给小偷的一封信10篇 写给某某的信英文【汇总20篇】






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at present some people think that money is everything. they say that you can do everything if you have money. you can live in a beautiful house, keep a luxurious ear and have all sorts of delicious food.

i dont think so. indeed, money can buy a lot of things we need. but there are many, many wonderful things in the world that cannot be bough/; with money.

for example, knowledge cannot be bought with money. one cannot be rich in knowledge unless he studies hard. time cannot be bought with money, either. who can buy even a second with money?

there are still many other things that cannot be bought with money: health,life, happiness,friendship, love and so on. just think, if a person hasnt these things at all, is the money still useful?

now, do you think money is everything?




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Summer can be very hot in southern Taiwan where the temperature usually

goes up to 32"C or more. Because of the heat it is a trying experience to go to

school or do anything else in a place that is not air-conditioned. Also because

of this I stay at home most of the time during the summer vacation and

occasionally go to the beach to plunge myself into the cool water as a way to

keep my body less sticky. Actually I like swimming think nothing is more

refreshing than a swim. In the summer vacation that has ended I went swimming

many times with my classmates we all had a good time. This summer vacation,

however, was not spent entirely in seeking fun. As a second-year senior student

I had to prepare myself for the college entrance examinations that were a year

away. In other words, I must find time to study, too. So I divided my time

between work play during the summer vacation derived benefit from this




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It rained all day yesterday, today, the sun smiling up, I feel happy!

The water beside the road was covered with a thin layer of ice. Pedestrians dressed in thick cotton padded clothes, waiting for the bus people to rub their hands and stamp their feet, they also felt the cold in winter. The trees at the school gate were left with bare branches. The two little sparrows stood on their branches and jumped as if they were cold and doing exercises!

Winter is coming. I hope spring will come soon!



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for going on with my further studies, i took the entrance examination in a senior middle school last week。 i still remember there were more than three hundred candidates taking part in this examination。 for the first day, in the morning, chinese was easy。 we were required to write a composition of 250 words on "my home life", and give definitions and illustrations to twenty phrases。 in the afterno on, we took an english examination。 there were dictation, sentence formation, and analysis for oral english。 in the oral examination, i was questioned about my home life, my experience in the junior middle school and my future prospects。

on the second day, we were examined on history and geography in the morning and physics and chemistry in the afternoon。






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Dear Andy lewis,

hello.how have you been? i have read magazine advertisement knowing you are hunting for some people who can be your pen-friends firstly,please allow me to introduce myself.I am LiPing and i have a happy life with my parents in Shanghaimy father who is working for a big company is a legal adviser and my mother has retired. i am working for an advertising company as advertising design.

My hobby is sports such as playing basketball,football,swimming and so on.i think that sports can not only lose your weight but also give you a good shape.i am fond of billiards other than that. As far as i knoDear Emily, Im glad to learn that youre interested in China. Im more than happy to introduce you more of China. China, being one of the four ancient civilizations, has a long history and therefore there are many places of ancient sites. Besides, China has a vast region hence many beautiful natural sceneries are found in China as well. And due to the long history and vast area, there are in total 56 races living harmoniously with huge populations in China. China has not only ancient sites and sceneries, also she has modern metropolitans such as Hong Kong and Shanghai which attracts millions of travelers each year As an old saying, talking is nothing more than seeing. I hope you can come and visit China yourself and view these beautiful sceneries with your own eyes. Yours Sincerely, Hua Liw one of your hobby is learning foreign languages.i could teach you to learn chinese if you will. If only i could be accepted and be good friends with you. good luck to you.

