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1. 经济的快速发展 the rapiddevelopment of economy

2.人民生活水平的显著提高/稳步增长theremarkableimprovement/ steady growth ofpeople’s livingstandard

3.先进的科学技术advanced science and technology

4.面临新的机遇和挑战 be faced with new opportunities and challenges

5.人们普遍认为 It is commonly believed/ recognized that…

6.社会发展的必然结果 the inevitable result of social development

7.引起了广泛的公众关注 arouse wide public concern/ draw publicattention

8.不可否认 Itis undeniable that…/ There is no denying that…

9.热烈的讨论/争论 a heated discussion/ debate

10.有争议性的问题 a controversialissue

11.完全不同的观点 a totally different argument

12.一些人 …而另外一些人 … Some people… while others…

13. 就我而言/ 就个人而言 As far as I am concerned, / Personally,

14.就…达到绝对的一致 reach an absolute consensus on…

15.有充分的理由支持 be supported by sound reasons

16.双方的论点 argument on both sides

17.发挥着日益重要的作用 play an increasingly important role in…

18.对…必不可少 be indispensableto …

19.正如谚语所说 As the proverb goes:

20.…也不例外 …be no exception

21.对…产生有利/不利的影响 exert positive/ negative effects on…

22.利远远大于弊 the advantages far outweigh the disadvantages。

23.导致,引起 lead to/ give rise to/ contribute to/ result in

24.复杂的社会现象 a complicated social phenomenon

25.责任感 / 成就感 sense of responsibility/ sense of achievement

26. 竞争与合作精神 sense of competition and cooperation

27. 开阔眼界 widen one’s horizon/ broaden one’s vision

28.学习知识和技能 acquire knowledge and skills

29.经济/心理负担 financial burden / psychologicalburden

30.考虑到诸多因素 take many factors into account/ consideration

31. 从另一个角度 from another perspective

32.做出共同努力 make joint efforts

33. 对…有益 be beneficial / conducive to…

34.为社会做贡献 make contributions to the society

35.打下坚实的基础 lay a solid foundation for…

36.综合素质 comprehensivequality

37.无可非议 blameless / beyond reproach

38.加大了…的可能性 increase the chances of

39.致力于/ 投身于 be committed / devoted to…

40. 应当承认 Admittedly

41.不可推卸的义务 unshakable duty

42. 满足需求 satisfy/ meet the needs of…

43.可靠的信息源 a reliablesource of information

44.宝贵的自然资源 valuable natural resources

45.因特网 the Internet (一定要由冠词,字母I

46.方便快捷 convenient andefficient

47.在人类生活的方方面面 in all aspects of human life

48.环保(的) environmental protection /environmentallyfriendly

49.社会进步的体现 a symbol of society progress

50.科技的飞速更新 the ever-accelerated updating of scienceandtechnology

51.对这一问题持有不同态度 hold different attitudes towards this issue

52.支持前/后种观点的人 people / those in favor of theformer/latteropinion

53.有/ 提供如下理由/ 证据 have/ provide the followingreasons/evidence

54.在一定程度上 to some extent/ degree / in some way

55. 理论和实践相结合 integratetheory with practice

56. …必然趋势 an irresistible trend of…

57.日益激烈的社会竞争 the increasingly fierce social competition

58.眼前利益 immediate interest/ short-term interest

59.长远利益. interest in the long run

60.…有其自身的优缺点 … has its merits and demerits/ advantagesanddisadvantages

61.扬长避短 Exploit to the full one’s favorableconditions andavoidunfavorable ones

62.取其精髓,去其糟粕 Take the essence and discard the dregs。

63.对…有害 do harm to / be harmful to/ be detrimental to

64.交流思想/ 情感/ 信息 exchange ideas/ emotions/ information

65.跟上…的最新发展 keep pace with / catch up with/ keep abreastwiththe latest development of …

