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1、A cat has nine lives。猫有九条命。

2、A bad thing never dies。坏事传千年。

3、Accidents will happen。天有不测风云。

4、After death, the doctor。放马后炮。

5、A bargain is a bargain。达成的协议不可撕毁。

6、A cat may look at a king。猫也有权晋见国王。

7、A friend is a second self。朋友是另一个我。

8、Adversity leads to prosperity。逆境迎向昌盛。

9、A bad padlock invites a picklock。开门揖盗。

10、A clean hand wants no washing。身正不怕影子斜。

11、Actions speak louder than words。事实胜于雄辩。

12、A faithful friend is hard to find。益友难得。

13、After black clouds, clear weather。否极泰来。

14、A bird may be known by its song。什么鸟唱什么歌。

15、A fair face may hide a foul heart。人不可貌相。

16、A contented mind is perpetual feast。知足常乐。

17、A fool always rushes to the fore。傻瓜总爱强出头。

18、A beggars purse is bottomless。乞丐的钱袋是无底洞。

19、A burnt child dreads the fire。一朝被蛇咬,十年怕井绳。

20、A close mouth catches no flies。 病从口入,祸从口出。

21、A common danger causes common action。同仇敌忾。

22、A disease known is half cured。病情确诊断,治病好一半。

23、Adversity is a good discipline。苦难是磨练人的好机会。

24、A friend is best found in adversity。患难见真友。

25、A cock is valiant on his own dunghill。夜郎自大。

26、A crafty knave needs no broker。狡猾的流氓,不需居间人。

27、Adversity makes strange bedfellows。身处逆境不择友。

28、A fool and his money are soon parted。笨蛋难聚财。

29、After dinner comes the reckoning。吃喝玩乐,该付代价。

30、A bad beginning makes a bad ending。恶其始者必恶其终。

31、A clear conscience is a sure card。光明磊落,胜券在握。

32、A fool may give a wise man counsel。愚者千虑,必有一得。

33、A bad bush is better than the open field。有胜于无。

34、A clear conscience is a soft pillow。问心无愧,高枕无忧。

35、A constant guest is never welcome。久住非佳宾,常来不欢迎。

36、A creaking door hangs long on its hinges。户枢不蠹。

37、A fair death honours the whole life。死得光明,终身荣耀。

38、A friend in need is a friend indeed。患难朋友才是真朋友。

39、A cheerful wife is the joy of life。快乐的妻子是生活的乐事。

40、A fools heart dances on his lips。愚人心坦荡,挂在嘴唇上。

41、A fox may grow grey, but never good。狐狸会变,但本性难移。

42、A friend is not so soon gotten as lost。交友慢,失友快。

43、A good beginning is half the battle。首战告捷等于一半胜利。

44、A burden of ones choice is not felt。自己选的担子不嫌重。

45、A fall into the pit, a gain in your wit。吃一堑,长一智。

46、A fault confessed is half redressed。承认错误,等于改正一半。

47、A bad conscience is a snake in ones heart。做贼心虚。

48、A borrowed cloak does not keep one warm。借来的斗篷不暖身。

49、Action is the proper fruit of knowledge。行动是知识的巧果。

50、Adversity makes a man wise, not rich。患难使人聪明,但不能致富。

51、A fool always comes short of his reckoning。愚人常缺算计。

52、A change of work is as good as a rest。调换一下工作是很好的休息。

53、A flow of words is no proof of wisdom。口若悬河不能作为才智的证明。

54、A fools bolt may sometimes hit the mark。愚者千虑,必有一得。

55、A friend to everybody is a friend to nobody。广交友,无深交。

56、A bad workman quarrels with his tools。拙匠常怨工具差。

57、A bird in the hand is worth two in the bush。双鸟在林不如一鸟在手。

58、A fool knows more in his own house than a wise man in another。一个蠢材在他自己家里所知的事比一个聪明人在别人家里所知的事要多。

