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My favorite animal is a dog, there is a small dog called small white mother kindergarten, it body hair is white, a pair of watery eyes, want to two bright pearls rolling, very agreeable.

It doesnt know me at first. On one occasion, my mother and I went to kindergarten, it is very fierce, I came so close to my legs, also good mother stopped it, the second day, my mother brought me in, little white saw my mom ran shaking his tail, mother said to the little white, of me, this is one of their own, dont bite well in the future. it look at me, his tail, on my feet smell the smell went away, so we met, I grew to like it.

Small white the most affectionate mother, it runs every see mother bark thy mothers foot, as if to say master, give something to eat. "Mother said, forgot, didnt give you. its not pleasant walks away. It is also very affectionate to me, one time, it ran up to me to eat, I have to gave it bought chicken legs, it eats the voracious, mouth also issued a whine. It ate chicken leg, I will play with it, it ran like the wind blows, I how also not overtake, later on, its on the lawn waiting to play with me.

This is I like my dog, a likeable, conscientious puppy.








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There was a strange stillness. The birds, for examplewhere had they gone? The feeding stations in the backyards were deserted. The few birds seen anywhere were moribund; they trembled violently and could not fly. It was spring without voices. On the farms the hens brooded, but no chicks hatched. The roadsides, once so attractive, were now lined with browned and withered vegetation as though swept by fire. These, too, were silent, deserted by all living things. Even the streams were now lifeless.

This is a strange scene described by Rachel Carson, who is regarded as the mother of modern environmental protection movement。 Silent Spring is her representative work which lighted the fire of environmental protection in America and the whole world. Before 1960s, no books or magazines talked about things like environment and ecosystem. Such a phenomenon means that environmental protection had not come to people’s mind and the social consciousness. Indeed, the main opinion in human society from the very past about nature is to set war against or conquer it. In fact, many of human’s progresses are made on the base of such opinion. Rachel Carson was the first person who doubted the correctness of the belief and brought the topic under focus.

In Silent Spring, Carson described a miserable village which was dying under the using of DDT. The village used to be prosperous and beautiful. In spring, white clouds of bloom drifted above the green fields. In autumn, oak and maple and birch set up a blaze of color that flamed and flickered across a backdrop of pines. Then foxed barked in the hills and deer silently crossed the fields, half hidden in the mists of the fall mornings. She thought that with the using of variety kinds of pesticide, especially DDTs, the village suffered enormous and irreversible damage and gradually withered and died. Soon it became just like the one described in the beginning. From her fine and smooth describing, I can even feel the groan of the town. Moreover Carson also sharply pointed out that the deep-seated cause for the environmental problem is the human’s arrogance and ignorance. So she asked people to correct the attitude toward the nature and reconsidered the developing path of human being.

Carson thought that because of the antibody and differentiation, pesticides would never be completely useful. On the contrary, those more and more poisonous medicines, because of the enrichment effect, would accumulate in humans’ body. It’s quite sarcastic that we hurt ourselves much badly while hurting the others. Then she analyzed many poisonous components in pesticides. Those are all unfamiliar names except DDT, such as chlordane, chloronaphthalene, compound 497, etc.

Those things really make me feel scared. We are on the top of the food chain, and it is such a perfect and fragile system. We human beings are just part of it and we depend on all of the creatures who stay on the lower positions. It is so hard and ridiculous to try to match the nature. Only in the state does man have a rational existence. Every species have their value to be on this world. Then no one knows what would happened if we force them to disappear. For example, let’s imagine the food chain as a meticulously made castle built by billions of little blocks and we human beings are the top one. There might be several tiny blocks on the bottom which you think is useless and dispensable. But what would happen if we take them away? Perhaps nothing happened, and perhaps the whole castle ruined.

Destruction is always much easier than recovery, not counting those incurable ones. Humans always think that we are much cleverer than the other animals, so we become more and more conceited and firmly believe that we are the king. We didn’t see that the nature is so magical and knows how to revenge. The pay back is much more violent and cruel. We need balance and order. The nature has its own rule. Our aim is to use it and live in harmony with it. The ecosystem is so delicate that even a tiny disturbance could lead an unexpected consequence, just like the butterfly effect.

