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从前有个叫迂公的人,遇事不爱动脑子,总是做些傻事。有一次,迂公去一个朋友家吃饭。席间,大家都说些轶闻趣事来解闷。有一个客人说:"的肝脏有毒,能毒死人。所以汉武帝曾经说过:“文成将军吃马肝而死”。"迂公听了便笑起来,反驳这位客人说:"您恐怕在说谎哩,马肝长在马的肚子里,要是有毒的话,马为什么不死呢?"这个客人知道迂公一向有点糊涂,有心跟他开个玩笑,就说:"那您见过有一匹马活过100岁吗?这就是因为它们肝脏有毒的缘故啊!" 迂公恍然大悟,一拍脑袋:"对呀,我怎么就没想到这一点呢?"迂公突然想起家里也有一匹马,是他从小养大的,感情远超过一般的坐骑。它也长有马肝,不是也要早死吗?想到这里,迂公眼前不由出现了将来某天爱马倒毙的情景,"不行,我必须回去救它!"迂公酒也不喝了,菜也不吃了,急匆匆往家赶去。






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Weekends to people mean that they can have a two-day good rest. For example, people can go out to enjoy themselves or get together with relatives and friends to talk with each other or watch interesting video tapes with the whole family.

Everyone spends weekends in his own way. Within two days, some people can relax themselves by listening to music, reading novels, or watching films. Others perhaps are more active by playing basketball, wimming or dancing. Different people have different relaxations.

I often spend weekends with my family or my friends. Sometimes my parents take me on a visit to their old friends. Sometimes I go to the library to study or borrow some books to gain much knowledge. I also go to see various exhibition to broaden my vision. An excursion to seashore or mountain resorts is my favorite way of spending weekends. Weekends are always enjoyable for me.





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On Christmas morning, the children wake up very early. Some even turn on the light at two o‘clock, and most of them are awake by six o’clock although it is not light in England for another hour or two at this time of the year.

Children look for their presents , and the young ones play while the dinner is prepared. At about one o‘clock in the afternoon, the Christmas dinner is brought in . The turkey or chicken is quickly eaten . Children search in their Christmas pudding for new coins which are hidden in it . The rest of the day is full of games and eating until the happiest of all Christmas hollidays comes to an end.





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At the beginning of the month three, the sun is bright. Dad took us to the North Gate Square to watch the spring festival performance.


As soon as there was there, the performance had begun. The bottom of our feet, like a motor, ran toward the crowds, sitting in their seats and looking at them. The program can be wonderful, with melodious songs, intoxicated with the beautiful dance, full of praise, a funny comedy, hilarious, and small groups of friends lively show vivid, under his warm applause.


Time is like a pony car "Du Du Du" opened in the past, the spring festival performances ended. We went to the opposite side of the square to play sand. There were many children. Some of them had fun using shovels, some cans and carts.


It was getting dark down, we left the square to reluctant to part.



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武则天,中国古代赫赫有名的女皇帝。她自称“神圣皇帝”, 后人尊她为“则天大圣皇帝”, 是一个敢於向封建社会宗法思想挑战的伟大女性。她在位50 多年, 表现出盖世的智谋和才干。

武则天的父亲名叫武士彟(yuē), 原是个木材商人。后追随李密参加反隋的农民大起义, 成了李氏唐王朝开国的元勋重臣, 先后被封为光禄大夫、工部尚书和应国公。武则天出生在这样一个显赫的家庭之中, 受到了良好的教育。她聪明俊美, 被父亲视为掌上明珠。武士彟除了教女儿识字读书外, 还让她跟自己一起习武健身。武则天学习用功, 对练武更加喜爱。

武则天刚满9岁, 父亲去世。她谨记父教, 习文练武更用心。 14岁时, 武则天成了远近闻名的女神童, 名声远播。唐太宗李世民闻知, 令人将她接进皇宫, 一经面试, 果然名不虚传, 便恩宠有加, 封为才人。

有一次, 西域来的使节, 不远万里特向太宗皇帝献上一匹宝, 名为“狮子骢”。太宗皇帝很高兴, 叫来使把宝马带到皇宫前的庭院里, 令文武大臣一起陪同观赏, 看看西域宝马到底有何奇特之处。“狮子骢”被带进来了。只见它个头高大, 浑身上下肌肉矫健, 毛色油光闪亮, 高扬着头在场地上走了两圈, 忽然一声长嘶, 有如惊雷乍起, 果然名不虚传。

太宗非常满意, 立即命令宫廷里专门负责驯马的官员把马牵过来, 骑上跑几圈看看。哪知驯马官骑上去还未坐稳, 那“狮子骢”就前腿腾空, 一声长嘶, 把驯马官甩在地上。面对桀骜不驯的宝马, 宫廷驯马官已无能为力。太宗十分扫兴, 只好请来使将马送到马圈, 明天再试。