Yours sincerely

Li Ping



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爸爸小偷指导教师:王淑敏   我爸爸不是警察,可是曾三次抓小偷,这些都是爸爸讲给我听的,但总是能很清晰的浮现在我的眼前,就像前两天发生的一样。   爸爸第一次抓小偷是在一次地坛庙会上,庙会里人山人海,热闹非凡,叫卖的、演节目的、讨价还价的,声音此起彼伏。   爸爸那会儿刚刚认识妈妈,正处在热恋中。两个人边吃小吃边聊天边逛着,来到了一个露天的表演场,节目还挺精彩,于是爸爸妈妈就挤进去观赏。正当演到高潮时,爸爸突然感觉兜里痒痒的,小偷!爸爸一回头,看见一个小伙子把手插在自己兜里,但眼睛却目不转睛地盯着台上。爸爸正想抓住他,但转念一想,反正自己兜里就装了点吃的,旁边还有热恋中的女朋友,又何必去惹事生非呢?小偷肯定是饿了没钱买吃的,于是爸爸就没有做什么反应。

表演完了,妈妈一摸兜,坏了,兜里的钱包没有了,爸爸听了一个劲儿地后悔,但也没敢吱声。   第二次是在公共汽车上,刚发了工资,爸爸很小心的保护着,生怕有个什么闪失。可刚刚过了两站地,忽然爸爸发觉小偷正把自己的钱包掏出来。这次,爸爸一把抓住他的手腕,小偷小声哀求爸爸道:“求您了,放我一马吧!这是第一次,真的,您相信我,这真是迫不得已”。爸爸犹豫了说:“放了你嘛,也成,你先把钱还给我!”小偷怕被人发现,假装和爸爸拥抱,偷偷地把钱塞了回去,趁汽车到站灰溜溜的下了车。妈妈不解地问:“那人是谁呀,和你那么熟,我怎么没见过?”爸爸小声说:“嘘,那是小偷,他还钱呢!”妈妈赶紧问:“那怎么让他跑了?”爸爸这才醒悟过来:这家伙明明是个老手!看来对小偷绝不能心慈手软。   这第三次则是在农贸市场上。星期天,爸爸穿着双拖鞋,拎着个菜篮,菜篮里装着个钱包,晃晃悠悠地就去买菜了。结果挑好菜正要付钱时,发现钱包没了,小偷又偷到爸爸头上来了!这回爸爸可生气了,一看旁边没有人,马上回家去换衣裳,边换边嘀咕着:“小偷认识我这身衣服,我得换一件。”原来爸爸这次是真要抓小偷了!可是他换了衣服却忘了把拖鞋换掉了。爸爸在菜市场里转着,突然瞅见四五个人鬼鬼祟祟,眼睛专门盯着别人的衣兜.爸爸赶快去找市场管理员,可管理员却是冷冷地说:"我们这小偷多了,抓得过来你抓去,没人拦着。"又接着聊天去了。   爸爸更生气了,他决心单枪匹马抓小偷.他回到市场发现了一对小偷,一个把手伸进顾客的衣兜,一个拿着大旅行袋着做掩护。爸爸大喊一声"抓小偷!"那两个人拔腿就跑,爸爸撒腿就追。眼看距离越来越近,就快抓住了,却突然遇上了一个岔路口.这俩小偷一个往东一个往西分头跑了.追哪个呢?爸爸想了一下,就冲向那个拿旅行包的,心想赃物肯定在那呢。但这一琢磨的功夫,就与小偷拉开了距离,爸爸紧追不放,可拖鞋毕竟不合脚.爸爸干脆把两只都甩到一边,加快了速度。现在,一个在前边背着大包跑,一个在后头光着脚丫追,后边引来了一群见义勇为帮忙的.最后,爸爸终于在一座小学校门口抓住了小偷旅行包的带。小偷往回拉,两个人玩上了"拉大锯扯大锯".眼看见义勇为的人快赶到了,突然小偷一松手翻进了围墙,一个老大爷劝爸爸说:"别进去了,看看钱找回来没有,里边可能会有同伙."爸爸一看旅行包里的钱和自己丢的也差不多,便拿了钱象个凯旋的英雄似的回了家。   我的爸爸就是这样一个人,既善良,又不吃亏。关键时刻还挺勇敢,我们全家人都很喜欢爸爸。




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20XX this summer vacation in the past month,this month i and my parents went to Vancouver to visit my friends.

We lodged at a friendss house.

Arrived in Vancouver on the first day,is already in the afternoon, so good friends mother decided to let our two people together to do a dinner .His mother cook the pizza. Hanburger, my mother and i do . In addition, the father is responsible for to buy drinks.

