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My plan of next year

A new year ,a new start,when I stand on the edge of a new year,I can#39;t help thinking about my plan of next year.

Just as the old saying:"Well began is the half of the success."So I decide that I should be at work while the others are still relaxing ,and then ,at the beginning ,I#39;m quicker than the others and of course I will get better result than the others.

But ,what I really decide to do is that I must make good of anytime I can spare though it seems impossible. While,I will do my best to live up with what I have planned,and the result will prove it.




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The Qingming (Pure Brightness) Festival is one of the 24 seasonal division points in china, falling on April 4-6 each year. After the festival, the temperature will rise up and rainfall increases. It is the high time for spring plowing and sowing. But the Qingming Festival is not only a seasonal point to guide farm work, it is more a festival of commemoration.

The Qingming Festival sees a combination of sadness and happiness.

This is the most important day of sacrifice. Both the Han and minority ethnic groups at this time offer sacrifices to their ancestors and sweep the tombs of the diseased. Also, they will not cook on this day and only cold food is served.

The Hanshi (cold Food) Festival was usually one day before the Qingming Festival. As our ancestors often extended the day to the Qingming, they were later combined.

On each Qingming Festival, all cemeteries are crowded with people who came to sweep tombs and offer sacrifices. Traffic on the way to the cemeteries becomes extremely jammed. The customs have been greatly simplified today. After slightly sweeping the tombs, people offer food, flowers and favorites of the dead, then burn incense and paper money and bow before the memorial tablet.

In contrast to the sadness of the tomb sweepers, people also enjoy hope of Spring on this day. The Qingming Festival is a time when the sun shines brightly, the trees and grass become green and nature is again lively. Since ancient times, people have followed the custom of Spring outings. At this time tourists are everywhere.

People love to fly kites during the Qingming Festival. Kite flying is actually not limited to the Qingming Festival. Its uniqueness lies in that people fly kites not during the day, but also at night. A string of little lanterns tied onto the kite or the thread look like shining stars, and therefore, are called "gods lanterns."

The Qingming Festival is also a time to plant trees, for the survival rate of saplings is high and trees grow fast later. In the past, the Qingming Festival was called "Arbor Day". But since 1979, "Arbor Day" was settled as March 12 according to the gregorian calendar.



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My mane is......Im....years old.My weight is...kgs.and height is.....cm.I have stuied English for about ...years.At school my favourite subject is English.I often talk with my classmate in English.In my spare time I like playing bascketball and swimming.My health is very good .I think I can be fit for the job because I like this kind of work and l enjoy learning new things.I am ready to deal with people.I have much patience and care.So I think I can do the job well.At last,I hope you can give me the chance.If you choose me,you never regret for ever.



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am 13 years old now. Yesterday was my birthday. My parents had a birthday

party. I invited some friends to the party.

In the morning my mother got up early and began to cook. My father helped

her with cooking. They were so busy that they had no time io talk with me.

When all my friends arrived, my mother brought delicious food and a big

birthday cake. My father gave me new clothes and some books as presents. I was

moved to tears. My friends sang birthday songs for me and gave me some presents.

I had a wonderful birthday.



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Teachers, students, everybody!

My name is ××, a little boy love reading.

I  have a pair of big eyes, high bridge of the nose, mouth, adults say cherry small mouth, I want to tube size, he still in my eyes, because I like reading the most. My eyes wet, is very good-looking, he is my the window to the soul, in order to protect him, I cant work, for example, when reading a book after I pay attention to the distance of eyes from the book and pay attention to rest in a timely manner. And my hair black, black, like a dark cloud. A mother said: lets hair is the same ah, you are black hair, I am black hair, your father is. Is a family ah. My hair is like eyes, swarthy. Mom and dad said: its nice of your hair. My hair is black and very hard, not only like my personality is straightforward. Im fine to identify, as long as see black hair, big eyes is me. Remember, dont have.

I am a love of making friends. Remember in first grade, wei classmate off an eraser, I helped him pick it up, since then, he would have regarded me as a friend. How, I love to make friends?

