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After entering junior high school, everything changed. Environment better, homework more, even friends also changed. In this completely unfamiliar environment, I made a new friend, wang.

I met with him in the first day of school, when he was sitting in front of me, because I want to ask him a question, he turned his head, I see his appearance, pianpian head, a little fat face, healthy wheat color skin and tall. Well, look good, you can make a friend with him. I thought at that time. So, I make the junior high school of the first friends.

With the deepening of our friendship, I to his influence is also getting better and better. But I sit up and take notice, or another thing.

It was over a weekend, many classmates and I went to a strange place to play, including wang, playing to a half, I suddenly found that I lost my wallet, I immediately have no interest in playing, anxious to think: how to do? Wheres my wallet? If I went back for it, the students will surely leave me a person, and I dont, how to do? I immediately like ants on a hot pan - around.

Aside wang saw my anxious, what was asked. I lost my wallet told the students, the students no response, is blunt I said: "you lost the wallet will go to bai, we not to accompany you, bye bye!" Alas, worry about a thing was happened, they were abandoned me, alas! Sighing in my heart.

All of a sudden, wang stood out in silence, he patted his chest, ambitious to say: "dont be afraid, I accompany you to!"

The words that I already hurt my heart, nice to get up: this is a true friend, a time of crisis, to help a friend obligatory, this is a true friend! I sighed with emotion.

Afterwards, I couldnt find my wallet, but compared to harvest a real friendship, compared to the wallet again calculate what? Xiao wang, is my true friend!












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1、 给你一把快乐的刀子,崭掉所有烦恼,送你一只幸福的手枪,击毙全部忧愁,给你一把如意的剪刀,剪掉一切哀伤,送你一条安慰短信,三个字放宽心。愿你明天会更好,生活更美满。

2、 工作不顺心,不要紧,大不了换个环境;婚姻中不开心,不打紧,大不了冲破围城;不要让烦恼占据你的心情,不要让忧伤将快乐排挤,愿你善于调整自己的生活状态,幸福乐开怀!

3、 鼓励是关爱心灵的美酒,宽容是心连着化成的彩虹,问候是滋润友情的甘露,安慰是心心相惜的源泉。让最温馨的问候萦绕你,让最美的祝福陪伴你!

4、 挥挥手,跟昨天的失意说再见;微微笑,与今天的快乐把手牵;擦擦汗,为明天的惬意去挑战。失败并不可怕,重拾信心,调整心态,继续奋斗。相信自己,只要努力,幸福就在明天。

5、 嫉妒就像个P,憋的就是那一股气;压力是烦恼的根基,分散一点注意;压抑总是自卑的后续,自信的人它伤不起!给你发几句鼓励,祝你顺心顺意!

6、 快乐是良药,医治苦闷的心。快乐是闺蜜,多同闺蜜打打交道,收获会不少。快乐是块宝,你抱的越紧,它的光亮越亮。朋友,愿你日日与快乐相随,与开心相伴!

7、 没有很多钞票但是我有全部的支持给你,没有很广人脉但是我有全部的鼓励给你,没有很大权力但是我有全部的信赖给你。加油,最看好的就是你!

8、 每个人的成功都是踩着无数的失败建立起来的!否则,他的成功绝对不会稳定,很容易垮掉!别怕失败,要敢于面对他,就像刚开始怕面对陌生人,接触时间长了说不定就是好朋友了!

9、 你的生活世界里充满了阳光,而不是影子!要知道影子的存在是建立在有光的基础上的。影子的背后就是阳光。相信你的世界充满绚丽的阳光。

10、 朋友,不要感伤,错误谁没有犯过;朋友,不要自责,错了就要学着改过;一次的失误,算不得什么,别让小小的一次错赶走了快乐,愿你赶快走出失意,脸上露出笑意吧!

