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There was once a little girl named Anna, that wanted to have magic in this

world; but she knew that her mother would just only laugh at her if she had told

her. And so she decided to go on the adventure on her own.

She got everything that she needed to complete her mission, and then

started off without a word to say. She headed out to the woods, and found a

little tree house nearby; she climbed up there with a ladder, and found lots of

books and shelves there. She found a book about knights, and turned to a page of

pictures of knights long ago; and how they battle enemies such as that. Anna

wished so much that she could go there.

After that she fell asleep, and then she opened her eyes, and found her on

the ground; as if she were asleep… She thought it very weird, that she was here;

at first she was at the tree house, then she was at the grass plot.

She got up, and walked through looking for an exit, then she found the book

that she was reading before; she knew that she must have gone into the knight’s

story because of her wish. She picked up the book, and looked around; The book

suddenly moved like magic, then, she found the books end; there were some words

written all over it.

She read in out loud, “If you want to escape this land you are in, all you

have to do is try and face all the knights, there are four of them; good luck!”

then she began searching for knights, but what she did before that was to think

about how to defeat them… She walked along the road, and finally saw a big tree

with a sharp branch; she had an idea of how she could face the knights; she

broke down the branch, and kept on searching. She was not quite ready for

beating them, for she just needed some other things in order to defeats them…

She kept on her journey, and suddenly realized a big rock; she was tired and so

lay on it. Then a crack came on her back, and the rock got up. Anna was

astonished, she stood up and said, “Who are you?” then the rock replied. “I am

the alive rock and I suppose you are Anna;” “How did you know my name?”

The rock took a breath and replied, “Because I heard your voice ever since,

I know you are looking for some new weapons to defeat knights…” “I most

certainly am alive rock,” and she bowed down. The rock then said, “I suppose I

can be of much use to you, I am going to come with you; and see whether there

are dangers…”

And so Anna and the alive rock moved along, suddenly they came to a big

giant tree; the tree said slowly, “Who are you that dare come to my place?”

“Ah!” shouted Anna, “Alive tree!” “How did you guess my name?” asked the talking

tree; “Because-because your, a-liv-e!” “Yep! And that’s my neighbor;” answered

alive rock. Anna then said; “OH, well I suppose you can be a lot of use to me

when I defeat knights!”

“Knight? Defeat? Ha! That is already the easiest sport I could think of! I

had defeated knights for like 2089 times!” “What?!” asked Anna rather surprised,

then she gulped and answered; “Then you must come with me!” answered Anna

proudly. And so the three of them marched down, until they came was a big knife;

the knife turned around and said, “Who are you little girl?” “Ah!” shouted Anna

again, “That’s our neighbor too!” replied alive tree and alive rock


Anna then said, “Oh, then you must come with me; I have to defeat knights!”

“Oh,” answered the knife, “Then I suppose I could be a lot of use to you, now

all we are missing in the alive shield…” He didn’t even finish until, “What?!”

shouted Anna, “Don’t shout Anna!” replied alive tree, “This isn’t fake, it is

true; follow knife!”

Then knife led the group to where the big shield was, he was brushing his

face when they arrived, “Oh, hello everybody; and hello little girl named Anna!”

“How did you all know my name?” “No time for that!” shouted alive rock, “We have

knights to defeat!” “And you must come with us alive shield!” “No problem!”

shouted he, and then the group marched off.

They at last reached the knights hiding spot, the four knights answered;

“We shall destroy you!” speaking of which, the knights charged toward Anna’s

group; “Attack!” shouted Anna. Alive tree, alive rock, alive knife and mostly

alive shield charged toward the knights. Seeing such a fright, the knights said,

“You know what; maybe today is not the day boys…

Then the knights were destroyed by the alive group team.

Suddenly a flash came upon Anna, and she vanished out of sight; “Where did

she go?” asked the group. Then she shook their heads, and went back to their


And for Anna, she got back home; and she at last knew that magic is really





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Dear Mr. Cousins,

Since you are a well-known musician, I’m writing this e-mail to ask you for

some advice on how to form a band. I, together with two boys and two girls in

different classes in our school, want to form a band. We are all fond of pop

music and modern dance.

