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a present for teachers day

today is september 10. it is teachersday. xiao hua has been ill in bed for more than a week. her teacher comes to her home to give her lessons after school every day. in order to show their respect, xiao hua and her mother decide to give the teacher a present.they make a big red flower. when the teacher arrives, xiao hua presents the flower to the teacher. she fastens it to the breast of her teacher s jacket, and says "happy teachers day" to her. the teacher expresses her thanks and sets down to give her lessons. xiao huas mother pours a glass of water for the teacher and puts a lamp on the table.







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Its spring now. The weather is warm and comfortable. Its a good time for

hiking. Therefore, my teacher organized a climbing for us. There is a beautiful

mountain in my city and its target this time. We took bus there and arrived

there at 9 p.m.. After we took off the bus, we started to climb. The mountain is

high but the scenery is beautiful. We are so excited that we climbed fast at

first. But after a while, some of us were tired,especially girls. They did not

want to go on anymore. But some others encouraged and helped them. All of us

slowed down our speed, so that no one was left behind. About 11:00 p.m., we got

to the top of the mountain. We were so happy that we did it. We feel that all

the tiredness were worth it.



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People will make a lot of friends during their lifetime, the more friends

they make, the more capable they are. Some young people are proud of having many

friends, but only the true friends deserve us to care about. The person we make

must be positive to life. He will set the good example to you and help you to be

a better man. The bad friends will make you perverted, especially for the

teenagers, they can’t make the right judgement and are easy to follow others, so

the friends are very important part of their lives. Once they make the wrong

friends, they will do the bad thing. So we don’t need more friends, just the

right one.



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Barack Obama is the first president of black people, whose story inspires

so many young people to chase their dreams. As the saying that every successful

man has a woman to support him, and this woman for Obama is his wife Michelle.

As the first lady, Michelle helped Obama so much. During the campaign, she gave

inspiring speeches and people knew what they should voted for. Michelle was born

in a poor family, but her mother paid special attention to education. Michelle

was the top students all the time and she entered the top university, then she

got the degree of doctor. Then she worked in a good law office. She was an

excellent lawyer and the job experience made her a good orator. Michelle set

good examples for the women. She showed that woman’s power was great, and they

could be whoever they wanted.



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2. 老师!向您致十二万分的敬意!您好!现在嗓子好吗?身体好吗?儿女听话吗?学生努力吗?校园的记忆和您灿烂的笑容,一直都在身边。

3. 感恩的心,感谢有你,让我学会了人生的真谛。感恩的心,感谢师恩,教我学会了做人的道理。在教师节来临之际致意我真诚的祝福,祝你青春常驻,快乐。

4. 老师给我了一生的知识,感恩老师的教诲之情。三尺讲坛上,粉尘染白你的双鬓而无怨;昏灯陋室里,熬尽你青春年华而无悔。教师节的来临之际,向在一线岗位上的老师们致以最亲切的问好。

5. 最爱那一抹夕阳,映红羞涩的天空,将温暖播撒;最爱那一束晨光,通透闭塞的绿叶,把爱意送达。有您的指点,我们才能放飞梦想。老师,我们爱您!

6. 曾经有一份真诚的关怀放在我的面前,可是我却没有好好的珍惜,如果上天能再给我一次机会,我会对您说五个字:老师,谢谢您!

7. 老师,今天是教师节,您在睡懒觉吗?我们乖,不打电话吵醒您,您多睡一会儿吧!

8. 虽然过了好多年,可是我对老师您的敬仰之情依然如涛涛江水,连绵不绝......

9. 老师,天都黑了,您乖乖的,早点睡吧,晚安!我们都喜欢您笑,您笑起来真的很漂亮,真的!

10. 老师:想请您吃饭却没有钞票;想送您礼物却还没买到;想说我爱您却怕师母生气......那就让今天快点过去吧!教师节快乐!

11. 粉笔,仍在吱嘎作响;叮咛,仍在耳边回唱;勾叉,笔笔划在心上;脚步,在身边来回游荡;关爱,漾起多少欢快的浪。教师节到了,祝老师桃李芬芳!