11、 朋友,不要失落,不要灰心,创业路上,不总是一帆风顺,抬起头,昂起胸,每个人都有自己的泥泞,每个人都有自己的崎岖,我为你鼓励,我为你祈祷,你的明天,会更好。

12、 是金子总会发光的,不要因为一时的不如意而消沉,记得做好自己,努力工作,不断提升充实自己,终有一天你会遇到属于你的伯乐,在事业上大展宏图。

13、 他走了,春天依旧光彩鲜艳,夏天依旧百花争艳,秋天依旧硕果累累,冬天依旧白雪皑皑,他虽然走了,你依旧健康如故,美丽如初,天真无邪,他并没有带走你的世界,翻开崭新的一页,你的世界因没有他而更精彩,因你是主角!

14、 天将降大任于斯人也,必将苦其心志,劳其筋骨,饿其体肤,朋友,小小的磨难只是你成功路上的实验石,勇敢大步跨过去,精彩属于你!

15、 把生活中的不如意都忘了吧!伤心和烦恼是不属于你的,挣脱过去,努力让自己走出来,感受今天的阳光,抚摸昨日的沧桑,你会发现:过去只是生活的积累,现在才是最重要的,请你把握现在,享受当下!

16、 别为枯萎的爱情哭泣,别因虚伪的甜言沉迷,不懂珍惜你的人又何必在乎,你是公主,终有一天会找到属于你的王子,静静等待吧,我的朋友,那一天很快就回来的。

17、 剥开伪装太久的呼吸,原谅坦白太简单的话语,人生总是需要几段旋律,才能邀请你我奋斗的鼓励,年轻,什么都有可能,不要让自己太过沉重的前行,放轻松,加油。

18、 不要轻易躲开属于自己的阳光,不要轻易抛弃属于自己的世界,不要轻易丢掉属于自己的本性。努力进取,是成功的序曲;坚持追求,是幸福的源头。信自己,世界才能相信你。

19、 常常鼓励别人,记得鼓舞自己;羡慕他人所得,不如用心努力;不满当前处境,添点奋斗勇气;生活偶有压力,祝福随时传递。愿你幸福快乐,开心如意!鼓励的话

20、 车到山前必有路,没路可以先开路,开路就得有乐观,愚公因此敢移山,矢志不渝是前行,握紧拳头勇登攀,加油鼓励看好你,一天更比一天强!见信吉祥!

21、 当你收到这封短信时,同时也收到我送给你的忘忧草和幸运花,忘忧草能让你忘却烦恼,幸运花能带给你幸运与快乐。会心地笑一笑吧,好吗?愿你快乐哦!

22、 哥们儿,让我们一起努力,把痛苦撕开口子,快乐一阵子;把伤心剥开壳子,兴奋一阵子;把郁闷趟开路子,轻松一阵子。愿你开心!

23、 同样是一颗心,有的能装下高山,有的能装下大海,有的却只能装下一己悲欢。有大心量者,方能有大格局,有大格局者,方能成大气候。眼下的不如意算啥,无非就是撑大内心的一个过程,看淡它,笑对生活每一天就好啦!

24、 痛苦就像是挫刀,想要挫掉你的锐气;伤心就像是锯条,想要锯掉你的意气;郁闷就像是凿子,想要凿掉你的勇气。愿你做生活的强者,有骨气,聚才气,露神气,享福气!

25、 我备下了一瓶好酒为你庆功,就等你冲出痛苦的包围圈,突破伤心的防护栏;撞碎烦恼的铁布衫。快来吧,别让我等太久哦,祝你开心!

26、 我会化身和煦的阳光,帮你驱走寒冷,我会化身锋利的宝剑,为你披荆砍刺,我会化身温柔的清风,替你吹走忧愁,你知道,我会一直在你身边支持你,你可以的!安慰朋友的话

27、 我们为什么而活?每天按时起床,吃饭,上班……是为了更好的工作,更好的房子么?为什么要用老沉的心态,来过年轻的人生?为什么而活?因为我们活着。

28、 我们总是徘徊在惶恐之中,不敢去做有些事,但又想做。其实呢,不管该不该做,只要不违反法律、道德,就去尽情地做令自己快乐的事吧!!

