给小偷的一封信10篇 写给某某的信英文【优秀20篇】






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My idol is neither a big star nor a big hero, but my father.

My father is a driver. He is so smart that he can answer almost any question and answer question.

Dads last great effort, bought back the dishes, dad to show his strength, have to break into two plates.

Dad is big, and he likes to use his head and hands. The house is built to patch up his session. This year, the snow broke down the solar water heater pipe, and he climbed up the roof alone to repair it so that we could take a shower again.

Dad is also very caring and helpful. Basically, he takes part in every activity, and every time he makes a donation, he is very active. So I call him loving dad.

My father has many other advantages, and I admire him most. And who are your idols?




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Free Admission to Parks

To encourage people to go outside and relax, a mounting number of parks offer free admission now. People benefit from it, especially during these tough economic times. With free entry, more people will have the opportunity for affordable vacations for families, taking pleasure in the natural landscape.

Fresh air and landscapes in parks are good for people. However, too many people

flocking into parks might not be so good for the parks.

For example, some visitors leave their garbage behind, which may cause environmental pollution. And people’s barbeques and stamping will also bring damage to the grassland and other greeneries in parks.

As a university student, I’m in favor of free admission to parks. Free entry to parks not only saves people’s expenditure, but also makes things fairer — people like the poor and students can go to parks frequently as well. On the other hand, visitors should be informed to preserve the environment while enjoying the beauty of the nature.



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Dear Tony

I am very glad to hear from you.How is eveything with you?You ask me about my plan of the winter vocation.I am going to finish my homework as soon as possible so that I can have lots of free time to read more books and help my parents do some housework.I am going to learn how to cook some delicious dishes so that my parents will be happy to enjoy them.I am going to go skating and skiing with my parents because skating and skiing are my favourite winter sports.My parent will take me to visit some interesting places,such as the Summer Palace and the Forbitten City.It will be a lot of fun.I am looking forward to my winter vocation.



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There is no denying that the network is a double-edged sword. In todays society, network security has caused a lot of peoples attention. The impact of the Internet on todays society is still great. Is the network better than the disadvantages, or the disadvantages outweigh the benefits? This is a thought-provoking question. First of all, the network really brings people a lot of convenience. People do not walk out, but across the world. You can also shop online, chat online, listen to songs and so on. Due to the development of the network, one thorny problem comes one after another. For example, some people are addicted to the Internet and cannot extricate themselves. In reality, the number of cases of juvenile sudden death is not the Internet spy Yu, it caused people to pay great attention to network security. But it must be said that computers are a great invention, because they can almost find what they want to find on the internet.

But also because of its development, will die, many people are too excited to play, and always sleep in the ground. So, the Internet is scary. Network security has become a concern of many people, many people issued a sincere question: "how to use the network is safe?"" I think: who has a lot to do with self-control?. Because after tiredness, proper listening to songs can relax people. But some people are unrestrained play, which not only can not play the effect, but also make people more decadent beast, this does not violate his final wishes? Some businesses invented bloody games for their own interests, but they attracted large numbers of teenagers. Theyre just looking for excitement. But this makes their physical and mental health be affected, the mind began to distort, put the Buddha himself on the scene, thus unable to distinguish the actual situation. So the network is fictional, not enough. I think we should use the network to learn knowledge, from the data of shit.

But when we look at the data, it will pop up some boring advertising, which has a great impact on us, because we are confused and curious in adolescence. But that often causes us to fall off the cliff. When this is, we should ask teachers, parents and people who trust them to help. However, the network is also wonderful, looking at how we can benefit it. For example, we can email and chat with people from other countries. We dont have to worry about language barrier and cant chat, because there are translation software on the Internet, so we can learn foreign culture. But others are worthless, in many bad information online to mislead the thoughts of others.