12. 为教育事业鞠躬尽瘁,为培育英才呕心沥血,为传播知识不辞辛苦,为后代子孙树立不朽丰碑,教书育人不求名利,教育事业平凡而又伟大!教师节到了,感谢老师们的默默付出,祝你们健康愉快,幸福如意!

13. 毕业别后漫漫岁月,您的声音总在我耳畔响起;您的身影常在我脑中浮现;您的教诲常驻在我心田......在今天这属于您的日子里,恭祝您平安如愿!节日快乐!

14. 您培育了满园芬芳,您成就了桃李天下,您将每个学子放在心上,您对每个学生的情况了如指掌,您的恩情永不相忘。敬爱的老师,教师节到了,祝您节日快乐!

15. 一日为师情谊深,两鬓白发写青春,三尺讲台奉献爱,四方学子暖心怀,五体投诚谢恩师,六六大顺祝福您,爱心传递表达爱,祝您健康乐开怀,万事顺利美如意,开心快乐好运聚。

16. 您那双鬓已渐渐斑白,岁月已经悄悄爬上您的脸,刻出一道道痕迹。三尺讲台留下您默默耕耘的汗水,而如今我们已长大,不敢忘您的教导之恩,老师谢谢您!教师节祝福语

17. 面对困难,是你教我们勇往无前;面对灾难,是你教我们笑对人生;面对苦难,是你坚持不懈。如今我们已长大成才,祝愿老师幸福快乐吉祥安康!

18. 教师,您是春天的雨露,夏天的凉风,秋天的甘霖,冬天的阳光。雨露拂醒我们年轻的心灵,凉风吹绿我们稚嫩的生命,甘霖滋润我们渴望的心田,阳光温暖我们求知的道路。

19. 拨动真诚的心弦,跳动快乐的音符,吟唱青春的美妙,铭记成长的辛酸,成功的道路离不开您,亲爱的老师,祝你教师节快乐!

20. 讲台是你的舞台,你用辛勤培养祖国的未来;粉笔在你的手中绽放智慧的光彩,黑板前你的形象光辉多彩。教师节到了,感谢您的关怀,感恩不曾忘怀!敬爱的老师,祝您节日快乐,身体健康!

21. 给我们青春无限,你留下日益苍老;给我们智慧之灯,你独守奉献黑暗;让我们飞跃蓝天,你遥望深情期盼,敬爱的老师,辛苦了,教师节,送上我最真的祝愿,祝您健康平安,快乐团圆。

22. 您把知识的力量盈满我们人生的行囊,您用温馨的叮咛温暖我们纯真的笑脸,您任手中的粉笔化作漫天爱的灰屑。愿我的祝福化为你身边的一缕清风,吹落您眼角堆叠的皱纹,教师节快乐。

23. 距离遥远不能见,祝福绵绵永惦念,教师佳节情灿烂,桃李芬芳永开遍,愿短信努力争先,扎进您手机里面,道声快乐连成片。

24. 九月的天空下,您燃烧着热血的青春,迸射出辛勤的汗水,守望着下一朵梅花。因为真理,所以您固守着清贫,因为热爱,所以您固守着讲台,您的身影在九月的天空下四处荡漾。亲爱的老师,教师节快乐。

25. 教师是蜡烛,燃烧自己照亮别人;教师是粉笔,磨短自己补长学生。教师的事业天底下最壮丽,教师的称号人世间最可敬!教师节到来,祝老师们幸福健康,永葆青春!

26. 黑板上写不下您的师恩,讲台上露不出您的愁容,脑海里忘不掉您的教诲,短信中谱不下您的诗篇。又是一个教师节,老师,祝您节日快乐!

27. 有一个人,引领我们从蒙昧无知走向文明智慧。有一个人,培育我们从井底之蛙变成苍天雄鹰。这个人就是你,敬爱的老师。我们感谢你,祝福你,祝你健康平安,教师节快乐。

28. 老师-感念的季节风吹过我的眼眸雨落在心中几番幕起又幕落忍不住又忆起童年往事悄悄问候您老师不是万能的,没有老师却是万万不能的。祝教师节快乐。

29. 一片赤诚之心携清风两袖,三寸不烂之舌道四书五经,六尘不染无杂七杂八事,九州四海授仁义道德书,谢恩师十分谆谆教诲,祝节日万分欢乐开怀!

