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One Thing I’m Proud of I still remember how I became a good table tennis player.

The first day I went to high school, I saw some of my classmates playing table tennis. Amazed at how skillful they were, I was determined to be just as good. Later on, I often watched them carefully to learn their techniques. Then I kept practicing until I became confident enough to challenge the good players. At the end of the term I became one of the best players in my class.

I am really proud of this experience, because it helps me realize that we all can fulfill our potential and achieve our goals through hard work. It also helps me better understand the proverb "Practice makes perfect.”







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What Kind of Jobs use to Work Overtime?

When it comes to overtime working, I believe manypeople will not happy but have experienced itbefore.

Do you think what kind of job usually needs to workovertime? I think it is the career like, designer.

When having task to design, they usually have to finish it in the arranging time.

In most cases, the time is very limited.

So, nearly every time they have new task, they have to work overtime.

Sometimes they have to work over night.

Of course, there are some peoples job property is similar to designer also need to work anextra shift.

Thus, I think the people like designer will have more chances to work overtime.




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(1) 沉溺于以前与回忆的人是一个很懦弱的人,因为她(他)不敢勇敢地正视现实。现实是什么?现实就是变化。没有不变的感情,没有不变的人。经典语句

(2) 痴情的人永远都抱着这样的想法:连我自己都被自己感动,她有什么理由不被我打动呢?但坚持不懈的追求只能证明你是一个坚持不懈的人,仅此而已。

(3) 从美丽的邂逅到痴痴的相恋,从一见钟情的浪漫到生死相许的约定,匆匆而过的5天,让一对男女仿佛经历了几年的爱情蜕变。

(4) 单身是春天的种子,充满希望;单身是夏天的烈日,热情辉煌;单身是秋天的落叶,自由自在;单身是冬天的雪花,浪漫无限。

(5) 生日是一个舞台,一次考验,一个机会。恋爱时,男人更会利用这一点;结婚后,女人更会利用这一点。

(6) 爱情是一场赌博,赌徒们把未来的岁月作为筹码,下注于远方幸福的时光。

(7) 爱情就像咖啡,苦涩而又香醇;爱情就像鸣曲,曲折而又动人;爱情就像酸梅,青色而又甘甜。

(8) 喜欢一个人,就是两个人在一起很开心;而爱一个人,即使不开心也想和他在一起。

(9) 感情经不起比,一比比出寒碜;感情经不起推敲,一敲碎成片段。

(10) 示爱者是动物,被爱者是植物。如果爱被拒绝,离开的当然是动物,因为植物是不会生出脚来跑路的。

(11) 男人最大的秘密往往告诉红颜知己,不是同性、家人或妻子。当红颜知己成了妻子,她的这部分权力马上被取消了。

(12) 好女人是男人的学校。好女人却希望这个好学生永远不要毕业。

(13) 老夫老妻越长越像。有人说因为他们相爱。但医生说,起因是朝夕相处,饮食结构相同、作息规律同步。同一棵树上的树叶也是越长越像的。

(14) 人一辈子也无法心心相印,他们孤独的只剩下肉体和金钱的交换了。所以,请等待那个对你生命有特殊意义的人。

(15) 在我的世界里,你依旧纯洁,脏了的只是这个世界。

(16) 以后你会不经意地想起我,请别忘记我曾那样深深地爱过你。

(17) 我生命里的温暖就那么多,我全部给了你,但是你离开了我,你叫我以后怎么再对别人笑。

(18) 有些人会一直刻在记忆里的,即使忘记了他的声音,忘记了他的笑容,忘记了他的脸,但是每当想起他时的那种感受,是永远都不会改变的。

(19) 感情有时候只是一个人的事情。和任何人无关。爱,或者不爱,只能自行了断。

(20) 爱情本来应该是件快乐的事,爱人本来是个信任的伴侣,假如沦落成了一件勾心斗角的事、一场保密与反保密、犯错与抓错的战争,那么爱情有什么意思?

(21) 每个女人都有两个版本:精装本和平装本,前者是在职场、社交场合给别人看的,浓妆艳抹,光彩照人;后者是在家里给最爱的人看的,换上家常服、睡衣,诉苦。婚姻中的丈夫往往只能看到妻子的平装本和别的女人的精装本。

(22) 漂亮是女人的通行证——一句老话而已,也算颠扑不破的真理。明明是糖衣炮弹,最后也不见得赢得美人归,但就是死心塌地讨好她。而那些缺乏视觉效果的女子尽管有的明明是良药,因为苦口,男人常常下不了决心娶她。