29、 想要成就一颗竹子,总要经历几个“节”;想要看见彩虹,总要熬过风吹雨打;想要事业的成功,总要遇到许多难题。朋友,你只不过是遇到了常人都会遇到的事,要坚强的走下去。

30、 忧伤是用来做什么的?折磨你!痛苦是用来做什么的?消磨你!困难是用来做什么的?打磨你!你是用来做什么的?战胜它们!愿你早日走出阴影,接受新的挑战!

31、 前进的路上,不仅有艳阳,更有风雨,一个人的力量也许太小,那就让我留有你的思想,陪我抵挡环境的煎熬,给你朋友的真心鼓励。

32、 亲爱的,告诉你一个秘密。困难是上帝出的难题,虽然解题过程很麻烦,但只要不泄气有动力,保持信心和勇气,解出的结果会很容易。亲爱的朋友,别再为了失败忧愁了,增长实力才

33、 轻轻的我来了,抚平你紧琐的眉头;轻轻的我走了,让所有的忧愁随我而去。请不要再留恋那些不属于你的烦恼,生活每天都在继续,快乐每天都在上演,愿你放下苦恼,天天开心!

34、 人生不如意事,十有八九,不为其他,为这一二件如意事,也要高兴起来。人生不是得到的太少,而是拥有的太多,感恩心态,让你享受知足之乐。朋友想开些,快乐些!

35、 人生的风景不会永远风和日丽,也许阴雨绵绵会在明天,也许电闪雷鸣就在现在,不要因为一时的困难而怀疑一切的美好,请坚信美好的未来属于你!只要你抛开烦恼,勇往直前,你的

36、 人生在世,有遗憾是正常的。没有遗憾的人生是不可能的。欲望越大,遗憾就越多,欲望越小,遗憾就越少。有遗憾说明有追求并有过努力。因贪欲过大而遗憾是可悲的,为一点点小事而抱憾终日是不取的。祝开心愉快度过每一天!鼓励人的话

37、 人是需要鼓励的、因为苦了。人是需要安慰的、因为哭了。人是需要休息的,因为累了。人是需要放弃的、因为痛了。人是需要真爱的、因为缺了。

38、 人在世上飘,哪能顺淘淘;困难它会有,挫折也会留;虽然失败总是难免的,不过咱不怕!不管山高浪多大,总能把它来拿下;苦难虽在眼前,可成功就在脚下;相信自己勇往直前,直到把困难踩在脚下!

39、 如果生活乱而无头绪,就让它沉淀,不要任其蔓延;如果生活很幸福,就让它发酵,不要让它萎缩;如果生活困难重重,就要学会清理,锻炼如何取舍;生活千姿百态,从中你会获取一种永远向上的力量,这种力量会使你健康而充满活力!

40、 如果说失望也是一种幸福,那是因为你有所期待;如果说抑郁也是一种幸福,那是因为你有所思念;如果说悲伤也是一种幸福,那是因为你有所爱。因为有爱,才会有期待。让我们期待你:得到真爱,笑口常开!

41、 如果有一天,你拼搏得累了,记得转身,我的鼓励就安放在你的身边;如果有一天,你忙碌得忘了,记得抬头,我的微笑就悬浮在你的面前。愿你快乐每一天,幸福到永远!

42、 赏赏明月,望望蓝天,闻闻鲜花,听听乐曲,聊聊祝愿。忘记不快和忧烦。伤心和烦恼与你无缘。努力让自己走出来,你会感到今天的太阳比昨天更温暖!今天的天空比昨天更蔚蓝!只要快乐,就是美好的一天!

43、 生活要会取舍,不为打翻的牛奶哭泣,因为你再哭泣牛奶还是喝不了,所以要放弃它去重新获取;上帝关上了这扇门,却为你打开了另外的窗。所以,亲,生活充满机遇,你要做好取舍,祝你收获成功的人生!

44、 生活总是波澜壮阔,起伏不定,从而丰1你的人生;生活总是坎坷崎岖,荆棘遍布,从而磨练你的意志;生活总是节外生枝,不尽如意,从而提升你生存的本能;振奋精神,勇于面对,敢于拼博,志在必胜,成功就在不远处向你微笑着招手!