66.采取有效措施来… take effective measures to do sth。

67.…的健康发展 the healthy development of …

68.有利有弊 Every coin has its two sides。(不推荐用。。。) No gardenwithout weeds。

69.对…观点因人而异 Views on …vary from person to person。

70.重视 attach great importance to…

71.社会地位 social status

72.把时间和精力放在…上 focus time and energy on…

73.扩大知识面 expand one’s scopeof knowledge

74.身心两方面 both physically and mentally

75.有直接/间接关系 be directly / indirectly related to…

76. 提出折中提议 set forth a compromise proposal

77. 可以取代 “think”的词 believe, claim, hold the opinion/beliefthat

78.缓解压力/ 减轻负担 relievestress/ burden

79.优先考虑/发展… give (top) priority to sth。

80.与…比较 compared with…/ in comparison with

81. 相反 in contrast / on the contrary。

82.代替 replace/ substitute / take the place of 大写)

83.经不起推敲 cannot bear closer analysis / cannot hold water

84.提供就业机会 offer job opportunities

85. 社会进步的反映 mirror of social progress

86.毫无疑问 Undoubtedly, / There is no doubt that…

87.增进相互了解 enhance/ promote mutualunderstanding

88.充分利用 make full use of / take advantage of

89.承受更大的工作压力 suffer from heavier work pressure

90.保障社会的稳定和繁荣 guarantee the stability and prosperity ofoursociety

91.更多地强调 put more emphasis on…

92.适应社会发展 adapt oneself to the development of society

93.实现梦想 realize one’s dream/ make one’s dream come true

94. 主要理由列举如下 The main reasons are listed as follows:

95. 首先 First, Firstly, In the first place, To begin with

96.其次 Second, Secondly, In the second place

97. 再次 Besides,In addition, Additionally,Moreover,Furthermore

98. 最后 Finally, Last but not the least, Above all, Lastly,

99. 总而言之 All in all, To sum up, In summary, In a word,

100.我们还有很长的路要走 We still have a long way to go




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The college entrance exam is a big exam for students, they have learned so many years for the purpose of entering the college. For most person, they have the very deep impression about the big exam, it has changes so many people’s destinies. I had taken part in the exam, I remember it clearly, the situation just like happened yesterday.

I studied so hard, in those days that were nearing the exam, all the students focus their attention on the study, we fought together. The paper and the books were piled up our desks, when I entered the classroom, I hardly could see my classmates’ heads. Though it was the tough days for us, we felt happy, because we fought for our future, we believe what we do will bring us a promising future. These memories will linger on my mind forever.





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前不久,中央电视台“焦点访谈”栏目曾就“中国式马路”现象进行了不少采访和评论。请用英语写一篇100-120 词的短文,结合自己的所见所闻或亲身经历描述“行人闯红灯”(pedestrians run the red light)引发的若干问题,并就此提出一些解决措施。 注意;短文的开头已给出(不计词数)。

Not long ago, CCTV “Focus Talk” carried out many interviews and made some relevant comments on the phenomena---“Crossing roads in the Chinese style”.______________________


Not long ago, CCTV “Focus Talk” carried out many interviews and made some relevant comments on the phenomena---“Crossing roads in the Chinese style”.

There is a very common phenomenon around us that people just run the light totally ignoring the running vehicles, which can lead to serious consequences. Last week a traffic accident happened near our school, a rushing car knocked down a student who was running the red light. And because of the car’s sudden stop, several cars behind crashed into each other. Of course this caused a terrible traffic jam.

In my opinion, effective measures should be taken to solve the problem. First, we can make good use of the media, such as TV, newspaper, magazine, to raise people’s awareness of obeying the traffic rules and road safety. Second, government must make severe laws to punish people who dare to break the law and run the red light.


Not long ago, CCTV “Focus Talk” carried out many interviews and made some relevant comments on the phenomena---“Crossing roads in the Chinese style”.

Take one of my experiences for example. It was a Tuesday and it rained cat and dog. There was only a few minutes left for me to go to school on time. I was so hurried that I ignored the red light. It was so dangerous for me that the car hardly hit me seriouly. From then on, I never dare to run the red light. I think it can lead to many problems. There is no doubt that it will not only make the traffic heavier but also lose your own life.