My brother and sister are in charge of eating.

After dinner, i and my friends and his younger brother ang sister to the courtyard behind the big swimming pool, especially fun.

Well, Im waiting for my second days diary.



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During the summer vacation, my aunt in the country with the Qiandao Lake for a period of time. Every night, I and aunt one family sitting in front of the new bridge. I found that the moon is very beautiful very beautiful. The moon seem like very ordinary, but it can not. The light is soft, not too bright, no light reflection. Although it is not like the sun to shine on the earth, but bright and clear. The moon looks are always different, sometimes round as a plate, sometimes sad, sometimes as small as small as ... ... Beautiful beautiful. But it seems to always have a touch of sadness, but reduced its beauty. But no matter how the moon change, there is a kind of beauty that can not say, I want it.




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dear robert,

im glad to receive your letter. now i will tell you something about my plan for summer vacation after the final exam. firstly, i will learn to drive. i think driving can be useful.

secondly, i will take some english courses.

thirdly, i will visit some tourist attractions. it must be very exciting. last, i will do some reading in the vacation.

what about you? i hope you can have a pretty vacation.




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A good beginning makes a good ending.善始者善终。

A good book is a good friend.好书如挚友。

A good book is the best of friends, the same today and forever. 一本好书,相伴一生。

A good conscience is a soft pillow.不做亏心事,不怕鬼叫门。

A good fame is better than a good face. 美名胜过美貌。

A good husband makes a good wife.夫善则妻贤。

A good medicine tastes bitter.良药苦口。

A good wife health is a man‘s best wealth.妻贤身体好是男人最大的财富。

A great talker is a great liar.说大话者多谎言。

A light heart lives long.静以修身。

A hedge between keeps friendship green.君子之交淡如水。

A joke never gains an enemy but loses a friend.戏谑不能化敌为友,只能使人失去朋友。

A leopard cannot change its spots.积习难改。

A liar is not believed when he speaks the truth说谎者即使讲真话也没人相信。

A little body often harbors a great soul.浓缩的都是精品。

A little knowledge is a dangerous thing.一知半解,自欺欺人。

A little pot is soon hot.狗肚子盛不得四两油。

All are brave when the enemy flies.敌人逃窜时,人人都成了勇士。

All good things come to an end.天下没有不散的筵席。

All rivers run into sea.海纳百川。

All roads lead to Rome.条条大路通罗马。

All that ends well is well.结果好,就一切都好。

All that glitters is not gold.闪光的不一定都是金子。

All things are difficult before they are easy.凡事总是由难而易。



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Childhood, a memorable words to me;Childhood, a reminds me of the total a little words.Childhood ah, what a profound but innocence, childhood laughter, always so innocent;Childhood behavior seems very childish, but the most sincere.When I think of my childhood time, mind, heart, always arise some light, little thoughts, light sadness.Everything is so weak, but always with my thoughts, I cant forget;Everything is so weak, but always quiet in my mind, I cant let go!

When I was tired, lie on the bed, inadvertently opened a childhood this "diary".In that instant, I seem to no longer tired, is happy childhood gave me the power of the spirit.I dont have the right to choose, I only stand on this has formed road continue to go on, I wont change anything, I dont want to change anything, because the importance of childhood, happiness, happiness may only in the memory can understand.

Our childhood is full of love, the love of parents.They care about us, to dedicate everything to us: to prepare delicious breakfast for us in the morning and the evening and cover the quilt for us;In the summerFor us to drive midge fan for others,In the winterAnd remove cold for us.All in all, we are the apple of parents eye, they meet the requirements of any of our, done a lot for us...

Our childhood is full of love --The teacherLove.The teacherLike the flashing eyesThe starsLighting up my heart.Whenever my grades, the teacher will be to me to admiring eyes, as if to say: "you are great!"Whenever my grades step backwards, the teacher would have to take a blame me, and like to say: "whats the matter with you?Strive to!"Teacher will talk eyes deeply imprinted in my mind, in her eyes brimmed with her sincere love for us...