30. 不惜付出,克己复礼;不畏清贫,坚守四季;不惧风霜,宽厚弘毅;不计辛勤,芬芳四溢;桃李天下,无可匹敌。亲爱的老师,衷心的祝愿您教师节快乐。

31. 我尊敬的老师,我的成功是您给予的支持,千言万语一声"谢谢"--您是我永远的老师,永远的朋友!九月十日您的节日即将来临,我只说一句我的心里话:老师,节日快乐,愿您有一个更美好的明天。

32. 九月是情满四溢的酒杯,盛着十分的思念,十分的祝福,十分的眷恋,十分的牵挂,十分的爱恋,亲爱的老师,请在九月的节日里,满饮这十分的真诚的献礼,节日快乐。

33. 感谢您的关怀,感谢您的帮助,感谢您为我所做的一切。请接受学生美好的祝愿,祝您教师节快乐,天天快乐!

34. 您是严冬的炭火,是酷暑里的浓荫伞,湍流中的踏脚石,是雾海中的航标灯--老师啊,您言传身教,育人有方,甘为人梯,令人难忘!

35. 那一张张朴实的面孔,那一双双辛勤的双手,为培育祖国的花朵而不辞辛劳的园丁,在您的季节里,祝你们节日快乐!

36. 高山不移,碧水常流,我师恩泽,在心永留!

37. 点一盏心灯,您为年少的我明亮方向;洒一腔热忱,您为教育事业奉献激情。教师节,祝亲爱的老师幸福安康,快乐无疆!教师节祝福短信

38. 我是幼苗,你是雨露,滋润我干涸的心田我是小草,你是太阳,照耀我成长的路拥有年轻,梦想即成真;拥有幸福,频频出佳绩;拥有财富,桃李满天下。

39. 所有的思念,更融合着不尽的感激与敬仰,愿您的节日里洋溢着璀璨平安。

40. 恩师!你因我们而老,我们因你而傲!这深情的称呼:"恩师!"是我们真诚的谢语。

41. 顽强的毅力可以征服世界上任何一座高峰,当年您凭此教导劣徒,今天我以此驾驭人生。老师,您辛苦啦!

42. 本想用电话向您道一声节日快乐。但是您一笔一画教我学会了写字,所以这里我要用短信息向您道一声:教师节快乐!

43. 当星星隐匿在遥远的天际,依稀的灯光依然闪亮在您窗前。正因您的执着,才有我们璀璨的明天!节日快乐!



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Many years ago, when the first computer came into being, many people

predicted the age of computer has come. Now only two decades passed, here comes

the new age of cellphone. Lets look at how people depend on the phone. They use

cellphone to work and to communicate with families and friends. With the

development of technology, online payment is popular and people just need a

cellphone to pay all the bills. How convenient it is. We are lucky to live in

the age of technology. But at the same time, if we dont control ourselves, we

will lose in the technology world, such as some children overuse cellphone and

learn nothing at all.



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Tomorrow is Teachers’ Day and I can’t help thinking of my teachers. They do the great jobin the world. They not only teach us knowledge and skills. The more important isthat they teach and guide us to be a person who is useful to our society. Theyact as models to lead us to be a kind and warm-hearted person. They are alwayspatient and careful to students, caring they needs in study and life. They workhard to get more knowledge and to help students make progress. For them, the improvementof students is the best reward. Therefore, I want to say “Happy Teachers’ Day”sincerely to teachers. Hope them everything goes well both in work and life.




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It is Teachers Day on September 10th every year. Teachers are the greatest people in the world, I think, because they teach us how to write and read. The most important is that they teach us how to be a real man. They are also kind to everybody and they dont want anyone to fall behind others. They always get on very well with their students, and they are our best friends. When students are in trouble, they can help them in time. I will be a teacher when I grow up.


Teachers Day comes on September 10th every year. On the day we usually give our teachers cards to show our thanks. I thank them for helping me when I am in trouble, and I thank them for teaching me how to be a real man.

