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In recent years, the global warming gets increasingly attention. More and

more people make contribution to stop the global warming. Therefore, a new

lifestyle occurs--low carbon life. What can we do to live in low carbon?

First, remember to turn off lights and turn off the faucet when you do not

need to use. Use the energy-saving lamps. There are many small things we can do

to save resources. Second, when we go out, take public transport as much as

possible, to reduce gas emissions and to ease the transporting pressures.

All in all, there are many other things we can do to live in the low carbon

life. It needs us to do something practically. If everyone can keep this

lifestyle from now on, it will greatly change the situation and our home would

become more beautiful.



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Mid-autumn day is a special festival in China, which is one of the

traditional Chinese festivals. Itfalls on the 15th day of august lunar month

every year. Our Chinese will celebrate it on that day. I think there are not too

many people can reject he temptation of it. I like this festival very much. I

have two reasons.

First of all, mid-autumn has the deep meaning of reunite. In china, people

regard mid-autumn day as very important, so no matter where they are, they will

come back to their family if there is a chance. They don’t like celebrate this

festival outside, which will make them feel lonely. Thus, they will go home by

all means. Luckily, the government also pays great attention to this traditional

festival. There are laws to make sure people have holidays in that special day.

In the other word, mid-autumn festival gives a chance for family get


Secondly, every family will prepare a big meal in that day. All the food is

delicious. It is good to have a big meal. I think nobody will not interest in

delicious food. The mooncake is a necessary decoration for mid-autumn day. It

tastes good, too. It is the traditional for a long time. How pleased to enjoy

the glorious full moon with mooncake!

This is why I love mid-autumn festival so much. It is funny and happy




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With the spread of the consciousness of environmental protection, the word

“low-carbon” has been very popular in life. We can find it in many aspects, such

as low-carbon products, low-carbon consumption, and low-carbon travel and so on.

Generally speaking, more and more people are advocating “low-carbon”


As implied in the name, “low-carbon” lifestyle is a kind of new pattern of

lifestyle which aims to lowering the carbon dioxide emission in living as much

as possible. For example, some office workers are not proud of driving private

cars from work to home any more but pride themselves on riding or taking public

transportation. In addition, they advocate recycling water and saving energy as

much as they can.

As college students, we also make some contribution in our daily life to

reduce the emission of the carbon dioxide. For example, switch off the light

when leaving and save water. In addition, we should use our knowledge and action

to arouse others’ concern about the importance of lowering emission of carbon

dioxide and lead them to lead a “low-carbon” life.



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管 理局、市委市政府历来高度重视教育工作,始终把教育摆在优先发展的战略位置。近年来,在全市上下的共同努力下,紧紧围绕办人民满意教育的总体目标,加大投 入,统筹协调,改革创新,办学条件显著改善,教育教学质量和师资水平稳步提高,一些教育热点难点问题得到有效解决,尤其是今年高考,一本上线人数38人,二本以上上线人数117人,比去年将近翻了两番,得到了社会各界的认可。

这 些成绩取得,是全市人民和社会各界倾力支持教育的结果,更是全体教师和教育工作者锐意进取、辛勤耕耘、无私奉献的结果。刚才,学生代表、优秀教师代表、优 秀校长代表和爱心人士代表分别作了很好的发言,介绍了我们可爱的老师忠诚党的教育事业、坚守三尺讲台,甘为人梯、坚守教育事业的动人事迹,使我们深受教 育。在他们身上集中体现了广大人民教师和社会各界高度负责的崇高精神、恪尽职守的敬业情怀、无私奉献的高尚品格;刚才,福明局长还对上一年的教育工作进行 了全面的总结,对广大教师提出了殷切希望。

当 前,全市上下正在认真贯彻落实党的十八大、十八届三中全会和习近平总书记系列重要讲话精神,深入开展党的第二批群众路线教育活动,围绕实现市委三届七次全 会确定的奋斗目标,力促发展升级。我们面临的任务非常繁重,我们肩负的责任十分重大。要加快全面建设小康社会进程,早日实现小康井冈山的目标,最关键的是 要靠人才来支撑,最根本的是要靠教育来保障。因此,全市上下必须站在全局和战略的高度,大力推动教育综合改革发展,努力办好人民满意的教育,为全市市经济 社会发展提供人才保障、智力服务和科技支撑。借此机会,我提几点希望,与大家共勉。