As far as I am concerned, it has profound significance to take actions. For the government, they should make laws and appeal to the importance of safety. For the other people, we should cherish our lives and obey the traffic rules.



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There will a _____(内容) at/in______(地点) on____(时间). We would be honored to have you there with us.

The occasion will start at _______(具体时间). This will be followed by a ____(进一步的安排). At around______(时间),__________(另一个安排)

I really hope you can make it. RSVP before ______(通知你的最后期限)

Yours sincerely

Li Ming



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1. 要点全面、表达准确、语句连贯,符合交际要求。

2. 能用书写体熟练清楚地书写,格式、连笔、词距、标点正确。

3. 书写格式、行文及礼貌用语等无严重错误。

4. 基本语法和常用句型无严重错误,意思表达清楚。

5. 恰当使用复杂结构、新颖词汇和顺畅连接。

二、 评分标准





第五档:(1分~5分)。未完成试题规定的任务:明显遗漏主要内容;句式单调、词汇贫乏;语法错误较多 。



1. 第一步是仔细审题。重点注意内容要点,写作对象和交际目的。

2. 要写草稿,实在没时间也要写一个提纲。

3. 确定好时态。转述别人观点常用现在时。记叙经常发生的事用一般现在时,描写过去发生的事用过去时。

4. 不出现中文,不用汉语拼音。不生造中国式的英语。要用你听过的话来说,用你读过的句子来写。

5. 第一句很重要,不要轻易下笔。尾句部分容易出错,要留意。

6. 为防止遗漏内容要点,可在原题上标出记号。

7. 几个必要的连词一定要用,或顺接、或转折、或让步、或比较。

8. 写记叙文,注意六个要素:who, where, when, why, how and the result.

9. 议论文,注意论点与论据一致。还要注意是让你写一方观点还是介绍对立的两种观点。



1. Im Wang Shan, a girl of sixteen, presently attending Beijing Yangguang Middle School.

2. Im ready to give help whenever it is needed.

3. He is such a learned person that we all admire hem very much.

4. I think Im fit for the job.


1. Its a small flat of 25 square meters, with a bedroom, a bathroom and a kitchen.

2. Our hotel stands 500 meters away from the entrance to Baishan Mountain.

3. On the other side, where the playground used to be, now stands another building - our library.


1.Last night I was preparing for the coming examination when the noise from my neighbor interrupted me.

2.Hearing this, a few people began to run after him.

3.The time passed quickly. Before we knew it, we had to say goodbye to the workers.


1. However, other students are against the idea, saying that the Beijing Zoo, built in 1906, has a history of 100 years, and is well known at home and abroad.

2. Personally, I think it a good idea for us senior 3 students to have daily exercise.

3. As we all know, a good learning environment is vital if we want to study English well.


1. As is shown on Chart 2, only 10% of the time is taken up with sports activities.

2. Chart 1 shows the daily average amount of time the students of the school spend on different after-class activities.

3. Only seven percent of the students are most interested in reading articles about learning methods.


1.I am writing to you about the mobile phone I bought on April 20th.

2. If there is anything I can do for you, I will be more than glad to help.

3. Thank you very much in advance.

4. I look forward to hearing from you soon.



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Dear Bob,

I’m sorry to say that I cannot go to the bookstore with you on Friday afternoon. I have just found that I have to attend an important class meeting that afternoon. I hope the change will not cause you too much trouble.

Shall we go on Saturday morning? We can set out early so that we’ll have more time to read and select books. If it’s convenient for you, let’s meet at 8:30 outside the school gate. If not, let me know what time suits you best. I should be available any time after school next week.


Li Hua






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easter is not only a holiday but a season unto itself. to many religious people, it marks a time of miracles and a reaffirming of faith. to those with a more secular view of the world, it is a celebration of the end of winter, a time to look toward the warmth of the coming summer and a chance to shed the heavy clothing of the winter for the bright colors of spring.


long before easter became the holiday it is today, the spring festival was celebrated by the people around the world. the celebration was originally based on the lunar calendar. the name easter is derived from the saxon eostre (which is synonymous with the name of the phoenician goddess of the moon, astartephoto), a germanic goddess of spring and the deity who measured time.