(23) 大龄未婚男女像是坐巴士坐过了站。有时是因为巴士上的座位太舒适了,简直不愿下车;有时是因为不认识自己该下的站台。终身不结婚的男女呢?他们是巴士司机。

(24) 我很忙——听到这句话时,父母担心的是孩子的身体健康;朋友心想这哥们儿事业有成;妻子马上觉得自己家务的担子重了;女朋友流泪了,她开始意识到自己在他心目中的位置不一定有他的事业重要,甚至简直就是一个分手的信号或借口。

(25) 一群人在讨论现代做什么事最冒险?登山、滑翔、极限运动。。。说什么的都有。其实,感情才是最大的冒险,而且在任何时代都如此。因为种种冒险行为大不了一死,但感情的折磨却让人生不如死。

(26) 有了自己的房子,未婚女子就像是凭空小了几岁,又有耐心慢慢地挑选爱人了。一男向一女征询意见:我们先租房子住,结了婚攒了钱再买房子吧?女答:那我还不如先租丈夫呢。

(27) 守一颗心,别像守一只猫。它冷了,来偎依你;它饿了,来叫你;它痒了,来摩你;它厌了,便偷偷地走掉。守一颗心,多么希望像守一只狗,不是你守它,而是它守你!

(28) 诺言的“诺”字和誓言的“誓”字都是有口无心的。

(29) 你在做什么?我在仰望天空。30度的仰望是什么?是我想念她的角度。为什么要把头抬到30度?为了不让我的眼泪掉下来。

(30) 爱情本是个不等式,没有谁可以预见感情天平的哪一端会重些,哪一端又会轻些。但是爱情就是这样,如果你没有勇气去尝试,那就注定只有陪伴自己孤寂的灵魂。

(31) 爱情真的很短暂,象烟花是最美最真实的比喻,只是呼啸着冲上天空的一刹那,而后变成习惯,最后变成亲情,失恋后痛的感觉因为你不能改掉一个习惯,不能拒绝最原始的亲情。

(32) 最痛苦的就是分手以后。之所以痛苦,就是因为我曾深深地爱过你。多少年以后,仍深深地记起你,你的笑靥起伏难平。思念是一首不老的歌,不能忘记的是那只黄雀,还是那场冷雨?品味一下当年在高粱地里那些天真的游戏,不觉哈哈大笑,其实,分手又未尝不是一种的记忆?

(33) 人啊,在不能够爱,没有权利爱的时候,在不经意间碰撞出的“爱”的火花,是最纯洁,最难忘的。尽管这种“爱”只能深藏在心底,从一开始就注定了没有结局,但却是人生极有魅力的一种温馨和苦涩,也正因为没有结局,这种宝贵的感情才能在你记忆中,永远保持着一份。你只听到托尔斯泰对于爱情一相情愿的纯真,还没有听说过钱钟书对于平凡爱情的无奈:它是一座城堡,城外的人想竭力冲进去,而城内的人又想竭力挤出来。

(34) 他纵有千个优点,但他不爱你,这是一个你永远无法说服自己去接受的缺点。一个人最大的缺点不是自私、多情、野蛮、任性,而是偏执地爱一个不爱自己的人。暗恋是一种自毁,是一种伟大的牺牲。暗恋,甚至不需要对象,我们不过站在河边,看着自己的倒影自怜,却以为自己正爱着别人。

(35) 一个萝卜一个坑,说的是婚姻情况。事实上对于爱情来说,是不成立的。优秀的人,不管男女都会是一个萝卜好几个坑,所以这个世界天天上演悲欢离合的故事。

(36) 吝啬是男人的大忌,就算穷也不要做出一副穷样,男人抱怨女人只爱男人的钱,其实也并不一定就是这样,有的女人喜欢男人为她花钱,有时候也是为了证实自己在男人心目中的位置。男人如果喜欢一个女人,一定愿意为她花钱。

(37) 幼稚的人和幼稚的人在一起没什么问题,成熟的人和成熟的人在一起也没什么问题。成熟的人和幼稚的人在一起问题就多了。

(38) 如果你赞同以上说法,就请留言。这样可以让更多的人知道这些道理。如果你还要补充,更有留言,可以让人知道更多的道理。如果你不赞同的话,同样要留言,因为你更有道理。与其说你爱一个人,不如说爱其中的痛苦。

