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In my hometown, the scenery is very beautiful, as I am so close to the nature, I can see the scenery clearly. The house I live in is in front of the mountain, so I can see the sunset every day, that is the scenery is like to appreciate most.

When the dusk comes, the sunset is going down the mountain, I will stand in my garden, watching the sunset going down.

The sunset will become more and more red as it goes down the mountain, when the dark comes, the sunset will disappear. I like to watch the sunset, I feel I am so close to the nature and I blend myself in it.






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Different people have different career outlooks. Some people want to become

civil servants; some people hope to start their own business; some people dream

of being freelancers, and so on.

However, my ideal job is teaching. Firstly, I’m told that teachers have a

high income. With the high income, I can open a training school to help the

children in poor families with their education. Secondly, teachers always have

summer and winter holidays, thus I will have more free time to relax myself.

More importantly, teachers are angels to students, who can pass on the knowledge

to students as well as help them develop their hobbies and interests. I can’t

imagine how happy I will feel when I see my students become elites.

In order to be a qualified teacher, I should read more books to acquire

more knowledge, and train my patience and improve my communication and

handwriting abilities.



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The school is our home, we should protect the environment in the small


We saw the earth have pick up rubbish should put the rubbish into the trash

can, we cant eat your own trash on the ground after the funeral, if someone do

so should be to remind him, let him pick up garbage into the garbage can.

We need to protect the objects on campus, such as: we should protect the

playground on the playground every camphor tree, cant use a knife to get the

camphor tree, because the camphor tree is a rare tree. One can sell one or two

in case of a tree, so we should protect the camphor tree.

We should also protect the flowerbeds in the flowerbeds, the flowers in the

flowerbeds, and we cant pick it because it will spoil the environment.



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Earth Hour started in Australia with millions of homes and businesses turning their lights off for one hour. Now it has grown to become one of the world’s biggest climate change initiatives. People are all joining together in a global effort to show that it’s possible to take action on global warming.

Earth Hour has brought about some new changes to our lives. The iconic Bird’s Nest National Stadium and the nearby Water Cube National Aquatics Center, usually illuminated by floodlights, went dark at 8:30 p.m., while dozens of hotels, office buildings, shopping malls and restaurants also switched some lights off. People join activities such as candle-lit dinners and star-gazing parties as a response to the call for going dark. However, some critics have dismissed the event as simply a gimmick that will not make any difference.

From my point of view, Earth Hour is a global call to action to every individual, every business and every community. A call to stand up, to take responsibility and to get involved in working towards a sustainable future. Earth Hour is a message of hope and a message of action. Everyone can make a difference.



From June1, 2008, shops and supermarkets are forbidden from offering free plastic bags to customers, according to a new law. A nation-wide campaign against plastic bags has been launched.

Nowadays, Chinese people use up to three billion plastic bags a day. While being very convenient to shoppers, plastic bags also cause serious white pollution” and waste resources.

Though the ban may cause some inconvenience to shoppers, it can help reduce the use of plastic bags when people have to pay for them. Besides, the ban, in away, can promote public awareness of environmental protection.

So I think it necessary to forbid shops and supermarkets from offering free plastic bags. When shopping, we can use cloth bags or baskets instead of plastic bags as we used to.




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Miss Li is my English teacher. The first day I met her, I liked her,

because she looked so young and nice. Miss Li liked to write some inspiring

words in our homework. So everytime when I handed in my paper, I was so looking

forward to getting Miss Li’s response. I remembered one time, I did not do well

in an English test. Miss Li wrote the words to me and she believed me I could

make great progress next time. I was so moved, so when I had annoyance, I would

like to talk to her. Miss Li is my guide. She can give me suggestion and lead me

to the right direction.