第二天, 太宗要文武官员全部到场, 宣布谁能驯服“狮子骢”, 赏白银一千两。在重赏之下, 前后有七八位征战沙场多年的武将上场, 但全都制服不了“狮子骢”, 摔下马背, 令旁观者咋舌不已。

太宗见满场官员再也无人敢出来驯服烈马, 心内十分着急。这时, 他身后走出了身材娇小的武才人。她向前施礼道: “请陛下让小女子一试。”太宗大吃一惊: “你小小年纪, 又是文弱女子, 怎能降服烈马?不行, 不行。”

武才人不慌不忙地说: “陛下过虑了。只要小女子手里有三件东西, 就不怕”狮子骢“不老老实实地就范。”太宗问: “哪三件东西?”武才人说: “钢鞭、铁锤和匕首。”太宗不解地问: “手握钢鞭还不够吗?”武才人说: “不管宝马、烈马还是平常的马, 它们全是给人骑用的。它不听话, 我先用钢鞭抽它; 它再不听, 我用铁锤击打它的头部; 它再不老实, 我干脆用匕首宰了它, 这样的顽劣不驯之马, 要它何用?”

众文武在一旁全听呆了。他们都为小姑娘夸下海口而担心。哪知唐太宗听了却万分欣喜。他说: “你真是个聪明勇敢的女孩子, 我就依你, 祝你成功。”

武才人从容走进驯马场。只见她腰里插着一只小巧精致的铁锤, 别着一把明晃晃的匕首, 手中紧握一条钢鞭, 出现在“狮子骢”面前。在场之人全为她捏着一把汗, 太宗皇帝紧张得在龙椅上站了起来。这时, 只见武才人在烈马前虚晃身子, 猛地蹿到“狮子骢”背后。她不等烈马回转身子, 便手执钢鞭用力打下, 一下, 两下……“狮子骢”觉得浑身疼痛, 急忙返身, 那武才人矫捷非凡, 轻移脚步, 说时迟那时快, 早已纵身跨到了烈马背上。“狮子骢”不甘驯服, 照例高抬前腿, 把身子直立了起来。武才人双手紧紧抓住马颈上的长鬃, 双脚用力夹着马身, 手中的铁锤雨点般的落在烈马头上。那烈马“嗷、嗷”地连声直叫, 猛的抖起四蹄, 沿着庭院跑了起来。它只管风驰电掣似的跑, 武才人却稳如泰山般的坐在上面。“狮子骢”直到跑累了, 才缓缓地走到唐太宗面前, 驯服地喘着粗气。

这时, 唐太宗兴奋极了, 他双手扶住跳下烈马的武才人, 全场文武官员无不佩服得五体投地。唐太宗从此更加宠信武则天, 这为她日后的青云直上铺下了一块坚实的奠基石。



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Rising above the sinful lotus, obscurity of sunflower, and sofe orchids, but I most like the national flower of Japan (cherry blossom).

It is a call not famous cherry blossoms. From a distance, cherry tree with red flowers, like a fire, give a person a kind of warm feeling; Have a lavender flowers, such as round and charming girl lovely face; Patients and white flowers, as if the metal gray metal gray face. Look from up close, cherry blossoms, such as chardonnay, fluttering; The cherry blossom as snow, light; The cherry blossom rumei, resists the snow; The cherry blossom as gold, shiny; Cherry blossoms, such as fog, fantasy ethereal.

Cherry blossoms like lily, holy simplicity such as lotus, romance, such as sunflower, gorgeous roses. Cherry blossom, beautiful beautiful, transcendental and free from vulgarity, beautiful beauty, too pampered agglomeration with beautiful more than anything else.

I gently walked over, touched it as great a tender petals, ice BingLiangLiang, wen run into picking, wet drink, relaxed and happy.

The cherry blossom is said to be color and XiangDou is very weak, but once it is fully blooming cherry blossoms, but more brilliant than the peony, more alcohol than sweet osmanthus.

All of a sudden, everything is quiet. "Sound", I seem to hear the voice of dew on petals are rolling, slowly, slowly. "Sasha vujacic", I have heard of the spring breeze stroke, cherry blossoms, and branches collision with each other, friction; "Pop", I seem to hear the petals fall to the ground, petals rotate dance in midair, falling on the ground, but still beautiful petals, not polluted.

Cherry blossom on behalf of a country, to become the national flower of Japan, also because it has special temperament. People dedicated "drop-dead gorgeous, an" to four ancient beauty, I prefer to the much-anticipated cherry blossoms.










