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This Thursday is Thanksgiving Day. The writer O’Henry called it the one day that is purely American. Thanksgiving is not a religious holiday. But it has ritual meaning. Some Americans attend religious services on the day before Thanksgiving or on Thanksgiving morning. Others travel long distances to be with their families. They have a large dinner which is the main part of the celebration. For many Americans, Thanksgiving is the only time when all members of the family gather. The holiday is a time of family reunion. Thanksgiving week is generally one of the busiest travel times of the year. However, experts say this year probably will be different. On September 11th, thousands of people died when terrorists hijacked airplanes that struck buildings in Washington D.C. and New York City. Many people now say they are worried about flying on a plane. Travel experts say almost 6 percent fewer people will make long trips this Thanksgiving compared with last year. Many Americans who usually visit family and friends by plane are driving shorter distances instead this week. Some mental health experts say the attacks have frightened people. They say people feel safer and happier close to home. More than any other holiday, Thanksgiving is a celebration of family and home. Many people say that this year they are especially thankful for their families and friends and the good things in their lives. On Thanksgiving, people enjoy a long day of cooking, eating and talking. The traditional meal almost always includes the turkey with a bread mixture cooked inside. Other traditional Thanksgiving food served with turkey are sweet potatoes, cranberries and pumpkin pie. Stores are said to sell more food at Thanksgiving than at any other time of the year, and many people eat more food at Thanksgiving than at any other time of the year. Over the years, Americans have added new traditions to their Thanksgiving celebration. For example, a number off professional and university football games are played on Thanksgiving Day. Some of the games are broadcast on national television.




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today, even-increasing people think studying abroad is a good approach to students. i think its main advantage is that students can learn foreign languages better because of the good language environment. it helps them to improve the level of foreign languages. outstanding language level can enhance their core competition when finding jobs in the future. secondly, studying abroad provides people golden opportunities to expand their horizon and learn advance foregin technology. moreover, it is useful to spread and exchange different culture. however, there exist numbers of disadvantages. first, those who go to abroad for studying usually are much young. generally specking, they lack of experience of life and cannot take good care of themselves. second, students will feel lonely and miss their hometowns, especially on Spring Festival and Mid-Autumn festival. furthermore, living and tuition generally are too high that people cannt afford it. so, if you want to study abroad, you should consider the above points carefully.



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导语:On this day, commemorative activities held throughout the United States to show respect for the flag and love of America.在这一天,美国各地举行纪念活动,以示对国旗的敬重和对合众国的热爱。下面是由小编为你整理的介绍美国国旗英语作文,欢迎大家阅读。

American flag for a rectangular shape, length and width ratio of 19:10 for the Stars and Stripes (the Star-Spangled Banner), the upper-left corner flag for the blue stars surface area of the stars a few provisions in the respective departments, the United States is the state flag on the number of a few of the stars. Star 13 is outside the red and white stripes, 13 stripes on behalf of the original 13 colonies in North America. According to Washington, said: symbol of the United Kingdom with red stripes, white stripes and a symbol of freedom from it. More general argument that the red symbol of strength and courage, a symbol of purity and innocence of white, blue is a symbol of vigilance, perseverance and justice. In 1818 the U.S. Congress pass the bill, red and white flag on the fixed width for the 13, the number of five-pointed star should be in line with several states of America. Each additional state, the national flag on a star to increase, the general in the new states to join the second year after the implementation of July 4. So far has been the national flag to 50 stars, representing the 50 U.S. states. June 14 each year as "the development of the anniversary of the American flag." On this day, commemorative activities held throughout the United States to show respect for the flag and love of America.