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1. 秋天的小河最引人注目,秋风轻轻地吹佛着河面,小河碧波荡漾美丽极了!好像秋姑娘温柔地抚摸着小河。黄昏,美丽的晚霞像一幅多姿多彩的图画映照在河面上,小河仿佛一片童话般的世界。

2. 秋天,小河静的像一面镜子,平稳而光滑;绿得像是一块无瑕的翡翠。当阳光照在河面上是波光粼粼,不禁让我想起了一首诗“水光敛滟晴方好,山色空蒙雨亦奇”。真是太美了。这就是秋天的小河,安静的小河。

3. 秋天,小河缓缓流淌着,到处是一片凉爽怡人的景象。树叶渐渐变黄,从树上飘落,秋姑娘把火红的衣服衣服披在了枫树上。凉爽的秋天显然没有夏天般炎热,小河里的水也会变得冰冷起来。一个中年女人坐在河边,像在思考着什么,把河水捧了起来,又起身把水放掉。一个又一个秋天过去,她不在来了。

4. 秋风吹黄了河边的树叶,树叶像一个个金色的精灵在河边跳舞,小河看着金色的稻田,带着丰收的喜悦唱着欢歌流向远方。

5. 春风吹到小河边,河水开始缓缓地向前流着,河边的树木发芽了,小草也从地里钻出来,远远看去,一片碧绿,河边的野花也绽开了笑脸,从南方飞回来的大雁,带着春天的信息在小河边嬉戏,河水清澈见底,蓝天白云倒映在小河里,小河里像盛开了朵朵白莲,春天的小河边变得多姿多彩。农民伯伯把河水引到了田地里,灌溉禾苗,小河边是一片生机勃勃的景象。小河不仅灌溉了禾苗,还滋润了家乡的一草一木,养育了家乡的人们。

6. 春天,被冻了一个冬天的小河终于自由了。它欢快的流淌着“哗啦啦,哗啦啦”。像是在歌唱春天,旁边的野花野草和它绘成了一道别有情趣的风景画。这就是春天的小河,欢乐的小河。

7. 春天,小河缓缓流动着,到处是一片生机勃勃的景象。春姑娘的绿纱盖在草地上,草地立刻变得嫩绿。一个孩子在河边玩耍,心里充满了欢乐,小河里的水,清凉清凉的舒服极了。一个又一个春天过去了,孩子渐渐长大,小河、小草见证着她的成长。

8. 春天的小河是羞涩的。每年到了春季万物复苏的时候,小河里结的冰慢慢地融化了,鱼儿的身影也渐渐浮现,岸上有了一层绿绿的东西,仔细一看才恍然大悟,原来是小草们露出了可爱的小脑袋。岸边的一排垂柳也抽出了新枝。那时,我们几个小伙伴只能在小河边上玩,却不敢下水去。

9. 春天悄悄的来到人间,沉睡了一个冬天的小河从梦中苏醒过来,淙淙地流向远方。河岸上,竹宝宝从地下钻出来了,小草也睡醒了从春姑娘那借来了嫩录的衣裳给自己换上,花儿绽开了笑脸来迎接春天,隐隐约约地倒映在河面上像一幅长长的画卷。装点着小河,小河仿佛戴上了这些朴素的“花环”。在蔚蓝的天空上时而飞来了几只小燕子,它叽叽喳喳地唱着动听的歌儿放佛在赞叹小河。

10. 夏天到了,随着雨水,小河变得时而宽;时而窄;时而缓;时而急。小河成了家乡人免费的游泳场。小河边是孩子们的乐园。

11. 夏天,小河已经开满了大大小小优雅而美丽的荷花。荷花的花瓣白里透红,像擦了胭脂的姑娘。顺着荷花向下看,一眼就望见了碧绿的大荷叶。哪一个个荷叶“懒洋洋”的躺在清澈见底的河流上,显得格外美丽。这就是夏天的小河,美丽的小河。