So the network is a double-edged sword, can help a person, but can also destroy a person, see is how we use. There are many people who have weak awareness of network security, and give their numbers and addresses to strangers on the Internet, so that criminals have the opportunity to commit crimes, but this brings hidden dangers to their own security. There are people who take pictures of others (Chou Hua) sent to the Internet, not only to the right of the parties to the portrait, but also to fight other peoples personality, but we can also find this person through the network, and to inform him to defend their interests. All kinds of software on the Internet bring convenience to us, but also bring adverse effects. Network security still has a big impact. We should pay attention to the problems of network security. You should consult the materials so that you can get better protection. The advantages of science and technology development, but also brought unknown harm. The influence of network security is very important to the development of our physical and mental health, we should pay attention to it. Let us further explore the impact of network security. Create a better and more civilized world and make our motherland stronger.



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It is said that in the year of 300 AD, there was a kind old man and his name was Saint Nicholas. He was always ready to help the poor and often gave presents to them.

Today, Father Christmas is an imaginary figure, but nearly all young children believe in him. They think he is a happy old man with a long white beard and a long red robe.

On the night of the twenty-fourth of December every year, Father Christmas from some cold northern land comes down the chimney of the fireplace to put presents by the beds of children or to fill their stockings. So when children go to bed that night, they hang up their stockings, and on Christmas morning they wake to find them full of presents. Of course, it‘s really their parents who fill the stockings.

Another name for Father Christmas is Santa Claus.









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In last years eleven holiday, our family went to Lanzhou and Xining to travel. That afternoon, Dad suddenly told us to travel, we promised.

Our first goal is Lanzhou, and we dont know the road at high speed. It was dark. We went all the way in the mountain road. Finally, we arrived in Lanzhou. After dinner, we began to find hotels, went to many hotels, but they were all overcrowded. We searched and searched, and finally found a guest house. The second day, we went to Wuquanshan, many people drove up to the door of my difficult to calm the mood. Bought a ticket in the first eye to is Huo statue around the past is a temple, called Confucian Temple.

Where we took a photo and went out to the mountain, we go on a mountain is wuquanshan. Because of the rain, many roads were mud, a lot of mud was stained on the shoes, and then I saw the attic. It seems the Huo, we went down the steps down the road I inadvertently looked down is a small squirrel on the tree to jump for a while and then disappeared. Down the hill, we did not stop at Xining again. In the evening, we came to Xining in Qinghai province. We found the hotel, lived and slept for a night to relieve the fatigue of the day. In the morning, we were ready to go to Qinghai, and we started out after breakfast. On the way we came to a place and had a strong wind. I came out and shook and went to sleep in the car. When I woke up to the edge of the lake in Qinghai, I stretched out, and I knew that the ticket for Qinghai Lake was 50 yuan.

I see mom and dads eyes know is not to buy a ticket, we had to walk along the road and found no fence, there is one family living they took us to the lake, took a photo, listen to them before the Qinghai Lake is great, but now more and more small, this is not the results of the protection ring. We went to a rape place, the smell of the faint fragrance, has gone down in the west of the west, will our hearts call back. Passing by, we found a bucket of honey and a sweet taste! We slept early in the evening, because we were going home tomorrow.

I dont want to go back! Ill come again if theres a chance!



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As is known to us,it is very harmful to spent too much time playing games on the internet.

Firstly,it is an enormous waste of your precious time.As a student,we are supposed to concentrate our attention on our studies.Secondly, it does great physical harm to your if you are stay up so often.You are likely to suffer from body imbalance as a result of exhaustion.Thirdly,your mental health will be seriously affected,too.If you completely immerse yourself in the unreal world and deviate yourself from your parents and friends,you will end up feeling lonely and isolated in the real word.

I hope someone who likes playing computer games will manage to control this problem and shift your attention to your lessons.Try to take exercises and communicate with others more often.In this way,you will live a more colorful and fruitful life.



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《In Love》

If love be love , if love be ours,


Faith and unfaith can ne’er be equal powers;


Unfaith in aught is want of faith in all.


It is the little rift within the lute,


That by and by will make the music mute,


And ever widening showly silence all.


The little rift within the lover’s lute,


Or little pitted speck in garner’d fruit,


That rotting inward slowly moulders all,


It is not worth the keeping, let it go;


But shall it?answer, darling, answer,no,


And trust me not all or all in all.