My specialty is: drawing and the violin. My ideal is: after be brought up as a painter or a famous violinist. Like me?

Thank you very much!









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我在很小的时候就常听人说不到长城非好汉的诗句,我就跑到妈妈面前大声地叫:“我要去北京,我要去登长城,我要当好 汉!”今年暑假妈妈就带着我去了八达岭长城。

到了北京妈妈领着我住到了她的朋友家。第二天,我们就和阿姨坐大巴旅行车去了长城。我们来到了八达岭长城的脚下,导游 向我们介绍了长城:世界瞩目的八达岭长城,位于我们延庆县的东南部,修建于明代,全长一万两千多里,是世界上最伟大的建筑之一 ,也是我们中华民族的象征。长城一万二千里长,可容五马并驰,十人并行。这使我想起了古时候的人们,那时候的技术水平达不到, 人们只有用手一块一块的搬石头,才垒成了长城,但是却为此累死了成千上万的人。八达岭长城是我国伟大的防御工程万里长城的一部 分,是明代长城中保存最好的一段。我迫不及待的登上了长城,长城非常的陡,台阶和台阶之间的距离很高,我累得汗流浃背,但是我 还是登上了一个又一个的烽火台,我要当一名好汉,所以我一定要等上八达岭的最高处。导游听到后就给我说,曾经有一个外国人用了 两年多的时间才爬完了整个的长城,而我们爬的八达岭长城只是整个长城的百分之一。我听完后就泄气了,我想将来有时间我一定也要 像那个外国人一样爬完整个长城,但是我现在没有时间。我抚摸着一块块砖石,每一个城垛都有矛眼,箭孔和炮口,让我想起那烽火连 天的古代战场。我登上了一座烽火台,举目四望,远处是一望无际,连绵起伏的绿色山脉。长城就像一条巨龙卧在青山之上,一群群中 外游客来往不断,人们五颜六色的服装,把长城打扮得像一条绚丽的彩带。望着雄伟的景色,我突然想起了古代守卫国家的军士们。我 想起了抗战时期,依靠顽强斗志的中华军民,他们保卫中国的国土,又想起了现在站在国家边境线上军人们,他们日日夜夜守卫着边境 。 万里长城被视为世界建筑史上一大奇迹的万里长城。万里长城是我国古代一项伟大的防御工程它凝聚着我国古代人民的坚强毅力和 高度智慧,体现了我国古代工程技术的非凡成就,也显示了中华民族的悠久历史。古代人民在如此陡峭的山上建起了万里长城,是多么 的了不起啊!我为自己是中国人感到骄傲!我为雄伟壮丽的万里长城感到骄傲。




长城是世界上最浩大的军事防御工程,始建于公元前八至七世纪,连续不断地修筑了两千多年,是华夏文明的历史丰碑。我们要去游览 的是北京八达岭长城。八达岭长城是至今保存的最完整的一段长城之一。

在高速公路上,我隐隐约约地看见山上的一片绿色中藏着一条青灰色的“带子”,定睛一看,原来那就是长城其中的一段。它依山而建 ,主要建在险峻的山脊上,视野开阔还不容易被敌人发现,这蜿蜒曲折的长城好似一条巨龙躲藏在深山里,可见建造者想得多么周到。

到了关口,我们下了车。不料,这里寒风凛冽,还下着小雨,温度不亚于冬天,这表明我们已经到了山区。在往上走了一段路之后,一 座城楼出现在我们面前,这城楼大有“一夫当关,万夫莫开”之势。顺着入口的楼梯上去,我们就登上了长城。远处的长城被晨雾遮盖 着,蒙蒙胧胧,看不清楚,仿佛一条巨龙在云雾中藏头露尾。