12. 夏天,小河缓缓流动着,到处是一片绿意盎然的景象。夏孩子来了,他把烈日挂在天空上,热烘烘的太阳炙烤着大地,蝉鸣声不绝于耳,各种鲜花在河边生长着,一个亭亭玉立的姑娘站在河边,轻轻捧着河水,河水在炎热的夏季好像变得更加凉快起来。姑娘长大了,变成了大人,不再像小时候一样在河水里嬉戏玩闹了。一个又一个夏天过去了,她又开始变老了,小河、鲜花看着她老去。

13. 夏天,火辣辣的太阳把大地烤得滚烫的,似乎冒出了一缕缕青烟。这时,人们最喜欢在这里游泳,五颜六色的游泳圈把小河点缀的绚丽多彩的。快乐的笑声在天空中回荡着,整个小和变成了一片欢乐的海洋。

14. 冬天来了,小河越发寂寞了。四周早已光秃秃的,已经没有人愿意来看它一眼了,只剩瑟瑟的北风呼啸而过,小河终于忍受不住严寒,冻住了。这时,它却希望自己结得冰厚一点,那样,孩子们就能去溜冰了,它也就不再寂寞了。它的幻想最终化为泡影,家长早已不允许孩子接近冬天的小河,说掉进冰洞里就不能再上来了。小河就静静地等着,等着来年春暖花开时……

15. 冬天的雪花又给小河穿上一件晶莹剔透的水晶衣,小河边是一个粉妆玉砌的童话世界。冬天的小河令人流连忘返。

16. 冬天的小河多么幽静,小河就像一个害羞的小姑娘沉默不语,默默地流向远方。

17. 冬天,小河冻结了,到处是一片白茫茫的世界,所有的动物、植物都静静地沉睡了,没有人,会再来静静地小河边了。

18. 冬天,小河被一场大雪覆盖了,整个河面被冻的硬硬的。顿时河面上热闹了起来,小朋友们欢声笑语。你看还有人在河面上打滚、翻筋斗,真有意思!旁边的大树也换上了厚厚的白棉袄。这就是冬天小河,独特的小河。



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1. feel frustrated (挫折的)/ discouraged

2. a precious (宝贵的) experience

3. raise / arouse the awareness of …

4. acquire knowledge and skills学习知识和技能

5. a growing /increasing tendency

6. have a desire for sth / to do sth

7. put sth into practice

8. be closely related to…与…息息相关

9. be essential to sb 对某人来说必不可少

10. in a society with more competitions and challenges / in a competitive society

11. be keen on… 热衷于…

12. broaden one’s horizons开阔眼界

13. a large variety of / a wide range of …

14. make one’s dream come true

15. lay a solid/firm/stable foundation for/in…为…/在…方面打下坚实的基础

16. listen to teachers attentively

17. make a practical plan

18. motivate sb to do sth

19. bury oneself into study埋头学习

20. our determination and efforts

21. express my gratitude to her sincerely

22. be strict with sb in sth

23. achieve the final victory

24. encounter/face some difficulties

25. neglect the disadvantages

26. With the great efforts we’ve made, …

27. enhance/improve his ability of singing

28. be optimistic about

29. hold the strong belief that…

30. I’m confident / I’m convinced that…

31. with iron will and perseverance

32. pursue one’s dream 追逐梦想

33. arouse one’s passion for…唤起对…的热情

34. resist the temptation of good food

35. change one’s original mind

36. spare no effort to do sth 不遗余力做…

37. redouble one’s effort 加倍努力

38. leave a deep impression on sb

39. turn to sb for help / advice

40. relieve/lessen/reduce/ease one’s burden

41. with time going by=as time goes by

42. cherish/treasure/value our lives

43. vary from person to person

44. a boarding school 寄宿制学校

45. What surprised me most was that…

46. cause severe consequences(后果)

47. pay their tuition/school fees/schooling

48. physically and mentally

49. Some in favor of it think that…., while others are against it, holding the opinion that…

50. Success stems from hard work as it can help us accomplish the goal we’re striving for.

51. establish a special fund to help the poor

52. its negative aspect/impact is also obvious.