美国国旗为长方形,长宽之比为19:10,为星条旗(the Star-Spangled Banner),旗面左上角为蓝色星区,区内的星数于有关部门规定,美国的州数就是国旗上的星数。星区以外是13道红白相间的条纹,13道条纹代表最初北美13块殖民地。据华盛顿说:红色条纹象征英国,白色条纹象征脱离它而获得自由。更普遍的说法认为,红色象征强大和勇气,白色象征纯洁和清白,蓝色则象征警惕,坚韧不拔和正义。1818年美国国会通过法案,国旗上的红白宽条固定为13道,五角星数目应与合众国州数一致。每增加一个州,国旗上就增加一颗星,一般在新州加入后的第二年7月4日执行。至今国旗上已增至50颗星,代表美国的50个州。每年6月14日为“美国国旗制定纪念日”。在这一天,美国各地举行纪念活动,以示对国旗的敬重和对合众国的热爱。




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American flag for a rectangular shape, length and width ratio of 19:10 for the Stars and Stripes (the Star-Spangled Banner), the upper-left corner flag for the blue stars surface area of the stars a few provisions in the respective departments, the United States is the state flag on the number of a few of the stars. Star 13 is outside the red and white stripes, 13 stripes on behalf of the original 13 colonies in North America. According to Washington, said: symbol of the United Kingdom with red stripes, white stripes and a symbol of freedom from it. More general argument that the red symbol of strength and courage, a symbol of purity and innocence of white, blue is a symbol of vigilance, perseverance and justice. In 1818 the U.S. Congress pass the bill, red and white flag on the fixed width for the 13, the number of five-pointed star should be in line with several states of America. Each additional state, the national flag on a star to increase, the general in the new states to join the second year after the implementation of July 4. So far has been the national flag to 50 stars, representing the 50 U.S. states. June 14 each year as "the development of the anniversary of the American flag." On this day, commemorative activities held throughout the United States to show respect for the flag and love of America.

美国国旗为长方形,长宽之比为19:10,为星条旗(the Star-Spangled Banner),旗面左上角为蓝色星区,区内的星数于有关部门规定,美国的州数就是国旗上的星数。星区以外是13道红白相间的条纹,13道条纹代表最初北美13块殖民地。据华盛顿说:红色条纹象征英国,白色条纹象征脱离它而获得自由。更普遍的说法认为,红色象征强大和勇气,白色象征纯洁和清白,蓝色则象征警惕,坚韧不拔和正义。1818年美国国会通过法案,国旗上的红白宽条固定为13道,五角星数目应与合众国州数一致。每增加一个州,国旗上就增加一颗星,一般在新州加入后的第二年7月4日执行。至今国旗上已增至50颗星,代表美国的50个州。每年6月14日为“美国国旗制定纪念日”。在这一天,美国各地举行纪念活动,以示对国旗的敬重和对合众国的热爱。




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The above table clearly mirrors an upward trend in the number of people who prefer to travel abroad over the last decade. In 1995, there are only ten thousand tourists going overseas to take a trip. In 2000, the figure climbs to approximately 40 thousand, and peaks at 120 thousand in 2005.

There are a huge number of reasons behind this phenomenon, of which the most important one is --China‘s booming economy.

Thanks to the deepening of reform and opening-up, citizens of the Middle Kingdom enjoy a sharp improvement in their living standards. They have enormous consuming power to pursue higher level of living quality. Perhaps getting tired of visiting scenic spots at home, an increasing number of them choose foreign countries as their tour destinations.

When it comes to what impacts it would bring, in my eyes, it would give a huge boost to tour industry both at home and abroad. And it would give Chinese deeper insights into foreign cultures. Of course, the dark side of this phenomenon also exists. For instance, the uncivilized behavior of some Chinese tourists may have a negative impact on China‘s image. Anyway, overseas travel is beneficial. What really needs to occur is consumer education.

[国外旅游(Overseas traveling)英语作文



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before the 1850s, the united states had a number of small colleges, most of them dating from colonial days. they were small, church connected institutions whose primary concern was to shape the moral character of their students.

throughout europe, institutions of higher learning had developed, bearing the ancient name of university. in german university was concerned primarily with creating and spreading knowledge, not morals. between mid-century and the end of the 1800s, more than nine thousand young americans, dissatisfied with their training at home, went to germany for advanced study. some of them return to become presidents of venerable colleges-----harvard, yale, columbia---and transform them into modern universities. the new presidents broke all ties with the churches and brought in a new kind of faculty.