我们向上走着,不断有人从上面满头大汗地下来,我的心有点虚了。可当我看见周围的人都在兴致勃勃地向上走,我坚定了决心,要爬 到最高处。开始的一段路都是台阶,我两步并作一步,轻轻松松地往上走,很快就把我们这一行人远远地落在了后面。我走累了,就在 垛口吹吹凉风,看看风景,等等他们。这里的风景很美:近处绿荫如盖,深吸一口气,让人心旷神怡;远处群山环绕,连绵起伏,像一 道道绿色的波浪。

我继续向前走着,看见了一个烽火台。进去后,里面像迷宫一样。我从介绍中了解到:烽火台是集战斗、指挥、观察、通讯、隐蔽为一 体的单个防御体系。在白天如果士兵发现敌人,就燃烟报警,如果在夜晚,就点火报信,这就是烽火和狼烟的来历。现在人们往往用“ 烽火”和“狼烟”来代表战争。为保证“信号”及时传递,烽火台间隔的距离在两百米到五百米之间。

我等了一会儿爸爸妈妈,又继续往前走。过了一会儿,我有些力不从心了,再看看爸爸妈妈,他们虽然走得慢,可表情却很轻松,丝毫 没有觉得累。我恍然大悟,他们可以储存体力,而我走得很快,没多久体力就消耗光了。没办法,我也只能慢慢走了。渐渐地,天晴了 ,不经意地一回头,让我大吃一惊:我们已经爬了这么远,后面的人也都在竭力地爬着。我向前一看,竟然已经到了最高处。我兴奋地 蹦了起来,不知道这劲儿是哪来的。

下山后,我望着长城,心想:我爬了这一小段长城,就累得气喘吁吁,古代人们建造长城,是多么艰辛啊!这一刻我才有些明白:古人 把国家的安宁与和平都寄托在这浩大的工程上,长城上蜿蜒连绵的是不屈的烽火,青砖石点燃的是五代十国的狼烟……



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The Great Wall is the symbol and pride of China,and it is famous all over the world.

But,do you know about it?Let me tell you something about it.The Great Wall was first built during the Qin Dynasty,which was the beginning of the Feudal Society of China.Hower,it was not what it is now.It was very short.The following dynasties continued to build it It became longer and longer and finally reached to about 5000 kilometres,winding from the Shanhai Pass,north-east of China to the Jiayu Pass,north-west China.

Being solid and strong ,the Great Wall acted a very important part,protecting the governors and their people from being attacted by their enemies in ancient China.

Nowadays,the Great Wall has become one of well-known interesting places of China,attracting millions of visitors througth the world.



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to introduce myself(介绍我自己)

hello,every one!(大家好)

my name is **** . (我叫****)

im a 15 years old boy. (我是一个15岁的男孩)(具体情况自己改)

i live in the beautiful city of rizhao.(我住在美丽的rizhao城)(你可以把rizhao改成自己家乡的城市的名称的拼音)

im an active ,lovely and clever boy.(我是一个活跃的可爱的聪明的男孩) in the school , my favourite subject is maths . (在学校,我最喜欢数学) perhaps someone thinks its difficult to study well .(也许有些人认为这很难学) but i like it.(但我喜欢他)

i belive that if you try your best, everything can be done well.(我相信每件事付出努力就会有害结果)

i also like sports very much.(我也很喜欢运动)

such as,running,volleyball and so on. (像跑步、排球等等)

im kind-hearted.(我很热心)

i hope we can be good friends!(我希望我们能成为好朋友)

ok.this is me .a sunny boy.(好了,这就是我,一个阳光男孩)



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How to protect the environment has become one of thebiggest problems in the

world .

It’s our duty to protect our environment . No matterwhere we live , we

should do something to keep our neighborhood clean and tidy. We can collect

waste paper or other waste things for recycling. We shouldplant more trees and

we should prevent those factories from pouring waste waterinto rivers, lakes and

fields. Weshouldn’t leave rubbish everywhere and spit in public places . We

mustn’t pickthe flowers or step on the grass in public. If everyone tries his

best toprotect the environment , the world will become much more beautiful and

ourlife will be better and better .