At the last chapter, some scientists came up with other ways to solve the pest problem----biotic control. There is now a bly running tide of interest in chemical sterility. Those sterile insects are released and mate the normal ones so that they won’t have any larva and get extinct gradually. This solution seems to be reasonable and helpful, but thinking about it carefully, you’ll find that it is just another way to ruin the food chain castle. Not only spring, but also summer and autumn would be still and silent in the future.

It is lucky that Rachel still kept her mind clear. She didn’t agree with the way of conquering the nature. At the very end of the book, she wrote, The ‘control of nature’ is a phrase conceived in arrogance, born of the Neanderthal age of biology and philosophy, when it was supposed that nature exists for the convenience of man. This sentence can be regarded as the book’s theme topic which is widely quoted in all kinds of articles about environmental protection.

Carson is a great woman and fighter. When writing the book, she was suffering from huge pain of the operation for mammary cancer. After the book was published, the widely affect brought her not honor and fortune, but fierce attack from the chemical estate. She died only one year after the book’s publishing. On the spring of 1964, the great woman passed away, but Silent Spring made her voice never silent.

The 20st century was a time that technology and economy developed rapidly, especially the 40 years after Silent Spring was published. But every spring, when flowers bloom, trees sprout, and water begins to flow, we used to recall a woman and her enduring works. We opened the window, and wonder if the spring is silent today, if it will be silent tomorrow.



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spring comes.ltsgetting warmer and warmer.Everything is dry, trees, fields and even the air. Just then, it rains. lts as soft as silk. ltwashes the dirty of the earth and waters the plants and the fields. lt also waters peoples hears. Farmers stand in the spring rain and smile.Spring rain is as dear as oil They seem to see the harvest time inautumn. Spring rain brings water to the air. It also brings hope to people.



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Do you know about holidays? We like holidays. Parents and children enjoy holidays. Children receive many gifts from their parents. Parents also receive gifts from their good children.

Holidays are about happiness! Holidays are about a lot of food and drinks! Holidays are about families! Holidays are about beautiful clothes! Holidays are about music and dance! Holidays are about fireworks! Holidays are fun!

People look very happy. They go to restaurants and eat good meals. We see beautiful lights on the streets. We hear holiday music everywhere. We like holidays very much!



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I dont like the hot sun hot summer day, she didnt love orange orange green autumn, more do not love winter cold wind, I love the vibrant spring.

See, connect with life and hope, step lightly. She took the genial sunshine, warm spring breeze, the recovery of beings, across the plains, flying over the river, li TiaoTiaoDe came, she brought flourishingly vitality to the earth.

I love spring, because spring is the season of sunshine. When the warm sun on the earth, the old man was sitting on his chair in the sunshine. Women who take advantage of this wonderful time laundry drying was; The children are flying kites in the park. You are the glory of life in spring.

I love spring, because spring is a season of vitality. Peach, plum, apricot, you contend for me, to open. Peach blossom powder like xia, pear flower white as snow, the cuckoo bonus like fire... You are the creator of life in spring.

I love spring, because spring is a season full of vigor. Little swallow on the wire jump around, playing the first song of spring, lively fish in the water free playing, beautiful butterfly hovering in my... You are the ploughman of life in spring.

I love spring, because ChunYang gives us the infinite hope, spring breeze bring us whereas warm, spring thunder gave us infinite power.

In spring, I love you. Love you all.










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As the fast development of the technology, people can have access to all kinds of high technologies. TV is one of them, since the being of the TV, people can know more about the world and TV brings people a lot of fun. Nowadays, TV program provides various shows, my favorite program is the dating show.

Dating show is very hot now, people like to see the boys and girls how to choose each other. In the show, the girls are the guests, they wait for the boys, and then choose the one they like. Of course, the boys also have the rights to choose the girls, only if they can come to the final round.

The reason why I like to see the dating show lies in that I can see the young people’s view about the marriage, at the same time, I also can see their lives. The boys and the girls give their own opinion of their views about the marriage, which are very different from our parents’.

The dating show program provides people a way to know the young generation’s ideas about marriage, people can learn a lot from the show.







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I like small animals, like the small animals to count my little black dog.