professors were hired for their knowledge of a subject, not because they were of the proper faith and had a strong arm for disciplining students. the new principle was that a university was to create knowledge as well as pass it on, and this called for a faculty composed of teacher-scholars. drilling and learning by rote were replaced by the german method of lecturing, in which the professors own research was presented in class. graduate training leading to the ph.d., an ancient german degree signifying the highest level of advanced scholarly attainment, was introduced. with the establishment of the seminar system, graduate student learned to question, analyze, and conduct their own research.

at the same time, the new university greatly epanded in size and course offerings, breaking completely out of the old, constricted curriculum of mathematics, classics, rhetoric, and music. the president of harvard pioneered the elective system, by which students were able to choose their own course of study. the notion of major fields of study emerged. the new goal was to make the university relevant to the real pursuits of the world. paying close heed to the practical needs of society, the new universities trained men and women to work at its tasks, with engazuowenng students being the most characteristic of the new regime. students were also trained as economists, architects, agriculturalists, social welfare workers, and teachers.



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the name christmas is short for "christs mass". a mass is a kind of church service. christmas is a religious festival. it is the day we cele

ate as the birthday of jesus. there are special christmas services in christian churches all over the world. but many of the festivities of christmas do not have anything to do with religion. exchanging gifts and sending christmas cards are the modern ways of celeating the christmas in the world.

the birth of jesus had a story: in nazareth, a city of galilee. the virgins name was mary was betrothed to joseph. before they came together, she was found with child of the holy spirit. joseph her husband was minded to put her away secretly. while he thought about these things, gaiel, an angel of the lord appeared to him in a dream and told him did not be afraid to take mary as wife. and mary willing forth a son, and he shall call his name, jesus, for he will save his people from their sins.

before jesus births, joseph and mary came to quirnius was governing syria. so all went to be registered, everyone to his own city. joseph also went up out of galilee, out of the city of nazareth, into judea, to the city of david, which is called bethlehem, because he was of the house and of the lineage of david, to be registered with mary, his betrothed wife, who was with child. so it was that while they were there, the days were completed for her to bedelivered. and sheought forth her firstborn son, and wrapped him in swaddling cloths, and laid him in a manger, because there was no room for them in the inn.



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Last summer vacation,my family and I went to Qingdao by train. There was always sunshine and fresh air,which made us so comfortable. We went to the seaside,the sea was as blue as the sky, and bathing in the sunshine on the beach, was really an enjoyable thing.I also picked up a lot of colorful shells with my little sister. There we bought many interesting souvenirs, I was planing to send them to my friends. We ate many tings there,such as fish,prawn, and so on. They are very delicious. Then we lived in a clean and tidy hotel, and the price was not so expensive. I like Qingdao very much, and if I got a chance, I hope to come here again, it is such a beautiful and interesting place.



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Modes of Travelling





Modes of Travelling

College students, curious and energetic, love traveling; summer and winter vacations provide them with golden opportunities to travel. There are two major modes of travellingtraveling by oneself or traveling in a group organized by travel agencies.

Those two patterns offer different travel experiences, with respective advantages and disadvantages. For the solitary traveler, the greatest advantage is freedom. He is perfectly free to choose his itinerary and plan his schedules, thus he can visit whatever his curiosity leads him to and contemplate over a historical site or a cultural relic for as long as he desires. The trouble is he cannot share his perceptions and excitement with any partners. Moreover, it is time-consuming and difficult to buy train tickets and look for accommodations and in emergency situations an individual traveler is largely helpless. Those problems are non-existent for group travelers because travel agencies take care of everything. Within a group, people who used to be strangers soon become friends. However, the fixed itineraries and tight schedule prevent travelers from satiating their individual curiosities. In addition, tourists are often subjected to forced shopping by tour guides who are more concerned with securing commissions than providing services.




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Let’s work together to find a balance point

Dear mom and dad:

A warm family , a fantastic surroundings are the best gift which you have given me since I was born. I don’t know how to express my appreciati The topic like (转载于:www.cSSyq.co m 书 业 网)“what’s a university?” or “what a university should do?” has been discussed many times in every age. Not only educationalists but also students take into it. Is it necessary to give priority to skills and knowledge in university education as they are essential to employers? Or students in universities should have access to all of knowledge just as they have their own sake? Chose A or B, this is a problem.