(39) 女人能够忍受不幸的婚姻,不能忍受不幸的爱情;男人能够忍受不幸的爱情,不能忍受不幸的婚姻。

(40) 以前只是一种经历与感觉,而不是证据,不需要为以前的喜欢付出现在或以后的责任。不要揪住以前的事情不放。现在的事实比以前的回忆更有实效性与说服力。

(41) 有时候女孩子的心理非常微妙。你在她身边痴心了若干年,她都不会爱你,但一旦你喜欢上了别人,她就忍受不了了,发现自己原来是喜欢你的。

(42) 只有爱情没有婚姻会像泡沫一样容易破灭;只有婚姻没有爱情也会像白开水一样容易让人厌倦。

(43) 婚前女人把男人看成果,可是婚后却总是这不满那不满的,觉得婚前的日子像无花果一样白过了。

(44) 暗恋最伟大的行为,是成全。你不爱我,但是我成全你。真正的暗恋,是一生的事业,不因他远离你而放弃。没有这种情操,不要轻言暗恋。

(45) 有时候女孩子的心理非常微妙。你在她身边痴心了若干年,她都不会爱你,但一旦你喜欢上了别人,她就忍受不了了,发现自己原来是喜欢你的。

(46) 沉溺于以前与回忆的人是一个很懦弱的人,因为她(他)不敢勇敢地正视现实。现实是什么?现实就是变化。没有不变的感情,没有不变的人。

(47) 风过花飞,斩不断的是对你无数的牵牵绊绊。没有人会知道,这种想念是如何的痛彻心肺,如何的将心彻底掏空,再无情的撕碎。你的身影总在心中飞,让我醉。

(48) 她没有拒绝你,但也没有对你心动,说明她现在很寂寞,需要男人,需要爱,但是你还有很多缺点,并不能一下子令她十分接受与满意。

(49) 两个人热恋时,感情已经热烈得就要把彼此都燃烧了,还需要什么经营,但是时间一长了,冷却的爱情需要彼此都真诚地去维系与经营,爱情才不会变质。

(50) 那些美丽的小鱼,它们睡觉的时候也睁着眼睛。不需要爱情,亦从不哭泣。它们是我的榜样。

(51) 你是一朵百合,散发出沁人心脾的芳香,我只想伫立在你的身旁,看着你、呵护着你,用爱滋润着你,让你开得更娇艳,因为我只愿作你一生的园丁!

(52) 如果你们之间只是一种精神恋爱,你离开的时候可能还不会这么痛苦,但是如果你把身体也纠缠进去,那么你离开的时候,会是身心疲惫。

(53) 如果有一天我白发苍苍不再美丽,你是否还会轻抚我的脸颊,说陪我走到海角天涯?如果天真的老了,海真的枯了,我只愿能与你相守千千万万个轮回。

(54) 如果在情敌出现的时候,一个劲地把情人往自己怀里拉,反而会把情人往对方怀里推。过分紧张不是一件好事。轻松一点,这样两方都不会累得慌。

(55) 傻是我的特长,痴是我的理想,当傻和痴交织在一起的时候,便是我梦境里最美的天堂!别笑我,我就这么痴心,我会傻傻地爱你痴痴地恋你,一直到老!

(56) 时间是最公正的裁判;历史是最优秀的见证人。你终究会知道我如何爱你,但是,要给我一定的时间!

(57) 我不觉得人的心智成熟是越来越宽容涵盖,什么都可以接受。相反,我觉得那应该是一个逐渐剔除的过程,知道自己最重要的是什么,知道不重要的东西是什么。

(58) 幸福有时候只需要一个台阶!爱情句子

(59) 以前只是一种经历与感觉,而不是证据,不需要为以前的喜欢付出现在或以后的责任。不要揪住以前的事情不放。现在的事实比以前的回忆更有实效性与说服力。

(60) 有时候女孩子的心理非常微妙。你在她身边痴心了若干年,她都不会爱你,但一旦你喜欢上了别人,她就忍受不了了,发现自己原来是喜欢你的。



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April 12 is memorable because our clahad a meaningful experience on that day. In the morning, we bicycled to the suburbs to plant trees, talking and laughing all the way. Upon arrival, we began to work immediately. Some were digging holes. Some were carrying and planting young trees. Others were watering . After getting the work done, we put up a board reminding people to protect the trees. Before leaving we took some photos to record our green action. Seeing the lines of trees, we all had a sense of achievement. We feel it’s our duty to protect and beautify our environment.



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As far as I am concerned, I agree with the latter opinion to some extent.I think that ____。


In a word, the whole society should pay close attention to the problem of ______.Only in this way can ______in the future。


But ______and ______have their own advantages.For example, _____, while_____.Comparing this with that, however, I prefer to______。


Personally, I believe that_____.Consequently, Im confident that a bright future is awaiting us because______。


With the development of society, ______.So it“s urgent and necessary to ____.If every member is willing to contribute himself to the society, it will be better and better。


For my part, I think it reasonable to_____.Only in this way can you _____。

7.对我来说,我认为有必要……原因如下:第一,……; 第二,……;最后……但同样重要的是……

In my opinion, I think it necessary to____.The reasons are as follows.First _____.Second ______.Last but not least,______。


It is difficult to say whether _____is good or not in general as it depends very much on the situation of______.However, from a personal point of view find______。


From what has been discussed above, we may reasonably arrive at the conclusion that____。


If we can not take useful means, we may not control this trend, and some undesirable result may come out unexpectedly, so what we should do is_____。



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1、Taking all these factors into consideration, we naturally come to the conclusion that…


2、Taking into account all these factors, we may reasonably come to the conclusion that…


3、Hence/Therefore, we’d better come to the conclusion that…


4、There is no doubt that (job-hopping) has its drawbacks as well as merits.