I’d like to know whether we should play one kind of music or different

styles to start with. And is it enough to practise only at weekends? How can we

get more chances to perform? We’d appreciate it if you would come up with a name

for our band. Looking forward to your reply.

Best wishes!

Yours sincerely,

Li Hua



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Friends returning to South during the New Years Day and The Spring Festival:

How do you do! New Years Day and Spring Festival holiday are approaching. "Dongting Pearl · Ecological Nan County" welcomes you to return home to enjoy the festival. At present, the situation of COVID-19 prevention and control is still very complex and severe due to multiple factors such as the continuous outbreak of COVID-19 abroad, the increasing number of sporadic cases in China and the increasing risk of influenza virus infection due to lower temperature. Taking necessary precautions on the way home can effectively reduce the risk of infection. In order to you and your family and more hometown peoples health, so that we have a stable and peaceful "double festival", please be sure to cooperate with the following work:

1. Make scientific arrangements for homecoming. According to the requirements of the prevention and control work, people from overseas, middle and high-risk areas and those with red or yellow health codes are required to undergo centralized quarantine, home observation, nucleic acid testing and other prevention and control measures after returning to south China. They are advised not to return to South China for a short period of time with their relatives, and there are risks of infection and transmission on the way. Those who intend to return to the south should report to the village (community) where they live in advance, truthfully provide their activity track and personal health status, learn about the prevention and control requirements in advance, and cooperate with the prevention and control measures according to law. If fever, cough, fatigue and other symptoms appear before departure, seek medical advice in time and delay the return to the south.

Second, do a good job of personal protection during the journey. Please try to buy tickets online to reduce the risk of infection. When taking public transportation, please actively cooperate with the staff to carry out temperature detection, health code inspection and other prevention and control work, wear a mask throughout the whole journey, maintain social distance, record the vehicle, seat number and other information, and properly keep travel tickets and electronic consumption records for inquiry and tracing. Please try to avoid eating and drinking in the car, do not buy or carry imported frozen, chilled and other food. Friends who drive back to the south from outside the province, please cooperate with the staff to do a good job of monitoring and management of vehicles and personnel entering the south.

3. Reduce the risk of cluster infection. After returning to the south, please try to reduce the number of visits to relatives and friends, reduce gatherings, reduce the risk of infection, and advocate the adoption of telephone New Year calls, WeChat New Year calls, etc. In case of fever, cough, diarrhea and other symptoms, one should avoid contact with others as far as possible. After taking personal protective measures, one should go to the nearest fever clinic in time, inform the doctor of his/her recent activity track and contact history, and avoid taking public transportation on the way to the doctor. Regular ventilation, frequent hand washing, no gathering, wearing masks, one-meter line, using chopsticks and other healthy lifestyle and behaviors should be regulated in daily life. People should try to avoid going to closed places and gathering places, balance nutritious diet, reasonably arrange work and rest, and improve body immunity.

COVID-19 Prevention and Control Headquarters, Nanxian County committee of the CPC

December 8, 2020



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My favorite subject is Math,I like it very much。Some students think math is

difficult,but i think math is interesting。

In my stduy time, I often practice Exercitationes,I hope to improve my Math


Thanks for my math teacher, I want to become a math teacher in the




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My best friend is Jim. He is a cool boy. He has curly blond hair, big

eyes and a small mouth. He likes to eat strawberries and bananas, and he loves

sports. He often plays basketball in the school playground. He watches sports

every night. He has good manners and studies well, so everyone likes to make

friends with





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Dear English teacher:

Hello,thank you for the last few more and for our education,when you first

came here,I thought you very fierce. The results you are very kind,I like your

clas very much,although you are very strict,take care to do for customs

clearance. But the love make fun of. I began to think that I would learn English

is very poor,the results from the period of senior high school entrance

examination and the monthly exam,I did not read at first I was so bad,but also

got eighty-six and ninety point five. In this you I want to say thanks to

you,thank you for this a few months of teaching

Your students:

Shi Senmiao

In January



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My name is Huang Jun Bo. I’m fourteen years old. I live in San Wei. I live

in a house with my mother, father and brother. I have many friends. My best

friend is named Xiao qian, Hai bin and Zhi heng. They are in my class at school.

