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Everybody watches the winter haze weather, the fog haze harm is bigger, there are several city already in it, so we should strengthen the environmental management efforts, no longer let haze weather.

Must have a lot of people know the cause of the haze, fog, fog and haze, of course, is made of, fog is the main cause of a large number of small water droplets or ice crystals suspended in the ground the air system, composed of aerosols is a product of condensed water in the air near the ground layer. Fog is mainly will reduce visibility, can cause traffic hidden trouble, but not harm to people.

Haze is made up of the dust in the air, harmful material such as sulfuric acid, nitric acid, it can make the atmospheric turbidity, blurry vision and leads to reduced visibility, and can cause great harm to human body. So fog and haze two brothers together, this irrelevant to unprecedented damage caused by the atmosphere, some citys air quality has come to the point where moderate pollution, some cities has reached high levels of pollution, more terrible.

The dangers of smog is quite large, it will for highway, railway, aviation, power supply system, affect crop growth. Also easy to cause the spread of infectious diseases and a variety of diseases. Harm to peoples health. And can lead to air pollutants is not easy to spread, enhanced the toxicity of harmful substances, serious, may also cause smog. And can cause great harm to people, especially a great influence on the respiratory system. It is reported that this winter respiratory disease increased than last winter % % 30-40. This is what a staggering, worthy of our thought. So the prevention and treatment of haze weather is urgently needed.

Our precautions should be in place, in haze weather, we should stop morning exercise and outdoor activities. This just isnt good enough, I think this is the main reason of the bad weather in automobile exhaust emissions and industrial emissions, so the country should policy instructions as soon as possible to manage and control the harmful gas emissions, more tree and grass planting, purify our environment. I think, if everyone is mobilized, haze weather should flew away.

In a word, I hope you can take action, a variety of grass flowers, how to protect the environment, for our future generations to build a green, natural environment.










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Quiet warm summer out of the people in the world, the arrival of autumn quietly, summer is not sentimentally attached to this world, because he will come back, however, summer is the best season in my mind, the most beautiful in the summer.

Summer is hot and lovely season, people on the golden beaches of the foot up as soft as snow, blue and sometimes playing pretty deep sea spray, like a soft blueberry jelly, sometimes obvious, sometimes seems like a child playing hide and seek The hide.

Summer grass is always warm sun shining, the sun is particularly bright, some people also like to eat cold summer ice cream.

In the summer season the children who always like to go to a distant village from urban life, always like to sit outside their own thatched shack sun, eat watermelon, summer in the country, like a trace of the cool wind blowing over the side, and exceptionally cool summer countryside, in the clear brook clear slapstick kids in a small stream thorough pants rolled up, cheerful name of water fights, the slightest cool, the body is all wet. But with the summer sun, you will not need to worry about the bodys cold.

Summer is the best season in my mind, in the city, it is like a blossoming bright summer dazzling flowers, always fragrant, in the countryside, the summer is like a clear stream, clean and cool in the summer, the The sun is the most beautiful summer glow!








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There are all kinds of animals in the world . My favorite animal is rabbits. It has two long ears, a pair of red eyes, and a short tail. It likes jumping. It likes eating carrots and cabbages. It is one of the worlds most lovely animals.



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Autumn is coming, the weather is cold, the leaves slowly fall down, like a butterfly flying in the air; Maple leaves turn red, grass turn yellow, like covered with a layer of orange | color carpet; The fruit of the orchard is ripe, the apple glowing, covered with branches, like a red lantern.

Pears gradually mature, the wind blowing, pear shaking, like a small doll in swing; oranges are gradually mature, and some three or four crowded together, as if whispering, and some five or six one Heap, seems to be in the meeting, and some stand alone in the branches like looking for partners.

Small animals are also looking for their favorite food, so that they can sleep peace of mind; our friends geese and swallow are also ready to fly to the south for the winter; children can also fly a kite; farmers uncle standing on the hill Looked at the endless crops to himself and said: "This year is a bumper year!" Eyes can not help but narrow into a crack.

See how beautiful autumn! Autumn not only brings us joy, but also a bumper season.



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My grandmothers dog called "Huanhuan", its head round yo, ears particularly sensitive, his face covered with fluff. Its limbs are very strong, walking, the tail of a Alice Alice, like a spring like a very cute.

Do not look at it looks ugly, but it is housekeeping wow! Whenever you see grandfather, grandmother and me, it can not live to shake the tail, that it is affectionate to us. Especially when I came to the grandmother every weekend, it jumped and jumped to meet me. As if to say: "little master, I can look forward to you!" If there are strangers passing, he "bark" called a non-stop.