5、All in all, we cannot live without… But at the same time we must try to find out new ways to cope with the problems that would arise.


6、It is high time that we put an end to the (trend)。


7、It is time to take the advice of … and to put special emphasis on the improvement of …




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Culture 文化篇

1.A great poem is a fountain forever overflowing with the waters of wisdom and delight.(P. B. Shelley , British poet )伟大的诗篇即是永远喷出智慧和欢欣之水的喷泉。(英国诗人 雪莱。 P.B)

2.Art is a lie that tells the truth 。( Picasso , Spanish painter )美术是揭示真理的谎言。

(西班牙画家 毕加索)

3.Humor has been well defined as thinking in fun while feeling in earnest.

(Mark Twain , American novelist )幽默被人正确地解释为“以诚挚表达感受,寓深思于嬉笑”。(美国小说家 马克·吐温)

4.The decline of literature indicates the decline of a nation; the two keep in their downward tendency.( Johan Wolfgang von Goethe , German poet)文学的衰落表明一个民族的衰落。这两者走下坡路的时间是齐头并进的。(德国诗人歌德 。 J 。 W 。)

5.When one loves one‘s art no service seems too hard 。(O. Henry, American novelist)一旦热爱艺术,什么奉献也不难。 (美国小说家 欧·亨利)

Education 教育篇

6.And gladly would learn , and gladly teach 。( Chaucer , British

poet)勤于学习的人才能乐意施教。(英国诗人, 乔叟)

7.Better be unborn than untaught , for ignorance is the root of misfortune.(Plato , Ancient Greek philosopher)与其不受教育,不如不生,因为无知是不幸的根源。(古希腊哲学家柏拉图)

Friendship 友谊篇

8. Some friends come and go like a season. Others are arranged in our lives for good reason.(Sharita Gadison)一些朋友随季节离去,而另外一些则伴我们度过美好的季节。

9.A true friend is someone you can disagree with and still remain friends.

For if not, they weren‘t true friends in the first place.(Sandy Ratliff)真朋友是可以与你有不同见解的,如果不是,首先就不是真朋友。

10.True friendship is felt, not said.(Mariecris Madayag)朋友是说不出的感觉。

11.Friends are like stars,you don‘t always see them, but you know they‘re always there.(Hulali Luta)朋友是感觉不到的存在。

12.Memories last forever, never do they die. Friends stay together, never say goodbye.(Melina Campos)记忆永不死,朋友永不说再见。

Health 健康篇

13.light heart lives long.( William Shakespeare , British dramatist)豁达者长寿(英国剧作家莎士比亚。 W.)

14.Early to bed and early to rise , makes a man healthy , wealthy and wise.(Benjamin Franklin , American president )早睡早起会使人健康、富有和聪明。 (美国总统 富兰克林。B.)

15.The first wealth is health 。( Ralph Waldo Emerson , American thinker)健康是人生第一财富。 (美国思想家爱默生。 R. W.)



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Every Chinese knows the importance of the college entrance examination, so the high school students always can feel the stress from that exam, especially when that day is nearby. Some students will not do as well as usual because of heavy stress. It is necessary to adjust their mood well before the exam. They should not give too much pressure to themselves, instead of having usual heart. Then they can do in working order. To reach this goal, they can spare time to do some sports or just go running and keep telling themselves that the exam can’t decide their future, so they try their best would be OK and no one will blame them. The purpose is make them feel relax, as the status of relax is the best state for achieving good marks in the exam. It is helpful.




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1、Acknowledge what you’re grateful for. 学会对生活感恩。

2、Be mindful of your surroundings. 将注意力集中在你的生活中正在发生的事上,别为过去忧伤,也别为将来担心。

3、Counter every negative with apositive. 不顺的时候多想想生活中的好时光。

4、Decide to be happy every day. 下定决心开心度过每一天。

5、Evaluate the good in your life. 每天写几件你生活中的乐事。

6、Everything will be fine./Things will turn out all right./Things will work out all right.一切都会好起来的。