I am 1.56 mitres tall. My favourite foods are chicken and fish. My favourite

colour is blue.

Have you studied any other languages in school? I am learning English now.

But my English is bad. My teacher told me that to learn a language well. I need

to use it and talk to people in it. I need more than hard at English. I have

spoken English all morning today!

I wish you teach me some about English’s knowledge. I hope improve my

English. Can you help me?

I would like to learn more in Xiao he. What do you like to do? What do you

like colour and foods best? What do you look like?

I love you,Xiao he.

Huang jun bo



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People always say that the way a person treats the waiter decides what kind

of person he is. I agree with it. My parents are polite persons. Since I was

very small, they have educated me the manner. Like I shouldn’t talk while eating

and talking loudly in public occasion is banned. The good manner helps me to be

a better person.



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A little monkey picks up a pumpkin and wants to take it home.But the

pumpkin is too big.The monkey cant take it home.

Suddenly he sees a panda riding a bike towards him. He watches the bike. "l

have a good idea. I can roll the pumpkin. It likes a wheel."

So he rolls the pumpkin to his home. When his mother sees the big pumpkin,

she is surprised and says, "How can you carry it home?" The little monkey

answers proudly, "l cant lift it, but l can roll it." His mother smiles and

says, " What a clever boy!"



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英语议论文同中文议论文一样也是以议论的方式,通过摆事实、讲道理来阐述自己观点的一种文体。高中英语议论文是一种限制性的写作, 其论点、论据、论证都必须十分明确,学生必须结合题目要求来阐述相关观点。

议论文的结构可分为三个部分:1、引言段引出一个令人关注的问题或明白地亮出自己的观点,如提倡什么,支持什么,反对什么。 2、主体段对提出的问题进行分析、推论、并运用归纳法、演绎法和类比法等进行论证,取得以理服人的效果。3、结论段可以用两三句话来结束文章,同时要注意重申论点,与引言段呼应,但不能照搬原话。务必做到论点明确、要点齐全、论证严密、结构严谨、层次分明、首尾呼应。



人们常说:“磨刀不误砍柴功”。审题是写作的开始,是写好作文的前提条件,“好的开始是成功的一半”,议论文写作也不例外。只有明确题目要求,确立观点,确定论证方法及全文段落安排,才可能成功写出一篇好的议论文。如果写偏了题,再精心的构思、再好的语言表达也是枉然。审题主要包括六个方面:一是判断议论文所属类型。英语议论文根据命题特点,从形式上来看可分为如下类型: ①“一分为二”的观点。如:“轿车大量进入家庭后,对家庭、环境、经济可能产生的影响”。②“两者选一”的观点。如:“乘火车还是乘飞机”。③“我认为……”型,如:“你对课外阅读的看法”。④“怎样……(how to)”型,如:“怎样克服学习中碰到的困难”。⑤ 图表作文,通过阅读图表中的数字与项目得出一个结论或形成一种看法(杨家贵,2005)。二是确立该文的论点或作者须持的观点,以及支撑论点的道理和事实。三是确定全文所包括的要点。四是确定段落数及每段适用的连接词、过渡句,使文章连接紧凑、过渡自然、层次分明。五是选择全文主要时态及各段适用的其它时态。六是判断该文的格式,是书信还是短文。审题完毕,随即列出提纲。


主题句又叫中心句(topic sentence),是段落的论点,限制段落中议论的范围,是整个段落的纲领。主题句必须要正确,要明确表明作者赞成什么,反对什么。主题句在一篇百来字的议论文中好比“画龙点睛”,帮助作者分层次阐述自己的观点,让读者快速了解作者的观点。





1)Staying up late is bad for our health.

2)The more cars, the better?

3)There are two reasons why some people are fascinated by Super Girls and two reasons why some dislike them.

4)Beijing is famous for the Great Wall, the Summer Palace, the Imperial Palace and other places of interest.