The value of knowledge itself need to be considered first in university education even though the course is not as practical as skills and technology. In Chinese culture, morality education is always took at first. It said that the way of real learning is to develop and expand virtue, to innovate peoples’ opinions, to get the best goodness. In addition, there are four stages in the success of a gentleman: first, to cultivate his moral characters; second, regulate his own family; third, rule the state successfully; forth, let the world get peace. In Chinese traditional value, students in

university need to develop his morality firstly, though these knowledge is not as useful as other skills after they get a job.

On the other hand, the practicability of a university course is also worth considering, especially in the age when our government call for the attention to skills and technology in university education and when the employees prefer to capacity and practical knowledge of employers. The time in university is limited and conditions and aims of students are different. When students chose which course to learn, it is inevitable for some of them prefer to those which are more needed in workplace.

Universities give equal access to all of knowledge, including the practical courses and others. What’s more, they need give more chance to students to choose what to learn. Congratulate on diversity!



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People who go to a formal Western dinner party for the first time may be surprised by table manners in Western culture.Knowing them will help you make a good impression.Having good table manners means knowing,for example,how to use knives and forks,when to drink a toast and how to behave at the table.Beside your napkin you will find a small bread roll and three glasses—one for white wine,one for the red wine,and one for water.There are two pairs of knives and forks on the table,forks on the left and knives in the right of the plate.When you see two spoons,the big one id for the suop and the samll one for the dessert.The knife and fork that are closest to your plate are a litte bit bigger than the ones beside them.When you sit down at the table, you can take your napkin, unfold it and put it on your lap.In Chinese you sometime get a hot,damp cloth to clean your face and face and hands,whinch,however,is nat the custom in Western countries.

Dinner start with a small dish, which is often called a starter.Sime people pray before they start eating , and other people may keep silent for a moment. Then you can say"Enjoy your meal"to each other and everybody start eating.For the starter,which you eat with the smaller pair,you keep the knife in your right hand and the fork in your left.After the starter you will get a bowl of soup—but only one boel of soup and never ask for a seconf serving.

The next dish is the main course.Many Westerners think the chicken breast with its tender white flesh is the best part of the bird. Some people can use their fingers when they eating chicken or other birds,but never touch beef or other meat in bones.It is polite to finish eating everthing on your plate,so dont take more food than you need.

At table ,you should try to speak quietly and smile a lot,but do not laugh all the time.

Most Westerners like soft drink if they will drive home.Many of them drink white or red wine with the food.When drinking to someones health,you raise your glasses,but the glasses should not touch. The custom of toasting in some parts of China is to finish the drink at once,but Westerners usually take only a sip.For drinking during a dinner,the best advic is never to drink too much.

Table manners change over time.They follow the fashion of the day .Beside,table manners are only important at formal dinner parties.If youre not sure what to do ,you can always follow your hosts.Although good manners always make you look good,you do not need to worry about all these rules while having dinner with your friends or family



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for i want to spend my holiday fully,so i plan to go on a trip,i want to go to hongkong for 2 weeks,because it is not only a shopping paradise but also

the heaven for children.

it’s very far away ,so i plan to go there by plane,it is the most convenient way to go there,

and i decided to stay there for 2 weeks ,while i can thoroughly to feel the local customs there

i also want to go taiwan,i want to go to a concert in xiaojudan,such as listen to a concert



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It is sunny on 11th,april,saturday. My parents and I paid a visit to Qingdao by bus. There are many places of interest in Qingdao.

we went to the beach, visited the Musuem and May 4th Square.It got its name in memory of the May 4th Movement.

It is composed of the Shizhengting Square, the central square and the coastal park.

We also had all kinds of delicious seafood.

Although were tired,we had a good time. I want to visit Qingdao again.