59、A book that remains shut is but a block。有书闭卷不阅读,无异是一块木头。

60、A clear fast is better than a dirty breakfast。宁为清贫,不为浊富。

61、A discontented man knows not where to sit easy。不满足者坐无宁时。

62、A dog will not howl if you beat him with a bone。骨头打狗狗不叫。

63、A bad compromise is better than a good lawsuit。吃亏的和解也比胜诉强。

64、A bit in the morning is better than nothing all day。略有胜于全无。

65、Absence sharpens love, presence strengthens it。相聚爱益切,离别情更深。

66、A friend without faults will never be found。没有缺点的朋友是永远找不到的。

67、A blind man will not thank you for a looking-glass。秋波送盲,白费痴情。

68、A friend in court is better than a penny in purse。曩中有钱,不如朝中有友。

69、A chain is no stronger than its weakest link。链条的坚固程度取决于它最薄弱的环节。

70、A clear conscience laughs at false accusations。白日不做亏心事,夜半敲门心不惊。

71、A friend is never known till a man have need。不到患难时,永远不能认识真正的朋友。

72、After dinner sit a while, after supper walk a while。午饭后要坐,晚饭后要走。

73、A bird is known by its note, and a man by his talk。闻其歌知其鸟,听其言知其人。

74、Adversity successfully overcome is the highest glory。成功地克服困难是最大的光荣。

75、After dinner sit a while; after supper walk a mile。午餐之后坐片刻,晚饭之后走一里。

76、Affairs that are done by due degrees are soon ended。事情要安步就班地做,就会很快地做完。

77、A fool can ask more questions than seven wise men can answer。一愚发问,七智结舌。

78、A good book is a best friend who never turns his back upon us。一本好书,莫逆之交。

79、A covetous man is good to none but worse to himself。贪婪的人对别人毫无好处,对自己却坏处更大。

80、A bad custom is like a good cake, better broken than kept。坏习惯像鲜馅饼,分食要比保存好。

81、A fool attempting to be witty is an object of profoundest pity。蠢人装聪明,实在最可怜。

82、A friend exaggerates a mans virtue, an enemy his crimes。朋友宣扬人的美德,敌人夸大人的罪过。

83、Admonish your friends in private, praise them in public。在私底下要忠告你的朋友,在公开场合又表扬你的朋友。

84、A book is the same today as it always was and it will never change。一本好书今天如此,将来也如此,永不改变。

85、A blind man who leans against a wall imagines that its the boundary of the world。坐井观天。

86、A father is a treasure, a brother is a comfort, but a friend is both。父亲是财富,兄弟是安慰,朋友兼而有之。

87、A fool may throw a stone into a well which a hundred wise men cannot pull out。一愚所失,百智难回。

88、A fool may ask more questions in an hour than a wise man can answer in seven years。愚者所问,智者难答。




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The night of Christmas Eve is a mystery, in this time to eat the apple fruit (apple is peace). Heard that as long as peace at 12 o clock at night to eat fruit on 24th day this year will be in peace. Of course, that night we all dormitories are full of curiosity, ate with the secret of peace, but not at twelve o clock. But everyone still in my heart silently with his wish.

At this moment, I thought of a thing loudly shout out. "Quick, bring socks for me, I will put it on the bed." Dormitory members of frowning puzzled, I fit into a learned professor with relish, said: "dont know this, and let the professor let me teach you, legend has it that there will be a Santa Claus, Christmas and when Christmas Eve that night, he would have come from the chimney to be afraid of us, as long as you put what you want to write on the paper in the sock he saw will satisfy your desire, let your dreams come true!" Say that finish, you hurry up, "we dont have the chimney? This dormitory will he not to give us?" All innocent, curious said. Ha ha I laughed aloud, its ok lets give he made a false chimney not have it, he will find the entrance to the gifts to us. So, all in high spirits made up. Soon ready, and then we took a sock and a piece of paper to write on the gift, they want excitement it to socks, looking forward to the emergence of Santa Claus...

So, we with great expectation and overworked body was asleep, sleep until dawn.

In this way, Christmas Eve is spent happily, you will never forget the day night!







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This morning, mum wakes me up, I can jump three feet high, because today to see the New Years gala!

As soon as I came into the classroom, I was happy. Us A breakfast, began on New Years gala, dong the teacher gave us put animation, ready to have A, B, C, D this several options, dong teacher with the most commonly used method, statistics, to see the put the cartoons, my deskmate and I choose B, finally, the end, choose B students the most, but xue teacher say: "lets open gala!" We all agree!