Although childhood leave me, but I never leave it away.Because this paragraph of memory will be I this life the most important memory, maybe to old I can savor the joy of childhood;Maybe to old I can slowly understand the true meaning of childhood!



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Five Mr. Liu Tao Yuanming once said: "seeing not advice, but the future can be repaired." Indeed, when we look back at the past, those who have not changed as is as trassient as a fleeting cloud, laugh at the harvest has been obtained, and forget not. And when we look to the future, and everything in the future is in our own hands, we should be full of longing and pursuing a better future.

When you face the past, I want to say to you: you dont think about what you did, but to what you have, in the face of Qu Yuans career flow, mind is full of broken own ideal, then hold stone river. Haizi facing the gap between ideal and reality, the mind is not "spring", and the fiery youth under the tracks jimie. Many students in the face of the setback of learning for a moment, the heart is thinking of the temporary loss, so they lost their precious life. In the face of the past, they forget what they have. Learn more than Voltaire! He was exiled to the British Isles, he also received the government beaten, he also spent time in the Bastille, these human beings face the pain he was almost out of. But he laughed at the past, forgetting the lost. He thought that he still had a healthy body to hold the pen holder, so he called the same way in the "philosophical discourse", inspired the people through the encyclopedia, and got the happiness in the heart.

When you look ahead, I want to say to you: you dont think what you have now, but to think you dont have what, small Zhong Yong young satisfied with his talent for the future, he always thinks he can be happy forever this insignificant skill, he no longer want to have more extensive knowledge. So in the end "and then everybody". In the cold desert, Su Wu lonely with Chinese festival bare sitting in the snow, snow white with his eyebrows, cold froze his fingers, but his heart carries only to return to the big beautiful vision of the future, but not now own loneliness, this kind of faith support he finally happy to return to the chinese.

Looking forward to the future, to have the "Dongpo looking northwest, Sirius radio," perseverance, to "get the lead out, still can Jiaxuan Fanfou" do not give up, to have Li Bai "to be useful" self-confidence. You can be happy if you have a dream without complacency.

Not because of the past lost not because now has a jittery, and complacency, laugh at the past and look forward to the future, we can get you a diamond The brightness dazzles the eyes. wonderful life.



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Today, it is the first day of school, I look forward to the mood, walked, he thought: look like a classmate, teacher if there is any change. Walk, see the schools have people mountain people sea, to the classroom, ah! Move the classroom, the teacher also changed. Students grow fat in vain.

I really happy today! Later want to have a class, listening!



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Mr. A Gan has his own perseverance, keeping on running without of any reason, JUST RUNS. He said: “Man has t look forward, and never encumbered by foretime. I thank thats the meaning of my running.” Say goodbye to foretime and dont stay in-place. Although so many people in the world are used to follow others and few people can stick to one thing, Mr. A Gan does and becomes “GOD”. There is another character Captain Dan. Dan lost his legs in Vietnarm War. He said that his fate is death in war. However, Mr. A Gan saved him and let him be alive. After losing legs, Dan was decadent and disgusted with life, complaining that A Gan shouldnt save him. When he adjusted his mind, living on fishing with A Gan, he started to enjoy the wonderful life and thank A Gans help. The movie is intended to tell people that life is wonderful by this character. Rainbow is always after cloud. The key point is that whether we have a good mind and an opportunity to ourselves to change bad situation. The movie is also sent such a message to us: do well what we should do, and life will return us well. There will be a miracle if only there is perseverance.



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Today is the second day of the English Summer we study at Zhejiang


It’s hot.In the morning,we ate breakfast at the dining room.That food was

not bad.Then we went to the assembly meeting hall.Some teachers talked about

their hopes,as well as rules.Then we came back to our classroom,we had a test.It

was difficult.So I thought I didn’t do it well.

I want to speak English well.I believe I can.I’ll sleep.Bye-bye!