教 师是天底下最崇高的职业,是立教之本、兴教之源,承担着传授科学知识、传播人文精神、传承人类文明的光荣使命。长期以来,我市广大教师奋战在教书育人第一 线,把自己最宝贵的青春年华奉献给了三尺讲台,不讲条件优劣,不论待遇高低,勤勤恳恳,兢兢业业,默默无闻,无私奉献,为井冈山教育倾注了满腔热情,付出 了艰辛劳动,在平凡的岗位上做出了不平凡的业绩,也为全社会树立了光辉典范。借此机会,我想讲八个字作为希望,与老师们共勉:

一要立德。教 师是人类灵魂的工程师,师德是教师最重要的素质,教师作为学生健康成长的指导者、科学知识的传播者和良好社会风气的引领者,其师表风范和人格修养会影响到 学生的一生。教师不仅要学高,更要德高。希望大家坚持以德立己、以身立教,既美其德,又慎其行,用崇高追求、高尚品德和人格力量潜移默化地影响学生,真正 做到为人师表、行为世范、甘当人梯、无私奉献,在教书育人的伟大事业中大有作为。

二要好学。教 师是知识的传播者、智力的开发者,理应成为学习型社会的表率。希望大家业务上当强将,教学上创一流,把勤学善思、严谨治学作为自觉追求,不断学习新知识、 掌握新技能、拓宽新视野,争当学识立业、品德立身的先锋,争当积极进取、勇于创新的先锋,使自身的理想信念、思想觉悟、知识结构和能力水平始终能跟上时代 发展的步伐,带动和培养出更多具有创新能力的高素质人才。

三要博爱。爱 是教育的全部真谛,教师对学生的爱,不同于父母对子女的爱,这种爱体现了对人类的爱,对未来的爱,是不求回报的无私的爱。希望大家都能以爱作舟,以心为 桨,像对待自己的孩子一样,对学生充满爱心、无微不至、循循善诱,把满腔的爱撒播给每一个学生,努力成为学生爱戴的老师、群众满意的园丁、社会称颂的楷 模。

四要有责。没 有责任心,就没有成功的教育,教师的肩上承载着一个孩子的前途和希望,不仅要肩负起传授知识的责任,更重要的是要教会学生做人。教师的责任心、工作水平, 直接影响到学生的进步和成长。希望大家能以今天受表彰的先进单位和个人为榜样,充分认识到自己肩负的重大使命和历史责任,以对学生高度负责的精神,将爱心 与责任彰显于教育教学的每个细节,融入日常工作的点点滴滴,以人民教师特有的人格魅力、学识魅力和卓有成效的工作赢得全社会的尊重。



一要在重视教育中多一份关爱。我 们要牢固树立“抓教育就是抓经济、抓教育就是抓发展”的观念,以更大的决心、更多的财力支持教育事业,落实好教育优先发展的各项政策。要切实加强对教育工 作的领导,各乡镇、各部门主要领导要经常深入学校调查研究,做到重要工作亲自督促,重大问题亲自研究,重点难题亲自协调。各部门要各司其职、齐抓共管,公 安、工商、文化、卫生等部门要加强学校周边环境整治,净化育人环境,维护师生权益。各有关部门要在各自的职责范围内为教育发展加力,如,出台优秀校长、优 秀教师及先进教育工作者津贴政策,共同为教育的发展创造一个良好的外部环境。市委、市政府也将更加关心广大教师的工作、学习和生活,千方百计为教师解难 题、办实事,使广大教师政治上有地位、社会上有尊严、经济上有保障,能够安心、用心、顺心地投入工作。

二要在支持教育中多一份行动。我 们井冈山的教育底子薄,面临着边远学校薄弱、基础设施不足、文体设施缺乏等困难,教育发展迫切需要社会各界的关心和支持,特别是部分贫困学生,需要得到全 社会的关怀与帮助。各乡镇、各部门要多向上沟通,多捕捉信息,争取在项目扶持、学生关爱、教师培训等方面有突破、有成效;要积极争取名人名企的支持,争取 名人名企来我市捐资办学,让更多的名人名企与贫困生接对子,让更多的企业捐资助学,呼吁涌现更多象范华平先生一样的有识之士支持教育事业发展;要积极争取 各项政策支持,用足原中央苏区县振兴计划、罗霄山片区区域发展和扶贫攻坚、南岭生态主体功能区、国定贫困县等国家发展职业教育政策的叠加发力,全力促进我 们打造一批名校,产生一批名师,教出一批名生,把我市教育事业提高到一个新的水平。