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爸爸小偷指导教师:王淑敏   我爸爸不是警察,可是曾三次抓小偷,这些都是爸爸讲给我听的,但总是能很清晰的浮现在我的眼前,就像前两天发生的一样。   爸爸第一次抓小偷是在一次地坛庙会上,庙会里人山人海,热闹非凡,叫卖的、演节目的、讨价还价的,声音此起彼伏。   爸爸那会儿刚刚认识妈妈,正处在热恋中。两个人边吃小吃边聊天边逛着,来到了一个露天的表演场,节目还挺精彩,于是爸爸妈妈就挤进去观赏。正当演到高潮时,爸爸突然感觉兜里痒痒的,小偷!爸爸一回头,看见一个小伙子把手插在自己兜里,但眼睛却目不转睛地盯着台上。爸爸正想抓住他,但转念一想,反正自己兜里就装了点吃的,旁边还有热恋中的女朋友,又何必去惹事生非呢?小偷肯定是饿了没钱买吃的,于是爸爸就没有做什么反应。

表演完了,妈妈一摸兜,坏了,兜里的钱包没有了,爸爸听了一个劲儿地后悔,但也没敢吱声。   第二次是在公共汽车上,刚发了工资,爸爸很小心的保护着,生怕有个什么闪失。可刚刚过了两站地,忽然爸爸发觉小偷正把自己的钱包掏出来。这次,爸爸一把抓住他的手腕,小偷小声哀求爸爸道:“求您了,放我一马吧!这是第一次,真的,您相信我,这真是迫不得已”。爸爸犹豫了说:“放了你嘛,也成,你先把钱还给我!”小偷怕被人发现,假装和爸爸拥抱,偷偷地把钱塞了回去,趁汽车到站灰溜溜的下了车。妈妈不解地问:“那人是谁呀,和你那么熟,我怎么没见过?”爸爸小声说:“嘘,那是小偷,他还钱呢!”妈妈赶紧问:“那怎么让他跑了?”爸爸这才醒悟过来:这家伙明明是个老手!看来对小偷绝不能心慈手软。   这第三次则是在农贸市场上。星期天,爸爸穿着双拖鞋,拎着个菜篮,菜篮里装着个钱包,晃晃悠悠地就去买菜了。结果挑好菜正要付钱时,发现钱包没了,小偷又偷到爸爸头上来了!这回爸爸可生气了,一看旁边没有人,马上回家去换衣裳,边换边嘀咕着:“小偷认识我这身衣服,我得换一件。”原来爸爸这次是真要抓小偷了!可是他换了衣服却忘了把拖鞋换掉了。爸爸在菜市场里转着,突然瞅见四五个人鬼鬼祟祟,眼睛专门盯着别人的衣兜.爸爸赶快去找市场管理员,可管理员却是冷冷地说:"我们这小偷多了,抓得过来你抓去,没人拦着。"又接着聊天去了。   爸爸更生气了,他决心单枪匹马抓小偷.他回到市场发现了一对小偷,一个把手伸进顾客的衣兜,一个拿着大旅行袋着做掩护。爸爸大喊一声"抓小偷!"那两个人拔腿就跑,爸爸撒腿就追。眼看距离越来越近,就快抓住了,却突然遇上了一个岔路口.这俩小偷一个往东一个往西分头跑了.追哪个呢?爸爸想了一下,就冲向那个拿旅行包的,心想赃物肯定在那呢。但这一琢磨的功夫,就与小偷拉开了距离,爸爸紧追不放,可拖鞋毕竟不合脚.爸爸干脆把两只都甩到一边,加快了速度。现在,一个在前边背着大包跑,一个在后头光着脚丫追,后边引来了一群见义勇为帮忙的.最后,爸爸终于在一座小学校门口抓住了小偷旅行包的带。小偷往回拉,两个人玩上了"拉大锯扯大锯".眼看见义勇为的人快赶到了,突然小偷一松手翻进了围墙,一个老大爷劝爸爸说:"别进去了,看看钱找回来没有,里边可能会有同伙."爸爸一看旅行包里的钱和自己丢的也差不多,便拿了钱象个凯旋的英雄似的回了家。   我的爸爸就是这样一个人,既善良,又不吃亏。关键时刻还挺勇敢,我们全家人都很喜欢爸爸。




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The Spring Festival is very important to Chinese people. In the past,people could not often have meat,rice or other delicious food. They could only eat these during the Spring festival. So every year they hoped that the Spring Festival would come soon. Now, although people‘s life is much better,and we can eat the delicious foods everyday. People still like the festival. Because most people can have a long holiday,and we are free to go on a trip or visit our friends or have parties with our family. In the evenings,we can have a big meal in the restaurant or stay at home with family and watch the TV programmes.