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how to discribe my father s characator seemed very easy in the past.but , maybe i ve got wrong and been wrong all the time.

in the past , when my nature mother was still living with us , he had a savage mood which often frightened both my mother and me .after they got quarrelled , a fight was unavoidable .maybe a fight contains misunderstandings of both ,but in those day ,i thought that it was all my father s fault.i hated him! he was the ghost in my life!

when i was sixteen ,my life changed because of the death of my mama.she was badly hurt in a home accident, and though the god she believed had no power to rescue her.from then on ,my figure change a lot ,from a naughty, passionate boy to a quiet and diffident boy .i didn t want to talk with anyone .my father ,however was seriously flustrated, he also had to take the reponsibility of bringing me up.during that very hard moment , on one hand ,he had to stand up for the tragedy, on the other hand ,he had to work hard to support my education. as in that time ,all me got in hand was only 3000 yuan , if i succeeded in entering a higher school ,at least ,would cost 7000 yuan a year,that s not a money of bit.

i ve always thought that i must be the most unfornate one in the world .when i got frustrated in life , i d nowhere to explain as i d been used to express my heartache to my dear mother and now she wasn t there .every time i saw the mothers and sons pass aside me ,i felt so sorrow ,and i knew how longly i was!i was sure indeed i was the most sorrow one !




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Good morning, everyone! Nice to meet you ! Im your tour guide today, Welcome to my hometown ---Huanggang.

Huanggang lies in the middle of Hubei Province, It has a veyt long history and many beautiful views.For example, Chibi Park and Ehuang Bridge are the most beautiful and relaxing among them. And the air is very clean and fresh. Hongan is very historical and educational. Huangmei is famous for the Huangmei Opera -----one of the greatest local operas in China.

Huanggang is also a good place for shopping and having delicious food . So far, a lot of new shopping malls and plazas have been built. You can buy what you like there ,If you want to try traditional Huanggang fodd,you can go to Night Snack Street, The food there is both dilicious and cheap.

There are still many other interesting and exciting things waiting for you to enjoy yourselves! Lets go for them!



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Tea is a kind of fragrance and with a variety of flavor drink. Smell, pure and fresh and tangy, drink it, first a little bitter but is another kind of sweet savor. My fathers day is like the a cup of strong tea...

My fathers day is a cup of fragrant tea has experienced various process made the tea. Tea, need to go through a variety of processes: picking, stirring, drying..... Are made after a careful step by step process to finally make the tea. And my father is the man who experienced many hardships, he has a wealth of experience, he is like a cup of strong tea, he experienced many twists and turns to eventually become a successful person. The first cup of tea need to carefully taste slowly, to taste the sweet tea, I need to get to know the fathers day to know his bitter bitterness.

My fathers day is a cup of tea looks seemingly calm, but there is a little bitter taste tea, too. My fathers day in other peoples eyes may be a man of humor, he often in front of other people very happy, but in my eyes he is very sad, he always to work hard for the mother and I went to, he wanted us to be happy. He never put his own distress in front of outsiders and difficulty, looks very stable, but he always bury sadness in the heart, a person to bear. Seemingly calm is like a cup of forks mild, but may be cold.



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Today is June 20th is Fathers Day, Dad is a great name, he carries the

responsibility of the family, and I have grown up on Dads shoulders for as long

as I can remember.

I remember that when I was a child, I had a high fever, and my father

hurriedly carried me to the hospital. The doctor said, "Its fine, just get an

injection..." I fell asleep and heard this vaguely.

In the evening, my father called me up and said, "Come on, drink the

medicine before going to bed." I took a sip, it was bitter, and I said I dont

want to drink it, so my father brought me a piece of candy and said, "You After

you drink the medicine, I will give you the sugar." At that time, I didnt

understand, so I thought sugar was the best thing, so I drank the medicine, put

the sugar in my mouth, and then fell asleep...

In the middle of the night, I vaguely felt a hand touching my forehead, I

opened my eyes slightly, and saw that my father was sitting on the edge of my

bed, gently touching my head, I turned around and lay on the bed, Tears flowed


Today is Fathers Day. My sister bought a belt for my uncle. After I saw

it, I lowered my head and didnt know how to face my father, but my father

smiled at me and said, "Dad doesnt need any gifts, as long as you eat more and

gain weight. , dont be like a bean sprout, its the best gift for Dad." Dad,

you are the best dad in the world, Dad, I love you! Happy Fathers Day!