On New Years gala is started, in the beginning, seo to give us the first performance, gore silk, two song, the song is "lotus pond moonlight", the other piece is a "golden peacock gently jump" I heard can become fascinated, if mother also quote me a hulus interest class, that it would be good!

Letter of the second program is the gong of our class, give us the English song performances, rainbow, although very simple, but she sings very rhythmic, have feelings!

Next, are not a one-man show, xue the teacher gave us put music, some dance Latin, some jump of the most popular jiangnan Style in our class.

Although, on New Years gala is very short, but Im still very happy!



元旦联欢晚会要开始了,一开始,徐浩 给我们表演了第一个节目——吹葫芦丝,有两首曲子,一首是“荷塘月色”,另外一首是“金孔雀轻轻跳”我听得可入迷了,要是妈妈也给我报一个葫芦丝兴趣班,那该多好啊!

第二个节目是我们班的龚 涵,给我们表演的英文歌——彩虹,虽然很简单,她却唱得很有节奏,很有感情!





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A hot day

Today is very hot,the heightest temperature reached to 40 degree.So I

stayed at home all the day.I recited english text this morning,after I finished

my homework,I prepared lunch for my families.I cooked egg-fried rice for

lunch,because there was eggs in the fridge only and I didnt want to go out

shopping for the hot weather.In the afternoon,I slept half of the day.It was

time to cook dinner when I wake up.It was a boring day,I hate hot weather.






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I bought a jeans today

Today,I went shopping with my intimate.We set out at 11:00 by riding Ofo

bicycle.Because both of us hadn‘t eaten breakfirst.,as soon as we arrived the

street,we ate a cheese iscream respectively.Then we went to underground

market.In the market,I bought a blue jeans,and my intimate bought a short

jeans.After three hours of hanging around the street,we were very tired and

hungry,so we bought a new chicken cutlet,and then went home by bus.We were so

hungry that we ate the chicken cutlet on the bus.After I backed home,I tried my

new jeans on,my mother said that looks old,let it be,as long as I happy.






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Today, Wang took us to the library.

In the library door, a gray-haired old teacher told us a lot of library rules. Subsequently, Wang gave each made a library card.

When I get a library card, excited. The library is very quiet, rows shelves, a layer lattice book makes me themselves.

Each book has a different knowledge, every book has exclusively own color, every book give you a different surprise, as long as you go to discover its mysteries and secrets, it must be its real charm The infection! In so many wonderful book, which I have chosen this? Is a fairy tale, or a riddle? is fiction, or dictionary? Just when I hesitate, Wang suggested that I want to read a useful book, I point nodded, she walked to the bookshelf. Precisely, I met HE Jia Luo and 罗玲惠, I asked 罗玲惠 borrowed what book, Luo Linghui confidently say:! "" Riddles "" I think what is good and 罗玲兴 interest Luo congenial, select the same is certainly I hurried to leave.

Finally, I selected a "eloquence." "Eloquence" is about how a super eloquence training methods. Among them, my favorite 199, because 199 tells the American success guru Napoleon Hill with eloquence to overcome all difficulties, so I very much admire.

You find the most suitable for your book?









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We all know that family has three members. Respectively is father, mother and me. Today I will introduce our family!

Dad a pair of big eyes, become warped nose, the mouth like a lion, a pair of thick and big hand! Mother has a pair of jiongjiongweishen eyes, a small mouth. Have a row of white teeth, mouth and a pair of small hand, can embroider cross-stitch can also help I embroidered sweater, everything is ok. I grow a head of black and bright keep short hair, and a pair of big eyes. And there are a pair of naughty hand. A big mouth!

This is our family? How lovely!






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In this the first day of the New Year, New Years day, mom and dad took me to visit Shanghai.

"Mom, when to go?" "You are not wearing it, quick!" Because I was too excited, mom is tired by me, I put on gloves, keys and her mom and dad went to the station. We get on the bus, in a short time, arrived at destination: Shanghai.

In Shanghai, we three went to the subway station, take the subway to xu jia hui, came to the xujiahui, mother is my father entered the Pacific department store, my father and I had to accompany my mother to see clothes, then mom said: "do you want to play? Lets play the ground floor. Good call." Soon my father and I just play video games, hungry mother is played, alas, no play. After we concentrate to Han Lin barbecue lunch, eat really good ah, have ox tongue, there are high-quality goods of streaky, have wings, and delicious ice drink. We ordered two sets ox tongue (my favorite) and boutique streaky. We eat a meal, you ready to go home, I unwilling to leave the restaurant, came to the station and got on the bus back to zhu computed.in.