7、Everything will come up roses.一切都会圆满结束的。

8、Fake happiness until you feel it. 在失意的时候伪装快乐。

9、Focus on small goals instead of big ones. 多为自己制定一些易实现的短期目标,努力实现它们。

10、Help someone in need. 帮助需要帮助的人。

11、I anticipate your success.我期待着你的成功。

12、I can do it blindfolded.我闭着眼睛都能做到。

13、I have every confidence in his promotion.我相信他一定能升职。

14、I have every confidence in my success.我有信心,我一定会成功的。

15、I have faith in you./I have confidence in you.我对你有信心。

16、I hold an optimistic view of events.我看事情比较乐观。

17、I’m an optimist.我是个乐观主义者。

18、I’m full of optimism for the future.我对未来十分乐观。

19、I’m sure we’ll win./I’m confident about our victory.我敢肯定我们会赢。

20、I’m very optimistic about our chances of success.我觉得我们获胜的机会很大。

21、It’s all plain sailing.事情进展很顺利。

22、There’s no doubt we will win.毫无疑问,我们会成功的。

23、There’s nothing to worry about.没有什么可担心的。

24、Your work is bound to be successful.你一定会成功的。



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1. It is well-known to us that…(我们都知道……)==As far as my knowledge is concerned...就我所知……)

2.Recently the problem of… has been brought into focus. ==Nowadays there is a growing concern over …(最近……问题引起了关注)

3.Nowadays(overpopulation)has become a problem we have to face.(现今,人口过剩已成为我们不得不面对的问题)

4.Internet has been playing an increasingly important role in our day-to-day life. It has brought a lot of benefits but has created some serious problems as well.(互联网已在我们的生活扮演着越来越重要的角色,它给我们带来了许多好处但也产生了一些严重的问题)

5.With the rapid development of science and technology, more and more people believe that…(随着科技的迅速发展,越来越多的人认为……)

6.It is a common belief that…==It is commonly believed that…(人们一般认为……)

7.A lot of people seem to think that…(很多人似乎认为……)

8.It is universally acknowledged that +句子(全世界都知道……)


1.Peoples views on…vary from person to person. Some hold that…However, others believe that…(人们对……的观点因人而异,有些人认为……然而其他人却认为……)

2.People may have different opinions on…(人们对……可能会持有不同见解)

3.Attitudes towards (drugs)vary from person to person.==Different people hold different attitudes towards(failure)(人们对待吸毒的态度因人而异)

4:There are different opinions among people as to…(对于……人们的观点大不相同)


1.In short, it can be said that…(总之,他的意思是……)

2.From what has been mentioned above, we can come to the conclusion that…(从上面提到的,我们可以得出结论……)

3.Taking all these factors into consideration, we naturally/reasonably come to the conclusion that…(把所有的这些因素加以考虑,我们自然可以得出结论……)

4.Hence/Therefore, wed better come to the conclusion that…(因此,我们最好的出这样的结论……)

5:There is no doubt that (job-hopping)has its drawbacks as well as merits.(毫无疑问,跳槽有优点也有缺点)

6.All in all, we cannot live without…, but at the same time we must try to find out new ways to cope with the problems that would arise.(总之,我们没有……无法生活,但同时我们必须寻求新的解决办法来面对可能出现的新问题)


1.It is high time that we put an end to the (trend).(该是我们停止这一趋势的时候了)

2.There is no doubt that enough concern must be paid to the problem of…(毫无疑问,对……问题应予以足够重视)

3.Obviously, if we want to do something … it is essential that…(显然,如果我们想要做么事,很重要的是……)

4.Only in this way can we …(只有这样,我们才能……)

5.Spare no effort to + V (不遗余力的)


1.Obviously, if we dont control the problem, the chances are that…will lead us in danger.(很明显,如果我们不能控制这一问题,很有可能我们会陷入危险)

2.No doubt, unless we take effective measures, it is very likely that …(毫无疑问,除非我们采取有效措施,否则我们很可能会……)

3.It is urgent that immediate measures should be taken to stop the situation(很紧迫的是应立即采取措施阻止这一事态的发展)


1.From my point of view, it is more reasonable to support the first opinion rather than the second.(在我看来,支持第一种观点比第二种更有道理)

2.I cannot entirely agree with the idea that…(我无法完全同意这一观点)

3.As far as I am concerned/In my opinion, ...(就我来说……)

4.I sincerely believe that…==I am greatly convinced (that)子句。(我真诚地相信……)

5.Finally, to speak frankly, there is also a more practical reason why …(最后,坦率地说,还有另外一个实际的原因……)


1.The reason why + 句子 ...is that + 句子(……的原因是……)

2:This phenomenon exists for a number of reasons .First, ... , Second, ... ,Third, ... . 这一现象存在有很多原因的,第一……第二……第三…

3.For one thing, ... For another thing, ... ==On the one hand, ... On the other hand…一方面……另一方面……

4.I quite agree with the statement that…The reasons are chiefly as follows. 我十分赞同这一论述,即……其主要原因如下。


