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My hometown is in Gansu Lixian, there are many mountains.

In the distance, the mountains look like a green planet surrounded by forests. The stone on the mountain dressed the mountain as a world of stone.

The trees grow more luxuriantly in summer and dress up as green cashmere. The mountain terraces like people walking the steps, also like the mountains in Grandpa smile.

The mountain became a yellow world in autumn, and the fruits and crops were ripe, and the mountain was like a magician, constantly changing crops and fruits for human beings.

In winter the mountains covered with a white dress, like an angel, in the fog, the mountains like a bottomless mountain, no matter how you cant see the mountain bottom.

This is the mountain of my hometown all the year round, I love it.




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Waking up on New Year, everybody dresses up. First they extend greetings to

their parents. Then each child will get money as a New Year gift, wrapped up in

red paper. People in northern China will eat jiaozi, or dumplings, for

breakfast, as they think "jiaozi" in sound means "bidding farewell to the old

and ushering in the new". Also, the shape of the dumpling is like gold ingot

from ancient China. So people eat them and wish for money and treasure.

Southern Chinese eat niangao (New Year cake made of glutinous rice flour)

on this occasion, because as a homophone, niangao means "higher and higher, one

year after another." The first five days after the Spring Festival are a good

time for relatives, friends, and classmates as well as colleagues to exchange

greetings, gifts and chat leisurely.

China has 56 ethnic groups. Minorities celebrate their Spring Festival

almost the same day as the Han people, and they have different customs.



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Graduated from middle school in 1917, zhou enlai, with the help of the classmates and teachers, to raise the cost of study abroad in Japan a. Performance of zhou enlai is a love reading, love of learning! Because of zhou enlai aspire to read at an early age, the first generation of prime minister!

The text about zhou enlai boyhood in foreign concessions witnessed the Chinese people by foreigner bullying in the concession, the Chinese onlookers dare to anger cant speak. Immediately, zhou enlai, comprehend the meaning of the weak, and determined to study for the revitalization of the Chinese.

A 12 years old children should have such ambition and mind! Won the plaudits of wei principal: "hurrah! Is the rise of the Chinese! Aspirants when effect Zhou Sheng!" His patriotism, how strong!

"Young strong a country is strong, young rich national wealth." Let us set big dreams since childhood, study hard, do a useful pillars just for the motherland!







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Olympic Games hold every four years and I like to watch the matches so

much. People always pay much attention to the champions, while for me, the

inspiring players are easier to catch my attention. Though some players do not

get the prize, they deserve applause as the champions have. I remembered that in

the Beijing Olympics, in women’s 100-meter-race, a girl looked different from

other athletes, because she worn scarf and was from Afghanistan. She lagged much

behind other athletes, but she still got the intense applause. She showed to the

world that Afghan women could join this big event. Her insistence helped her to

come to the world stage.



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Reading is a very elegant thing, su dongpo friend yellow valley said: "three days without reading, language tasteless, detestable." The old saying also have cloud: "so are inferior, only reading high." Reading a book, the ancient has. Read volumes, such as writing. "Du gentleman encourage people read more books and well informed.

A love of reading people, there will always be a lot of close friends, because he always so pleasing manners, let people admiration and yearning.

People say; "The spirit of a person to read, the more the more robust." Without reading thoughts, he doesnt have a personalized life is special boring; Love of books, knowledge not aging, wit not dried up; Students love of books, can better learning and life. Reading, will let our life to add some elegant culture; Reading, will add some clever and intelligent for our study.

Reading reading, of course, also want to think, to choose, if everyone can take the advice of the teacher, master the methods of reading, and to the classic books, the gas of the elegant of the school will be most fragrance.







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The goal of the International Day of Peace Vigil is: "To encourage the observation of a worldwide, grassroots 24-hour vigil for peace and nonviolence on the International Day of Peace, Sunday, 21 September, in every house of worship and place of spiritual practice, by all religious and spiritually based groups and individuals, and by all men, women and children who seek peace in the world."

This Vigil is meant to demonstrate the power of prayer and other spiritual observances in promoting peace and preventing violent conflict. Support this worldwide initiative by committing to hold a 24-hour vigil on 21 September.



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dear henry,

i’m glad to receive your letter. it’s a pleasure for me to tell you my plan of this coming summer vacation after the college entrance examination.

first of all, a good rest is needed because i do feel tired after the hard work of all these years. of course, i’ll do some reading for fun, and for knowledge as well. i’ll spend some time staying with my parents, chatting with them and doing some housework. they’ve done so much for me, you know. if possible, i’ll take part in some social activities so that i can know more about the society.

best wishes!

li hua


篇10:初二年级英语作文:Learn to smile

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Smile, how warm the word is! it can make anyone happy. and this happiness is from the bottom of heart.