三要在发展教育中多一份贡献。教 育是一项复杂系统工程,办好教育是全社会共同的责任,需要我们大家齐心协力。教育事关全市人民的切身利益,发展好井冈山的教育事业,每个井冈山人都责无旁 贷。我们要动员全社会力量,关心、支持、参与到教育事业发展中来,人人贡献自己的一份力量,促进井冈山的教育事业健康持续发展。同时,要营造全社会尊师重 教的浓厚氛围。大力宣传教育在助推经济社会发展中的重要作用,大力宣传教育事业发展取得的丰硕成果,大力宣传教育战线上涌现出来的先进典型和先进事迹,努 力在全社会形成尊重教师、尊重知识、尊重人才的良好风尚,营造全社会关心、支持教育事业发展的浓厚氛围。

各 位老师、各位同学,同志们,“国运兴衰,系于教育,三尺讲台,关乎未来”。我们井冈山的发展正面临着难得机遇,教育事业也承载着继往开来的光荣使命。希望 你们继续发扬成绩,再接再厉,与时俱进,开拓创新,以更加饱满的精神、务实的作风,团结一心,奋力拼搏,不断发展井冈山教育事业,为经济社会发展作出新的 更大贡献!





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Nowadays, with long holidays at hand,travelinghas become a new trend for

us to relax ourselves outside work. Some people even had made a plan for it a

long time before the holiday begins. They usually travel with good friends or

travel along; only few people take their parents into travel plan. However, I

think it is high time for us to travel with parents.

In the first place, we should spend more time with parents. According to

research, if we come home 5 days a year, spend 4 hours a day with parents, it

would be less than 300 hours of 30 years, which means 25 days. We could see it

now that there is not much time for us to spend with our parents after we go to

work or have our own family. Hence, we should travel with our parents.

In the second place, parents used to took us to travel when we were young,

why don’t we take them as return when we are capable to do that. It is not the

matter of we are set free from parents, we are not a traitorous teenager

anymore, and we have time and money, of course we should take a trip with

parents. Holiday would be a good time for us to travel with parents, just like

the old time.

To summarize, we should make a plan for parents in holiday. Holiday is a

great gift for us and our parents.



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The generation gap is unavoidable in almost every family, which brings

about a number of conflicts in a family. In my opinion, to limit the bad effects

of the generation gap, each family should use the following three methods:

First of all, it is important that family members discuss openly about

their pleasures or sadness in childhood in family gatherings. This activity does

not only create a close relationship but also help build up understanding among

all members. For instance, once children are aware that their grandparents and

even their parents did not have a good upbringing during their hard childhood,

they will stop complaining about the previous generations’ obsoleteness. In the

meantime, once old people realize young people are nurtured in a new modern way,

it is easy for them to be tolerant of young people’s new habits or hobbies.

Secondly, people of each generation should not develop a very high feeling

about themselves. In order to do that, they should not think that they are the

only right people in their family because each person has his or her own

limitations. Teenagers would realize that their parents have to struggle with

pain to support them financially, and they would stop rebelling their

strictness. Parents would realize that their children’s new style does no harm

to their studies and stop imposing their own unsuitable standards on their


Finally, the generation gap and its bad effects can be limited if all

members cooperate to build up a close-knit family relationship and a harmonious

atmosphere in which they are open and tolerant of each other. I strongly believe

that each family, by doing that, can enjoy a cozy atmosphere with minimum

interference by the generation gap.



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The lucky baby first time declares a position MV Austria transported the

subject music " 2008 " the MV real-life scenery photography to the day before

yesterday evening officially in 81 factories open machine, this section of MV

first time used the lucky baby image in the image photography. "2008 " composes

music, the great light by the famous composer Artemisia stelleriana auspicious

light arranges the tune, combines " the classical fashion " by the Western happy

7 people the performance, MV New Years Day the bilingual party always directs

Luo by 2006 great directs and first time uses in this party, on December 31st

the evening in central 3 set,central 9 set, Yang regards the Spanish French

frequency channel first time meets with everywhere audiences.

According to directs Luo Wei introduces, entire MV except that " the

classical fashion " in the combination 7 individual performances images, other

parts all will use the three dimensional animation manufacture, the lucky baby

defer to Austria transport conduct the city the order, will fly in turn Athens

Wei Cheng, the ancient Egyptian pyramid, the French 埃菲尔 iron tower, Australias

Sydney opera house, the Japanese Mount Fuji, the American free goddess picture,

Russias Kremlin, finally will come to the Beijing Temple of Heaven. " Classical

fashion " when combination performance uses the cello, the violin, the flute and

so on 3 kind of musical instruments also all can " use " by the lucky baby.



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Today is the annual traditional festival in China, "Spring Festival". The morning sun was still in bed, I was like the sound of firecrackers to wake up. I get up and wash, this is my brother and sister have been wearing new clothes neat and I go to visit my grandparents and grandparents give us pay New Years call, each made a big red, I opened the door to stay, which contained a $100 bill, I like to eat honey, happy the flowers.

