights. many countries even have passed laws to guarantee such an equality

between different sexes. accordingly, there are now no longer certain jobs or

certain places that are closed to women. the number of business women, female

doctors, scientists and leaders is considerably increasing.

there are three main reasons for the improvement of womens social

position. first, women themselves have been persistently struggling for

equality. second, men also realize that women are not born inferior to them.

women can do a great many things as well as or even better than men. third,

social development has produced a great demand for womens participation in

every field.

in spite of these changes the liberation of women has not been completely

realized. prejudice against women is deeply rooted still in some peoples mind,

especially in distant rural areas. so, mankind should take further painstaking

efforts to really realize equality.



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I like to watch comedy so much, because it makes me laugh happily and I will forget about the annoyance. The comedies from Zhou Xingchi are my favorite, no matter how many times I watch them, I just can’t help laughing out loudly. Watching comedy is a good way to relax, it helps me to keep the good mood.





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Recently, there has been a terrible virus, the coronavirus. All the news is

about the pneumonia caused by the new coronavirus, which is an acute human to

human pneumonia. The source of the virus is said to be small wild animals, such

as badgers, bats, snakes and so on. Doctors said that the new virus has a fast

and strong infectivity, can spread through breathing and contact, and the

epidemic development is particularly rapid. People are getting infected every

day all over the country.



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My hometown used to be a backwardplace, because it was deep in the mountains, where there were no nice buildingsand the roads were so narrow and dirty. People lived a poor life.


While in recent years, with thedevelopment of society, my hometown has been greatly changed. Now the roads aregetting much wider. There are many different cars and buses running on theroads. Trees and flowers are planted on the two sides of the roads. They canprovide us with oxygen and fight against the pollutants. So the sky becomescleaner and brighter. Whats more, you can see many modern and beautifulbuildings everywhere, and the living conditions are improving. People areenjoying a comfortable life now.




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请以 My Best Friend 为题,写一篇不少于60个单词的作文。 My Best Friend 我最好的朋友My best friend is one of my classmates. Her name is Mary. Every day, we go to school together and go back home toget

请以“My Best Friend为题,写一篇不少于60个单词的作文。

My Best Friend


My best friend is one of my classmates. Her name is Mary. Every day, we go to school together and go back home together. We often help each other and learn from each other in study.


We have the same hobby-collecting stamps. She has many nice stamps. She is very proud of them. Sometimes she gives some of them to me. I think she is a very good girl. We will be good friends forever.


点评:这是一篇记人的叙述文。先交代了My Best Friend是谁,接着通过事例交代了为什么“我们是最好的朋友”。最后阐述了主题。



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Hello!I am a girl,My name is Zheng jingyi,I’m 12 years old,I come from Zhangzhou,I’m in Class 2,Grade 7.My telephone number is 123456789.I have long hair,big eyes,small nose and small mouth.Look!Who is she?She is my good friend,her name is Chen han,she is 12,too.She is from Zhangzhou,too.She is 14 years old,she is in Class 3,Grade 7,She telephone number is 987654321.She has short hair,big eyes,small nose and wide mouth.We are in the same school,but in different Classes.



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I like drawing. It does bring me happiness. As a kid I was keen on those

lines and curves drawn on paper made into animals and scenes.

It really could show beauty to people and express my feelings. And then I

took a course so that I could get close to it and see it well.

But at that time I just did it for fun. Years went by I got into a long

period of time filled with pressure in study. And I found it so good a way to


It did not any longer play an unimportant role in my living but bacame my

friend. Since that time I have felt it like a nice person deep in my heart who

can talk with me with true words and make me happy with life.

This is my hobby not just a hobby but also a true friend.



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There are many lovely little animals in nature, but my favorite animal is a few white rabbits.

Rabbit is a lovely animal, very pleasing. It is flexible and agile. Small and exquisite faces, embedded in a pair of ruby-like red eyes. Little rabbit also has a unique three-color lip, body white hair like a slim white snow princess. A hairy little tail is always upturned, it is particularly noble.

Little white rabbit favorite carrots and cabbage, I saw them head down, open mouth, two doors exposed on the outside, with two forepaws kept to the mouth to send food. Soon after, the food in the cage was empty by them.

Little white rabbit sometimes love to play the game, you chase me, I chase you. They pushed to push, because the cage is relatively small, and soon, the white rabbit hit together. After a while, the little rabbit gave it tickle, here scratching, there scratched, small claws moving fast, from time to time with claws comb their hair. Some hair in the comb mouth, and some in the other rabbit to help wash the hair.

This is the live wave of cute little white rabbit, I like the white rabbit, do you like it?



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My plan for may day

On May 1sh, Im going to my grandmothers home.I think that must be very significative.Because she is too old to visit me and my parents, and she must be very have in mind our.

I will go for a walk with my grandmother and buy she some summer wears.they must fit her like best. Of course , I dont think that is a easy work! So it must takes me many time.

After shopping, we will have a good rest and have lunch in my grandmothers home.

And then, I will clean the home with my grandmother.

At last, I go home.

Of course, I must finish my homewolk.




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Helen Keller lived in the U.S.A. She was a great woman. When Helen was a baby,she got very sick. Afthe many weeks,the doctor said:"she is better,but now she cant see and she cant hear." Her mother and father were very sad . Afthe a few years,things got worse. There was no way for Helen to speak to other people. She heard nothing. She saw nothing. She didnt undertand anyting. Then one day a teacher come to live with Helen and her family. The teacher helped Helen learn about words. Helen was a bright child and soon she learned to spell her first word. When she was older,she went to college. Helen was very famous. She helped many blind and deaf people. She traveled around the world and helped many people. Helen was a very old woman when she died. The world remembers her today as a brave and wonderful person. She was blind and deaf,but she found a way to see and hear.



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My Favourite Festival

My favoruite festival is Mid-Autumn Festival. On that day, I can get moon cakes, fruit and many other delicious foods. The moon cakes are round like the moon. They are delicious. They are different inside. On Mid-Autumn Festival I see my elder brother back from work. We get together. We talk and watch the moon! How happy we are!