45、 时间会抚平你的伤痛,清风会带走你的烦恼,微笑会化解你的疲倦,朋友,请勿灰心,大步向前,美好的明天正在向你招手!

46、 事业总有大起大落,人总会遇到挫折,只要你不怕跌倒你一定会开创出自己的一片天地来,记得还有我在你身边鼓励你!祝你心想事成!



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She is the person whom I just came to little lotus to know at the earliest stage.I know she is a good student from the other peoples.She upholds the law strictly in the little lotus, no matter who it is, plagiarizing her to stop, her personality is very bright, meeting the affair calm and steady dispassion.She loves to make friend very much, so her friend is a lot of, this lets me envy very much.

Hoping her to continue makes great effort!







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We all like to make friends, because no one can survive without a friend.

If you ask someone how many friends do they have, most will answer a lot.

Indeed, we make friends in different stage, even we are old, we still make

friends. But not all friends are as honest as they are, some friends we made

since we are young, some are just meet a couple of times and we don’t know much

about them. The former are real friends, while the latter are not true friends.

What is the real friend, a real friend is someone who you can talk about

anything and can be show up the moment you need. Other friends are just for

drinking and eating, they will not help you if you are in trouble. When we make

friends, the real one is what we need.



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I have a goodfriend,He is a boy,he has a very nice name—Robert.He comes from England.He has big eyes,they are round and cute.He comes to China with his parents.We know each other since last year.From then on,we become goodfriends.

At weekends,we often get together to play basketball,he plays it very well,and,he sings well,too.He teaches me English and I teach him Chinese.

We are goodfriends forever.







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The most basic principle of being a man is to keep his promise. Only by laying this foundation can he gain the trust and friendship of others. The person I always abide by the promise, is honest to a friend. But something happened a few months ago, which made me feel very guilty.

That day, my good friend Hou Pelosi as I want a "love agreement", and said: the book that I borrowed from a friend, you can never break, the next time I asked my friend to lend you a book. After hearing it, I returned home cautiously with the book. When I got home, I was curious to open this book and began to read, not for a while, I was in this comic book funny but because of my book uproarious, too hard, so I accidentally ripped the book. Ah! Oh, well, what can I do about it? Tell her the truth or cheat her? My mind began a fierce struggle, and in the end I chose the latter.

I came to the house, with a worried heart, and knocked at the door. The door opened, but I dared not look at her, thrust the book into her hand, and ran away.

I couldnt sleep that night, thinking of that one thing. When he finally fell asleep, I dreamed of when be furious, Pelosi as truth, also told the class of this matter, I not only criticized by the teacher, then there are no people are willing to make friends with me.

I havent dared to talk to her for days on end. I tried to avoid her when I finished school. But I still met her in the end. I thought she would scold me, but to my surprise, she said to me: Xu Luhan, Im sorry, I dont know why I put the book torn, my friend found dont lend me the book, please forgive me! She said nothing, but I was even more guilty, and my conscience was like a big rock, and I was out of breath. My face was white and red, and I hated to burrow into a hole to escape. Although I really want to apologize to her, but please forgive me, I cant say any of these words. Later, I learned the text after "quarrel", the fathers words awakened me: Yes, I did something wrong should admit! The second day, I plucked up the courage to wait zhizhiwuwu Pelosi as. When he heard it, he smiled a little, patted me on the shoulder and said, "thats OK. Were still good friends."! After listening to her, I wrinkled my brows for a few days and finally opened up - it was good to confess!

Ah! This is true friendship! Life should be like this: people are honest with each other.



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Friends can be classified into two kinds, good friends and evil friends. Evil friends lead us astray and may destroy our life, while good ones drive us towards the right and make our life successful.

Two of them exist in our daily life. However, ideal friends exist in people s mind. They should be diligent, successful and loyal. When you need help, they will stand beside you and be delighted to give you a hand. Also you can share your happiness and sorrow together.

In my opinion, friends can share something but they also should keep their own secrets. So I wish my friends wouldn t interfere in my privacy too much. On the other hand, my friends should have Something in common with me, at the same time something special. In this way we can attract each other and learn from each other.