5)a. Tom is a middle school student.

b. Tom is a hard-working middle school student.

6)Living in small cities is better than living in big cities.


Everyone lives by selling something. For example, teachers live by selling knowledge, philosophers by selling wisdom and priests by selling spiritual comfort. Though it may be possible to measure the value of material goods in terms of money, it is extremely difficult to calculate the true value of services which people perform for us. The conditions of society are such that skills have to be paid for in the same way that goods are paid for at a shop. Everyone has something to sell.



从行文需要出发选用恰当的连接词、过渡句可使整篇文章文句流畅,句意转换自然,同时使表达合乎逻辑,文章结构严谨。倘若一篇议论文的段落里不乏高级词汇和复杂语法结构,但缺少了连接词、过渡句的润色而不能从一个观点自然地过渡到另一个观点,或段落里的各论据(supporting sentence)连接松散,势必削弱论证的效果,就算不上一篇好的议论文。下面分别说明如何有效运用连接词与过渡句。





Wearing school uniform every day spreads an order over many schools. Is it good or bad for students? Different people, however, have different opinions on this matter.

Some people say that it has a bad effect on developing students’ personal character. According to them, students are tired of wearing the same clothes every day, which is hard to tell who’s who. Furthermore, the cost of the school uniform is not low as many people think. With the bad quality, it’s not well worth the money.

However, as a popular saying goes: “Every coin has two sides.” Others argue that it is good for students. In their opinion, wearing school uniform will prevent students from wasting so much money on clothes and the time on catching up with the fashion. In addition, it’s easy for the teachers to recognize the students. There is no doubt that wearing school uniform every day is good for students.

In short, I firmly support the view that we should wear school uniform.(康珍,2005)



Recently we had a heated discussion on…, Opinions are various among different people.

Different people have different opinions on the question of …

They differ greatly in their attitudes towards …

Different people hold different views/opinions on this matter.

Although most people think… I believe…



Some may hold the view that… because… But others have a negative attitude. From their point of view…

Some people think that… While others believe…

Some people are for the idea of… because… But some people are against the idea of… because …



As far as I am concerned, I totally agree with the statement that…

Therefore, it’s easy to draw the conclusion that…

As a consequence/result, I firmly support the view that…

Taking all these factors into consideration, we may reach the conclusion that…

To sum up/in a word/in conclusion/in short/above all/in general/ generally speaking, I still hold the view that…



Should Examination Be Abolished (取消)?

The examination system has come to be the main theme (主题)of modern education. One should take an examination andsucceed in passing it before he could be admitted, promoted or graduated. As it plays so important a role in the realm of education (教育的领域) it is under much criticism (评论) as to its validity (有效性) . People who are in favour of it try to develop this system more; those who are against it believe that such a system should be abolished. Should examination be abolished? In my opinion it should be.

Many people think that an examination is the only means to test knowledge, but, in fact, that is not true. A few questions given in an examination could by no means cover the whole field of the subject. Thus those who are able to answer them may be the poorest of the students and yet happen to know just a few points about that subject.

Id like to say that, because of the existence of the examination system, students pay so much attention to gaining high marks, that they often forget the chief purpose of education. The so-called clever students devote (贡献) themselves to the study of textbooks only. They, of course, know nothing but the skeleton (梗概) of knowledge. The end and aim of education, however, is to enable students to learn how to live. To do this, students must get themselves to do all kinds of training, physicalas well as mental. The present examination system has discouraged students from making such an attempt.

Moreover, since the students try so hard to put their lessons into memory in as short a time as possible, psychologically (心理上来看), they soon forget the whole subject as soon as the examination is over. Surely this is one of the greatest wastes ever made in the history of civilization.

Lastly, in order to get high marks, there is a great temptation (诱惑) for students to cheat (作弊) in an examination. Indeed, such a practice becomes the means to the end. They cheat their teachers, their parents and also themselves. Such a tendency would impair (损害) our moral standards (道德标准) .

Therefore, I am of the opinion, in conclusion, that the examination system should be abolished.