My little black dog she is cute! In black, shiny hairs, eyes with two white spots, like two white beads. On the head and on his thighs hair is very long, like a horse head to the ground. Straight ear, as if time in listening to what passed around. Thick and long broom tail swing, from time to time as a cleaner for free! More funny is that it always speaks with a wet nose toward me, like a sick child, seems to be very poor, in fact, I know it really want to play with me. In the invitation to me!

The little black dog temperament is very docile, very human nature. I get along with it for a long time, in love, it seems very understand me. Whenever I am angry, it squatted beside me quietly motionless and seems to want to accompany me through the sad time. I am happy, it will run up to and around me, "an auf" cried, very agreeable.

The puppy experience dangerous also have several times. Is the first time fell into the river, fortunately, was found to pull up, feed it to take medicine, good soon. And on several occasions by poison poison dog several times, but also by early treatment, will have to escape. From then on, it can sniff out those toxic food, what food non-toxic. Later, our dog never in poison. It very sharp!

I love my dog. I hope it will stay with me, to accompany me joyful growth!








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Day by day in the winter is past, the spring is going to come back to our arms.

So desperately, childrens long-awaited spring has come, the beautiful spring is here, spring is coming, happy spring is coming!

I think spring is the most beautiful picture of nature. Look, the warmth of the sun shine on the earth, and how comfortable ah. "The grass brother" had a good stretch, slowly climb from the ground up, cant wait to see the world outside. "Sister" flowers a then a, in the spring rain and sunshine moist test out the small head, there is a beautiful flower skirt, is really gorgeous. "Big brother" took off his heavy coat, put on the light of spring, to the children smile. Birds standing on the branch to meet the arrival of the voice.

Ice and snow melt... Ding dong! Ding dong! Stream "tried" crisp voice, singing the song of spring, a group of ducks came to the river, swam up happily in the water. "Filar silk filar silk!" Spring rain unknowingly came to your window, you ask a good? Shout! Shout! Merry explosion in soil, looking forward to an early break out. Little willow soft curved waist, jumped up belong to spring dance. Look, white pear, pink peach blossom is also coming to us with a smile, as if to say, spring is beautiful, nature is beautiful. The children cant wait to tell them, quick to take us to go spring outing, spring has been singing.

I like the beautiful spring!








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春天来了,那煦和的阳光,普照在大地上,而对于青岛,春广似乎更其乐得停下眷恋的脚步。它的脚步所到之处,便把那里踏得软了。你将最先看到漫山遍野的树林,泛上了一片广阔的绿波。岸上的绿波,互为激荡,像在絮语,像在相呼相和。青梢中时时唱出不知名的小鸟曼妙的恋歌。 Spring is here. The sunny sunlight is on the ground. For Qingdao, Chunguang seems to be more happy to stop.Where it goes, it softened there.You will first see the woods that are all over the mountains, with a vast green wave.The green waves on the shore are stunned each other, like flocity, like they are in harmony with each other.The unknown birds graceful love songs are sang in the green shoots.









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“新年都未有芳华,二月初惊见草芽。白雪却嫌春色晚,故穿庭树作飞花。”在这个清香袅袅的季节,爸爸开着车带着我和妈妈来到了济南动物园。 "There is no gala in the new year, and the grass buds are shocked in early February. White snow is late for spring., Dad drove and took me and my mother to Jinan Zoo.














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春天,天空晴朗,万物复苏,小草、柳树、花朵、小河、小鱼,飞来飞去的燕子,都来迎接这美好的春天到来。 Spring, the sky is clear, all things recovery, small grass, willow trees, flowers, small river, small fish, swallows flying around, all came to meet this beautiful spring coming.Essence








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Do you like a white rabbit? I like a small white rabbit.

You see, white rabbit whole body with white hair, no little variegated. It is a squat down, like a soul of the pompon, more lovely! It has a pair of red eyes, like two snowballs embedded in the ruby, especially the United States. Little white rabbit ears and other animals are not the same, grow longer, as long as you hear a slight voice, it will put the ears shabu up to turn around, vigilant watching the movement around. The most interesting to be a small white rabbit mouth. Other animals only up and down, two lips, but it is on the lips cut in half, plus the following a lips, into a "three mouth", and it grows into the "three petals" is to look good Because the little white rabbit favorite big Bu, small mouth Zhang is not large, how can eat a large radish? Now with this "three petals", it can not open mouth big mouth to eat it? Small White rabbit front legs short, hind legs long, walking always jumping, it is behind the ass close to the short tail, followed by a stick of a stick, strange funny.