Of course they are very friendly to everyone. They always get on very well with their students. They are not only our teachers but also our friends. They love us very much and we love them,too.





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In China, Spring Festival is the biggest day. People will come back home

and enjoy spending some time with their families. So no matter how far they are,

they will figure out all the ways to come back home and get reunited. The house

cleaning work before the coming of this big day always brings me the happy

memory. We can find something lost a long time ago in the corner. It is like the

surprise and makes me feel so excited. On the New Year’s Eve, all of my families

will sit together and enjoy the real big meal. We share our happiness and the

future expectation. What a nice moment.



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Every child needs to receive education and they spend so much time to learn

knowledge, whether they are like or not. The adults always tell their children

that as they are young and full of energy, so they should learn knowledge and

skills, but most kids dont know the necessity of study. The most important

reason to study is to keep pace with the time. We live in the society that we

need to make connections with others. If we dont get the newest information, we

will be kicked out and have no idea what they are talking about, then isolation

happens. Whats more, when we are equipped with skills, we can make our choices

and take charge of our life. In order to live the comfortable life, we must

study hard and fight for our future.



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You are like a third parent. We all love you and respect you.The primary purpose of education is not to teach you to earn your bread, but to make every mouthful sweet.

——James AngelWe all like having you as our teacher. You have our respect and gratefulness.This is Teachers Day and a time to be grateful to all teachers.

This profession deserves the special recognition and respect.

There is no more appropriate time than this to honor you and others in your chosen field. You have my eternal gratefulness. Have a happy Teachers Day.We are more thankful than we can express.

You have been a qualified teachers and even better friend. Thank you for all that you have done.

Education is not the filling of a pail, but the lighting of a fire.The man who can make hard things easy is the educator.Send you our everlasting feeling of gratefulneand thankfulneon this special day.A teacher affects eternity; he can never tell where his influence stops. — Henry AdamsIt is the most appropriate time to show you our thanks.This small gift is only a tiny token of our gratefulness. We all want to thank you.

I am truly grateful to you for what you have done.

Dear teacher, thank you for illuminating my voyage of life with your own light of life. My grateful sentiments come from the bottom of my heart.

The whole secret of the teachers force lies in the conviction that men are convertible.No one deserves a bigger thank you than you. One day is hardly enough to show our gratitude.Thank you for ma-ki-ng learning not a dull thing but a great joy.We all pitched to buy this gift. We are all grateful to you. Without your unselfish dedica- tion could we achieve no suc- cetoday.Our beloved teacher, you are the spring shower that moistens our hearts. The love and care you have given us will encourage us to go through a long and arduous journey.You are not only a good teacher but our close friend. Thank you for helping us make something of our lives.My heartfelt thanks to you, dear teacher. On the voyage of life, you have kindled the light of hope for me. What you have done enriches my mind and broadens my view. On this day I honor you sincerely.



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The environmental pollution is worse and worse today. Many trees are cut

down, and water and air are polluted. As a student I try to have a low-carbon

life to save energy and reduce pollution.Firstly, I often walk to school. It can

reduce air pollution. Secondly, I always turn off the lights and fans when

leaving the classroom.

Thirdly, I always make full use of paper and other school things and never

waste water.

I wish more students to join me and make the earth more and more




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注意: 1。 词数不少于 60。

2。 短文的开头已给出,不计入总词数。


There was a problem with the parking place for bikes in our school, I noticed the entrance was small and almost blocked。 So my classmates and I had a discussion and wrote a report。 Then we went to meet the schoolmaster in his office and gave the report to him。 He accepted our suggfestions。 Soon afterwards, a second entrance was opened to the parking place。 Now it is easy to park our bikes there。



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Nowadays, with long holidays at hand,travelinghas become a new trend for

us to relax ourselves outside work. Some people even had made a plan for it a

long time before the holiday begins. They usually travel with good friends or

travel along; only few people take their parents into travel plan. However, I

think it is high time for us to travel with parents.

In the first place, we should spend more time with parents. According to

research, if we come home 5 days a year, spend 4 hours a day with parents, it

would be less than 300 hours of 30 years, which means 25 days. We could see it

now that there is not much time for us to spend with our parents after we go to

work or have our own family. Hence, we should travel with our parents.