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Her father is a business man。 He goes to work by car。 He has got a big pany。 He is great! Her mother is an accountant in her father’s pany。 She goes to work with her father。 She gets up at 8:30。 Sometimes they go to work early, so Angel must cook breakfast for her grandma。 She cooks well。 Angel says she is going to visit me this weekend。 I cannot wait!



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I have a good friend. He is a handsome boy and his eyes shine with wisdom.

I have known him since Senior One. We are both interested in English. Once both of us entered for an English contest. How eagerly I expected to get a prize! On hearing that I had failed in the contest, I could hardly hold back my tears. "What a pity!" I murmured to myself over and over again. I felt that the world had become cold and everyone seemed to be laughing at me.I love English and have gone all out to study it since my first day in the junior middle school. I have even dreamed of entering a foreign language institute. So I felt very sad.

Just at this time, I received a short letter in English, saying, "Failure is the mother of success. Cheer up! Dont lose confidence. Keep on your study and you will succeed!" I knew it was from the good friend of mine.These words encouraged me greatly. I forgot all my sadness. From then on, I studied English even harder. In the next English contest, I got the first prize. Of course, he was delighted with my success.



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A friend is indispensable to life. He will help you when you are in need of help, when you need to understand to understand you; When you need comfort comfort you...

Sometimes I think a real friend just have trouble with each other to help each other; When you dont have my stationery to lend you a pen, a piece of paper, read a book with you... , in fact not the case. Since the onset of the one thing I didnt know she is my best friend. She long not fat or thin, he is a little tall, she is very cheerful, is a kind of little girl, she is a year to get along with my deskmate -- Du Xueqing.

Remember once, the math teacher sent us a comprehensive mathematics examination paper, paper hair down, I like a hungry Wolf was feeding quickly "vies to answer first. A problem suddenly stood in my way, I brood, how also cant think, I think both of us are good friends, she will borrow my notes, I will gently move the bench into her move over there, secretly glanced at, she has to write the answer GongGongZhengZheng papers. And I took one look at the math teacher, she is batch job to us! Ha ha, Im qiao xi. So I used my arm gently touched Du Xueqing, I wrote a note to her again, but she didnt even look at, it threw the note to me, also ruthlessly stare at me, her own answer.

I was very angry, also gave her a hard stare, literally write an answer to go on to do some of the questions below.

After school, I strode along, holding her far behind, can sit at the same table trot caught up with me, come to my house for my topic, until Ive learned so far.

Looking at her hurriedly ran home, I was moved to tears. I know she is my true friend!









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I have a good friend whose name is Chen Yingxi. She doesn‘t work very well at her study, but she is very willing to help others.

One day, my lunch box disppeared from our class‘ lunch-basket, so I had to look for it in other classes‘ lunch-basket. Chen Yingxi said, Let me go to look for it with you. Then we went to the third floor and the fourth floor to look for my lunch box. At last, we found it, and sweat covered both of our foreheads. I expressed my thanks to her, but she said, Don‘t mean it. This is what a friend is all about.

I am very glad to make friends with Chen Yingxi.




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1.as an old saying goes,....正如一句古老的谚语所说

2....be nothing but... ....不过就是...

3.from where i stand.... 从我的立场来说

4.give oneself a chance to.....给某人一个机会去...

5.i feel sure that...我坚信...

6....is the best way to make sure that....确保...的最好办法是...

7.we must do our absolute best to....我们必须竭尽全力做...

8.there is no denying the fect that...无可否认....