Visit this New Years day is happy, I will always remember the joy of New Years day.







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New Year is our favorite holiday for children, because the New Year can eat dinner not only, also can get lucky money. However, I am the most happy New Year this year is that the team activities, it let me once again feel happy to help others.

Just before the team activities of snow, snow removal, so we decided to help other peoples car has obtained the consent of the classmate mother, we began to action.

That day the weather is really cold, but we can not care so much. At this moment, our little captain contented heart surplus division began: "Tang Ninghang, you and rockfall plants, clean the front of the car, Xu Chen brush the top of the car and zhang John boehner, fei-yu Chen and I rubbed the back of the car!" Points well, we are happy to do your own thing and we wipe also while talking and laughing is very happy.

Look! Our captain tao heart surplus dry how much! She first hand the snow on the car together, put them to the ground, reoccupy finger inside your car clean snow. I want to: our captain so earnest, I should learn from her!

Rub the car well, finally the classmates mother saw we rub the car so clean, the credit we said: "wow! You are a bunch of helpful boy!" Although our hands and face was flushed with cold, but we dont feel a bit cold, but like to eat the honey as sweet in my heart,

If we start from around things, helpful, aged respected, then our society will become more beautiful!









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The earth is our home, the mother of mankind, the cradle of life, had been tortured by the human was scarred. It is selfless to provide us with natural resources. So, protecting the earth is our bounden duty and responsibility. Low carbon life, is our mother is the best way to return to the earth.

On one occasion, Im writing an article. But I think did not come up with a good story. A copy of the original manuscript paper be I tore up to only a few pages, at this moment, mom finds out, she reminded me: "my daughter, how do you develop such a bad habit of waste? Dont you know the paper is made of trees? If everyone is a waste of a piece of paper, and the countrys 1.3 billion people means destroying the forest, the earth is fragile, we must carefully protect the earth, we humans can live on the earth!" Listen to the mother, I feel so ashamed. Save resources, we should start from these trivial things around: save water, save electricity...

Since learned last lesson, I would never waste paper. And "good ability to learn a low-carbon life" : the water that clean out rice can be used to water the flowers, not only make more lush flowers and plants, also can save resources; Dish washing water can be used to mop the floor or flush the toilet... Believe that everyone heard a word: if humans do not add abstemious waste of water resources, so the last drop of water in the world, will be the tear of human beings. Someone once did, as long as we are the Chinese save a drop of water, and that the country can save 45 tons of water. How amazing number! Associated with the motherland of the Yangtze river and the Yellow River, are made of a trickle of water together?

Blue sky, white clouds, the mountains green trees and red flowers, birds singing, the fish in the water freely roam. What a harmony between man and nature landscape. Isnt that what people aspire to, look forward to? From this moment, protect the earth, low carbon life. Let our homes more beautiful, more green!







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Why this years winter always gray, the sky is white MCE blocked by air? "My father told me that the winter of this year because of the bad air quality formed a typical" haze weather." Haze weather "because many tiny floating in the air even the naked eye cant see the small particles, to our daily life and travel caused serious problems. In order to reduce air pollution and improve air quality, reduce the fog haze, let us start from oneself, starts from the Spring Festival, with practical action to promote green environmental protection idea, put a bunch of whip less, less pollution, less a piece of haze, to add a bit blue sky, let us happy life under the blue sky white clouds. Here, I issued initiative, the Spring Festival this year, lets do one" abandoned ", dont set off firecrackers, away from the haze, have the green years.

Haze weather we how to prevent this?

A, dont come out activities in the home, tell the old man, will know how to protect their children.

In haze weather, reduce travel, travel time to wear a mask, to avoid the small particles in the air in the lungs.

Third, in haze weather, dont open the window ventilation at home.

Haze weather, we not only should be "blowout", but also can "attack" :

One, in the Spring Festival, first of all, I do not set off firecrackers, and discourage their relatives and friends dont smoke, dont set off firecrackers.