In the second place, parents used to took us to travel when we were young,

why don’t we take them as return when we are capable to do that. It is not the

matter of we are set free from parents, we are not a traitorous teenager

anymore, and we have time and money, of course we should take a trip with

parents. Holiday would be a good time for us to travel with parents, just like

the old time.

To summarize, we should make a plan for parents in holiday. Holiday is a

great gift for us and our parents.



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Favorite Spring Festival is the most important festival in China .Its to

celebrate the lunar calendar s new year .

In the evening before the Spring Festival ,families get together and have a

big meal .In many places people like to set off firecrackers .Dumplings are the

most traditional food .

Children like the festival very much ,because they can have delicious food

and wear new clothes .They can also get some money from their parents. This

money is given to children for good luck .

People put New Year scrolls on the wall for good fortune .

The Spring Festival lasts about 15 days long .People visit relatives and

friends with the words "Have all your wishes ". People enjoy the Spring Festival

,during this time they can have a good rest .



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1. 心血育桃李;辛勤扶栋梁。

2. 红梅知春早;翠柏识岁寒。

3. 又红又专;为国为民。

4. 为国而教;作人之师。

5. 职业高尚;教师光荣。

6. 尊师重教;育才兴邦。

7. 催笋成竹;润花著果。

8. 春霖滋沃土;矢志育新苗。

9. 栋梁砥大厦;桃李芳九州。

10. 栋梁撑大厦;桃李遍中华。

11. 须尊师重教;待举栋兴邦。

12. 桃李交谊笃;橘柚及时登。

13. 桃李及时秀;桔柚应时新。

14. 碧血催桃李;丹心育栋梁。

15. 点燃理想火花;培育建设人才。

16. 培育祖国花朵;造就建设人才。

17. 踏踏实实做人;兢兢业业为师。

18. 固本承源兴伟业;提质创优谱华章。

19. 长风破浪会有时;欲栽大木柱长天。

20. 强国兴邦千秋业;尊师重教万代歌。

21. 一片丹心随世古;千声赞语颂师恩。

22. 一身许国传科技;两袖清风作人师。

23. 人梯巧搭登攀路;心血勤浇栋梁材。

24. 千篇新诗园丁赞;万首衷曲育人歌。

25. 日暖风和开桃李;笔酣墨浓写春秋。

26. 丹心一片育新苗;赞歌千曲颂园丁。

27. 乐教梓楠同受范;喜观桃李广成材。

28. 乐做人梯通大厦;甘当绿叶托红花。

29. 立足三好育桃李;着眼四化出栋梁。

30. 且喜满园桃李艳;莫悲两鬓霜雪寒。

31. 生敬师有礼有貌;师爱生同志同心。

32. 白发喜见迎春柳;丹心笑种向阳花。

33. 百年树人成大计;一心跟党献红心。

34. 毕生心血哺新秀;一代桃李谱华章。

35. 甘做人梯托俊彦;但求薪火有传人。

36. 辛勤育得花朵艳;汗水换来桃李香。

37. 烛炬昭昭辛燃夜;园丁眷眷总浇花。

38. 旭日灿星照学府;春风化雨育新苗。

39. 园丁汗香馨苗圃;教师伟绩振中华。

40. 园丁辛勤一堂秀;桃李成萌四海春。

41. 备课常伴三更月;教书总想四化春。

42. 终身育才人人敬;红烛火种代代传。

43. 举国尊师兴伟业;全民重教育英才。

44. 热血丹心育桃李;栉风沐雨做园丁。

45. 热汗染成千顷绿;丹心育出万代红。

46. 培育名花香天下;造就栋梁建中华。

47. 尊师重教风尚美;文明礼貌气象新。

48. 尊师重教兴风尚;育德培才出壮苗。

49. 教育振兴期学校;人才陶冶仰良师。