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As a student, I am strongly in favour of the decision. (亮明自己的观点是赞成还是反对)

The reasons for this may be listed as follows. (过渡句,承上启下)


第2段:First of all... Secondly... Besides...(列出2~3个赞成或反对的理由)


第3段:In conclusion, I believe that... (照应第1段,构成"总—分—总"结构)

4."How to"类议论文模板:




第2段:Many ways can help to solve this serious problem, but the following may be most effective. First of all... Another way to solve the problem is ... Finally...(列出2~3个解决此类问题的办法)


第3段:These are not the best but the only two/ three measures we can take. But it should be noted that we should take action to...(强调解决此类问题的根本方法)



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Spring is tht best season of the year. The weather gets warmer and warmer. My clas iamates and I took a one-day sightseeing around our city.The scene was pretty. But when we saw the rivers along our city, I felt very sorry, and thoughit a lot.

With the development of modern agriculture and industry, more and more waste water is being poured into rivers. It has caused serious pollution. The river is becoming so dirty that no living things can live in it. The river is giving off a terrible smell.

We make an urgent appeal that measures should be taken to cope with the situation. Our government should start building various facilities such as sewage treatment!plant and encourage scientists to work out more and better ways to reduce the pollution of water.

Water is tho source of our lives. It is very important to protect water.








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染色馒头the industrial dye of steamed bun 毒奶粉the notorious milk powder

It is universally acknowledged that the safety of food is closely related to our health. As the famous saying goes, “we are what we eat.” However, things often go contrary to our wishes since we are faced with a series of food safety problems at present, ranging from the industrial dye of steamed bun to the notorious milk powder.

There are several reasons for this severe problem. First and foremost, many manufactures produce fake food of poor quality in order to get higher profits. In addition, the relevant laws and regulations are imperfect and even ineffective. Last but not least, the public especially customers from poor families, are not alert enough to the safety of food.

In view of the seriousness of the problem, effective measures must be taken to improve the situation. Firstly, it is essential that relevant laws and regulations on food safety should be enforced. Secondly, the relevant department should attach more importance to supervising监督 the manufacturers. Also, the public should be trained to be alert to food quality, believing our efforts will make an enormous difference. Only by taking these actions can the problem be coped with successfully in the nearest future.




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1.传统媒体,天天更新,信息可靠 2. 携带方便,随时随地可以阅读 3.仅有文字和图片


1.新兴媒体,信息更新速度快 2.依赖于电脑及互联网 3. 包含文字、图片、音频和视频


1.短文必须包括表中所有内容,可以适当发挥; 2. 词数:100-120 3. 参考词汇:更新update;音频audio;视频video

Newspapers and Websites

Newspapers and websites are two major new media in the world today, both of which can provide us with lots of news and information. But theyre different in some ways.

Newspapers enjoy a longer history and often come out daily with more reliable news and information. They can be carried and read almost anywhere you like. So many people like reading them. But they can only contain texts and photos.

On the other hand, websites are quite new and popular, especially among young people. Websites have not only texts with pictures but also audios and videos, which makes stories more interesting. Whats more, they are updated from time to time. So the latest news is always seen on websites instead of in newspapers. But it is not quite convenient for people without a computer connected with the Internet to get information from websites.








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Small things make a big difference。 The small things we do can make us a responsible member of the society。







It isn’t hard to grow up into a responsible member of society。

I can well remember an incident that happened on a rainy Sunday afternoon。 I was on my way to the bookstore and was waiting for the green light at a crossing when a girl of about ten was knocked down by a passing car, which drove off quickly。 A man immediately rushed to the girl to give her first aid and I joined in without hesitation。 Luckily she was not badly injured and we sent her to the nearest hospital。 Compared with the escaped driver, I am proud of what I did。

As a member of the society, I am aware that being responsible is what it takes to make a better society。



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The earth is our only home


The protection of resources and the environment, the earth


The protection of geological environment is the common responsibility of mankind


Protection of geological environment monitoring facilities, geological environment monitoring


Prevention and control of geological disasters, to adhere to the prevention, avoidance of governance combined


The protection of land resources, to ensure the sustainable development of economic society


The protection of resources and the environment, in the contemporary era, will benefit future generations


Strengthen the legal construction, the protection of resources and the environment


The protection of geological landscape, cherish the geological relics


Increase the management of mineral resources management


The consolidation efforts, to achieve the sustainable development of mining economy


Labor is father of wealth, land is the mother of wealth.


