给小偷的一封信10篇 写给某某的信英文(经典20篇)






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A good beginning makes a good ending.善始者善终。

A good book is a good friend.好书如挚友。

A good book is the best of friends, the same today and forever. 一本好书,相伴一生。

A good conscience is a soft pillow.不做亏心事,不怕鬼叫门。

A good fame is better than a good face. 美名胜过美貌。

A good husband makes a good wife.夫善则妻贤。

A good medicine tastes bitter.良药苦口。

A good wife health is a man‘s best wealth.妻贤身体好是男人最大的财富。

A great talker is a great liar.说大话者多谎言。

A light heart lives long.静以修身。

A hedge between keeps friendship green.君子之交淡如水。

A joke never gains an enemy but loses a friend.戏谑不能化敌为友,只能使人失去朋友。

A leopard cannot change its spots.积习难改。

A liar is not believed when he speaks the truth说谎者即使讲真话也没人相信。

A little body often harbors a great soul.浓缩的都是精品。

A little knowledge is a dangerous thing.一知半解,自欺欺人。

A little pot is soon hot.狗肚子盛不得四两油。

All are brave when the enemy flies.敌人逃窜时,人人都成了勇士。

All good things come to an end.天下没有不散的筵席。

All rivers run into sea.海纳百川。

All roads lead to Rome.条条大路通罗马。

All that ends well is well.结果好,就一切都好。

All that glitters is not gold.闪光的不一定都是金子。

All things are difficult before they are easy.凡事总是由难而易。




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The moon has no water and no air.Because it has no atmosphere and no weather,the moon also has no life.It is covered with rocks and dust.The moon`s different shapes:new Moon crescent first quarter gibbous full MoonThere are 29.5 days from one new Moon to the next.



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December 25th is Christmas day, my mother tells me: Christmas is not a traditional Chinese festival, it is the biggest festival in western countries in a year, which is equivalent to the Spring Festival in China.

Coming to the street, everyone feels the atmosphere of the festival. Almost all the stores have Christmas trees, some in the doorway, and some in the hall. The Christmas tree pyramid, wearing a green dress, wearing a small bell, jingle bells, a gentle touch, a beautiful voice; golden light, like the blinking stars; small lantern flashing, riotous with colour, very beautiful!

Look! The bank stood a door on the high ropes "snow doll". Wearing a blue hat, wearing a blue vest, gloves and shoes are blue, chubby face, curved eyebrows, round eyes, like two bright purple grapes, pointy nose, orange, triangular, and the smile is so cute! My little sister yo couldnt help stretch her chubby little hand, holding the snow doll, but also the tender sound Nenqi said: "hello! Hello! "

However, the most striking is the yidie shopping hall side, a beautiful picture of a big table with a white foam show, seems to tell the story of a fairy tale: in a beautiful red house, the seven dwarfs happy life together. On Christmas day, they bounce ran out of the house, snowball, snowball fights, snowmen in the snow...... Three, decorate the Christmas tree, which has a height of about four meters, wearing a golden coat, covered in studded sapphire, dazzling. At this time, only listen to the clatter, clatter... From far closer, the Santa Claus is full of gifts, and they dance with joy.

A lot of people in this photo, I was no exception, accidentally also get covered in snow"!



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爸爸那会儿刚刚认识妈妈,正处在热恋中。两个人边吃小吃边聊天边逛着,来到了一个露天的表演场,节目还挺精彩,于是爸爸妈妈就挤进去观赏。正当演到高潮 时,爸爸突然感觉兜里痒痒的,小偷!爸爸一回头,看见一个小伙子把手插在自己兜里,但眼睛却目不转睛地盯着台上。爸爸正想抓住他,但转念一想,反正自己兜 里就装了点吃的,旁边还有热恋中的女朋友,又何必去惹事生非呢?小偷肯定是饿了没钱买吃的,于是爸爸就没有做什么反应。