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A war without gunpowder has started in China, and Wuhan has become the most

serious epidemic area! The number of people infected in Wuhan accounts for

nearly half of the total number of people infected in the country. Wuhan is in a

hurry! At this most critical moment, many medical workers across the country

came forward to support Wuhan at the first time. There is the most dangerous

place, but they go against the trend regardless of their own life safety. They

take the life safety and health of the people as the first priority, and their

greatest commitment and responsibility is to save the dead and help the wounded.

They are soldiers in white, warriors fighting against the virus, the great wall

of steel to protect our health, and the most lovely people in the world!



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My name is Lin and Im from China. Right now, Im a student. I study very hard every day. I like going to school because Im eager to learn. I enjoy learning English. Its my favorite class. I like to make friends and I get along with everyone. This is the introduction I give whenever I meet new people. It tells people a little bit about me and about what I like to do.




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As the world gets smaller with the development of technology, people

between different countries can learn different culture. They can find the

information from the Internet and most people learn the culture from media. But

the fact is that most media report the events in their perspective, which is not

showing the truth. So the best way for people to learn culture is to come to the

local place, staying for some time and talking to the local people, then they

will find what they learn is different from before. So the opinions from other

people and the media are just references. The truth is waiting for you to




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My name is Xiao Ming. Im 12 years old.I study in Shi Yan Middle School.I’m

in Class 10,Grade 7. Im a good student.I like reading and writing.

I have a happy family. There are three people in my family.They are my

father, my mother and I.My father is not tall,he is an teacher.He is good .He is

not only a good father and also a good friend. We often talk with each other. My

mother is tall, she is a good worker.She is very busy, but she cares for me and

my study very much.I love my parents very much and they love me,too.

I have a happy family!



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Seeing my whole education history, I have many teachers. But my favorite

teacher is only one. He is Mr Lu. He is my middle Chinese teacher and head

teacher. He is about fifty years old. Maybe he works too hard, so his back is a

little bent. He always wears a black glasses. He looks amiable but serious in

study. He always thinks us before everything. His class is very interesting and

full of different kinds of encouraging stories. He is very strict to us in

study. But whoever has difficulties, he would help us without hesitation.

Sometimes he plays the role of a strict teacher, sometimes he takes the place of

a kind father.



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My bedroom is not big but it is bright. Becauseeveryday the sunshine will come in. my bedroom is very simple. There just is abed, a desk and a wardrobe.

But I never feel my bedroom is empty, because it isthe place belongs to myself and full of my passion.

When I feel happy, I canlaugh in my bedroom. When I am sad, I can cry in it. I know that no one willbother me, as it is my private place. And every morning the sunshine comes in, Ifeel warm in my heart just seems that I see my promising future. I like mybedroom.





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My school

I am Alice. I am a student of No.1 Middle School. I study in Class Two Grade Seven.

There is a map of our school on the wall. The playground is in the middle of the school. On the left of the playground, there is a library. I like reading very much, so I often read books in the library. There is a teaching building behind the library. We study in that building. My classroom is on the second floor in that building. The teachers offices are in that building, too. Where is the sport hall? Oh, its on the right of the teaching building. I have P.E class in the sport hall. Thecanteenis in front of the sport hall. We have lunch and dinner in the canteen. In the school, I feel very happy!

This is my school. Its a big and nice place. I like my school very much. What about your school?








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I am a chinese girl and i study in wuyilu primary school. i get up very  early in the morning and then help my mother cook breakfast. after breakfast, i  walk to school, because its not far from my house.

I have many friends at school. we often help each other with our lessons.my  mother is forty-six years old, and she works in meet all supermarket. its near  my school. the supermarket is very big, and it sells all kinds of things. the  students in my school often buy school things there.

my father is two years younger than my mother. he is in the same  supermarket, but he doesnt sell things. hes a driver.

my family is a happy one.




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Marie Curie, as a distinguished female scientists, In eight years time, and just 3,000 were of two different disciplines on the highest scientific crown -- Nobel Prize and the Nobel Prize in Chemistry.