Puppy Huanhuan very much like to eat bones, it saw the bones happy to jump up. Of course, it is more like to eat meat, I just throw the meat to the air, it immediately jumped up, and in the air two laps. And then devoured the meat to eat, it is always a wonderful performance to win our laughter.

Although I rarely live with the puppy, but I am not around it, I always miss it. Ill have time to see it.




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4、他有一颗冬瓜头,生气的时候脸一下子拉得很长,非常像马。他单独面对你的时候总是摆出一副善解人意的慈爱样子,同时不停地摇晃脑袋,远看像漂浮着的一个大灯笼。他的眼睛,你知道吗?大大的,灰黑色,很深邃,长在那张马脸上显得非常病态,他说话时喜欢对所有人乱飞媚眼,小心别让它撞到你,那会使你魂飞魄散的。他的胳膊啊腿啊细得像竹竿,衣服酷似床单披挂在身上,飘忽飘忽的,特别有神秘气质,这决定了我们在表演一切恐怖剧的时候都由他戴上假发来演女鬼。 、玲玲不到两岁,胖墩墩的。红扑扑的小脸蛋上,有一双水灵灵的眼镜。小辫儿朝天翘着,粉红色的发带在头上一颠一颠的,像两只飞舞的彩蝶。尤其逗人喜爱的,是她那张伶俐的小嘴。



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Fresh and natural garden, I heard the autumn girl crept to come. "Really refreshing!" Said this sentence and it is my own - chrysanthemum. "Oh, Im dreaming of being a chrysanthemum, it s a dream come true.

I was too busy to meet my new friends. Hello, fancy roses, in your side I will always see you elegant and elegant lining. Hello, slim cold blue, see you I understand the meaning of Chunlan Qiuju. Hello, Guizi fragrance of the sweet-scented osmanthus, I will always smell the kind of Gui Fu Lan Xins fragrance, people indulge in pleasures; Hello, beautiful posture Phalaenopsis, you were assessed on the blue queen must be very proud of it Do not take it lightly. Hello, budding hibiscus flowers, you can I am under the eyes of the province of flowers, you are still still being a small green leaf cicadas tortured, strong point. Hello, gorgeous colorful camellia, see you, I really believe that your flower language is really good - cute. Hello, arrogant extraordinary cosmos, you disdain the appearance of the hidden mystery. Hello, wonderful immortal cyclamen, your appearance of private fairy guest dazzling and far to the meaning, far to see, even if the thriving is also novel. I will be in these simple flowers to learn that people should learn the blue and blue and other reasons.

When the fall is about to pass, I met a new friend - Cai Ye grass. In this piece of golden ocean only her half purple half green leaves particularly eye-catching, so I particularly appreciate this in all occasions will see her color leaves, appreciate her tenacious vitality, appreciate her that was endured Insect bites strong ...

Know the end of autumn, that day seems to be particularly quiet, the flowers in the garden are prepared for the zero, they are well enjoy the last day. I close my eyes, vaguely can see the leaves are still leisurely floating down, it seems that the minds of the leaves fall out of the scene. A burst of cold wind pierced my body, I can not help but hit a chills. I looked at the sky, I saw the sky blue and blue, from time to time a white spot looming. Is it snowing, is she coming to bring us back to heaven? Sure enough, the rain did not like my hope, but mercilessly took away our lives. Snow tells us the next fall you will be as happy as this fall, the next year must grow better.

I secretly thought: there will be a few autumn for us happy? One is enough.



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吾班的“虫虫”们 (215028)江苏省苏州市工业园区方洲小学方洲娃文学社胡一菡 指导老师胡修喜 吾班的“虫虫”们个个都是响当当的人物,不信,我给你说几个有趣的听听。 小馋虫——巩奕浓 从来没见过巩奕浓买零食,老师们都认为她是听话的乖乖女。不过,她真的很乖吗? 一天,我和雅茹、卢颖几位同学冒着被老师抓到的危险去商店买冰激凌,在回来的路,上碰见了巩奕浓。卢颖问:“小巩,怎么从不见你去商店买东西吃呀?”巩奕浓向四周认真地扫视了一圈儿,小声对我们说:“我才不做这样的傻事呢,要是被值周的同学抓到,多没面子呀!你们看——”她拉开书包。“哇!”我们惊呼起来。她书包里的零食应有尽有,山楂干、牛奶、巧克力、棒棒糖“零食可是我的最爱,一日不吃我就浑身难受,只不过吃零食是要讲究策略的,我们的淑女形象可不能丢哟!”听了她的话,我们佩服得五体投地。从此,“小馋虫”的名号也就归她了。 迟到虫——李安 李安可是我们班最著名的“迟到虫”。

这家伙做事慢条斯理,不到上课铃声响起,教室里很难见到他的身影,迟到更是家常便饭。 一天下午,眼瞅着上课铃声已经响过15分钟了,李安才慢悠悠地出现在教室门口。胡老师非常生气地问道:“李安,又是怎么回事?打你的电话也不接,跑哪儿去了?”“没跑哪儿呀!”