第二次是在公共汽车上,刚发了工资,爸爸很小心的保护着,生怕有个什么闪失。可刚刚过了两站地,忽然爸爸发觉小偷正把自己的钱包掏出来。这次,爸爸一把抓 住他的手腕,小偷小声哀求爸爸道:“求您了,放我一马吧!这是第一次,真的,您相信我,这真是迫不得已”。爸爸犹豫了说:“放了你嘛,也成,你先把钱还给 我!”小偷怕被人发现,假装和爸爸拥抱,偷偷地把钱塞了回去,趁汽车到站灰溜溜的下了车。妈妈不解地问:“那人是谁呀,和你那么熟,我怎么没见过?”爸爸 小声说:“嘘,那是小偷,他还钱呢!”妈妈赶紧问:“那怎么让他跑了?”爸爸这才醒悟过来:这家伙明明是个老手!看来对小偷绝不能心慈手软。

这第三次则是在农贸市场上。星期天,爸爸穿着双拖鞋,拎着个菜篮,菜篮里装着个钱包,晃晃悠悠地就去买菜了。结果挑好菜正要付钱时,发现钱包没了,小偷又 偷到爸爸头上来了!这回爸爸可生气了,一看旁边没有人,马上回家去换衣裳,边换边嘀咕着:“小偷认识我这身衣服,我得换一件。”原来爸爸这次是真要抓小偷 了!可是他换了衣服却忘了把拖鞋换掉了。爸爸在菜市场里转着,突然瞅见四五个人鬼鬼祟祟,眼睛专门盯着别人的衣兜.爸爸赶快去找市场管理员,可管理员却是 冷冷地说:"我们这小偷多了,抓得过来你抓去,没人拦着。"又接着聊天去了。

爸爸更生气了,他决心单枪匹马抓小偷.他回到市场发现了一对小偷,一个把手伸进顾客的衣兜,一个拿着大旅行袋着做掩护。爸爸大喊一声"抓小偷!"那两个人 拔腿就跑,爸爸撒腿就追。眼看距离越来越近,就快抓住了,却突然遇上了一个岔路口.这俩小偷一个往东一个往西分头跑了.追哪个呢?爸爸想了一下,就冲向那 个拿旅行包的,心想赃物肯定在那呢。但这一琢磨的功夫,就与小偷拉开了距离,爸爸紧追不放,可拖鞋毕竟不合脚.爸爸干脆把两只都甩到一边,加快了速度。现 在,一个在前边背着大包跑,一个在后头光着脚丫追,后边引来了一群见义勇为帮忙的.最后,爸爸终于在一座小门口抓住了小偷旅行包的带。小偷往回拉,两 个人玩上了"拉大锯扯大锯".眼看见义勇为的人快赶到了,突然小偷一松手翻进了围墙,一个老大爷劝爸爸说:"别进去了,看看钱找回来没有,里边可能会有同 伙."爸爸一看旅行包里的钱和自己丢的也差不多,便拿了钱象个凯旋的英雄似的回了家。





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today is december 1st. oh, it’s my birthday! i’m so happy. so i get up very early. i wear my nice coat. mom says, “you’re so cute.” i say, “thank you.” in the evening, grandpa gives me a book. dad gives me a big cake. we eat cake and drink milk. my pet dog, winnie is eating cake, too. my family says, “happy birthday to you!” today i’m so happy.



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英文名称是Application letter。它通常分为几种类型,包括索取公司应聘申请表及详细资料的不带的求职,附简历的应征求职信,试探性的求职信等等。 那么,英文有哪些呢?


在招聘广告中,常要求有意申请者可致电或致函索取公司的申请表格。索取这类申请表格的求职信一般都比较简短,格式参照范例。 得到申请表格后,仔细填写后一般与简历一起交给公司。申请表格的填写。

附简历的应征求职信具有向招聘者说明简历和具体求职内容的作用。简历中你已经将自己的职业经历或教育情况列表说明了,在求职信里就应着重表达自己的意见。在求职信里要简短地对简历中提到的与应聘职位有关的职业经历和技能加以说明。但是,只是简单的重复简历里的内容是不够的。要把简历里没有的内容充分添加进去,显示出与其他应聘者的差别。你需要表达的观点是:渴望、确信、真诚(I am keen, I am clear and I am sincere)。在第一段里,陈述你渴望得到这个空缺职位,第二段说明你已了解这项工作和公司的要求,说明你为什么认为你符合它们的招聘条件。第三段讲清你本人希望在何时面试,何时可以上班。第四段采用能使公司相信你对这项工作真正有兴趣的语句结束这封信。







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My home is in the fast court, which is not particularly upscale, but I have a deep feeling for it, because I grew up here, knew it, knew it, and loved it.