1.The best way to solve the troubles is… 解决这些麻烦的最好办法是……

2.As far as something is concerned,…就某事而言,……

3.It is obvious that…很显然……

4.It may be true that…but it doesnt mean that…可能……是对的,但这并不意味着……

5.It is natural to believe that…but we shouldnt ignore that…认为……是自然的,但我们不应忽视……

6.There is no evidence to suggest that…没有证据表明……


1.It has the following advantages.它有如下优势

2.It is beneficial/harmful to us.==It is of great benefit/harm to us.它对我们有益处

3It has more disadvantages than advantage.他有很多不足之处


1.It is important(necessary/difficult/convenient/possible)for sb to do sth.对于某人做……是……

2.It plays an important role in our life.


1.We should take some effective measures.我们应该采取有效措施

2.We should try our best to overcome/conquer the difficulties.我们应该尽最大努力去克服困难

3.We should do our utmost in doing sth.我们应该尽力去做……

4.We should solve the problems that we are confronted/faced with.我们应该解决我们面临的困难。


1.Some changes have taken place in the past five years.过去五年发生了很多变化2.Great changes will certainly be produced in the international communications.在国际交流中理所当然会发生很多大的变化3.It has increased/decreased from…to…他已经从……增加/减少到……

4.The output of July in this factory increased by 15%.这个工厂7月份产量以增加了15%


1.We cannot ignore the fact that…我们不能忽略这个事实……

2.No one can deny the fact that…没人能否认这个事实……

3.This is a phenomenon that many people are interested in. 4:be closely related to ~~ (与……息息相关)


1.Compared with A, B……与A比较,B…

2.I prefer to read rather than watch TV.


1.Actions speak louder than words.事实胜于雄辩

2.All is not gold that glitters.发光的未必都是金子

3.All roads lead to Rome.条条大路通罗马

4.A good beginning is half done.良好的开端是成功的一半

5.Every advantage has its disadvantage有利必有弊

6.A miss is as good as a mile.失之毫厘,差之千里

7.Failure is the mother of success.失败是成功之母

8.Industry is the parent of success.勤奋是成功之母

9.It is never too old to learn.活到老,学到老

10.Knowledge is power.知识就是力量

11.Nothing in the world is difficult for one who sets his mind to it.世上无难事,只怕有心人



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1)Now people in growing numbers are beginning to believe that some certain sports contribute directly to our health by giving us some physical exercises.


(2)As a matter of fact, travel has become part of our life. This situation is encouraging, for it not only broadens minds to the extend which may not be reached previously, but also relaxes them physically, which help people work out mental problems more actively.


(3) Pollution poses a great threat to our existence.


Some of the…are poisonous and dangerous to health.

(4)Environmental experts point out that increasing pollution not only causes serious problems such as global warming but also could threaten to end human life on our planet.


(5)…Under considerable pressure from… therefore…will only add to their burden.


(6) I see three kinds of pressure working on people today: pressure from education, family and career. It is easy to blame the school for charging too much money, the family members for the heavy burden, the society for the fierce competition. I think people should relax. It is important for them to keep a good mood under whatever circumstances.


(7)Moreover, children will have less time to play and communicate with their peers due to extra studies, consequently, it is difficult to develop and cultivate their character and interpersonal skills. They may become more solitary and even suffer from certain mental illness.




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My home town is in the center of Xuzhou which was a quiet and beautiful place. In the past, there were many animals. They were lovely and nice. The air was fresh and there were many birds fly in the sky.


Over the past years, it has changed a lot. At the present, it becomes a modern town and develops a lot. Now, the people in Xuzhou are richer than before, so most of people go to work by bus or by underground. Sometimes, they also drive their private cars to work. Many people sell out their old houses and move into new flats.


In some ways, the development has brought some good things, but it has also causes much environment pollution. I think we should take action to reduce the pollution.




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Every coin has two sides , which is the same as surfing the Internet. On one hand , we benefit a lot from computers. For instance , many people are accustomed to going shopping on the Internet, which is a way to save time and money. What’s more, Internet makes it convenient for friends and relatives to communicate with each other. So people are more closed. Besides, we can go through the news all over the world through the Internet, which can broaden our eyes and assist us to learn more about the world.

On the other hand, with the popularity of computer games, more and more teenagers are addicted to virtual world , leading to a terrible grade and health. Moreover, plenty of unhealthy information emerges on the Internet, making a bad influence on teenagers.

Only we combine the real life and computers can we use it reasonably.

As we all know, the 21st century of the Internet. With the development of the Internet, more and more people begin to use it to enjoy themselves or do something special. However, every coin has two sides , the Internet also has its own advantages and disadvantages.