The protection of cultivated land is to protect our lifeline


Cherish, rational utilization of land, and earnestly protect cultivated land


But the confusion of soil, sun Geng stay with the child



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1) 主语+ cannot emphasize the importance of … too much.(再怎么强调……的重要性也不为过。)例如:We cannot emphasize the importance of protecting our eyes too much.

2)There is no need for sb to do sth. for sth.(某人没有必要做……),例如:There is no need for you to bring more food. 不需你拿来更多的食物了。

3)By +doing…,主语can …. (借着……,……能够……),例如:By taking exercise, we can always stay healthy. 借着做运动,我们能够始终保持健康。

4) … enable + sb.+ to + do…. (……使……能够……),例如:Listening to music enables us to feel relaxed. 听音乐使我们能够感觉轻松。

5) On no account can we + do…. (我们绝对不能……),例如:On no account can we ignore the value of knowledge.我们绝对不能忽略知识的价值。

6) What will happen to sb.? (某人将会怎样?), 例如:What will happen to the orphan? 那个孤儿将会怎样?

7)For the past + 时间,主语 + 现在完成式…. (过去……年来,……一直……)例如:

For the past two years,I have been busy preparing for the examination. 过去两年来,我一直忙着准备考试。

8)It pays to + do….(……是值得的。)例如:It pays to help others. 帮助别人是值得的。

9)主语+ be based on….(以……为基础),例如:The progress of thee society is based on harmony.社会的进步是以和谐为基础的。

10)主语 + do one’s best to do….(尽全力去……),例如:We should do our best to achieve our goal in life.我们应尽全力去达成我们的人生目标

注意:“尽全力”在英语中有不同表达,例如:We should spare no effort/make every effort to beautify our environment.我们应该不遗余力的美化我们的环境。

11)主语+ be closely related to …. (与……息息相关), 例如:Taking exercise is closely related to health.做运动与健康息息相关。

12) 主语+ get into the habit of + V-ing = make it a rule to + V (养成……的习惯),例如:We should get into the habit of keeping good hours.我们应该养成早睡早起的习惯。

Owing to/Thanks to sth… (因为……),例如:Thanks to his encouragement, I finally realized my dream.因为他的鼓励,我终于实现我的梦想。

13)What a + 形容词 + 名词 + 主语 + be!= How +形容词+ a +名词+ be!(多么……!),例如: What an important thing it is to keep our promise!= How important a thing it is to keep our promise!遵守诺言是多么重要的事!

14)主语 + do good/ harm to sth.. (对……有益/有害),例如:Reading does good to our mind.读书对心灵有益。Overwork does harm to health.工作过度对健康有害。

15)主语 + have a great influence on sth. (对……有很大的影响),例如:Smoking has a great influence on our health.抽烟对我们的健康有很大的影响。

16) nothing can prevent us from doing…. (没有事情能够阻挡我们做……), 例如:All this shows that nothing can prevent us from reaching our aims.这显示了没有事情能够阻挡我们实现目标。

17) Upon / On doing…, …. (一……就…….) ,例如:Upon / On hearing of the unexpected news, he was so surprised that he couldn’t say a word. 一听到这个出乎意料的消息,他惊讶到说不出话来。

注意:此句型一般可以改为如下复合句句型,例如:As soon as he heard of the unexpected news, he was so surprised that he ….