Into the three periods of the door, is a circular square, you can climb up the steps, and stood looking down at the top of the square, first saw is a lawn, the grass is covered with trees, osmanthus flowers, camphor trees, maple, pine and other plants, each springing up and down a peg or two, along with a row of azalea bushes. Far from afar, like a long dragon; Because in winter, the grass is yellow and soft. The lawn added vitality to the square. Generally speaking, the square is very spacious and can be used for peoples activities. The lawn is surrounded by a circle of brown wooden chairs for people to relax.

Walking further, you will see a stone bridge across a river, about 60 meters long, a bit rough and a mysterious and ancient feeling. There is a round ball on the railing. The bridge is a little steep, and it takes a lot of effort to get down, but people cant stop running. Willows planted a few trees on both sides, it is often the wicker as braid, wind rustled, wicker dancing with the wind, a peaceful river, there is little ripples, but returned to normal in a short time. You can stand on the bridge, hand on the rough railing, the sturdy bridge, looking down at the river flowing past, feeling very comfortable.

When we finished the stone bridge, we turned right and went to the residential building. The color of the building is basically white, the frame outside the window is gray, the tile on the roof is black, give a person in general a kind of fresh and fresh feeling. There are three or four camphor trees planted in front of each building. How high the trees are, high up to the third floor; How green the trees were, and how vigorous the trees were, and how tall the trees were, standing erect, like dutiful soldiers, who guarded our homes. The green belt was separated by blocks of buildings, with small shrubs and bushes, in sharp contrast to the tall camphor trees.

This is the neighborhood where I live, a common and ordinary place. But as long as you observe carefully and feel the heart, you will find this is so lively and warm and charming!



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dear vvx,

my name is vvx.im writing to you to introduce my family to you.there are four people in my family.they are my father, my mother, my sister and i. my father is a worker in a factory. my mother is a teacher in a middle school. my sister is a primary school student and she is 8 years old. i’m a middle school student and i’m 14 years old.

look forward to hear from you soon.





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Dear Lisa,

Hows it going? My winter break is coming soon, and here are my plans: Im going to read five novels because I love reading. I realized that I have gained a lot of weight, so I also plan to exercise every day until I lose five kilograms. Moreover, I want to watch some good movies, too. After all, the vacation is for us to relax! Right? Haha. Do you have any plans for your winter break? Write back soon! I miss you tons!




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Mr Smith and his son Jim rent a boat from Mr Green. They find a very good place and catch a lot of fish. Now it is   late and they are going home.

Jim says, “I’ll come here again tomorrow.”

“Yes, me too.” say his father. “But how can we get      back and find the right place again?” “I can make a    mark   on the side of the boat.” Jim answers.

The father laughs and says, “No, that’s foolish! Mr Green won’t give us the same boat next time.”








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Dear Bill,

Im glad to receive your letter,thank you for your caring for the weather and my health.Now Id like to tell you something about the smog.

Since the winter last year,the smog has occurred a lot of times.it has done great harm to our daily life.many traffic accidents happened just because of the heavy smog weather,more and more people have to go to see the doctor because the serious disease caused by the smog,quite a lot of flights have to be put off,a great number of people have to stay at home for fear of the poisonous air caused by the smog.

People have realized the great harm caused by the smog and the importance of protecting the environment.people all over the country are taking measures to reduce the smog weather.the government suggests people go to work or school with the public traffic, such as the bus and the underground.Also we should plant more trees.

According to me, I will go to school by bike or on foot, and I wont throw the waste anywhere.in addition, I will tell the people I meet to protect the environment as possible as they can.would you like to tell me some good ideas?Im looking forward to your reply.

Yours Sincerely

Li Hua


During the 15 days from New Years Eve to Lantern Festival, Beijing was affected by smog for more than half the time, because of which people suffered a lot. On the road people drove slowly because they could not see clearly. People also suffered from many illnesses caused by smog.