Second, green travel, as far as possible with the bike instead of walking, use less cars, emit no exhaust and dont blow up the road dust.

Third, save electricity, save energy and chemical plant to improve the processing ability of emissions.

More than four, planting green plants, to purify the environment.













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Human, science and nature, the three phase was quoted rates are inseparable. The wonders of nature, a little thing, through the baptism of the time, and meticulous observation, often can give a person with enlightenment.

Vast forests, sunshine give plants grace, to be able to get the nutrients and thrive. Such as the morning sun open the eyes of animals, everything is ready. Squirrels, squirrel, embarks from the house, looking for full sweet red pine nuts, all kinds of plant seeds and slowly by seeding them to other places. While the weasel feed on smaller herbivores, sable and then ate the weasel... As if people eat the big fish, big fish eat small fish, small fish eat shrimp, shrimp eat plankton, interlocking between RACES, interdependence restricts each other.

Foreign scientists have done an experiment: introduce the sheep in a rare nature reserve, where the bamiyan, natural environment is superior, and there is special personnel to the group of kids to their natural enemies, Wolf, moved to another place. So the sheep started in the breeding. Until grass and low shrubs are eaten, the number of sheep instead of less. Because they live too comfortable, there is no enemy attack, the number that is too carefree life let their constitution also fell. Then the scientists tried to introduce wolves again. The result is in the relationship between predator and prey, good robust species to survive, wolves eat sick defect part. Natural selection and evolution, has been the nature and even the survival of human society the same criteria.

Cut down some trees, is to destroy a part of birds and insects; Killing of bees, small fish, can also cause cannot spread pollen, fish cannot reproduce problem... Sabotaged a part of the food chain, will bring ill-defined disaster. Because in front of the natural fair, each species, each independent individual organisms is so beautiful and full of value.

Because of the diversity of species and colorful nature. Want to live in harmony with her and get the kind of treatment, will be good to nature, to understand the nature, and have good at discovering and innovative mind.








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Winter is like your room, if you can clean it very well, you will like it, but if you throw things in a mess, you dont want to know, you must hate it. "Winter" is the same, you use a good attitude to look at it, you will definitely like me, step by step slowly falling in love with the "different winter".

I like winter, because only winter can make trees appear different styles. From spring and summer to autumn, leaves are always changing and changing. But winter can make trees become bare. I like to accompany my brother to practice football with my family in winter, not only to make my body warm, but also to give my brother an opportunity to practice more. There are also, in winter, I dont know if you have noticed that mosquitoes are missing a lot. At last, they can make me calm down and do well in homework. This is also a great benefit of winter. The last reason is my favorite, the family out to buy Hot pot material, in supermarkets to all of a sudden to the streams of people busily coming and going, in winter, many fewer people, do not have to queue for a check out, is really good, in the winter, the whole family sitting around the round table, each other help each other to resist the cold wind up, this feeling is only a winter feel, together with my family, so hot fireplace, warm atmosphere, in addition to "winter", any season cant taste good.

Anyway, there are also its shortcomings in winter. Of course, there are cold and cold currents that make the nose and water direct. They will make us want to hide in the quilt, but occasionally, this is not a bad thing. In a word, I like it in spring, summer, autumn and winter, and each season has its own characteristics, of which, winter is a very special one. But every trip to winter makes me feel different.


我喜欢冬季,因为只有冬季,能使树木出现不一样的风格,从春天、夏天在到秋天,叶子都一直变多、变色,但“冬季”却能让树木成为光秃秃的一片。我喜欢在冬季与家人一同去陪弟弟练足球,不仅让我的身体变暖和,也给弟弟多一次练习的机会呢!还有还有,在冬季时,不知道你有没有发现,蚊子顿时少了很多,总算能让我静下心来好好写功课了,这也是冬季的一大好处唷!最后一个理由也是我最喜爱的原因了,全家一起出动去买火锅料,在员来熙熙攘攘的大卖场,一下子到了冬季,人少了许多,结帐都不必排队排个大老远,真是不错,在冬季,全家人一起围着圆桌,互相帮对方把冷飕飕的风给抵挡起来了,这种感觉也只有冬季感受的到 了,和家人一起围炉,如此这般热融融的气氛,是除了“冬季”之外,任何一季都品尝不到的好滋味。




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Today I was very happily today! In the morning, it was very fine! Then I climbed the mountain with family, the air on the mountain was very fresh, the flowers plants and trees on the mountain all seemed extremely beautiful.