这家伙还是慢条斯理地说,“午觉睡过了头,奶奶忘记喊我了。走在路上看到一个卖小龟的摊点儿,又逗留了一会儿,所以”唉,这个李安,真能把人给急死!从此,“迟到虫”的称号就非他莫属啦! 嗑睡虫——吕瑞 不知怎么回事,吕瑞成天好像没睡醒似的,本来就不算大的眼睛因为睡意蒙咙而越发显得小了。 一天中午最后一节是数学课,我们正听得津津有味,突然,汪老师停了下来,径直走到吕瑞面前揪起他的耳朵。吕瑞站起来,揉揉蒙咙的睡眼,一脸茫然地望着汪老师。于是,我们的肚子跟着遭了殃,吕瑞也因此拥有了“瞌睡虫”的大名。 其实,像这样的“虫虫”们,我们班还有好多呢。



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Winter is a beautiful season. It’s often snow in many countrys. And the outside is white.

We often play with the snow, and make the snowman.

In the winter, the days are shorter. And the nights are longer. It’s often dark very earl.

I like white, so I like winter. What a lovely winter!



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整个夏天, Panda的生意也没做成一笔,可是每天他都乐此不疲,不时拿来让同学们玩,一遍一遍教不会玩的同学,后来大家叫他开心Panda了。



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March breeze with moist, blows over the hills and fields, spring is coming.

Bid farewell to the cold winter, the birds fly freely in the sky, like to celebrate the arrival of spring.

You see, the sky white clouds forms and change multiterminal, like a magical magician magic from behind the clouds.

River, hits the trees smoke a lamina, greedy sucking the spring sunshine.

Ono flowers blossom, a swarm of bees "buzz" honey from flower to flower. A few butterflies came also, their beautiful wings hovering in the flowers, the flowers become more vibrant.

A stream wound its way into the distance, the glittering under the sun. A few duckling jumped into the water, exult in the water jump, chasing each other.

In large areas of wheat fields, green wheat seeding full sunshine rain and dew of spring, is thriving.

"The season of a year is in the spring, spring is the season of planting, is the season of nature is at its best, I love the beautiful spring.











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Class, and Liu wrote on the blackboard "goldfish story" these four words, suddenly, the students are talking about each other, and some said: "What happened to the goldfish ah?" Some said: "How was the last goldfish?"

Liu said: "The story of the goldfish is a riddled question." Then, Liu wrote on the blackboard: "a goldfish tank in the original 10 goldfish, less 3, but also a few? Mr. Liu just finished. I am exclaimed: "This is not a math problem! Even kindergarten children will do, that is, 10 minus 3 is equal to 7 Well!" Liu also spoke: "This is not a simple math problem, its answer is A variety of! "Liu teacher voice faded, the class is like a blasted pot, and some say that 0 because the three goldfish died, the remaining seven goldfish to see also scared to death; Say there are seven, because 10 minus 3 equals 7 ...

Liu asked Luo Yukang answer, Luo Yu Kang immediately stood up and said: "There are 10, because the title said less 3, but did not say what three fish, so there are 10 goldfish." Song Wenxiu said : "I do not agree, if the three dead, the remaining seven goldfish to see their partner died, they do not want to live, so all suicide." "I do not agree," Zhang Ruifu said loudly : "If the fish tank has a big fish, it put the three fish to eat, the results are still six or a big fish to eat, so only one fish." Xiaohua said: "I do not agree with your idea, the fish tank should have 14, although the death of three, but if the three goldfish is a small goldfish, seven goldfish saw, and gave birth to seven small goldfish, so there are 14 "...

The riddles of the answer is really varied, the students say no matter how the upper and lower, mathematics is really wonderful!



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Our school is a beautiful and rich knowledge of the oceans, but also a happy and sweet family. I am a member of the family.