The smog in Beijing has been caused by many factors, in which the increase of cars in the city area plays an important role. The carssend off a lot of poisonous gases, which in turn adds to the already seriousair pollution.

In my opinion, the number of cars should be limited.We should call on the people to use more public transport. Only in this way canwe expect to have more sunny days.




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Dear Tom,

Im glad to introduce my school life to you. In my school, the students life is colorful. We can do morning exercises in the morning, and it can keep us healthy. In class, our teachers teach us much knowledge which we cant learn from our parents. And the teachers are kind and friendly. We get along well with them. After class, we often play some interesting games. And people can hear us laughing. When it is time for us to have meals, I go to buy food in the school dinning room. We are glad to eat the delicious food. I like this kind of school life. Do you like it? Best wishes!


Li Hua



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关于考试作弊的(About cheating in exams)-共三篇


It is known to us that some students cheat in the examinations at school.

Why do students cheat? For most of the time, students cheat because the exams are too hard for them. It’s easy to see that they haven’t studied hard enough to pass the exams. Others may want to get a higher mark by all means--frankly speaking, they want to be praised or even admired.

As a result, exams certainly become unfair for non-cheating students. And soon the majority of the students will learn and choose to cheat in exams so as to “follow the style.”

Therefore, we must take measures now. First, students need an honest study environment, and second, they should be told to pay more attention to the discipline and seriously obey it all the time.

In a word, students can not cheat on any account.




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It is known to all that today the environment has been badly polluted.

Though many action have been taken to protect our environment, it still has a

long way to go. Two years ago, I went to middle school, and the first moment I

saw the environment, I found that trees were very small, and many workers were

busy planting trees. Now, when I looked around our school, the trees were taller

than people and they grew so fast. People always talk about planting trees but

less of them can take action. If they plant trees immediately, then there would

be more green scenery. Protecting the environment is not just words. We should

take action right now.



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On Friday, I went out to play with a few small partners, and one of the small partners took an infrared machine gun.

When he took infrared light on us, we didnt close our eyes, and we got the skateboard and blocked our eyes. So, we invented a game: the dark man. First, I asked the man who took the gun to hide. We counted one hundred seconds. Then we went to him and found it. First pass: one man takes a gun, the others look for it. After one hundred seconds, one man wanted to rush out to find a gun. We hastened him to talk about the plan first.

We felt that the plan would be heard by him, and we decided to go to a hidden place to discuss the plan. In the past, I was the leader. Suddenly, a strong red light came to us, and we immediately closed our eyes. Then, we ran into the bamboo secret base at the fastest speed. Then stealthily approached him from the back door. At this moment, the infrared suddenly stopped, the man ran back, I was running behind, as he prepares to turn a big bend to get rid of me, I suddenly rushed up, finally caught him. Second: I let him to hide, but he refused to take a person, not to hide with him. I said it would be ok if I didnt get the candidate again. The result of the reelection is that I hid with him.

When we were hiding, we found someone peeking. Another man said let him count. I thought of a good way: a. When he was looking at me, we were running in the garage, and now he didnt see us, and I took him to the tall, dense grass. He arrived when I ran to the grass. I guess theyre going to run in the garage. Sure enough, they just count to the garage bay. I could not help laughing at the sight of it. All of a sudden I thought it was so uninteresting that I wanted to play a little bit more exciting. Ask: dont want to play with excitement. He said it. I took him and ran out to shout: “ we were here! ” see they ran out and I ran, but he didnt respond, and he was caught. I think he was caught and he didnt run. I had a very happy life on this new years day.



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China nation has a strong family concept and always have family reunion in someimportant days. Family Reunion Dinner is an essential custom on New Years Eve. They usually enjoy a big feast this day. And dumpling and fish are must during theFamily Reunion Dinner on New Years Eve. Some people will put a coin inside onedumpling. The people who eat this dumpling will be to thought be a lucky guy. Thefish could not be eaten out because the fish means extra things by partial tone. And it represents the wish for a prosperous year with abundant and even extrawealth and luck.