No one has admitted she let such a beautiful and delicate woman to bear the cross of science,and she is going without looking back, in the history of mankind and left their names be eternal. Marie Curies life for the contribution it has made remarkable man. As a great woman, she has won the love and admiration for the people of the world.

However, she refused lifelong wealth, the honor and regard with indifference. She naturally behave but not disclosed to bear fruit, and she has not taken any of the fish for fame, neither helpless. Marie was born with the quality: unwavering character, intellectual perseverance; know all contributions to the spirit of self-sacrifice and not accept any benefits; success is not particularly proud of, scourge can bend the very purity of the soul. Shes all that. Her colorful life than work, or even more commendable.



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When the leaves from the green turn yellow, the wind gently blow, leaves the name of the child like a yellow butterfly fly down; when the trees off the green summer, put on the golden autumn; when the rice field covered with a Zhang "gold carpet", the fall has unwittingly came to our side. When we enjoy the beautiful spring, the autumn rhythm of the ground up.

Autumn as bright as the pearls, smooth broken jade children, scattered scattered, intermittent, silent, fluttering to sway. And threw it upon the high eaves; and sprinkled it on the dead branches; and leapt to the earth;

Autumn drip on the window, thrown a slight luster, pattering, playing into a autumn march. They seem to be a group of lively and lovely children, drooping to fall on the umbrella, like walking on the umbrella. These "children" like weaving a gray mantle account, hanging between heaven and earth. I seem to see the hazy sky there is a slim girl looming, she seems shy up, put on a layer of mysterious veil. And as if a "city beautician" drive a huge sprinkler in the water, the city should be washed spotlessly.

Autumn winds, blowing away the hot summer, bring cool. Gradually, the rain is getting bigger and bigger, one of the meaningful, let you back to the past, let you miss the hometown, rather than that it is worry, it is better to say that this is a taste of beauty it

Rain is fine, a picture is so sweet, it is to celebrate the crop harvest smile, it is so that the mountains and plains of the fruit red face. "Autumn wind and rain worry about the era of early in the motherland golden autumn gone.

I love the rain, because she put the world with a mysterious clothes!



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精 彩 节 目



幕 后 花 絮




颁 奖 典 礼





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Today, people count on the high-tech products so much, we can see no matter

where we are, we could find people low down their hands, playing their

cellphones. About two years ago, it is very popular that people shopping online,

now as the function of cellphone has been highly developed, people can use their

cellphone to shop online. As shopping online is so convenient, more and more

people like to buy things online, especially the men, because they don’t like to

go out, now the Internet can help them shop in a quick way. The things online

are various, people can search what they want and compare with the price, they

can buy the products they want. Shopping online is the new way for people to

purchase, in the future, it will be more and more popular. The Internet provides

people’s life.



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In my life I have met many people who are really worth mentioning.But perhaps the most unforgettable person I have ever known is my English Teacher.

It is his special quality that is always kept in my memory.

For one thing,I was attracked by his wide range of knowledge.I remember that we students always attended his class with great eaherness because his lectures were humourously delivered,and he never failed to give us valuable advice.Nothing seemed difficult to learn after his explanation.

For another,I was deeply impressed by the respect he showed for us.As he treated us like friends rather than students,we all liked to visit his home for social activities as well as for advice.

Although it is over a year now since I attended his last class,he is the talk of our old classmates,and I know part of him has already stayed in my heart.



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We are always educated to be kind and helpful, so when we see others in

trouble, we should give them a hand. But nowadays, some the bad guys make use of

people’s kindness to do criminal things. Recently, an article about a father

called on people to help her sick daughter was widespread in Wechat. Most people

had transported to let more people know. But later the media exposed the fact

that the father was rich and he wrote this article just to catch more fans.

Until then people were angry as they were cheated. The public condemns the

cheating behavior. The warm hearts should not be used of. It needs to be

cautious when people see the information about asking for help.