Our life has a great change since we use the Internet. We benefit a lot from the Internet. As for me, I am accustomed to going shopping on the Internet, which is a good way to save my time and money. Many people do the same as me. What’s more, the Internet makes it convenient for us to make friends and get people closed . We can also go through the news all over the world. The Internet not only broaden our view but also assist us to know more about the world . On the other hand , more and more teenagers are addicted to virtual world and they all play computer games everyday they want, leading to a terrible result.

In conclusion, we should have selective using the Internet and keep away from the virtual world. Don’t always use the Internet to chew the fat and do something meaningful.










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Children in backseats cause accidents. Accidents in backseats cause children. 后排座位上的小孩会生出意外,后排座位上的意外会生出小孩。

Don’t take guilt trips. Take a trip to the mall, to the next country, to a foreign country, but NOT to where the guilt is.别踏上犯罪的道路。你可以去逛街,可以到邻县去,可以出国旅行,但就是别踏上犯罪的道路。

Enjoy the simple things.享受简单事物的乐趣。

I will greet this day with love in my heart.我要用全身心的爱来迎接今天。

Keep learning. Learn more about the computer, crafts, gardening, whatever. Never let the brain idle. "An idle mind is the devil’s workshop. And the devil’s name is Alzheimer’s."学无止境。多学学电脑、手艺、园艺等等。不要让你的大脑闲置下来。无所事事是魔鬼的加工厂。魔鬼的名字叫“痴呆症”。

Keep only cheerful friends. The grouches pull you down.结交快乐的朋友。整日愁眉不展只能让你雪上加霜。

There will be no regret and sorrow if you fight with all your strength.


Time is a bird for ever on the wing.


Time will never change and stop for any person.


Today, give a stranger one of your smiles. It might be the only sunshine he sees all day.


Victory wont come to me unless I go to it.


Walk the road you want to walk and do what you want to do , keep moving ahead and that’s not the silence of failure.


We all have moments of desperation. But if we can face them head on, that’s when we find out just how strong we really are.


We must accept finite disappointment, but we must never lose infinite hope.


The future is scary but you can’t just run to the past cause it’s familiar.


The first step is as good as half over.


The failures and reverses which await men - and one after another sadden the brow of youth - add a dignity to the prospect of human life, which no Arcadian success would do.


Success is the continuous journey towards the achievement of predetermined worth while goals .To live your life in your own way .To reach the goals , you’ve set for yourself . To be the person, you want to be ——that is success .


Success is the ability to go from one failure to another with no loss of enthusiasm.


Ones real value first lies in to what degree and what sense he set himself.


People neeed some courage in life, just like climbing a cliff .Although there are stemp ahead, you still fell some timorous and dare not go ahead. But when you conquer the timidity and reach the peak, you will feel the importance of courage as you enjoy the beautiful scenes. It is the same with life.


Real dream is the other shore of reality.


Sharp tools make good work.


Sometimes your plans don’t work out because God has better ones.


Standing firm is to challenge difficult courageously and to leave the smile after sccess to oneself.


Never underestimate your power to change yourself!


Never, never, never, never give up.




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一、Culture 文化篇

1.A great poem is a fountain forever overflowing with the waters of wisdom and delight.(P. B. Shelley , British poet )伟大的诗篇即是永远喷出智慧和欢欣之水的喷泉.(英国诗人 雪莱. P.B)

2.Art is a lie that tells the truth .( Picasso , Spanish painter )美术是揭示真理的谎言.

(西班牙画家 毕加索)

3.Humor has been well defined as thinking in fun while feeling in earnest.

(Mark Twain , American novelist )幽默被人正确地解释为"以诚挚表达感受,寓深思于嬉笑".(美国小说家 马克·吐温)

4.The decline of literature indicates the decline of a nation; the two keep in their downward tendency.( Johan Wolfgang von Goethe , German poet)文学的衰落表明一个民族的衰落.这两者走下坡路的时间是齐头并进的.(德国诗人 歌德.J.W.)

5.When one loves ones art no service seems too hard .(O. Henry, American novelist)一旦热爱艺术,什么奉献也不难. (美国小说家 欧·亨利)

二、Health 健康篇

6.light heart lives long.( William Shakespeare , British dramatist)豁达者长寿(英国剧作家莎士比亚. W.)

7.Early to bed and early to rise , makes a man healthy , wealthy and wise.(Benjamin Franklin , American president )早睡早起会使人健康、富有和聪明. (美国总统 富兰克林.B.)

8.The first wealth is health .( Ralph Waldo Emerson , American thinker)健康是人生第一财富. (美国思想家爱默生.R.W.)