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you practiced over and over again; you wanted it more than anyone; you

studied the hardest, but in the end, you still didnt succeed. each time you ask

yourself, what happened and why. what i might suggest is that did you have a

wrong attitude?

positive attitude helps us cope with the daily affairs of life more easily.

it brings optimism into our life, and makes it easier to avoid worry and

negative thinking. if we adopt it as a way of life, it will bring constructive

changes into our life, and makes us happier, brighter and more successful. with

a positive attitude we will see the bright side of life, become optimistic and

expect the best to happen. it is certainly a state of mind that is well worth

developing and strengthening.

so next time, you will practice just as much, still want it just as much,

will study just as hard. what will be different is that you will also put on a

smile. a positive attitude might just be the one thing that you need to




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Dear Mr. Lai,


I am writing this letter just want to say thanks to you. I am going to graduate in two weeks. You have been my class adviser for three years. During these three years you have spent lots of energy on us. You are not only teaching knowledge in the class, but also care our life. Sometimes we are afraid of you, because of your strict requirement for our study. However, you are so helpful in the daily life. No matter what difficulties we are in, you will help if you can. So, I also want to say sorry to you for making so much trouble. But you bear all my trouble. I don’t know what kind of class adviser I will meet in the future study, but I will remember and appreciate you forever. I want to say thank you again.







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There was once a little boy called Guy, and he was eight years old. He was

in third grade; one day when he was at school, he found out that tomorrow was

picture day, and so he had got to take a shower. And before he even got to think

about picture day, his teacher Mrs. Creature, said that they were having a

project, and it was all about their family.

The teacher said, “This project shall be today’s homework, and I want it to

be perfect for I am going to tell your parents if you don’t do it.” Suddenly

Guy’s sister Cally stood up and said, “Mrs. Creature, is it okay that I finish

it on class?” “Sure thing Cally;” answered Mrs. Creature smiling, “But there is

only a problem, it is that you must let your brother copy this report on your

paper so that you could help him; then you will have to do another report of

your own, or you’ll both fail!”

Cally and Guy apparently got home, and Cally said, “Mrs. Creature’s hates

me…” “Yeah, it’s hilarious!” shouted Guy, “Let me just copy your paper and we’re

done, okay?” “Ugh,” replied Cally; She reached her hand into her hand, and

pulled out a piece of paper; and said, “This goes over every bone in my delicate

body, but, careful; it’s hand written,” then Guy asked, “Is this gold ink

paper?” then Cally shouted at him and said, “Anything happened to this paper and

your family history ends right here pal!” and then she walked to her room.

Guy walked to the sofa and said, “My running is fast, I have nothing to

worry about it;” then suddenly his father came with a paper shredder in his

hands and said, “Hey Guy, check out my new paper shredder and…” He had barely

finished when suddenly; Guy threw Cally’s report into the shredder by accident,

and “azuowenz!” like that sound, Cally’s report was shredded. Guy called, “No!”

then his dad was ashamed and said, “Oh, I guess it isn’t a good thing to walk

around with this thing turned on;” and then he ran off with his legs behind his


Suddenly, Guy’s body shook, and he turned into Shezow. He went to Sheila,

his, or her, super computer, and said to her; “What’s wrong Sheila, I’m kind of

busy around here and…”

“Dude, or should I say Shezow, this isn’t about your own business; because

there is an emergency out there.

After a breath Sheila said to Guy, “Mega monkey is on the attack, and

according to me he should be back in time.” Then Guy said, “Road trip! Time

traveling!” then he hopped into the sheicel and drove off to time travel… He was


She drove off right away. After that, she found some of the pass few

Shezows. At last Sheila said to Shezow, “My scan is lining up like dynamite,

follow that flapper!” shouted Sheila. Shezow followed it just as Sheila said,

and found herself in the 1920s; “Wow, it looks like the 1920s,” said Maze, Guy’s

brother. Then Shezow zoomed into a tornado.