I like the Spring Festival very much. How wonderful the Spring Festival is!


I had a good time during this spring festival.thought the weather was very cold,I still went travelling to beijing with my family.

We got there on feb.13,so we had a big dinner at the hotel on New Years Eve with strangers over all the city.then,we watched the Spring Festival Gala Evening that night.

The next day was the beginning of New Year ,it was cold.but we kept a happy mind all day.because we had a chance to Wangfujing Street.As we know,it is the most famous commercial area in Beijing.

So we went shopping there and bought many presents .what was more,i even ate beijing duck.is was so delicious that we could not forget it·s good taste until we went back home.

I had a good holiday this time.


The spring festival is the tradition festival in China.It is the same as the christmas day in the west country,it is welcome the new year.

It is the day that the families get together.

The spring festival is usually in the February ,sometimes in January.In the spring festival,every family all paste the lucky inscriptions,they fire the cracker,they eat the dumplings.The day before the new years first day is the new years eve,same as the christmas eve,all the families get together to have the new yaars dinner,wishes each other,talk about the wishes about the new year.Small children will receive the money given to children as a lunar new year gift.




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Today is mothers day, the students are preparing exquisite gift for mother. Xiao Ming want to give mom a carnation, can touch the empty pockets, hovering at the entrance to the flower shop...

Xiao Ming think: "I have no money to buy flowers, how to do? Borrow money from classmates? Bad! To grandma? It seems wrong!..." Ideas have been denied. Florists to see a child looking outside, walk past kindly asked xiao Ming: "kid, what do you want to buy flowers?" Xiao Ming nao nao head shyly said: "want to, but no money..." Florists a listen to can not help but laugh, at an early age like flowers! So funny, he asked: "do you want to send to who? Children?" "Today is mothers day, I want to buy a carnation to mother!" Think of mother after receiving the flowers that surprise appearance, xiao Mings little cheeks glow!

Florists heard suddenly paused, a flash, he thought of himself in his hometown of the 80 - year - old mother... Because of busy business, as a son of almost three years didnt go back to see her! Today is mothers day, he did not liuxue86.com even play a phone call! Florists immediately warm in my heart, very sour, he thought of his old mother put up, and she is not as good as a child... He slapped hard head, took xiao Mings hand, said: "kid, uncle to send you a, you go to pick." Xiao Ming shook her head and said: "no, uncle, I cant flowers white to you." Watching children stubborn little face, florists brainwave asked: "so, you help uncle do half an hours work, task is to put the guests to take to them is ok, then use your salary to buy my flower head office?" Xiao Ming cried excitedly, "uncle well, thank you!!" ......

Bright Ming finally holding is about to drip of carnation away happily. Florists looked at xiao Mings back, eyes moist. He walked into the store picking up the receiver to call home, phone call, the phone is 80 - year - old mother. Florists, said: "mom, happy mothers day! I will go back to see you in a couple of days..."







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My dearest father,

Happy Christmas Eve!

Legend in the night of Christmas Eve, can eat an apple, this life will be


Christmas Eve has finally arrived! Dear father, I send you a sweet apple,

as long as you can take a bite of this delicious sweet apple, can bring you

peace! Bless you for a lifetime of good health! Safe and sound!

I also want to thank dad very much for this wonderful evening! Thank you

every day or get up early for me busy to go to work to make money, earn money to

buy me milk, drink, fruit, bread, delicious food, socks, clothes, breakfast and

so on delicious easy to wear, but also in the rest of the time, accompany me to

study, practice piano, watching cartoons, and sometimes with my mother and I go

out to play!