I think, by my introduction, you must also like a small rabbit!



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What kind of animals do you like in our common homeland - earth, how many animals do you like? Anyway, my favorite animal is our most loyal friend - dog.

My favorite dog is my neighbors home that is a Beijing dog and rounds and Coli sheep shepherd handsome. They play together every day, is a pair of good friends, I also like them, they saw me and wagged my tail came to me.

Handsome body Biao big, the body about sixty centimeters long. Two legs standing, fully able to my shoulder, his eyes, nose, mouth, ears are more than round, and most like to see him running when the figure - curly flying, like a horse. I often and round, handsome with the running, each time is handsome first, round second, my third It is no exaggeration to say that the speed of handsome hands run no less than the speed of purebred horses. The general dog ran up, will be issued a "blah" sound, handsome handsome hands up very small, not careful is not heard. Handsome handsome look is also handsome: curly flying, the body was arcuate. If you want to use a word to describe handsome, that is: handsome. If you use a word, that is: impeccable.

Relative to the handsome hands, round the size of a lot of small, only about thirty centimeters long, less than half the handsome handsome. The meaning of his name comes from his pair of eyes, it is too round. Like a shiny black gem. And his legs are round, round the name is so come. And his legs are very short, so even if he sprinkled his feet running, but also run fast, but I still like his kind of simple cute.

This is my favorite animal, you like it?



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aylor Swift is my favorite singer. She is not only beautiful but also very talented. When she was 16, she had her first album. She

writes songs about her romantic life. When I listen to her songs, I feel likes reading my own diaries. She is so real and amazing. She

is only 24 year old, but she has already won a lot of rewards. She is my idol. I wish someday I can go to see her concert.




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I like my aunt. Her name is XXX,and she is 29 years old. She is a sales lady. She always has long hair and wears a

piece of glasses, and thats why she looks very quietly.

My aunt often teaches me English. When i have questions, she will come soon and help me to solve them. If I cant understand, she will represent unless I have got it.

Thus, I love my aunt, and she loves me too.








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I like candy very much. On my birthday, my grandma gives me a bag of candy. Fruit candy is my favorite. They are colourful. The banana candy is yellow, the strawberry candy is red, and the apple candy is green. My mother doesn’t want me to eat too many candies, it is bad for tooth.




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I love you in the spring, cold winter passed, spring came and quietly without interest. Grass sprouted, if you want to grow up overnight. Flower beds, flowers are contests, and fear behind the others. On jasmine, slender branches before opening the golden flower. Backwards look like a small horn, like a string of beautiful necklace. Those are several strains of crimson flowers bloom, you see those flowers bloom, came earlier than leafless, cluster of a cluster to open full branches.

Buttonwood flag Taiwan next body swinging wildly, as if dancing. At this time, waves of spring softly. Warm blowing in his face, giving a warm feeling.

Campus out of willow shoots, spring breeze blowing, willow branches with long stretch, like a beautiful girl combing her hair.

A lovely only swallow also came from the south, and stopped at the school wires, like a beautiful note.

School, we begin a new year of sitting in a classroom learning, reading aloud from time to time issue, but when homework quietly, sunny spring breeze blowing the campus, blown into the classroom, playing in our faces make us more refreshed.

As the saying goes: spring season that year, the quarter day is morning. We should cherish this wonderful time, learn in the future to contribute to the motherland.

Spring is a riot of color. The season of rebirth, the beginning of the year. what! I love you, spring.










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她不像伴着轰隆雷声的夏雨,让人胆战心惊;她不像连绵不断的秋雨,让人心情烦躁;她不像阴冷潮湿的冬雨,让人厌倦。她温柔、静谧,像母亲的手抚摸着大地,滋润着天地万物,也滋润着我们的心田。她,就是春雨。 She is not like Xia Yu, who is accompanied by a thunderous sound, is shocking; she is not like a continuous autumn rain, making people feel irritable;Winter rain is tired.She was gentle and quiet, like her mothers hand stroking the earth, moisturizing all things in the world, and moisturizing our hearts.She is Chunyu.