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There are four people in my family. They are my father, my mother, my elderly brother and I. My father is a computer engineer. He works in a big company in my city. My mother is a nurse. She works hard to help patients. But she is always busy and always comes home late tiredly. My brother is three years older than me. Now, he is a middle school student. He is sunny and easygoing. He can help me a lot in my study. I am primary school student. I love my families. So do they.




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My mother is a good woman. She is very good for me. Everyday she gives me a good breakfast. Then we go to my school, when I go to my class, she goes to work.

I love my mother!

Every night, she and I go to my room. She says: “Good night! Jenny.” “Good night!” I say. Then she goes to her room.

I love my mother!

During her work time, she does not rest. But she still picks me up at school everyday. When we get home, she gives me some milk and some beak. Then I go to my bed.

I love my mother very much!

[初一英语暑假作文:I love my mother



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I am a girl who loves life, is positive, optimistic and conscientious. In the study and life of high school, I not only learned a lot of knowledge, but also improved in all aspects. In the face of difficulties, I never go back, always start my mind, try to solve the problem and overcome the difficulties. And every solution to a problem, to overcome a difficulty, all of my confidence has been promoted. I believe that as long as there is enough confidence and double efforts, we will be able to overcome all kinds of difficulties and difficulties and lead to the other side of success. In the course of high school learning, I can take every course seriously, preview carefully, and review actively. When you have a problem, ask your classmates and consult your teacher. I will constantly improve the learning methods, find the most suitable learning methods, adjust the study plan, and arrange the time. I think of learning as a knowledge, to enrich my music, and to be full of interest in it.

I like music very much. I actively participate in chorus in school. In chorus team, we cooperate with each other, and compete for school, get excellent results, and win honor for school. And I am also very good at playing the guzheng, and I have won national awards. Through participating in the school choir, I deeply realized that doing anything requires not only enthusiasm, but also the spirit of conscientious and responsible and the spirit of cooperation with others. For individual competitions, it is necessary to take serious treatment, and more importantly, to practice more, so that it will not be unfamiliar.



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Hannah Oyler

21 Balsom St

Ventura, CA 94120



To obtain a position as a photographer for a major metropolitan newspaper.

Notable Achievements

Time Magazine, Top Photos of the Year 1999 for California Wildfire at Night

Banaker Excellence in Photography Fellowship, 1995.


Ventura County Times

Staff photographer, 1996 - Present

Regular coverage included: Sports, Lifestyle, & Metro. Successfully met tight deadlines.

Los Angeles Times

Summer Intern, 1995 & 1996

Assisted lead sports photographer. Selected and assembled equipment according to subject material, anticipated conditions. Gained valuable knowledge of function and limitations of various types of cameras, lenses, and films.


University of Southern California

B.A., Photography, 1996



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Happy Class Break

The bell rang and the class was over. Many classmates jumped up from the seat. The classroom became noisy. Some students went out of the classroom while talking and laughing. Two girls were singing a song on their seats. Some boys were telling a joke loudly. They were laughing together. I was chatting with some classmates when Li Hong came to me. She joined us. Our class break was often full of fun and laughter. We often have a pleasant break




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Today, I introduce myself to you. My name is Wang Jun, 7 years old, grade three in experimental primary school.

I have a round face, red and red, like an apple, with a small dimple on my face when I laugh. My eyes round and bright, like a grape like.

My personality is very mild, and many children are willing to be friends with me. Sometimes, I play in the yard, and I always find a lot of little brothers and little sisters behind me to play with me, and they all like to call my sister. Sometimes, others have broken my toy, I always lose my temper, and say it doesnt matter.

I have a lot of hobbies, like painting, playing the piano, reading, singing, playing chess. However, I love playing the piano, when he finished his homework when I opened the piano, carefully playing beautiful music. Listen to that melodious sound, I forget everything. After my efforts, I also took part in the piano competition. Although I was small, I also won the praise of my uncle and aunt.

Students, do you know me? Would you like to be a friend with me?