9.nothing is more adj. than to v.没有比...更重要的了

10.As the world that we living today, people turns to /things turns to:在当今社会里,人民总是(或者)事物总是(这句话可以替代,nowadays. )

11.From my point of view , that .....从我的想法里,。。。。。、(这句话可以替代,I think)

12.Soon after that :紧接着。(可以替代AFTER.)、

13.As this result turns out to be.....(最后这个结果会。。。。)

14.still as the result of been.........(最后的结果还是。。。。)

15.On the other hand of this / the argument:(但是从另一方面想。。。。)

16.To the point that i can no longer think of:( 我已近想不出。。。。。)

17.Personlly i think that (我个人认为。。。。。)

18.the consequnce will be.....( 这个是最终会。。。。)



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When we have something annoy us, we will naturally to find someone to talk

about it, the first choice is friend. We will not talk about it in front of our

parents, because we don’t want them to worry about us. Friend is so important in

our life, we have many friends, we will share our happiness and sorrow with

them, we hang out together, in a word, friends are part of our life. What will

happened if someone have no friend? We hear from the news that the crime people

are isolated by others, most of them have no friends, their view point about the

world is distorted. Without friends, people have no where to relieve their

emotion, the long time’s depression of the emotion distract people from the

normal life. So friends are very important, we can’t live without friends.



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i have many friends in my class. theyre lovely and interesting. i would like to introduce some of them. alice is very cute. shes also kind to everyone and shes very enthusiastic. shes always ready to help everyone, but she is forgetful. she always forgets to bring her textbooks,but our teachers always forgive her. ben is the most talkative boy in our class. his nickname is “chatterbox.” he has a great sense of humor and he always makes me laugh linda is a quiet student. she is good at every subject but she never shows off. allen is a very tall boy.he plays basketball very well and he is on our school team. he often says, “playing basketball is good for your health. how about your classmates? do you like them? try to admire your classmates. you will be happier.

i always feel tired after eight classes a day, so my dream school starts at 8:30 a.m. and ends at 3:30 p.m. there are three lessons in the morning and two in the afternoon. we can choose our favorite lessons to learn. we can spend more time doing some outside reading. the students do after-school activities for one and a half hours every day. we needn’t do a lot of homework. we are all happy to stay at school.

besides that, my dream school looks like a big garden. there are many kinds of flowers around the modern buildings. sweet perfumes are diffused all around. if i want to have a rest, i can lie on the grass, listen to music by the lake or look out at the flowers from the classroom windows.

the teachers here are kind and helpful. they are not only our teachers but also our good friends. the students are polite and friendly. we all know how to keep our school clean and tidy. there is no litter around the campus.

i love my dream school. we will grow up to be happier there.




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A friend can always be there for you.Well,we need a friend who can always help us.However, do you know how a true friend should be?Herere some pieces of advice.

A true friend is always ready to give his help to you.He can do many things for you.For example,a true friend can cheer you up when you are unhappy.Also a true friend can share everything he has with you.This is one thing that those who arent your true friends cant do.

A true friend is your eternal friend.Hell still be your friend even if youre poor.Therere many people who just want to make friends with those whore rich to get their money in the world.But a true friend will never do like this.So one who is always your friend can be your true friend.

Thesere things that a true friend can do.I hope we can make more and more true friends to make our everyday-life better and better!



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Chen Xiang is my best friend. She is 13 (years old). She likes English. It’s interesting for her. She doesn’t like math. For her, it’s difficult. She likes eating healthy food. She likes chicken, carrots and strawberries. She doesn’t like French fries. Chen Xiang also likes playing sports. She hopes to be a great running star.




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1、 相聚离开,都有时候,没有什么会永垂不朽。

2、 相聚时不知友谊的可贵;分别才知那是人生最需要的东西,犹如盐,少它还有什么滋味?