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Last year, I went to Guang Zhou in the summer vacation. I felt so excited, it took me about four hours to get there. In the daytime, the air was so stuffy and the sun was so hot, so my friends and I decided to take a rest in the hotel. When the sun almost got down, we started to go on the street, the first thing was to find something to eat. There were so many delicious snacks, we had no idea which to eat, so we planed to eat as much as we could. I found myself couldn’t stop eating, the food was tasted. After we finishing eating, we started to go shopping.Guang Zhou is famous for the foreign trade, its clothes are fashionable and cheap. We went to the shopping street, trying on all kinds of clothes, at last, we bought many clothes. This trip is so unforgettable to me.




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Last week I went to mount emei in sichuan province with my family. early in the morning, we took a taxi to beijing west railway station. the station was very lively.

Half an hour later, we got on the train. on the train, we had a lot of fun. after 26 hours, we reached sichuan. there, we took many photos and had a goodtime. 5 days later, we came back to the beijing. even though my travel seemed really short, but my memory of the pleasant trip will last long.




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American culture

The main content of American culture is the emphasize on individuals value,the pursue of democracy and freedom,the promotion of deploitation(开拓,经营) and competition and the need of realistic and practicality.Its core is individualism:self first,personal need first,pursue of individual benefit and enjoyment,emphasize on achieving individual value by self-strive and self-design.This type of intentionally build up of personality and pursue customized individualism has its pros and cons,it gives incentives to people and make them exert on their potential and wisdom and as a result accelerate the development of the entire race and nation; on the other hand it is difficult to keep good relationship among people if everyone is egocentric thus make the entire society lack of unity.




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Steve Rogers was born in the Great Depression of a poor, vulnerable youth. Because of the news that the Nazis had invaded and invaded Europe in Europe, they wanted to join the army.

But because the infirm refused. Inadvertently learned that Steve Rogerss sincere desire of general Chester Phillips decided to give him a chance, let him take part in the rebirth program".

After several weeks of testing, Steve Rogers was injected with a super soldier serum and was bombarded with ultraviolet irradiation, and finally has the most perfect body of human beings.

Then he received a physical and tactical training. After three months, he has been as "Captain America" first job with indestructible shield and well versed in tactical mind, he put in the fight with the red skull, and eventually stop the red skulls evil plan, but he has therefore been frozen until 70 years after woke up.



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In last summer vacation ,I went to Beijing with my family.First ,we went to the Great Wall,where we met a lot of foreigners and we also took a lot of photos.They all like our culture and beautiful senery.Second.we went to the summer palace ,where the previous emporers spent summer in the old days.Third,we went to the Forbidden City .Finally ,we went to Wangfujing Street where we tasted much delicious food.In a word,we had a great time during the vacation and we leanred a lot from this tour.



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It was a fine day! I went to several places of interest such as the Great Wall and Tiananmen square.I was amazed by Chinas historical background and the industrious Chinese people who built the Great Wall. People are very friendly here. I was greeted by amiable people who were nice enough to tell me about the history of China and by modest students who later practiced speaking English with me. China has left me a wonderful impression and I look forward to come back here for the Olympics.



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in recent years, more and more citizens here would like to travel abroad. in 1995, the number of people who would like to travel abroad was 10000, which increased to nearly 40000 in 2000. and in 2008, the number further climbed above 12,000. there are several reasons for the shocking rise.

the improvement of the economic conditions is probably the main reason for it. people do not need to worry about their diet and various other necessities. after visiting famous scenic spots throughout our country, the citizens’ taste has changed, with support of enough finance.

moreover, enhancement of personal capacity is becoming more and more a requirement for those who want to make greater success. with the development of economy and technology, citizens begin to take advantage of different foreign products as well as education. since most citizens have got used to their life at home, traveling abroad becomes one of the easiest ways to have direct contact with exotic cultures.

many advantages as traveling abroad may bring to us, it may also bring about many disadvantages. for instance, there are many elites who have ever traveled abroad may be attracted by the nicer living and researching conditions abroad and thus never return, which is really a pity to our nation.

comparatively speaking, traveling abroad is a serious decision to make. maybe, look before you leap is better.