Today I was very happily today! In the morning, it was very fine! Then I climbed the mountain with family, the air on the mountain was very fresh, the flowers plants and trees on the mountain all seemed extremely beautiful. In the afternoon, I went to friend‘s home to play, the friend entertained me warmly, showed me a lot of books of his ,listened to his CD for me , then also asked me to eat a sumptuous dinner. Coming back home in the evening, family and I sat and watched TV together, we were returning and eating the fruit while chatting, the whole family was happy and harmonious!






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Bat falling upon the ground was caught by a Weasel, ofwhom he earnestly besought his life. The Weasel refused,saying, that he was by nature the enemy of all birds. TheBat assured him that he was not a bird, but a mouse, andthus saved his life.

Shortly afterwards the Bat again fellon the ground, and was carght by another Weasel, whom helikewise entreated not to eat him. The Weasel said that hehad a special hostility to mice. The Bat assured him thathe was not a mouse, but a bat; and thus a second timeescaped.It is wise to turn circumstances to good account.






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My home have a naughty cute puppy.

The dog has a golden hair, a pair of round eyes, a pair of ears listened warily around all the suspicious sound. The dog also has a pair of sharp claws, the tail become warped up, appear very arrogant. The puppy is very fierce, as long as hear or see what a little, will be issued a "warning", ready to "fight".

My dog not only naughty, and very musical.

One day, I idle, and put up the music. Who knows, after the dog heard, dont chew bones, immediately approached the tape recorder. I suspected that the dog found the music coming from the recorder! Puppy squat down beside the tape recorder, listening to music, one side with the rhythm of the music wag their tails to place in the past, just like a little musician in command of the band...

The puppy especially love to eat cookies. I will take this opportunity to put the dog when the fish hook. I take out a slender bamboo first, then use the other side of the line is a root in bamboo, reoccupy a milk garland biscuit series, on the other side in the rope is made into "rod". I make cookies have nowhere to come over the past, the puppy dazzling, I suddenly stopped shaking, hanging the cookies from the front of the dog, the dog immediately huanguo to god, to the cookies to rush, and I move biscuits to the dog behind him, let it closed on empty air. In this way, lasted for several minutes. Dog pretend "retreat", I also immediately off guard, who know the dog quickly turned to bite cookies, fortunately, I quickly reaction, dog bites to the line. This is my puppy.








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Hello everyone! Im - Wang Jie.

I grow high, fat, a pair of small eyes always from time to time, I have a pair of big ears, usually seldom laugh, even if the smile is just a smile. My clothes generally wear white or red, my character is a little introverted, few friends, usually taciturn, my learning is general. My advantage is that I can take notes in class and record the truth and meaning of it. The shortcoming is recalcitrant character and refusing to listen to advice. Of course, I have tried several times to correct it, but I cant do it. My greatest determination is to correct the problems and strive to be the front spear!

Well, Im finished. Please make a lot of changes! Show me your introduction!

The experience of painting

Im a girl who loves painting. Actually. Listen to my mother, when I was young cursive are reluctant to get it! Later, why did I like to take a stroke? This is the first thing to say: listen to mom, when she was a kid, she held my hand and taught me to write. I was sleepy, writing and dozing. My mother had no choice but to force me. Later my mother taught me to read the chant, in order to improve my interest in every song beside the mother with a nice painting (mother love painting) did not think, I am very interested in these pictures, often with a pen in drawing, my mother found my interest, teach me how to learn to draw.

Mom started to buy a first in the body of the red, I treasure every day, according to draw pictures. Then I do not trace will be able to draw simple pictures. My mother once drew a circle, and I followed a circle. With the pattern, into a small cat. Mother was surprised, and she didnt think I could draw such a beautiful cat when I had just learned to paint. She felt that I should be trained more systematically and sent me to the art training class. Under the guidance of the teacher, my painting techniques continue to improve, I have to draw more and more interest in the!



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Singles day is spread in entertaining holiday of young people, are proud to celebrate her is still single. At the same time, this day is also a dating for single men and women from their state party activities held days, so also is naked festival.