Hardly had he arrived when she started complaining. 他刚来,她就开始抱怨。

No sooner had he arrived than it began to rain. 他刚来,就下雨了。

18) would rather do…than do…(宁愿……而不……), 例如:I would rather walk home than take a crowded bus. 我宁愿步行回家也不愿做拥挤的公交车。

注意:此句型可以改为prefer to do…rather than do…句型,例如:

I prefer to stay at home rather than see the awful film with him. 我宁愿呆在家也不愿意和他去看那部恐怖电影。

19) only + 状语, 主句部分倒装 例如:Only then could the work of reconstruction begin. 直到那时,重建工作才开始。

20) be worth doing (值得做),例如:The book is worth reading. 这本书值得读。

21)Owing to/Thanks to sth, …. (因为……),例如:Thanks to his encouragement, I finally realized my dream.因为他的鼓励,我终于实现我的梦想。


22)主语+ is + the +形容词最高级+名词+(that)+主语+ have ever + seen(known / heard / had / read,etc)例如:Liu Yifei is the most beautiful girl that I have ever seen in my life. 刘亦菲是我所看过最美丽的女孩。Mr. Liu is the kindest teacher that I have ever had. 刘老师是我曾经遇到最仁慈的教师。

注意,比较级也可以用来表达最高级的意思, 例如:I have never seen a more beautiful girl than Liu Yifei in my life. 在我生活中我从来没见过比刘亦菲更美的女孩。Nothing is more important than to receive education. 没有比接受教育更重要的事。

23)There is no denying that + S + V….(不可否认的……),例如:There is no denying that the qualities of our living have gone from bad to worse.不可否认的,我们的生活品质已经每况愈下。There is no denying the fact that the new management method has greatly increased the production. 不可否认的事实是,新的管理方法已经极大提高了产量。

24)It is universally acknowledged that +从句(全世界都知道……),例如:It is universally acknowledged that trees are indispensable to us.全世界都知道树木对我们是不可或缺的。

注意,全世界都知道还可以改为以下句型:As is known to us/As we all know, …. (众所周知,……)。例如:As is known to us/As we all know, knowledge is power.众所周知,知识就是力量。

25)There is no doubt that +从句(毫无疑问的……),例如:There is no doubt that he came late. 毫无疑问,他来晚了。There is no doubt that our educational system leaves something to be desired.毫无疑问的我们的教育制度令人不满意。 There is no doubt that you will be helped by others if you have any difficulties.毫无疑问,你有困难时,会得到别人的帮助。

26)(It is) No wonder that.... (难怪……),例如:No wonder that he fell asleep in class. 难怪他在课堂上睡着了。

27)So + 形容词 + be + 主词 + that + 从句 (如此……以致于……),例如:So precious is time that we can’t afford to waste it.时间是如此珍贵,我们经不起浪费它。

28)形容词+ as +主语+ be,主语+ 谓语(虽然……),例如:Rich as our country is, the qualities of our living are by no means satisfactory.虽然我们的国家富有,我们的生活品质绝对令人不满意。

29)The + 比较级 +主语+谓语, the +比较级+主语+谓语(愈……愈……),例如:The harder you work, the more progress you make. 你愈努力,你愈进步。The more books we read, the more learned we become.我们书读愈多,我们愈有学问。The more, the better. 越多越好。

30)It is time + 主语 + 过去式 (该是……的时候了)例如:It is time the authorities concerned took proper steps to solve the traffic problems.该是有关当局采取适当的措施来解决交通问题的时候了。

注意:此句型可以转化为简单句句型:It is time for sth./for sb to do….例如:

It is time for lunch. 该吃午饭了。

It is time they were taught a lesson. 他们该接受教训了

31)To be frank/ To tell the truth, …. (老实说, ……) , 例如: To be frank/ To tell the truth, whether you like it or not, you have no other choice.老实说,不论你喜不喜欢,你别无选择。

32)it took him a year to do….( 他用了1年的时间来做……), 例如:As far as we know, it took him more than a year to write the book.到目前为止我们所知道的是,他用了1年的时间来写这本书。It took them a long time to realize they had made a mistake. 过了很久,他们才意识到犯错了。

33)spent as much time as he could doing sth.(花尽可能的时间做某事),例如:He spent as much time as he could remembering new words. 他花了尽可能多时间记新单词。