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i like learning english because i can get a lot of fun。 but learning english is also a lot of difficulties。 for example, i often hard to remember new words。 so i often write them often read in a book they。 over time i remember。 for oral english i also often difficult to face。 initially, i am very shy and afraid to speak english in public places。 but my teacher encouraged me to take a deep breath, smile。 this method is very useful to me。 i dare not scared up gradually。 i think often read good english newspaper will help our reading ability。 and every day to keep a diary in english is a good method to improve my writing ability。


in our school for a long time it is a good environment for learning english。 in class when i listen to the teachers words。 after class review carefully before class preparation will be able to get good grades。 i often and the teachers and students to talk in english。 this can improve my english ability in organization and spoken english。


often practice dont give up this is the best way。



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In the vast ocean live many creatures with great intellectual and physical capacities.Dolphin is one of those great creatures,whose capacities to think and move at an astounding rate puzzle those who study their behaviors,Dolphins possess something that makes them different from all the other sea creatures.It is not strength or speed but the size of their brains.Dolphin s brain is almost the same size as that found in the human head.They live for a ling time.

Dolphins babies are born in the water.They can grow up to three and a half meters long.

Dolopins use sound to help them find their way,look for their food and talk with each other.Sound is just like their eyes and mouths.






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A new year,a new start,when i stand on the edge of a new year,i cant help thinking about my plan of next year.

just as the old saying:"well began is the half of the success.”so i decide that i should be at work while the others are still relaxing,and then,at the beginning,im quicker than the others and of course i will get better result than the others.

But,what i really decide to do is that i must make good of anytime i can spare though it seems impossible. while,i will do my best to live up with what i have planned,and the result will prove it.






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Some people think that keeping pets is a good thing. They say that it is an

hobby which should had. They also claim that pets make lives more colorful and

entertaining for both women and men.


On the other hand, there are many people who say that pets should be

banned. They point out that pets are responsible for disease which hurt

property, and for injuries suffered both by the people who kept them and by

innocent other people. They also say that pets are a waste of money and



My own point of view is that we should had the hobby of keeping pets. While

at the same time making them harmless. In addition, we should restrict the

keeping the pets to some area.




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在学校我有一个朋友。她是个女孩,她叫王旭,她1 3岁。我也13岁。我们在同一个班。她英语比我学得好,因此她经常帮我学英语。我也帮助她学习。


I have a friend at school. She is a girl. Her name is Wang Xu. She is thirteen. Im thirteen, too. We are in the same class.She studies English better than I,so she often helps me with my English . I help her with study,too.

We are good friends.





I have a very good friend. Her name is Hu Lili. Shes fourteen years old. She has big beautiful eyes,and short hair. She is tall and strong, but not fat. Shes very kind to people.

She likes doing sports,such as tennis, badminton and soccer. She has many hobbies:listening,reading,drawing,singing and dancing. Sometimes we speak English in our school. Sometimes we play badminton out of the school. We often go swimming or go fishing on Saturdays or on Sundays. When we are at school, she studies very hard at our lessons.

In the afternoon I play games on the playground with my friend Hu Lili. We always have a good time!

She is my best friend forever!




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Im Li Xin. Haiyan wrote a letter to his friend asking him not to write for

a long time, but I still miss him very much, because we are good friends. You

went to Yanan a few weeks ago and stayed there for a few days.

You visited ancient tombs, pagoda mountain, scenic spots, and climbed

mountains. According to many photos, Haiyan picked up pebbles and happily told

his friend Haiyan that my English teacher was very good, but She was ill for two

weeks, and a teacher took her place. Cui Cuis teachers were very young, but

they had a good class.

They also had to participate in the teaching game with us. I will study

harder. I believe that relying on hard work, I will get excellent results and

reply quickly.





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指鹿为马zhǐ lù wéi mǎ





















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My family has five members: father, mother, grandfather, grandmother, of course, I. Everyone have their own characteristics, form a happy family.

Mother attaches great importance to the growth of I, every morning to go to work, come back at night, already very tired, but also trained my ability of learning. She gave up her job, for me to make a home every night to supervise my study. To work closer to home, my mother not afraid of hard work, run back and forth among the various sites. In addition to these, in order to save more money, she tired every day. She is a good mother, and a great mother.

In my impression, my father is particularly mild one, my mother is responsible for my study, my father is responsible for my extracurricular sports. In order to let me do more exercise in the holiday, he gave up several important meetings, took me to sport. He said: "during the holidays should not be lying down, sitting alone, want to go out more exercise. Exercise more to have a healthier body. For example the examination, you body is not healthy, it tests too." In addition to these, dad taught me a lot of extra-curricular knowledge, for me, he is like a "encyclopedia". Have all kinds of knowledge.