三、Education 教育篇

9.And gladly would learn , and gladly teach .( Chaucer , British

poet)勤于学习的人才能乐意施教.(英国诗人, 乔叟)

10.Better be unborn than untaught , for ignorance is the root of misfortune.(Plato , Ancient Greek philosopher)与其不受教育,不如不生,因为无知是不幸的根源.(古希腊哲学家柏拉图)

四、Friendship 友谊篇

11. Some friends come and go like a season. Others are arranged in our lives for good reason.(Sharita Gadison)一些朋友随季节离去,而另外一些则伴我们度过美好的季节.

12.A true friend is someone you can disagree with and still remain friends.

For if not, they werent true friends in the first place.(Sandy Ratliff)真朋友是可以与你有不同见解的,如果不是,首先就不是真朋友.

13.True friendship is felt, not said.(Mariecris Madayag)朋友是说不出的感觉.

14.Friends are like stars,you dont always see them, but you know theyre always there.(Hulali Luta)朋友是感觉不到的存在.

15.Memories last forever, never do they die. Friends stay together, never say goodbye.(Melina Campos)记忆永不死,朋友永不说再见.



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Friends can be classmate, can be meet by chance, also can be to forget... Since the childhood, we all have friends, but there is always a best friend.

My best friend is a little rabbit. Rabbit this name is very suitable for her, she is thin, wearing a pair of glasses, on her always find innocent and lovely.

In sports class, she can be fast! She ran like the wind, to pull a lot, you always dont know what she was thinking.

In class, she always listening, always not distracted; Next class, she will be very happy to play with us; Generous, but singing, there is always a little shy; After school, her laughter echoed in the quiet of the path.

One day after school, I and he is in a secluded road, see a cute kitten is "meow meow" cried, and its fur is white, the ear is pink short beard, its like an emerald eyes glowing aura. Little rabbit slowly moves the line of sight, "ah!" Little rabbit exclaimed, "its a calf injury, we take it home to bind up once!" Little rabbit say that finish, with poor looked at it, and looked at me with pleading eyes, for fear that I dont promise to her. "Ok." I agreed. She was glad to picked it up and gently stroked it a few times, said: "lets go." We quickly returned home.

Back home, we see it wound cleaning, and for gauze bandaging the wound, to feed it a little bit of biscuit, drank some water, we really like about it for a patient.

Later, the kittens injury is good, already can walk, it was glad to shake the tail, naughty blunt we call incessantly, seem to express our rescue of it. We also often go to see it, take care of it, the three of us became good friends.

I would also like to thank the kittens, if not it, friendship between rabbit and I wouldnt like gem denim! Often kelly


我最好的朋友是小兔。 小兔这个名称很适合她,她比较瘦,戴着一副眼镜,在她的身上总能找到天真可爱的气息。









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Abstract: Along the way, the breeze gently blowing my face, I suddenly feel kind of refreshed. Roadside flowers are vying to open, birds high standing branches, happily singing wonderful songs, trees also recruit a tender green hand happily greet us. We hand holding a variety of tools, laughing, and soon they reached their destination.

March 12 Arbor Day, the school staff and students in sixth grade came to the park to participate in tree planting activities.

Along the way, the breeze gently blowing my face, I suddenly feel kind of refreshed. Roadside flowers are vying to open, birds high standing branches, happily singing wonderful songs, trees also recruit a tender green hand happily greet us. We hand holding a variety of tools, laughing, and soon they reached their destination.

The teacher points to help us and send us good team osmanthus saplings, planting location and then tell everyone. I saw other teachers say the students have not yet, it will be pre-loaded, can not wait to board the a small hill, ready to plant trees. The silence of the earth suddenly swelled, ears of banging "Symphony played": some holding heavy shovel, ready to summon the gas excavation, may overexert, almost on his back and down; some of the group to make trees can thrive, competing with other groups for the site fierce arguments; there are trees in order to watering, I do not know how many detours ran, covered in sweat ......

Our group did not back down, quickly make the digging of preparation. I saw the tour Yang hand shovel, strode walked before digging site, it looks like they can effortlessly Pits dug. One for us to fetch water, and the other two are responsible for supporting the sapling. Although supporting the tree is very simple, in fact, be very careful. I first seedlings carefully and gently on the ground, then slowly hand against the trunk, for fear knocked half leaves, let the trees injured.

Everyone busy. Nearly noon, almost all trees planted Well, we lookedat his hands planted trees swaying in the breeze, the heart kind of unspeakable joy. We can not help but talk about it: "For decades after it set grow into a towering tree.", "I want to see it every week." ...... My eyes seemed to emerge out of the way when the trees grow, as if smell the waves of fresh and elegant fragrance, as if to see clusters of white osmanthus, starry, such as a spray of waterfalls, I felt as if it was vigorous vitality.

This meaningful event not only relax our mood, but also so that we get close to nature, leaving us to add a green home. This event really makes me happy!