3、 想起你那句还是朋友为什么我竟如此痛在心头。

4、 一声汽笛,跌落在旷野;无限的惆怅与孤独,在别离的那一刻,一齐从心头滋生。

5、 在我绝望的时刻╮我真的不愿去想我只想忘掉一切。

6、 自己分内的事情,努力做到一百分。

7、 做自己的决定。然后准备好承担后果。从一开始就提醒自己,世上没有后悔药吃。

8、 不说谎话,因为总有被拆穿的一天。

9、 不要试图给自己找任何借口,错误面前没借口,错就是错。

10、 不要随意发脾气,谁都不欠你的。

11、 挥手告别,扬帆远航,别不了的,是你抛出的那根友谊的缆绳,无形中牢牢地系在我心上。

12、 火红的彩霞在雨后,真诚的友谊在别后,流水不因石而阻,友谊不因远而疏。

13、 即将分别,要说的话太多太多,千言万语化作一句,毋忘我。

14、 接受自己不过是个“小小的我”,但眼里要能够悦纳“大大的世界”。

15、 今天笑着和你握别,但愿不日笑着把你迎接。

16、 蓝天上缕缕白云,那是我心头丝丝离别的轻愁;然而我的胸怀和长空一样晴朗,因为我想到了不的重逢。

17、 离别,能使浅薄的感情削弱,却使深挚的感情更加深厚,正如风能吹灭烛光,却会把火扇得更旺。

18、 离别与重逢,是人生不停上演的戏,习惯了,也就不再悲怆。

19、 离情愁苦是因为相聚欢乐,假如重逢有加倍的欢乐,那么,我宁愿承受更大的愁苦。

20、 没有谁会一直在身边。一些人留下,一些人离开。

21、 明晨行别,但愿云彩,艳阳一直陪伴你走到远远的天涯;鲜花,绿草相随你铺展远远的前程。

22、 你的离开,让我成长。

23、 你没那么多观众,别那么累。

24、 你走在那漫长的时刻里的心就像秋树,叶片无奈地飘洒一地,只把寂寞挂在枝头。

25、 请,管好你自己。别人的事你别干涉,就好。

26、 人生就像一场舞会,教会你最初舞步的人却未必能陪你走到散场。

27、 失望中的失望没有人能够完成得了我的考验。

28、 城阙辅三秦,风烟望五津。与君离别意,同是宦游人。

29、 春风又绿江南岸,明月何时照我还。

30、 此地别燕丹,壮士发冲冠。昔时人已没,今日水犹寒。

31、 二十年来万事同,今朝歧路忽西东。皇恩若许归田去,晚岁当为邻舍翁。

32、 故人江海别,几度隔山川。乍见翻疑梦,相悲各问年。

33、 故人西辞黄鹤楼,烟花三月下扬州。孤帆远影碧空尽,唯见长江天际流。

34、 海内存知己,天涯若比邻。无为在歧路,儿女共沾巾。

35、 寒雨连江夜入吴,平明送客楚山孤。洛阳亲友如相问,一片冰心在玉壶。

36、 寂寂竟何待,朝朝空自归。欲寻芳草去,惜与故人违。

37、 绿暗红稀出凤城,暮云楼阁古今情。行人莫听宫前水,流尽年光是此声。乱烟笼碧砌,飞月向南端。寂寞离亭掩,江山此夜寒。

38、 洛阳亲友如相问一片冰心在玉壶。

39、 莫愁前路无知己,天下谁人不识君。

40、 朋友天一端,友于甚相欢。珍重千金字,重逢一解颜。

41、 十年曾一别,征路此相逢。马首向何处?夕阳千万峰。

42、 水国蒹葭夜有霜,月寒山色共苍苍。谁言千里自今夕,离梦杳如关塞长。

43、 送进多歧路,遑遑独问津。悲凉千里道,凄断百年身。

44、 卧病人事绝,嗟君万里行。河桥不相送,江树远含情。

45、 杨花落尽子规啼,闻道龙标过五溪。我寄愁心与明月,随君直到夜郎西。

46、 银烛吐青烟,金樽对绮筵。离堂思琴瑟,别路绕山川。

47、 从别后,忆相逢。几回魂梦与君同。今宵剩把银缸照,犹恐相逢是梦中。

48、 分别时,我们没有流连的泪眼,相对,无语。看夕阳透过文峰塔尖,把它的余晖洒在西清河畔。

49、 浮云一别后,流水十年间。欢笑情如旧,萧疏鬓已斑。

50、 高山重洋将我们分离,没奈何我只能在回忆中与你重逢,在梦境中与你相遇。

51、 挥别的是手臂,更近的是心灵。

52、 白浪给你献花,阳光与你拥抱,海鸥与你话别,啊,生活的大海托着你青春的船只启航了。

53、 别后悠悠君莫问,无限事,不言中。