It’s not like enthusiastic laughter, but just warm, makes your heart warm.

Mother’s smile is like a spring wind, so gentle when you are sad, it can make you happy again; when you fail, it can make you stand up and work hard again; when you give up, it can make you try your best again…

Smile, so easy, but also so useful.

So, let’s learn to smile. everyone needs others’ smile. when we give others a smile, we will feel happy, too. and maybe next time, when you need a smile, the person who received your smile will give it to you.

Let’s learn to smile often, i believe it can even make the whole warm. living with a smile, every day will be sunshine.



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My father often said to read more, there will be a lot of benefits, but also the teacher say that reading benefits, the so-called reading enriches the mind. But I do not know what a good read, what role in life.


But soon I changed my mind.


Once the school organized extracurricular knowledge contest. One question is this: why all the koala is sweet? The three option: A innate, B live on the fragrance, C it ate a fragrant leaves, a long time is fragrant. The question is where do I know, oh, come to think of it, is the day before yesterday read a scientific paper. Mentioned inside, said to be the koalas eat eucalyptus leaves, there is a component of the leaves, eat much long time is fragrant. I choose C. After a few days, the papers find a look, really is C. There are a lot of questions, I have seen, just put them to do.


Another time, the composition class. The teacher asked us to write a story about encourage learning. I quoted some words, poetry. Many people dont think of it, I think. Writing reviews, the teacher read the article to listen to everybody, let everybody to learn, I also praised the love of reading. These are my usual to read more than the effect of the accumulation of.


I finally understand that reading can let us add more extracurricular knowledge, to write a good article. Of course, the most important is to read make life more exciting. Read so many benefits.



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我记得周总理在幼时便说过“为中华之崛起而读书 的铮铮誓言。我们也应该志存高远,为祖国的昌盛而读书啊!










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1、 读书破万卷,胸中无适主,便如暴富儿,颇为用钱苦。

2、 知识有如人体血液一样的宝贵。人缺少了血液,身体就要衰弱;人缺少了知识,头脑就要枯竭。

3、 读书时,我愿在每一个美好思想的面前停留,就像在每一条真理面前停留一样。——爱默生

4、 书籍是在时代的波涛中航行的思想之船,它小心翼翼地把珍贵的货物运送给一代又一代。——培根

5、 ——臧克家说:读过一本好书,像交了一个益友。

6、 书是面包——高尔基说:我扑在书籍上,像饥饿的人扑在面包上一样。

7、 尽信书,则不如无书。

8、 读书无疑者须教有疑,有疑者却要无疑,到这里方是长进。

9、 书是逆境中的慰藉。

10、 知识是引导人生到光明与真实境界的灯烛,愚昧是达到光明与真实境界的障碍,也就是人生发展的障碍。

11、 读书以过目成诵为能,最是不济事。眼中了了,心下匆匆,方寸匆多,往来应接不暇,如看场中美色,一眼即过,与我何益也。读死书是害己,一开口就害人;但不读书也并不见得好。 好书是伟大心灵的富贵血脉。——弥尔顿

12、 读一本好书,就是和许多高尚的人谈话。——歌德

13、 读书譬如饮食,从容咀嚼,其味必长;大嚼大咽,终不知味也。

14、 书犹药也,善读之可以医愚。

15、 我们自动的读书,即嗜好的读书,请教别人是大抵无用,只好先行泛览,然后抉择而入于自己所爱的较专门一门或几门;但专读书也有弊病,所以必须和现实社会接触,使所读的书活起来。用心不杂,乃是入神要路。

16、 读书就应像饥饿的人扑在面包上一样。

17、 旧书不厌百回读,熟读深思子自知。

18、 读书而不思考,等于吃饭而不消化。——波尔克

19、 外物之味,久则可厌;读书之味,愈久愈深。——程颢

20、 不读书的人,思想就会停止。——狄德罗

21、 读书贵神解,无事守章句。——徐洪钧

22、 凿壁偷光,聚萤作囊;忍贫读书,车胤匡衡。——许名奎

23、 无目的读书是散步而不是学习。——胡适

24、 读书欲精不欲博,用心欲专不欲杂。——黄庭坚

25、 早知今日读书是,悔作从前任侠非。——李欣

26、 读书数万卷,胸中无适主,便如暴。——列子

27、 读书读得太多,反而会造成一些自以为是的无知之徒。——卢棱

28、 聪明在于勤奋,天才在于积累。——华罗庚

29、 读书是在别人思想的帮助下,建立起自己的思想。——鲁巴金

30、 贫寒更须读书,富贵不忘稼穑。——王永彬

31、 创业者书读得不多没关系,就怕不在社会上读书。——马云

32、 书是人类进步的阶梯。——高尔基

33、 读书志在圣贤,为官心存君国。——朱用纯

34、 读书谓已多,抚事知不足。——王安石

35、 读书不知要领,劳而无功。——张之洞

36、 没有再比读书更廉价的娱乐,更持久的满足了。——蒙台居

37、 三更灯火五更鸡,正是男儿读书时。黑发不知勤学早,白首方悔读书迟。——颜真卿

38、 善读者日攻,日扫。攻则直透重围,扫则了无一物。

39、 书是阶梯——高尔基说:“书是人类进步的阶梯。”书是良药——刘向(我国汉代大学者)说:“书犹药也,善读之可以医愚。”