34)Since + 主语 + 过去式,主语 + 现在完成式,例如:Since he went to senior high school, he has worked very hard.自从他上高中,他一直很用功。

35)An advantage of… is that + 句子 (……的优点是……),例如:An advantage of using the solar energy is that it won’t create (produce) any pollution. 使用太阳能的优点是它不会制造任何污染。

36) It was not until recently that….( 直到最近, ……) ,例如:It was not until recently that the problem was solved. 直到最近这个问题才被解决。

37) We will be successful as long as we…. (只要我们……,我们就会成功的) ,例如:We will be successful as long as we insist on working hard.只要我们坚持努力工作,我们会成功的。

38) No matter + wh-从句,…, 例如:No matter how difficult English may be, you should do your best to learn it.不管英语有多么难,你都应该尽你最大的努力来学它。No matter what he asks you to do, please refuse him. 不管他让你做什么,请拒绝他。注意:此句型一般可以改为疑问词+ever引导的从句,+主句,例如:Whatever he asks you to do, please refuse him.

39)It’s useless/ no good / no use doing sth. (做……是没有用的) , 例如:It’s no use crying over spilt milk. 覆水难收。

40)It’s + a shame / nice/ kind + to do (做.....真惭愧/好),例如:It’s a shame to lose the match. 输了比赛,真惭愧!It’s nice of you to tell me the truth. 你太好了,告诉我真相。It’s your turn to look after the young trees. 该你照顾这些小树了。

41)It is obvious/clear that + 从句 (…是明显的),例如:It is obvious that knowledge plays an important role in our life.可想而知,知识在我们的一生中扮演一个重要的角色。


It’s certain that he will win the election. 他肯定会赢得选举。

It is true that we must make our greater efforts; otherwise we cannot catch up with the developed countries.是真的,我们要作出更大的努力,不然/否则,我们不能赶上发达国家。

It is hard to imagine how Edison managed to work twenty hours each day.很难想象爱迪生每天是怎样工作20小时的。

It’s hard to say whether the plan is practical.这个计划是否实际很难说。

It is a common saying that where there is a will ,there is a way.俗话说,有志者,事竟成。

It must be pointed out that it is one of our basic State policies to control population growth while raising the quality of the population. 一定要指出的是国家基本政策之一是在提高人口质量的同时控制人口增长。

It must be kept in mind that there is no secret of success but hard work. 一定要记住的是成功的秘密是努力的工作。

It can be seen from this that there is no difficulty in the world we cannot overcome.从这里可看出,世上没有克服不了的困难。

It has been proved that his theory is right.已经证明,他的理论是对的。

42)It is/ was ….that… (强调句型), 例如:It was on the desk that you put your book. 你把书放桌子上了。It was the doctor that inquired what had happened. 医生询问了发生的事情。

43)I don’t think / feel/ suppose that… (否定前移),例如:

I don’t think that we shall finish it on time. 我认为我们不能按时完成(工作)。

44)The reason why + 从句 is that + 从句 (……的原因是……),例如:

The reason why we have to grow trees is that they can provide us with fresh air.

The reason why we have to grow trees is that they can supply fresh air for us.我们必须种树的原因是它们能供应我们新鲜的空气。

The reason why the river is polluted is that the factory has poured much waste into it.这条河受污染的原因是那家工厂向里倾到了很多垃圾。

注意:表示原因还可用以下句型。请比较:That is the reason why …. (那就是……的原因),例如:Summer is very hot. That is the reason why I don’t like it.夏天很热。那就是我不喜欢它的原因。

45)It will (not) + 时间段 + before…(……需要很长时间), 例如:It will be a long time before everything returns to normal. 一切恢复正常需要很长时间。

46) I think / feel/ find it + important/ our duty + to do… (我发觉做……重要/是我的责任),例如:I feel it our duty to help the old. 我觉得帮助老人是我们的职责。

47)Those who…. (……的人……),例如:Those who violate traffic regulations should be punished.违反交通规定的人应该受处罚。

注意:此句型还可以转化为one/a person who…, 例如:

As the saying goes, nothing in the world is difficult for one who sets his mind to it.俗话说,世上无难事,只怕有心人。In a certain sense, a successful scientist is a person who is never satisfied with what he has achieved.在某种情况下,一个成功的科学家就是一个绝不满足于自己已取得的成就的人。



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The winter solstice, the winter solstice as the "holiday" in han dynasty, the rulers to congratulate ceremony known as "He Dong", official holidays, routine officialdom popular each "winter" worship custom. "Were" has such records: "before and after the winter solstice, the gentleman place static body, baiguan, scenes, and then pick an auspicious day Chen save trouble." So on the court and off to rest, to the army on standby, frontier retreat, business travel out of business, family and all distinctions to food, visit each other, a joyous festival "place static body". When in the six dynasties, the winter solstice is called "the age", people to elders to extend holiday greetings to your parents; After the song dynasty, the winter solstice festival gradually become the sacrifice to ancestors and gods.

Tang and song period, the winter solstice is to worship the day of worship ancestors, the emperor held outside the day to worship, the people in this day to the parents or elders worship. Ming and qing dynasties, the emperor have to worship, of "winter solstice jiao days". There has to be given to a emperor, table officials ritual, but also to each other for congratulations, like New Years day.

Winter festival also called yesterday, hand in winter. It is one of the 24 solar terms, is a traditional festival of China, have "the winter solstice as big as a year". Winter solstice supplements, is Chinas traditional customs, folksay: fill a lump-sum winter, in the coming year without pain. Summer volts, winter lump-sum. The winter solstice mend, nutrients.






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① in + 阿拉伯数字(读的时候用基数词,从后到前,分两截来读)。如:

He was born in 1971. (1971读作nineteen seventy-one)


in the year 253 B.C. (253 B. C. 读作two five three B.C. ) 在公元前253年。


in +月份名词(开头第一字母要大写), 如:in January / February。


① on + 月份+ 序数词(th可省略, 但读时要念出来)。如:

National Day is on Oct. 1.

② on + the + 序数词+ of + 月份。如:

National Day is on the 1st of October.


at +基数词 (+ oclock / sharp)。如:

Our meeting will begin at five oclock.



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Activity is the only road to knowledge .

(George Bernard Shaw , British dramatist)

行动是通往知识的唯一道路 。 (英国剧作家 肖伯纳. G.)

A free man obtains knowledge from many sources besides books .

(Thomas Jefferson , American president)


美国总统 杰斐逊 . T.)

A great part to the information I have was acquired by looking up something and finding something else on the way .(Adams Franklin , American humorist )


(美国幽默作家 富兰克林. A.)

If a man empties his purse into his head , no man can take it away from him , an investment in knowledge always pays the best interest .

(Benjamin Franklin , American president )

倾已所有追求知识,没有人能夺走它;向知识投资,收益最佳。(美国总统 富兰克林. B.)




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Nowadays, WeChat is becoming more and more popular in the world. Different people, however, hold different opinions on this matter. Opinions are divided into two groups.

According to some people, there are lots of reasons for the popularity of Wechat. First of all, it is easy to use. You can log in to it with your phone number and start a conversation by tapping the speak button. In addition, Wechat is a wonderful platform for people to share an ample amount of information. It even supports sending photos and videos. Meanwhile, using Wechat, you can also do group chats, or find new friends nearby to talk to, which helps make many friends and express your feelings and opinions more freely.

On the other hand, some people argue that although Wechat benefits us a lot, it has some drawbacks. When using WeChat, people tend to forget time and some may even get addicted to it, which will definitely affect their study and work. At the same time, spending too much time on the screen does affect eye health, which may cause trouble. Worse still, people may reveal their personal information while using it, which may lead to crimes.

As far as I’m concerned, everyone is supposed to exploit Wechat within limits. As a student, I acknowledge that Wechat is not only beneficial but also dangerous. Therefore, I insist that we shouldn’t spend too much time on it. We should balance life’s competing interests--- in a student’s case, study, health and safety. And it’s of vital importance for us to protect ourselves when we use it.


















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A mother said,"My son is always on the phone, sleeping,out with his friends,or in his room He never has time to talk to me."






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