After eating dumplings, my mother said that I dont have to write my homework today. I can play a day with my brother and sister. I am very happy after I hear it.

The Spring Festival is the most important festival in China. On this day, every family has to eat dumplings, set off firecrackers, put up couplets and hang lanterns, which is the happiest and happiest day of the year.



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It’s beyond reproach that we will come across all kinds of difficulties and

challenges in our life time .Some will be subjected to frequent sadness .Some

will lose their way to move on .Thus,only when we equip ourselves with hope and

courage can we finally succeed in the uncertain future.

Forrest Gump showed so great courage in the movie that he touched me a lot

. For one thing,no matter when and where Jenny got into trouble ,Forrest Gump

would bring her out of it without thinking how dangerous the situation would be

.Maybe we should all fell ashamed that we love ourselves more than we love love

,but Forrest showed great courage in love .For another,Forrest gump risked his

life to save Bubba in the war.It’s courage that helped Forrest gain a series of

honor after war .Forrest Gump is beautiful for his perseverance and touches

others with his courage.

A person can’t do without courage in terms of love and friendship ,let

alone life . A weak person may avoid the difficulties ,but a person with courage

will face up to it head-on. Therefore,let’equip ourselves with great




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Mid-autumn Day is more or less like Spring Festival. It falls on the 15th

day of the 8th lunar month. Its an important day for our Chinese, because its

a family reunion day.

On that day, there will be a big family dinner. Everyone who works outside

will go back home for the union. And they also eat moon cakes, which are the

special food for this festival. There are various kinds of moon cakes. They are

so delicious that everyone enjoys them very much.

In the evening, the moon is so bright and round, so people always prepare

some fruits and moon cakes and put them under the moon so as to pray for the

health and security all the year round. It seems that everyone is so happy.



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When I was very small, I lived in my hometown. My grandparents raised two

dogs, and I liked them very much. I watched them grow up from the little animals

to the big dogs. Every time when I leaved home for school, they would follow me

for some distance. When I walked a little far away, they would turn home. When I

went home after school, they would wait for me in the door and swayed their

tails. I knew they were welcoming me home. They were like my family members and

I learned that animals are part of our nature. We should protect them. We can

create a harmonious society.



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Science and technology have been bringing human beings tremendous benefits.

Thanks to science and technology, we now live comfortably and conveniently in

houses furnished with air conditioners, refrigerators, washing machines and

televisions etc. Thanks to science and technology, we can eat fresh vegetables

at the year round. Thanks to science and technology, we can travel long

distances in the fraction of a second on planes, trains and cars. Thanks to

science and technology, we wear clothes with synthetic materials which can not

easily be worn out.

However, science and technology have atso brought us a lot of disasters.

First, because of the many breakthroughs in the field of medicine, people are

now living much longer than they used to. As a result, the population of the

world is increasing, causing lots of problems. Second, because of the

development of industry, lots of the wastes from factories pour into the air and

rivers, causing pollution of all kinds. Third, some terrorists are using science

and technology against mankind. They use biological, chemical and unclear

weapons to threaten world peace...

So its urgent that we find ways to solve these problems. But we should not

stop the development of science and technology because of these disasters they

bring, just as we should not give up eating for fear of choking. In addition, we

should make some rules to regulate our actions. As long as we use science and

technology in a proper way, they may bring us even more benefits.



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Get up this morning, our family is happy New Year to each other.I finished

the accumulation, I went out to play to play.One out of the door, I saw

thousands of sunshine like a sword, Pierce the atmosphere, shine on the earth, I

think maybe because today is New Years day, the sky grandpa make the weather is

sunny today.Look at the sky, blue, bright and clean, like a transparent mirror

thick, white clouds, the clouds like cotton, like waves, hung on the day side,

compose the day over there, the sky is decorated picturesque.Look ahead, both

sides stood door lifelike stone lions, a big mouth, staring at two pair of big

eyes, power and grandeur, like two soldiers on guard, they are one male, one

female, male feet standing on a ball, like to play there, female foot stepped on

a small lion, like to look after their children there.Evening, mother asked me

to take a bath, I cant help but ask: "why the Chinese New Year will take a

shower?"Mother said: "New Years day to wash them clean, can have a good year,

next year there will be a good one million."Finished washing bath, I looked out

of the window, multicolored fireworks straight up into the sky, blossom in mid

air, like a peacock, such as split again.A moment is in red, like peach apricot

flowers rained, for a while, and all over the sky, golden like the harvest rice

is scattered all over the sky.

Finished watching the fireworks, I fell asleep.