Grandpa, "head of interior" in my house. Up early do breakfast for us every day in the morning, do the housework. Noon also not idle, help grandma watering the flowers, mop the floor... In a word, grandpa in every day is very busy. Take care of my life every day, ten years like one day. I think my grandpa is very great.

Grandma is responsible for all kinds of household chores, sewing clothes, tidy up home... Is she in the busy every day, the room is in good order, clean and tidy. Grandma in addition to do household chores, also taught me a lot of life philosophy: perhaps not very deep, but in life, work well.

I love my family! At home with my family, my obsession. Is one of my most important wealth!









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My grandparents are very special to me. They have worked hard all their

lives and sacrificed a lot for my family. Not only that, but they are also

special friends to me. They are easier to talk to than my parents. For

example,my grandmother makes me delicious things to eat and my grandfather often

takes me fishing.


In addtion, they are the leaders of my family. They are full of wisdom and

know the stories of our ancestors. They are the ones that hold our family



I owe them a great deal, but I dont know how to repay them. All I can do

is cherish them and never take them for granted.




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The Dragon Boat Festival is a traditional festival of the han. It is a very important festival in our hometown, so every year the Dragon Boat Festival is very busy.

The Dragon Boat Festival is the most indispensable, nature is zongzi, every year the grandmother of the Dragon Boat Festival and everyone will pack hundreds of big dumplings! There are many kinds of dumplings, such as reed leaves, bamboo shoots, wild leaves and lotus leaves. But our hometown is a lot of reeds, so most of them are wrapped in reeds. First, grandma "rate the army" to pick reed leaves. When picking reed leaves, a large family listens to grandmothers labor trumpet: "come on! A zongzi three leaf! Hundreds of zongzi thousands of pieces, hey, come on!" Listen to the drum of the "general", "little soldier" more effort! After the reed leaves, just burn them. But the preparation material is not so simple, still have to go to the bazaar to buy the good red bean, the pork, the peanut, the plate millet, the jujube and the glutinous rice, also buy the red line!

Of course, the most fun time is when you make zongzi. When making zongzi, the man is responsible for cutting the meat into small pieces. Women are responsible for the washing of red beans and glutinous rice. The child was responsible for washing the basin clean, and then putting the mans work in a large basin. The older people are in charge. When everything is ready, the dumplings are started. The adults are working harder, and the kids? Is playing in a side, always when the adults do not pay attention to, to steal a couple of dates, mouth on the surface seems to be a little things didnt do, but in my heart secretly complacent - because jujube is delicious!

The final step is boiled dumplings, grandpa always keep the temperature of fire to grasp well, smell very sweet, very strong, if eating zongzi in the first, you can see the meat dumplings are always tender oil and see jujube rice dumplings are always the golden tender; The eight-treasure zongzi is always delicious, and we are cute.

Last year, my grandparents might have made zongzi, if they hadnt taken care of my uncle and aunt in yancheng. I was suddenly "disgusted" with my uncle, aunt, who had a good economic condition, why not find a babysitter? Take my joyful Dragon Boat Festival and zongzi all "take away", I be so angry! Or miss the delicious dumplings!








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Our motherland has a long history, many traditional festivals, and some unique folk customs. But my favorite traditional festival is the Spring Festival. Chinese New Years eve, the Spring Festival also arrived, the New Year began.

On New Years eve, it was very lively, and every family was making New Years dishes, and the smell of the wine was everywhere. Men and women, old and young, were wearing new clothes, and a red and red couplet was affixed to the door. On New Years eve, the lights are on all night. People who do things outside will have to come home for a reunion dinner unless they have to. This night, apart from very small children, no one is going to sleep at the same time. The scene of the Spring Festival was different from that of New Years eve: the shops were boarded, and the last nights firecrackers were piled up in front of the door, and the whole city was resting. The men went to visit their relatives and friends before noon. The women received guests at home. Outside the city, many temples hold temple fairs. Vendors sell tea, food and toys outside the temple. Children especially love to go to the temple fair, so that they can have a chance to go outside the city to see the wild scenery, can ride a donkey, and also can buy New Years unique toys. The temple fair has horse racing and camel racing. These contests are not for the first who is second, but for the good posture and skill of the horse, camel and rider in front of the audience. The sky is full of colors. Will put every year before the fireworks began, every family put their most beautiful fireworks in the sky, fireworks bursting in the black night sky, a than a bright, the sky seems to be holding a beauty contest.

How beautiful! All the people stopped at that moment, only to hear the exclamations of the fireworks, the adults faces showed the innocence of the smile, and began to recall their happy childhood. At the same time, we all quietly made a wish: I hope this year I can be admitted to a high school with a good result! New Year, new beginning. I hope that all the students in the sixth grade will work together to create their own future with a good grade.