When she opened her eyes, she found herself in 1924, the Shezow in that

time saved her world from Mega monkey that had escaped not long before, and

Sheila then said, “Quick, to the beginning!” then she allowed Shezow to drive to

the beginning where they might save the day…

Shezow at last arrived at the beginning, and she stopped in time. At first

a dinosaur was chasing her and was very, very frightened. But the Shezow in that

time saved her, she was grateful; then she found her or his or Guy’s report

there at the beginning Shezow’s lair…

The next day at school, when Guy’s report was handed out, he got an A+; and

when Cally’s report was handed out, she got an A-…



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The Apple products are popular by the young people and the former CEO of

Apple Company was Steve Jobs. Though he has passed away, he was remembered by

the public all the time. His creativity inspired the young people to fight for

their future and his persistence was the key to success. His legend will last




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2014年6月的3套题的考查形式是这样的:write an essay explaining “why it is unwise to jump to conclusion upon seeing or hearing something”, “why it is unwise to put all your eggs in one basket”, “why it is unwise to judge a person by their appearance”;

2014年12月的3套题的出题形式是这样的:write an essay based on the picture below, you should start your essay with a brief description of the picture and then discuss “whether technology is indispensable in education”, “whether there is a shortcut to learning”, “what qualities an employer should look for in job applicants”;

2015年6月的3套题的出题形式是这样的:write an essay commenting on the saying “knowledge is a treasure, but practice is the key to it”, “if you can’t do great things, do small things in great way”, commenting on Albert Einstein’s remark “I have no special talents, but I am only passionately curious”。











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Animals are our friends, they live together with us on the same planet, we

should take care and protect them, and they let us know we do not know many of

the knowledge.

When we want to animal fur and all the time, until you want to protect you

when they have been cruel extinction, and animal protection is to protect




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Now, the robbers had a sick plan; and so they took their own gloves, and

put on a glass; after that the sun shone through it which made lots of flames in

the air like a whirl between the south, and the gate opened.

When the robbers escaped, they immediately ran to town; when everybody was

asleep, they crept quietly to Ali Baba’s house, and found some money. The

captain said, “He stole some; let us get him, for I am sure that he is the one

who had the idea!” and then they thought of a clever plan, but they did not know

that Ali Baba, was a thousand times more smart than either of the robbers.

And so once they crept in, they hid in one of the empty jars of oil and

stood there quietly, while the captain of the robbers went to Ali Baba’s room.

After he went in there, he grabbed his sword, and was just about to kill him

when Ali Baba quietly opened his eyes and saw him. He pretended to sleep. And

when the captain of the robbers was tired, he decided to have a rest, and rested

on the floor.

Ali Baba then got up and out a stuffed animal in there, and then got out of

bed and to the jars of oil. When he found out that in it were robbers, he began

to stamp his feet. “Is that you captain?” asked one of the robbers, “Can we come

out now?” “Yes Erik, you can come out,” but before Erik the robber lifted out

his head, Ali Baba grabbed a knife and killed Erik, and then tied the other jars

on his three mules; and threw them into the pond nearby. And so Ali Baba had

killed all of the robbers.

When morning came, the captain of the robbers woke up. When he found that

his other mates were gone, he ran away leaving his sword on the floor. With this

sword Ali Baba trained to be a knight and became richer as he grew older.



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I want to be a famous reporter when I grow up,because reporter is really

funny and can travel around world.

I feel like traveling to Hawaii,but it will need a lot of money,and if I

become a famous reporter I dont need a lot of money!

I really want to become a reporter,what do you think?






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Two years ago, I lived in my hometown. It is a beautiful place for me and I

like the life there. Every day, I wake up early in the morning, then I will walk

in the country road with my grandma. We will meet some people and we say hello

to each other. The trees are so green and the water is so clean. I play a lot of

time in the small river. I have the beautiful memory there.



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It is important to know our good and bad points because this knowledge will

help us to improve ourself. We should examine ourselves and learn who we



Above all, we should recognize our strengths and weaknesses. For example, I

am healthy and fit, so I can work hard. Im also optimistic, humble and polite.

These are my strengths. However, I also have weaknesses. For one thing, Im

stubborn and a little impatient. Im sometimes lazy as well and can spent a

whole day just watching TV and eating junk food. Im not ashamed to admit these

bad pints. Knowing what they are lets me focus on improving myself.