Come to school every day you will hear the etiquette team in respectfully shout: "teacher good", it sounds very spirit. Into the school gate, far see clusters of red morning glory reflected in front of my eyes, sending out the scent. Red Boston ivy ran over the walls on either side of the gate, the lining out of the thick of autumn. The back of the morning glory is the five-star red flag flies. Each flag raising on Monday, I saw several senior big brother coming tread the goose-step neat orderly, standing under the bright five-star red flag, the flag up. Planted on both sides of the staff the elm, hits the tall elm is like a flower handfuls of umbrella, can block rain, again can shade, also beautify our campus, really trying.

Move down inside is our teaching building again, because just painted, color is very bright, orange and blue, make the building look brand-new. As to the teaching building in the new suit. With colourful flags on the roof, like buildings with beautiful crown. Walked into the classroom building, ear far is filled with the classmates LangLangDe home, national and make people crazy!

After visiting the building and go further east came to our happy game places - the playground. Here a wide, a circle is four hundred meters. Every children games, in this big wide aspersing many students on the playground of hard and sweat, no matter how big the playground, they insisted on all run down, a big honor for the class. The playground in the middle is a football field, every recess activity, here is the place where the most lively, some classmates rope skipping, some high, some in kicking shuttlecock, and in a whisper back, talk to each other. Think carefully, both the cheers of the students here, also have the sighs of the students, these all represent the students life is so rich and colorful!

Our campus is not only the scenery beautiful, but also colorful life, quiet and comfortable study environment, more hard gardener cultivating with us. I live in a happy family.

I love my beautiful school -- my family!









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第一迷 球迷


第二迷 歌迷


第三迷 书迷





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it was my first day at school. i walked into the building where i was going to live ,and looked at door after door for my name. at last i found it. in the room there was already a student making his bed.

after we said"hello"to each other, he continued his work, paying no attention to me."what a stuck-up fellow,"i thought. i examined the room. it was not different in the fittings and furnishings from any other room i had seen. but it had been thoroughly cleaned by my new roommate, no doubt.

i looked at him. he was thin, short, and dark. his hair was like a bundle of straw. his dirty clothes and tired look were clearly signs of a long journey . his clothes were made of cheap cloth. the coat was too short and the trousers were too loose. and he wore a pair of rubber shoes , which were very unfashionable. he did not look like a smart senior student at all . "a yokel ,"i concluded.

the second time he spoke ,his accent told me that he was from the south"shall i help you to get your luggage from the office?"he asked.

i did not refuse since i really needed help. he was quick in movement."a good guy ,"i said to myself,"i will make friends with him."i hurried and caught up with him.




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It is autumn. The sky is clem and cloudless. The summer heat is gone. The autumn wind brings us cool. At once the version comes to my mind, "Autumn is rich with fruit and grain. " Actually I see pomegranates red and round on the stall in the market and the pcars big, yellow and juicy. My mouth waters for them. The grains have been harvested, the rice, wheat and corn.

The laurel trees give off fragrance. The perfume makes its way stralght into my nose. The brlght red canna are standing behind rows of tall plane trees. I am waiting for their leaves to turn yellow.Then l can trample on the fallen leaves on both sides of the ground.

At times the autumn rain keeps falling silandy on the trees and flowers and the ground. It washes everything clean. When the sun comes out, the droplets shine bright on the yellow leaves.

What a beautiful painting! Autumn is the season for harvest no pains, no gains. I must study hard so that I can have a big harvest in all my subjects.







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The New Year began on New Years day, the most happy is can have a holiday for three days. Then, I took to the streets around my father and mother, everywhere is people mountain people sea.

This years New Years day is beautiful. You see the streets near the red lanterns, green trees, as if like a fairyland in general.

On New Years day is happy. A look through the window, in the warm fire men, women and children around the table eating dinner, its so sweet, so familiar.

On New Years day is fun. A child can put the colorful fireworks, adults can also talking and laughing with elders.

On New Years day or color. You will see the park began, some light like a dragon, some light to the small fish, and light like little mouse...

I like New Years day!




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My school is so beautiful that i cannot think of leaving there for less a day. The lofty trees, colorful flowers and the charming attract me a lot. When i first went there, i was amazed by its wonderful atmospherem peaceful and warm. Everyday, my teacher teaches me a lot of knowledge from different aspects such as Chinese, Math,and English. It benefits me a lot. And there are my schoolmates. We play together everyday, making plenty of fun. When we meet trouble on study, we always get together in a group. Talking about the quickest way to solve the problem, we strengthen our relationship. We become better friends. At the same time, we practice our minds.



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1、在我最困难、最需要帮助的时候,是同学伸出了援助之手,给予我最大的帮助;在我不高兴时,是同学们给予了我快乐,特别是:杨柳,常乐,王家 ,董一璇;在我因考试没考好而哭出来的时候,是同学给予我在大的安慰……