50. 振兴教育期学校;陶冶人才有老师。

51. 师无长少皆称老;学有高低总是生。

52. 喜看桃李香天下;乐洒甘霖育新苗。

53. 喜掬丹心培后代;好研朱墨写春秋。

54. 喜捧丹心培后裕;愿遣朱墨画春山。

55. 新诗万首园丁颂;明月一轮灯火勤。

56. 愿作园丁勤浇灌;甘为烛炬尽燃烧。

57. 愿做人梯育新秀;甘为孺子当黄牛。

58. 舞剑吟诗欣笔墨;高歌流水壮雄心。

59. 勤勤恳恳育桃李;兢兢业业做园丁。

60. 一片丹心随世古;千声赞语颂师恩。

61. 白发喜见迎春柳;丹心笑种向阳花。

62. 百年树人成大计;一心跟党献红心。

63. 烛炬昭昭辛燃夜;园丁眷眷总浇花。

64. 旭日灿星照学府;春风化雨育新苗。

65. 一身许国传科技;两袖清风作人师。

66. 人梯巧搭登攀路;心血勤浇栋梁材。

67. 千篇新诗园丁赞;万首衷曲育人歌。

68. 日暖风和开桃李;笔酣墨浓写春秋。

69. 丹心一片育新苗;赞歌千曲颂园丁。

70. 乐教梓楠同受范;喜观桃李广成材。

71. 且喜满园桃李艳;莫悲两鬓霜雪寒。

72. 生敬师有礼有貌;师爱生同志同心。

73. 园丁汗香馨苗圃;教师伟绩振中华。

74. 备课常伴三更月;教书总想四化春。

75. 终身育才人人敬;红烛火种代代传。

76. 讲台展开千秋画卷;神州绽放万树蓓蕾。

77. 忠诚党的教育事业;培养国家建设人才。

78. 春蚕巧织满园锦绣;红烛点燃一代心灵。

79. 举国尊师兴伟业;全民重教育英才。

80. 热汗染成千顷绿;丹心育出万代红。

81. 教育振兴期学校;人才陶冶仰良师。

82. 人才要靠教师培养;智力须从根部开发。

83. 认真贯彻三个面向;努力培养四有人才。

84. 展宏图基础是教育;起新步关键在人才。

85. 培养又红又专后代;造就能文能武新人。

86. 为人师表,诲而不倦;替国树才,教必有方。

87. 立足本职,献身教育;为人师表,无尚光荣。

88. 育才兴邦,百年大计;尊师重教,一代新风。

89. 彩笔凌云,腾蛟起凤;春风化雨,绽李开桃。

90. 重教尊师,人文蔚起;育才献智,国运昌隆。

91. 尊重老师,以就懿德;热爱教育,旨成丰功。

92. 似黄牛耕耘知识土壤;如蜡烛照亮美好心田。

93. 培养社会主义建设者;当好人类灵魂工程师。

94. 壮志雄心,攀岳峰万仞;春风化雨,育桃李三千。

95. 重德重才,培养新一代;自尊自强,争当好园丁。

96. 桃李舞春风,群芳斗艳;雄心逢盛世,众彦舒才。

97. 掏出丹心,谱写园丁曲;洒尽汗水,甘当种树人。

98. 重教尊师,阳光辉热土;耕云播雨,桃李醉春风。

99. 壮志雄心,攀越峰万仞;春风化雨,催开满园花。








107.恩比青天,广施甘露千株翠; 节犹黄菊,报得春风一寸丹。











118.教书育人,人心无愧于天地; 数载含辛,莘莘学子通学理。




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It is TeachersDay on September 10th every year.Teachers are the greatest people in the world,I think,because they teach us how to write and read.The most important is that they teach us how to be a real man.They are also kind to everybody and they dont want anyone to fall behind others.They always get on very well with their students,and they are our best friends.When students are in trouble,they can help them in time.I will be a teacher when I grow up.



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Since I went to middle school, I grew up very fast. On the one hand, I live

in school from Monday to Friday, so I need to learn to get along with roommates.

We share the cleaning work to make sure a good environment. It is everybodys

duty to sweep the floor on turn. On the other hand, I need to solve the problems

from life by myself. Without parents by my side all the time, I learn to face

troubles and figure out all the ways to solve them. I become much independent

and stronger. Now I can deal with my stuff alone.