我的爱好很多,喜欢画画、弹钢琴、看书、唱歌、下棋 。但是,我最喜欢弹钢琴,每当做完作业,我就打开钢琴,认真地弹着优美的曲子。听着那悠扬的琴声,我忘记了一切。经过我的努力,我还参加过钢琴大赛。虽然我小,可是还赢得了叔叔阿姨的表扬。




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In contrast to the sadness of the tomb sweepers people also enjoy hope of Spring on this day. The Qingming Festival is a time when the sun shines brightly the trees and grass become green and nature is again lively. Since ancient times people have followed the custom of Spring outings. At this time tourists are everywhere.

People love to fly kites during the Qingming Festival. Kite flying is actually not limited to the Qingming Festival. Its uniqueness lies in that people fly kites not during the day but also at night. A string of little lanterns tied onto the kite or the thread look like shining stars and therefore are called "god‘s lanterns."

The Qingming Festival is also a time to plant trees for the survival rate of saplings is high and trees grow fast later. In the past the Qingming Festival was called "Arbor Day". But since 1979 "Arbor Day" was settled as March 12 according to the Gregorian calendar.






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Spring Festival is the most important and popular festival in China.Before Spring Festival ,the people usually clean and decorate their houses.And they go to the Flower Fairs to buy some flowers.During Spring Festival ,the adults usually give lucky money to children.People often get together and have a big meal.Some people eat dumpling for dinner.

I love Spring Festival.





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Last summer my classmates and I went to visit the the Great Wall it was a memorable trip the bus ride our morning after breakfast.

Hair spent nearly an hour. The Great Wall is one of the great wonders of the world the the Great Wall has a history of two thousand years about 8850 kilometers about 10 meters high 8 meters wide such walls isdifficult to build in the absence of modern machines so the work has Hand made. The ancient emperor built the the Great Wall in order to protect the Chinese now the Great Wall became places of historic interest and scenic beauty standing in the the Great Wall we experience the "less than the Great Wall of non hero" this famous saying Chinese.



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Depending on personal experience, personality type and emotional concern, we find that some people hold the idea of living in the country, while others prefer living in the city. In my opinion, I prefer the city life, though it has advantages and disadvantages.

First of all, city life is very colorful. City is the center of the surrounding area. So, it is also the most booming place having the best things. There are many great things and wonderful activities in the city, while there isn’t in the country. For example, there are KFC, wonderful shopping mall, delicious food from various places, dancing club, different kinds of activities and so on. We can also learn the culture from all the countries. Despite city life is so wonderful, it still has many disadvantages. Nowadays, with the improvement of people’s living standard, people have more cars and more people come to city, and then the city becomes more and more crowd. As a result, traffic jam emerges, which makes great inconvenience for people to go out. What’s worse, the air pollution becomes serious day by day, which is bad for people’s health.

To sum up, every coin has two sides. Living in the city also has good side and bad aspect. Whether like living in city or not depends on individual thinking. As myself, I like living in city though I know the disadvantage of living in city.



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In modern society, pressure is ubiquitous. As students, we have to endure

the pressure from examination, from homework and from our parents’

expectations.As workers, people are faced with the pressure from deadline, from

difficulties and from finance and so on. Here I would like to give some

suggestions about relieving pressure.

First of all, to confide to others is an efficient way for relieving

pressure. When we feel so anxious and worried that we cannot continue to work or

study, go to talk with our friends or family members and we will get some relief

and feel better. Second, to do some exercises is another way to relieve

pressure. If we are under pressure for a long time, doing some exercises can

make us refreshed and regain power to continue our task. Finally, another common

way for women to relieve pressure is to cry. The effect of crying is the similar

as the effect of confiding to others. After crying, we would find that we are

relaxed and then we have spirit to fight against difficulties again.

In a word, there are many ways to relieve our pressure. But the most

important point is that if we cannot solve the problem at once, we need to call

off our attention from the pressure we are faced with to other things. Only in

this way we would not be entangled with the pressure for a long time.