Remember that is the summer time, you have to cook good vegetables for me,

steamed bread and eggs before going to work, really very hard! In winter, you

often warm the bed for me, just go to bed! In the middle of the night, also

often for me to cover the quilt, also afraid of lax cover, his clothes stuffed

around me, always worried about my catching cold, you really worry about my


In addition, you often watch TV instead of watching your favorite programs,

but accompany me to watch cartoons or listen to stories. I understand: all this

is because of a word "love"! You love me more than you love yourself, so you

would rather lose your happiness, but also want to make me happy! You are such a

kind and great father! Every night before going to bed, you will also patiently

and carefully for my face, wash my feet, boil water, pour water, wipe skin

lotion, and often for my bath and shampoo, and so on, never bother.

Dad, you are really a rare, know how to love the childs good father! Im

so proud of having a dad like you!

Dad, I love you so much! From the heart of good love you! I will never

forget what you have done for me.

Dad, you love me so much, hurt me, I will double to you in the future! I

can have you such a father, I feel very happy! In the future, when I grow up, I

will also let you do the worlds most "happy" father!! Please believe daughter,

daughter will do it! Finally, I wish you:

Christmas Eve -- Safe and sound! Christmas - Happy

Always love your daughter: Xianger



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I hope world peace, although Chinese children live without war, but a lot of areas are still pervaded with brutal wars. I hope to be able to peace. By that time, everyone has a hand of friendship, and everyone is equal and free. There were no invaders, no roar of the rebels, no pistols, and the bombing of the war. I hope that the laughter of children is full of laughter, the sweet smile of the people, the ambitious invaders, and the warmth of kindness, no ambition and greed.

In Afghanistan, after the war, peoples lives are threatened, because in the whole of Afghanistan underground, buried 1 million mines. Its common to kill or blow up by landmines. Even in the center of the city, many people were killed and wounded. What is not believed is that a 10 year old boy was wounded by a mine at the side of the school. Love, people love, respect people, are respected. If everyone understands that all of them live in harmony and mutual humility, we can avoid war. I want the world to be peace forever, to make peace in other regions, and to live a happy life with us.



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We can get a Chinese New Year lucky money every year,but not all the reasonable use of it.I will get a part of to my parents,the other one is by their own bank.My parents also support me to do so.

In my opinion,this is a reasonable approach.Because many peoples self-control is not good,if all the money on his own,it will quickly spend it.But if he do not have any money,and no way to buy want to buy things.Therefore,it is to help parents keep a part of the money,other part of the money to retain our hands.

If my parents deposit New Years money in the bank,Ill spend in college when it as my living expenses.



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In order to celebrate mothers day my mother and I decided to jiaozuo border region a attractions - yuntai mountain. We went all the way along the roadside flowers like in smiled at me, The tree is waved to me. Even the rain also infected by us more huan... So soon in yuntai mountain.

In yuntai mountain is our first visit scenic spots dogwood peak, heard that the tang dynasty poet Wang Weiceng left there a few words of legend: alone in a foreign land here, every festive holiday times. Remote know brothers climb, dogwood is less one times. After listening, we is climbing. Although the process of mountaineering. However, my mother and I are convinced that: learning, too, if you dont always make progress, is inferior to others will be the next big already, also is one step behind, step by step.

Next, we ride in front. The bottom, came to redstone gorge scenic area. All of a sudden, a tour guide, pointing to a big stone said: "this is the double stone, with his left hand to touch it desires of the heart is the right hand to touch it is money." After hearing the words I want to play a trick behind mother, drew her to here, let her in touch with either hand, such as after her to touch to tell her the truth of the matter again. After she heard, we both laughed.

Yuntai mountain, and let me use a word is: even the water fog lock lock hill mountain fog, day tail water connect (because the cloud there is much, clear water.

Mom, today I played very happy, you happy?



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dear teacher,

i am not feel verwell thidays,and cough seriously,so,i went to see a doctor yesterday, the doctor told me that i have had a badlcold, he let me stain bed daand night, taking pillthree timea day.ayou know, i can not go to scholl.cared bmfamilies,i am sure i will get well soon,i will trmbest to catch up with mclassmates. thanks!