There are many types of the origin of singles day, widely recognized is originated in the south. In 1993, nanjing university "grass of unowned bedroom four senior student" slumber "held every night, for a period of time is the theme of the slumber to discuss how to get rid of the single state, slumber create came up with in the upcoming November 11 as" singles day "to organize activities, from then on," singles day "gradually developed into nanjing university and college around a campus cultural taste. With countless students say goodbye to the campus, the entertaining holiday was gradually into the society, and with large adult singles group, and group activities and the spread of Internet media, singles day popular in society, and the developed the "naked day" singles day. Singles day source other statement or department made up later.





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"Low-carbon life" (low carbonlife), is refers to life work and rest when try your best to reduce the energy consumption, thereby reducing carbon, especially carbon dioxide emissions, thus reducing the pollution of the atmosphere, slow ecological deteriorating, mainly from energy-saving solar terms and recovery of three links to change life details.

As the Chinese civilization and polite, courteous is to respect the rights of their own lives and at the same time, we also want to respect other peoples life rights against infringement. Lets start from the trivial details, pay attention to energy saving, water saving, fuel-efficient, throttle, make low-carbon living a life attitude and philosophy of life. Set your strength, together to protect the earth mother.

Protecting environment starts from me, starts from the minor matter, starts from the campus, let us all to a low carbon life make the campus more beautiful!






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Dear Xiao Wang,

I am very glad to learn that you are going to visit me during the week-long holiday.

[我很高兴得知你要在我为期一周的假期里来看我。]My parents will also be happy to see you again.[我的父母也很高兴再次见到你。]I am sure you will enjoy every minute here. [


I have arranged our schedule for the holiday as follows.[我已经安排好我们的日程安排的假期如下.]On the first day you arrive, I will show you around our campus. [在你来着的第一天,我会带你参观我的校园。]On the second day, we will visit the art gallery and the music hall.[第二天,我们去参观艺术馆和音乐厅。]Next day,we will climb a hill in the northeastern part of the city.[第三天,我们去攀爬城市东北部的山峰。]On the top of the hill, we can have a wonderful bird’s eye view of the city.[在山顶上,我们可以鸟瞰这个美丽的城市。]During the next three days, we’ll make some short trips to some places of interest nearby,such as the Swan Cave, the Golden Lake, etc.[接下来的三天,我们去附近的名胜古迹来些短途旅行,例如天鹅洞,金色湖。]On the last day, I’ll see you off at the railway station.[最后一天,我会到火车站送你。]

Please remember to call and tell me your train number and time of arrival so that I can meet you at the railway station. [请记得打电话告诉我你的火车号和抵达时间以便我去火车站接你。]By the way, it is very hot here and we have a lot of sunshine, so don’t forget to wear

you sunglasses. [顺便提一下,这里天气很热阳光强烈,所以不要忘了戴太阳镜。]

I’m looking forward to seeing you soon.[我期待很快见到你。]

Sincerely yours,

Zhang Ying



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In the last winter vacation, a primary school in addition to travel, I almost spend all day swim in the sea of books. Even so, but I still feel very full and meaningful.

Winter vacation, I saw all kinds of books. From the fairy tale to the popular science books, from the novel to the classics -- -- -- -- -- -. Which brings me the deepest impression is to introduce the authors childhood life of "childhood", about a black American slaves in the inhumanity of slavery die hard life under the oppression of the story of "uncle Toms cabin", it is with the old man and the shark fight is weak in the education we cannot do anything to the old man and the sea, etc., and a spill, chapter exciting, let a person fondle admiringly, benefited a lot. Accompanying them, of course not lonely.

Reading tired, I will also go out to play. Time does not allow me to visit scenic spots and historical sites of the motherland, but be able to play the wild mountains, mountain stream path, let me increase knowledge, widen horizons, to learn from the reading of the day, the leisure, relax, wouldnt that make sense?

Easy, of course not forget to learn. In addition to complete the teacher assigned homework, I will write a composition, practice calligraphy, calculate aoshu, fully exercise their brainpower. Dont say you doing your homework is a headache thing, in fact, as long as can invest in it, you will find out that finish the homework is not trouble, and even some fun!

This is what I spend the winter vacation, a full, interesting and meaningful happy holiday!