40、 环境于人的影响极大,亲师取友,问道求学是创造环境改进自己的最好的方法,你们于潜心独研外更要注意这一点,万不要一事不管,一毫不动,专门只关门读死书。

41、 书山有路勤为径,学海无涯苦作舟。

42、 爱看书的青年,大可以看看本分以外的书,即课外书……譬如学理科的,偏看看文学书,学文学的,偏看看科学书,看看别人在那里研究的,究竟是怎么一回事。这样子,对于别人,别事,可以更深的了解。

43、 书房是文人精神的巢穴,生命的禅堂。

44、 或作或辍,一暴十寒,则虽读书百年,吾未见其可也。

45、 读书破万卷,下笔如有神。

46、 不去读书就没有真正的教养,同时也不可能有什么鉴别力。——赫尔岑



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Since we go to school, English is one of our main subjects, the government pays special attention to the English education. In the class, we have learned the grammar and sentence structure for a long time, some students are no more satisfied with what we learn in the class, they want to speak English fluently, so they can take advantage of what they learn in the class. Nowadays, English corner has be the main symbol for the English learners, most people join the corner in the weekends. Joining the English corner can enhance people’s ability of speaking English. Students have less chance to speaking in the class, but in the English corner, they can speak what they want. As there are people from all classes in the English corner, people can share their experience for each other, they can learn more from each other. If you have time, I suggest you to join the English corner.




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Early rising benefits us in many ways.

First, it helps to keep us fit. We all need fresh air. Besides, by taking morning exercises we can improve our health.

Second, it can help us in our studies. In the morning we can learn more quickly.

Third, it can enable us to plan our work for the day. We cannot work well without a proper plan. Early rising can also give us enough time to get ready for our work.

So we say that those who always get up late should make great effort to get up early.



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Then, the representative of the bedroom Zhu Guozhang asked us to guess a

line of a poem related to the above situation. He added that Li Xinmin alone was

born in the year of the dog and the other three were all born in the year of the

chicken. They left us all in confusion. And it was our monitor who was

quickwitted. He shouted our, "The day breaks as the cock crows three times at

dawn." The hall After that, they had another item. This time Li Xinmin was

placed in the middle of the circle. While he was standing there, the other three

stood around him, each bowing down to him at an angle of 120 degrees. It was an

idiom. This time I got it right:"The dog stands out among a group of




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Winter spring festival Spring Festival indicates, on behalf of the new year, new year, hope, joy, a frolic...... So, red couplets and hanging up.


I like New Years Eve, not only because the whole family can gather together, can eat dumplings, can put the fireworks, can watch the Spring Festival Gala, the more I can put up Spring Festival couplets. Since childhood, every year I took the mothers hand, the red couplets on both sides work together on the door, let the whole family has a new feeling, a new weather. No matter what the outside snow again how cold, night, I will be with the mother with a smile, had our hearts full of warmth.


This year, my mother and I began this fun action, neat and quick, I moved to a stool, took out a large thick adhesive tape already bought, scissors. Put the New Year couplets with great care to look forward to have taken it out, then everything is in order. We soon ready, start this busy and happy activities.


The wind is not a little tenderness toward woman, such as a rapid lion, howling, tumbling. The wind like a knife like playing in I and mother on the cheek, strange pain. I and my mother would stomp,, rubbed his hands, then let it go, really got wind of a bring contempt upon oneself. Spring Festival couplets in my mothers hands docile and affixed to erect its waist, mother took the broom sweep, brand-new beautiful Spring Festival couplets displayed in front of us. I will pick up the tape, carefully pasted it, for fear of accidentally pull his clothes. At that moment, I seem to can hear my mother and I breath, people outside noise. "Paste finished!" Can the forehead already dropping the nervous sweat, breath has also quickened.


After I and the mother of seamless, this pair of couplets finally end. Looking at the new weather, I couldnt help in the heart and rising up the kind of rare satisfaction, standing afar off, I seemed to hear the sound of laughter, heard playing sound, heard the new year people rarely expect sound.



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